#nah he has his faults but thats why i adore him
You can love a character & still admit when they’re wrong. I love Severus Snape but I acknowledge his flaws (none, he’s perfect) and I can hold him accountable for his wrongdoings (he’s never done anything wrong in his life) and call him out on his actions (which are always right).
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xeo-kunsatan · 3 years
MonsterOlympics One Shot +13 (Part 2)
This One shot is divided in parts because is long as hell XD, as well this contains many racy jokes, black humor and swearing, if youre sensitive with this humor i recommend you to not read this shit, as well this One shot is just for fun. (Sorry this time i have no illustrations, im Lazy, use your imagination XD)
Nobody have expected it, Farley and Toralei run quickly to hug eachother, they
were really happy to see eachother again.
The Students from Monster High were surprised because their most problematic and devilish Classmate was acting completely lovely with surprisely a Dog, something unusual in her especially for her pals Purrsephone and Meowlody who didn't understand their friend's behavior.
Cleo The Nile
Daughter of the Momy
Age: 5843 (or more)
Gender: Female
Species: Momy
Cleo: I cant Believe what my Beautiful eyes are watching...
Pinky: Me too Sis... Me too..
Farid: here we go again...
Claw: Mew?
P&M: Meww~
The Twin Cats went close to Them catching their attention.
Purrsephone and Meowlody
Daughters of Werecats.
Age: 16
Gender: Females
Species: Werecats
Purrsephone: You most be her Frrriend's brotherrrs~?
Farren: didn't you know that she was a friend of a Dog?
Meowlody: she told us something similarrr before, but we thought it was a joke knowing her.
Farid: well for more surprising it seems, it's true.
Purrsephone: do you know since when they meet eachother?
Farren: since we used to be pups living in the streets, one day we found her escaping from a store-man, prepare yourself because this part will make this part long.
The street of Monsteropolis was chill, a group of 3 Poodle puppies where looking for something to eat.
Farren: Agh I'm Hungry, and you?
Farid: *sob* i think i have a hole inside my stomach...
Farley: Calm down brothers, maybe we can go to Madame Ghoulasha's shop to ask for food. you know the trick, We Knock the door, we will use the puppy eyes effect against her and she will give us food.
Farren: i still don't understand why that trick works that well.
Farid: isn't obvious? We are pretty adorable but More me~.
Farren: *chuckles* aren't supposed to have a "hole inside your stomach?".
Farid: Hey! I'm Hungry but I'm still fabulous.
Farley: Guys look!
Suddenly the puppers found a shop man ogre chasing a kitten with a bottle.
Mr Ogre: Come back here you stupid mutt!!
Toralei: as you wish!
Mr Ogre followed the kitten to a dark alley
Farley: we can't leave them like that
Farren: Are you Serious!? It's a Cat!!
Farid: Eww yeah, what if they has fleas?
Farley: We have fleas too..*shows them a flea walking through his paw furr* and she needs our help, remember Stray animals always can help other stray animals.
Farren: but what if they doesn't thanks us?
Farley: We can throw them to the sewers
Farren: okay let's go.
The 3 puppies followed the Ogre to the Alley.
Mr Ogre: *manages to catch her*
Toralei: No!!
Mr Ogre: Hah did you thought that you would escape from me?.
Toralei: Hssss!!! Let me go you bastard!!
Mr Ogre:*takes a razor* or what?
Mr Ogre: heh your journey ends here kitty- agh!?
The Ogre was about to end with the kitten life but he suddenly was stopped by the tackle of the triplet Poodles, making him faint and drop the kitten.
Toralei: Mew!!
Farley:*catches her* Gotcha! Are you okay?
Toralei: T-thanks, *sniffs him* wait.. are you a Dog!? *Jumps off*
Farid: "your welcome" hmp!
Farley: Yes we are dogs, but i didn't wanted to leave you alone and less with that man about to make Cat-Hash with you.
Toralei: Well.. i usually can escape by myself but.. still, thank you.
Farley: at your service miss.. uhh
Toralei: Toralei Stripe, and you arrre?
Farley: My name is Farley, and this are my brothers, The sour one is Farren.
Farren: Hey!
Farley: and the Narcissist pup who is looking his reflection with the Ogre's razor is Farid.
Farid: who is a pretty puppy? I am! ÙwÚ.
Farley: and i am Farley, together we are the Fluffy Gang.
Toralei: Wow you are all a team, nice to meet ya, I wish I could have my own mates, my older siblings were all adopted except me...
Farley: don't worry, you can come with us and be part of the Gang!
Toralei: Yay! :D
Farid/Farren: What!? D:<
Farley: you can come with us the Time you want until you found out your own mates.
Toralei: Oki Doki! :D
Farren: Farley what the fluff!?
Farid: Whyyyy?~...
Farley: Aww c'mon guys it would be fun.
Farren: i don't think she would like to come with us.."we have fleas"
Toralei: I have Fleas too :D.
Farren: Ok Fair enough.
Farley: Well lets go >:3!
Suddenly the Ogre started to wake up
Mr Ogre: You Little-..
The Cubs: No D:<! *pulls out his cords*
Mr Ogre: What the-!!!... AAAARGHH!!
The Ogre fell from the stairs of another Alley, by then break his neck in the last step, dying in that moment. The Fluffy gang and Toralei didnt believed that they really killed someone.
Farid: *Panic Attack* Oh no! Oh no! we killed him! What we will do!? im too younger and beautiful to go to Jail!! D,:>!!
Toralei: Me Too! D,:<
Farren: *Slaps Farid* Farid Calm Down! this is not the moment for your whines!
Toralei: What we will do Farley?...
Farley:...Uhhhh... look! there is a tip to the sewers, we can throw the body there :D!.
Toralei: Good Idea >:D!.
Farren: Are we Literally ignore that we killed a man?..
Farid: *Sighs* at least we will not go to Jail ;w;
Farren: Ok lets do this!..
Then The Fluffy gang and Toralei with effort, they managed to threw the body of the Ogre to the sewers so anyone will not notice their crime.
Farren: Well, the Job is finished... what now?
Farid: Oww im Still hungry ....
Toralei: Guys, that man had a shop with full of food, thats where i taked the Bottle with milk wich is not in the ground...
Farley: Ok lets go for some snacks! :D
The Fluffly Gang and Toralei: Yay :D
Flashback Ends.
Farren: And thats How we meet Toralei
Farid: Cute isn't?
Meowlody: a little...
Purrsephone: we literrrally thought it was a joke.
Meowlody: And i cant believe that you killed a man..
Farid: We were just babies, we didnt know what we are doing heheh~
Claw: hm?
Meowlody: and this little one?
Farren: Its Claw, His Dying mother gave him to us to save him from the hunters, so he lives with us as a younger sibling, The Principal Stratos usually overprotects him.
P&M: Thats so cute from you part mew~
Claw: *sniffs them* mew
P&M: *sniff him* ...
Claw: *purrrs*
P&M: Awww
Farley: I cant believe we are finally together
Toralei: Me too! ;w; *Purring* I missed you so much!
Farley: *Waving tail* I missed you too!
Frankie: Its so Cute to see this...
Manny Taur
A Fucking Minotaur Bully
Age: 17
Species: Minotaur
Gender: Male
Manny: Aww look at this, what are you supossed to be Rabbit?
Bradley: a Vampire/Jackalope Hybrid
Manny: Hah! Vampire!? but youre so tiny
Bradley: well at least the size your dick compensates the size of your brain and intelligence..
Manny: *blushes* How dare you!?
Bradley: well.. its part of your biology..
Manny: Thats it you are Death!
Frankie: Manny No!
Manny was about to Hit Bradley (wich didnt seem scared) but suddenly he was attacked by Skeebo before he would hurt his beloved bunny.
Skeebo: Dont you dare to hurt my boyfriend!
Manny: Your Boyfriend? *chuckles* dont play dumb, you are a fox and Foxes eats rabbits like him!
Skeebo: *Whispers* Shh shh please dont expose what i do with him everynight~
Bradley: im an Arctic Hare not a rabbit...wait*blushes* Skeebo!
Skeebo: Sorry Dear~
Manny: you guys are gross...
Frankie: Thats Enough Manny, do you want me to tell Minnie about your Behavior?
Manny: Oh no! Please dont tell my sister!...
Skeebo: Heh... he is afraid of his sister~
Manny: At least i have a sister
Skeebo: !!!......
Bradley: You son of a Bitch! how dare you!? just because you heard the most of us are orphans doesnt give you the rights of making fun of Us!
Frankie: Wait.. are you Orphans?..
Skeebo: Thats it!...
A Fight Started between Manny and Skeebo, but it was stopped by Miss Bloodgood and Stratos.
Bloodgood: You 2 Stop!
Stratos: You both will go to detention!..
Manny: Thats why Maze High is a bad copy of Monster High, the Students here are all Awfull!!
All: *Gasps*
Claw: *Cries*
Farley/Toralei: What did you said!?
Farren/Farid: You will pay for this!
Betrayus: calm down.. not here!
Skeebo: You said that because at least all of you have their own families...
Bloodgood: Manny Taur...you will be grounded by the rest of the event, the meeting is over..
Stratos: Mistress Bloodgood...I am so sorry for this..
Bloodgood: No no... its not your fault, *sighs* i will correct my student.. Good luck in the event..
Stratos: Good luck for you too...
Manny: *gulp*...
Stratos: Me too...
Frankie: Oh gosh.. i am so sorry..
Skeebo: Its Okay.. we are all used to be seeing like this..*Leaves* Bradley: Skeebs...*sighs*.... its true... While me as some less of my classmates.. mostly of them are all orphan.. for it they basically live here..
Frankie: Ou... i have no idea..
Bradley: Its okay.. as my boyfriend said.. we are used to be judged by other schools... and... Mostly of that students from other schools have their own families...*follows Skeebo*...
Frankie: *Sighs*
The meeting ended and the Monster High Students returned to their homes, while the students from Maze high returned to their dorms, an exception to Farley and Toralei wich where in the school garden trying to calm down Claw.
Farley: Awww Claw dont cry, he will not hurt you.
Toralei: when i see him, i will scratch his ugly bull face so nobody will recognize him not even with the passaport.
Claw: *sob* *sob*
Toralei: Dont Cry little Fella, that awfull bull will not hurt you anymore *pets Claw*
Claw: *Purrs*
Farley: Thank you Toralei, maybe im tired of the boring boomer of Stratos but he still needs a rest.
Toralei: You dont have to thank me, this fella needed it.
Farley: thats right...*Blushes* Its so nice to have you here..
Toralei: *Blushes* Ahh.. yeah i feel the same, heh
Farley: You want me to accompany to your home?
Toralei: Nah, i can go by myself, cats loves nocturnal walks.
Farley: W-w-well see you tomorrow..
Toralei: S-see you T-tomorrow...
Toralei left the gardens to return to her home, while Farley was watching her leave still blushed.
Farley: *sighs*
Farley: what?..
To be Continued..
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ubernoxa · 4 years
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The Dare: A Guns N’ Roses FanFic
Chapter 22: A Pill
Taglist: @queen-crue @gingerspicetalks
Delilah felt out of place as she stood next to Duff as he spoke to someone at the party. Delilah felt as if she was constantly in the way as people kept shoving behind her to get around the party.
The girls at the party were gorgeous. Their hair was wild, their makeup was stunning, their clothing was tight, and their heels were high. Part of Delilah felt like most of them stepped right out of a rock magazine.
“Yeah nice talkin to ya dude,” Duff guided Delilah away from whoever they were talking to and towards the drink tables, or what was left of the table.
“You okay?” Duff was barely auditable over the loud music.
“Yeah, just out of drink,” Delilah lied as she flipped her drink upside down.
Duff saw right through her lie. She didn’t want to be here. She had been quiet for the past half hour and just smiled and laughed when the others did. He decided to shrug it off. If Delilah really had a problem, she would bring it up. He wondered if it was because they were interrupted earlier. Maybe she was disappointed they didn’t have sex? Duff sighed and replied, “well I can easily fix that” A false smile filled his face.
She took the drink from him and practically chugged it hoping to get rid of the memories of her brothers and sisters out of her head.
“Heeeeey guys,” Tommy joined the pair as he wrapped his arms around them.
“Y’all fuckers look so good together! Like fuck man. Y’all are cute. Did y’all enjoy your fuck?” Delilah’s face went white. She almost looked as a ghost as Tommy spoke.
“Thanks man, and nah, fucking Axl got in the way with those damn interviews!” Duff shouted back not noticing how uncomfortable Delilah was. How was he talking this causally? She wondered if this was normal behavior? Do they all just talk about the girls they fucked? It’s so that’s utterly repulsive, she thought to herself. Some things were meant to stay private. It was in that moment Delilah turned her head when she heard a load moan come from across the apartment.
Jesus Fucking Christ, what type of fresh hell did she get herself into?
She quickly looked away when she saw what the commotion was about. A woman was squatted on the ground sucking Nikki’s dick. Delilah quickly chugged her drink and refilled it. Were these the people Duff associated himself with? Was this what Duff wanted? Was he mad at her for having sex with her?
“Nah Axl’s just jealous cause he is fucking a bitch right now,” Tommy noticed Delilah’s uncomfortably with EVERYTHING that was going on in the room. Part of him wondered how the hell he got into this mess.
“I lik ur dress,” Tommy commented bringing Delilah back into the conversation.
“Thanks, I’m quickly realizing that I’m overdressed, but hey fuck it,” Delilah shrugged. Did she say fuck to try to fit in? Yes, and it felt unnatural as she said it.
Tommy and Duff laughed and Tommy quickly grabbed his drink and left.
“You sure you’re feeling okay?” Duff turned to Delilah. She was off.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Why do you ask,” she quickly responded in a cheerful tone.
He shrugged and added, “You seem off.”
“Yeah, I guess I’m still getting used to all of this,” Delilah motioned towards that packed room of people.
Duff understood exactly what she meant. Everything can be a little much sometimes, but there was always a way to make it disappear.
He motioned towards her to follow him to the bathroom. Not to fuck, but to give her something that would calm her edge.
“Thanks I feel like I can actually think again,” Delilah smiled to Duff as she spoke. Despite the bathroom spelling like horse shit and trash covering the floor, Delilah already felt a little at ease.
Duff sent Delilah a reassuring smile and dug into his pockets only stopping to pull out a small baggie with a couple pills. Izzy had given them to him a while back to help him, maybe they could help Delilah too.
Fuck. Delilah was frozen and watched every single movement. Did Duff do drugs? Did the rest of the band?
“I get the same way. It’s just too much. Kinda like you’re drowning and just want to escape,” Duff’s soft tone echoed through Delilah’s entire body. She felt a relief flowing through her as he spoke. Thank God he wasn’t mad at her.
“These help. They are almost like a life preserver for me. If everything ever gets too much, these help,” Duff watched Delilah’s face as he spoke. He knew coming from a religious house that she was most likely taught that drugs were a huge no. Izzy had actually warned him about that, and the fact that he should go slow with her. God it was fucking hard to go slow with her.
“What are they?”
“It’s not coke if that’s what you’re asking. Delilah it will help, or if you want we can go home,” Delilah’s heart sunk when he said those words. She knew he was having a great time, but he would leave just for her.
She looked at the white pill in his hand and picked it up.
She heard her mother’s words screaming at her from the back of her brain. Lecturing her on how she is winning and being a disgrace. She quickly silenced those voices.
At least it wasn’t coke? And Duff had been doing him and he was fine. What’s the worst that could happen?
She popped the pill in her mouth and swallowed earning a reassuring look Duff.
“If you don’t feel right, tell me. We will head home right away,” Delilah nodded feeling comfortable by his presence.
The two left the bathroom and time quickly flew by. Delilah was ever grateful that Duff was always by her side and refilling her drink.
“Have you seen Del?” Mags began to ask around to see if anyone had seen the brunette.
It didn’t take long until she accidentally bumped into Vince who was currently talking up some girl, who Mags was grateful wasn’t Delilah.
“Heard you’re looking for the brunette with the curly hair.” Mags felt immediately felt uncomfortable by his tone. Was he mocking her?
“Drew right? You’re one of the guys who interviewed me earlier,” Vince knew he recognized the guy who was with Mags.
“Yeah,” Drew’s response was blunt as he spoke.
“I was wondering why you wanted to interview Guns N’ Roses, but now it makes sense,” Vince smirked as he spoke. So Mags was fucking for interviews for her brother’s band, points for creativity.
“Fuck off Barbie,” Mags said before trying to leave.
“Watch your whore mouth,” Vince blocked her path making her stop in her tracks.
“I can say the same to you. How’s your girlfriend doing Vinny?” Mags mocked the blonde.
“Where’s Heather? She was a really good fuck a few months back or is she currently in the bathroom fucking thats red headed singer again?” The second Vince mentioned Mag’s old friend’s name, Mags lunged at Vince. She wanted to beat his Barbie face until he wasn’t recognizable. HOW DARE HE BRING HER UP. Steven quickly broke up his younger sister’s fight, if you could call it that. All she did was lunge at him before he could pull her back.
Steven knew this fight wouldn’t end well for his little sister.
“What the fuck is going on?” Nikki’s voice cut through the room as he pushed through the crowd of people.
“We should leave,” Duff whispered into Delilah’s ear. Duff guided Delilah out of the apartment which turned into him wrapping his arm around Delilah’s waist, dragging her out.
He didn’t mind as she giggled and played with his hair. She was completely oblivious that Mags had just almost gotten into a fight.
“Rosie,” Delilah mumbled as she stumbled over towards Axl as Duff and her made it down the fire escape that had become the main entrance.
Delilah gave him a hug and asked, “R...u...okayyyyyy?”
“Yeah I’m doing good, Del,” he laughed back at her.
“Let’s go stand by Duff okay?” Axl guided her back to Duff and immediately asked him, “is she high?”
“Yup,” Duff chuckled back watching as Delilah danced around to the music that was leaking out of the Crue’s apartment.
“That’s adorable,” he pulled out a smoke and offered on to Duff who immediately took one.
“So what happened? All I saw was Stevie pulling Mags away from someone,” Duff asked Axl watched Delilah who was still dancing.
“Her and Vince got into a fight about something, probably about Heather,” Duff nodded at Axl’s words.
“Honestly, sometimes I wonder who has a shorter fuse, me or her,” Axl asked earning a chuckle from Duff.
“Well last Motley party, you were the reason we had to leave, and this time it’s her fault. You’re tied, so next time we come here we will see which one of you is worse,” Duff teased back.
“Sometimes she is more trouble than she is worth,” Axl’s words were blunt as he spoke about Mags.
“What do you mean?”
“Yeah she is Steven’s younger sister, I get that. If she keeps doing shit like this then what’s the point of bringing her. We can’t make enemies with other bands. She is trouble,” Axl said loud enough just for Duff to hear.
“Look who is calling the kettle black. Axl let I remind you that you once again you caused the fight before this one that made us leave,” Duff was done with Axl’s bullshit.
“I only started that fight because Nikki was flirting with Dell and you were too drunk to realize it,” Axl snapped back.
“I was just watching over my band,” Axl added.
“Fuck, thanks then,” Duff added. Every part of him wanted to run upstairs and punch Sixx’s stupid smirk off his face, but he knew now wasn’t the time to do it.
“You’re my bandmasters, we may not seem eye to eye, but I got your back...and your girl’s back,” he added pointing over towards Delilah.
Duff wasn’t used to this side of Axl, but he was great duo when Axl shoes this side of him.
“Thanks. I got yours too..and Trixy’s,” Duff replies back,
Before Axl could say thanks Slash and Izzy came down the fire escape to join them.
“She high?” Slash asked watching Delilah dance around.
“Yup!” Axl added.
Izzy shot Duff a glare who immediately shrugged. Izzy gave him the pills to use, and he used them. He wanted to know what the hell Duff was thinking.
Slash walked over towards Delilah to real her back into the group and within seconds, a very pissed bother and sister joined them.
“Fuck off! I don’t need to hear this shit from you!” Mags yelled at her brother before she began to storm home.
“Where is that guy she was with?” Izzy asked looking over at Steven.
“He is making nice with Crue, let’s go,” Steven said.
“Mags?” Delilah asked as Duff guided her back to his apartment.
“She went home, it’s best to leave her alone when she is like this,” he replied.
“I neeeeed Mags,” everyone froze when they heard Delilah’s tone change. She sounded desperate.
“Del,” Duff’s tone was sympathetic. She was drunk and high and he wanted to be there for her when she sobered.
“Mags,” Delilah pushes herself away from Duff and began walking towards Mags.
Duff groaned and followed Delilah towards Mag’s place.
It was going to be a long night.
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b00bconnoisseur · 5 years
60 questions for @not-my-brain
1. selfie.......Ugghhhh ok. Imma take one rn
Ok here u go (yes thats a bmth shirt)
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2. what would you name your future kids?.....Ooo hmmm well when i was a kid i really liked the names disney, and mesiah. I didn't know at the time that mesiah was another name for god i think lol. I liked it cause of handlers mesiah. I still do. Ooo and maybe Tj too
3. do you miss anyone?......Yeah. My friends on Pinterest from a year ago. My friend lucas. Stan lee. Bob ross. My cousin who died from cancer some years ago. Snape. Sirius. Lupin. Tonks. Dobby. *continues to name every unfortunate death in hp*
4. what are you looking forward to?.......SE-YA next month!! Its the south eastern young adult festival at this college. You can have meet n greets with authors and alot of stuff its the besstttt
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile?......DEFINATELY. @dirtysocke @mysisterlooksforthisaccountsobye @cristal-kyd1280 @sammchenry my friend lucas and @septembersbloom. ^^
6. is it hard for you to get over someone?..... What like...romantically? Or like a death? If romantically uhhh idk it took over a couple weeks but im ok now. Ive never had another relationship so idk. If death oof yeah idk maybe. Ig it depends on how much i knew them idk. Like when my nanny (great grandma) died i was sad for days (is that alot?)
7. what was your life like last year?.....Sucky af. Still is. But the highlights of my life last year was getting and making friends on tumblr, going to the tøp concert and going to warped tour, volunteering at the library, going to seya and meeting some of my favorite authors, reading, changing and improving my art, listening to all the bands i listen to now, getting into more fandoms, going to a friends house for the first time
8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed?.......Yes lol. Some years ago when i couldn't find smtn id be so annoyed and pissed id start crying. I dont now but still lol
9. who did you last see in person?.......Hm ig family doesn't count....? Wait do u mean a friend? If so uhh my friends rebekah, anika, and Judah at a TAB meeting at the library sometime last month.
10. are you good at hiding your feelings?......I think so? Like i mean I can hide whenever i get my....time of the month from my mom (talking abt stuff like that with her makes me uncomfortable) and i hid a breakup. And other p big stuff too. So imma say yeah
11. are you listening to music right now?........*pops on earbuds after reading this* yee im listening to bitch lasagna by pewdiepie xD (do i have the best spotify playlist or what?)
12. what is something you want right now?.......To hug @mysisterlooksforthisaccountsobye but SOMEONE has to live so far away
13. how do you feel right now?........Happy that my earbud still works cause they got washed in the wash yesterday....oops. Its not my fault. I told my dad to remind me to take it out of my jacket pocket before they threw it in but noooooo he forgot
14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you?.......Uhhhhh fuck idk it was probably from my lil 4 yr old bro sometime last week. Other than him (hes my favorite sibling) i dont let them hug me too much
15. personality description.......Nerdy. Fangirl. "Emo". Tomboy. Hotsause obsessed. Book lover. Music lover. Black. Blue. Harry potter. Introvert. Fall. Sports. Values friendship. Loyal. Uhhhh i cant think of much lol
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?.......*sigh* yes. Yes yes yes. Theres some things abt me, or my life really, that i havent told anyone on here or my irl friends that i sooooo want to so bad but i haven't cause i feel like they'd feel bad and pity me and i don't want that
17. opinion on insecurities........I dont really understand this one. Everyones insecure abt something. Is this askin like if i think its ok or not? I say its ok. Im insecure about literally everything about me. My face. My personality. My socialness. My art. What i do. What i say. Basically my whole body. The things i feel good abt are my books, music taste, and my friends (ily fuckers)
18. do you miss how things were a year ago?.........Hmm this time around a year ago....idk its sorta the same but all the stuff i mentioned abt my year from last year didn't happen yet so nah tho my life sucks rn its better than this time last year
19. have you ever been to New York?........Nooo but i want too soo baddd i wanna visit @septembersbloom !! Im coming for ya soon gramps *does the eye watching thing* my dads been to nyc before tho cause he does construction and he had a concrete job to do there. It was a 23 hr drive for him
20. what is your favourite song at the moment?........Uhhh idk!!! So hard! Maybe.....the whole thats the spirit album by bmth ;)
21. age and birthday?.....15 yrs of age and September 27th 2003 (whats yours brainy? I'll put it on my calendar)
22. description of crush......Its weird idk im not sure if its a genuine crush or not but uh....They like hp :).Thats all u get
23. fear(s).......Losing my best friend @dirtysocke and my other friends. Death. Failure. Momo chasing after me then killing me slowly keeping my eyes open to look her dead in the eyes while i die
24. height......5'6 call me short and I'll fuck u up with THIS *pulls out trusty potato peeler named now steve* dont test me boi
25. role model......Hhhhhhhh so many! But uh gosh one of them is @superraedizzle (youtuberrrr) and vexx and bob ross and da vinci and aaaaaaa so many
26. idol(s)......First person that immediately comes to mind is @sammchenry cause he's super cool and he's really nice and his art's reallyyy good (if u havent seen it w-w-what are u even doin with your life?) And he has a great sense of humor and *continues to ramble about why samms the best*
27. things i hate.......Dabs. Transphobes. Homophobic ppl. Basically any hate on the lgbtq+ community. Bullies. The ship starker. Umbridge. Snape haters
28. i’ll love you if….....U you'll eat pizza, draw, and rp harry potter with mee
29. favourite film(s)......Fantastic beasts. Every hp film. Twilight. The maze runner 1-2. The hunger games. Spiderman homecoming. Kingsman: secret service. Into the spideyverse tho i havent seen it yet
30. favourite tv show(s)......Inkmasterrrrr. B99. The mick. The middle. Uhhh idk mostly ink master xD
31. 3 random facts........Ive never had shrimp. I had a beta fish for over a year once. Im eating pizza crust rn
32. are your friends mainly girls or guys?.......G i r l s. I have all girl friends irl and one boy. And on tumblr it seems like i just meet girls? Likei agree with @cristal-kyd1280 its like alot more gals then dudes here. But i do have some guy friends on here too. But mostly girls
33. something you want to learn.......TO DRAW ANATOMY DAMMIT
34. most embarrassing moment........Every moment of my lifes an embarrassing moment. Idk of i can pick a "most" embarrassing one. But one time i i sent my crush (now ex bf) a hey fuckface and like some hearts or whatever for an ask game that meant like "i have a crush on u" "youre adorable" etc and said Hewo but i did it all anonymously. But he confronted me askin if i sent it cause im the only person he knows that actually says hewo lol. Then later on i finally admitted i really liked him and well y'all know the story after i think. Unless you're new
35. favourite subject.......A R TTTT OFC
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?........meet my friends on tumblr. Get into mtsu (college i wanna go to) and study art. And go skydiving
37. favourite actor/actress........favorite actor uhhhhhh probably thomas brodie sangster or tom felton and my favorite actress? Hmmm idk maybe evanna lynch (luna lovegood)
38. favourite comedian(s).......probably kevin hart lol he's p funny
39. favourite sport(s)........basketballllllll and football
40. favourite memory........uhhhhh idk?? One oh my favorite memories was when we went to see tøp in concert
41. relationship status.....single as a pringle
42. favourite book(s)......harry potter and the order of the pheonix. Harry potter and the half blood prince. Simon vs the homo sapiens agenda. Divergent. Maze runner. Twilight. Fangirl. Fallen. Red queen
43. favourite song ever.......TOO HARD DONT MAKE ME CHOOSEEEEEE
44. age you get mistaken for.........16 and 17 sometimes lol
45. how you found out about your idol........i was watching someone on yt and superraedizzle always poped up in my feed and my mom turned on one of her vids cause she always saw her vids too now ive seen most of em i love her. Id heard of vexx but never watched him and i was watching a collab from anthony miller art and shrimpy and i checked out shrimpys channel and was lookin at comments and alot of ppl said his art is like vexxs so i checked out vexx. At first i was like eh ok. Now i cant click fast enough when he posts a vid. And i actually fpund out about bob ross from my grandpa on jan 20 2017 when trump was getting sworn in or whatever. We turned on pbs and my grampa told me to look and bob ross was on and i was IN. I loved it. I even started watching full episodes on YouTube of the joy of painting after that. Wonderful man. My first painting i ever did i think was when i followed one of his tutorials xD (i didnt know it was popular at the time)
46. what my last text message says......."ok your turn"
47. turn ons.....uhh nerds ig idk um book lovers, music lovers, art lovers, potterheads, idk and nice ppl
48. turn offs......jerks. Homophobia. Idk ig whatever i said in things i hate
49. where i want to be right now......uhhhh idk wait didn't i already answer this? Ok this ones different ig so uhh with my friend lucas
50. favourite picture of your idol.....oh shit...favorite? Idk xD i have a fave of vexx but not of rae or bob. But heres pics of them any way
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
51. starsign......a libraaaaa boiii
52. something i’m talented at......drawing and speed reading. Thats about it lol. Oh and procrastina
53. 5 things that make me happy.......ooooo art, my friends here on tumblr, books, harry potter, and music ^^
54. something thats worrying me at the moment.....if my friend thinks im being annoying
55. tumblr friends......hhhhh so manyyyyyy. @dirtysocke @mysisterlooksforthisaccountsobye @cristal-kyd1280 @chinesewaffles2 @kingantlion @queen-baelin @sammchenry @septembersbloom and more
56. favourite food(s)......green beans, pepperoni pizza, and vanilla madelines
57. favourite animal(s).......basically any reptile. Puppies. Cats. Any animal really but my #1 are snakes
58. description of my best friend.....well she's a tiny bean (5 feet) and she has dark hair, she wears glasses, she doesnt take shit, she's in love with Josh dun, she's awesome, funny, nice (YES youre nice jackie) and shes the best friend ive ever had. Oh. And she has a weird obsession with spaghetti
59. why i joined tumblr.......well i heard abt it on Pinterest over a year ago but didnt want it. Then @mrfastbass-deactivated20181231 on DeviantArt said he got tumblr so i made one then followed him and figured id just post art and that's it cause i thought tumblr was boring as hell when i first got it. Now im p much obsessed with it
60. ask me anything you want.......go ahead brainy shoot. Give me smtn good
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Chats: Jo+Anna - The Trashfire Fights
(for lexy)
FIRST CHAT: Not sure the context but I believe it happened after the mind-wipe of Anna after Gray went to talk to Anna but actually before Grey removed the Whispering on Jo... (So you know where/what level Jo and Grey are at)
<Jo> http://www.geekologie.com/2012/08/another-day-another-zombie-themed-engage.php        Its sad when  I find these things and the train of thought goes:
<Jo> 1. I can see Jo agreeing to things just because its ‘adorable’ when really its not
<Jo> 2. And then she’d be killed by Ellen
<Anna> lolol
<Jo> 3. At least its not a salt-n-burn fire side romantic comment
<Anna> Anna..*smacks*
<Jo> …what?
<Anna> she’s..missing having girl company..and she’s debating which is better for it..Ruby or Jo and she’s leaning more towards Ruby
<Jo> LOL  …/why/ is the question streaming from both Ruby and Jo right now
<Anna> “Jo’s sorta mannish…and Ruby..at least looks girly..”
<Jo> They are both laughing at her - loudly. Though Jo’s sort of offended which is just making Ruby laugh more
<Anna> lol
<Anna> Anna’s just sorta pouting..“it’s not my fault that they are the only choice I have for female friends..”
<Jo> “Ruby isn’t even a female.” “……………………….” “…”
<Anna> looooooool
<Anna> “she’s less butch than you”
<Jo> “/Gray/ is less butch than me. Doesn’t make him more of a female.”
<Anna> “So you’re the man in relationship?”
<Jo> “No! Well with you I guess I was, but no, I’m not….”
<Anna> “Guess that’s why I’m looking more towards Ruby..why do I want a second man in my life.”
<Jo> “If you can call what you do have a man.”
<Anna> “After the other night..He’s definately all man”
<Jo> “Good for you.”
<Anna> “Yes..he was..”
<Jo> “If you say so.  …How was it after though? Did he stick around for breakfast?”
<Anna> “He didn’t stay for breakfast but he did stay till I woke up the next day.”
<Jo> “Aw how cute. So how long did the honeymoon last before whatever sent him packing without even grabbing a bit of you for snacking on the go?”
<Anna> “The threat of Crowley I guess”
<Jo> “Strange that such a 'manly’ guy as him would be run off by the overgrown demon.”
<Anna> “How come I’ve never ran into Grey outside of his house?”
<Jo> “Because. And he’s not being run off by anyone, especially if he’s staying in the one place, wouldrn you say?”
<Anna> “Right..surrounded by traps and iron..which wouldn’t stop Crowley..I guess that means that he’s simply afraid of normal demons. You really wish to throw stones at Gray for being afraid of Crowley when yours won’t even come outside?”
<Jo> “Actually its traps and salt, theres no iron in our house.  And most of those are there because of the fact that, oh hey, I’m a hunter and he’s a monster and it’s second nature to protect ones home. As for throwing stones, I said that your’s is afraid to be with you because of Crowley not that he’s afraid of Crowley - theres a difference. Grey isn’t.”
<Anna> “Gray doesn’t strike me as being happy domestic housewife..he’s never said anything to make me believe that we lived together all the time. So why should I expect it now?”
<Jo> “I never said he had to be, I was just musing on the fact you say he’s leaving because of the threat of another man coming in to take his turn.”
<Anna> “there..no one else has a turn!”
<Jo> “And yet he had to leave in case Crowley showed up. Unless thats not why he left, so either you’re waiting for the wannabe god-demon to show up to see how his little /pet/ is going, or Gray left because he didn’t want to be around you after getting what he wanted. Or some other reason.”
<Anna> “Why are you making it sound so bad that he didn’t want to be around if Crowley did show up? He couldn’t stop him, Gray would have been killed and Crowley has no interest in killing me. So why are you trying to twist it to make it sound bad.”
<Jo> “I’m just intruiged is all - doesnt really sound like a typical Gray-like response. ..his kind are really quite territorial you know.”
<Anna> “Tell you what, if you want to know so bad, ask him.”
<Jo> “…Nah.”
<Anna> “Well if you don’t want to ask him then stop being a bitch.”
<Jo> “But you’re fun when you puff up and get red.”
<Anna> “You are such a bitch..”
<Jo> “Think you already said that. And I prefer bitch to butch, so I’m cool with it.”
<Anna> “Maybe you’re a bastard then being you’’ve been the man in all your relationships.”
<Jo> “I am not the man in my relationship at present, so there.”
<Anna> “Right…”
<Jo> “It’s true.”
<Anna> “Whatever.”
<Jo> “… …………do you have any idea how much I hate that word…”
<Anna> “yes.”
<Anna> “but whatever”
<Jo> “Fuck you.”
<Anna> “But you’re fun when you puff and get red. So whatever Jo..”
<Jo> “Oh God, you’re horrid, you know that right?”
<Anna> “Whatever..your hate of this word is interesting.”
<Jo> “…. Why do you say that..”
<Anna> “I’m seeing what you get out of making someone upset. Trying to understand why you feel this is proper entertainment at the expense of others.”
<Jo> “I dont try to upset people, I play with them. Theres a difference.”
<Anna> “oh so you play..with no reguard to how that playing effects them. Does your interest if Gray leaving me relate to the fact you were abandoned by your father?”
<Jo> “…Excuse you? I am not the one between us who was abandoned by their father!”
<Anna> “My father loved me, raised me, encouraged me to be whatever I could be in life. Your father put hunting above you and was killed by it. Isn’t that why you have such a problem committing to people?”
<Jo> “Oh you think that if you want to about your own father, but don’t you talk 'bout my dad like that. He was a good man. ….I…shut up, I don’t have problems commiting to people..”
<Anna> “Is that why you keep everyone at a distance? Playing with them? Keeping us at both a physical arms length and an even further emotional one? How did Grey slip past your defenses or can you just leave him at anytime, abandoning him too?”
<Jo> “My father has nothing to do with it.. You can’t be too open in this lifestyle.. …/I/ don’t abandon people, shut up.”
<Anna> “Please, you turned to hunting instead of taking of your clothes. You’re surrounded by men who could be old enough to be your dad and you’re constantly working to prove yourself to them. Do you seek out their praise when you do a hunt well?”
<Jo> “…I wou-..I dont even…  …Maybe normal men my age bore me? They don’t know anything about the world and what’s really out there, and regardless of your suggestion - if a hunter lives long enough to get to that age they’re usually pretty decent men. It’s a /shame/ my father had what happened to him happen so young is all. There are plenty of hunters I talk to my own age, or close enough to, Anna. And I don’t need /anyone’s/ approval, god dammit..”
<Anna> “I see. And you’re wall of not being to open in this life? How does that hold up to the fact your father and your mother were open enough to get married, have you? Even after his death you’re mother stayed in the life, helped other hunters. She even gave them beds to sleep on at the roadhouse, tended them when they were hurt. I’ve heard hunters talk about it. Why do you have to be so guarded?”
<Jo> “There’s a difference between being on the road and being in the life the way Mom and hell, even Bobby a lot these days, are. ….And they were in love, people do things like get married and have babies when they’re in love. They were younger than I am too, so hey, maybe I’m just jaded like the other guys my age or near enough..”
<Anna> “But not you? You can’t be open to that because of the fact you’re a hunter? And how is being a hunter on the road and at a bar different? You still put yourself in danger. Why do you have so many walls? Open, playing, your stubbornness, why don’t you think you should have friendships and relationships that are closer than the arms distence that you keep everyone at?”
<Jo> “I… could get married and have babies one day, maybe. It’s not completely out of the realm of possibility.. On the road you can’t let your emotions get to you, at a bar.. you can be nicer and more open. Though you’re more likely to get hurt from friends never showing up again too.  I do too have closer friends than that! And maybe I have a lot of walls to keep other people better off, hmm.”
<Anna> “Who are these closer friends? Are you not here as much as on the road? You have a home with someone, you aren’t living a nomads life. And would you say that "protecting” others by not letting them get close to you is for their own good out of your concern for them or from your need to control things?“
<Jo> "Dean.. Sam.. Grey.. …you. I didn’t mean to, it wasn’t my idea and then things got that I needed to be researching more than hunting at present but when that’s taken care of I’ll be on the road more than no again, sure..  I am not a control freak, if either of us were that would be you. I don’t like..I don’t want to hurt people so I’m not going to let them close enough to be, dah.”
<Anna> “You would call us close? Interesting because to me, from my perspective we are hardly anything but close. And it’s nice and controlling that you want to take away my choice at what risk to take being your friend, if we were that close to begin with. And you are going to abandon Grey by taking off and only stopping in on occassion. Isn’t that what you remember of your dad? The random visits?”
<Jo> “We /were/ close, maybe not now but we were before..things happened.  …you know nothing about my dad, Anna, nothing at all.”
<Anna> “I don’t have to know anything about your dad. You present as your typical 'little girl lost’ case. But whatever Jo, you keep playing with people and spending all that energy into keeping them away instead of building healthy relationships.”
<Jo> “Excuse fucking you, I am nothing of the sort. You and your psychobabble, which I really haven’t missed, really only sees what you think you see. I’m not like that and my dad was not like what you think. I’m not going to abandon Grey if I’m off hunting, /he/ understands my life and doesn’t want to force me to change it like you used to. I have plenty of very healthy friendships, maybe just not the same sort /you/ think people should have.”
<Anna> “No you see, you dont get to decide for me what’s something I’m sensative about and what I’m allowed to get upset about when you decide to use it for your ammunition. You don’t get to decide what hurts me and what doesn’t. If you don’t care to respect my feelings then screw you and your feelings about certain subjects. Keep playing these games Jo and next time we’ll have a nice long chat about how it’s your mother’s fault for not leaving the hunting life and taking you away from it.”
<Jo> “You know what, fine. You tell me plain and clearly 'Jo, you’re upsetting me with what you’re saying’ next time and I will back the fuck off. Your verbal and facial cues are kind of all off from what I’m used to, Anna, so I’m sorry if my mucking around upset you - maybe not calling me a bitch, which really doesn’t seem to be getting your point across if that’s what you’re using FYI, and telling me to stop would work better for your female sensetivities. As for blaming my mother, I get the feeling you two would /really/ get along these days, given she tried her best to take me from it regardless of not moving.”
<Anna> “Always someone else’s issue and fault isn’t it. It’s my fault for not expressing the fact your hurting my feelings even though a blind person in a dark room could see that you are. It’s my fault for thinking that calling you a bitch wasn’t clear enough and that I have to resort to a long drawn out way of explaining to you. I’m sorry Jo that my physical expressions weren’t enough of a clue to you and your insensative 'playing’ to tell you to stop. Next time I’ll be sure to maybe cry with going all red and puffing up since obviously none of those things are enough for you.”
<Jo> “You know what? They’re not. Because before they didn’t mean you were hurt, just getting pissed off! So sorry that when you got your hard drive wiped and replaced with the catholic school girl persona the self righteous hard ass left with it and the cues got rewired. Calling me a bitch was generally common place for all variety of things, so no, not very clear. Just fucking spit it out in future or just say /stop/. Jesus fucking christ!”
<Anna> “That’s it, keep blaming me. Even when you’ve known now for how many conversations that I’m not that other Anna..it’s still my fault that you can’t rememeber it. How do you hunt if you can’t keep that simple bit of information straight? Isn’t that the sort of thing you would have to be able to spot? Personality shifts in people? It’s okay though, I accept the fact that it’s all my fault and never yours. I’m sorry for making things so hard on you Jo.”
<Jo> “Well it would make a fucking change for once - it being you to blame and not me, but then again you can’t remember /that/ either, so there goes that little victory over blameless Anna.   There is a big difference between noticing things in strangers and noticing the same cues on someone you know but them being /completely inverted/ on themselves. And you say you’re not that other Anna but the more we talk, the more obvious it is it wasn’t just her Her Royal Fucking Grace-fulness side that was like this.”
<Anna> “Whatever..I’m so over taking the blame for this other person who I don’t know. I’m so sick of hearing what a horrible person I was but then hearing about other things and turning hte other cheek to them, all while I’m being punished for being something I’m not.”
<Jo> “You weren’t a horrible person, you were as horrible as I am. So that’s up to you to decide what that means.”
<Anna> “Well then according to Ruby I must have been a really horrible person.”
<Jo> “…Excuse me?”
<Anna> “I mean..I didn’t drug anyone did I? That was only you correct?”
<Jo> “…I didn’t want to..”
<Anna> “It doesn’t matter. That happened to the other Anna..not me.”
<Jo> “Right, because you’ll forgive what anyone else did to the other Anna. I totally believe that.  …Though that..had been cleared up, before you start to think otherwise.”
<Anna> “No I don’t forgive, it just didn’t happen to me. It happened to her.”
<Jo> “…right.”
<Anna> “I don’t remember you. I don’t remember Gray. But whatever she felt for you, I feel and I trust that  because I feel like I should be able to trust you with my life and that I should be your friend but then you do these things that make me want to scream.”
<Jo> “I think this is the point where I point out that’s kind of what my and..her friendship was like. We hunted together, trusted one another to watch our backs, and while some stuff happened and it was…really not good between the two of us for a while, I was going to be willing to put that stuff behind us after this whole..Crowley thing. Same as she was probably, hopefully. Things are different in war time, you know the saying.  But yeah..made y-her want to scream a lot of the time too. It’s not really that strange.”
<Anna> *Anna shrugs and heads for her apartment.* “Just remember I’m not her. I don’t know our history. It’s weird to look at a total stranger and feel something close to love for that person and you dont know why.”
SECOND ONE: Sometime around when Anna and Grey were actively trying to hurt one another, and that Jo and Gray were weirdly not at each other’s throats??? Pre-binding for sure I believe
<Anna> wow..
<Anna> bitter much anna
<Jo> ??
<Anna> “funny..how I’m the high and mighty bitch but everything revolves around Jo’s perspective and how people get to live based on her ideals. Fuck that.”
<Jo> “I wasnt saying you have to live by it, but that’s how I view things and how I’m going to work in this world and if you have an issue with that- oh wait, you do. You gave me shit about it for months and months, so that’s really not a new conclusion you’re coming to there, Anna.”
<Anna> “if everything is so black and white then why isn’t she killing humans? Why isn’t Grey killing them? Humans kill for stupid reason, least most of the time when monsters kill they kill to survive. It’s not exactly fair they are punished for being created for population control of the human race.”
<Jo> “Humans are killed and punished for hurting other humans, and if I come across a case where its some fucked up asshole doing the dirty work? I will get that fucker put in jail. Now, if you want to start up some jailing system for monsters who go outside of their dietary needs and requirements, then go right ahead I’ll round you up some prisoners. But otherwise? This is my goddamn job and I don't care if its there nature - things go against them all the time - so unless theyre able to control their shit? I don’t give a fuck and I will be protecting other human beings.”
<Anna> “Then start with the Grey”
<Jo> “He hasn’t hurt anybody.”
<Anna> “That’s right..I’m not human..fuck you.”
<Jo> “You spend so long saying you'e an angel. Unless you’re going to throw that all out and stop with the high and mighty crap, then I’m not going to say you are. You can’t have best of both worlds, Anna, you’re not Hannah Montana”
<Anna> “Whatever. You’re idea of friends is as black and white as everything else. It’s clear that if people don’t fit in your ideals then they aren’t worth that, I don’t fit anywhere so it’s fine for your other friends to do whatever. I don’t care anymore, Grey has made threat after threat to me and is using my feelings for Gray to hurt me. It’s all fine to you and I’m done with him.”
<Jo> “And I have told him to keep his shit away from you, because I am sick and tired of the both of you hurting one another. If I didn’t think that you encourage or egg him on, I’d have only been yelling at him, Anna, but I saw the burns and I’m not down with either of my friends hurting one another. It’s over - neither of you is touching one another and you’re leaving eachother the fuck alone. And take your BS whining about not fitting anywhere the fuck away Anna, I’ve been your friend through this all - I put up with your shit with Gray, I dealt with your problems better than anyone and I’ve put my neck on the line for you so many times. And it is /not/ ‘fine’ as you say, I’ve told him and he knows if he does put another toe out of line where you’re concerned its the bad end of my gun for him - but the same fucking goes for you Anna. It’s not 'fine’ for him to push you about and its not 'fine’ for you to do the same to him. I’m done with it. The next time either of you causes problems I will be ending them.”
<Anna> “Right..because poor little Grey is incapable of being an asshole without the evil angel pushing him into it. I’m sorry, my memory is a little fuzzy but what did I do to him for him to tell me about everything in the hospital that utlimatly split us up? How did I provoke that attack that was nicely wrapped in false concern? Oh I burned his wrist with iron once because he kept telling me I was too weak to do anything. My bad. Next time I’ll leave him in an alley unconcious so that a demon can come carve him up.”
<Jo> “I think your memory would be a little fuzzy of then - and you really think I wasn’t going to mention what happened between you and Gray to you? This is me we’re talking about. And I’m not saying he’s not without fault - if I was I wouldn’t have almost had my house set on fire getting into a round with him about it. But fact of the matter is - I know the /both/ of you Anna, and I know the amount of stuff you’ll overlook about yourself to be right, and I know how little and how hard it is for him to lie to me about things. I’m not saying he’s not, just that you are a goddamn btich sometimes Anna, same as he is, and I am sick of the /both/ of you pulling iron or draining one another. All this feuding is doing is taking my attention /away/ from getting rid of Crowley”
<Anna> “And I’m sick of you always taking his side or anyone elses no matter what it is or over looking what they do till I fight back, really fight back and then suddenly I’m the villian. I was never first with you when we were together and I’ll never be first with you as friends because it’s easier to blame my bitchy personality than to possibly piss off your current fuck buddy.”
<Jo> “You know what, right now hanging out with /your/ ex fuck buddy is a lot nicer than being around /either/ of you! Do you /know/ what that says about you both?! And I’m not taking sides at all, Anna, not one part of this is me taking a side. You’re both to blame for whatever is happening, how about you open your eyes and realise that might be the case as well? You both are fucking up, you’re both being pains in the asses and you’re both being children about whatever the fuck this is about, and I am done with it. I dont /care/ who starts this mess, Anna, but I will be finishing it and it is over right /NOW/. I have said the same fucking thing to him so dont you even fucking start with me, and as for making you out like the villian - at least he has the decency to admit some of the crap he does to build on this bullshit fight, are you going to do the same? And do not even try to pull that first-second crap either.”
<Anna> “I’m fixing his mistakes! I’m fixing mine! I’m doing this to protect you, to protect Gray! Grey is going to use Crowley to go after Gray if he can’t. He’s hurting Gray to spite me because he knows I can’t do anything to stop it! He told me to drive Gray away to protect him and I did it and now he hates me and I want to fucking hurt him for that, for everything he’s done. For throwing Ellen to Crowley because you won’t! He fucking rubs it in my face that I’m alone..that it’s my fault..and that hurts..I did what you said! I went to Gray and I begged him, I pleaded to tell him I’m sorry and he hates me and Grey is boasting about it and I fucking hate him!”
<Jo> *Jo sighs, rubbing her temples* “Okay firstly, I don’t need protection, Im a big girl, I can handle myself. Secondly, I really don’t care about Gray - I understand it hurts you and he’s important to you but on that point I really cannot care. And on the Ellen part, I’ve discussed this at length and I’ve run over everything in my head and as much as Im angry and hurt about it still I’m not letting myself dwell on it. But I can /understand/ why you hate him, Anna, I truly can. Its the same reason I wanted to plunge a knife into Gray every time I damn well saw him for months. But I /didn’t/ because /you/ asked me not to. I’m asking you the same thing now, Anna..”
<Anna> “And I’ll tell you teh same thing you told me you, that you will if he gives you reason to. You’re a self rightous hypocrit Jo and that says a lot coming from me. You express to me every chance you get how you could care less about Gray and how it’s my problem that I have feelings for him. It’s the same for me. I could care less about Grey and he has done things to me and to the ones I care about. According to your own rules I should have every right to go after him. You justify Grey going after Gray for roughing you up but I’m expected to sit back and do nothing if it’s reversed. No, I’m not going to just sit back because you see Gray as the bad guy and that it’s okay.”
<Jo> “I am not the hypocrit here, Anna, that has always been you. I dont give a crap if you don’t like Grey, you never told me to shut up about disliking Gray - oh wait yes you did, but ya know what? You can /talk/ about hating him as much as you want, but I do care if either of you is hurting one another. And you’re expected to because Grey doesn’t just go after him because of that - /we/, you and I, have /no/ say in what those two do to one another, Anna. That’s not our place to step in at all and you need to realise that. You say all that BS about nature and stuff, and fighting one another is /their/ nature, so yes, you’re expected to sit back and do fucking nothing. Its not a case of good guy/bad guy in that Anna. Deal with it.”
<Anna> “So you mean to tell me that if Gray killed Grey you would just go 'oh well that was just their nature?’ It isn’t a case of two kids fighting, I’m scared for Gray because Grey wants to see him as broken as he is. Grey doesn’t care about anyone, Ellen is 'the woman tht shot at him’ that’s  how he described her when I asked how could he do that to the person you probably care the most about in the world. The fact she means anything you means nothing to him.” *Anna runs her hand through her hair* “I’ve heard from you, Gray can’t be trusted. I’ve heard from Gray that you can’t be trusted because you named me over Ellen when you drugged me. I’m hearing again that Gray can’t be trusted from you now but the only person who has willingly and without any remorse what so ever that has done anything like that is Grey. I know you felt bad when you did the drugging and that you had no choice. I understood and I defended you over and over again and never was mad. I’m sorry we can’t agree about this but Grey isn’t going to stop trying to destroy Gray and I want to protect him. It’s my fault Grey can  hurt him..”
<Jo> “Anna… Anna I don’t need us to agree, I don’t need you to swear to love and adore him or anything like that. All I want is for the two of you not to be killing one another every time my head is turned because that? That hurts me a lot, and I know you’ve got another interest in Gray in why you want to hurt Grey and I know you want to protect him - but all I ask at all is the same thing you did of me - that you won’t hurt him without his attacking /you/ first. The same way I wouldn’t go after Gray for your behlaf, even with his hurting Grey and other people. I went against what I’ve brought myself up to do for your feelings, hell I’m still not trying to actually kill him because I know he still means something to you. I just ask the same respect in return, Anna..”
<Anna> “Fine Jo. You win. I’ll sit back and just wait for Crowley to come and do whatever he wants to me. I’ll listen to him talk about whatever he’s doing to anyone else, including Gray. I’ll listen to every spiteful and hurtful word that comes out of Grey’s mouth about how I’ve fucked up again, which truth hurts and I’ll tell myself that I’m doing this all so you won’t be hurt because Grey is fine. He’s probably happy and making you happy because he’s happy. And I’ll know that your happy Gray is getting what you think he deserves and I’ll take comfort knowing that for you everything is good as long as Grey never makes the first move at me. Happy?”
<Jo> “You think I haven’t had Gray running his mouth at me, Anna? I know it sucks and it hurts and its hard, but you’re making it sound like I haven’t been in the exact same position that you are right now for months. Pull the stick out of your ass if you think that’s the case, because I put up with that crap rather than killing or hurting him for your sake, so you could extend me that courtesy.” *Jo hisses back quietly, looking serious yet not angry any more* “I have no care about what the hell you do to Crowley, I don’t even know why you mentioned that at all because whatever relivance you think that has there is /none/. And Gray and Grey are responsible for their own actions with one another, I have come to acknowledge that and it’s about time you did the same. I’ve got no problem with you dishing it out /as good as you get/ with Grey, but I fucking swear that whoever makes the first physical strike will get the business end of my gun at them. Cause whatever emotional problems you might cause one another, I don’t really care because I’ve been dealing with the same from Gray and from /you/ and from others so that really bloody doesn’t count in my book anymore.”
<Anna> *Anna’s quiet for a bit and then she shrugs* “I know Gray gave you shit and I know you gave it back, after all you keep saying your a big girl. I’m scared Jo. I’m scared that Grey is going to be right and Crowley is going to win and I keep telling him there’s a difference in what we do. I’m willing to give myself up to protect others, he just wants to protect his own self but it doesn’t mean I'm not scared of the idea that Grey is going to be whispering in Crowley’s ear if he thinks it will save him. But you can’t protect me from that and it’s not a physical move against me so I can’t fight back. But whatever I’m not human, I’m an unfeeling angel that’s a hypocrit, self rightous and a bitch. I won’t make a move against Grey and you might want to watch out for Ruby, I’ll try and call her off. Whatever it takes to beat Crowley..”
<Jo> “Anna.. …” *Jo sighs, giving her a look and a quick shake of the head* “If things aren’t able to get better, I know I’ll end up revising my opinion on this, and if someone is acting physically against you on his behalf? Then I count it as his own and its free game if you can find him after I’d be finished giving a piece of my mind. I’m not saying you don’t count, Anna, you do count - but there is a difference between someone being chomped on and tortured and killed by a monster because they can and someone having that happen because they’ve encouraged a reaction of some sort. And you’re taking several different points I’ve made and turned them into one when thats not the case at all.”
<Anna> “So everytime you mouthed off to anyone and then they lashed out and you get all uppity and going to kill them is different? Or you torturing Gray and then when he lashed back out? The only reason any of this is a problem is because you’ve taken sides on this but you don’t want to say it. And it’s fine. I’m wrong, I’ve been wrong and will continue to be wrong.”
<Jo> “Did I ever call for someone to back me up? Or did my going after him ever effect anyone else? No. What /the both/ of you doing trying to hurt one another does just that. You’re putting me between the both of you and honestly? I don’t want to be. If you’re hell bent on getting revenge and hating him and killing him then I don’t want any part of your life any more, and the exact same is true for him. If he wants to wreck your like and destroy you, then I don’t want to be around him from then on. I am not going to be in the middle of this, and hell I’m really glad I didn’t take Crowley up on his offer if this is what I would have to be dealing with with no exit plan.”
<Anna> *Anna shrugs* “It’s not like I wasn’t ever in the middle with you and Gray but that doesn’t count because Gray is the evil monster.”
<Jo> “By then? We weren’t gunning for eachother like this, Anna, get your contexts right.”
<Anna> “Go home Jo.”
<Jo> “Fuck it, fine.”
<Anna> “Goodluck. I’ll play nice.”
CHAT THREE: Anna yelling at Jo cause Grey had gone and beat up Gray and Gray misunderstood
<Anna> *Anna slams the door and walks over the windows ripping open teh curtains letting all the sunlight in*
<Jo> *Jo jerks her head up at the noise, groaning and covering her ears before she spots Anna swirling about letting the light come in before she scrunches her eyes up* “Ugh, seriously? Anna, can you close the curtains, please?”
<Anna> *Anna furious as she jerks the curtains hard enough to pull them down off the rods, filling the room with light and she turns throwing them on the bed* “What sort of fucking games are you playing Jo? Is this all some sort of twisted joke with you and Grey? You tell Gray to take me back while  Grey goes and tells him that /I/ am sending him to attack Gray and try and kill him???”
<Jo> *Groaning again, Jo grabs for the curtains, trying to burrow underneath them* “That.. wasnt closing them.. And can you talk a little quieter, please please?” *Her voice is croaky as she tries to curl in on herself as the light still floods over the both of them*
<Anna> *Anna glares as she grabs the ends of teh covers, pulling them off the bed, leaving Jo laying there with nothing to hide on. She’s still yelling, getting louder as she goes.* “Fuck you Jo. I did what you god damned asked! I stopped anything I had going against Grey, I didn’t even go after him for convincing Gray that I set everything up against him and that I’m fucking him. You don’t want me hurti
<Anna> ng him well then get him under control because if he keeps this up I will end him. I don’t give a shit what you ask me to not do or do.”
<Jo> “Oh my god, do you have a microphone or something?” *Jo cringes, scrunching her eyes up together as she tries to cover them and her ears at the same time* “I’ve got no idea what you’re talkin’ ‘bout and its way too early to do this and I’m too hungover for the backwards word stuff, so can you please /please/ be quieter, pretty please? And explain what on earth you’re on 'bout..”
<Anna> *Anna glares and she walks over the to the bedroom door opening it.* “Grey attacked Gray.” *Anna slams the door as hard as she can opening it again. “Grey told Gray that I told him to kill Gray and that I’m fucking him.” *SLAM* “Gray says you came by to tell him to take me back.” *SLAM* “I am not attacking Grey over this even though I want to kill him.” *SLAM* “I’m telling you that if you want me leave him alone then /you/ need to keep him from doing shit like this to me and Gray.” *SLAM*
<Jo> *Jo cringes back against the headboard with every slam, abandoning keeping the light out in favor of covering her ears with the thin pillow she’d scrounged up seemingly last night as Anna slams the bedroom door, looking at her warily when she stops* “I didn’t know.. well I did know about some of that. If I say I will will you be quieter? Not like I want them fightin’ anyways. And I did, back after you told me first what happened. Very very angry monster, not fun.”
<Anna> “You knew? And did you do anything to stop him? Or is this that whole whatever is between them isn’t our business even though Grey is obviously doing everything he can to keep me from being able to get Gray to forgive me?” *Anna slams the door again*
<Jo> *The next slam makes her groan, falling forward on the bed and whining slightly before replying, voice muffled against the mattress* “After. I talked to Gray, he got mad, then talked to Crowley whose'a cockface.. then got back, Grey was beat up 'nd said he’d been fightin’ with you and Gray. Forced him and yelled a lot. Didn’t know he’d said that. Then talked to you. Already dealt with it..”
<Anna> “Right of course..because Grey does no fucking wrong. He dares tries anything like that or goes to Crowley after Gray, I will kill him Jo. If they are going to use us as exuses to fight then I am going to end it one way or the other. Do you understand me? This is your one warning. Next time I’m simply going to put an iron round in him and be done with it.” *Anna slams the door on her way out*
<Jo> *Jo flinches at the final slam, stretching herself out on the bed as the sound dies down and it’s obvious Anna isn’t coming back, covering her head with the pillow while muttering about 'the bitch’ not closting the curtains*
CHAT FOUR: Set not far after the above before Anna and Gray were back together though...
<Jo> worst friend award goes to…. lol
<Anna> lol
<Anna> Jo’s been winning it
<Anna> hands down
<Jo> Oh yes. Most definitely.
<Jo> Jo is saying some of what Anna’s been saying is unfounded, but some is true and that she’ll try to be more… clear minded the next time she speaks to either shadow and make certain things arent being interpreted wrong. Cause from her perspective she’s told Grey not to talk about Anna to Gray but seemingly no one understood Jo-speak
<Anna> lolol
<Anna> “no Jo’s teh only one fluent in bitch around here”
<Jo> “….Jesus Anna… that was an /apology/ and acknowledgement that, hey, I’m fucking up a bit. Did you want to reign in the nasty for a few seconds to realise that?”
<Anna> “fine fine..”
<Jo> “/Fine/. …I’ll go straighten this crap out with /Gray/ again, given as much as you might think I have Grey on some sort of… collar and leash… nobody does and  your bastard of a monter at least knows me well enough to know I don’t exactly /lie/..”
<Anna> “It won’t do anygood to talk to Gray. Crowley sort of put a rule down that if I get caught talking to him then..well he fucks me infront of Gray and who knows what else. So even if he did suddenly decide to not hate me it doesn’t do any good.”
<Jo> “It’ll stop you feeling like shit and curb whatever damage Grey might have done for whatever future the two of you might have had… It’s not going to /hurt/ any to talk to him. And it’s not you talking, either.”
<Anna> “It won’t do any good.”
<Jo> “Yeah well, you can’t really stop me trying to fix it for you, Anna. You made an effort to make things better for me by saving my Mom - I’m going to try and salvage your relationship for if you can ever get it back. Sure its hardly equal but..”
<Anna> “He’s right and Grey’s right. I’m not good for him and I’m a weakness. At leastt while Crowley’s around.”
<Jo> “He didn’t seem particularly strong when I saw him… Or at least not himself. Likely to get himself killed if he’s that damn reckless in future..”
<Anna> *Anna shrugs* “I want him back so bad but I want him to come back*
<Jo> "I’ll see what I can do, Anna. I swear..”
<Anna> “thanks Jo.”
<Jo> “Don’t mention it.  …Seriously, don’t.”
<Anna> *Anna can’t help but laugh*
<Jo> *Jo smiles back slightly* “I think most people would have Christo’d me by now, Anna…”
<Anna> “I don’t think any demon would be dumb enough to try and take over you.”
<Jo> “They’d just get stuck in the back of my head with some of my stupidest ideas if they did.”
<Anna> *Chuckling she nods* “Listening to you going on and on about hunting*
<Jo> "I don’t go on /that/ much about it…”*Jo flushes a bit wrinkling her nose*
<Anna> “Uh huh”
<Anna> “you know you talk about hunting in your sleep?”
<Jo> “I.. do not…?” *She pulls a face, looking completely uncertain* “Do I?”
<Anna> “Waking up to hear you talking about rawheads..isn’t exactly romantic.” *Anna grins at Jo*
<Jo> *Jo flushes further, rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly* “I’m sure it’s plenty romantic. …If youre into that kind of thing.”
<Anna> “Sure sure, everyone wants to hear the murmerings of sweet nothings that end in ‘pass the salt’”
<Jo> “Salt doesnt kill rawheads… And I’m not that bad, am I? Didn’t wake you up with a foreign language sounding like gibberish before. Unlike someone.”
<Anna> “I’ll take gibberish anyday over being hit out of no where while you sit up and scream for a shotgun before falling back. There’s a reason I said you aren’t allowed to take guns to bed anymore Jo.” *Anna’s grinning now*
<Jo> “Not just because it’d freak you out to find me using you as a resting place for most of my bits then?” *Jo smiles reluctantly*
<Anna> *Anna chuckles*
<Jo> “Yeah well, at least I kept my sex dreams quiet."
<Anna> "Right…I’ve never woke up with your hands squeezing down beteen my legs looking for soemthing that wasn’t there.”
<Jo> *Jo cringes at Anna’s comment before laughing* “…. It’s not my fault I move in my sleep while you’re just… a log.”
<Anna> “Well, at least when I moan Dean’s name in my sleep it’s because I’ve actually been with him.”
<Jo> *Jo’s mouth drops open, mouthing wordlessly in response*
<Anna> “And I mean..really..Sam too?” *Anna’s struggling to keep a straight face*
<Jo> *It takes a second before she practically squeaks in annoyance, reaching out to hit Anna’s shoulder* :“Oh my- you almot had me god damn.. One too far, Anna.”
<Anna> “Well it’s not my fault you want to know which brotehr is bigger” *Anna laughs at Jo punching her*
<Jo> *Jo shakes her head, running a hand through her hair* “I already have enough cases of 'compare the brothers’. I don’t think I’m going to add the Winchesters, though you could check out Sam and let me know..” *She teases back*
<Anna> *Anna sighs leaning back* “this sucks..everything*
<Jo> *Noticing the change, Jo nods, crossing her arms* "I’d be sure that it does. …What particularly today?”
<Anna> “just everything.”
<Jo> *Jo nods again, feeling slightly bad for not feeling as worn out or bad as Anna seems to* “That’s what it tends to do”
<Anna> *Anna turns to go, much more and she’s going to start whining about how much she misses Gray and she just doesn’t feel like giving Jo that satisfaction* “See ya around.”
<Jo> “I’ll let you know how it goes, Anna. Check in with you in a bit, okay?” *Jo frowns slightly, watching her go*
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angclhyunjin · 6 years
of light and verse | jaebum
desc: you literally end up falling for the boy who sits at the back of your uber hard lit class. college!jaebum litmajor!jaebum. all the fluff. just super fluffy
word count: 1.913
requested by: @jaebums-sunshine​ [Jaebum college au/domestic au fluff!]
note: i wrote this at lit 4am but ummm my love as a lit major was too cute to pass up
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oh my god ok COLLEGE JAEBUM
setting my heart on fire at the thought of my lit nerd headcanon for him
lets get into it!
so its freshman year and ur walking into your first lit class, a bit intimidated bc its like,, a course no first year dared to touch but u just wanted a cool sounding course so bad u jumped at the opportunity
its GREEK MYTHOLOGY!! who wud not hello
and ur excited until the professor opens her mouth
and ur blown away by how,,,,,,, interesting and riveting the whole thing is but shit is it going to be this hard throughout??
the first few classes involves you frantically taking notes and trying to keep up w the impossible pace this class is going
but theres this BOY
he sits right at the end while ur in front so u could pass him off as uninterested,,, taking the course for extra creds??? wrong
this BOY quips in between the lecture with the most fascinating comments, connecting the odyssey to so many modern works, to poetry and to music
and ur like,,, who made u,,,, how r u like this
ur kind of annoyed by how smart this boy is
its not like you dont get wtf is happening here, but how can he get it and SO MUCH MORE
and tbh ur kind of jealous but u didnt hear that from me. also he has the softest voice that creeps up behind u and makes ur body stir
wait what
so u work super hard
and like super hard, u finish all ur readings and do ur own research
but u still feel like its not enough
like idk who u think u are, u start living at the library
cup of tea in hand and a book in the other, it sounds optimal but the stress is lowkey making you lose ur mind
ur looking for a book in the aisles, a VERY specific one on sappho’s fragmented poems
and FINALLY u see it............on the top most shelf
ur 5′4″ self is SCREAMING
and u could ask for help but help is for losers
so u make the very intelligent decision to climb the shelves what?? no ones looking
ur almost there when
a hand
reaches at the same time as urs
u almost scream for real this time, shutting ur eyes real tight, letting go of ur meager hold on the shelf and falling back
like u have accepted ur death at this point
until???? wait??? you feel two hands around you and suddenly you’re not falling
“my god, are you okay??” how tf do i know this voice
you open your eyes to be met with the softest brown eyes, framed by these wire glasses
its him
of c o u r s e
u literally dont know what to say until he laughs a little at you (an adorable, light noise that fills you up)
“this is probably not one of your greatest moments” ur cheeks are on FIRE
suddenly he notices his arms are still around u and he hastily places u on ur useless jelly feet
“were you going for the book on sappho? i didn’t know anyone else here knew it existed”
you’re about to stammer out a reply, not really ready to explain to the lit prodigy that ur trying to be at least half as insightful as him but he
squints at u
“wait, aren’t you in my lit class?? you are, aren’t you?”
he REMEMBERS ur invisible ass??? ok??? what doesnt this boy notice?????
u finally find your tongue, stammering out a “y-yeah, i was planning out my paper and needed a second reference”
wow is he lowkey impressed he stares at u for a bit
ur now hyperaware of ur messy bun and glasses, the old t shirt you’d tucked into mom jeans feeling so inadequate in front of him in his stylishly messed up hair n button up,,, how could someone be this pretty at 4pm on a sunday
“honestly, me too. but its okay, you can have this” 
he barely needs to reach up to get this book and ur like, looking at his shoulders as he faces away from u for a split second and man is he built
“are you sure???” you let out in an almost whisper “don’t you need this?”
“nah its okay i read it over the summer already” o yes of course
“i’m jaebum by the way” he smiles at you and ur stomach JUMPs
“i’m y/n” you try, and then blurt out “and also really sorry for this i’m like,, dumb as hell-”
“its no issue, y/n” his voice is HONEY as it says your name and you can feel urself turning redder
“i’ll see you in class then” hes gone as quickly as he arrived and ur still in shock because what the fuck
did that really happen or did u doze off after a caffeine crash again???
so the next day in class u walk in, heading towards your seat when  ur eye catches jaebum’s
and he gives u the BIGGEST SMILE
ur blushing furiously and manage a quick smile back
and thru/o ur so distracted bc u swear u feel his eyes on the back of ur neck but ur also too scared to look bc WOW WHY IS THIS BEAUTIFUL BOY STARING AT ME
so at the end of the class ur throwing all ur books into ur mess of a backpack when u hear a voice 
“so did you end up finishing the book”
its god jaebum, beanie hiding his tousled hair and trademark glasses on his nose
“no i still have some stuff to cover but its fine!! you can have it u want-”
“no, no i was going to suggest we do the paper together?”
is this ,,,, really happening
“okay great! i’ll meet you in the library at 4?”
“okay see you then!!” u squeak out and dash
wtf was that
this man did not need ur help, he is a lit GOD
but ur there at 4, a little thankful for the heads up bc u managed to put some semblance of makeup on urself
and he walks in and ur heart is on fire again bc hes so pretty and he’s also so excited to do lit, lit makes this boy
u slowly ease into conversations w him, sappho being taken over by more personal deets
ok first of all, this boy has 5 cats
he shows u pictures of all of them, names and all, like a mom showing off her children
ur heart is so so full of this endearing boy
you keep meeting thru the rest of the week
on tuesday, he asks you ur favorite color
on wednesday, he convinces u to tell him ur favorite memory
on thursday, you tell him how vanilla ice cream is everything to you but u cant stand strawberry
on friday, he asks u for ur number
on saturday, he randomly texts you 6 pictures of his cat sitting on two legs
on saturday, you realize u have fallen for the boy at the back of ur lit class
u dont know what to do
this boy is so so dumb at heart but can also recite all of shakespeare’s sonnets by heart
like hes the cutest idiot u have ever seen
and ur falling super hard for him
ur friendship goes strong for a while
gradually u blush less frequently and get comfortable w him, going over to his place at times
the first time u go (for lit probably) he opens the door and ur greeted w the smell of disaster
like really it smells super bad
and hes frantic and panicky bc “i didn’t know how hard cooking was the tomato sauce is all burnt what did i do”
poor perfect boi is bad at cooking???
even surrounded w smoke and in a dirty apron he looks ADORABLE
and ur laughing and taking the saucepan off the stove for him, throwing his failure out and suggesting u just get some chinese
and he agrees w a sigh and ur like ur so dumb
and no ur definitely not trying to think abt how he wanted to cook for u
when u call him over u make spaghetti
red sauce
“wow so ur really out here triggering me like this”
“is it my fault ur an idiot sandwich”
“w o w”
he probably pouted and u probably made fun of it tho ur heart was crying 
so it goes on like this for a while
and ur always wondering ‘does this boy even like me like that’ bc he out here giving u so many signals but never making the move
like ur ass is never sure if he’s into u or just being nice
bc lets face it - im jaebum is the definition of nice
and its honestly getting kind of annoying
like pls tell me if u like me my heart cant take it much longer
u guys are at his, doing ur readings
you glance to the side and see jaebum reading intently, eyes flying over the words, relaxed and so sweet, a ray of light from the window falling on him and making his eyes radiate a dark brown
you dont even notice how long you’ve been staring until u hear his voice
“hello what r u doing”
“nothing! just,,,, you looked really pretty with the light falling on ur face. no i mean, look!! like, you’re pretty”
did u JUST 
"not that that means you’re not pretty at other times!! i mean,,, you’re pretty all the time and its honestly really crazy” WHY ARE U STILL TALKING
hes just.... staring at u in wonder
and ur lik e wow this is it, this is when the ground acc swallows me up and i die
when his face breaks into this beautiful smile
“you think i’m pretty?”
his voice is so soft and pure
u r, on the other hand, about to collapse from embarrassment
and just nod and its like the day in the library all over
and he’s still smiling when he says “y/n, i think you’re the most beautiful person i’ve ever seen”
your stomach SWOOPS
“i’ve wanted to say that for the longest time” he breathes and you notice just how close he is
“thats just,, i mean wow i didn’t know...” u manage to say
he leans in a little closer and his hands r burning a hole resting on ur thighs
the light is very brilliant as his head dips lower, breath on ur lips until he fills the gap between you
and im jaebum is kissing you
you barely remember to respond, but when you do, he leaves light kisses on ur lower lip, hand coming up to cup ur cheek 
ur entire body is on fire as he draws you closer, your hands going into his hair and feeling for the first time how soft it was 
wow u had really dreamed about this huh
he draws back a little bit, face incredibly close to yours and asks u “is this okay?”
“more than okay, this is perfect” you press him closer and all else is forgotten
send in requests!
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thesoundofmadness · 7 years
Memory Loss (Lloyd  Reader oneshot)
"LLOYD! WATCH OUT!" Y/n calls out as she jumps infront of him to take the time punch for him. She feels something like a intense shock and flys backward onto the hard concrete of the road. Her head hits the ground first, then her arm. "Y/N!" Everyone calls out. Lloyd runs over and picks her up. Tears fill his eyes. Her vison blurred. Everyone else just stood there, stunned and not knowing what to do. She starts to whisper into his ear. "Lloyd....please defeat the Time Twins. For Ninjago, for Master Wu, for your Dad, for me....please" She then looks the blonde boy in his eyes. He places his hand on her cheek and kisses her. It was a way for him to tell her he loved her before she fell unconscious. She realeses the kiss and hugs him again. "I love you....." She says quietly before she falls limp in his arms. Tears continued to fall as her hugged her tightly. "Y/n...no.....you're the most important person to me. More important than anyone else. Please....no! He sat there and cried into her shoulder fora few minutes. Everyone ran over. "Oh no...." "Y/n!" "First Zane, then Dad, then Master Wu and now Y/n. Why? Why? What did I do to deserve this?! Why?! It should have been me! Not Y/n! Why?!" He then wiped his tears away. "No. We have to stop the time twins. I have to stop them. " He handed the (h/c) (hair colored) girl over to Kai, drew his sword and pointed it at the time twins. All he could think about was Y/n. All he could feel was anger He ran towards the time twins. Aderinline was pulsing through his body. As he fought, flashbacks played infront of him like a movie. For about 3 minutes (pretty much as long as the song is) he fought the time twins. He then finally knocked them down to the ground, took the timeblades, used the reversal one on Y/n to get her to stop rapidly aging, then opening back the time portal and everyone went through it.
Lloyd woke up in his room. He got up from the light green bed and stretched. It has been 5 months since Y/n got knocked unconscious and put in a coma. Those past few months hadn't been the best for anyone, more specficly Lloyd. He just felt like something was missing. He knew what was missing was Y/n. Ever since the accident with the time twins, his world just hasnt been as bright and colorful as it was when Y/n was there. It just didn't feel right at all. He then walked out of the room to the kitchen, made some cearal and ate it. There was this lingering feeling that this whole thing, was his fault. He felt this before. He first felt it when his dad died and then when he got possessed by Morro. This time it was different. This time it was stronger than before. When he feels like this, he distracts himself from the feeling untill it goes away but he just couldn't stop thinking about what happened to Y/n. It sucked thinking about it all the time and feeing like that but he just could not shake it.  He got up from his spot, washed out the bowl and put it by the sink. He then walked over to Y/ns room. He's been avoiding going in there since the accident. He took a deep breath, opened the door and walked in. He moved her legs and sat on the bed next to them. Y/n was asleep peacefully. It was adorable. It was like looking at a flower ready to bloom, even though this flower wasnt ready to bloom yet. He missed her smile, the way her hair smelled after a shower, how they would always stay up 'till like 3 am watching MLP on netflix (If you dont like MLPm screw you. MLP is awesome), them training together, everything. He hated not being able to do anything. He felt like he should have done something. He didn't know what but just something to let her know he was there. It wasn't right without her there. There was no one to tell him the most insteresting things at dinner, no one to joke around with, no one. When he does it with someone else it just doesnt feel right. He sighed. "It sure is weird without you here Y/n." He says. " I know you cant hear me and I dont except you to hear me, but I just need to get this out." He went on to explain some stuff about how much he misses her, how when she wakes up, he would tell her his feelings for her and that kind of things. Y/n stirred. Lloyd raised an eyebrow. Must be because she's been stiff for the past 5 months. He thought. She stirred again and slowly opened her eyes. "Y/N?!" Lloyd tried not to yell but accidently yelled. She grabbed her head. "Agh. Please d-dont be so loud. My head hurts really bad." "Uh.. s-s-sorry! I was j-just surpised thats all." He says with a chuckle. "Its okay. Um..forgive me for asking but who are you and who is Y/n?" He was shocked at first but them remember she got a pretty bad concussion so got over it quickly. Shit what do I say?!  "You look and sound familer but I just cant put my finger on it." He started playing with his fingers. "Uh...you are Y/n and i'm Lloyd. We were uh...." I could tell her that she was my GF and save having to explain my feelings to her. Nah that wouldn't be right. "We were what?" She asks. Her beautiful (e/c) (eye color) eyes were looking at him with confusion. "We were uh friends. Yeah! Friends before you lost your memory." "Ohhh. That explains some stuff. Alright Lloyd. You seem trustworthy and I feel like I should trust you so I'll believe you. Now where are we?" "Uh we are in your room in the Airjeztu Temple. Come on,lets go to the living room so I can explain some stuff that you need to know. Let me help you up." He says with a smile. She smiles back. She swung her legs over the bed and tried to stand. She just fell back onto the (f/c) (favorite color) bed. Lloyd put his arm on her lower back and pushed her up. She leaned onto Lloyd for support. "Try to take it easy okay? I dont want you getting hurt again." "How long was I out?" "5 months" Her eyes widened when she heard that. "5 months?! Must of been a pretty bad accident" "Y-yeah it was. Just be glad you didnt die. If you did I wouldn't know what to do." "What do you mean by that?" He blushed. "N-nothing! L-let's go to the living room. She gave him a 'are you sure about that?' look but then brushed it off. They just met, or re-met, she didn't want to get to deep into his bissnus.
"So you're telling me, we are ninja. We have these 'elemental powers' that allow us to do certain things. You're the Master of Energy and I'm the Master of (element)?" "Yep. We go around protecting Ninjago from bad guys. We're actually pretty good at it." "And we defeated alot of people using them?" "Yea." "Apart of me is telling me not to believe you, while another is telling me you're saying the truth. Are you really telling the truth?" Lloyd made a little energy in his hand.  "Woah. You arnt lying." "I'm not one to lie. How is your head?" "It still hurts but not as much as it did at first" Y/n took a sip of her tea. "Are there any other elemental masters on our team? Or in general?" "Yeah! Theres Kai Master of Fire, Jay Master of Lighting, Cole Master of Earth, Zane Master of Ice and Nya Master of Water. There's also our sensei, Master Wu and my mom Misako but they arnt elemental masters." "Oh. Okay. Where are they?" "Well, you see. We help run a tea shop in Ninjago City. They are there now. I stayed back because there needed to be someone here to make sure something doesnt happen to you." "Do they know i'm awake?" "No, not yet. I still need to tell them." "Why dont you do it right now? I dont mind." "Well, i kinda wanna make it a surpise. I have not idea why I just do." "Okay! I'm okay with that!" She smiled at him and he smiled back. You have no idea how much I missed your smile (n/n) (nickname). Lloyd sighed. "Is something wrong Lloyd?" He shook his head. "It's nothing." "Are you missing the way I was before the accident you wont tell me about?" He looked at her with a shocked expersion. "H-how did you know that?!" "You just seemed like you were missing something. I know that look on your face, I just dont know how I know." He looked at her with a smile. "You'll figure it out. And yes, I'm missing you before the accident but I'll through it. Dont worry. I'll do everything I can to help you get your memory back alright?" She nodded. He pat her head as he heard voices outside. She blushed alittle. "Lloyd! We're home!" Cole called out. Y/n raised her eyebrow (if you cant just pretend you can) "Guys guess what!" "Did Y/n- HOLY CHRIST SHE DID WAKE UP" "Hi!" She waved to everyone. They all had there mouths open. "Why didnt you tell us?!" "I wanted it to be a surpise." "Okay okay, before anything. Y/n do you know who we are?" Kai asked. "Uh...you look familer but I dont think I know you. You guys are the rest of the Ninja right? Lloyd told me about you guys but I wanna make sure" They all nodded simultaneously. After re-introducing themselves, Zane did a check to make sure nothing was wrong/ broken. At dinner, the ninja caught you up to everything that happened. The snakes, the nindroids, the ghosts all that stuuf. (Except Nadakan. Only Jay can remember. He doesnt like talking about it.) They also explained how you lost your memory. "Wait what? We went back in time, I got hit with one of the 'timeblades' and got knocked out?" "Yeah pretty much." "While you flew back, you hit your arm and your head pretty badly. Your arm is fine now but your head, not so much. You got a concussion. That's why you lost your memory Y/n." "Ohhhhh okay. I understand now. Anything else I should know?" "Lloyd has a crush on you." "I DO NOT." Lloyd yelled after Kai said that. "Why'd ya kiss her right before she passed out then?" She blushed. Hard. So did Lloyd. Both of your faces where redder than Kai's gi. "Hahahhahaha. I'm just kidding. Lloyd never did that." For some reason, she felt like they were lying but just shrugged. "Uhhh......" "WELL IMMA GO TO BED NOW GOODNIGHT" Lloyd quickly got up, cleaned off his plate and left, still with the blush on his face. "Did he really kiss me?" "Yep. Dont tell him I told you that though." "Okay. I wont. Well, im gonna head off to bed too. Night Kai" "Night Y/n"
Im gonna be posting alot of these. Hope you enjoy them!!!  
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clown-bait · 6 years
Apologies (Monster Roommate AU)
So to continue my holiday mini fics for the AU heres the next one in the series! Pennywise gets in trouble and gets the silent treatment. He doesn't handle it well. On a side note I had a BLAST writing this especially the second part and Leech’s temper tantrum at work. I’ve been wanting to show her at the bar for some time now and get more of the Sawyer brothers in there! Also Penny making missing posters with sad faces drawn all over them in an attempt to be an adorable little shit. 
Pennywise Sucks at Apologies
“Who ever is playing as “trashpire” is losing badly.” Penny plopped on the couch between Freddy and Leech.
“Wow thanks for the encouragement.” Leech grumbled as Freddy stabbed her character again. The demon was himself in the game of course, playing it somehow on the stupid Nintendo power glove. Leech put the controller down and packed another bowl in a huff.
“Aww giving up so soon bloodsucker?”
“You know its not fair when you use demon magic to win. Hey Penny sweetie, help me out here do that thing you do with the tv.” she picked the controller up after taking a hit from the colorful pipe.
Pennywise growled “I am a timeless ancient evil not something you can use to cheat on video games.”
“It's not cheating if Freddy’s cheating too.”
Penny playfully covered her face with his hand causing Leech to lose once again. The clown cackled at her protest continuing to mess with her vision. Leech finally got fed up and bit down on his thumb. Pennywise growled with mock anger and the vampire released him peppering little kisses on the wound.
“Ugh can you guys take a break today? I don't want to deal with Vorhees trying to break in” Freddy scooted over as far away from the couple as possible.
“Is he at it again? Man I bet that asshole was way better when he didn't talk” Leech remembered the first time she had run into Jason and how obnoxious he was.
“Nah, He was still an asshole” Freddy grumbled taking a hit from the pipe.
“Speaking of silent giant assholes, you know who absolutely freaks me out?”
“Me?” Penny grinned proudly
“Haha you wish. You're a giant asshole for sure but you aint quiet love. No its Michael Myers, I ran into him in the store the other night and the guy just stood there silently in the middle of the aisle like he was trying to decide he wanted to stab me in the throat or not.”
Penny's face twisted into that of pure offense. HOW DARE she think someone else was scarier than HIM. HIM the eater of worlds! The master of FEAR ITSELF. Pennywise felt his eye twitch and drift apart.
“Mikey is a total jerk man, he has this high and mighty attitude. Just because you don't say anything doesn't make you the scarier monster.” Freddy let out a puff of smoke while handing the pipe to the vampire who took a long hit.
“Pfft you're the opposite end of the spectrum Fred, maybe take a page out of Myers book sometime and shut up” she passed the pipe back across Penny’s lap, who was eerily still, to the dream demon.
“Nonsense, the ladies love a chatty killer! Right clown?…Clown?…Earth to Jingles?”
Penny's eyes had rolled completely to opposite sides of his face.
“You ok Pen?” Leech waved a hand in front of his face. The clown snapped to life with a roar and his jaws extended like a goblin shark biting onto her wrist. “OW HEY WHAT THE HELL” she slapped him on the back of the head. Pennywise let go, quickly grabbing her shoulders and sniffing frantically. “Were you scared???” he asked still sniffing her “NO I'm fucking pissed off what the shit Penny!?”
“Y-you weren't scared? Not even a little?” wait was he worried?
“Looks like you're losing your edge clown! Mikey is the one who scares your girl now!” Freddy laughed and Leech threw a dusty old pillow at him.
“Kruger!!” she hissed.
Penny got up and made his way towards the well his face expressionless.
“Oooooh boy I can already tell this is going to become a thing with him.”
“Shouldn’t have said that Ol’ Mikey is the one who really gets the adrenaline pumping then!”
“Ugh don't say it like that. I don't even think he's that attractive. He wears a William Shatner mask for fucks sake”
“I'm going to tell him you said that next time I see him!”
“Awwww whats the matter? S-s-s-scared Mike’s gonna come get ya?!” Freddy cackled
“I will pay you not to Fred, I'm dead serious”
“Now I know what to put in your nightmares tonight!”
“You wouldn’t”
“The clown’s off having an existential crisis you're fair game bloodsucker!”
“Are you just being a sore loser because I beat you in guitar hero? I won fair and square its not my fault you don't know all the songs.”
Freddy got up and tipped his hat to her “See you in your dreams scaredy cat”
like an evil Santa he was gone.
Leech sat alone in her room trying her hardest not to fall asleep knowing that Freddy would continue to mess with her more. She suddenly wished she could lucid dream so she could just punch him in the face next time he popped up. The vampire rolled over onto her back. “Maybe if I ate something?” she thought aloud but that would require getting up and going out. She settled on reading pulling out a book she had got from the library on Derry’s history. She liked knowing about Penny’s past exploits since he was always so cryptic with her when she asked. Plus morbid stuff was interesting.
She was on a bit about an Easter explosion, over 100 children dead at the old iron works. She chuckled to herself “Man this must have been like Christmas come early for him” she kept reading recognizing his circus cart in one picture and she started wondering to herself how the hell did Penny get that down into the sewer. Her light began to flicker and Leech groaned knowing she’d have to get up and change the bulb. Stupid old house with its stupid shotty wiring. The light completely fizzed out without warning “Just my luck” she snarled grabbing a flashlight. When she turned it on she noticed something at the foot of her bed. No, someone. She brought the light up and saw the bloody stain on the figures shirt then finally to its face. It was a child. A dead one. The child spoke softly “Hello Leech wont you come play with us!” her face slowly began to decay. Leech sat back and continued to watch the show. The ghost girl floated up and landed so she was standing on Leech’s stomach. It crouched down so it was in her face.
“Come play with us!!” It roared.
“Spooky, Like the decay it’s a nice touch.”
The ghost frowned and then opened its jaws showing millions of teeth. Its tongue snaked out holding a small silver crucifix. Leech hissed at it in anger and the charm melted, sliver splashing onto her chest causing smoke to rise from her skin. She screamed in pain and the ghost realizing it messed up began frantically trying to wipe it off her. Leech’s skin began to burn and suddenly her tank top had caught fire from the heat. The ghost became the clown, who tore the burning fabric off of his mate stomping out the flames with his large boots. Penny noticing her skin was lighting on fire now, scooped her up and ran to the bathroom tossing her in the shower and turning it on.
She was soaked her favorite sleeping shirt was ruined and there was awkward burns on her boobs. Pennywise was in DEEP trouble.
“Penny…… why the FUCK did you use an actual silver crucifix to try to scare me?!”
“I-I..um did it work?”
“Maybe the fire did alit-”
“SHUT UP. I HAVE FUCKING HAD IT UP TO HER WITH YOU TONIGHT! get me a FUCKING towel and get the FUCK out” she screamed she had never gotten this mad at him before.
“You cant kick me out I own this house.”
The clown vanished quickly reappearing on the couch down stairs. Where he placed his giant gloved hands over his face. She’ll be back she always calls for him to come back. Any minute now….
A few hours had passed and Penny was messing with Freddy and Leech’s video game trying to scare kids up way too late through their screens. She hadn't called for him back.
“Someone’s been banished to the cooouuucchh!” Chucky sang from the doorway.
“I swear if you say any more words doll…”
“Heard the screaming awhile ago what did you do? It has to be good to get kicked out of the bedroom”
The clown sighed. “I tried to scare her and I accidentally set her on fire.”
“Holy shit!” Chucky cackled “thats amazing! I cant believe you fucked up that bad Jingles!”
“Wonderful.” Penny grumbled
“Don’t sweat it clown, she’ll be begging for you back in no time. You just have to be real nice for a few days, which I know is hard for you…”
“Whats the use, my mate hates me and I'm not scary anymore.” the clown moped his head sinking low.
“Pfft yeah Kruger told me she had a freaky run in with Meyers. Whats the matter losing your edge?”
“I’m not talking about this.”
“Cheer up Jingles like I said she’ll be begging for you back eventually. Bring her some gifts or somethin. Fancy chocolate chicks like that.”
“She cant eat chocolate she’s a vampire.”
“Uuuhh one of those silver charm bracelets? I stole Tiff one last week when I was in trouble for leaving that stiff on the new rug.”
“Just found out silver lights her on- wait….that was you?”
“I cleaned it up!”
“Barely.” the clown crossed his arms and rolled over on the couch.
“Look that girls crazy about you, she’ll be hollering your name again soon Jingles. I'm telling ya makeup sex is the best!”
Penny rubbed his temples. He was not in the mood to talk about this.
“Did you at least say you were sorry?”
“No. When have I ever had to say that. I don't grovel at her feet and beg like a dog.”
“HAHAHAHA oh man your funeral buddy.”
Pennywise rolled onto his back and dramatically sunk into a crack in the couch. The last thing he heard was the doll shouting some useless romantic advice about dishes before he was back in his nest in the sewer.
It had been a full morning with no Pennywise breathing down Leech’s neck. Usually he’d play his own little games with her. Trying to distract her while she poured her breakfast in her favorite mug, leaving dirty suggestive things on her morning crosswords. His favorite game was trying to convince her not to go to work. He was very persuasive. This morning though the clown was completely absent, it was almost nice actually to finally have some space. Leech was able to go through her whole morning routine with no interruptions. It was going to be such a relaxing day. The vampire was thankful she had taken the day shift it was always slower and easier she was able to mingle with the customers more and pick better tasting victims for later. She’d forgive Penny tomorrow. Leech was going to enjoy her day off from him.
Today two young men walked into the bar they looked rugged and well built the type that would spend a lot of time outdoors. Chop-Top elbowed the newest waitress when he caught Leech staring at the lean body of one of the guys, the cannibal whispered something to the new girl and laughed. Penny would be pissed if he saw her right now and Leech smiled at the thought spinning a glass a bit just to show off. Oh he would be seething mad, but he deserves it after the way he'd been acting. The men left her a nice tip and the one she’d been eyeing gave her a grin as he left. He'd make a nice snack later. Chop-Top leaned against the bar “You're going to be in so much trouble” he laughed knowing how jealous his coworkers lover tended to get.
“I'm allowed to look, besides he deserves a kick in the ass. Penny’s been a huge jerk lately.”
Chop-Top scratched the metal plate under his 60s era wig as Leatherface came out of the kitchen “Hey big guy it’s a slow day mind if I take off early? We got plenty of burgers stored up from that last big weekend” Leech asked. Leatherface nodded and patted the vampires head Leech grinned “Thanks boss!” the giant leaned down and placed a hand on her shoulder looking at where the two men sat in concern “Don't worry Bubba, Pen and I are solid I'm just messing with him for setting me on fire last night”
“What happened unfortunate juggling accident?” Leatherface’s eccentric brother twirled on a bar stool with laughter and the pretty new girl came over to the bar. She was one of the local werewolves and the only one Leech tolerated…..Tolerated is a strong word it was more she was contractually obligated to not start any more fights. “You got set on fire?”
“Yes Sandy I got set on fire. You didn't notice the burns on my cleavage?” Leech rolled her eyes. this bitch talks too much.
“What cleavage?” Chop-Top joked and Leech pushed him off the stool hard.
“My new boyfriend would never do that to me! He’s such a great guy!! Don't know why you put up with that kind of behavior that clown has”
“Gee Sandy! Maybe its because I actually love him and don't plan on dumping him in two weeks. You ever try that? I know its hard for you dogs to not hump the leg of everything you see” Leech muttered after turning away from the werewolf.
“What was that?” Sandy asked.
Leatherface and Chop-Top both began pointing frantically at the employee rules behind the bar. There was a new one scribbled in red marker at the bottom saying “NO MORE BLOOD-FEUDS” the vampire groaned.
“I mean um he’s an acquired taste. You get used to it.”
“I’ll say, must be so obnoxious with all that circus shit all the time. What a fucking weirdo…Oh and those bells and that shakey high pitched voice ugh”
“I. Like. The. Circus. Shit.” the nosferatu spat her fake smile beginning to crack. No one puts Penny down but her.
“it'd drive me crazy to date a guy who wore more make up than me.”
“HIS MAKEUP IS PERFECT AND HIS VOICE IS LIKE HONEY! Shut your whore mouth! I love my clown!!” the vampire roared claws scraping into the bar.
Leatherface practically threw the rule board at Leech. “She started it!”
“Your shifts over Leech, go home and no fighting” Chop-Top pushed the vampire out the door.
“FINE!” she got on her bike and rode off.
It didn't help that everything reminded her of him. Leech wanted to head straight into the nearest storm drain after that incident and forgive him just so she could feel those long arms wrap around her. She was still mad at him though, and like a child he wouldn't learn his lesson unless she stuck to her guns and gave him the silent treatment. What made it hard was the clown’s presence seemed to be EVERYWHERE today. He was probably doing this on purpose so she’d forgive him faster.”That little shit.” Leech thought to herself when she saw a missing poster with her face on it. She pulled it off the wall and read it
Missing: you
24 years old
Last seen yelling at a sweet innocent clown
description: big ears, sharp teeth and bald. Cutest vampire you'll ever see!
If found please return to the nearest sewer opening or sad lonely clown. :o(
Leech rolled her eyes at the sad faced balloon crudely drawn in the corner. “You think you can win me over by being cute you need to try harder Penny” fuck he's making this difficult for her.
She folded the paper and put it in her bag. Leech tried her best to avoid every red balloon tied to almost all the street signs she came across. Somehow she ended up in the park and the vampire decided to sit in the shadiest area she could find to avoid dealing with her clown problem at home. Leech felt the familiar cramp of hunger begin to build, tearing at her insides till she could no longer ignore it. She decided to look around the crowd for someone who wouldn't be missed.
Her sensitive hearing picked up the sound of a couple local bullies shoving a kid against a tree off in the woods. This will work. The nosferatu crept into some bushes and waited for the boys to stop their tormenting. As she waited the smell of cotton candy and blood drifted into her nose. Oh great. She looked over and Pennywise was crouched in hunting mode diagonal from her. Of course he was here, that poor boy being pushed into the tree was terrified. “I’ll just take my food and go don't even talk to him…he’s probably after the kid anyway not the teens.” she thought to herself. The vampire moved closer and a twig snapped under her knee. “SHIT” she whispered then quickly covered her mouth, the poor nosferatu was still making all kinds of rookie mistakes. The teens let go of the boy who ran out of the woods and she saw the mess of orange hair snap in her direction. “Fantastic now were both mad at each other.” she rolled her eyes.
“W-whos there?” one of the boys asked. Leech sighed and shot a claw out from her bush to drag him back into it with horrifying speed while he screamed. The other boy jumped back shrieking and fell against the tree he had pinned his own victim to only a few moments before. Sickening crunching sounds could be heard from the bush the boy’s friend had just disappeared into. The surviving bully picked up a sharp branch in an attempt to save his friend and using it like a spear he stabbed into the bush Leech was feasting in. Something caught it before it made contact with her and the vampire froze turning to see Pennywise towering over the other boy. “Its rude to disturb a girl while she's enjoying her meal.” he snarled Leech had fallen back against her snack and stared up at him both in shock and relief to see Penny decided to help her out. The clown looked over at her and gave her a cocky smirk. If he thinks he's out of the dog house for saving my ass he's so wrong. Leech stood up and sarcastically smiled back at him. “What the fuck! What the fuck is that!” the bully screamed. The boys eyes were wide with tears of sheer terror from seeing his friends blood covering the vampire’s chin and the now six foot circus demon towering over him.
“Time to float kiddo” Pennywise lunged forward and delivered a perfect killing blow, dropping the body with a thud on the dirt. He turned to his vampire and gave a cocky grin. “SoooOOO….whats a girl like you doing in a place like this?”
“Cute. You use that line on all the flesh eating women you meet?” Leech rolled her eyes.
“Just the pretty ones like yourself my dear….. you going to finish that?” he pointed at the body next to her.
“I’m not giving you my meal and I'm still not talking to you” Leech crossed her arms and turned her head away from Pennywise trying not to get stuck in his golden stare.
“You’re talking to me right now though!” the clown strolled over to her and tilted her chin up to meet his gaze with a single gloved finger.
“Yeah well…. only cause you saved my ass….so thanks…asshole.” Leech glared at him. Penny sensed her beginning to break.
“My my little firecracker, is that any way to treat your rescuer? I think I deserve more thanks than that” he pulled her closer to him so she could feel his hot breath on her cold lips.
“You’re not getting any. You’ve been a dick lately” Leech looked away from him trying her best to hide the creeping blush on her hollow cheeks
“Then why aren't you trying to get away?” he was inches away from her now. Shit
“I hate you” Leech snarled and closed her eyes “Mmmmm I hate you more” his soft lips pressed against hers. Stupid clown. The vampire ran a claw through his hair pulling him into her to deepen the kiss Pennywise purred with victory. Leech unceremoniously pushed him off her with a huff facing away from him to hide the fact she was about to start grinning like a school girl. Pennywise snickered.
“You know, you're lucky I didn't punish you for chasing off my initial meal with your stupid mistakes.”
“Not everyone can be as perfect as you, I'm still learning. Give me a break.”
“Aww you're right I am perfect!” he smirked at his on lame joke.
“You're a narcissist is what you are.” Leech grumbled.
“I thought you weren't talking to me.”
“You’re right I'm not…I’m… you just….fuck….you’re so fucking frustrating you know that?” pennywise snarled and pinned her against the tree.
“Likewise bloodsucker. You have no idea how much you torment me.”
“At least I don't light you on fire when my ego’s bruised”
“At least I have an ego. Pitiful little thing, if you spent half the time you spend moping around on practice you wouldn't need me to save you from these situations.”
“I don’t need you to come save me I can take care of myself” Leech snarled back.
“That boy nearly impaled you. If I hadn't shown up you'd be one step away from losing that pretty head of yours. You're lucky I like you so much.”
Leech shoved him back “Yeah but you didn’t do it for me did you! I know you too well. You did it because you thought I’d stop being mad at you.” she took a bold step forward. Too bold. “Selfish prick… you know perfectly well I would have been fine. Stop trying to scare me with that you “would have died” bullshit I'm not in the mood.”
The clown slammed her into a tree with a growl fully pissed off now.
“Stupid girl. Do I need to show you how much I care again?” Pennywise roared his claws splintering into the tree behind her. “Go ahead” she grinned  “but you still wont be man enough to ever say you're sorry to my face.” What a brat. She was completely right of course, but still her attitude was definitely in need of adjusting. He hated when she was right.
The clown placed a knee between her legs and grabbed her neck bringing her close to him again. Leech whimpered a bit when he licked her neck and chin with greed. He groped her body possessively touching her in any way that he wanted to and the vampire glared at him trying everything she could to hide the flush of ichor under the skin of her cheeks. He was being an ass but she loved it when he got worked up like this. Stupid clown. When he kissed her again Leech moaned into his mouth pulling his waist so his hips pressed against hers. Penny had the hem of her pants in his claws prepared to rip them off until he sniffed the air and paused more humans.
“Hello? Miss you ok?” a mans voice rang out in the woods. He couldn't see the clown or the bodies Penny had hidden them, but he left Leech. Lets see how she does without him there to save her now.
Leech's eyes widened oh shit it's the guy from the bar. Shit, shit, shit!!! Penny glanced over at her and sneered “Friend of your’s darling?”
“Hey! Its you! What’s a pretty little bartender doing way out here in these woods?”
Pennywise bared his fangs in jealousy. Oh she did know him. “Yeah what are you doing out here Leech” he turned to her with an evil grin
“Oh um nothing really”
“Just fucking my lover in the woods.” Pennywise mocked her. Leech wanted to die at this point.
“JUST GOING ON A HIKE” she yelled over the clown.
“You uh seem a bit roughed up you ok?” walked over to touch her arm and she pulled back.
“Fine! I'm fine! Tripped on a rock silly me! I must have weak knees!”
“Yeah clowns seem to make them shake like a leaf” Pennywise smirked enjoying his little test.
“Want me to take a look at it?” the man asked,
“I’ll..I’ll be ok” thats a lie, she was far from ok right now especially since Penny was now running a gloved hand down the small of her back and attempting to stuff said hand down the back of her pants.
“Well in that case forgive me if I'm being too forward but my friend and I are here for a couple days while we prep for a backpacking trip. I’d love to get your number so we could hang out sometime.”
This poor boy just signed his own death certificate. He was nice too, if Leech wasn't involved with Penny she might have even said yes. He’ll make a nice meal though, she didn't get to finish her’s after all. Pennywise walked behind the man and bared his fangs snapping his jaws near his head to show Leech what he planned on doing with him after she was gone. She gave the clown a look that said Not today Pennywise. “I’m actually already seeing someone-“ she paused an evil thought entering her mind and the vampire grinned at the clown wickedly “sorta… we’re having a big fight right now really.” Penny’s playful expression dropped. She wouldn't dare.
“Oh thats a shame you're more than welcome to talk about it, I'm Brad by the way”
“Lee-Lucy! I’m Lucy”
“You're mine is what you are.” Penny walked over to her and ran his fingers roughy along his mark on her neck. Leech swatted him away.
“So tell me dear Lucy, why would this guy of your’s ever want to make you upset? If you were my girl I would treat you like a princess”
Leech shot Penny another look that said “See? A princess!” Pennywise glared at her more.
“Well, it started as a practical joke gone wrong. Now its more about how he's being a selfish  asshole”
“Well you're very cute a girl like you shouldn't have to put up with that”
“You think I'm attractive?” Leech laughed in surprise. Pennywise was fuming. “Huh I rarely ever hear that these days.” Leech looked directly into the clowns eyes.
“Absolutely, I have a thing for girls like yourself.” he chuckled and took a step closer to her. Wrong move buddy.
“Well um thanks…..don't think you'd like the real me though”
“What are you getting at Leech” Penny snarled.
Brad took her hand and Leech saw the clown twitch. “Nonsense. That guy of your’s doesn't know how lucky he is to have you.” this poor sweet boy is a walking corpse at this point. Brad leaned in while stared at Leech’s lips as if asking to kiss her.
“Dont even think about it” Pennywise’s eyes were blood red.
“Well thank you for the kind words” Leech turned away. Maybe she took this too far. She saw Penny struggling to hold his clown form together his face beginning to split. The human grabbed her chin to turn her face back to him and she glared. Ok buddy you've overstayed your welcome.  Leech looked over to Penny and winked the clown narrowed his eyes. Suddenly Brad began to kiss her and the vampire snarled with rage, she bit clear through his lip sucking in the sweet blood. Brad screamed and staggered back. Leech laughed removing her wig to free her large bat like ears, she let her front fangs extend and brought her long red tongue out to lick up the blood on her chin. Pennywise hid the small half smile that threatened to break through his scowl. He did love to watch her work after all. Brad screamed in terror and disgust “Whats the matter baby? Thought you said I was beautiful.” she laughed as Pennywise made him self visible behind her the clown was still twitching a bit. “Hiya Brad!”
“What the fuck is that! What the fuck are you?”
“This is that boyfriend I was talking about dear. He’s not very happy about what you did. Neither am I.”
“That thing? You're dating that thing?”
Pennywise grunted.
“He's a clown not a thing Brad, and yes I love him… even when he's being a jerk” she elbowed Penny hard and he elbowed her back with a huff.
“You're still not letting that go are you?” the clown side eyed her.
“No Penny I’m not, you can either swallow your pride and apologize or let me eat this guy and leave”
“Wait eat me?!”
Pennywise growled at his vampire “Don't interrupt Brad. And I have nothing to be sorry for, you're the one letting some filthy human touch you.”
“For the record I didn't want the kiss that was our friend taking it a bit too far. But you deserve it anyway after the way you’ve been acting. Biting me, lighting me on fire, all because I said someone else scared me one time? You have some serious jealousy issues.”
“Wow I’ll say”
“Shut up Brad!” Leech hissed “You could at least start with an apology Pen, but instead you just act like what you did was perfectly justified. PLUS at least the human can give me a compliment every now and then you selfish prick!”
Penny turned to growl at her more but the frantic shuffling of fleeing feet drew his attention away. He snarled at the direction of the running human and turned to Leech “I’ll be back for you.”
“Go ahead I'm still not going to talk to you until you say you're sorry though!” The nosferatu yelled.
The clown glared and vanished. When she was finally alone Leech let out a roar in frustration. Fucking egotistical inter-dimensional clown. She cried by herself for a bit the weather becoming dark and stormy as a result. The vampire left her tears in the dirt and started to head home unaware of her clown watching her silently from the shadows. He hated seeing her upset and he knew was the one who caused it. He held up Brads detached head “Ok maybe you're both right I’ve been a bit of a “jerk” lately.” he made the head nod in agreement. “Shall I try getting her back then, my way?” the head nodded no. “You would say that Brad….you stole your taste and look where that got you hmm? I'm not giving in to her little apology game.” he turned the head to look at him “Yes I know I miss her terribly. Is that what you want to hear? You're dead I don't have to listen to you” Penny tossed the head behind him and ended his macabre one sided puppet show. The clown sunk into the shadows to plan.
I headcannon Penny talking to his victims when he’s bored. Just having weird one sided convos with corpses. Also fun fact one of the horror movies that messed me up when I was a youth was Halloween. It didn't fuck me up as bad as Nightmare on Elm ST did but it fucked me up pretty good. Ironically Nightmare became one of my all time favorites but Halloween never really caught on for me. Just not a big fan of the silent killers beyond Leatherface I guess. Next chapter is gonna get FUN.
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kandadiff · 4 years
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Below are the live comments for the ‘Live’ Video. It wasn't live but they don’t know that.
- Kay and Bommie’s relationship is honestly adorable. 
- oh here we go CL starting stuff, I’m almost sure she likes Gd.
- same im starting to think that wasn’t an accident.
- I ship Minho and afi…. so if they messed... it is what is is
-nah sis, Bunny Dragon all the way. 
- Okay yeah, Cl is being a shitty person here. what did she expect Kya to do? Not stick up for Adi, even though she left funhouse they still love each other.
-wait wait wait. Suga and Kay hooked up!! SUGA AND KAY HOOKED UP!!!
- #Kuga shippers its our time!!!
- Ive been waiting!!!!!! #KUGA
- Nah #KamKam forever!
- ^delusional
- Wonho is honestly so fucking hot. Like look at my healthy daddy running.
- Namjoon needs to stop avoiding Jackson. I need my #Namson moments.
- I find it so freaking funny hes avoiding Jackson.
- They got drunk during the blackout. Look at Taehuns face you can see that's his hangover face, 
- Of course the power goes out and they get drunk. 
- mood ^
- Did Kay really just try to act like it wasn’t her apparently screaming yoongis name. 
- A sex tape I need to see
- 100% would buy
- What song is this?
- La despidida by daddy yankee
- ^ thank you 
- oop Gd looks mad
- Look at poor daesung so cute!!! 
-Jackson is to much sometimes. So I get it. One time I had a friend like that and she was just constantly talking and talking and wouldn’t levae me alone and i’m an introvert so it was hard to always be there for her. 
- ^The cassie of her group.
- #KAYTOP evidence
- There it goes bobby talking shit
-Kay is so dramatic I swear. I’m over her bratty attitude.
- You can tell shes an only child
- Shes not being dramatic though but …. go off Ig
-oop Gd letting his true feelings slip. I clocked it.
- No I agree with what kay said. He was projecting his feelings for Adi on her. I wonder if she really did sleep with Minho and that's why hes so mad. 
-yo someone needs to punch bobby out.
- Yo im no yoongi stan but that is bold af
- I also find it weird that daesung went out in the rain
- Seungri knew what was happening and just wanted to see
- #GdBeingPetty
- Gd is so fucking hot when hes angry 
- ikr Take me daddy
- ooooo Gd vs Kay!
- Money is on gd Kay is chilish
- sure shes being childish
- Yo she just called out Jennie
-I knew kay and bobby used to date. I saw how she was when she was in ornage caramel. I fucking knew it.
- I thought it was obvious!
- OOOO that's why Kay don’t fuck with Jisoo anymore.. I bet it was her 
-Oh yeah ! I am living for this drama!!
- King Bobby and King Jiyong lol
- I love it when she does that 
- lol she still made bommie breakfast
- is it weird I still ship her and bobby
- no
- yes
- Adi is so cute when she wakes up. Like a bbay 100% adi stan
-Yes sleeping not sexing
- Hes not wearing a shirt
- they are in fucking spain when its summer there soooo I bet its hot
-Theres a difference
- I don’t see the problem at all. Shes single so whats the issue
- Adi is a whole mood right now. 
- oh daddy Minho the voice of reason
- ikr I seriously love him.
- who came to the door? I didn’t see
- Jiwoo
- I bet they actually closed the door and CL opened it
- Shes not that petty
- girl she is
- yaaasss queen!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- oh fuck! she just really came and screamed in this bitches face.
- shes a shit starter
- you better be talking about CL ^ adi is just sticking up for herself
- Look at how big wonho is. he towers over adi. 
- I want a ‘Adi’s Biggest Dick Rider’ shirt
- oh CL doesn’t even look bothered 
- ^ true queen keeping it classy not trashy
- ^ oh fuck off CL was wrong 
- I support #SkyDragon
- I believe Minho. why would he lie? #HonestDaddy
- my thirst is real for Minho right now. Looking like a whole snack
-HAHAHA V confirming Kuga !
- I love V
- this is why hes my bias
- Yo did she just smack wonho out of the way? hes like at least 70 pounds heavier then her.
- ooo shit adi laying it down
- I am living for this ! fuck cl and gd
- they were friends first. Adi is just jealous!
- IK id be upset too! CL loves Gd and adi just came in and ruined it
- No No No
- Cl LoVes gD aNd AdI JuSt WaNtS To RuIN iT. 
- That's bullshit. Gd chose adi they are a good couple. CL should be supportive instead of being upset
- no I completely understand CL’s perspective, Adi should have backed off
- ^ no youre wrong so shut up 
- finally gd comes in!
- everyone is coming in right now 
- OOOO if adi went after mino knowing CL liked him that's fucked up
-Ik obviously CL knows Adi’ s feelings towards gd she should have been womn enough to back off. I would be petty like adi too
- no I don't think she should have gone after mino but I do agree CL should have backed off.
- WTF is Gd doing right now? like its the time to speak tf up
-aww Minho being the peacemaker
- I feel so bad he doesn’t want anyone to fight
- yooo my Russian princess! Katya spitting truth
- Katya is right! Honestly Cl should mind her business
- Gd is her best friend it is her business
- ^no its Gd’s and Adi’s that's it
-You know you fucked up if Makayla is yelling at you
- My hippie queen is so beautiful
- Shes right bobby is fucking ugly
-No hes not! hes hot and hes right FunHouse is known for the sluttiest songs in Kpop
- so?
- it doesn't make them sluts
- Poor Minho still trying to keep the peace. 
- honestly its so far past trying to stop it at this point.
- But he didn’t say anything though
- yeha all he said was he belives adi
- hes not trying to take sides
- okay right now he has to because it directly involves him.
- I lOvE bObBy - shut up jisoo
- Jisoo ‘let me make it about myself’ Kim
- shes just sticking up for herself, what is with all this hate?
-Rose is the only real one in BlackPink, I’ll say it 
- Lisa too
- ^ I said what I said
- Even rose knew CL fucked up look at her face
- someone make that a gif
- CL is wrong she did not have to bring up Shawn and Edward
- she did it because she was losing
- no she did it because Arianna needed to hear it. 
- ^ this
- No that's fucked up because it has nothing to do with the argument!
- exactly! #QueenKatya
- Shes right! Its not the person who had the cheating partner’s fault they cheated. 
- katya don’t give no fucks she just exposed the shit out of them
- shes lying 
- ^exactly shes just starting shirt like adi. Jisoo never cheated on bobby. come on
- !!!
- OMFG!!!
-lisa is stupid did sje really try it?
- V and katya are couple goals honestly
- I bet you if he could v would be swinging too
- Taehyung would never hit a girl
- ^ she wasn’t saying that she was saying that if he could he would hit Lisa for coming at Katya. 
- Look bobbys going to try and protect his butt buddy CL
- they are friends and Adi is assaulting her
- King Jb stopping the fight
- OMG!
- where do you see it?
- mama bear draven has such big dick energy my big gay ass cant handle it
- Look at how she looked at CL . shes going to swing
- CL should swing at her! Ugly bitch 
- Katya is terrifying speaking like that
- wheres the Russian fans what is she saying
- shes calling the girls inside dirty whores who fuck there fathers
- V & Katya are what iwant in a marriage
- Did Makayla just say that Haerin slept with Mino?
- I clocked that too^
- Angry draven is so hot
- Katya is seriously terrifying right now
- Adi is ready for round too
- she looks like Muhammad Ali
- ugly ?
- ^ no like shes going to kick your bias in the asshole
- what did she say in german?
- I love you ? I think
- She said CL has STD’s and that she loves Katya
-poor Makayla look at her she looks like shes going to cry
- #BTSStansFunhouse
- the power team right here ^
- If you don’t side with funhouse your wrong
- I know if your bias does and you don't your not a fan
- Army sides with funhouse
- no they are wrong! look at CL’s face! she didn't have to do all that
- honestly if kay didn’t open her mouth then this wouldn’t be a problem
- no no no CL said it there fore it was going to come out
- yeah whatever she said she said. that's how she was feeling
- she didn’t have to beat the fuck out of CL though. No one should ever put there hands on someone else
- ^ I side with Adi but she didn’t have to hit CL
- Yeah she could have just pushed her off like Katya did with Jisoo
- Katya only did that because Jisoo came at her first. 
- Funhouse is NOT the new 2ne1!
- ^ No FH is better
- proud mama bear draven!
- did she just call them twat snatchers
- honestly I thought the first fight in the house would have her throwing the first punch but im really glad its adi
- ooh herecomes the shit starter
- ^ don’t be like bobby now
- Kay didn't start anything! CL DID
-CL started everything! 
- I live for angry suga
- he looks like a kitten I cant take him seriously
- neither can bobby ^
- Can we mention how whipped monsta x is for Kay like doesn this bitch got a spell on them or something? and can I have it?
- Oh here we go with CL
- Oh your a fake friend then because you wouldn’t see anything wrong with this if you had a real friend
-^ periodt!
- aww hobi 
- #Kobi
- I like how they are all ganging up on her now when her group is outside.. pussies
- good fuck her
- SHIT!!!!
- Boy gained my respect! STICK UP FOR YOUR GIRL!
-IDK why everyone is shocked. everytime bobby is mentioned Suga calls him a  loser
- Is it wrong I want to see Bi vs Jungkook?
- hell no I want to see it too!
- BlackPink is getting real bold! Now that they got a little fame they getting real brave
- they can! They are bigger then funhouse 
- since when? Funhouse has more awards and titles then them.
- maybe bigger in korea
- not really ^
- oh look the dram aqueen cant handle being yelled at
- shes not being yelled at ^ shes being ganged up on
- I knew matthew be slinging dick
- oh hell yes 
- you know hes packing too
- Kay is right though if she was a man her antics wouldn't be a problem 
- but shes not a  man so she has to deal with the whore label
- ^ you are an asshole 
- No shes pulling the feminist card. shes a slut and she has to deal with it. shes been a slut since liam and she still hasn’t grown out of it
- ^ it must be so sad to be you
- my baby is crying! 
- Aww hobi loves her look at how hurt he is to see her cry
- she should be crying! She fucked up! Adi should be crying too! I hope that bitch gets charged with assault! 
- people need to stop crowding her though, she looks like she cant breathe
- Monsta X is Kay’s posse for real
- yo someone needs to pop jennie in her fucking mouth
- I know shes pissing me off
- why is veryone coming for Jennie all shes doing is talking
- talking shit!
- #KamKam strikes again
- ^ ikr I love them so much
- ^ tiffany ships it too I guess
- ^ why does she have to bring Jackson into it though?
- Oh now gd wants to step in to help? good im glas Jin and Jimin stop him
- he could have pushed past them if he truly wanted to help though
- look at yoongi when namjoon said that though! he looked so worried
- then bobby popped him
- Hero Jackson getting his future wife out of crisis
- future wife? not anymore I bet
- I wouldn’t marry her
- ^ speak for yourself anyone in funhouse id get down on my knees for
- she needs to get Jennie
- ^ the fight was supposed to be over and this ratchet bitch just started it again
- again with pocket pussy 
-^ I need that shirt now
-You know damn well Jungkook did that push on purpose
- I know hes really ready to fucking fight someone
-what happned lisa? not so big and bold?
-^ lisa was classy she knew the fight was over
- yooo wtf did yuri say yesterday? 
- ^idk but katya fucked that bitch up
- what did she say? Russian fans!
- she called her a piece of shit
- ^ a talentless piece of shit
- damn Jungkook and wonho really snatched up there girls huh? I ship it
- Katya is with V
- doesn't matter I ship it anyway
- Maybe it will work like squidward and make him prettier
- bobby is hot af soo
- suga was wearing rings that not fucking fair. Let bobby put on some rings 
- ^ and he’ll still get his fucking ass beat
- he tried to choke bobby like this is no joke
- he sucker punched him Suga is a pussy 
- Yugyeom angry is so hot
- Taeyangs face makes me want to cry he was just trying to help
- jb wasn't going to let him outside
- lol adi’s petty fucking dance has me dying
- I am living for the drama this season
- this si the best day of my life #teamFunhouse
- Way better then the drama last season # Team2ne1
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