#nerve wracking but then nobody could get mad at me because he DIDNT EVEN REMEMBER TELLING US!!!! it was about his memory problems instead!!
pussymasterdooku · 8 months
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babbling-idiot · 4 years
Caius Volturi x reader
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Requested: "Uhhhh can I get a #1, #8, and shit throw in a #10 from the angst category w/ our Albino Rat King himself Caius please? (my depression is rough rn if you can’t tell)" -By Anon
Warning: Angst, sadness
1. “I can’t do anything right.”
8. “Nobody’s seen you in days.”
10. “I’m worried about you.”
(Hey anon! I know how you feel. I'm sorry that your in that place rn I hope you get better and if you ever want to talk I'm definitely here for ya! I hope you like this and that it doesnt suck a whole lot lol!)
Since you were human it was bound to happen. You had been cooped up in that castle and had to get out so of course youd leave. You didnt plan on staying away long but you just got caught up in the place you where. You went away in the first place because of caius. He had been an ass and you just had to go. Not forever but for a little while.
That was yesterday and now you were approaching the front entrance to your favorite place. It was very nerve wracking. The one thing you didnt want was caius to be mad. That was a lost cause though. Even if you didnt want him to be mad he still would. Even now your nerves were out of this world and frankly you were terrified. You had just passed the secretary and now you stood in front of the double doors. Taking a deep breath you walk in.
"You do know that Caius is not going to be very happy?" You looked at aro shaking your head "Tell me something I dont know. Hes going to kill me when he sees me." "I would never let anything happen to you. He will be angry I know, but I wont let him hurt you." He says as he puts a hand on your shoulder. You nod and just as the situation couldnt get any worse. Caius walks in, stopping in his tracks he looks dead at you “Nobody’s seen you in days.” "I know..." "Do you realize the amount of worry I have had dwelling over my head? Do you realize that if something were to happen to you I would never be as I am now. I would go insane! All you could muster up as a goodbye was a silly, pathetic note! If I remember correctly one of the lines that has suck with me throughout your little absence was and I quote “I can’t do anything right.”" by now aro had already left the room and caius had gotten quite closer and louder. "I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have left with a proper explanation. I cant leave this place, even if I wanted to I can't. The only thing keeping me here is you and aro. I just feel like I have messed things up and i hate myself for it. I screwed us up. I'm so sorry." By now you were silently crying, tears were flowing down your cheeks and under caius's cold exterior he was broken. On the inside all he could feel was hurt. All he wanted to do was hold you. "I’m worried about you.” "I know." "I will do everything in my power to make you happy. Your my partner and I cant bare to let you be unhappy. Whatever you want, I will get." You smile slightly at this "I just want to be with you. Nothing more, just me and you." He nods his head and walks toward you this time grabbing your hand and pulling you along with him.
By the time you realize what's happening your in the confinements of both of your rooms and are laying together. No sound or noise besides your breathing. Nothing could disturb you.
(Hey again, so I'm kinda at a weird place at the moment. I'm still trying to get some requests out and I am also working on a fic that I'm hoping is gonna be a longer one. I hope you liked this and I'm so sorry it's not super long and I also sorry if it sucks. Requests are always open but I suck at them. Please have a wonderful day and please stay safe out there in the world!)
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