cantillat-moved · 1 year
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❝ I love when a hot lady walks all over me. ❞
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unshackled-instinct · 2 months
for funsies, because Hilde is 6'1
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azurescaled · 2 months
card of misfortune - for Kazuma and Hilde
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Fantasy Starters || Accepting! @namelessxflowers
Kazuma watches Hilde as she grips his hand, a mysterious smile on his face. She has good instincts, that's useful in someone. It seems as if her reputation is more than earned. He looked into her, being curious about his dinnertime companion. To find out that she was a renowned mercenary, she had her fair share of people who admired her...And those who wanted her dead.
[My apologies. I was going to squeeze your ass at first, but it seems like I miscalculated.]
He's expecting to backstep whatever attack she might throw at him, and instead she's so shocked she releases his hand, both seeming flustered but about ready to murder him. So the wraith gives a one handed salute, before springing off into the crowd.
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ssatxr · 1 year
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@namelessxflowers proposed: "How did ya get in here?" (from Hilde to Midnight)
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A question like that would certainly get the Satyrian panicking. It wasn't exactly an easy question to answer on her part either. A foreign girl, clad in leather armor, trying her best to stand despite the gaze on her person, but her soul? It was troublesome, and her ears fell down.
"I will be truthful, but I don't know-- Sometimes I am just sent certain places without warning from certain people..." She grumbled, her chest heaving a little. "But I will say that I didn't mean to intrude on your...your...." She looked around a little, noticing that her vision is still blurry from the fall she took...Did she fall, or did she faint? "Where is this...?"
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"you didn’t want to listen, did you? you never listen." Hilde @Kazuma
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"Because there is nothing to say."
Kazuma didn't want to have this conversation with her, not right now. He didn't want to talk about emotions and dealing with all the problems that came with navigating such things. They were far too complex and annoying to deal with. She wants him to find some reason in continuing to live and he just doesn't want that right now. He wants the release that comes with being able to embrace his final death.
"You want something of me that I cannot give you. I told you, we shouldn't make things complicated and involve feelings. You wouldn't have a happy life with me, and I'm trying to get you to understand that I am the wrong person to love."
[After all, you want to die, isn't that right? You could've ended yourself some time ago, but you were too much of a coward to do it. So you sit here, stewing in your self pity, guilt and fear.]
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"You should know I'm nothing but poison, Hilde. So why do you want something I cannot give you? I can't have children, I can't grow old, so what is it that draws you to me, hm? Why do you continue to beat your head against a wall that won't break?"
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screamingeagle · 1 year
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@namelessxflowers​ continued from here.
      Holy fuck, Max felt like he walked into a party right after he killed a man. With everyone’s eyes on him, gazes uneasy and undoubtedly a little afraid of him-- who wouldn’t? Big 6′2″ buff as shit guy in a goddamn old uniform-- no doubt old for this time-- that was (totally, totally not) armed, he didn’t blame ‘em. But, Max knew one thing: play it out carefully. Treat this shit like film. ‘Cause... damn, honestly, it did feel like a movie he had been in back in the day. At the question, Max gave a cheery look, rubbing the back of his neck,
      “ Yeah! Thas’ exactly what it is... I-I’m sorry, I don’t mean t’uh alarm nobody, ” Max apologized, “ Jus’ got back from a rehearsal, is all, we’re gonna be preppin’ for a historical reenactment sometime soon... I should’a changed, tho’, no doubt. Sorry again, ” Another little apology, but he snorted and smiled brightly-- just be friendly. They sure as hell weren’t Nazis, none of ‘em were. The American was able to swipe the Mälort, downing it in one go-- ‘course, he grimaced like always. Ohh, damn, he missed that bitterness... did they change the recipe, or was he just goin’ nuts? Fucking Hell, Max, stop forgetting you’re... somewhere completely different. A different time. He let his shoulders lax... no need to look so tense. That’d help, too. Deep breaths. Just gotta keep calm... improvise... even if talkin’ about some things would bring up bad memories, he’d might as well seal the deal...
      “ Uh-- name’s Max...! I-I hope I didn’t go spookin’ ya wit’ the uniform... we’ve been rehearsin’ all day, ‘s’all. Takes place durin’ Operation Overlord... ”
      He still remembered all of that shit... but, to keep himself relaxed, his eyes would drift around the bar a bit, taking in the sights. Different from the bars he’d go to, that’s for sure... this felt like one’a them real fancy bars.
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      “ Though, don’t think ya’d wanna hear me ramble on ‘bout that. How’s ya day been?.. hope I didn’t go ruinin’ it for ya, hah! You-- uh, you guys gonna be okay? Didn’t spook ya too much? I’m sorry, jus’ can’t help but worry... ”
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takingxaim · 1 year
he is cringe fail but in a cool way and i love him for that
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As you should. He is a cringe goober but damn it he is OUR cringe goober.
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starofvirtue · 2 years
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@namelessxflowers​ sent:
    "Ah, perfect timin'! Have a seat, here." Hilde happened to be preparing to open the shift with the others and walking around the tables as Shuu walked in, making her turn on her heel and guide him to sit in front of the bar before rushing through the small wooden gate to get back in position, "We got some new wine bottles today and I was thinkin' of tryin' to make somethin' to compliment the hints of citrus one of the red wines have."
    She grabbed a wine glass with a slightly shaking hand, a mixture of excitement and nerves rushing through her as she filled the glass with ice cubes, followed by grenadine, orange juice, white curacao, and finished with a generous splash of the red wine. With a huff of accomplishment she pushed a straw into the glass and gave the drink a couple of swirls before carefully sliding it over to Shuu. "I know it's unlike me to prepare somethin' like a wine cooler, but... Here ya go. Lemme know what ya think."
      He could just tell she was getting giddy-- just the way she moved while she guided him to the bar, he could tell! Her hand seemed to shake from excitement from what little he could feel, and soon enough when he sat down he could even hear it in her voice. It’s been a bit since he came around-- having to deal with all sorts of work on his eyes to help them heal... luckily, though, he didn’t need to wear the bandages any longer! Shuu lightly adjusted his scarf, milky eyes squinting out of habit when they tried to open, but he cracked a large smile...
      There was something specific about this mixture. Grenadine, orange juice... White curacao, red wine... While he couldn’t see it, it was the scent that got to him first-- faint, as the glass was slid towards him. He could hear how the glass moved along the counter, heard the light slosh of the drink and the ice that clinked in its little pool of wondrous flavor...
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      “ Now, it feels like you’re being too sweet to me, ” Shuu told her in a soft joking tone, his hands hunting around, patting the counter gently... It took him a few moments before he found it, fingers quick to hold the glass when he was able to gauge what type it was, and let his elbows rest on the counter while he finally took a sip... A long, long sip-- maybe a few more, maybe...
      Ah, he was right about the flavors... and the reason for the giddiness... Shuu may not have been too knowledgeable in the world of drinks, but he had always wanted to learn! So, he had taken his time with doing so-- bothered Souther and the others to have all sorts of books on the matter... and so, Shuu’s milky eyes glimmered when he opened them a bit more.
      “ And no doubt there’s a reason... ” A beat-- but soon, the blind man flashed a little knowing grin, finally lowering the glass from his lips, savoring every little flavor...
      “ So I think I’ll ask the question in response to something with such a wonderful meaning enough to make you so joyful, ” He said, fingertip slowly tracing the rim of the glass,
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      “ Could you... make me be yours? ”
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sidestcriies · 1 year
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@namelessxflowers got hee-ho'd
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❝ Hee-ho give me some macca or I'll stab you, hoe. ❞ Hey, he was being reasonable today ! At least he didn't say a Life Stone or some Incense... ❝ That's the mascot tax. I'm the mascot, you gotta pay the tax to have me talking to you. ❞ Wait. Does he has a knife ? Eh, that's a problem for future Jack.
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fioletowaroza · 10 months
who is she / i monster
familiar taste of poison / halestorm
jenny of oldstones / florence+the machine
you're losing me / taylor swift
my tears ricochet / taylor swift
tagged by: a certain @memovia
tagging: @martyrshe @redeulogy (cahir) @saintharted @lyriccl @namelessxflowers (hilde) @corrchoigilt
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digitalfcte · 10 months
I reminder that I have this for basically all of my blogs:
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maddestdog · 1 year
Tag 9 people you’d like to know better!
Favorite Color(s): I gravitate towards blacks, grays, whites; splashes of red, silver, and gold here ‘n there, too ~ Dark colors are my thing, but, I also like pinks.
Favorite Flavor(s): I like bitter flavors. I’m a slut for black coffee and drink it on the daily. Oof. I also love spicy foods! Spicier the better. Oh, oh. And sour flavors, too.
Favorite Genre(s): As for movies and shows? Horror for sure. As for books, I like nonfiction stuff... ^_^’’ Mostly topics surrounding history, medicine, science, death, etc. What can I say? I love having useless facts to tell people.
Favorite Music: I listen to a whole lotta shit, heh... I guess I’ve been on a J-Rock binge as of late, though. I’m a big fan of old school Visual Kei and the like.
Favorite Movie(s): Honestly?? Probably the OG Spongebob Squarepants movie, lol. It never fails to make me laugh. I also love Satoshi Kon’s films.
Favorite Series: Ohno. There’s so many. For anime and manga, it’d have to be JJBA, Demon Slayer, Hellsing... I used to really be into Higurashi and Naruto, too. Games? Ace Attorney, Assassin’s Creed, Devil May Cry, Sengoku Basara, Samurai Warriors, a few Shin Megami Tensei titles, Yakuza (obvs), and... yeah!
Last Song: Billy Idol’s “Eyes Without a Face.”
Last Series: Chainsaw Man. Just the anime, tho. Manga will be next.
Last Movie: I’m not much of a movie watcher anymore... owo’’ Recently, though, I’ve been revisiting the Saw franchise. Gotta love all the over-the-top gore. Heh.
Currently Reading: “The Butchering Art” by Lindsey Fitzharris.
Currently Watching: Finally checking out Cyperpunk: Edgerunners ~
Currently Working On: Catching up on a whole list of games when I have the time. I’ve been cycling through FFIX, DRV3, Yakuza 5, as well as replaying a bit of Skyrim and Devil May Cry 5 (I luv my boy, V) here and there just for the hell of it.
tagged by: @namelessxflowers ~ thank you, dear ♥ tagging: YOU! steal it from me if you’re so inclined >:^)
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azurescaled · 5 months
Pinned Post
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So, we’re making this all fancy and stuff now! Welcome to my blog, a lotta you know me already, but for those who don’t, welcome to the blog. My name is Luca, I’m 26 years old and a member of the National Guard, I’m pretty laid back and honestly, I’m just here to have a good time. You never gotta worry about rushing with me and I’m generally always around. 
This here is a blog for one of my oldest, if not my oldest OC Izumi Igarashi, currently, they make a living as a professor teaching the history of magic as well as being a hunter on the side. They're fairly relaxed and generally always have their door open for whoever needs them! Though they like to keep it hidden that they were a deity a long time ago, and try to live a fairly humble life.
They’ve got many verses with more coming (that being said some of them need updates badly lmaoooo)
The graphics here, including my theme, mobile header and the various banners were all made by @fearsgod​​! You can also find me on my other blog @offrozenmemoirs
Affiliated with: @ofoccultism, @lex-cursus, @allthatisleftinthedark/@madamhatter, @deiscension, @namelessxflowers
Now for the handy dandy links:
Home | Ask | About | Rules | Verses | Headcanons | Edits | Prompts | Permanent Interaction Call | Side Muses |
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fakepriest · 1 year
his taxes
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Is there nothing new to do?
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Examine! Hilde (for Kazuma because why not lol)
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Examination || Accepting! @namelessxflowers
Hilde Sternberg, a mercenary of some renown. She's had many battles, and she's fairly deadly with that nodachi of hers. You two share a lot of scars, and a missing eye. Despite how she touts herself, you know more about her than most. You can tell she's carrying something of a torch for you, underneath all the snark between you two. You're the same way, not that you'd ever let yourself be happy in the first place. With all the misery you've caused, you don't deserve it.
You can't give her what she wants, play the role of a loving boyfriend or husband. She deserves better, better than a monster like you would ever be able to provide. You can offer her comfort, a warm body to sleep next to, but beyond that, nothing you'd ever give would be enough. You, who carry your guilt and shame like a weight attached to your ankles, keeping you locked in your past.
You've already betrayed Hanako's memory, your daughter's memory as well. If your family could see you now, how much blood would coat your hands? Your very body? How many souls have you devoured to sate your own hunger? Trying to fill a hole that only grows larger by the day? You're an empty man, Kazuma Sumire. You know it, and deep down, so does everyone who ever meets you. When's the last time you had any light in your eyes?
You are a dead thing, made in the shape of a dead god. All you shall ever do is kill.
You do not belong here.
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touchyoudown · 1 year
Difficult Person Test
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You are a somewhat difficult person to get along with (45%).
Tagged by: @kazimehz​   &   @namelessxflowers​   (   thank you guys   !   )
Tagging: @darksails​
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