octoagentmiles · 9 months
Headcanons about Paani and Natquik's relationship and how they met? 👀
uh well actually ik it's kinda wild n out there but I headcanon they met like this:
/s /lh fhdhdjdbsk sorry I'm not 100% sure what you want from me here?? 😅
but!! as for their relationship—at the end of that ep Paani says he's going to stay with Natquik for a little while, so that they can continue to study the flowing water that they found together, but we never actually get to see this ourselves. so!! it's extremely possible that Paani and Natquik are buddy-buddy now, but we just haven't gotten to see them interact since their friendship started!!
so 👀. some hcs 🤲 ↓
474637942749 years ago I made a post talking about how while yes, Paani is obviously a lot like Kwazii, he also has just as much in common with Barnacles. it's just more subtle.
I think that during their time together, Natquik probably would've picked up on that. Natquik's been alone for forever, and has been shown struggling when he's forced to share private space with others—but I think once he started to notice Paani's similarities to Barnacles, he became an infinitely more tolerable roommate.
... however.
one of Natquik's biggest grievances with Red (*the red fox) was how he ruined what would've been his "peaceful and quiet" vacation.
and. um.
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... that's not exactly Paani's specialty.
so they likely had to get used to each other's *style* the hard way at first.
Paani's not the type to intentionally start conflict, or even get outwardly annoyed with others (from what we've seen so far anyway). he's very easygoing, and even if it confuses him, I can see him accepting the way Natquik works pretty quickly.
but he does have a habit of doing things without asking first, or considering how his actions may indirectly affect others before doing them, in the name of The Greater Good™ (such as stealing the GUP-H so he could bring water to the elephants). the Octonauts can forgive him easily, because he *does* usually end up saving the day,
but. uh.
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Natquik's not as chill (ironically) with that.
so!! it's sorta less of them having to get used to each other, and more Natquik having to get used to Paani lol
Paani absolutely ended up meeting Natquik's penguin fam while he was staying with him, and they immediately loved him (as all birds he meets do), which GREATLY helped Natquik warm up to him.
maybe they also told Paani about how Natquik's just having a hard time, 'cause of how long he spent alone. and Paani, who was alone for an indefinite length of time himself, until he was found by the Octonauts... decides to open up to Natquik.
they talk for a bit.
then Boom! Friendship™ 🌠🌈 [INSERT CONFETTI CANONS 🎉🥳] !!
okay there was probably more to it than that, but we don't know how LONG they were roomies for—could've been only a few days, or a month, max, knowing Paani's dislike of staying put for too long lmao.
either way, I'd love to see them meet again, after having gotten to know each other. I think they'd make a really cool dynamic, if they were to go out on a real adventure or mission together. they MET in that episode, but they didn't really interact much—Paani was on his own, and Natquik was with Dashi in the Octoray.
and Natquik desperately needs more screentime anyway ���️👁️
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soupsysoup · 29 days
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More Head canons!! Natquik edition^^. Also, ignore how green his clothes are. I'm using watercolor pencils, and they're a new medium for me, so bare with me when it comes to blending colors.
Head canons
-Gay Aro/ace (In the sense that he falls in love slowly and rarely. Same dude, same)
-Adopted Barnacles and Bianca when they were cubs. They had yet to leave the den and were both starting to whine bc they missed their parents
-Gets overwhelmed by noises, like in general. He learns to deal with it, but if there's a noise he's not used to/not rlly expecting, then he's more likely to get overwhelmed.
-Autism core, but hides it rlly well.
-Loved doing surprise snowball fights with the cubs in Polar Scouts.
-Polar scouts surprised him by using the skills they were learning to surprise Natquik with a surprise snowball and it worked. He was stupid proud of everyone afterwards and decided to reward them. (Idrk how, tbh)
-Yk those foxes in that one episode where his den was broken into?? Yeah, well he visits them every year and brings them food and what not. Same with the Penguins at the end of the same episode.
-He essentially has like 4 families:
+His Biological one (His siblings are alive and think he's dead and he thinks his siblings are dead)
+Barnacles and Bianca (and Tracker to a certain extent
+The foxes. (They send him pictures of the baby foxes milestones, and he tears up everytime)
+The penguins. (They visit him when they can, and if there's a particular bad storm, he keeps them in the gup I)
-Just a father figure to a lot of people he meets.
-Like Cali, he curls up into a ball when he sleeps. Unlike Cali, he's used to nothing but the Arctic winds, so he can't rlly sleep with any noise. I like to think that he has travel, noise cancelling earbuds for when he has to sleep in noiser environments.
-When Barnacles+Bianca where cubs, he'd let them snuggle up to him.
-Spoke Siberian when one/both of them were in trouble. He just speaks Siberian when he's upset in general, actually.
-Multilingual in Siberian(His native language), English, Russian, and a little Greenlandic.
-Has a bunch of Barnacle's/Bianca's childhood momentos, like scrap books, or Barnacle's sketchbooks. He also has video tapes from their childhood.
-Took the cubs to his den when ever he visited.
-Desperately misses his siblings
-Scrawny from his time in the Arctic, but is slowly gaining weight and actually taking better care of himself.
-Likes to isolate himself occasionally bc he isn't used to too much social interaction, aside from the penguins that would pass through and give him food(Stole the penguin part from another post entirely, lol. I'll be sure to find it and attach the link)
Lmk if y'all have any head canons for him!!
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hyperfixated-maybe · 2 months
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i have one of those pens with all the different colors and it’s my fav thing ever
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canonickero · 1 year
I like this one
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This is my second favorite of the old men agents(So not Inkling)
He took care of Barnacles and I thank him for that
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c0nclavii · 1 year
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i gave in and drew him, the man the myth the legend
(i fucked up the legs but whatever)
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thalassic-p4rk · 8 months
just a couple silly quotes from igor! (natquik fictive)
“where the FUCK is belt??”
“i swear to god if have to write speech on phone i will do violence.”
our friend: what are you doing??
igor: *turns around while holding something*
igor: i catch cricket!! :D
sey: earlier today igor stuck OUR HAND into a BEEHIVE bc he is unhinged.
igor: was friend!
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factual-fantasy · 10 months
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I had Octodads on the mind but I didn’t really know what to draw for them.. So I went with some wholesome hugs with the fam :}}}
Well, mostly wholesome. It wouldn’t be a Factual-Fantasy post if there wasn't at least a little emotional gut punch in it somewhere <XD
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abipork2-0 · 5 months
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toffee-beans · 5 months
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Merry Christmas from the Octonauts!
Another piece me and @littlemisspostit collabed on together! More versions under the cut with minor differences in terms of filtering, because we didn’t know which one we liked best-
Hope everybody is having a lovely holiday for all those who celebrate!:]
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octoagentmiles · 2 years
three picrew mens,, what will they do?? (probably pretend to sound the octoalert on accident so they can talk to their adult kids)
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pantpisser9000 · 7 months
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hyperfixated-maybe · 8 months
Natty Daddy
ugh that pained me to write
anyways its the arctic boys enjoy
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He has no heart. Just a big, black number two.
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canonickero · 1 year
Hello fellow Shellington fan!
Obviously I know who your favorite member of the Octonauts is, but I have another question.
Who is your favorite character besides Shellington? And why do you like them?
Best fishes,
I like a few. In the main Octonauts, I like Inkling for a lot of the same reasons I like Shellington. He's just cool. He also looks like he'd unironically say "gee willikers" or some shit
He gives aroace and he's so real for that
Inkling also is proud of himself and his achievements and he's very confident in his few abilities and he isn't afraid to do things he knows he needs to do to help his friends, family, and other creatures as an Octonaut.
For Octoagents, I like Natquik and Ranger Marsh. They're just traumatized old people who ended up as parents somehow. Marsh is very confident in Tweak and seems like the type of dad to go out and buy as many pride things as he can find because his kid just came out to him. He's going to Spencer's and slamming one of everything on the counter, panting because he carried it all at once. He's got all of the lesbian flag items he could possibly find and he comes back later in the day and goes up to Tweak, throwing pride flags and pins at her one by one.
Natquik is also very traumatized and I love the way he talks. He needs more screen time. I like how he talks about not having cocoa with the same urgency as his research station and only piece of shelter and civilization and work falling into an ice chasm.
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c0nclavii · 1 year
i havent been uploading much octonauts shit lately sorry lmao-
ill do that one day and one day is not today im too busy giggling at certain posts (aka this post)
so anyways yeah have a natquik pic
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rub3lite · 7 months
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Excuse me the gup what now tweak?
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sporksdrawspaper · 1 month
natquik appreciation post !!
I was rewatching octonauts since it was leaving netflix soon and professor natquik got my attention, he looks so silly!! <3
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should’ve been in more episodes tbh lol.
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