#my survival base for my new modded mc server :3
solardrake · 1 year
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Oh The Biomes You'll Go - Lush Stacks House
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sillyboi-inc · 6 months
i sorted. the fucking. burs. :3
musical burs
1. simpbur (your new boyfriend)
2. incelbur (the internet ruined me)
3. Ebur (im in love with an egirl)
4. softbur (softboy)
13. ycgmabur (based off wilburs album your city gave me asthma)
14. msrbur (a very sad bur based off his album mammalian sighing reflex)
23. lvjybur (when he does tour/conserts/makes music with lovejoy)
30. draq’thar, killer of men (wilburs “no haircut til my new song comes out” stream where he wore a wig)
42. boringbur (maybe i was boring)
content burs
5. ARG/argbur (wilbur soot’s ARG)
19. sorrybur/s!bur (sorry boys wilbur)
21. cc! wilbur (content creator wilbur so just regular wilbur)
22. modbur (literally every time he uses mods)
32. ylylbur (when wilbur did you laugh you lose)
37. earthbur (when he did earth smp)
47. ao3bur (when wilbur tweeted about his fic on ao3 and was upset when it got hacked)
8. q! wilbur (qsmp wilb)
dsmp burs
7. lmanbur (when wil was president on the dsmp)
9. revivedbur (wilbur after getting revived)
10. ghostbur (when wilbur was dead and in the limbo)
11. vilbur/pogbur (before wilbur died, but after schlatt took over and kicked him out of manburg)
12. c! wilbur/alivebur (when he first joined the dsmp)
36. drugbur (when him and tommy had the drug van)
random mc mods
15. godbur/100pbur (based off his 100 players ‘series’)
17. mulebur (when he trapped tubbo in his basement and sold mule bits, in tommys minecraft weather mod video)
20. phantombur (origin SMP with his phantom powers)
26. wimpfred (his character in we spent 100 days in hardcore minecraft apocalypse)
31. dr. malpractice (from toms minecraft surgery video when wilbur would steal everyones organs)
33. skybur (when wilbur played sky block)
34. smallbur (when wilbur was really small in the size mod video)
37. earthbur (when he did earth smp)
39. decaybur (minecraft but the world is rapidly decaying)
40. rockbur (minecraft but i leave a trail of bedrock)
41. livebur (wilbur doing smp live)
44. flowerbur (when wilbur would go on servers as ‘flowergirl86’ [or smth idr :,)] and tell people he was friends with techno)
45. voicebur (when him, phil, quackity, and tommy did the voice mod)
46. bodbur (body shuffle mod)
48. winbur/crownbur (when quackity won him and wilbur the crown in mc championship)
49. salmonbur (when wilbur was w sally and gave philza the 8 buckets of salmon)
sorry burs
25. zombur (we survived a zombie apocalypse video)
27. wilma (his fem version on the sorry boys)
28. dark wolf/cultbur (sorry boys ep4 we started a cult)
other game burs
16. raftbur/ishmael isaac(when wilbur played raft with tomz)
18. tiptup (when wilbur play geoguesser)
24. rustbur (when he played rust w sbi)
random burs
6. catbur/dogbur (my random headcanons)
29. daynjer boy (wilburs chaotic/risk taking character/side)
35. sogbur/wetbur (when wilbur, george, and tommy went to the water park)
43. sandbur (when wilbur bugged philza about sand)
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koiyyo · 4 years
DRV3 “modern” MC server HCS!
something something chaotic this is DRV3 im sorry for all the mishaps im a mess tonight :pensive: - mod corn -by mod irusu, mod cass, mod dragon, mod corn, mod chie and mod kiwi 
shuichi  - probably lives in the end   - in an alliance with kaede and rantaro, they vibe  - part of the hunt to find where the hell kokichi’s base is  - kinda just vibes with rantaro and kaede, mostly just there  - terrible luck with diamonds, mostly its always lapis  - kaito gives him diamonds  - tried to pet kokichi’s dogs, kokichi hit him  - fears minecraft dogs to this day
maki  - runs an assassin business with peko  - her skins just black so she can blend in with the night  - the reason why kokichi never goes out in the daylight  - literally goes feral if someone uses her crafting table/furnace in her house  - always has a totem of undying? nobody has any clue where she got it   - watches out for kaito cause he’s a clueless old man
himiko  - cannot handle caves   - tenko has to come with her at all times  - “himiko what are you doing” -loud snoring-  - the one who’s always afk  - tries to sleep in the bed in the middle of the day  - makes potions but doesn’t sell them like mikan does  - “himiko why do you have a drinkable potion of harming”
kaede  - helps out anyone who’s new to the server  - very wholesome  - makes cookies for everyone  - does the shift + looking down thing a lot   - anytime she leaves a sign it has an emoticon  - “who took my cookies i’ll kill you >w<”  - probably has a bunch of cats named after music/piano stuff
rantaro  - says gg after dying from another player  - kinda just vibes with kaede and shuichi   - helps them make a farm mostly  - goes five blocks, gets lost  - needs a map on him at all times  - “guys idk where i am”  - the only one who knows where kokichi’s secret base is because one time he accidentally stumbled upon it
kirumi  - people ask her to make them a house a lot  - she always accepts  - basically a nomad  - does whatever anyone else asks  - has only killed ryoma once by hitting him bare fisted on one heart  - still apologizes to this day   - only goes into mine shafts to get rid of the cobwebs, leaves
ryoma  - made a tennis court in his house  - cold blooded murderer  - stalks people to try and get their supplies   - feels bad and gives them back  - “kirumi stop being nice it’s a free for all”
tenko  - has a small lesbian pin on her minecraft skin that nobody knows about  - goes with himiko into mineshafts  - kills all boys on sight  - constantly asks sakura to a “martial arts” rematch  - makes pixel art maps for every flag  - likes to put gay flags on unsuspecting victims’ houses  - “LMAO look himiko a gay” “tenko we’re gay”
angie  - made a temple in the server for atua  - forces everyone to go to said temple every sunday  - terrifyingly good at pvp  - like, really good  - REALLY GOOD    - has literally all the variants of minecraft paintings in her house  - has a treehouse cause “it’s closer to atua amen”
kiyo  - summons the wither constantly and joins forces with it  - way too obsessed with enderman, literally has them in his house for anything to come in and look at  - slays the ender dragon in a matter of two minutes, everyone is afraid  - constantly whispers about dissecting everyone and making clothes out of their skin whenever he is killed in pvp  - has a cool ass house tho no cap  - lowkey wants to live in the end
gonta  - makes a massive bee themed house with help from Shuichi   - doesn’t kill anyone because gonta is gentleman  - unless someone touches his bees  - big farm, kokichi destroyed it once and gonta cried  - likes to cook things for people that stumble upon his house
miu  - has a naked women skin on and says “dam this girl is flatter than kaede”  - makes everyone uncomfortable when in her minecraft house  - makes a fuck ton of hoes and just says “GUYS I MUST BE KAITO RIGHT NOW BECAUSE IM SURROUNDED BY HOES” despite it making no sense  - walked up to kokichi with a bowl and said “hey man i found your dildo”  - framed teruteru for putting a strip pole in the music venue, but she secretly did it  - constantly spamming shift and looking up
kaito  - has a bunch of moon paintings in his house  - beats the shit out of kokichi when he burns his house down  - puts lava in his house and forgets about it, then dies from it.  - the guy who has to help rantaro out  - probably a minecraft veteran  - went in creative and tried to fly up to the stars  - chiaki set him in survival just as he reached block limit
kokichi  - chaotic evil  - has a huge hidden base hidden underground, literally nobody knows where it is  - burns people’s houses down  - really fucking bad at pvp so whenever he sees someone else he books it   - kills gontas bees constantly  - people call him “the pvp pigeon” because he basically scatters whenever you  go near him in pvp  - “if u press q with a pickaxe over lava, it gives u a secret buff”  - has essentially committed tax fraud in mc
tsumugi  - only uses naruto skins  - scarily good at minecraft mazes  - death stares kokichi when he says anything negative about her minecraft skin  - has a bunch of diamond hoes for no reason  - constantly tries to make anime statues at spawn  - kokichi always burns them
keebo  - doesn't understand how to play minecraft  - kokichi bullies him about it   - “HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW HOW TO PLAY?”  - he has pet chickens and names them after miu’s favourite things  - “this is keebo, my pet chicken!”  - always forgets how to open inventory and has to get help  - kokichi told him to press q once and then stole the item keebo dropped BWAHh finally done this was rlly fun to do!! ty again to that anon for the request <3<3 - mod corn
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rhimorechill · 4 years
can u just answer all of them for the first mc ask game pls and thank you x
same anon: the one starting w ender chest ok cool thx x
ender chest - have you defeated the ender dragon ?
no... i am a massive wimp who has never stuck w a survival world long enuf 2 even beat the wither
brick - favorite building material ?
dark prismarine..... tho lately warped planks have also been a neat contender (also spruce n birch....... Rock. actually, ive also been using unpolished diorite lately ?? it looks neat for flooring imo)
wheat - do you use any mods ? which ones ?
nope ! partly b/c im not allowed to and partly b/c i mostly play on servers
crafting table - what’s the first thing you do when you make a new world ?
hmmm..... find a cool base spot. or an ocean. oceans rock. (thought this said what do u make and i make a pickaxe and a bed asap !!)
grass - do you like exploring ?
yes !!!!!! at least w/ a map or like... coordinates. if i get lost and cant find my cool Base Spot again i wld be devastated. but i love map walls
quartz - when / what version did you start playing ?
god i dont know the number.... but it was sometime around/before nether spires in pocket edition !!!!! i remember i had a small world with a block oak house at the end of it :3 rip that world tho it rocked
netherrack - have you ever built anything (besides towers for getting glowstone) in the nether ?
...a house for the portal so ghasts can't ko me ? other than that no. theres so much lava in the nether........
jukebox - favorite cd ?
cat !!!!!!!!! yes i am basic
wood planks - what style of architecture do you build in ? (complex, simple, modern, etc)
simple ? i mostly build w/ woods and stones (lbr prisma is mostly just my fave block) and my houses arent like. suuper complex shapes ? but theyve evolved past the blocks i used to build
tnt - do you enjoy landscaping ?
no. it takes so much work and its so hard to get looking right. however i have literally deleted an entire mountain before. in creative. and its like. a wip getting the ocean to look right now
emerald - do you like mining ? if so, how do you mine ? (tunnels, caving, etc)
no !!!! mining is a fucking nightmare !!!!!!!!!!!! however. i do usually strip mine unless i run across a cave. however caving scares the ever loving shit out of me. even tho i know its generally better for finding resources. yes i am currently wimping out and not caving rn by answering these questions lmao. in 2 hours i will be back on minecraft trying 2 work up the nerve to cave again
rosebush - do you dye things a lot ?
yes ! who are we as people if we do not dye things. i will make a set of leather armor specifically to dye it. dyed stuff simply is better !!!
enchantment table - do you enchant things often ?
no ? in skyblock like. yeah but i stopped playing skyblock after the server i was on reset it. AGAIN. b/c mc updated and they cldnt just like. update the fucking skyblock plugin or w/e
sword - do you usually play on peaceful, easy, normal, hard, or hardcore ?
peaceful - normal b/c i am a fucking coward (normal is for creative mostly. however i do not control the servers i use so like. who fuckin knows what mode thats on. not hardcore tho !!)
melon - do you build simple or complex farms ?
simple !!!! unless u count like. hiding all the water in the walls/steps btwn layers as complex. no redstone tho, i harvest by hand
painting - do you usually decorate your base ?
.......if i ever FINISH my base, yes.
at 8pm pst i'm gonna be playing some more mc so like. promo for the server ive been playing on, its called queercraft and its uh. queer friendly ! my username is the same in mc as on here lol. server ip is:
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minrcrafter · 6 years
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ImagineCraft [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{Whitelist}{1.12.2}{17+}{Community}{Dynmap}{Anti-Grief}{Multi-World}
ImagineCraft is a whitelisted MineCraft server established May 25th, 2015. Most of our player base is within the USA and Canada; however, we do have numerous Europeans (~30% of the player population) (Brits, Dutchies, Irish, Finns, and Swedes) along with a few Aussies. We typically have around 5-10 players online during peak times and even more during special events. We would love to have you join us in our very community-minded MC world.
Your base is protected from griefing.
Newer Map! ImagineCraft is now on what we refer to as "Season 2" after a map reset on Dec 14, 2016 after just over 1.5 years of play! So if you're looking to not be far behind on player economy and still want to contribute in a positive manner, there is room to do so! We performed a map reset for technical reasons as our old map was 45Kx45K and disk space became an issue as well as needing to increase the borders due to game updates introducing new chunk generation behaviors. The community voted for and ultimately approved the map reset. Going forward we are making efforts to future-proof the map from resetting by utilizing a smaller border that expands as chunk generation behaviors change with game updates.
Go Exploring! The world is adequately sized with a reasonable border that allows for plenty of room for exploration and contains a vast variety of unique biomes! Feel free to claim an area or two to call your own or take the time to get out there and explore for whatever it is you're looking for, whether it's a specific biome or just a really cool landscape with an awesome view of the setting sun. If you find something cool, let us know!
Quick Travel - In Season 1, we utilized a warp system that relied on players having a set point to warp to as well as warp from...which was a big boon on a 45Kx45K map; however, with our Season 2 update and utilizing a smaller map, the community has installed an outstanding nether hub transportation system that allows for very fast travel using ice and boats, or jumping, or even minecarts to get where you need to go. You can quickly get from one end of the map to another in mere minutes.
MultiWorld - In addition to having an awesome survival world, we also have a creative world (inventory does not transfer) for testing purposes (palette schemes, redstone, etc).
TeamSpeak for voice chat so that you don't have to worry about typing "Creeper" when one is barreling right for your friend and flashing. ssSsSSsSsS BOOOOOM!!!
Server Admin/Owner and Mods that play the game just like you do. One of the largest complaints I've seen about other servers is immature staff. You won't find that here and we all know the line between staff duties and being a player so our powers are not abused. Myself, the owner, is 34. My Admin team is composed of players aged 23, 25, and 35. While age may just be a number, these individuals are very mature and conduct themselves in a professional manner while representing Staff functions.
There is always a contest, game, or special event that is occurring. We have held build contests, theater events, treasure hunting contests, trivia, and other assorted events. View our video of the Ghast Gauntlet Race or check out our YouTube channel for the most recent videos.
Community Wiki. Ever join a server and not know what has been done or where to go? Don't worry about that here with ImagineCraft. The entire community maintains a wiki that will help you get started, point of locations of interest, plugin commands, farm locations, pvp arenas and how to access them, etc. Plus you also get a tour when you join to show you the important things so you'll know what's what.
Be Yourself!. Nothing says be yourself than hanging out on TeamSpeak voice chatting with everyone and chilling inside dubtrack (plays songs for everyone simultaneously). Some of our most fun moments on the server have involved karaoke moments. Check out ImagineCraft sings Aqua's Barbie Girl and a new hit (I didn't even know I was being recorded by one of my players), me singing Ekzim sings Call Me Maybe. On a side note, it's a good thing I'm better with computers than I am at singing, hah.
As of Nov. 7th, 2015 we only accept players that are 17 years of age and older..
No malicious activity which includes griefing, hacking, or theft. We average one ban a month since May 2015. With theft being the leading crime, followed by x-rayers.
Player mods that defeat the challenge of playing on a semi-vanilla server are not allowed. An example would be running an x-ray mod or modified resource pack for direct access to ores.
Players are encouraged to lend a helping hand and to do things together like exploring, building, working on large-scale projects, etc. We get that sometimes it's cool to be solitary, but we're trying to avoid the lone ranger types that just go off and you never see them again. Why bother playing Multiplayer?
Be mature (as in, the opposite of immature, not meaning mature as in Rated-R mature) and remember the golden rule, do unto others and you'd have them do unto you. We are all about a positive experience on ImagineCraft and any negative behavior (aside from tasteful pranks) will result in you being banned.
Chat is to be kept family-friendly. TeamSpeak has a 17+ channel so you can be "adult" in there if you'd like, but our in-game chat is kept clean as we have a few under 17 that were here before the rule was passed to admit only 17+. Don't worry, they're exceptional and completely awesome.
Server Plugins
I do my best to preserve the vanilla feel as much as possible while allowing for certain plugins to be utilized to help enhance your experience. Here are some of the extras:
Dynmap - It's like Google Maps but for a Minecraft server. We even use it for some of our neat treasure hunts, such as Geocaching. Video here if you're curious about how we do geocaching on ImagineCraft.
PvP Plugins(2): We do have quite a few players who like to mix up the PvE experience with some PvP. Globally, PvP is disabled so unless you go to these areas, you won't have to worry about PvP. We have various arenas setup for Free for All as well as Capture the Flag. If you enjoy PvP and want to build arenas, I'll work with you to make it happen. The great thing about these plugins is that you can PvP without having to worry about losing your gear as your inventory is saved prior to playing and replenished after the match has ended. Kits are provided.
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) - Ever wish you could still keep in touch with those in game when you're out and about? No problem. We have an IRC bridge in place that will allow you to keep in touch with those in game on various devices and platforms. You can even just use a web browser instead of an actual IRC application. If you don't know anything about IRC, don't worry, our Wiki will walk you through everything you need to know to get started.
Server Specifications (Great Performance!)
Located in Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Intel Xeon Processor E3-1220 3.10GHz
Ram 32 GiB
Disk 240 GB SSD
Bandwidth 1 Gb Port
33TB Bandwidth transfer/month
Additional Information
Community Outreach Blog started April 14, 2017. The purpose of the blog is to give you additional insight into what is happening on ImagineCraft and to learn about our players.
Ongoing Reviews - All I did was ask for honest reviews from my players. You can read through the feedback there if you are curious about the server from a player perspective and why they enjoy the server as well as what would they change if they were the owner/admin.
We conduct surveys periodically to continuously drive for improvement on ImagineCraft. The latest survey, March 2016 had 42 total responses. These surveys cover everything from play experience, community feel, evaluating staff, and even staff feedback related to their job functions. If you really want to know what we're about, if you go through this, you'll know exactly what you're getting into. I'm a huge data nerd and this captures ImagineCraft completely. ImagineCraft is seriously dedicated to improving and ensuring a positive play experiences for everyone. Past Survey: Dec/Jan 2016
Interested in Joining ImagineCraft?
Come by www.imaginecraft.org and put in an application. Once approved, your access on the forums will be upgraded and you'll see the server information for Minecraft as well as TeamSpeak for voice chat. If you don't receive an activation email upon registering, check your spam folder. You will be presented with one anti-spam challenge question during registration that is minecraft related. I have listed the possible questions along with their answers below.
  Q. What grade of pickaxe must you use to mine obsidian?
A. Diamond
Q. What are the first 3 letters of our minecraft server name combined with the last 3 letters?
A. Imaaft
Q. A creeper hit by lightning becomes a _____ creeper.
A. charged
Q. Don't pick on these guys in the Nether or they'll gang up on you (2 words, plural)
A. Zombie Pigmen
Q. Zombies can sometimes drop what awesome food item?
A. Carrot
Thank you
Thank you for reading over this posting and we hope that you are interested to come check us out and join a community of like-minded gamers with talent! We are excited to be able to provide a great environment for you to play without worry of your creations and we'd like to see you develop and cultivate your skills. Whether you are a newbie or an experienced Minecraft player, we'd love to have you be involved with our community.
Thanks again!
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sillyboi-inc · 6 months
the amount of burs i could make out any wilbur soot piece of media, so i now will be giving my list and their sources \(^o^)/
(most of these are from random videos of his)
1. simpbur (your new boyfriend)
2. incelbur (the internet ruined me)
3. Ebur (im in love with an egirl)
4. softbur (softboy)
5. ARG/argbur (wilbur soot’s ARG)
6. catbur/dogbur (my random headcanons)
7. lmanbur (when wil was president on the dsmp)
8. q! wilbur (qsmp wilb)
9. revivedbur (wilbur after getting revived)
10. ghostbur (when wilbur was dead and in the limbo)
11. vilbur/pogbur (before wilbur died, but after schlatt took over and kicked him out of manburg)
12. c! wilbur/alivebur (when he first joined the dsmp)
13. ycgmabur (based off wilburs album your city gave me asthma)
14. msrbur (a very sad bur based off his album mammalian sighing reflex)
15. godbur/100pbur (based off his 100 players ‘series’)
16. raftbur/ishmael isaac(when wilbur played raft with tomz)
17. mulebur (when he trapped tubbo in his basement and sold mule bits, in tommys minecraft weather mod video)
18. tiptup (when wilbur play geoguesser)
19. sorrybur/s!bur (sorry boys wilbur)
20. phantombur (origin SMP with his phantom powers)
21. cc! wilbur (content creator wilbur so just regular wilbur)
22. modbur (literally every time he uses mods)
23. lvjybur (when he does tour/conserts/makes music with lovejoy)
24. rustbur (when he played rust w sbi)
25. zombur (we survived a zombie apocalypse video)
26. wimpfred (his character in we spent 100 days in hardcore minecraft apocalypse)
27. wilma (his fem version on the sorry boys)
28. dark wolf/cultbur (sorry boys ep4 we started a cult)
29. daynjer boy (wilburs chaotic/risk taking character/side)
30. draq’thar, killer of men (wilburs “no haircut til my new song comes out” stream where he wore a wig)
31. dr. malpractice (from toms minecraft surgery video when wilbur would steal everyones organs)
32. ylylbur (when wilbur did you laugh you lose)
33. skybur (when wilbur played sky block)
34. smallbur (when wilbur was really small in the size mod video)
35. sogbur/wetbur (when wilbur, george, and tommy went to the water park)
36. drugbur (when him and tommy had the drug van)
37. earthbur (when he did earth smp)
38. youngbur (when wilbur made videos when he was younger)
39. decaybur (minecraft but the world is rapidly decaying)
40. rockbur (minecraft but i leave a trail of bedrock)
41. livebur (wilbur doing smp live)
42. boringbur (maybe i was boring)
43. sandbur (when wilbur bugged philza about sand)
44. flowerbur (when wilbur would go on servers as ‘flowergirl86’ [or smth idr :,)] and tell people he was friends with techno)
45. voicebur (when him, phil, quackity, and tommy did the voice mod)
46. bodbur (body shuffle mod)
47. ao3bur (when wilbur tweeted about his fic on ao3 and was upset when it got hacked)
48. winbur/crownbur (when quackity won him and wilbur the crown in mc championship)
49. salmonbur (when wilbur was w sally and gave philza the 8 buckets of salmon)
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minrcrafter · 6 years
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ImagineCraft [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{Whitelist}{1.12.2}{17+}{Community}{Dynmap}{Anti-Grief}{Multi-World}
ImagineCraft is a whitelisted MineCraft server established May 25th, 2015. Most of our player base is within the USA and Canada; however, we do have numerous Europeans (~30% of the player population) (Brits, Dutchies, Irish, Finns, and Swedes) along with a few Aussies. We typically have around 5-15 players online during peak times and even more during special events, 20+. We would love to have you join us in our very community-minded MC world.
Your base is protected from griefing.
Newer Map! ImagineCraft is now on what we refer to as "Season 2" after a map reset on Dec 14, 2016 after just over 1.5 years of play! So if you're looking to not be far behind on player economy and still want to contribute in a positive manner, there is room to do so! We performed a map reset for technical reasons as our old map was 45Kx45K and disk space became an issue as well as needing to increase the borders due to game updates introducing new chunk generation behaviors. The community voted for and ultimately approved the map reset. Going forward we are making efforts to future-proof the map from resetting by utilizing a smaller border that expands as chunk generation behaviors change with game updates.
Go Exploring! The world is adequately sized with a reasonable border that allows for plenty of room for exploration and contains a vast variety of unique biomes! Feel free to claim an area or two to call your own or take the time to get out there and explore for whatever it is you're looking for, whether it's a specific biome or just a really cool landscape with an awesome view of the setting sun. If you find something cool, let us know!
Quick Travel - In Season 1, we utilized a warp system that relied on players having a set point to warp to as well as warp from...which was a big boon on a 45Kx45K map; however, with our Season 2 update and utilizing a smaller map, the community has installed an outstanding nether hub transportation system that allows for very fast travel using ice and boats, or jumping, or even minecarts to get where you need to go. You can quickly get from one end of the map to another in mere minutes.
MultiWorld - In addition to having an awesome survival world, we also have a creative world (inventory does not transfer) for testing purposes (palette schemes, redstone, etc).
TeamSpeak for voice chat so that you don't have to worry about typing "Creeper" when one is barreling right for your friend and flashing. ssSsSSsSsS BOOOOOM!!!
Server Admin/Owner and Mods that play the game just like you do. One of the largest complaints I've seen about other servers is immature staff. You won't find that here and we all know the line between staff duties and being a player so our powers are not abused. Myself, the owner, is 34. My Admin team is composed of players aged 23, 25, and 35. While age may just be a number, these individuals are very mature and conduct themselves in a professional manner while representing Staff functions.
There is always a contest, game, or special event that is occurring. We have held build contests, theater events, treasure hunting contests, trivia, and other assorted events. View our video of the Ghast Gauntlet Race or check out our YouTube channel for the most recent videos.
Community Wiki. Ever join a server and not know what has been done or where to go? Don't worry about that here with ImagineCraft. The entire community maintains a wiki that will help you get started, point of locations of interest, plugin commands, farm locations, pvp arenas and how to access them, etc. Plus you also get a tour when you join to show you the important things so you'll know what's what.
Be Yourself!. Nothing says be yourself than hanging out on TeamSpeak voice chatting with everyone and chilling inside dubtrack (plays songs for everyone simultaneously). Some of our most fun moments on the server have involved karaoke moments. Check out ImagineCraft sings Aqua's Barbie Girl and a new hit (I didn't even know I was being recorded by one of my players), me singing Ekzim sings Call Me Maybe. On a side note, it's a good thing I'm better with computers than I am at singing, hah.
As of Nov. 7th, 2015 we only accept players that are 17 years of age and older..
No malicious activity which includes griefing, hacking, or theft. We average one ban a month since May 2015. With theft being the leading crime, followed by x-rayers.
Player mods that defeat the challenge of playing on a semi-vanilla server are not allowed. An example would be running an x-ray mod or modified resource pack for direct access to ores.
Players are encouraged to lend a helping hand and to do things together like exploring, building, working on large-scale projects, etc. We get that sometimes it's cool to be solitary, but we're trying to avoid the lone ranger types that just go off and you never see them again. Why bother playing Multiplayer?
Be mature (as in, the opposite of immature, not meaning mature as in Rated-R mature) and remember the golden rule, do unto others and you'd have them do unto you. We are all about a positive experience on ImagineCraft and any negative behavior (aside from tasteful pranks) will result in you being banned.
Chat is to be kept family-friendly. TeamSpeak has a 17+ channel so you can be "adult" in there if you'd like, but our in-game chat is kept clean as we have a few under 17 that were here before the rule was passed to admit only 17+. Don't worry, they're exceptional and completely awesome.
Server Plugins
I do my best to preserve the vanilla feel as much as possible while allowing for certain plugins to be utilized to help enhance your experience. Here are some of the extras:
Dynmap - It's like Google Maps but for a Minecraft server. We even use it for some of our neat treasure hunts, such as Geocaching. Video here if you're curious about how we do geocaching on ImagineCraft.
PvP Plugins(2): We do have quite a few players who like to mix up the PvE experience with some PvP. Globally, PvP is disabled so unless you go to these areas, you won't have to worry about PvP. We have various arenas setup for Free for All as well as Capture the Flag. If you enjoy PvP and want to build arenas, I'll work with you to make it happen. The great thing about these plugins is that you can PvP without having to worry about losing your gear as your inventory is saved prior to playing and replenished after the match has ended. Kits are provided.
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) - Ever wish you could still keep in touch with those in game when you're out and about? No problem. We have an IRC bridge in place that will allow you to keep in touch with those in game on various devices and platforms. You can even just use a web browser instead of an actual IRC application. If you don't know anything about IRC, don't worry, our Wiki will walk you through everything you need to know to get started.
Server Specifications (Great Performance!)
Located in Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Intel Xeon Processor E3-1220 3.10GHz
Ram 32 GiB
Disk 240 GB SSD
Bandwidth 1 Gb Port
33TB Bandwidth transfer/month
Additional Information
Community Outreach Blog started April 14, 2017. The purpose of the blog is to give you additional insight into what is happening on ImagineCraft and to learn about our players.
Ongoing Reviews - All I did was ask for honest reviews from my players. You can read through the feedback there if you are curious about the server from a player perspective and why they enjoy the server as well as what would they change if they were the owner/admin.
We conduct surveys periodically to continuously drive for improvement on ImagineCraft. The latest survey, March 2016 had 42 total responses. These surveys cover everything from play experience, community feel, evaluating staff, and even staff feedback related to their job functions. If you really want to know what we're about, if you go through this, you'll know exactly what you're getting into. I'm a huge data nerd and this captures ImagineCraft completely. ImagineCraft is seriously dedicated to improving and ensuring a positive play experiences for everyone. Past Survey: Dec/Jan 2016
Interested in Joining ImagineCraft?
Come by www.imaginecraft.org and put in an application. Once approved, your access on the forums will be upgraded and you'll see the server information for Minecraft as well as TeamSpeak for voice chat. If you don't receive an activation email upon registering, check your spam folder. You will be presented with one anti-spam challenge question during registration that is minecraft related. I have listed the possible questions along with their answers below.
  Q. What grade of pickaxe must you use to mine obsidian?
A. Diamond
Q. What are the first 3 letters of our minecraft server name combined with the last 3 letters?
A. Imaaft
Q. A creeper hit by lightning becomes a _____ creeper.
A. charged
Q. Don't pick on these guys in the Nether or they'll gang up on you (2 words, plural)
A. Zombie Pigmen
Q. Zombies can sometimes drop what awesome food item?
A. Carrot
Thank you
Thank you for reading over this posting and we hope that you are interested to come check us out and join a community of like-minded gamers with talent! We are excited to be able to provide a great environment for you to play without worry of your creations and we'd like to see you develop and cultivate your skills. Whether you are a newbie or an experienced Minecraft player, we'd love to have you be involved with our community.
Thanks again!
1 note · View note
minrcrafter · 7 years
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ImagineCraft [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{Whitelist}{1.12}{17+}{Community}{Dynmap}{Anti-Grief}{Multi-World}
ImagineCraft is a whitelisted MineCraft server established May 25th, 2015. Most of our player base is within the USA; however, we do have numerous Europeans (~30% of the player population) (Brits, Dutchies, Irish, Finns, and Swedes) along with a few Aussies. We typically have around 10-20 players online during peak times and even more during special events. We would love to have you join us in our very community-minded MC world.
Your base is protected from griefing.
Newer Map! ImagineCraft is now on what we refer to as "Season 2" after a map reset on Dec 14, 2016 after just over 1.5 years of play! So if you're looking to not be far behind on player economy and still want to contribute in a positive manner, there is room to do so! We performed a map reset for technical reasons as our old map was 45Kx45K and disk space became an issue as well as needing to increase the borders due to game updates introducing new chunk generation behaviors. The community voted for and ultimately approved the map reset. Going forward we are making efforts to future-proof the map from resetting by utilizing a smaller border that expands as chunk generation behaviors change with game updates.
Go Exploring! The world is adequately sized with a reasonable border that allows for plenty of room for exploration and contains a vast variety of unique biomes! Feel free to claim an area or two to call your own or take the time to get out there and explore for whatever it is you're looking for, whether it's a specific biome or just a really cool landscape with an awesome view of the setting sun. If you find something cool, let us know!
Quick Travel - In Season 1, we utilized a warp system that relied on players having a set point to warp to as well as warp from...which was a big boon on a 45Kx45K map; however, with our Season 2 update and utilizing a smaller map, the community has installed an outstanding nether hub transportation system that allows for very fast travel using ice and boats, or jumping, or even minecarts to get where you need to go. You can quickly get from one end of the map to another in mere minutes.
MultiWorld - In addition to having an awesome survival world, we also have a creative world (inventory does not transfer) for testing purposes (palette schemes, redstone, etc).
TeamSpeak for voice chat so that you don't have to worry about typing "Creeper" when one is barreling right for your friend and flashing. ssSsSSsSsS BOOOOOM!!!
Server Admin/Owner and Mods that play the game just like you do. One of the largest complaints I've seen about other servers is immature staff. You won't find that here and we all know the line between staff duties and being a player so our powers are not abused. Myself, the owner, is 34. My Admin team is composed of players aged 23, 25, and 35. While age may just be a number, these individuals are very mature and conduct themselves in a professional manner while representing Staff functions.
There is always a contest, game, or special event that is occurring. We have held build contests, theater events, treasure hunting contests, trivia, and other assorted events. View our video of the Ghast Gauntlet Race or check out our YouTube channel for the most recent videos.
Community Wiki. Ever join a server and not know what has been done or where to go? Don't worry about that here with ImagineCraft. The entire community maintains a wiki that will help you get started, point of locations of interest, plugin commands, farm locations, pvp arenas and how to access them, etc. Plus you also get a tour when you join to show you the important things so you'll know what's what.
Be Yourself!. Nothing says be yourself than hanging out on TeamSpeak voice chatting with everyone and chilling inside dubtrack (plays songs for everyone simultaneously). Some of our most fun moments on the server have involved karaoke moments. Check out ImagineCraft sings Aqua's Barbie Girl and a new hit (I didn't even know I was being recorded by one of my players), me singing Ekzim sings Call Me Maybe. On a side note, it's a good thing I'm better with computers than I am at singing, hah.
As of Nov. 7th, 2015 we only accept players that are 17 years of age and older..
No malicious activity which includes griefing, hacking, or theft. We average one ban a month since May 2015. With theft being the leading crime, followed by x-rayers.
Player mods that defeat the challenge of playing on a semi-vanilla server are not allowed. An example would be running an x-ray mod or modified resource pack for direct access to ores.
Players are encouraged to lend a helping hand and to do things together like exploring, building, working on large-scale projects, etc. We get that sometimes it's cool to be solitary, but we're trying to avoid the lone ranger types that just go off and you never see them again. Why bother playing Multiplayer?
Be mature (as in, the opposite of immature, not meaning mature as in Rated-R mature) and remember the golden rule, do unto others and you'd have them do unto you. We are all about a positive experience on ImagineCraft and any negative behavior (aside from tasteful pranks) will result in you being banned.
Chat is to be kept family-friendly. TeamSpeak has a 17+ channel so you can be "adult" in there if you'd like, but our in-game chat is kept clean as we have a few under 17 that were here before the rule was passed to admit only 17+. Don't worry, they're exceptional and completely awesome.
Server Plugins
I do my best to preserve the vanilla feel as much as possible while allowing for certain plugins to be utilized to help enhance your experience. Here are some of the extras:
Dynmap - It's like Google Maps but for a Minecraft server. We even use it for some of our neat treasure hunts, such as Geocaching. Video here if you're curious about how we do geocaching on ImagineCraft.
PvP Plugins(2): We do have quite a few players who like to mix up the PvE experience with some PvP. Globally, PvP is disabled so unless you go to these areas, you won't have to worry about PvP. We have various arenas setup for Free for All as well as Capture the Flag. If you enjoy PvP and want to build arenas, I'll work with you to make it happen. The great thing about these plugins is that you can PvP without having to worry about losing your gear as your inventory is saved prior to playing and replenished after the match has ended. Kits are provided.
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) - Ever wish you could still keep in touch with those in game when you're out and about? No problem. We have an IRC bridge in place that will allow you to keep in touch with those in game on various devices and platforms. You can even just use a web browser instead of an actual IRC application. If you don't know anything about IRC, don't worry, our Wiki will walk you through everything you need to know to get started.
Server Specifications (Great Performance!)
Located in Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Intel Xeon Processor E3-1220 3.10GHz
Ram 32 GiB
Disk 240 GB SSD
Bandwidth 1 Gb Port
33TB Bandwidth transfer/month
Additional Information
Community Outreach Blog started April 14, 2017. The purpose of the blog is to give you additional insight into what is happening on ImagineCraft and to learn about our players.
Ongoing Reviews - All I did was ask for honest reviews from my players. You can read through the feedback there if you are curious about the server from a player perspective and why they enjoy the server as well as what would they change if they were the owner/admin.
We conduct surveys periodically to continuously drive for improvement on ImagineCraft. The latest survey, March 2016 had 42 total responses. These surveys cover everything from play experience, community feel, evaluating staff, and even staff feedback related to their job functions. If you really want to know what we're about, if you go through this, you'll know exactly what you're getting into. I'm a huge data nerd and this captures ImagineCraft completely. ImagineCraft is seriously dedicated to improving and ensuring a positive play experiences for everyone. Past Survey: Dec/Jan 2016
Interested in Joining ImagineCraft?
Come by www.imaginecraft.org and put in an application. Once approved, your access on the forums will be upgraded and you'll see the server information for Minecraft as well as TeamSpeak for voice chat. If you don't receive an activation email upon registering, check your spam folder. You will be presented with one anti-spam challenge question during registration that is minecraft related. I have listed the possible questions along with their answers below.
  Q. What grade of pickaxe must you use to mine obsidian?
A. Diamond
Q. What are the first 3 letters of our minecraft server name combined with the last 3 letters?
A. Imaaft
Q. A creeper hit by lightning becomes a _____ creeper.
A. charged
Q. Don't pick on these guys in the Nether or they'll gang up on you (2 words, plural)
A. Zombie Pigmen
Q. Zombies can sometimes drop what awesome food item?
A. Carrot
Thank you
Thank you for reading over this posting and we hope that you are interested to come check us out and join a community of like-minded gamers with talent! We are excited to be able to provide a great environment for you to play without worry of your creations and we'd like to see you develop and cultivate your skills. Whether you are a newbie or an experienced Minecraft player, we'd love to have you be involved with our community.
Thanks again!
0 notes
minrcrafter · 6 years
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Vanilla Latte [Vanilla][SMP]{Whitelist}{1.13.1}
We are accepting applications until 9/4/2018. The next round of applications will begin 9/23/2018.
We are a small group of friends who met during the final stages of the 1.13 snapshots. We aim to be vanilla multiplayer, no customization, command blocks, or game rule changes
Exclusive & Private
We are looking for like-minded, introverted people to chill and play minecraft with. Because we are privately owned, we do not take monetary donations and we do not have moderators/staff. We do not run things in an official capacity. We are an exclusive server and community of people who just want to play Minecraft and have fun. We are looking for people who can read and follow rules without hand-holding, people who can be respectful and mature. To show us you belong on our small server, just put some effort into your whitelist app. Because of our unique perspective on administration, the community is what YOU make it. Everything we have was done in 100% survival mode and as community projects.
Be a Part of Something Bigger
Vanilla Latte is a small, community-focused server that is rooted in a much larger player-base and community called Cozy's Cafe. Cozy's Cafe is a conglomerate of family-focused gamers who, above all else, love crafting and farming video games. As a member of Vanilla Latte, you have access to a network of friends who play they games you love. Join Cozy's and you'll have friends to play games across all platforms.
Cozy's Cafe & Lounge is a Discord specific community looking to recruit players who enjoy "cute" crafting and farming video games. Our goal is to establish a wholesome community of players who share the games they love and share IRL hobbies an interests (such as art, crafting, gardening, cooking, fitness, etc). We are looking for laid-back individuals who want to build positive friendships. We focus on games like Animal Crossing, Pokemon, Stardew Valley, World of Warcraft, and more. You can join this without being a part of the Minecraft server here: https://discord.gg/6VEu3QB
Key Points
Small, tight-knit environment
We value quality over quantity
We aim to recruit like-minded players who want long-term vanilla fun
Mature and community-oriented player base
Family-friendly and positive atmosphere
Introvert friendly
Low tolerance for drama and politics
Friendly and experienced server owners
Laid back, hands-off approach
Dedicated Server Hardware (8GB, SSD)
New map/server started 7/1/18
Mob grief is enabled
Fire spread is enabled
Inventory drops upon death
Difficulty: Hard
AFK farms allowed, no AFK kicks
Map is 10k x 10k (map expansions every 3 weeks)
The End gets reset when its resources are depleted
Players must be age 16 or older.
Be “environmentally friendly”. Respect the wilderness terrain. Fix creeper holes when you make them. No floating trees, mass destruction, or torch spam in areas you do not intend to build in. If you need sand, mine under deserts / oceans, don't destroy a desert etc. Keep things looking pretty for future players.
Respect player claims. To claim land, please use torches and signs. You can share your location and register your bases and other town locations under “Register-Locations” on Discord.
No grieving, stealing, cheating, or client side mods. Exceptions for optifine, GUI alterations, inv tweaks and mini-maps. If in doubt, ask.
Keep chat family friendly and courteous. Keep language clean. No trolling / politics / religion / sexual etc.
Do not build within 200 blocks of other players without permission, this includes mining and building roads.
Spawn builds: You may build homes, shops, and install improvements (like roads, community farms, lights). Ask to build larger builds or redstone machines.
Redstone is cool, just don't lag the server.
No farms in The End without Owner permission.
No player base raiding. PvP must be agreed upon prior to battle.
Please link nether portals properly as explained here: https://i.imgur.com/CWCDd61.jpg
Frequently Asked Questions
Can you make an exception for a player under age 16?
We will consider exceptions for players under age 16 if they are applying with a parent or guardian. In these circumstances, both applicants must prove they understand our rules in their application. Special arrangements can be made for younger players who take time, demonstrate maturity, and have a clean record. The majority of us are ages 21+, so please keep that in mind.
Is this a good server for me and my kid?
Absolutely! Our players are non-toxic and very friendly. If you want to play with your child here, please just make sure to explain that in the application. We do ask that all players under 16 do not tell people their age.
What's the community like?
Everyone is focused on being helpful and friendly. The majority of our players are roughly ages 17 - 35, but we are people who really enjoy a positive, upbeat community.
Why do you limit application time?
We open applications once every three weeks for a variety of reasons, which help us tremendously. The primary reason is that it gives us a chance to know our new members and focus on building our community to include new personalities. We privately select our members and lovingly craft our community around them. We aren't mindlessly accepting every player willing to jump through whitelist application hoops. Instead, we are hand picking people who want to be on our server enough to keep an eye on it and apply when applications are open.
What if I REALLY need sand, can I mine a whole desert?
We ask you be considerate and try your best to farm resources without destroying areas or biomes so that others may enjoy them.
Do I have to register my location?
No, but it’s in your best interest to.
Why can’t I make a farm in The End?
We want to limit The End to only one Enderman farm for two reasons:
We may decide to reset The End if it is gutted of resources
Enderman farms tend to be less effective in multiples.
Why is voice chat only accessible for Members and why is it in a whole different Discord server?
While VL and Cozy's are different communities, they're run by the same people and under the same general rules. Since we're both irl adults who are constantly #adulting, we can't monitor multiple voice chats. Plus, we love the idea of community synergy. All it means is more friends!
Apply Today! (Limited Time)MC Server Applications are OPEN until 9/4/18.
Please provide enough information to use to get to know your personality! This is a privately owned server and we want to make sure people who play here with us will be mature and respectful to our friends and rules. We are only accepting applications that show effort and understanding due to our limited personal time and financial resources. We expect players to display a good grasp on our rules and a positive attitude so we feel confident you can play here without heavy moderation.
Whitelist Application
Applications are accepted ONLY via Discord PM to: vanillalatteMC#6508 - You do have to add me as a friend, before sending. So, it's a good idea to have your app written out ahead of time. :)
Minecraft Username:
How close should you build to other players?
How do you claim land?
In your own words, how do you properly connect a Nether portal on a multiplayer server?
What are you allowed to build at spawn?
What interests you about our personal server?
What would you like to tell us about yourself?
Thank you for reading until the end. We wish you the best on your Minecraft journey and hope to see you in game.
0 notes
minrcrafter · 7 years
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ImagineCraft [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{Whitelist}{1.12.2}{17+}{Community}{Dynmap}{Anti-Grief}{Multi-World}
ImagineCraft is a whitelisted MineCraft server established May 25th, 2015. Most of our player base is within the USA and Canada; however, we do have numerous Europeans (~30% of the player population) (Brits, Dutchies, Irish, Finns, and Swedes) along with a few Aussies. We typically have around 5-15 players online during peak times and even more during special events, 20+. We would love to have you join us in our very community-minded MC world.
Your base is protected from griefing.
Newer Map! ImagineCraft is now on what we refer to as "Season 2" after a map reset on Dec 14, 2016 after just over 1.5 years of play! So if you're looking to not be far behind on player economy and still want to contribute in a positive manner, there is room to do so! We performed a map reset for technical reasons as our old map was 45Kx45K and disk space became an issue as well as needing to increase the borders due to game updates introducing new chunk generation behaviors. The community voted for and ultimately approved the map reset. Going forward we are making efforts to future-proof the map from resetting by utilizing a smaller border that expands as chunk generation behaviors change with game updates.
Go Exploring! The world is adequately sized with a reasonable border that allows for plenty of room for exploration and contains a vast variety of unique biomes! Feel free to claim an area or two to call your own or take the time to get out there and explore for whatever it is you're looking for, whether it's a specific biome or just a really cool landscape with an awesome view of the setting sun. If you find something cool, let us know!
Quick Travel - In Season 1, we utilized a warp system that relied on players having a set point to warp to as well as warp from...which was a big boon on a 45Kx45K map; however, with our Season 2 update and utilizing a smaller map, the community has installed an outstanding nether hub transportation system that allows for very fast travel using ice and boats, or jumping, or even minecarts to get where you need to go. You can quickly get from one end of the map to another in mere minutes.
MultiWorld - In addition to having an awesome survival world, we also have a creative world (inventory does not transfer) for testing purposes (palette schemes, redstone, etc).
TeamSpeak for voice chat so that you don't have to worry about typing "Creeper" when one is barreling right for your friend and flashing. ssSsSSsSsS BOOOOOM!!!
Server Admin/Owner and Mods that play the game just like you do. One of the largest complaints I've seen about other servers is immature staff. You won't find that here and we all know the line between staff duties and being a player so our powers are not abused. Myself, the owner, is 34. My Admin team is composed of players aged 23, 25, and 35. While age may just be a number, these individuals are very mature and conduct themselves in a professional manner while representing Staff functions.
There is always a contest, game, or special event that is occurring. We have held build contests, theater events, treasure hunting contests, trivia, and other assorted events. View our video of the Ghast Gauntlet Race or check out our YouTube channel for the most recent videos.
Community Wiki. Ever join a server and not know what has been done or where to go? Don't worry about that here with ImagineCraft. The entire community maintains a wiki that will help you get started, point of locations of interest, plugin commands, farm locations, pvp arenas and how to access them, etc. Plus you also get a tour when you join to show you the important things so you'll know what's what.
Be Yourself!. Nothing says be yourself than hanging out on TeamSpeak voice chatting with everyone and chilling inside dubtrack (plays songs for everyone simultaneously). Some of our most fun moments on the server have involved karaoke moments. Check out ImagineCraft sings Aqua's Barbie Girl and a new hit (I didn't even know I was being recorded by one of my players), me singing Ekzim sings Call Me Maybe. On a side note, it's a good thing I'm better with computers than I am at singing, hah.
As of Nov. 7th, 2015 we only accept players that are 17 years of age and older..
No malicious activity which includes griefing, hacking, or theft. We average one ban a month since May 2015. With theft being the leading crime, followed by x-rayers.
Player mods that defeat the challenge of playing on a semi-vanilla server are not allowed. An example would be running an x-ray mod or modified resource pack for direct access to ores.
Players are encouraged to lend a helping hand and to do things together like exploring, building, working on large-scale projects, etc. We get that sometimes it's cool to be solitary, but we're trying to avoid the lone ranger types that just go off and you never see them again. Why bother playing Multiplayer?
Be mature (as in, the opposite of immature, not meaning mature as in Rated-R mature) and remember the golden rule, do unto others and you'd have them do unto you. We are all about a positive experience on ImagineCraft and any negative behavior (aside from tasteful pranks) will result in you being banned.
Chat is to be kept family-friendly. TeamSpeak has a 17+ channel so you can be "adult" in there if you'd like, but our in-game chat is kept clean as we have a few under 17 that were here before the rule was passed to admit only 17+. Don't worry, they're exceptional and completely awesome.
Server Plugins
I do my best to preserve the vanilla feel as much as possible while allowing for certain plugins to be utilized to help enhance your experience. Here are some of the extras:
Dynmap - It's like Google Maps but for a Minecraft server. We even use it for some of our neat treasure hunts, such as Geocaching. Video here if you're curious about how we do geocaching on ImagineCraft.
PvP Plugins(2): We do have quite a few players who like to mix up the PvE experience with some PvP. Globally, PvP is disabled so unless you go to these areas, you won't have to worry about PvP. We have various arenas setup for Free for All as well as Capture the Flag. If you enjoy PvP and want to build arenas, I'll work with you to make it happen. The great thing about these plugins is that you can PvP without having to worry about losing your gear as your inventory is saved prior to playing and replenished after the match has ended. Kits are provided.
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) - Ever wish you could still keep in touch with those in game when you're out and about? No problem. We have an IRC bridge in place that will allow you to keep in touch with those in game on various devices and platforms. You can even just use a web browser instead of an actual IRC application. If you don't know anything about IRC, don't worry, our Wiki will walk you through everything you need to know to get started.
Server Specifications (Great Performance!)
Located in Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Intel Xeon Processor E3-1220 3.10GHz
Ram 32 GiB
Disk 240 GB SSD
Bandwidth 1 Gb Port
33TB Bandwidth transfer/month
Additional Information
Community Outreach Blog started April 14, 2017. The purpose of the blog is to give you additional insight into what is happening on ImagineCraft and to learn about our players.
Ongoing Reviews - All I did was ask for honest reviews from my players. You can read through the feedback there if you are curious about the server from a player perspective and why they enjoy the server as well as what would they change if they were the owner/admin.
We conduct surveys periodically to continuously drive for improvement on ImagineCraft. The latest survey, March 2016 had 42 total responses. These surveys cover everything from play experience, community feel, evaluating staff, and even staff feedback related to their job functions. If you really want to know what we're about, if you go through this, you'll know exactly what you're getting into. I'm a huge data nerd and this captures ImagineCraft completely. ImagineCraft is seriously dedicated to improving and ensuring a positive play experiences for everyone. Past Survey: Dec/Jan 2016
Interested in Joining ImagineCraft?
Come by www.imaginecraft.org and put in an application. Once approved, your access on the forums will be upgraded and you'll see the server information for Minecraft as well as TeamSpeak for voice chat. If you don't receive an activation email upon registering, check your spam folder. You will be presented with one anti-spam challenge question during registration that is minecraft related. I have listed the possible questions along with their answers below.
  Q. What grade of pickaxe must you use to mine obsidian?
A. Diamond
Q. What are the first 3 letters of our minecraft server name combined with the last 3 letters?
A. Imaaft
Q. A creeper hit by lightning becomes a _____ creeper.
A. charged
Q. Don't pick on these guys in the Nether or they'll gang up on you (2 words, plural)
A. Zombie Pigmen
Q. Zombies can sometimes drop what awesome food item?
A. Carrot
Thank you
Thank you for reading over this posting and we hope that you are interested to come check us out and join a community of like-minded gamers with talent! We are excited to be able to provide a great environment for you to play without worry of your creations and we'd like to see you develop and cultivate your skills. Whether you are a newbie or an experienced Minecraft player, we'd love to have you be involved with our community.
Thanks again!
0 notes
minrcrafter · 7 years
Tumblr media
ImagineCraft [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{Whitelist}{1.12.1}{17+}{Community}{Dynmap}{Anti-Grief}{Multi-World}
ImagineCraft is a whitelisted MineCraft server established May 25th, 2015. Most of our player base is within the USA and Canada; however, we do have numerous Europeans (~30% of the player population) (Brits, Dutchies, Irish, Finns, and Swedes) along with a few Aussies. We typically have around 10-20 players online during peak times and even more during special events. We would love to have you join us in our very community-minded MC world.
Your base is protected from griefing.
Newer Map! ImagineCraft is now on what we refer to as "Season 2" after a map reset on Dec 14, 2016 after just over 1.5 years of play! So if you're looking to not be far behind on player economy and still want to contribute in a positive manner, there is room to do so! We performed a map reset for technical reasons as our old map was 45Kx45K and disk space became an issue as well as needing to increase the borders due to game updates introducing new chunk generation behaviors. The community voted for and ultimately approved the map reset. Going forward we are making efforts to future-proof the map from resetting by utilizing a smaller border that expands as chunk generation behaviors change with game updates.
Go Exploring! The world is adequately sized with a reasonable border that allows for plenty of room for exploration and contains a vast variety of unique biomes! Feel free to claim an area or two to call your own or take the time to get out there and explore for whatever it is you're looking for, whether it's a specific biome or just a really cool landscape with an awesome view of the setting sun. If you find something cool, let us know!
Quick Travel - In Season 1, we utilized a warp system that relied on players having a set point to warp to as well as warp from...which was a big boon on a 45Kx45K map; however, with our Season 2 update and utilizing a smaller map, the community has installed an outstanding nether hub transportation system that allows for very fast travel using ice and boats, or jumping, or even minecarts to get where you need to go. You can quickly get from one end of the map to another in mere minutes.
MultiWorld - In addition to having an awesome survival world, we also have a creative world (inventory does not transfer) for testing purposes (palette schemes, redstone, etc).
TeamSpeak for voice chat so that you don't have to worry about typing "Creeper" when one is barreling right for your friend and flashing. ssSsSSsSsS BOOOOOM!!!
Server Admin/Owner and Mods that play the game just like you do. One of the largest complaints I've seen about other servers is immature staff. You won't find that here and we all know the line between staff duties and being a player so our powers are not abused. Myself, the owner, is 34. My Admin team is composed of players aged 23, 25, and 35. While age may just be a number, these individuals are very mature and conduct themselves in a professional manner while representing Staff functions.
There is always a contest, game, or special event that is occurring. We have held build contests, theater events, treasure hunting contests, trivia, and other assorted events. View our video of the Ghast Gauntlet Race or check out our YouTube channel for the most recent videos.
Community Wiki. Ever join a server and not know what has been done or where to go? Don't worry about that here with ImagineCraft. The entire community maintains a wiki that will help you get started, point of locations of interest, plugin commands, farm locations, pvp arenas and how to access them, etc. Plus you also get a tour when you join to show you the important things so you'll know what's what.
Be Yourself!. Nothing says be yourself than hanging out on TeamSpeak voice chatting with everyone and chilling inside dubtrack (plays songs for everyone simultaneously). Some of our most fun moments on the server have involved karaoke moments. Check out ImagineCraft sings Aqua's Barbie Girl and a new hit (I didn't even know I was being recorded by one of my players), me singing Ekzim sings Call Me Maybe. On a side note, it's a good thing I'm better with computers than I am at singing, hah.
As of Nov. 7th, 2015 we only accept players that are 17 years of age and older..
No malicious activity which includes griefing, hacking, or theft. We average one ban a month since May 2015. With theft being the leading crime, followed by x-rayers.
Player mods that defeat the challenge of playing on a semi-vanilla server are not allowed. An example would be running an x-ray mod or modified resource pack for direct access to ores.
Players are encouraged to lend a helping hand and to do things together like exploring, building, working on large-scale projects, etc. We get that sometimes it's cool to be solitary, but we're trying to avoid the lone ranger types that just go off and you never see them again. Why bother playing Multiplayer?
Be mature (as in, the opposite of immature, not meaning mature as in Rated-R mature) and remember the golden rule, do unto others and you'd have them do unto you. We are all about a positive experience on ImagineCraft and any negative behavior (aside from tasteful pranks) will result in you being banned.
Chat is to be kept family-friendly. TeamSpeak has a 17+ channel so you can be "adult" in there if you'd like, but our in-game chat is kept clean as we have a few under 17 that were here before the rule was passed to admit only 17+. Don't worry, they're exceptional and completely awesome.
Server Plugins
I do my best to preserve the vanilla feel as much as possible while allowing for certain plugins to be utilized to help enhance your experience. Here are some of the extras:
Dynmap - It's like Google Maps but for a Minecraft server. We even use it for some of our neat treasure hunts, such as Geocaching. Video here if you're curious about how we do geocaching on ImagineCraft.
PvP Plugins(2): We do have quite a few players who like to mix up the PvE experience with some PvP. Globally, PvP is disabled so unless you go to these areas, you won't have to worry about PvP. We have various arenas setup for Free for All as well as Capture the Flag. If you enjoy PvP and want to build arenas, I'll work with you to make it happen. The great thing about these plugins is that you can PvP without having to worry about losing your gear as your inventory is saved prior to playing and replenished after the match has ended. Kits are provided.
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) - Ever wish you could still keep in touch with those in game when you're out and about? No problem. We have an IRC bridge in place that will allow you to keep in touch with those in game on various devices and platforms. You can even just use a web browser instead of an actual IRC application. If you don't know anything about IRC, don't worry, our Wiki will walk you through everything you need to know to get started.
Server Specifications (Great Performance!)
Located in Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Intel Xeon Processor E3-1220 3.10GHz
Ram 32 GiB
Disk 240 GB SSD
Bandwidth 1 Gb Port
33TB Bandwidth transfer/month
Additional Information
Community Outreach Blog started April 14, 2017. The purpose of the blog is to give you additional insight into what is happening on ImagineCraft and to learn about our players.
Ongoing Reviews - All I did was ask for honest reviews from my players. You can read through the feedback there if you are curious about the server from a player perspective and why they enjoy the server as well as what would they change if they were the owner/admin.
We conduct surveys periodically to continuously drive for improvement on ImagineCraft. The latest survey, March 2016 had 42 total responses. These surveys cover everything from play experience, community feel, evaluating staff, and even staff feedback related to their job functions. If you really want to know what we're about, if you go through this, you'll know exactly what you're getting into. I'm a huge data nerd and this captures ImagineCraft completely. ImagineCraft is seriously dedicated to improving and ensuring a positive play experiences for everyone. Past Survey: Dec/Jan 2016
Interested in Joining ImagineCraft?
Come by www.imaginecraft.org and put in an application. Once approved, your access on the forums will be upgraded and you'll see the server information for Minecraft as well as TeamSpeak for voice chat. If you don't receive an activation email upon registering, check your spam folder. You will be presented with one anti-spam challenge question during registration that is minecraft related. I have listed the possible questions along with their answers below.
  Q. What grade of pickaxe must you use to mine obsidian?
A. Diamond
Q. What are the first 3 letters of our minecraft server name combined with the last 3 letters?
A. Imaaft
Q. A creeper hit by lightning becomes a _____ creeper.
A. charged
Q. Don't pick on these guys in the Nether or they'll gang up on you (2 words, plural)
A. Zombie Pigmen
Q. Zombies can sometimes drop what awesome food item?
A. Carrot
Thank you
Thank you for reading over this posting and we hope that you are interested to come check us out and join a community of like-minded gamers with talent! We are excited to be able to provide a great environment for you to play without worry of your creations and we'd like to see you develop and cultivate your skills. Whether you are a newbie or an experienced Minecraft player, we'd love to have you be involved with our community.
Thanks again!
0 notes
minrcrafter · 7 years
Tumblr media
ImagineCraft [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{Whitelist}{1.12.1}{17+}{Community}{Dynmap}{Anti-Grief}{Multi-World}
ImagineCraft is a whitelisted MineCraft server established May 25th, 2015. Most of our player base is within the USA; however, we do have numerous Europeans (~30% of the player population) (Brits, Dutchies, Irish, Finns, and Swedes) along with a few Aussies. We typically have around 10-20 players online during peak times and even more during special events. We would love to have you join us in our very community-minded MC world.
Your base is protected from griefing.
Newer Map! ImagineCraft is now on what we refer to as "Season 2" after a map reset on Dec 14, 2016 after just over 1.5 years of play! So if you're looking to not be far behind on player economy and still want to contribute in a positive manner, there is room to do so! We performed a map reset for technical reasons as our old map was 45Kx45K and disk space became an issue as well as needing to increase the borders due to game updates introducing new chunk generation behaviors. The community voted for and ultimately approved the map reset. Going forward we are making efforts to future-proof the map from resetting by utilizing a smaller border that expands as chunk generation behaviors change with game updates.
Go Exploring! The world is adequately sized with a reasonable border that allows for plenty of room for exploration and contains a vast variety of unique biomes! Feel free to claim an area or two to call your own or take the time to get out there and explore for whatever it is you're looking for, whether it's a specific biome or just a really cool landscape with an awesome view of the setting sun. If you find something cool, let us know!
Quick Travel - In Season 1, we utilized a warp system that relied on players having a set point to warp to as well as warp from...which was a big boon on a 45Kx45K map; however, with our Season 2 update and utilizing a smaller map, the community has installed an outstanding nether hub transportation system that allows for very fast travel using ice and boats, or jumping, or even minecarts to get where you need to go. You can quickly get from one end of the map to another in mere minutes.
MultiWorld - In addition to having an awesome survival world, we also have a creative world (inventory does not transfer) for testing purposes (palette schemes, redstone, etc).
TeamSpeak for voice chat so that you don't have to worry about typing "Creeper" when one is barreling right for your friend and flashing. ssSsSSsSsS BOOOOOM!!!
Server Admin/Owner and Mods that play the game just like you do. One of the largest complaints I've seen about other servers is immature staff. You won't find that here and we all know the line between staff duties and being a player so our powers are not abused. Myself, the owner, is 34. My Admin team is composed of players aged 23, 25, and 35. While age may just be a number, these individuals are very mature and conduct themselves in a professional manner while representing Staff functions.
There is always a contest, game, or special event that is occurring. We have held build contests, theater events, treasure hunting contests, trivia, and other assorted events. View our video of the Ghast Gauntlet Race or check out our YouTube channel for the most recent videos.
Community Wiki. Ever join a server and not know what has been done or where to go? Don't worry about that here with ImagineCraft. The entire community maintains a wiki that will help you get started, point of locations of interest, plugin commands, farm locations, pvp arenas and how to access them, etc. Plus you also get a tour when you join to show you the important things so you'll know what's what.
Be Yourself!. Nothing says be yourself than hanging out on TeamSpeak voice chatting with everyone and chilling inside dubtrack (plays songs for everyone simultaneously). Some of our most fun moments on the server have involved karaoke moments. Check out ImagineCraft sings Aqua's Barbie Girl and a new hit (I didn't even know I was being recorded by one of my players), me singing Ekzim sings Call Me Maybe. On a side note, it's a good thing I'm better with computers than I am at singing, hah.
As of Nov. 7th, 2015 we only accept players that are 17 years of age and older..
No malicious activity which includes griefing, hacking, or theft. We average one ban a month since May 2015. With theft being the leading crime, followed by x-rayers.
Player mods that defeat the challenge of playing on a semi-vanilla server are not allowed. An example would be running an x-ray mod or modified resource pack for direct access to ores.
Players are encouraged to lend a helping hand and to do things together like exploring, building, working on large-scale projects, etc. We get that sometimes it's cool to be solitary, but we're trying to avoid the lone ranger types that just go off and you never see them again. Why bother playing Multiplayer?
Be mature (as in, the opposite of immature, not meaning mature as in Rated-R mature) and remember the golden rule, do unto others and you'd have them do unto you. We are all about a positive experience on ImagineCraft and any negative behavior (aside from tasteful pranks) will result in you being banned.
Chat is to be kept family-friendly. TeamSpeak has a 17+ channel so you can be "adult" in there if you'd like, but our in-game chat is kept clean as we have a few under 17 that were here before the rule was passed to admit only 17+. Don't worry, they're exceptional and completely awesome.
Server Plugins
I do my best to preserve the vanilla feel as much as possible while allowing for certain plugins to be utilized to help enhance your experience. Here are some of the extras:
Dynmap - It's like Google Maps but for a Minecraft server. We even use it for some of our neat treasure hunts, such as Geocaching. Video here if you're curious about how we do geocaching on ImagineCraft.
PvP Plugins(2): We do have quite a few players who like to mix up the PvE experience with some PvP. Globally, PvP is disabled so unless you go to these areas, you won't have to worry about PvP. We have various arenas setup for Free for All as well as Capture the Flag. If you enjoy PvP and want to build arenas, I'll work with you to make it happen. The great thing about these plugins is that you can PvP without having to worry about losing your gear as your inventory is saved prior to playing and replenished after the match has ended. Kits are provided.
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) - Ever wish you could still keep in touch with those in game when you're out and about? No problem. We have an IRC bridge in place that will allow you to keep in touch with those in game on various devices and platforms. You can even just use a web browser instead of an actual IRC application. If you don't know anything about IRC, don't worry, our Wiki will walk you through everything you need to know to get started.
Server Specifications (Great Performance!)
Located in Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Intel Xeon Processor E3-1220 3.10GHz
Ram 32 GiB
Disk 240 GB SSD
Bandwidth 1 Gb Port
33TB Bandwidth transfer/month
Additional Information
Community Outreach Blog started April 14, 2017. The purpose of the blog is to give you additional insight into what is happening on ImagineCraft and to learn about our players.
Ongoing Reviews - All I did was ask for honest reviews from my players. You can read through the feedback there if you are curious about the server from a player perspective and why they enjoy the server as well as what would they change if they were the owner/admin.
We conduct surveys periodically to continuously drive for improvement on ImagineCraft. The latest survey, March 2016 had 42 total responses. These surveys cover everything from play experience, community feel, evaluating staff, and even staff feedback related to their job functions. If you really want to know what we're about, if you go through this, you'll know exactly what you're getting into. I'm a huge data nerd and this captures ImagineCraft completely. ImagineCraft is seriously dedicated to improving and ensuring a positive play experiences for everyone. Past Survey: Dec/Jan 2016
Interested in Joining ImagineCraft?
Come by www.imaginecraft.org and put in an application. Once approved, your access on the forums will be upgraded and you'll see the server information for Minecraft as well as TeamSpeak for voice chat. If you don't receive an activation email upon registering, check your spam folder. You will be presented with one anti-spam challenge question during registration that is minecraft related. I have listed the possible questions along with their answers below.
  Q. What grade of pickaxe must you use to mine obsidian?
A. Diamond
Q. What are the first 3 letters of our minecraft server name combined with the last 3 letters?
A. Imaaft
Q. A creeper hit by lightning becomes a _____ creeper.
A. charged
Q. Don't pick on these guys in the Nether or they'll gang up on you (2 words, plural)
A. Zombie Pigmen
Q. Zombies can sometimes drop what awesome food item?
A. Carrot
Thank you
Thank you for reading over this posting and we hope that you are interested to come check us out and join a community of like-minded gamers with talent! We are excited to be able to provide a great environment for you to play without worry of your creations and we'd like to see you develop and cultivate your skills. Whether you are a newbie or an experienced Minecraft player, we'd love to have you be involved with our community.
Thanks again!
0 notes
minrcrafter · 7 years
Tumblr media
ImagineCraft [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{Whitelist}{1.12.1}{17+}{Community}{Dynmap}{Anti-Grief}{Multi-World}
ImagineCraft is a whitelisted MineCraft server established May 25th, 2015. Most of our player base is within the USA; however, we do have numerous Europeans (~30% of the player population) (Brits, Dutchies, Irish, Finns, and Swedes) along with a few Aussies. We typically have around 10-20 players online during peak times and even more during special events. We would love to have you join us in our very community-minded MC world.
Your base is protected from griefing.
Newer Map! ImagineCraft is now on what we refer to as "Season 2" after a map reset on Dec 14, 2016 after just over 1.5 years of play! So if you're looking to not be far behind on player economy and still want to contribute in a positive manner, there is room to do so! We performed a map reset for technical reasons as our old map was 45Kx45K and disk space became an issue as well as needing to increase the borders due to game updates introducing new chunk generation behaviors. The community voted for and ultimately approved the map reset. Going forward we are making efforts to future-proof the map from resetting by utilizing a smaller border that expands as chunk generation behaviors change with game updates.
Go Exploring! The world is adequately sized with a reasonable border that allows for plenty of room for exploration and contains a vast variety of unique biomes! Feel free to claim an area or two to call your own or take the time to get out there and explore for whatever it is you're looking for, whether it's a specific biome or just a really cool landscape with an awesome view of the setting sun. If you find something cool, let us know!
Quick Travel - In Season 1, we utilized a warp system that relied on players having a set point to warp to as well as warp from...which was a big boon on a 45Kx45K map; however, with our Season 2 update and utilizing a smaller map, the community has installed an outstanding nether hub transportation system that allows for very fast travel using ice and boats, or jumping, or even minecarts to get where you need to go. You can quickly get from one end of the map to another in mere minutes.
MultiWorld - In addition to having an awesome survival world, we also have a creative world (inventory does not transfer) for testing purposes (palette schemes, redstone, etc).
TeamSpeak for voice chat so that you don't have to worry about typing "Creeper" when one is barreling right for your friend and flashing. ssSsSSsSsS BOOOOOM!!!
Server Admin/Owner and Mods that play the game just like you do. One of the largest complaints I've seen about other servers is immature staff. You won't find that here and we all know the line between staff duties and being a player so our powers are not abused. Myself, the owner, is 34. My Admin team is composed of players aged 23, 25, and 35. While age may just be a number, these individuals are very mature and conduct themselves in a professional manner while representing Staff functions.
There is always a contest, game, or special event that is occurring. We have held build contests, theater events, treasure hunting contests, trivia, and other assorted events. View our video of the Ghast Gauntlet Race or check out our YouTube channel for the most recent videos.
Community Wiki. Ever join a server and not know what has been done or where to go? Don't worry about that here with ImagineCraft. The entire community maintains a wiki that will help you get started, point of locations of interest, plugin commands, farm locations, pvp arenas and how to access them, etc. Plus you also get a tour when you join to show you the important things so you'll know what's what.
Be Yourself!. Nothing says be yourself than hanging out on TeamSpeak voice chatting with everyone and chilling inside dubtrack (plays songs for everyone simultaneously). Some of our most fun moments on the server have involved karaoke moments. Check out ImagineCraft sings Aqua's Barbie Girl and a new hit (I didn't even know I was being recorded by one of my players), me singing Ekzim sings Call Me Maybe. On a side note, it's a good thing I'm better with computers than I am at singing, hah.
As of Nov. 7th, 2015 we only accept players that are 17 years of age and older..
No malicious activity which includes griefing, hacking, or theft. We average one ban a month since May 2015. With theft being the leading crime, followed by x-rayers.
Player mods that defeat the challenge of playing on a semi-vanilla server are not allowed. An example would be running an x-ray mod or modified resource pack for direct access to ores.
Players are encouraged to lend a helping hand and to do things together like exploring, building, working on large-scale projects, etc. We get that sometimes it's cool to be solitary, but we're trying to avoid the lone ranger types that just go off and you never see them again. Why bother playing Multiplayer?
Be mature (as in, the opposite of immature, not meaning mature as in Rated-R mature) and remember the golden rule, do unto others and you'd have them do unto you. We are all about a positive experience on ImagineCraft and any negative behavior (aside from tasteful pranks) will result in you being banned.
Chat is to be kept family-friendly. TeamSpeak has a 17+ channel so you can be "adult" in there if you'd like, but our in-game chat is kept clean as we have a few under 17 that were here before the rule was passed to admit only 17+. Don't worry, they're exceptional and completely awesome.
Server Plugins
I do my best to preserve the vanilla feel as much as possible while allowing for certain plugins to be utilized to help enhance your experience. Here are some of the extras:
Dynmap - It's like Google Maps but for a Minecraft server. We even use it for some of our neat treasure hunts, such as Geocaching. Video here if you're curious about how we do geocaching on ImagineCraft.
PvP Plugins(2): We do have quite a few players who like to mix up the PvE experience with some PvP. Globally, PvP is disabled so unless you go to these areas, you won't have to worry about PvP. We have various arenas setup for Free for All as well as Capture the Flag. If you enjoy PvP and want to build arenas, I'll work with you to make it happen. The great thing about these plugins is that you can PvP without having to worry about losing your gear as your inventory is saved prior to playing and replenished after the match has ended. Kits are provided.
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) - Ever wish you could still keep in touch with those in game when you're out and about? No problem. We have an IRC bridge in place that will allow you to keep in touch with those in game on various devices and platforms. You can even just use a web browser instead of an actual IRC application. If you don't know anything about IRC, don't worry, our Wiki will walk you through everything you need to know to get started.
Server Specifications (Great Performance!)
Located in Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Intel Xeon Processor E3-1220 3.10GHz
Ram 32 GiB
Disk 240 GB SSD
Bandwidth 1 Gb Port
33TB Bandwidth transfer/month
Additional Information
Community Outreach Blog started April 14, 2017. The purpose of the blog is to give you additional insight into what is happening on ImagineCraft and to learn about our players.
Ongoing Reviews - All I did was ask for honest reviews from my players. You can read through the feedback there if you are curious about the server from a player perspective and why they enjoy the server as well as what would they change if they were the owner/admin.
We conduct surveys periodically to continuously drive for improvement on ImagineCraft. The latest survey, March 2016 had 42 total responses. These surveys cover everything from play experience, community feel, evaluating staff, and even staff feedback related to their job functions. If you really want to know what we're about, if you go through this, you'll know exactly what you're getting into. I'm a huge data nerd and this captures ImagineCraft completely. ImagineCraft is seriously dedicated to improving and ensuring a positive play experiences for everyone. Past Survey: Dec/Jan 2016
Interested in Joining ImagineCraft?
Come by www.imaginecraft.org and put in an application. Once approved, your access on the forums will be upgraded and you'll see the server information for Minecraft as well as TeamSpeak for voice chat. If you don't receive an activation email upon registering, check your spam folder. You will be presented with one anti-spam challenge question during registration that is minecraft related. I have listed the possible questions along with their answers below.
  Q. What grade of pickaxe must you use to mine obsidian?
A. Diamond
Q. What are the first 3 letters of our minecraft server name combined with the last 3 letters?
A. Imaaft
Q. A creeper hit by lightning becomes a _____ creeper.
A. charged
Q. Don't pick on these guys in the Nether or they'll gang up on you (2 words, plural)
A. Zombie Pigmen
Q. Zombies can sometimes drop what awesome food item?
A. Carrot
Thank you
Thank you for reading over this posting and we hope that you are interested to come check us out and join a community of like-minded gamers with talent! We are excited to be able to provide a great environment for you to play without worry of your creations and we'd like to see you develop and cultivate your skills. Whether you are a newbie or an experienced Minecraft player, we'd love to have you be involved with our community.
Thanks again!
0 notes
minrcrafter · 7 years
Tumblr media
ImagineCraft [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{Whitelist}{1.12}{17+}{Community}{Dynmap}{Anti-Grief}{Multi-World}
ImagineCraft is a whitelisted MineCraft server established May 25th, 2015. Most of our player base is within the USA; however, we do have numerous Europeans (~30% of the player population) (Brits, Dutchies, Irish, Finns, and Swedes) along with a few Aussies. We typically have around 10-20 players online during peak times and even more during special events. We would love to have you join us in our very community-minded MC world.
Your base is protected from griefing.
Newer Map! ImagineCraft is now on what we refer to as "Season 2" after a map reset on Dec 14, 2016 after just over 1.5 years of play! So if you're looking to not be far behind on player economy and still want to contribute in a positive manner, there is room to do so! We performed a map reset for technical reasons as our old map was 45Kx45K and disk space became an issue as well as needing to increase the borders due to game updates introducing new chunk generation behaviors. The community voted for and ultimately approved the map reset. Going forward we are making efforts to future-proof the map from resetting by utilizing a smaller border that expands as chunk generation behaviors change with game updates.
Go Exploring! The world is adequately sized with a reasonable border that allows for plenty of room for exploration and contains a vast variety of unique biomes! Feel free to claim an area or two to call your own or take the time to get out there and explore for whatever it is you're looking for, whether it's a specific biome or just a really cool landscape with an awesome view of the setting sun. If you find something cool, let us know!
Quick Travel - In Season 1, we utilized a warp system that relied on players having a set point to warp to as well as warp from...which was a big boon on a 45Kx45K map; however, with our Season 2 update and utilizing a smaller map, the community has installed an outstanding nether hub transportation system that allows for very fast travel using ice and boats, or jumping, or even minecarts to get where you need to go. You can quickly get from one end of the map to another in mere minutes.
MultiWorld - In addition to having an awesome survival world, we also have a creative world (inventory does not transfer) for testing purposes (palette schemes, redstone, etc).
TeamSpeak for voice chat so that you don't have to worry about typing "Creeper" when one is barreling right for your friend and flashing. ssSsSSsSsS BOOOOOM!!!
Server Admin/Owner and Mods that play the game just like you do. One of the largest complaints I've seen about other servers is immature staff. You won't find that here and we all know the line between staff duties and being a player so our powers are not abused. Myself, the owner, is 34. My Admin team is composed of players aged 23, 25, and 35. While age may just be a number, these individuals are very mature and conduct themselves in a professional manner while representing Staff functions.
There is always a contest, game, or special event that is occurring. We have held build contests, theater events, treasure hunting contests, trivia, and other assorted events. View our video of the Ghast Gauntlet Race or check out our YouTube channel for the most recent videos.
Community Wiki. Ever join a server and not know what has been done or where to go? Don't worry about that here with ImagineCraft. The entire community maintains a wiki that will help you get started, point of locations of interest, plugin commands, farm locations, pvp arenas and how to access them, etc. Plus you also get a tour when you join to show you the important things so you'll know what's what.
Be Yourself!. Nothing says be yourself than hanging out on TeamSpeak voice chatting with everyone and chilling inside dubtrack (plays songs for everyone simultaneously). Some of our most fun moments on the server have involved karaoke moments. Check out ImagineCraft sings Aqua's Barbie Girl and a new hit (I didn't even know I was being recorded by one of my players), me singing Ekzim sings Call Me Maybe. On a side note, it's a good thing I'm better with computers than I am at singing, hah.
As of Nov. 7th, 2015 we only accept players that are 17 years of age and older..
No malicious activity which includes griefing, hacking, or theft. We average one ban a month since May 2015. With theft being the leading crime, followed by x-rayers.
Player mods that defeat the challenge of playing on a semi-vanilla server are not allowed. An example would be running an x-ray mod or modified resource pack for direct access to ores.
Players are encouraged to lend a helping hand and to do things together like exploring, building, working on large-scale projects, etc. We get that sometimes it's cool to be solitary, but we're trying to avoid the lone ranger types that just go off and you never see them again. Why bother playing Multiplayer?
Be mature (as in, the opposite of immature, not meaning mature as in Rated-R mature) and remember the golden rule, do unto others and you'd have them do unto you. We are all about a positive experience on ImagineCraft and any negative behavior (aside from tasteful pranks) will result in you being banned.
Chat is to be kept family-friendly. TeamSpeak has a 17+ channel so you can be "adult" in there if you'd like, but our in-game chat is kept clean as we have a few under 17 that were here before the rule was passed to admit only 17+. Don't worry, they're exceptional and completely awesome.
Server Plugins
I do my best to preserve the vanilla feel as much as possible while allowing for certain plugins to be utilized to help enhance your experience. Here are some of the extras:
Dynmap - It's like Google Maps but for a Minecraft server. We even use it for some of our neat treasure hunts, such as Geocaching. Video here if you're curious about how we do geocaching on ImagineCraft.
PvP Plugins(2): We do have quite a few players who like to mix up the PvE experience with some PvP. Globally, PvP is disabled so unless you go to these areas, you won't have to worry about PvP. We have various arenas setup for Free for All as well as Capture the Flag. If you enjoy PvP and want to build arenas, I'll work with you to make it happen. The great thing about these plugins is that you can PvP without having to worry about losing your gear as your inventory is saved prior to playing and replenished after the match has ended. Kits are provided.
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) - Ever wish you could still keep in touch with those in game when you're out and about? No problem. We have an IRC bridge in place that will allow you to keep in touch with those in game on various devices and platforms. You can even just use a web browser instead of an actual IRC application. If you don't know anything about IRC, don't worry, our Wiki will walk you through everything you need to know to get started.
Server Specifications (Great Performance!)
Located in Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Intel Xeon Processor E3-1220 3.10GHz
Ram 32 GiB
Disk 240 GB SSD
Bandwidth 1 Gb Port
33TB Bandwidth transfer/month
Additional Information
Community Outreach Blog started April 14, 2017. The purpose of the blog is to give you additional insight into what is happening on ImagineCraft and to learn about our players.
Ongoing Reviews - All I did was ask for honest reviews from my players. You can read through the feedback there if you are curious about the server from a player perspective and why they enjoy the server as well as what would they change if they were the owner/admin.
We conduct surveys periodically to continuously drive for improvement on ImagineCraft. The latest survey, March 2016 had 42 total responses. These surveys cover everything from play experience, community feel, evaluating staff, and even staff feedback related to their job functions. If you really want to know what we're about, if you go through this, you'll know exactly what you're getting into. I'm a huge data nerd and this captures ImagineCraft completely. ImagineCraft is seriously dedicated to improving and ensuring a positive play experiences for everyone. Past Survey: Dec/Jan 2016
Interested in Joining ImagineCraft?
Come by www.imaginecraft.org and put in an application. Once approved, your access on the forums will be upgraded and you'll see the server information for Minecraft as well as TeamSpeak for voice chat. If you don't receive an activation email upon registering, check your spam folder. You will be presented with one anti-spam challenge question during registration that is minecraft related. I have listed the possible questions along with their answers below.
  Q. What grade of pickaxe must you use to mine obsidian?
A. Diamond
Q. What are the first 3 letters of our minecraft server name combined with the last 3 letters?
A. Imaaft
Q. A creeper hit by lightning becomes a _____ creeper.
A. charged
Q. Don't pick on these guys in the Nether or they'll gang up on you (2 words, plural)
A. Zombie Pigmen
Q. Zombies can sometimes drop what awesome food item?
A. Carrot
Thank you
Thank you for reading over this posting and we hope that you are interested to come check us out and join a community of like-minded gamers with talent! We are excited to be able to provide a great environment for you to play without worry of your creations and we'd like to see you develop and cultivate your skills. Whether you are a newbie or an experienced Minecraft player, we'd love to have you be involved with our community.
Thanks again!
0 notes
minrcrafter · 7 years
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ImagineCraft [Semi-Vanilla][SMP]{Whitelist}{1.12}{17+}{Community}{Dynmap}{Anti-Grief}{Multi-World}
ImagineCraft is a whitelisted MineCraft server established May 25th, 2015. Most of our player base is within the USA; however, we do have numerous Europeans (~30% of the player population) (Brits, Dutchies, Irish, Finns, and Swedes) along with a few Aussies. We typically have around 10-20 players online during peak times and even more during special events. We would love to have you join us in our very community-minded MC world.
Your base is protected from griefing.
Newer Map! ImagineCraft is now on what we refer to as "Season 2" after a map reset on Dec 14, 2016 after just over 1.5 years of play! So if you're looking to not be far behind on player economy and still want to contribute in a positive manner, there is room to do so! We performed a map reset for technical reasons as our old map was 45Kx45K and disk space became an issue as well as needing to increase the borders due to game updates introducing new chunk generation behaviors. The community voted for and ultimately approved the map reset. Going forward we are making efforts to future-proof the map from resetting by utilizing a smaller border that expands as chunk generation behaviors change with game updates.
Go Exploring! The world is adequately sized with a reasonable border that allows for plenty of room for exploration and contains a vast variety of unique biomes! Feel free to claim an area or two to call your own or take the time to get out there and explore for whatever it is you're looking for, whether it's a specific biome or just a really cool landscape with an awesome view of the setting sun. If you find something cool, let us know!
Quick Travel - In Season 1, we utilized a warp system that relied on players having a set point to warp to as well as warp from...which was a big boon on a 45Kx45K map; however, with our Season 2 update and utilizing a smaller map, the community has installed an outstanding nether hub transportation system that allows for very fast travel using ice and boats, or jumping, or even minecarts to get where you need to go. You can quickly get from one end of the map to another in mere minutes.
MultiWorld - In addition to having an awesome survival world, we also have a creative world (inventory does not transfer) for testing purposes (palette schemes, redstone, etc).
TeamSpeak for voice chat so that you don't have to worry about typing "Creeper" when one is barreling right for your friend and flashing. ssSsSSsSsS BOOOOOM!!!
Server Admin/Owner and Mods that play the game just like you do. One of the largest complaints I've seen about other servers is immature staff. You won't find that here and we all know the line between staff duties and being a player so our powers are not abused. Myself, the owner, is 34. My Admin team is composed of players aged 23, 25, and 35. While age may just be a number, these individuals are very mature and conduct themselves in a professional manner while representing Staff functions.
There is always a contest, game, or special event that is occurring. We have held build contests, theater events, treasure hunting contests, trivia, and other assorted events. View our video of the Ghast Gauntlet Race or check out our YouTube channel for the most recent videos.
Community Wiki. Ever join a server and not know what has been done or where to go? Don't worry about that here with ImagineCraft. The entire community maintains a wiki that will help you get started, point of locations of interest, plugin commands, farm locations, pvp arenas and how to access them, etc. Plus you also get a tour when you join to show you the important things so you'll know what's what.
Be Yourself!. Nothing says be yourself than hanging out on TeamSpeak voice chatting with everyone and chilling inside dubtrack (plays songs for everyone simultaneously). Some of our most fun moments on the server have involved karaoke moments. Check out ImagineCraft sings Aqua's Barbie Girl and a new hit (I didn't even know I was being recorded by one of my players), me singing Ekzim sings Call Me Maybe. On a side note, it's a good thing I'm better with computers than I am at singing, hah.
As of Nov. 7th, 2015 we only accept players that are 17 years of age and older..
No malicious activity which includes griefing, hacking, or theft. We average one ban a month since May 2015. With theft being the leading crime, followed by x-rayers.
Player mods that defeat the challenge of playing on a semi-vanilla server are not allowed. An example would be running an x-ray mod or modified resource pack for direct access to ores.
Players are encouraged to lend a helping hand and to do things together like exploring, building, working on large-scale projects, etc. We get that sometimes it's cool to be solitary, but we're trying to avoid the lone ranger types that just go off and you never see them again. Why bother playing Multiplayer?
Be mature (as in, the opposite of immature, not meaning mature as in Rated-R mature) and remember the golden rule, do unto others and you'd have them do unto you. We are all about a positive experience on ImagineCraft and any negative behavior (aside from tasteful pranks) will result in you being banned.
Chat is to be kept family-friendly. TeamSpeak has a 17+ channel so you can be "adult" in there if you'd like, but our in-game chat is kept clean as we have a few under 17 that were here before the rule was passed to admit only 17+. Don't worry, they're exceptional and completely awesome.
Server Plugins
I do my best to preserve the vanilla feel as much as possible while allowing for certain plugins to be utilized to help enhance your experience. Here are some of the extras:
Dynmap - It's like Google Maps but for a Minecraft server. We even use it for some of our neat treasure hunts, such as Geocaching. Video here if you're curious about how we do geocaching on ImagineCraft.
PvP Plugins(2): We do have quite a few players who like to mix up the PvE experience with some PvP. Globally, PvP is disabled so unless you go to these areas, you won't have to worry about PvP. We have various arenas setup for Free for All as well as Capture the Flag. If you enjoy PvP and want to build arenas, I'll work with you to make it happen. The great thing about these plugins is that you can PvP without having to worry about losing your gear as your inventory is saved prior to playing and replenished after the match has ended. Kits are provided.
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) - Ever wish you could still keep in touch with those in game when you're out and about? No problem. We have an IRC bridge in place that will allow you to keep in touch with those in game on various devices and platforms. You can even just use a web browser instead of an actual IRC application. If you don't know anything about IRC, don't worry, our Wiki will walk you through everything you need to know to get started.
Server Specifications (Great Performance!)
Located in Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Intel Xeon Processor E3-1220 3.10GHz
Ram 32 GiB
Disk 240 GB SSD
Bandwidth 1 Gb Port
33TB Bandwidth transfer/month
Additional Information
Community Outreach Blog started April 14, 2017. The purpose of the blog is to give you additional insight into what is happening on ImagineCraft and to learn about our players.
Ongoing Reviews - All I did was ask for honest reviews from my players. You can read through the feedback there if you are curious about the server from a player perspective and why they enjoy the server as well as what would they change if they were the owner/admin.
We conduct surveys periodically to continuously drive for improvement on ImagineCraft. The latest survey, March 2016 had 42 total responses. These surveys cover everything from play experience, community feel, evaluating staff, and even staff feedback related to their job functions. If you really want to know what we're about, if you go through this, you'll know exactly what you're getting into. I'm a huge data nerd and this captures ImagineCraft completely. ImagineCraft is seriously dedicated to improving and ensuring a positive play experiences for everyone. Past Survey: Dec/Jan 2016
Interested in Joining ImagineCraft?
Come by www.imaginecraft.org and put in an application. Once approved, your access on the forums will be upgraded and you'll see the server information for Minecraft as well as TeamSpeak for voice chat. If you don't receive an activation email upon registering, check your spam folder. You will be presented with one anti-spam challenge question during registration that is minecraft related. I have listed the possible questions along with their answers below.
  Q. What grade of pickaxe must you use to mine obsidian?
A. Diamond
Q. What are the first 3 letters of our minecraft server name combined with the last 3 letters?
A. Imaaft
Q. A creeper hit by lightning becomes a _____ creeper.
A. charged
Q. Don't pick on these guys in the Nether or they'll gang up on you (2 words, plural)
A. Zombie Pigmen
Q. Zombies can sometimes drop what awesome food item?
A. Carrot
Thank you
Thank you for reading over this posting and we hope that you are interested to come check us out and join a community of like-minded gamers with talent! We are excited to be able to provide a great environment for you to play without worry of your creations and we'd like to see you develop and cultivate your skills. Whether you are a newbie or an experienced Minecraft player, we'd love to have you be involved with our community.
Thanks again!
0 notes
minrcrafter · 7 years
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Link to previous Server Launch post and comments/reviews: http://ift.tt/2wexW0q
Server IP: mc.zecon.ca
Opening Date: July 11th, 2017
Fresh Reset: July 28th, 2017
About Us
    Here at ZECON MC, we are a small group of hard working guys who aim to create the ultimate Eco-Survival Minecraft experience. I have tried servers for ages, looking for all the features of large scale servers but with the friendly community of a small server, and there were always aspects of other servers I would change. After years of playing and even staffing other servers, I decided to put a couple months into developing my own server. We based it on survival but included many attractive plugins to spice up the game and always keep players aiming for more without making it a separate game from Vanilla MC.
[1] There will be no griefing, all actions are subject to review of a staff member but fit these general guidelines:
Breaking other players blocks
Placing on other players land
Killing other players mob
Stealing from other players containers
[2] Chat must be kept appropriate at all times or keep it to private messages, with following additions:
No political discussion in public chat
Keep swearing to a minimum, except in private messages (see point IV)
No derogatory terms as deemed offensive by any staff on duty
If swearing is used to offend others in PMs, it will be punished
We are not strictly a family friendly server, but excessive swearing and derogatory terms are unnecessary
[3] No mods of any sort that is not solely a minimap mod will be allowed on the server, under any circumstance.
Minimap mods must be strictly minimap mods, e.g.: Xaero's, Voxel, Rei's
First offense of this is an immediate permanent ban, with no option to appeal
We use the latest in X-Ray detection, have dedicated people to monitoring this, along with plugins
Contact any staff member before using a mod on this server, even minimap mods, to verify its usage
[4] No duplications or Minecraft bug exploitations.
Any evidence of these 'glitches' being exploited will be found
First offense of this is a 1-day temp-ban, followed by a permanent ban on the second offense
Staff use judgment to decide what is exploitation, there will be no arguing these
[5] Use common sense. If it feels as though you shouldn't do it, don't.
Ask any staff member if you are uncertain if what you are doing is allowed.
Any form of player exploitation or scamming is a bannable offense, as investigated and found by staff.
All incidents fall into any current staff on duty to decide what breaks rules.
These rules are a base guideline, all decisions on what is allowed and not allowed ultimately fall to the staff team. You can appeal any of these rules that do not state 'No Appeals' on our Punishment section of the forum.
    New on July 28th Reset! We've added multiple new features, such as MythicMobs + Custom Dungeons where adventurers go to collect loot, conquer Bosses and more. Also added:
    One of our main features would be our Economy, which runs off of ChestShop, AuctionHouse and player trading, with no server shops and set prices, leaving the economy open to being set and developed by our players.
    Another is the fact that we use custom scripts and plugins that we wrote ourselves, found on no other servers. We created a unique 'Relic' system of powerful items and currencies, tradeable just like other items in the game, but much stronger. These are obtained through killing mobs, completing dungeons, winning events, and more, providing a new goal not seen before in Vanilla Survival and adding a whole new dimension of physical currencies to our Economy.
    Our ranking system is also a huge part of what makes ZECON MC so great. Instead of ranking up solely based on playtime, ranks are now purchased with in-game currency, which is made by doing Jobs, killing mobs, special events, minigames, selling items to players, our Auction House, and much more. These ranks are progressively more expensive but offer more lucrative rewards. Do you have what it takes to climb to the Elite of ZECON MC?
Why Us?
    Yes, our custom features are nice, and yes, a dynamic player-controlled economy is much better than a static AdminShop economy, but these are only a part of why ZECON MC should be your go-to Survival Server choice. The main reason is that we are only a small server starting off, we have a close group of friends that staff our server and we all are dedicated to keeping our players happy. Everyone gets to know everyone, and you have a chance to grow and be part of ZECON MC when it is a headline server. We hope to see you in the game and thank you for your time.
Lucas (Lucfours), ZECON MC Owner
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