#nhs with a steel chair shows up
agendratum · 2 years
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Head Shaker (2019)
happy halloween! (insp)
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thebibliosphere · 2 months
just wanted to wish you luck with the emdr! it worked great for me despite being self-administered (not recommended, but nhs waiting lists)
Thank you. I've done EMDR for the Other Horrors in my life, and it works well for me (even if it's harrowing to begin with).
I'm pairing it with somatic movement therapy because part of my trauma/masking response is to completely freeze up internally while pretending to be completely fine outwardly.
(can't show emotion! my emotions are Too Big, and that makes me Annoying for others to be around, so I will simply not experience them. I'm sure this is totally fine and will have no lasting repercussions on my mental and physical health ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ… oh what's this? it's multiple immune disorders coming in with steel chairs!!!)
So, I'm learning to flail around to give my body something to do with all the adrenaline after EMDR sessions. Weirdly, that's almost harder than the actual EMDR.
There's something weirdly visceral about Kermit flailing to music in front of your therapist 😅
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psychosistr · 4 years
Mending the Broken- Chapter 3
Summary:  Jonathan awakens from one nightmare and finds himself in a reality far worse than anything he could've dreamt up..
Notes:  Alright, no two-ways around this one, there are warnings for dubious consent, mind control, and Dio being a general d!ck. You have been warned. Only posting part of this here because of how lame Tumblr is for certain content. Link for AO3 version will be posted below if you want to see more.
-First Chapter-
Jonathan’s eyes snapped open and he gasped for breath. He recalled bits and pieces of his dream, enough to realize why he was so startled when he awoke, but not enough to remember every single thought that had passed through his mind.
He remembered himself and Speedwagon talking…He remembered Speedwagon silently crying alone while cracks appeared on his body…He remembered Dio devouring Speedwagon’s heart…and..that was it..there had to be pieces between those points, but he couldn’t for the life of him recall them at the moment..
Jonathan’s thoughts were stolen back to the waking world when he attempted to move. The first thing he noticed was a crippling pain in his arms as he tried to rub his eyes and found himself unable to move any of his limbs. Looking down in alarm, he saw that he was in a seated position on a stone floor with his arms and legs shackled to the wall behind him. Both arms were wrapped in bandages and the pain in them when he attempted to move suggested they may have been broken. Surprisingly, his legs, while sore from being seated on the cold stone, were otherwise unharmed.
Next, he noted, there was something wrapped tightly around his throat. It felt like steel encased in cloth. He tried to breathe deeply and focus his mind but, when he did, there was a clicking sound from the collar just before it tightened to the point of near suffocation. He gasped on reflex, but that only made the collar tighten further. He quickly learned to take short, weak breaths until it relaxed enough to let him breathe with only a little more difficulty than usual.
Jonathan turned his head enough to see that the collar around his neck was connected to a steel wire that fed into an intricate series of gears on the wall behind him. He had a hunch what it was for, but decided to test his hypothesis anyway.
“Haaaah-nh!” Jonathan attempted a deep breath to charge his hamon, but the tensing of his neck muscles tugged the wire slightly and it triggered the gears. The device then activated as the gears turned, drawing the wire back in towards them and, in the process, choking Jonathan. Jonathan quickly relaxed his neck and took in short breaths until the wire released him and the device shut off once more. His neck hurt now, but his hunch had been proven right. “So, this device is meant to restrict my breathing and keep me from using my hamon. I would call it brilliant if it didn’t reek of Dio’s sadism.”
Jonathan decided to take a look around the room to see if he could spot a way to free himself or, at the very least, gain a better understanding of where he was.
There were no windows there, only stone walls on all sides with a single wrought-iron door on the wall out of reach to his left. The meager light of the room came from a lone candle left to burn in a wall scone by the door. The only notable fixture in the room besides the chains and device that Jonathan was bound to was a lavish, ornate wooden arm chair with intricate engraving and upholstered in blood red cushions located against the wall directly in front of him.
At first, Jonathan nearly overlooked the chair as just a piece of furniture…that is, until he saw the chain attached to the ground by the leg of the chair. Following the length with his eyes, he saw a figure sitting in the long shadow cast by the chair in the dim lighting that he almost missed. It looked vaguely human in shape and he could tell it was breathing, but he couldn’t see who it was in the darkness.
“Hello?” He tried calling out. “Can you hear me?”
“……” The figure didn’t answer him. But, its head tipped to the side slightly and Jonathan saw familiar golden hair slip out into light just past the chair.
“Speedwagon?” Jonathan tried calling out to his friend. “Speedwagon, can you hear me? Are you alright? Do you know where-?”
“……” He stopped when Speedwagon’s head slowly rose and turned towards him. The light was too dim to see everything clearly, but what he did see caused a tremor of fear to go through his body: Speedwagon’s eyes, which were normally so bright and vibrant and reminded Jonathan of perfectly polished copper, were now dim and lifeless, a haze to them that turned them a murky color like thick mud. His skin looked paler than usual, almost sickly, and, from what Jonathan could see, there was dried blood around the sides of his neck. His hair was also far more matted and unkempt than usual, looking as if it had been pulled and mussed and tossed about for quite some time.
“Speedwagon..?” Jonathan’s voice had a quiver to it. He may not have been able to fully see the state of his dear friend, but what he could see clearly told him that something was wrong with the other man. “Dear god, Speedwagon…What has that monster Dio done to you?!”
That seemed to garner some sort of reaction from the blond. His vacant eyes slowly drifted towards the door. “D…Di…o…”
As if on cue, the door opened after a clicking sound was heard and the man in question entered the room. The vampire closed the door behind himself with a loud “bang” before looking at Jonathan with a malicious smirk. “Well, well..finally awake, Jojo? You certainly kept us waiting.”
Jonathan was about to speak, to demand to know what Dio had done to Speedwagon, but the words died on his tongue when Speedwagon suddenly got up onto his knees.
“Lord Dio!” The street-rat’s previously expressionless face now had a large, almost manic smile spread across it even though his eyes retained their blank, muddled state. He crawled on his hands and knees around the front of the chair, revealing that he was naked from head to toe aside from a collar around his neck that connected to the chain latched to the floor. His body was scarred and bruised and coated in patchy spots of dried blood and a white substance that Jonathan dared not guess the origin of. “Lord Dio! Lord Dio!” He called out with a tone that was both ecstatic and desperate at the same time, crawling on his hands and knees until the chain reached its limit and jerked him back into a kneeling position. “I-I did what ya said, Lord Dio! I didn’ move or talk ‘til ya came back! Did-Did I do good?! Are ya pleased, Lord Dio?!”
Dio chuckled in amusement and walked forward, allowing the man’s eagerly reaching hands to wrap around his legs while he patted Speedwagon’s already mussed hair. “Yes I am, my pet. You’ve done very well.”
Speedwagon trembled as if a wave of euphoria had just overtaken him and slid down Dio’s legs until he was seated at his feet. “Ohhhhh, thank ya, Lord Dio…!”
Jonathan watched the scene unfold in stunned silence for several moments, unable to properly form words or even thoughts about what he was witnessing. His friend..his dearest, closest friend..a man who’d once shot Dio in the face with no hesitation and stood alongside Jonathan valiantly..was now..now..
“DIOOOOO!!!!” Jonathan yelled as protective rage filled his veins like liquid fire. He struggled against his bonds, ignoring the pain in his arms and the tightening of the collar around his neck slowly choking off his air. “What did you do to him, Dio?!” The collar tightened to the point of near suffocation, so Jonathan forced himself to settle back down, though the rest of his body was still tense enough to clearly show how enraged he truly was. “What..did you do..to..Speedwagon..?!!” He managed to huff out while regaining his breath.
“You don’t approve of my new pet, Jojo?” Dio smirked again and stepped out of Speedwagon’s hold, walking over to the chair and seating himself in it with his legs crossed. He snapped his fingers and Speedwagon instantly crawled to him, kneeling at his feet with his head positioned under Dio’s waiting hand to be petted like a common dog. “I find him rather amusing. So loyal, so easy to train..I’ve already taught him a few tricks. Watch.” He uncrossed his legs and snapped his fingers again.
~(cutting here for dubious consent/mature content- full scene here on AO3)~
“Now then, Jojo..” Dio lifted Speedwagon off of his lap with ease and dropped him to the floor carelessly. He ignored the yelp of pain the other gave on impact with the hard stone floor as he tucked himself back into his clothing and righted himself. He then walked over to Jonathan and kneeled down to be at eye level with him. “I hope you enjoyed my little show. If not, then do not fret- I shall return soon enough for an encore performance.”
“Diiooooo..!!” Jonathan practically growled out his hated brother’s name. He was seething with rage, possibly the angriest he’d ever been. He leaned as far forward as the collar and wire would allow him, looking Dio dead in the eyes as he spoke. “You will pay for what you have done, Dio! I will find a way out of here and I will take Speedwagon back with me! Once he is safe, I will make certain you pay for what you have done to him!”
Dio laughed at Jonathan’s futile struggles and stood back up, now looking down on him both literally and figuratively. “My, my, Jojo. You actually seem to think you have a chance in all of this. How delightfully foolish.” He walked towards the door. “I invite you to try, though. Show me what you are capable of.” He glanced back when he heard a pained groan and a shuffling sound, looking at Speedwagon as the bloodied and bruised man brought himself up into a sitting position. “As for you, my pet, you are not to move or speak until I return again. Understood?”
“Y..Yes..Lord..Dio..” Speedwagon said weakly while catching his breath, sitting up with his back against the leg of the chair. “Anythin’..ya say..”
Dio seemed pleased by the response and opened the door. “Until next time, Jojo.” He closed the door with a loud “bang”, leaving the two men alone once again.
Jonathan glared after him for a while before his attention was drawn back to Speedwagon due to a dripping sound. He frowned at what he saw: Speedwagon, still seated in the same position he’d been in when Dio left, now had that blank, emotionless expression on his face once more, but with tears now slowly falling from his eyes and dripping down onto the stone floor beneath him.
“Speedwagon..” Jonathan said, trying any way he could to shift even an inch closer to his fellow captive. “I am so sorry..you do not deserve any of this..I swear upon my life and pride as a Joestar, I will find a way to free you from Dio.”
“…….” Speedwagon gave no response. There was no movement. Not even a glance at Jonathan’s face to indicate that he heard or understood what Jonathan said. He merely continued to weep silently while looking in Jonathan’s direction unseeingly.
Jonathan bit his lip, glancing down at the ground with a pained look of sadness. He had to find a way out. He had to find a way to free Speedwagon from Dio’s control. He had to defeat Dio and put an end to his cruelty once and for all. There were so many things he had to do that he wasn’t even sure where to start…
<-Previous Chapter Next Chapter->
End Notes:  Another thing I wanted to see more of in the series was Dio's use of hypnosis- it was only ever briefly used on Poco, but then never discussed again that he could do that. This whole story was essentially me wanting more hypnosis and seeing what that could REALLY do when used by someone as sick and devious as Dio.
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Briefcases and Bloodsplatter: Chapter 3: How do you catch a cold? Benny Colon x OC
Here’s the third installment, sorry it’s taken so long to get out, it’s a  crazy time to be part of the NHS, i just want wait to get my life back to normal. at least I can indulge elsewhere! please enjoy!!
TAC was quiet when Liv finally tip toed her way into the office.
Screen panels were all lit up, but there was no one to be found anywhere. Maybe I missed a meeting? Surely Benny would have told me? She tried to shrug off the nagging feeling of guilt from her little over sleeping blunder and made her way to the lab.
Now she knew where almost everyone was. There was a big crowd standing outside, peering in to the big glass windows. Danny and Chunk stood guard at either side of the door.
“Morning sleepyhead. I’m glad you’re here, I need a coffee.” Chunk greeted her with a warm smile and a small side hug.
“Morning.” Liv looked at the cluster of people and raised her eyebrows, “What’s with the audience?”
“A delivery for you arrived about 15 minutes ago.” Danny waved her and through the door and Liv cautiously poked her head inside the lab.
Inside, on a new marble autopsy table, sat a silver box, large enough to hold a human. Alyssa Yang to be precise. The room had been completely renovated into a makeshift mortuary, bottles of chemicals lined the desks and sinks at either end of the table. Everything looked completely up to standard, which was impressive for a makeshift job.
“Do you guys have little building elves in here or something?” She asked, both Danny and Chunk laughed.
“Never underestimate TAC … or Marissa.” Chunk chuckled.
Danny started to usher the crowd of people away, reminding them that they had work to do before everyone gets back. She toughed a switch on a panel beside the door and the glass instantly frosted, giving the lab the illusion of privacy.
“So where is everyone, other than you guys, obviously?”
They entered the lab and closed the door behind them. Chunk and Danny lingered by her desk while Liv checked through the paperwork and ID tags attached to the box.
“It’s Voire Dire day, they’re at the courthouse. They should be back in an hour or so, they left at 8.”
Liv’s dark eyes flicked up the clock on the wall, the hands pointed out that it was 9:40, clear as day. Shit! I didn’t realise it was that late. Bull is going to fire me before I’ve even started to help, and I was just beginning to like it here.
Her face obviously betrayed her thoughts, Chunk laughed a little under his breath and smiled at her warmly. “It’s ok, we all get it. You’ve come a long way, you’ve barely been here 2 days, and we kept you out pretty late.”
“Bull’s going to kill me isn’t he?” the awful feeling in the pit of her stomach clenched.
The stylist grinned mischievously “No, don’t worry, Benny covered for you expertly.” His eyes sparkled. “Our boy seems to have a bit of a soft spot for you. Did he get you home safe?”
Danny rolled her eyes, but smiled at the banter. “I’ll go get us all coffee.”
“Thank you!” Liv welcomed the distraction, but Chunk was having none of it, installing himself in her desk chair.
“I’m waiting.”
“Hmm?” Liv had hoped it’d be the end of the conversation, as she started to wash her hands and gather her protective gear.
“Benny. He got you back ok? You were a little light headed when the pair of you fell into the cab.”
She looked up at him, eyes wide. “How much of a tit did I make of myself? Go on, I can take it.”
Chunk laughed heartily and shook his head, “You didn’t mama, You were just dog tired.”
“Mmm everything was a bit of a blur.” It wasn’t. She remembered everything.
 In the cab they’d talked about their families in hushed tones, their heads bowed together, little fingers linked on the seat between them. When they had pulled up to the hotel, he’d told the driver to hold and left everything in the back seat. They’d waited for the lift, but got bored quickly and had ended up racing each other up the four flights of stairs both collapsing at the top, out of breath and laughing uncontrollably. The normally immaculate Benny was showing signs of wear and tear, the longer pieces of his hair had started to move from their perfectly coiffed position, a few sections dangling in his eyes. When they finally made it to her door, he’d given her a hug, his smell of sandalwood and leather engulfing her, an kissed her on the cheek bidding her good night. And then she had the dream.
Her cheeks fought a flare of heat as she remembered her dream about him.
“He was very sweet though.”
Chunk nodded. “He’s the king of chivalry.”
Danny re-entered the room clutching three cups of coffee. All talk of Benny’s charming traits died off. Liv had begun to feel a kinship with Chunk, like he was becoming her unofficial work brother, but she knew Danny preferred to keep personal life stuff just that, personal.
“Coffee. We’ve gotta clear out of here, we’re under instructions from boss man. Good luck Liv. You’ve got until 1, and then the body has to go the prosecution.”
“Thanks Danny.” Live gave them a last smile before strapping her mask on. “That’s plenty of time.”
They left her alone in the room, Chunk shooting her a wink on his way out the door.
Fully dressed in protective wear, Liv lifted the lid and sides off the box, exposing Alyssa’s battered body. She ran a finger long the mottled skin of her arm. “I’ll try and be as gentle as I can honey, you’ve seen enough pain.”
 “You must have spent a fortune on these nails.” Liv said as she slid a swab under the long, finally manicured nails. “They are very pretty, I used to make sure my nails were always nice too, before I started doing my job.” She placed the swab in a tube, and noted the number in her log. “They tend to frown on you having painted nails when you work in a crime lab.” She repeated the same process on Alyssa’s other hand.
“I think it’s got something to do with possible evidence contamination.”
Liv smiled hearing Benny’s voice, and looked up from Alyssa’s body, he was looking Dapper in a steel grey three piece suit with a white shirt and cobalt blue tie. His olive skin was perfect and showed absolutely no signs of their late night. He shot her a dazzling smile, his dark brown eyes alight.
“That’s exactly right,” Liv looked back down at the body. She’d finally examined all she could without performing a full autopsy, which would have been deemed unnecessary, she was trying to find evidence that Brandon Peters couldn’t have been her murderer, not checking underlying conditions. “Although I don’t think you’d have needed to think about that in your line of work, would you. I’d have chosen another career path if I was you though, drugs are dangerous.”
“You know, I think I used to watch a tv show where the medical examiner talked to their ….” He trailed off, not wanting to be insensitive, but waved his hand in the direction of her body.
“I think I know the one. It’s a common thing, I think it keeps us sane. And gives us a bit of purpose.”
He nodded, still keeping his distance from her and the table. She laughed lightly.
“She’s not going to bite you Benny, and neither will I, unless you ask nicely.”
Benny’s eyes widened and his eyebrows leapt into his hairline for a few seconds while he processed what she’s just said. He grinned, and took a step closer to them. “Oh, I’ll be sure to.”
Liv was so glad the mask covered all but her eyes, as she flushed a hot pink and her belly twisted, she bit her lip, hidden under the fabric. A little snippet of him, gliding his tongue across her collar bone from her dream the night before exploded into her head. Luckily she wasn’t holding anything in her hands, or she’d have dropped it. She closed her eyes briefly and took a steadying breath, when she opened them again he was smirking.
She tried desperately to clear the cloud of her mind.
“How was voire dire?”
Benny cleared his throat and rubbed a hand over his eyes. “Stressful. Rutledge is an asshole that thinks he knows best. We’ve got a good jury though. Should be sympathise with our client. Can’t ask for much more really.” He stretched his legs out in front of him, leaning on her desk and crossed his ankles. He watched Liv as she busied herself washing down Alyssa’s body, and closing the silver transport case. “We’ve got a good mirror jury too. Hopefully it’ll help.”
“You know,” Live said as she fiddled with the clasps on the case, looking up at him briefly through her eyelashes. “Until I started working closer with court cases, I had no idea voire dire was a thing. I’ve never seen it done. I don’t know what I’d say, if I was doing it.”
“It’s all word play really. Structure the questions so they seem benign but get what you want from the underlying answers. Bull is very good at crafting the right questions.”
Liv nodded and started peeling away her protective clothing, revealing her flattering dark blue jeans and black blouse with its matching camisole. She’d picked the outfit deliberately. It showed off just the right amount of flesh and curve to be enticing, but not too exposing that nothing would be left to the imagination. She grinned internally as Benny subtly looked her up and down with praising eyes.
“What kind of questions?”
“Why do you catch a cold?” He took a deep breath, but the words of his next question almost ran together “Do you want to come for lunch with me.”
Liv looked at him over her shoulder while she washed and dried her hands.
“That’s a strange question. The cold one … not the lunch one.”
Benny shrugged. “It worked though. And would you? The lunch. Not the cold.” He gave her a winning smile.
She felt like a teenager, being asked to the prom by the boy she fancied. “Lunch would be good.” She was impressed with herself. Her babbling was under control, and her confidence with him was soaring.
“Perfect. Are you ready now? There’s a really nice Italian place just down the block.”
Liv moved the box of tubes into the fridge, and grabbed her handbag.
“Italian sounds great. We’ll just need to leave the keys with Marissa so the prosecution can collect her at one.”
They left the lab and Liv locked the door behind her. Benny leaned against the glass wall next to her, their arms touching, the proximity welcomed by both of them. He watched her with those intense eyes, a playful smile on his lips.
“So tell me, why would you catch a cold?” his voice was hushed, so only the two of them would hear it.
She felt that unfamiliar wave of confidence crash into her again, and liv chose to embrace it. She looked back at him, her eyes shining with mischief.
“Me? I’d catch a cold from kissing in the rain.” She shrugged it off as if the answer was the most obvious thing in the world, and started to walk down the corridor, leaving Benny, who was frozen in his place, eyes wide.
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@reelovesbennycolon​ i hope this helps brighten your day. :)
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mymelodyheart · 4 years
Starting Over Chapter 19 ~The Things We Do For Love~
Claire updated the last of the patients' charts from the morning consultation and then checked her phone. As soon as she saw the number of voice messages and unread texts from Jamie, she groaned and dropped her forehead on the desk.  Bloody   stubborn man! Why doesn't he get it?  Ever since she left Lallybroch three days ago, she'd been ignoring his calls, muting her phone and trying to keep busy. Unfortunately, cutting him out of her life wasn't going to be an easy feat. Besides sleep eluding her thinking about him, Jamie found creative ways to get her attention. 
On her first day at St Leonard's Medical Centre, there was a bouquet of flowers waiting for her, with a note wishing her good luck on her temporary job, signed  love Jamie . To her dismay, although her new colleagues were friendly and lively, they were also nosy and an inquisitive bunch, passing Jamie's wee card to one another and coaxing her to show a picture of the sender. She'd brushed them off with a smile and some excuse needing to familiarise herself with the clinic. But it didn't help her cause when not long after, coffee and croissants were delivered by staff from a nearby cafe and once again with a note signed  love Jamie .
Now everywhere she looked in the clinic, and at home, were reminders of him - flowers, plants, sweet treats, stuff toys, and also freaking balloons and pillow for neck support. What the hell?  She really ought to speak to Jaime, but what was the point? She thought she would be able to handle a fling and even courted the notion that Jamie might warm up to the idea of a long term commitment after meeting his parents. Of course, it was wishful thinking and unrealistic, now that the possibility of a job with the sports network was looming. She couldn't even last more than twenty-four hours in their arrangement. Talking to him now would only weaken her resolve and end up back in a relationship that had no future.
There had to be another way to get Jamie out of her system. She was cranky, tired and most of all, miserable because she missed him, and it was affecting her ability to function. And to make matters worse, the clinic was beginning to look like a gift shop, with all of Jamie's presents and offerings strewn about. Definitely not good when trying to make a good impression with the head of the clinic, Dr John Grey, an old friend of Joe and acquaintance of hers.
John was sympathetic when she'd apologised for the scene she was causing as everyone became caught up with the excitement. To her horror, bets were already being placed amongst staff, speculating whether the gifts were from an overly devoted boyfriend or a desperate suitor. Once again, her private life was generating interest, and even if it was on a smaller scale compared to paparazzi skulking around her home, it was still  bloody  intrusion.
It wasn't her intention to leave Jamie without a word. After being caught up with the beautiful day she had with the Frasers, her senses saturated in fine wine and Jamie kneeling before her, pleading not to break up with him, she'd been so close to revealing her feelings. It would have been the final humiliation if she'd bared her soul and heart to a commitment-phobe. If she hadn't known him any better, she would have believed Jamie was actually in love with her. The sound of his phone ringing had brought her back from the land of fantasy, and Claire sobered up quick. Without stopping to think, she'd ran and was grateful she'd caught Joe in time saying his farewell to Brian and Ellen. If Jamie's parents had been surprised to see her leave in a hurry with Joe, they'd shown no indication.
Now, she needed to get real. She'd had her Jamie and enough memories of him to warm her during the long, cold winter nights. She had to be happy with that. It wasn't Jamie's fault, and he had been forthright with her right from the start, giving her no illusions of a happily-ever-after. Time to get a firmer grip of reality and move on.
The door opened, and Mary, the senior receptionist, walked in. "Sorry about this Dr Beauchamp. I must have missed this." She waved a file folder in her hand. "Were ye about to go for yer coffee break? The patient can wait for Dr Grey instead. He doesnae look like he's about to die." She placed a cupcake on her desk.
Claire smiled. "It's alright, Mary, I'll take it. And thank you for the cupcake." No coffee nor croissants had arrived for her that morning, and her stomach was growling, having had no breakfast earlier. Maybe Jamie had given up, and that's the reason she was feeling a bit off. The cupcake should tide her over until dinner time. Sighing, she got up and put on her white coat. "So what's up with our patient?" she asked.
"The patient is Mr Alexander Malcolm. Heart palpitations, trouble with eating and sleeping, occasional hallucination, chest pains. He probably just over-indulged on curry and beer if I may say so. Some of these folks that come here doesnae need treatment and just want to get off from work. I'd say it's a bloody waste of NHS money," Mary scoffed.
Claire sighed inwardly. "Send Mr Malcolm to room 2. I won't take a minute."
"Aye, will dae." And Mary left.
Unfortunately what Mary said was true. Some of the people that came to the clinic were better off staying at home and resting. She missed the frenetic schedules she had at the Royal Infirmary and working under pressure at the surgical unit. All she'd done the last few days were diagnose patients with common ailments such as colds and flu, collect fluid and tissue samples for labs and administer or prescribe medications. It was a good thing she was only here for a couple of weeks.
Claire walked into room two with the patient's folder. "Good morning, Mr Malco ..." She stopped in her tracks when she found Jamie sat on the chair in front of a small desk. "What the hell ..."  Alexander Malcolm  ...of course, she should have known! He used his middle name. She'd been so distracted, the name hadn't immediately registered.
She made a move to go, but Jamie launched himself towards her and grabbed her hand before she could back out into the corridor. "Wait, Sassenach ...hear me out." Heart pounding hard, she stilled, as he pushed the door shut behind her. "I'm sorry for doing this. But ye left me with nae choice."
"Jamie ..." Her pulse started tumbling all over itself at the sight of him. He looked great except for the dark circles under his eyes, and his scent was making her giddy. 
"Please," he pleaded, his voice sounding like suffering.
He was standing so close, her fingers itched to touch him. But Claire steeled her resolve. "Fine ... you have two minutes. Let me remind you, you are wasting precious NHS resources."
He let out a breath of relief. "I'll pay for my way."
"That'll cost you. You have a lot of symptoms."
Hand still planted on the door, he stepped closer. "Then, ye'll need more than two minutes to diagnose me ..."
She placed a hand on his chest, stopping his forward progress. "Jamie ..." she warned.
Jamie dragged an impatient hand through his hair. "I wanted to see ye and ye wouldnae let me, alright? Ye left Lallybroch without a word, and I'd like to know what I've done wrong. Ye wouldnae answer my calls, so ye left me with nae other options. And I'm pissed off. I'm so pissed off like naebody's business because it scares the shit out of me that I may not be able to hold ye again." Taking advantage of her open-mouthed confusion, he leaned in very close, and his gravelly voice dropped low. "I ken I pushed too far too quickly. But all I ask of ye, is one chance, Sassenach. One chance. Tonight. I want to talk, and there's something I need to tell ye. But not here, though. And after we're done talking and ye dinnae like what I have to say, and ye still want to walk out of my life ..." He paused and swallowed hard as if he was having difficulty forming the words. "... I'll let ye go, and I'll never bother ye again."
His words bored an uncomfortable hole in her chest. "Y-you'll let me go?" she whispered. 
He dropped his head forward. "If that is yer wish," he muttered in a pained tone.
"Jamie, I thought I could handle this, but ..." Self-preservation constrained her from saying more.
He looked into her eyes and pleaded. "Have dinner with me tonight, Sassenach. And we'll talk."
Not a great idea.  "Fine, I'll come."
Jamie squeezed his eyes shut for a few heartbeats, and when he finally opened them, his face relaxed. "Shall I pick ye up here or at home?"
"No!" she said too abruptly. "I mean, I'll come in my own car and meet you." It was for the best, she thought. "Where shall we meet?"
"At my place. I'll cook. I hope ye like Italian."
Oh, so definitely not a good idea.  "Alright, I'll be there at seven, and I like Italian." 
She made a move to go, but Jamie stopped her. "How about my symptoms?"
Claire smothered a smile. "I'm giving you the all-clear and please, don't forget to pay at the reception." She left the room and headed out to see Mary.
Claire stood outside Jamie's apartment door, fidgeting with the bottle of grappa. She'd arrived fifteen minutes earlier and snuck into his building when a resident came out of the main entrance. Now standing outside in his corridor, she couldn't bring herself to ring his doorbell. What could they possibly talk about that would make her change her mind about their relationship? Taking huge calming deep breaths, she let her head dropped to the left, then to the right of her shoulders, in an attempt to relax, the fragrance of tomato sauce cooking, making her mouth water, a reminder she hadn't eaten the whole day. Although hungry, she was not ready to confront Jamie yet, so she began walking in circles and counting backwards from a hundred.
"What are ye doing, Sassenach? I've been watching ye through the peephole for the last three minutes."
Claire jumped.  Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ!   Bloody hell!  She took a deep breath and faced the door. "Alright, open up before I change my mind and go."
"I cannae have ye doing that." The door suddenly swung open, revealing a barefoot Jamie. His hair was still wet from the shower, and he wore a faded black t-shirt and grey sweatpants, a tea towel casually hung on his right shoulder. Crossing his arms, he leaned against the doorjamb and looked at her thoughtfully. 
She frowned at him.  Why does he have to look so good?  "How did you know I was out here?"
"I saw ye parking your car from my window. Ye really ought to practice more on yer parallel parking. Ye're terrible at it."
She scoffed. "It was bloody tight."
"I was waiting for ye to ring the bell so I could buzz ye in and when ye didn't, I thought ye'd gone to the wrong place."
"I was early."
"I'm glad ye're here now." He gazed openly at her, his eyes taking her all in, making her suddenly hot in the cool summery dress she was wearing.
"M-me too." Claire crushed the urge to throw herself at him and strived for calm and common sense. "Something smells good. What's cooking?" When he didn't say anything and continued to stare, she became self-conscious at the intensity of his perusal. "What?"
He sighed. "I'm still trying to decide how to greet ye, but after the way ye ran away the other day, I dinnae want to presume anything."
Her mouth went dry. "How about you let me in, and we'll take it from there?"
He straightened himself and turned sideways, opening the door only a fraction more, hardly giving her enough room to pass. As she squeezed past him, he stopped her and tilted her chin up with a finger. "May I?" he asked, looking at her lips.
Her heart did a double backflip.  Ah, what the hell!  Trying not to think about the hard muscles pressing against her, she licked her lips and nodded. Lowering his head, his eyes lit up, and he smiled. And when he kissed her, it was only a mere brushing of their lips, but it was enough to make her head spin.
"Hi," he whispered against her mouth.
"H-hi." Attempting to get her bearings back on even ground, she held up the bottle in her hand. "Y-you said you were making something Italian, so I b-brought grappa."
He arched an eyebrow. "Grappa? Normally, people bring wine to dinner."
"Ah, I figured you would have had the wine sorted out. This will make a nice aperitif or after-dinner drink. I just wanted to keep the Italian theme going."  God, oh God, he smells so good.  
"Sounds grand." He took the bottle from her hand and smiled. "Are ye coming in?"
"Of course, after you," she stammered, feeling slightly flustered.
"Hmmm?" She was staring at his neck, imagining running her tongue along the column of his throat. 
"Ye're standing on my foot."
"Oh, sorry." She felt the heat creep up her face and darted past him.  Get a grip, Beauchamp! You're here to put an end to this non-relationship thingy!
The moment she stepped in, she instantly forgot her embarrassment and stared with awe at his apartment. The last time she was here, she'd been stood outside in the corridor and never got to see the inside. 
His apartment was bright and spacious and not what she'd expected at all from a bachelor's pad. The living space, kitchen and dining area all flowed into one big open plan. And although it had been modernised, it retained a lot of the Victorian era features with cornice moulding and high ceilings. It had solid oak flooring and beautiful exposed natural woodwork throughout, and sash and case windows. She'd expected dark colours and leathers. Instead, he had a plush L-shape red sofa, silvery-grey area rugs and matching curtains. He didn't have a lot of things except for the hardback books that lined the shelves and laptop and gaming accessories on the coffee table; nevertheless, the apartment looked lived in and very inviting.
"Jamie, your place is beautiful," she gushed. She turned around to find him watching her from the kitchen with an amused expression. After admiring the view from his window, she walked over to the granite island and slid into the stool. "And your kitchen is a chef's dream."
"I'm glad ye like it," he beamed, putting a block of parmesan cheese and grater on a wooden board. "I hope ye like pasta. Most women tend to stay away from carbs."
"I live for carbs." She began to relax as she watched him retrieve the wine and shot glasses and place the already opened bottle of Barbera on the counter. On cue, she uncapped the grappa and poured them their aperitif while Jamie stirred the sauce. "Do you cook all the time?"
"Here at home? Rarely," he replied. "I've only cooked for my brothers and sister when they come over to visit." He dipped a finger into the sauce and put it into his mouth to taste it. And then he grinned.
"Good?"  Oh Lordy, Lordy, he looks delicious enough to eat.
"Uh-huh. Very good." He added a pinch of pepper and stirred the sauce some more, winking at her.
Jamie looked at ease, working the kitchen and seemed to be in his element. It was a shame he wasn't the type to settle down, and the sooner she accepted that fact, the easier it would be for her to move on. "It smells heavenly. What's the sauce?" she asked, striving to sound cheerful.
" Sugo alla puttanesca , basically it's tomato sauce with anchovies, capers and black olives. It's a simple recipe Jenny taught me. It's done now. Want to taste?" 
Claire wondered why he was going through so much trouble just to talk, but she suspected he wanted to put her at ease after she did a runner on him a few days ago. She knew already more or less what he wanted to discuss about, but she'd already made up her mind. She wanted love and marriage and family, and she was never going to get that from Jamie. It was better to nip whatever they have in the bud before the heartache became too much to bear. For now, she was going to enjoy their last evening together before they go their separate ways.
Schooling her features, she got up from her stool and handed him a shot of grappa and picked up hers. "How about a shot first?" She needed one so badly.
"Sure," he said, taking the glass and raising it. "To ye Sassenach."
She sucked in a breath and raised hers. "And to all yer hopes and dreams, Jamie..." she whispered, meaning it with her whole heart and clinking their glasses together. "...may they all come true."
He smiled. "I'll drink to that."
They downed the shot in one go and slammed their glasses down at the same time, the clacking noise on the granite echoing through his kitchen. Claire grimaced at the heat that scorched her throat and Jamie's full lips, still moist from the alcohol, tilted into a mischievous smile. Her eyes watered, and she shook her head.
"Oh good, God, that was strong," she breathed, already feeling the effects of the grappa going into her head. She mentally reminded herself to go easy as she hadn't eaten all day. "I think I'm ready to taste that sauce."
Laughter bubbled out of his chest, and he took her hand and pulled her next to the hob. Scooping a spoonful from the pot, he blew into it and then held to her lips. "Open."
Her jaw dropped, and her mouth was filled with delicious herby tomato sauce. She let it swirl in her tongue and then she smiled. "Mmmm, yum."
He grinned and bit his lip. "More?"
She nodded, her stomach growling noisily.
They both laughed out loud as they heard the grumble.
"Your stomach must really love me," Jamie teased, holding the spoon next to her lips.
She giggled, enjoying the rich taste of the sauce and still feeling the pleasant warmth from the grappa they drank. "Not just my stomach, Jamie. All of me loves you," she said, before opening her mouth.
Jamie's head shot up, and he blinked as if coming to from a long sleep, and she caught the shocked look in his eyes. "What did ye say?"
"Huh?" Her eyes widened, and she clapped a hand over her mouth.  Oh, sweet mother of God, what have I done!  She slowly backed away from him. "What do you think I said?"
Oh, he knows exactly what I've just said.  Claire held her breath and waited for him to call off their evening. Maybe it's for the best now that he knew what she felt. That would probably scare the bejesus out of his wits and save her from long explanations why they couldn't be together. But instead, a slow smile formed his lips. "Ye ken fine what I heard ye say."
"But ..."
He closed the distance between them and lifted her up by the waist and settled her on the kitchen counter. Parting her knees, he pulled her against him. "Tell me again, Sassenach." Before she could reply, he closed his mouth over hers, not giving her a chance to push him away nor to think. His tongue delved into her mouth, plunging inside to mate with hers, his hands firmly gripping her waist.
Raw emotions came in waves and engulfed her, making it hard for her to breathe. This was too much. Jamie must have misunderstood.
Sensing her hesitation, Jamie paused and looked at her, worry marring his features. "What's wrong, Sassenach, speak to me," he whispered. "Did ye not say ye love me?"
Her eyes welled up with tears. There was no point in fibbing and denying it. Jamie had caught her off-guard, and she knew he wasn't going to let the matter go. Resigning herself to the fact he'd never be able to reciprocate the love she had for him, she took deep fortifying breaths and willed the secret deep in her heart to have its say. "I do love you, Jamie and I know you can't love me back. I just can't bear to hear you say it. A-and I know you don't..."
"Ah, Christ." He closed his eyes as if a realisation dawned on him, and Claire saw the sheer anguish that creased his face. He leaned in to tenderly kiss her, his tongue tracing the swollen flesh of her lips, a gesture that bespoke reverence and humility. And when Jamie finally opened his eyes and looked into hers, the air whooshed out of her lungs. He was letting her see it all and allowing her in. The truth was all there to see in his face. "I love ye, Sassenach. I've love ye ever since that day in Lallybroch when I first heard yer voice behind that mask. But I was too daft and full of mysel' not to realise it. I'm so sorry for everything. For the conditions, I've placed on us. Ye didn't deserve that. All of this is new to me, and I'm still grappling, and I ken it's nae excuse for how I've behaved. If ye'll have me back, I promise to make it up for ye."
She was stunned beyond words, disabling her speech for a moment, as joy and relief competed to overwhelm her, but it was too easy. She pulled slightly away from his hold, searching his face. "Jamie, I don't think I have the strength nor the will to compete with the other women."
A pained sound escaped his throat. "Sassenach, there's never been and never will be anyone for me but ye. I thought I had it all before ye came to my life, but now that ye're here, I see my past as nothing but meaningless existence. And the future looks bleak if I cannae see ye in it. There'll never be another woman for me as long as ye walk the face of the earth, and no woman will ever make me feel the way ye do. Ye made me whole, and I would like it to remain that way." His voice struck with intensity as he pulled her in tight and spoke against her lips. "Please, Sassenach, allow me to prove myself."
Her heart started to speed up. "Is this why you asked me to come for dinner tonight?"
"Aye," he replied, stroking her hair. "Because I wanted to talk about this and us, and beg for yer forgiveness. I was running out of ideas to get ye to speak to me that I had to bribe yer receptionist to help me get through to ye."
Claire stilled. "What?? Mary??"
"Aye, the very one." He gave her a lopsided grin. "She wasnae interested in rugby, and she said she's never heard of me before, so I couldnae bribe her with tickets. But I found out she has a weakness for cupcakes and chocolate eclairs." His face turned serious and his brows puckered. "If she knew how desperate I was, she could have asked me for anything, and I would've given it to her just for a chance to speak to ye."
"You could have made your life easier and came to my house ..." she whispered.
"I was tempted, but I thought ...no. There was that possibility ye didnae want to see me anymore, and I didnae want ye feeling trapped in yer own home. All I'm asking for is a second chance, Sassenach."
She wrapped her arms around his neck, unable to believe he wanted her as much as she wanted him. "Yes," she laughed, tears of joy spilling from her eyes.
The wall she had carefully built around her heart shattered with full force, allowing him to feel and see the love she'd kept hidden for years. "Yes, Jamie. I've loved you for so long and from afar even before we met."
His body sagged against hers, hands roaming all over her back, pulling, tugging and caressing as his lips planted kisses all over her face. "Sassenach, come to the sports award with me, please."
She nodded vigorously as she kissed him back, extracting a ragged groan from him. This time there were no reservations, doubt or question hanging in the air as he lifted her up and carried her to the bedroom. Tonight's dinner could be put on hold a little longer and tomorrow's problems could wait. Because first, they needed to heal each other.
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robgrayofficial · 5 years
Hello! I'm V_M and here are the upcoming elections next week! Tuesday June 11, 2019!All polls for Virginia Open 5:00 A.M. Central Time and Close 6:00 P.M. Central Time! So get there early, bring family and friends, and VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!Remember Complacency is Sin!Great websites to use vote smart elections, us elections, and ourcampaign!Important Information Regarding 2020!RegisterVolunteerGuideEngage the RightWork with Scott PreslerOBLIGATORY SIDE NOTES!IMPERATIVE: BECOME A POLL WATCHER(check your state for more information!)YOU MUST REGISTER AT LEAST ONE NEW PERSON A WEEK TO VOTE FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP IN 2020!Maine State House House 045 Special Election!The surrounding areas includes Gray and Cumberland.Context: Former rep. resignedThe candidates is Kevin Hughes"Hughes has spent the past 28 years helping to run LT’s, a Portland custom apparel decoration and branding business named for his mother, Linda Tobey.“I’ve had my nose to the grindstone … so to go out and run for office was never something I ever had an opportunity to do,” Hughes said.But with both of his children now in college, he said he has more time to give back to the community where he’s spent more than four decades.""Hughes said he offers “a different perspective, more than anything else,” citing his experience running a small business. “I’m definitely a fiscal conservative,” he said, “because we can never spend money we don’t have."[M.E.PressHerald]Additional Source:M.E.ForecasterVirginia State Senate and House Primaries! (General will be November 5, 2019, don't let NOVA run the show)http://bit.ly/2XArT4i 18th, 2019 Elections! (Rally Night Addition)Florida State House 007 Special Election!The candidates is Jason ShoafThe surrounding areas include St. Apalachicola, Port St. Joe, Bristol, Blountstown, Mayo, Wewahitchka, Monticello, Greenville, Altha, Crawfordville, Perry, Carrabelle, and Madison!"Shoaf is a vice president at the St. Joe Natural Gas Company and owns a property management company and a storage business. He is the nephew of former Gov. Wayne Mixson and the grandson of Cecil G. Costin, who served in the Florida House from 1953 to 1962.Watkins and Shoaf will face off in a Republican primary to represent the GOP-leaning district."“I find it highly ironic for the silk-stocking son of Gulf County to say I am disconnected from the district,” said Watkins. The one-time stand-up bass player in a bluegrass gospel band that played annually at the Chipley Watermelon Festival, Blountstown Pioneer Day and the Mayo Goat Festival laughed when his north Florida credentials were questioned.""Jason places Hurricane Michael restoration efforts as a key plank in their platforms. Shoaf, who served on the Triumph Gulf Coast Board to distribute BP oil spill money, also wants to focus on job creation."Source: Tallahassee NewsAdditional Sources:Florida NewsFlorida State House 038 Special Election!The candidate is Randy MaggardThe surrounding areas include St. Leo, Dade City, and areas near Zephyr-Hills.LUTZ — "The Republican seeking to fill an east Pasco-based legislative seat endorses commonality on transportation, the environment and even federal tariffs.""The similarities between business owner Randy Maggard and attorney David “Mac’’ McCallister, however, ended when they talked about their political resumes and their residences in front of the Pasco Republican Executive Committee last week.It was their first joint appearance in the race for the state House of Representatives District 38 seat formerly held by Republican Danny Burgess of Zephyrhills. Burgess resigned to become executive director of Florida’s Department of Veterans Affairs. The GOP primary election is April 9, and the winner faces Democrat Kelly Smith in June.""Maggard, 55, stood before the Feb. 21 GOP committee meeting at the Hilton Garden Inn in Lutz, renewed acquaintances and reminded the group he chaired Pasco’s Republican Party for more than a decade. He currently chairs the Southwest Florida Water Management District governing board. Gov. Rick Scott appointed Maggard to the governing board in 2011."I know what’s going on on the east side of Pasco,“ said Maggard, vice president of Sonny’s Discount Appliances in Dade City. “People come in my store all the time. We talk about politics.’"McCallister, 67, who said he had lived in Pasco for three decades, acknowledged that he hadn’t been involved in local party politics."Source from TampaBayPAST ELECTION RESULTS!KY Incumbent Bevin wins with less 55%, going to go against Beshear, votePA Rep. hold seats, Keller wins bigFLASH ELECTION UPDATE!I want to reiterate over and over again, Roy Moore is running again, don't let him win! The Alabama Primary Senate will be March 3rd, 2020!Commissioner of Labor Cherie Killian Berry North Carolina (Gov) http://bit.ly/2wXl5SR Why she should be chosen?She had 2,505,628 votes in 2016 compared to Cooper who had 2.3 votes. Pulls close to 50% in blue counties such Pitt and Martin also Lt Gov. Dan Forest is a good option as well.November 5th, 2019 multiple statewide elections will be held in Kentucky, Mississippi, New Jersey, and Virginia!FUTURE ELECTIONS!Election Date!Election Candidate!Election District!Election Area!Tuesday, June 18, 2019Jason ShoafFlorida State House 007The surrounding areas includes St. Apalachicola, Port St. Joe, Bristol, Blountstown, Mayo, Wewahitchka, Monticello, Greenville, Altha, Crawfordville, Perry, Carrabelle, and MadisonTuesday, June 18, 2019Randy MaggardFlorida State House 038The surrounding areas includes St. Leo, Dade City, and areas near Zephyr-Hills.Remember to start registering yourself and at least three new people every ten days for the 2020 election! Thanks! MAGA 🔜KAG!Keep the faith, work hard, and go to rallies (important to protect your identity though because of crazy NeverTrumpers) (NT)Thanks once again to the beautiful people of the MAGA Movement! We love and cherish each and every one of you Deplorables'! 🐸🐸🐸President Trump Accomplishments!President Trump Donation PageREMINDER COMPLACENCY IS SIN! EXUDE CONFIDENCE, NOT COCKINESS! WE MUST FIGHT FOR EVERY VOTE, IT'S NOT OVER TILL ITS OVER!~ KEEP UP THE ENTHUSIASM! BE CONSISTENT! ~~ LESS THAN 515 DAYS TILL THE ELECTION!~President Trump Caucuses/Primaries!!!*(reminder to IA, NH, and NV voters, set the bar high. Vote for President Trump in big numbers, don't let him down!http://bit.ly/2XCHPDj President Trump Gets Nomination by the end of March 10th Primaries with around 1,300 to 1,500 delegates. If accurate that means President Trump has 23 weeks (165 days) to essentially campaign for the general while Democrats continue the primaries well into to the summer.Work :http://bit.ly/2wXl80Z you have a blessed rest of your day! God Bless You and God Bless the United States of America!💖🇺🇸😍💖😍🇺🇸💖Extra Side Note:Mods it would be really sweet if we could work hand in hand with President Trump and Brad Parscale on the re election campaign.The reason I believe we can help each other is simple. Many individuals that support our President still rely on traditional media for information. Myself and many others on /r/The_Donald are constantly ahead of people when it comes to current events. For example, not many people realize that Hilary paid for the Steele dossier. The way we can help the campaign would be simple. The top three states with the highest attendance average turnout that gives out /r/The_Donald information to people wins autographed jerseys, baseball KAG caps, t -shirts, and much more at the last November rallies. For instance if President Trump visits Colorado twice and the rally turnout averages 50k, than that specific state would place at the top, since swing states will obviously get the most attention and more opportunities. I see this as a great opportunity for healthy rivalry among the states that can help up us get more President Trump supporters on here, but also helps Brad Parscale. This benefits Mr. Parscale since he can send his staff to integrate the rally goers into the voting database and target them with Pro Trump ads on Facebook, Twitter, and register them to vote. Also we can do costume/shirt nights, which would essentially be designs created by /r/The_Donald users that look similar to Patagonia, Vineyard Vines, and North Face outfits. The winner with the best design can hopefully get his/her outfits on the President Trump online outfit store. The way we can determine the best outfit designs would be through first general sub popularity contest, then mod selection, and then President Trump can get the final three designs on stage at rally events worn by boy/girl models and the people can decide the winner. The costs should be cheap so that many people can buy them and so that the proceeds go to the campaign. Also the winner gets 20% percent of all proceeds, so that the people on /r/The_Donald are motivated to create quality designs. We will win 2020 through non stop hard work and dedication, but we also have to have fun while winning! #robgray
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tripstations · 5 years
10 Highway Dhabas in India That Should be on Your Must-Visit List
Road trips are almost always magical, right? Long conversations with friends and family while listening to songs that bring back beautiful memories – there’s nothing that can match the charm of a long, road trip. Oh, and that non-stop screaming for no reason!
Also, some of the best memories of a road trip are always made at those highway dhabas. Over the years, these dhabas have become an inseparable part of every road journey. Heavy paranthas and sabzis dripping in oil, served in traditional steel thalis with lots of onions and green chillis – an experience that no hotel can match.
Craving already? We’re listing some of the most popular dhabas across highways in India that you must visit on your next road trip.
1. Amrik Sukhdev
It’s just impossible to talk about highway dhabas in India and not mention Amrik Sukhdev. What started out as a small, roadside eatery to cater to truck drivers has now become a popular destination for travellers, youngsters, and couples. True the open-air ambiance and traditional charpais have been replaced by swanky chairs and air-conditioned halls, but the flavour of the food remains intact. The Paranthas served here with loads of white butter and a big glass of Lassi are to die for.
Location: 250 Km Stone, GT Road, Murthal, Haryana
Cost for two: INR 400*
2. Chilika Dhaba
Located on NH5 in Odisha’s Barkul, this dhaba gets its name from the nearby Chilika Lake. Of course, it specializes in anything that’s fresh from the lake – fish, prawns, and crabs. While the seafood is a major attraction in the menu, this dhaba also serves up a variety of vegetarian delicacies cooked to perfection. The preparation is typical dhaba style, with generous use of spices and oil. Try the Giant Crab and Chilli Prawns here.
Location: NH5, Barkul, Odisha
Cost for two: INR 500*
Read More: This Dhaba in Rohtak Serves ‘Hindustan ka Sabse Bada Paratha’
3. Samaroh En Dees Dhaba
On the way to Tezpur between Bhomoraguri and Sonitpur, this dhaba catches your attention with its colourful exteriors, bamboo construction, and lush green surroundings. Its homely ambiance adds to the comfort the moment you step in. Famous for its Assamese delicacies, you will fall in love with their signature dishes – Pigeon Curry and Aaloo Pitika.
Location: NH-37, Near Koliabhomora Bridge, Batamari, Kachari Pam, Tezpur, Assam
Cost for two: INR 350*
4. Cheetal Grand
Located on the Delhi-Dehradun highway, Cheetal Grand is quite popular among travellers. It may have got the look of a swanky restaurant, but it’s still a dhaba at heart with its homely food and personalized attention. Enjoy a delicious meal here with Paranthas, Dal, Gobi Ki Sabzi, or Paneer. And if you prefer a western breakfast, go for Omelettes, Sandwiches, or Cutlets.
Location: Khatauli Bypass, NH-58, District Muzaffarnagar, Khatauli
Cost for two: INR 600*
5. Sharma Dhaba
On the way to Sikar from Jaipur, this dhaba has become a popular stopover for anyone looking to savour authentic Rajasthani food. Apart from the delicious food that is prepared with freshest of ingredients, it’s the heart-warming hospitality of this dhaba that pulls the crowd. Try the famous Mawa Naan or the Mawa Roti here that’s made with fresh cow milk. Oh, and don’t miss the stories of all the famous film stars who love to eat out here.
Location: G-445 (I), Sikar Road No. 12, Vishwakarma Industrial Area, Jaipur
Cost for two: INR 500*
6. Mr. Sanjay Dhaba
This small, concrete shack on the Leh-Srinagar highway is a heaven for hungry bikers, truckers, and everyone else passing through these rugged terrains. What it lacks in décor, it easily makes up for in the delicious food. Imagine the thrill of binging on crispy Aaloo Paranthas with a cup of Black Tea while enjoying the views of the misty hills around. It’s simply a place you would never want to leave!
Location: Srinagar-Leh Highway (about 50 Kms from Leh)
Cost for two: INR 300*
7. Sunny Da Dhaba
If the name of this dhaba doesn’t get you excited, then its amazing highway location and the mouth-watering food will surely do. Located on the Pune-Lonavala road, this dhaba is a popular spot for Mumbai walas and Pune walas looking to binge on some scrumptious food away from the crowded cities. While there, do try their famous Rajoli Kabab and Tandoori Pomfret. Oh, and the Jalebi is just heavenly!
Location: NH 4 Pune Road near Karla, Lonavala
Cost for two: INR 1,700*
8. Giani Da Dhaba
Located on the Shimla-Kalka national highway, this dhaba is everything you may have heard about Punjabi food fare. Don’t be surprised if you meet people driving down all the way there just to enjoy a hot Parantha with a glass of chilled Lassi. Ah, and while there, do try their famous Butter Chicken and Dal Makhani.
Location: NH-22, Kalka-Shimla Highway
Cost for two: INR 500*
9. Hotel Ummiya Annapurna Kathiyawad
If you are someone who believes there’s nothing better than a traditional and authentic meal, then this is the place for you. Located in Gujarat’s Anand district on NH8, this dhaba offers you a taste of the Gujarat’s centuries-old Kathiawar cuisine. Well, if you haven’t heard about Kathiawari food before, just know that it relies heavily on the seasonal produce and makes generous use of spices. But what makes this dhaba different from others is the use of firewood for cooking, which adds a unique flavour to it. Do try Lassan Aaloo and Besan Gatta.
Location: NH-8, Chikhodra Chowkadi, Anand, Gujarat
Cost for two: INR 500*
10. Bhajan Tadka Dhaba
Located on NH24 in UP’s Gajraula, this dhaba has something unique about it. It retains the good-old feel of a dhaba with its thatched roof, charpais, and an overall rustic ambiance that just makes you fall in love with it. Further adding to the charm of this place is the delicious food served here. Do not miss their famous Kadhi Pakora, Lachha Parantha, and Chana Masala.
Location: Old Mumbai-Pune Highway, Talwade, Pimpri-Chinchwad, Maharashtra
Cost for two: INR 400*
Read More: Top 10 Indian Destinations for Foodie Dads
*Prices are subject to change
Image: Tags: best dhabas in Indiatop dhabas in Indiahighway dhabasmost popular dhabasdhabas to visitroad trips in indiaCategories: Food & ShoppingLocation: New Delhi IndiaLatitude: 28.644800Longitude: 77.216721 Secondary Categories: Road TripsUse Location value: CityCTA Text: Read MoreImage Gradient: Show want To Go:Original Article
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