#nah cause post race got me bricked up
vibes-and-visuals · 4 months
I only got into formula 1 in like early November 2023 but god it has consumed me wholly, what do I even do with myself now. I love these millionaires and this fucking sport, god I love cars.
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lauraashley93 · 4 years
Another try at fanfiction. I debated for a good minute about posting this because I don’t feel like it’s as good but eh. Here it is.
Halloween scare
Reader and a couple of the Mayans are coming over for Halloween fun when things start getting a little spooky!
Warnings: none? Swearing?
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It was Halloween night and Coco, Letty, Ez and Angel were all going to your house to watch scary movies and eat popcorn all night. You had spent all day decorating. You had all the lights off. Candles lit everywhere giving off that spooky feeling. Those silly wine glasses that looked like they were being held by Skelton hands filled with everyone’s drink of choice, big orange and black bowls filled with everything to chips and dip, popcorn and candy. You literally researched every “piss your pants” scary movie known to man to make sure there were no boring ones to slip through. You were dressed in your super fuzzy and soft pumpkin pajama pants with your over sized black shirt that had a ghost on it. To say you were completely extra was an understatement but you were excited and couldn’t wait for everyone to get there.
Soon enough everyone arrived. Letty was admiring all your work and Angel laughed and shook his head.
“Y/n you really have an obsession. There’s gotta be like a Halloween anonymous for you to attend.”
You narrowed your eyes and stuck your tongue out. “Very funny Reyes. Halloween is literally the BEST holiday. We WOULD be finding haunted houses to attend but SOMEONE is a party pooper.”
You rolled your eyes at Angel who just waved you off.
“Those are lame. Not even worth the money. They aren’t even scary. I have to look at Coco every day, now that, that is scary.“
Letty shrugged. “I don’t know. Sounds kinda great to me! Being scared is fun.”
Ez laughed. “It’s alright guys. Angel is just scared he will piss his pants in front of everyone. “
Angel scoffed at his little brother as Coco laughed
“Yeah Angel. Wouldn’t wanna embarrass yourself in front of” coco nodded to you and Angel elbowed coco before he could finish his sentence and shot him a glare. You were too busy laughing and putting in the first movie to notice the little exchange though.
“Okay okay, settle down children. Let’s get this party started!!” You said excitedly as you clapped your hands together.
You sat on the end of the couch followed by Angel. Ez sat on your recliner while Letty and Coco sat on the mess of blankets and pillows you had on the floor. You turned on the first movie and the marathon began.
Three movies later as you’re engulfed in the movie the conjuring you hear a noise in your attic. You furrow your eyebrows together and pause the movie.
“Hey! What are you doing it was just getting good!” Coco shouted in frustration.
“Hush! Didn’t you hear that?” You whispered a look of worry covering your face.
Ez rolled his eyes. “Y/n, you’re just being paranoid. Calm down and watch the movie. “
Angel laughed “yeah mami quit being such a scaredy-cat!”
Letty looked at the guys “no, I heard it too! What if it’s a ghost! Or a killer?!”
Angel rolled his eyes. “Really? Three movies in and you guys are already being ridiculous. And you think you could make it through a haunted house?”
Ez laughed “look, it’s probably just the wind. It is pretty windy out tonight. Just relax. If there is anymore noises I’ll go check it out to ease your mind.”
You pout and snuggle to your blanket and replay the movie but your attention isn’t quite on the movie anymore. Your paranoia is getting to you and you realize that as soon as Letty moves to stretch and you scream because the sudden movement startles you. Everyone is looking at you and you laugh nervously.
“I think I’m gonna go get more beer. Anyone want anything?”
Letty shakes her head. “No, but I’ll go with you.”
You both walk into the kitchen as the boys continue to watch the movie coco turns his attention to Angel.
“So, Hermano, when you gonna man up and make a move on y/n?”
Angels eyes grow wide as he looks at Coco. “What are you a fucking girl? This isn’t a slumber party and we ain’t gossiping so suck a dick bro.”
Ez laughs “come on Angel why so defensive? Why not just go for it?”
“Because dumbass. She, she isn’t into me. Besides, we’re best friends. ”
Ez rolled his eyes “oh quit being a pussy and ask her. You aren’t scared of ghost and goblins but when it comes to a y/h spunky girl, you freeze up. “
Ez and coco laugh as Angel stares daggers at them as y/n walks back into the room.
“What’s so funny you stooges?”
Ez smiles and shakes his head “not a thing mami, not a thing. “
Coco looks around and furrows his brow. “Where’s Letty?”
You look around and shrug. “I don’t know. I thought she came back out here. Maybe she went to the bathroom?”
Right then you all heard a loud scream. Coco jumped up and ran to the back the three of you following close behind him as you start flipping on all the lights.
“She’s probably trying to scare y/n” Ez says trying to relax everyone.
“Letty, leticia! Where are you?” Coco yelled
“Come on Letty this shit ain’t funny” y/n yelled.
The lights start to flicker until they completely shut off. Everything goes quiet for a few moments as the lights turn back on. Angel looks around making sure he sees you first a sigh of relief seeing you’re safe. You smile and grab his hand you look at Coco and grab his hand next holding on tight as if they’re going to disappear.
“Where’s Ez?” You ask.
Angel looks around “EZ? Letty? Yo quit playing your stupid game. It’s getting old and I wanna finish the movie.”
Y/n whispers “you really think they are just playing a prank??”
Angel nods “pff yeah. All that talk about haunted houses not being scary. Probably just trying to pull a fast one. The shit is stupid.”
Coco nods. “Yeah, well shit ain’t funny no more. Leticia get your fucking ass out here or you’re grounded.”
Y/n raises an eyebrow at Coco, trying not to laugh at his attempt at fatherly demands.
“Grounded?” Angel asks the humor in his voice clear as day. “She would beat your ass before she let you ground her papi coco”
Y/n laughed but quickly recovered as Coco glared at the two of you.
“Aye she knows I ain’t playing. We got a mutual respect of things. And making me think a ghost fuckin snatched her ass is grounds for grounding.”
Coco went to go say something else as the lights went off again this time you hear glass shatter and felt Coco’s hand being snatched out of yours as he starts yelling.
“Aye get the fuck off me. I ain’t the one Im gon’ fuck you up. “
“COCO!” Y/n yells
It’s quiet now. Nothing but the sound of the clock ticking as you wait for the lights to come on and you hear Angel sigh.
“So he’s in on it to? Come on guys. You’re gonna have to try harder than that.”
You’re shaking at this point as you’re holding on to Angel. “I don’t think this is a joke, Angel. I’m scared.”
Angels heart races as you hold him tightly and he wraps his arms back around you.
“It’s okay y/n. I gotchu. They’re just trying to pull a Halloween prank. ”
The lights come back on as you look around. The crashing noise had been a vase and Coco was no where to be seen. Angel was getting annoyed.
“Alright shit heads games over. Come out.”
The lights flickered again your grip tightened on Angel and there was a noise behind you. You both turn around as the lights flicker there is a figure at the end of the hall. It’s black shape and white face staring back at you. It slowly raises its hand Pointing toward the two of you.
“Ha. Ha. Very funny. Bravo guys. “
Angel speaks out to the figure and the lights turn out again. You hold your breath as you hear the floor creak. Gripping on to Angel so tight your hand start to hurt. You can swear the creaking gets louder and closer until... it stops. the air is thick and you can swear you hear angels heart rate quicken. A few seconds feels like hours until.. the light pops on and BAM the figure is right there you scream as it grabs ahold of you and drags you back like it’s simply floating quickly across the floor. Angels eyes go wide
“ANGEL! HELP ME.” You scream. Desperate to get out of the grips of whatever has a hold of you.
Angel takes off running as the lights turn off again. He stops, breathing heavily. Continuing to slowly walk forward.
“Y/n where are you??” His voice is shaky.
He hears something behind him and he turns around quickly trying to see through the darkness. “Y/!n? Coco? Letty? Ez?”
He continues to walk until he feels like he hits a brick wall. He stops, swallows hard and looks up just in time for the lights to come on. He backs up to take in the full picture. A big man in butcher like clothes with blood all over them. A face that looks like it has been cut and rotted? Glossed over eyes, almost zombie like... but zombies aren’t real..are they?
His mind is spazzing as he finally looks down seeing him drag something by their hair, no not something, someone, Letty. He screams and goes to turn around and he turns right into three people in white masks and he stops and drops to his knees screaming so high pitched it might have been mistaken for a girl. Falling to his knees he covers his eyes waiting for his demise but instead he is met with.. laughter? He peeks up seeing coco, you and Ez take off the masks. He turns around seeing Letty getting up laughing. The guy in butchers clothing peeling back the latex on his face revealing Gilly as the culprit. Everyone is laughing except Angel. He slowly stands up and his once scared face is now annoyed as he starts walking toward your back door. You stop laughing “oh no, did we go too far?”
Coco laughed again. “Nah. He will be okay. Just mad cause we got the best of him. “
Ez wiped the tears from his eyes caused from his laughter “yeah, don’t worry about him.” He turned to Gilly, “thanks for the help man, he definitely didn’t expect that. “
Gilly laughed “I’m happy to help. How did you all get it to look like y/n got pulled down the hallway?”
As Coco explained that they had Letty get dressed and put a belt and rope around her and had her stand on a old skateboard so ez and coco could roll her back one they grabbed you, you made you way to the back yard where Angel was out smoking a cigarette.
“Hey” your voice was quiet as you walked up to him. “Don’t be mad at them. It was my idea. I didn’t think you’d get upset.
Angel rolled his eyes. “Upset? How would I not be upset at the thought of the love of my life being taken away and possibly killed?” Angel stopped talking as his cheeks for red as he realized what he just said. You eyes grew wide as his words sank in.
“What? What did you say?” You looked at up him. Angel just stared at the ground and sighed.
“Look, I’m in love with you y/n. I have been for awhile and I didn’t know how to tell you because I didn’t want to ruin anything and I didn’t want ruin what we did have because I can’t stand the thought of you not in my life.”
Y/n is now smiling at his rambling and shuts him up by slamming her body to his and kissing him fast and hard. Angel wraps his arms around you and kisses you back urgently. Feeling intoxicated by your taste. You finally pull back to catch your breath with a smile on your lips.
“Angel Reyes, you sir are an idiot. If I knew all it took was someone trying to kidnap me to get you to tell me I would have done this a long time ago. I love you, too. I was just waiting for you to grow a pair and come claim me. “
Angel smiled at that and pulled you closer. “Well consider yourself claimed mi amor. You are mine forever now.”
You both smiled kissing each other again as you could hear shouting and “finally’s” coming from the house.
“It’s about damn time. Now , get your asses in here so we can finish this movie.” Letty explained as you and Angel laughed following her inside to continue your movie night. Halloween is always amazing for you, but this will always be your favorite.
@angelreyesgirl @auroraariza @spookys-girl @trulysuccubus @stunning-shitz
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kotas-dump · 6 years
Ok so I was looking through the earlier posts of tmnt gifs and good god. Their smiles. I swear I would just freeze and stare if I ever saw that irl (esp. Raph). Can you write a little something about a female reader that sees the turtles smiles and they try to play it off like they were “lost in thought.”
It was to long of a story to tell but you’d ended up as the turtle’s ‘friend’. A pizza delivery girl.  They were always gone so quick it was hard to really ever see them so you offered to bring the pizza into the sewers and wait in one of the pipes for them to come to you.
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Leo: He rarely came for the pizza and when he did it was with Mikey racing behind him. Today though there was no Mikey. Just Leo, striding down the sewer and waving at you.Had his eyes always been such a rich dark blue?
He pauses infront of you, head tilted slightly as he takes the pizza box held out for him. He’s speaking.. a question?
“S-sorry. The lights make your eyes pop. It’s..beautiful.” You make a fist and fling your fingers outward to accent the ‘pop’.
Leo’s lips pull up into a smile and he chuckles. Looking down for only a moment before directing that blue gaze right back at you.
You can feel your heart flutter as you stare openly at that smile of his. It isn’t until he raises a brow that you snap out of your stupor.
“S-so! Uh..No Mikey today?” You wonder, glancing up at those deep blue eyes.
“Nah. Raph had him pinned-”
“WOO~!!” Mikey’s signature cry echoed through the tunnels and cut of the infamous leader.
“That’s my cue to leave. Same time next week?” He doesn’t really stick around though, he’s off down the pipeline in a fluttering heartbeat.
Sighing you feel yourself melt.
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Donnie: Lately Donnie had been the one picking up pizza’s. Taking the time to talk about games or tech with you for just a few minutes before he left.
Today though.. He was smiling when he rounded the bend. Waving as soon as he saw you. Oh man you were a gonner. Someone send the crash cart and a doctor cause your heart gave out.
He comes to a stop in front of you, taking the pizza and already talking about some tech when it clicks. You’re staring at him and not a word of what he’s saying is reaching you.
Slowly, he glances around before waving a hand in front of your face. Breaking the charmed spell that smile had on you.
Somehow the smile only grows.
“H-huh? I’m sorry I spaced off there for a moment. W-what did you say?” A sheepish smile graces your features.
Shooting you a knowing smile Donnie turns, plucking a piece of tech from his gear. When he turns back he’s still smiling as he holds it out to you.
“A…radio?” You question the gift but take it, turning it over in your hands.
“Yeah. So uh.. We can talk more. You don’t have a computer right? I had to make some modifications…-” Off he goes, talking tech with that sunshine warm smile on his face.
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You teased each other relentlessly in an unspoken ‘thing’ between you two ever since he’d volunteered to get the pizzas.
Even now he was stalking toward you, attempting to be ‘silent’ as he approached you from behind.
At the last moment you spun around, holding the pizza box. “GOTCHA!”
Rapheal scoffed and rolled his eyes. “I wasn’t even trying.” Shaking his head he continued his swagger towards you.
“Uh-huuuuhhh.” Rolling your own eyes you hold out the pizza for him. “I told you. I have the hearing of a BAT.”
That gets him to smile. “You got the face of one too.” He teases.
Your jaw drops and you pop him on the arm as you both break into laughter. You recover faster than he does though and you get to drink in the sight of his laughter.
Raph’s laughter fades and he looks back to you confused. Your expression one he’d never seen before.
A familiar heat of embarrassment crawls up your neck to nest in your cheeks and you shove the wall of muscle. “Oh get going already! It’s going to get cold.” You throw your weight into his body but he doesn’t budge.
Instead, he gives you a long look before turning to leave. “Next time i’ll surprise you!” Waving over his shoulder you press your hands to your flushed face.
“Maybe i’ll surprise you…” You whisper once he’s out of earshot.
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You always knew when mikey beat his brothers in the race to get pizza. He practically announced his presence with that skateboard of his. The grinding of plastic tires on brick echoed in the sewers a good thirty seconds before his dramatic entrance.
He lauched himself around the bend, picking up his skateboard and running with the forward momentum. “HEY! ANGELCAKES COMING THROUGH WITH THE PIZZA DELIVERY~.”
Laughing you extend the pizza towards him only to pull it away when he reaches for it. His over-dramatic heartbroken expression doesn’t have you holding the pizza hostage for very long. “You guys are one of our best customers annnddd~” You trail off, pulling a smaller pizza box out of the pizza warmer bag. “ Just for you.”
Mikey’s jaw drops and his lower lip quivers as his brilliant blue eyes grow glassy. “You didn’t?” He scoffs in disbelief.  Taking the pizza and setting it ontop of the other to open it. “YOU DID!” He gasps.
“Of course. Consider it a bonus for all the work you do to keep my part of town safe.” Shrugging you melt as the smile blooms across his face. That smile lit up the sewer and it never failed to make your night the best night of the week.
“You’re now OFFICIALLY my favorite person in the world.” His smile is ear to ear and he nearly crushes you against his chest. If it wasn’t for the lack of oxygen you might have remained in that blissfully dazed state forever.
“Mikey..can’t…breathe.” Patting him on the shell lightly you cough.
“Oh right! Sorry.” His smile shifts to an embarrassed grin and he shrugs. “Thanks again. For the pizza.” You’re not quite sure but he seems like he’s blushing.
You suck in a deep breath, letting it out in a sigh. “You deserve it. You’re awesome.” Realizing what you’ve said you flush bright red.
“Hey you okay? You’re all red…” Mikey looks over you, concern wilting that golden smile of his.
“W-what? PFfft no. I’m fine. You should get going or they’re gonna think you ate all the pizza.” You wave him off, giving him a gentle push.
It takes a moment and he gives you a strange look but he’s racing off before you know it. “Oh yeah~. Free pizza. Just for me. Cause i’m awesome~.” Mikey sings, turning with the smile still plastered on his face. He hops back on his skateboard and gives you one last smile before disappearing around the bend.
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obsidianarchives · 6 years
Minnie and Poppy
Persephone Apolina Pomfrey hated Quidditch. Aside from finding all sports, wizarding and Muggle, frightfully dull, Quidditch led to too many injuries. It made her squirm every time a player crashed into another player's broom, she bit her lip whenever the Ravenclaw Seeker did a nosedive, and Bludgers must have been made by the rueful Salazar Slytherin himself.
Today's game was no different, except with the added pressure of it being the last Quidditch game for her best friend on the Gryffindor team: Minerva McGonagall.
If they weren't in different houses, Minnie (Poppy being the only person who dare call her that) and Poppy would be inseparable; but Minerva's drive, her fiercely competitive nature, and her bold sternness meant she was a Gryffindor through and through, even if Professor Flitwick always argued with Professor Dumbledore over whose house she should truly be in.
Poppy met Minnie on the Hogwarts Express their first year — Minerva, a half-blood witch who grew up in the Muggle world with a pure-blood mother, had spent her first train ride trying to figure out how to stop bleeding after an older Slytherin pushed her for talking back to him. Minnie couldn’t even remember what she’d said — or what he’d said to set her off — but Poppy showed up with a Muggle band-aid and a bar of chocolate.
“Are you a Muggle-born?” Minnie had asked.
“Nah. My parents are both pure-blood, but Muggle stuff is genius,” Poppy replied, shrugging like it was nothing, but looking carefully at Minerva as she slapped on the band-aid.
“Lucky you had one of these.”
“Lucky for you.”
The two spent the entire train ride fussing over their books and imagining Ravenclaw tower, but were severely disappointed to be Sorted into different houses.
“I almost got sorted into Ravenclaw, the Hat told me so, but as my mum says, I have a smart mouth,” Minnie said to Poppy as a simple way of explanation as the Ravenclaw and Gryffindor houses passed each other on the steps of the Entrance Way on their way to their respective towers.
They remained a rare case of inter-house best friends, sharing everything but their class schedule and, of course, Quidditch.
It drove Poppy absolutely mad that her best friend was so enamored with the violent sport. It was the source of nearly all of their fights, mostly because Poppy was who Minnie called when the Gryffindor Quidditch team had rough after-hours practice sessions. Their only non-Quidditch fight was in second year when Minnie got jealous that Poppy was hanging out with some older Ravenclaws. That was also technically about Quidditch (“Well, what else am I supposed to be doing when you're on the pitch practicing every second of the day and night? I’m not your private nurse at your beck and call, Min,” Poppy said angrily), but Minnie just didn't understand that the older Ravenclaws gave Poppy something she couldn't get from anywhere else. “They teach me haircare spells,” Poppy said. Minnie glanced up at Poppy's curly kinky hair — which all the well-known spells and potions did nothing for  — ran her hand over her own straight ponytail and said, “oh, right.” It was never an issue again.
Minnie was the only reason Poppy even went to the stupid games. In fifth year, Minnie slammed her arm into a goal post trying to save the Quaffle (success) and Poppy wasn't there. It upset her for a week. “I’m fine,” Minnie said dismissively as they studied together on the lawn, still nursing a sore arm. The Hogwarts doctor was kind of terrible.
“That's not the point! One day you might not be fine! The odds are—”
“Oh hush, don’t tell me the odds.”
So from then on, Poppy went to every Quidditch game and watched with her hands covering her face, peeking through her fingers. Usually, she brought Muggle textbooks that Minnie's mum sent from their Muggle Scottish village that explained biology and medicine.
After the games, Poppy met Minnie on her way back up the castle. “You could have fractured your patella if you had crashed into the goal post.”
“You worry too much.”
“You don't worry enough! You take too many risks on the field, Min. You're gonna get hurt someday.”
“And if I do, I'll have you to tell me which very fragile bone I broke. Come on, my mum sent Muggle biscuits. The ones with cinnamon and sugar you like so much.”
Poppy pursed her lips. Those cookies were delicious.
Poppy sat in her usual seat in the stands with a textbook propped up on her lap. She was studying hard for her NEWTs and a silly Quidditch game wouldn't stand in the way, House Cup or not. She’d almost bailed to hole up in the library, but she never missed a game Minnie played; it was the finals against Slytherin and Minnie would never let her hear the end of it if Poppy missed her trounce Slytherin in her last school game. There were scouts from Appleby Arrows in the crowd; Minnie could make it to the pros if she played her cards right.
Poppy, on the other hand, had eyes to work at St. Mungo's. Years of watching Minnie and the other Quidditch players break bones led Poppy to develop an interest in magical healing. Plus, her fascination with Muggle medicine made her want to study the marriage of the two healing forms. Healing was a useful, but clearly undervalued skill that had saved Poppy herself when she failed her first Apparition test.
Somewhere past the pages of her text, the Gryffindors screamed bloody murder as the Slytherin Beater hit a Bludger toward the opposing Seeker, who'd made a dive for the Snitch. Poppy turned a page. As a Ravenclaw, she had no house to root for here. Ravenclaw was third place in the house championship (the poor Puffs were fourth this year and hadn't even come close to the Quidditch final) and by the points count in the game so far, Slytherin and Gryffindor had solidified the top two spots. It didn't matter, she’d be at St Mungo’s training this summer and would only have to worry about the occasional professional Quidditch player. She'd mostly be helping people who didn't foolishly put themselves in danger. She laughed to herself as she turned another page — who was she kidding? Wizards were born to be foolish no matter what they did.
The crowd screamed again, but this time it was the whole crowd, many of whom had stood to peer down at the grassy pitch below the airfield — a player was down…
Poppy searched the skies for the swooping straight ponytail of Minnie and her heart dropped to her stomach when she didn't see the Chaser fiercely zooming her way to the ref to demand… a redo or some such thing.
No, instead, the remaining Gryffindors were sailing down to the grass to check on a wounded player that Poppy just knew was Minnie. She stashed her books under the bleachers and raced down the steps the Quidditch pitch, squeezing past other concerned students, unable to hear what the referee was announcing about the downed player, but guessing by the roars the of the crowd, it wasn't good.
Poppy swung around a corner from the stairway and onto the field. Professor Dumbledore was staring icily at the referee, who was pointing at the Slytherin Seeker, who was gleefully plucking the feathers from the twitching snitch as his teammates grinned at the frantic Gryffindors on the other side of the field. Headmaster Dippet was near the huddle, speaking softly with the school doctor Rheum who was maybe 142, nearly blind, and, rumor had it, had actually given a student with a broken nose a second nose, causing her to need to stay at St. Mungo’s for an entire term. Fear, fury, and worry rose in Poppy’s chest as she pushed past the Gryffindors to find Minerva sprawled on the ground. She was unconscious.
The scarlet-clad players looked at the short and plump Black girl pushing them to the side with annoyance, until they realized it was Poppy — she was the one they went to when they needed healing off the books, since Rheum was a damned tattle. They knew they wouldn’t get in trouble, she was always discreet, and she got to practice for her NEWTs and St. Mungo’s apprenticeship exam with very adventurous and accident-prone Gryffs who were always up for her experiments.
“What happened?” Poppy asked, staring at her best friend. Minnie’s cheeks were pale, her ponytail was coming out of its holder, and her lips were frightfully dry.
“I saw what happened,” said one of Minnie’s fellow Chasers on the team, Cecily Swann. She had her arms crossed, cheeks flushed, her hand clutched over her wand like she was going to curse the entire Slytherin team when she was done talking. “Greengrass pushed her when he ‘dodged’ that Bludger.”
The other Gryffindors nodded and murmured in agreement.
“Now, now,” Headmaster Dippet interjected, “We don’t know that for sure.”
“Oh, come on,” several Gryffindors roared.
“Minerva’s the best Chaser we’ve got,” said Swann, “She didn’t just fly off her broom! She was pushed!” Though a fifth year, she was next in line to be captain, Minnie had told Poppy a few weeks earlier. Minerva hadn’t been captain officially — because the previous captain didn’t think she could handle it with being Head Girl, head of the Transfiguration Club, and with a full course load (they clearly didn’t know her very well) — but Minnie was basically co-captain with her fellow seventh year Terrance Brick. Everyone knew Minerva did all the work, wrote all the plays, and challenged them the hardest in practice. She was why they were in the finals against Slytherin. And now they’d lost and she was down for the count.
Poppy, though listening during the back and forth, was glaring at Rheum, who was just staring at Minnie. He hadn’t even taken his wand out. Poppy wasn’t even sure he was really thinking, he was so old he was barely breathing.
“Well? What’s wrong with her?” Poppy demanded, snapping the old man out of his daze. He seemed startled to see so many eyes on him.
“We should take her to the hospital wing,” he then reached for his wand, preparing to Wingardium Leviosa Minnie’s prone form, but Poppy shook her head.
“What are you doing? You can’t move her! She fell 50 feet--”
“--pushed!” several Gryffindors shouted.
“She was pushed 50 feet. She could have broken something! She needs a stretcher!”
“I have never needed to conjure a stretcher, that’s a Muggle contraption we have no use for,” he said, clearly offended someone would mention a Muggle idea in his presence.
“Muggles have quite a few perfectly good ideas, and I think we should use them.” Poppy then conjured a crude Muggle stretcher — it didn’t have wheels or anything, but it would get the job done. Several students ooh’d in awe, but she wasn’t second in seventh year for nothing. Only Minnie had her beat.
Poppy and Swann then gently put Minnie on the stretcher, careful not to move her torso much, Poppy was worried she’d broken a rib. Once she was on the thin bedding, Poppy levitated the stretcher and she and Minnie’s floating (but more secure) body led the way back to the castle. Meanwhile, Rheum puffed and puttered and sighed as he walked behind them.
Poppy put all her effort into holding the Levitation spell steady, so as to not bump Minnie against anything, namely the doors of the castle, but she could hear the Quidditch players, and really, the rest of the castle, chattering angrily about the game behind her.
“He definitely pushed her.”
“He totally pretended to dodge that Bludger--”
“I think Perkins beat it his way on purpose--”
“And they won! In all the confusion, they caught the snitch!”
“We can’t tell McGonagall, she’ll be furious.”
Poppy broke into a smile, imagining how red Minnie’s face would be when she found out what happened. Few people could look like a spitting cat the way Minerva McGonagall could. But then Poppy frowned as she entered the hospital wing. She hadn’t spent much time in there, but it was dusty, the drapes were drawn tightly over the windows, and the beds were a mess. It made her feel a bit sick herself. Before settling Minnie down, she asked Swann to clear off the nearest bed, which still had crumpled sheets that Poppy swore had green pus residue still on them. Disgraceful.
Rheum stepped in front of her as she attempted to settle Minnie’s crooked limbs more comfortably on the bed.
“I’ll take it from here. Shoo, all of you.”
The Quidditch team and the 50 or so students who’d crammed in the wing behind them all grumbled on their way out, everyone looking back at the unconscious player forlornly.
Poppy remained resolutely where she was.
“I said out,” Rheum said, annoyed. But Poppy was startled when Professor Dumbledore said softly behind her, “I think she should stay, Doctor Rheum.”
Rheum grumbled some more.
Poppy hadn’t realized Dumbledore had followed the team, but it was no surprise. Minnie was his best and favorite student. Dumbledore was never good at hiding his favoritism.
Rheum stared at Minnie some more, like he’d never had a concussed patient before. It was driving Poppy crazy, to see such incompetence.
Finally, Rheum performed the spell to wake Minnie up and Poppy nearly slapped him. Minerva woke with a start and tried to sit up, before howling in intense pain.
“Why would you wake her up before fixing her other wounds?!” Poppy had never shouted at a teacher or elder before, and she knew she’d probably feel guilty about it later, but now was not the time for weak emotions. “She clearly has a broken rib, why wouldn’t you tend to that first?” Poppy rushed over and held Minnie’s hand and coaxed her back into lying down. “Come on now, don’t be stubborn. We’ll fix these ribs first, and then you can go running off to fight the Slytherins single-handed.”
Minnie smirked through her pained expression and Poppy almost smiled. Her best friend was going to be fine.
Rheum was, however, feeling petty, and stood back. “Well then, if you know so much, you heal her.”
He was clearly expecting Poppy to balk at the offer, but she merely rolled her up sleeves, pointed her wand, and got to work.
She first assessed Minnie’s condition, performing the scanning spell she’d mastered four weeks ago when a third year thought he had dragon pox. Then, seeing three -- three! -- broken ribs, a fractured pelvis and evidence of a concussion, Poppy wave her wand and reset the ribs, hearing them snap back into place. Resetting bones was relatively easy -- for some people, not so much for the senile Rheum -- but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt. The pelvic fracture would take some time -- and even then Minnie might have trouble sitting comfortably on a broom. It all would have been much less painful if Minnie had remained unconscious. She then apologized to Minnie and left her side, heading to the vast medical closet in the back room. She stared at the ingredients -- half of the vials were nearly empty, and there was little organization. But Poppy found the ingredients to aid with Minnie’s pain, and to make her go to sleep. If Minnie wasn't tied down and or drugged, it didn’t matter if she’d broken seven ribs and both legs, the Slytherins would be in danger tonight.
She mixed up the ingredients and came back to the main room to give Minnie the droughts. She could hear Rheum muttering loudly, like he was pretending to whisper but didn’t bother -- “really, Dumbledore, letting a student into MY hospital wing like this, she could really injure this student.”
“Like Carlyle’s second nose?” McGonagall muttered equally loudly as she slurped down the potions.
Poppy could see Dumbledore stifle a laugh and Rheum sputtered in reply. There wasn’t anything he could say.
“Come, Doctor Rheum. I think another Muggle invention we could potentially discuss is a word they call ‘retirement.’” Dumbledore led Rheum from the room and gave the girls some space, winking at Poppy as he left.
There was silence as Poppy stared at Minnie and Minnie clenched her eyes tightly, as she waited for the potions to take effect and kill the pain. Poppy counted to five, then:
“This is what I’m talking about!”
“Can I get another minute, Pop? Your spell work is good,” she spat out, “but I can still feel my bones knitting back together.”
Poppy bit her lip, then looked around the room.
She headed over to the dark and dusty drapes and opened them, letting the gray but bright day give light to the hospital wing. She then waved her wand and watched as each messy bed folded and tucked and ripped sheets away, dirty sheets flying into a pile in the middle of the room.
“I’m sorry,” they both said at the same time. Poppy walked over to Minnie’s bedside and pulled up a chair.
“You go first, I still might throw up that last potion.”
“I think some of the ingredients are past their expiration, but you should be fine.” She paused. “I’m sorry to yell. You were hurt and don’t deserve to be yelled at. Today, anyway. But I was really worried. You’re not just my best friend, Min. You’re the closest thing I have to a sister.”
“I get it. My brothers are too young for me to really bond with them. I just have you, too.” The girls smiled at each other softly. “And I’m sorry too. For not taking your warnings into consideration. I mean, this wasn’t my Gryffindor recklessness -- I was pushed! -- but if I’d been listening to you more closely, I might have been more vigilant.”
“That’s right.”
More silence. Minnie leaned her head all the way back against the pillows.
“You better go mix more of this sleepy potion, Pop.”
“Why, are you still in pain?”
“No, but when I wake up, I’m going to want to burn down the Slytherin common room, and I need you to stop me.”
Poppy laughed.
“Besides,” Minnie said as Poppy walked towards the storeroom, “You look really comfortable here.”
Poppy smiled and looked at the already brighter and cleaner hospital wing. She was.
Connie (@constar24) is a Hufflepuff who keeps getting sorted into Ravenclaw. She is not about that lofty tower life. If she’s not sorting characters from every single source of media (TV, books, the founding fathers via Hamilton the Musical, the Bible, her co-workers, etc), she’s writing about television and all sorts of nerd stuff all over the internet.
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coolestdragonever · 7 years
Bowser and Mario: more than just enemies?
(Super Mario Odyssey spoliers!!!) 
Okay so this has been bothering me for a while now and I need to write it down somewhere. Don’t take it seriously, it’s just my silly thoughts.
When I played Super Mario Odyssey and came to the final boss I was completely blown away. My childhood dream was always to play as Bowser in a big mainstream Mario game. I had played Bowser’s inside story but it wasn’t enough for me, so when I played odyssey I couldn’t help but squeal with excitement when I saw Mario going into Bowser’s head and take over his body.
So after I had smashed alot of blocks and stones to pieces I came to the room where you have to break four pillars so that they fall down on the big moon block in the middle. The music changed completely to something that I didn’t expect at all. The music ‘’Honeylune ridge: escape’’ sounded like something that would be in a Sonic game at first, but the more I listened to it, the more I loved it. So of course I had to search it up on youtube so I could learn the lyrics.
Here’s where it got weird for me though. When I looked at the lyrics I thought that they sounded a little bit weird. Many of you may believe that it is Peach that’s supposed to sing to Mario. But the more I though about it I couldn’t help but have another thought in mind.
Let me explain by making it cringy and putting the text in this post.
Smash through the blocks that bar your way, yeah No time for fear, just let it all fall away (it all fall away)
Yes, this sounds like something Peach would say to Mario possesing Bowser. But it could also be Bowser speaking to Mario since their minds are connected during that moment. Bowser wants to survive and trusts Mario to save him and his body as well as Peach.
Nobody believes in me and you Just look at the way they stare So what if we live in a walled garden As long as I've got you then I don't care
Well that’s something weird to say to MARIO who is the HERO of the mushroom kingdom, heck, even the whole galaxy! Maybe the meaning of this is that nobody believes that Mario and Bowser would ever work together. Hence why they say ‘’just look at the way they stare’’. Nobody would stare if Mario and Peach would do something together because they’re basically a couple... not after that rejection in the end though...
Something to also look into here is the thing with living in a walled garden. It sounds like it could mean that Peach is saying to Mario that they only need each other and they’ll be happy. But considering the rest of the text’s meaning I can only imagine that Mario is saying this to Bowser.
Kick up the wall, and take the plunge Shiftin' through two dimensions Up on the moon, we'll twirl and swoon Just lead the way (I'll follow you)
I imagined that since Bowser was the one leading Mario all the way to the moon this could mean that Bowser maybe... wants to be with Mario? Nah!
I'll put my hat in the ring, 'cause you're the one A miracle in three dimensions Follow the brick path straight to my heart And we'll grab the flag together, the fireworks are gonna start
But uhh... Bowser’s the one who has the ring... It is also very suspicios that Bowser’s theme from Super Mario 64 is playing after this first verse.
Shake off the chains, you're running free You'll be amazed at all that there is to see (there is to see)
Well, Peach isn’t really chained together like a prisoner. So they are probably meaning invisible chains that holds one back from certain things. But is Peach held back when she’s NOT kidnapped? No, she can do whatever the hell she wants. I imagine that Mario is saying this to Bowser since he’s often hated by everyone and cannot go to Peach’s castle even if he just wanted to get a piece of cake. But this sounds like Mario wants to be friends with him and show him that the world isn’t such a dark place.
Together we're racing for the goal And no one can stop us now Maybe we don't know where we're going But we're gonna get there somehow
Bowser and Mario is racing together for the goal and ensures each other that they’ll get there somehow even if they don’t really know where the goal is.
Climb up the vine, land in the clouds Maybe then we'll swap up for down Cross the sea, we're still you and me I'll follow you (just lead the way)
Swap up for down? Climb up the vine? Alright, I have nothing to say here.
You've got me over the moon, and that's no jest We're miles above the rest Look in your eyes and I know we'll be fine So let's shoot for the stars and make this love really shine
Mario says that Bowser got him over the moon, which is true actually. He led him there. But then it sounds like they both is, dare I say it: in love with each other.
Think about it. If they were then they would be worried about what everyone else would say about it. Mario the greatest hero of all time and Bowser the evil lord of the koopas together? People would probably freak out over it. So they both keep it a secret. But they know that people are going to find out sooner or later and now wants to tell everybody but the fear of being looked upon with disagreeing and disgusted eyes scare them. But if they look each other in the eyes they gain encouragement and know that they’ll be fine. So they’re shooting for the stars with this and will make the love between them shine.
The reason I think this may be possible is because when Mario took over Bowser’s body he got to see every one of Bowser’s memories. They were connected, and maybe that evolved into a bit of love that only grew stronger as they progressed through the underground of the moon and saw that working together was far better than being enemies.
I know about the Mario x Bowser ship but personally dislike it. Mario x Peach (or maybe Pauline) all the way for sure. But I cannot let this go unnoticed. And this has maybe changed my mind on how I see the ship. I’m not trying to convince anybody about that Mario and Bowser is in love with each other but at least think about it. Maybe Bowser only kidnaps Peach to have her be the mother of his children but actually LOVES Mario and wants his attention?
Or maybe I’m just sounding like an idiot right now. This is what happens when you don’t get enough sleep and play Mario games too much.
If you actually read through all of this then I applaud you, this was a very long post.
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