#mythsandlegends theravensociety
rlgeerrobbins · 5 months
Snippet from my upcoming book.
Sometimes, writing fantasy allows us to say what we shouldn't say.
 Day 13 of 365 days. 352 days left to go. Nothing profound or inspirational today. Just wanted to share one of my favorite parts of my upcoming book- The Witch and the Prophet. Sometimes, writing fantasy allows us to say what we shouldn’t say. I joyfully await the exit- and I hope never to return. Frida Kahlo Until tomorrow my friends, Keep Reading and Stay Caffeniated. If tales of legend,…
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rlgeerrobbins · 5 months
Prohibition begins today.
Today marks the begining of America's great experiment by limiting the individual freedom to increase collective well-being. But why didn't it work?
 Day 17 of 365 days. 348 days left to go. Did you know that today was the beginning of Prohibition? Here are some cool facts that I found: Prohibition is the only amendment to the Constitution to have been repealed. Drinking wasn’t prohibited. Just the manufacture, sale and transport. President Wilson had a personal wine cellar in the White House, so when he left office- he had to get…
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rlgeerrobbins · 5 months
National Nothing Day. Yes, it's a real thing...
According to the Internet, it is National Nothing Day. And before you ask, yes, this is a thing.
 Day 16 of 365 days. 349 days left to go. According to the Internet, it is National Nothing Day. And before you ask, yes, this is a thing. In 1972, columnist Harold Pullman Coffin proposed a day that the calendar had NOTHING on it. No celebrations. No national holidays. No famous person’s birthday party. Nothing. Interestingly, this is not the first time a ‘nothing’ holiday has been proposed.…
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rlgeerrobbins · 5 months
Motivational Monday
Collectively, we have all decided that Mondays are so horrific that we need to come together to convince ourselves to get ready for the week.
 Day 15 of 365 days. 350 days left to go. According to the web world, it is Motivational Monday. Strange, don’t you think? Collectively, we have all decided that Mondays are so horrific that we need to come together to convince ourselves to get ready for the week. That’s sad, right? Monday, for me right now, is a breath of fresh air. It’s eight hours that I don’t have to worry about anything…
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rlgeerrobbins · 5 months
Big Annoucment
I feel like I have lived a year in the last two weeks. 2024 has been exhausting.
 Day 14 of 365 days. 351 days left to go. I feel like I have lived a year in the last two weeks. 2024 has been exhausting. But here is my big announcement. After a lot of self-reflection, I have decided to pursue the traditional publishing route. Why, you ask if I am getting traction in the self-publishing world? One has to acknowledge and accept their strengths and weaknesses. I cannot be…
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rlgeerrobbins · 5 months
Learning how to make t-shirts. What could go wrong?
Lets add another project to our already full plate. What can possibly go wrong? Oh, let me count the ways!
 Day 12 of 365 days. 353 days left to go. Real quick. I have something to tell you. You’re going to laugh. My husband and I decided to make T-shirts for his company. As you all know, when you are part of a ‘world,’ t-shirts, stickers, and hats come with it. It doesn’t matter what your hobby or passion is, there will be a T-shirt. Hell, half the time, I sign up for a 5k because I like the…
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rlgeerrobbins · 5 months
My first Book Club meeting...
If you're ever invited to a book club meeting- you should go! Food, books, and friends. What I discovered might surprise you!
 Day 11 of 365 days. 354 days left to go. I went to my first in-person book club meeting a couple of days ago. After work. In person. At night. I think that alone should qualify me for some type of award. I have never been to a book club meeting before. This is ironic because I have been invited to join this club every year for the last 10 years. But I finally got the nerve to go and…
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rlgeerrobbins · 5 months
Indie Bookstore does not mean it supports Indie Authors
Indie Bookstores don't necessarily support Indie Authors.
 Day 10 of 365 days. 355 days left to go. I have seen an increase in support small business and down with major corporations, and I want to give my two cents on this topic as it pertains to Indie Authors. First I need to say- supporting small businesses is great! I love family-owned restaurants. I love supporting local artists and vendors at pop-up art festivals. I enjoy getting to know other…
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rlgeerrobbins · 5 months
Doing things after work...
I'm doing it. I have joined a book club. In person. Human interaction, books, and food! The perfect way to spend a evening.
 Day 9 of 365 days. 356 days left to go. Just recently, I decided to change my ways. I have always been a creature of continuity. I also wake up before 4:30 a.m. I have the same routine every morning. Coffee, animals, smoke, write, social media. Every morning without fail. After work? You would be lucky if I made it to the grocery store. Which is most likely what I am doing because the animals…
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rlgeerrobbins · 5 months
I almost had it....
Sometimes having total control can also mean having a hard time making a decision that will affect your life, business, or sanity.
 Day 8 of 365 days. 357 days left to go. I woke up sweating. Why, you ask? Because I rewrote the ending to The Witch and the Prophet yesterday. And then at 2 a.m. I decided I didn’t like it. Maybe because it was too clean? Is it possible that it answered too many questions? Maybe the bad guy becomes too good? It could be because I am killing off a main charcter that people like. I don’t know.…
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rlgeerrobbins · 5 months
It takes only one moment to make a difference
It's the small things in life that we do for each other that make all the difference!
 Day 7 of 365 days. 358 days left to go. I may have freaked out yesterday about my upcoming release. Small. Tiny really. Only one coffee mug was in danger. But then something magical happened. The editing process went smoothly. The words flowed. The story came alive. The excitement for my book was rekindled. Shit! It’s a really entertaining book, in my humble opinion, of course. And then…
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rlgeerrobbins · 5 months
One week to go... and I'm not ready
Seven days until my next book launches, and all hell breaks loose. Seven days to fix two books. What could go wrong?
 Day 6 of 365 days. 359 days left to go. Yesterday was a milestone in my writing career. It was a day of celebration and cake. Did I celebrate and get cake? Nope. I got notified that my book, The Writer and the Librarian, had a glitch in the ebook version. Over 200 people had a book that wasn’t formatted correctly. I pulled the book and begged Amazon to push out my release date for The Witch…
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rlgeerrobbins · 5 months
Happy Birthday- The Writer and the Librarian
Happy 1st Birthday to The Writer and the Librarian. I should get cake for surviving the last 365 days!
 Day 5 of 365 days. 360 days left to go. Today is a milestone, friends! It has been a year since The Writer and the Librarian was released! What a milestone! What an accomplishment. What a year! I have aged so much in the past 365 days, lol. Let’s talk about this because I am reflecting on the good and the bad of learning about the self-publishing world. I have made some wonderful friends…
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rlgeerrobbins · 5 months
The downsides of building a name for yourself.
Building a brand is more than just creating a cool logo. It's sleepless nights and an unhealthy addiction to coffee.
Day 4 of 365 days. 361 days left to go. As a ‘newbie’ author, one of the most important things I have learned in the last year is how to build a solid brand. This is second only to writing a book. And I have learned that it is harder than just designing a cool logo and posting it as your Facebook profile picture. Now, before you say to yourself, ‘Well, shouldn’t the book build the brand for…
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rlgeerrobbins · 8 months
Tombstones can tell a lot about the person.
Gravestones say a lot about the dead and the living. Let's explore some of the more unique ones that I could find.
Friends, Day 11 of the 31 Days of Myths, Magic, Mayhem, and more… I will be your host for the evening, and tonight, I want to talk about tombstones. We have already explored some of the best graveyards in the world- but now let’s walk into the cemetery, find the most unique monuments, and discover why we bury our loved ones the way we do. Quick history into tombstones Tombstones, or markers…
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rlgeerrobbins · 8 months
Halloween Humor for your Monday
Why are Monday's vampires' favorite day of the week? Because they suck! Enjoy a little bit of Halloween humor!
Friends, Day 10 of the 31 Days of Myths, Magic, Mayhem, and more… I will be your host for the evening, and tonight, lets celebrate the season with some of the best and worst Halloween humor that I could find. Why did the ghost quit his job? Because they kept making him work the graveyard shift! Where do spiders do their Halloween shopping? On the inter web. Why do cemeteries have waiting…
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