#natalia learns to order food over the phone as time goes on it is very relevant to her growth as a person
frogoru · 7 months
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ordering food
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ladyofriverrun · 4 years
20 Questions!
I was tagged by @wasaporcupine
Do you make your bed: Yes, always. I make it after breakfast. Unless one of my cats has climbed in after I’ve got up, and then I make it as much as I can, whilst leaving them undisturbed, because, there are rules. 
Favorite number: 7
Your job: Actor/Writer (Wractor?)
If you could go back to school: Like school school or university school? I would never go back to school school. Who would want that? And university...in all honesty, and all my friends agree, if we were to go back, we wouldn’t go to university. We’d do apprenticeships and education-supported internships. They help you a lot more in getting a job, experience, while still learning. And then you’d be able to go to university at a later day to do anything you want. 
Also my A-Level English Language teacher told us all to pick any subject at uni regardless of what job we wanted to have because all anyone needs to see is that you can learn and can apply learning. None of us listened to him, thinking ‘no if we want to do this, we have to study this’. I wish we had listened, because he was right. (For those who want to know, I originally studied Archaeology and Anthropology (at a really good uni actually, but I didn’t realise until everyone was always impressed I got in), before going to study acting (which I did combined with Lit/Writing for Performance). All of my studies, both drama-related and not, have helped me, but I think I would have done the timing and order differently if I went back. I’d also have focused on getting an SIELE qualification a lot sooner, as a way to earn money in between acting and writing jobs. 
But, side note, stuff I learned studying anthropology has come into use so many freaking times, and it’s also great to come out with archaeological knowledge and people being like ‘wait, how do you know that?. No one ever expects me to have studied a degree in that.
Can you parallel park: No, because I cannot drive at all. 
A job you had that would surprise people: I used to be a proof reader at a company on Broadway. It’s more the ‘on broadway’ that surprises people. The job also involved dropping off said scripts at actor houses, and I nearly collapsed from heat stroke at John Cusack’s since it was like a hundred degrees in the middle of summer. I did get severely dehydrated at Lauren Graham’s and her doorman ordered me a cab and shoved water at me. I quit that job after only a month, because the company was ridiculous about the care of their staff. The day I got fucking stranded in the middle of Brooklyn due to my metro card malfunctioning and my boss didn’t even give me the money to get the cab back and then complained I’d been gone all day was probably the last straw. Especially as it HAMMERED down and I got so wet that my suede flat shoes fell apart. 
Are aliens real: I have no doubt there are other living things out there in this very large universe, especially considering the scientific proof of the high likelihood of parallel universes, but little green men I do not believe in, if that’s what you mean by aliens. 
Can you drive a manual car: Again, I cannot drive at all. Driving and Lana are like non-mixy things. 
Guilty pleasures: I don’t believe in guilty pleasures. When people are like ‘oh cake is my guilty pleasure’ ‘oh listening to the spice girls is my guilty pleasure’. That’s not a guilty pleasure. What’s to be guilty about? Guilty is when you do something that is utterly terrible but you do it anyway. Like you...like to stalk women just to see where they live, but you never actually do anything. I’d say that’s a guilty pleasure, that you should stop doing immediately. But guilty pleasure over food or a hobby? Ridiculous. Stop being guilty and enjoy life. 
Tattoos: None currently, but I’ve been thinking about one for a while. But it’s taken me ages to find a tattoo artists whose style I like WHO LIVES IN THE UK. But I finally found one, so now it’s just about planning, time, money and also waiting for this horrifying crisis to be over. 
Favorite color: Red  primarily, since, as I said on another post, I was like 3 or 4? I have red nails right now, I’m sat in a red chair, with my red phone case, and I have my red boots. Red always appeals to me. But I love the colour teal as well, teal is like the calming opposite of red, but has the same bold-peacock-of-colour energy. I don’t like washy colours at all. Feck off with your pastels. 
Things people do that drive you crazy: Being stupid. I have very little patience, and to be honest I’m a lot less nice than people seem to think I am (I think nice and kind are very different things. I can be kind, but nice? Eh), and I have so little patience for stupidity, wilful ignorance. To the point I will literally walk away mid-conversation if you’re stupid. And I don’t mean ‘oh someone doesn’t understand maths’ or ‘they struggle to understand concepts’. I mean stupidity. Like ignorant, what-fools-these-mortals-be stupidity. 
Phobias: Arañas originally, but I recently overcame that enough for it to be levelled down to fear. Like I don’t like them, and don’t be bringing any near me, but I no longer run out of the house and scream bloody murder. I have put quite large ones in catchers to be put outside, which I would never have done a year ago. Also, oddly, I’ve never been afraid of tarantulas even slightly. 
Favorite childhood sport: I didn’t do sport as a child. I mean I was an active child, but sport? I got into figure skating when I was in my teens, and I was at a competitive level, but that wasn’t childhood so.....but in general the only sport I’ve ever enjoyed is ice skating. I used to be good at hurdles and javelin in school though, but don’t think that counts either. 
Do you talk to yourself: A lot, but in my own head. Rarely out loud. 
What movies do you adore: It varies.But I hate zombie movies (they make me feel sick. I can always smell and taste the rotting flesh), horror movies bore me (they never scare me, and I’ve been watching 18 rated with my Mum since I was 7). I think I like movies to be escapsim with good writing. If the writing is predictable, or immediately makes the woman to be an idiot, I turn it off. One of my favourite movies of all time is Separate Tables. 
Do you like doing puzzles: Not really? I get bored with them pretty quickly. I can enjoy a jigsaw puzzle though; it’s therapeutic. 
Favorite kind of music: I don’t have a favourite genre, but I tend to listen to more Spanish-language songs than English, as far as modern music goes. I have so many Natalia Lafourcade albums, and I love Jesse y Joy, and I recently really got into Kany Garcia. I just can’t get enough of Natalia’s Danza de Gardenias. I can’t help but dance and sing every time I hear that. But I also love Tina Turner, Pat Benatar, Hall and Oates, The Cranberries, Barenaked Ladies....but really I can like any song, there’s no specific artist or genre they need to be. 
Tea or coffee: I’m not really a hot drink drinker,  but if I do, it’s usually coffee. With coconut milk and a dash of caramel syrup instead of sugar. 
The first thing you wanted to be when you grew up: A vet
Tagging: I don’t know who has already done this, so whoever wants to, can do it and feel free to say I tagged you!
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