andmaybegayer · 2 months
What are you using to organize and browse your photos on the server?
I'm running Memories, a NextCloud app.
So far it's pretty good! I just dumped over 700GB of images on it and it indexed them all in a couple hours. Previews might take longer to generate, and it is a little slow when you hit a batch of images that haven't got previews yet, but I imagine that in steady state it'll work very well.
It's basically a Google Photos clone, you get a unified timeline of all your photos plus albums. There's plugins to enable facial recognition and even object recognition so that you can search by that, and you can configure the matching smartphone app to sync your photos as you go.
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There's other options I've seen people recommend, mainly PhotoPrism and Immich. I might try those out, and it shouldn't be too hard to run multiple image organizers simultaneously for comparison since currently my photos are stored in an External Storage mount for NextCloud. That's mostly so that TrueNAS can make it available as an NFS share, which is a much faster and more reliable way to copy 700GB of photos than trying to upload through the NextCloud interface.
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drprawedha · 2 months
07 April 2024
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Setelah kemarin coba pake Google Cloud Platform dengan segala kemudahan sat setnya. kini mencoba pake Amazon Web Services (AWS) dengan segala pengaturan yang njlentreh apa aja ada.
Pake yang Free tier, dengan speed yang 'disesuaikan' cukup laah untuk bangun nextcloud di EC2.
Mari coba running, paling tidak untuk beberapa jam kedepan.
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Setelah beberapa jam di 'panjer'. ada beberapa case yang belum resolve, yakni masalah bad gateway dan ini..
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thoschtech · 1 year
occ-Befehle mit Hetzners Storage Share
Der Hoster Hetzner bietet Nextcloud-Instanzen unter dem Namen Storage Share an. Mit dieser Lösung kann man eine „eigene“ Nextcloud betreiben, ohne dass man sich um die Sicherheit und die Updates des Servers sowie des Kernsystems kümmern muss.
Andere als bei einer selbstgehosteten Instanz hat man bei dieser Lösung keinen Zugriff auf die Kommandozeile des Servers, sodass man den occ-Befehl nicht auf dem üblichen Weg eingeben und verarbeiten kann.
Hetzner bietet in der KonsoleH unter den Einstellungen der Storage Box eine Option OCC an, über die man menügeführt den occ-Befehl ausführen kann.
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darnellclayton · 2 years
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So I was scrolling through the Fediverse Party software list & here were some that caught my attention. These I liked due to 3 things:
Boasted an official or useful third party app on iOS (yes, many have Android apps but I am focused on iOS here)
A user friendly hosting service (normie friendly)
Are under active development
Here is what I found.
Mastodon has official apps on iOS/Android, but the official app also supports Pleroma, PixelFed (official iOS app on the way!). I use Masto Host for my personal Mastodon site, but there are numerous others online.
Funkwhale (which is an open source version to SoundCloud) does not have an official iOS app, but it is accessible via the Substreamer app. You can host Funkwhale on Cloud68’s servers.
NextCloud lets you host your content on your own personal cloud, & is an alternative to Google Drive. They also boast official apps for iOS/Android. Nextcloud offers to host your cloud but you can also use Cloud68 instead.
WriteFreely comes across as a super simplified blogging platform. They boast official iOS/iPadOS apps, as well as a hosting service via Write.as (I am tempted to sign up with them).
These four really impressed me & I look forward to checking them out in the future.
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thestormposts · 2 days
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g-tech-group · 12 days
💻 Hai bisogno di un upgrade per il tuo sito web? 🌐 Scopri la nostra soluzione premium di oggi: Cloud Personale By Nextcloud Sicurezza e Privacy: Il Cloud Personale By NextCloud offre massima sicurezza e privacy per i tuoi dati. Con la nostra soluzione, i tuoi dati rimangono lontani dalle mani delle multinazionali come Google e Microsoft, grazie a tecnologie di crittografia avanzata. Cloud Personale Personalizzato: Avere un cloud personale significa avere una soluzione completamente personalizzata, ideale per gestire dati sensibili e specifici per il tuo campo di attività. Ideale per Aziende, Avvocati, Commercialisti: Questo cloud è perfetto per aziende, avvocati, commercialisti, e chiunque abbia la necessità di proteggere dati sensibili. Garantisce la confidenzialità e l'integrità dei dati, elementi fondamentali per professionisti che gestiscono informazioni delicate.
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zeroping · 3 months
Schnell, zuverlässig und günstig! Entdecke zeroping.sh - das beste deutsche Cloud Webhosting für deine Website https://zeroping.sh  - #cloud #hosting #antiddos #zeroping
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recogiendofrutos · 6 months
Roundcube se ha «fusionado» oficialmente con Nextcloud
Heey, esto me interesa. Voy a actualizar a ver como está, aunque me da pereza hacerlo por culpa de lo complicado que es por el error que me sale de actualización jajaja
Heey, esto me interesa. Voy a actualizar a ver como está, aunque me da pereza hacerlo por culpa de lo complicado que es por el error que me sale de actualización jajaja Hace poco se dio a conocer la noticia de que Nextcloud anunció la incorporación del cliente de correo electrónico Roundcube, lo cual se traduce en buenas noticias para los usuarios del cliente de Roundcube, pues con esta…
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dotjunior · 6 months
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veuhoffblog · 6 months
ownCloud vs. Nextcloud: Die Unterschiede der Cloudplattformen
In diesem umfassenden Artikel berichte ich über die Unterschiede zwischen den beiden verwandten Open-Source-Cloud-Speicherplattformen ownCloud und Nextcloud. Verwandt? Ja, Nextcloud ist eine Abspaltung (Fork) von ownCloud, die 6-Jahre nach der eigentlichen Gründung durch Frank Karlitschek im Jahr 2016 entstanden ist. Um den Grund der Abspaltung...[Weiterlesen]
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mirqmarq428 · 7 months
Next up is Nextcloud. Hurdle: having all the data on an NFS mount (permissions hell atm)
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drprawedha · 2 months
29 Maret 2024
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Berawal dari coba coba. dan berlanjut sampai keterusan.
Kemarin, kepikiran aja. Ada GCP tapi mau buat apa? Akhirnya, dahlah bikin server kecil kecilan sekalian buat pengalaman kalau pernah bikin server berbasis cloud (bukan on-premise yang di cloud-in).
Walhasil, punya ide, gimana kalau nyoba pake nextcloud untuk penyimpanan aja. kan lumayan bisa di buat nyadangin file sementara (walaupun kadang juga sementahun).
Setelah oprek yang sekitaran waktu istirahat siang sampai ashar. Barulah bisa launching aplikasinya. tapi dengan catatan aplikasi berbasis web yang di akses dengan IP yang not secure (karena ngga dilapisin ama SSL/TLS.
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pulipuli · 7 months
看看網頁版全文 ⇨ Linux傳到Google Drive的檔案打不開,怎麼辦? / How to Open the File Uploaded From Linux in Google Drive? https://blog.pulipuli.info/2023/09/linuxgoogle-drive-how-to-open-the-file-uploaded-from-linux-in-google-drive.html 改用Linux之後,用Google Drive從網頁上傳到Google Drive的Excel檔案會變得無法識別,但是用NextCloud跟RClone同步到Google Drive的Excel檔案,卻能夠像Google試算表一樣開啟。 事情變得越來越複雜了。 ---- # Excel檔案 / Excel File。 - 英文葡萄酒評價資料集的Excel檔案:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14fXyJMY_5EqKwL7vMfhxCtP3tHjljl7lh-kDm3q0Has/export?format=xlsx 讓我們先來拿個Excel檔案來看看。 這個是之前在「英文葡萄酒評價資料集」準備的檔案,轉換成Excel的xlsx格式後下載。 之後取得「wine-country - 2020 - blog.xlsx」檔案。 # 從網頁上傳Excel試算表 / Upload Excel from web page。 - Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/ 我們拿這個檔案到Google Drive上傳看看。 傳上去之後,你會發現「wine-country - 2020 - blog.xlsx」看起來只是個普通檔案。 開啟看看,Google Drive表示無法預覽。 附帶一提,我已經開啟了「將上傳的檔案轉換成Google文件編輯器格式」。 但不知何時起,這個功能無法適用於Excel或Word等Microsoft Office檔案格式上。 反而是Open Document Format的odt或ods就能讓Google Drive正常轉換。 ---- # Rclone 圖片來源:https://wiki-rcs.unimelb.edu.au/display/RCS/Rclone+-+cloud+transfers。 接下來我們不用網頁,改用個拐彎抹角的方式來把檔案上傳到Google Drive。 那就是透過Rclone。 Rclone是一個強大的跨平台命令行工具,專門設計用於在不同遠端空間之間進行文件和資料的同步、備份和轉移。 它的名字來自"Remote"和"clone",暗示了它的主要功能,即遠端空間之間的文件複製。 ---- 繼續閱讀 ⇨ Linux傳到Google Drive的檔案打不開,怎麼辦? / How to Open the File Uploaded From Linux in Google Drive? https://blog.pulipuli.info/2023/09/linuxgoogle-drive-how-to-open-the-file-uploaded-from-linux-in-google-drive.html
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gombang · 7 months
Links of the week: 29 Oct-5 Nov 2023
Some links from the past week. I should have posted this on Monday but better late than never. Also probably should have collected more links. How to sync Obsidian with NextCloud. Quite handy tips you use Obsidian and also use NextCloud. Obsidian only offers sync feature as a paid service. However, you can use cloud storage service to sync your notes. There is a plugin to make it easier to sync…
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hackeocafe · 7 months
Ditch GOOGLE and Set-up Nextcloud! - Custom Domain, Secure HTTPS
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g-tech-group · 17 days
💻 Hai bisogno di un upgrade per il tuo sito web? 🌐 Scopri la nostra soluzione premium di oggi: Cloud Personale By Nextcloud Sicurezza e Privacy: Il Cloud Personale By NextCloud offre massima sicurezza e privacy per i tuoi dati. Con la nostra soluzione, i tuoi dati rimangono lontani dalle mani delle multinazionali come Google e Microsoft, grazie a tecnologie di crittografia avanzata. Cloud Personale Personalizzato: Avere un cloud personale significa avere una soluzione completamente personalizzata, ideale per gestire dati sensibili e specifici per il tuo campo di attività. Ideale per Aziende, Avvocati, Commercialisti: Questo cloud è perfetto per aziende, avvocati, commercialisti, e chiunque abbia la necessità di proteggere dati sensibili. Garantisce la confidenzialità e l'integrità dei dati, elementi fondamentali per professionisti che gestiscono informazioni delicate.
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