#no fcking idea how cops work so keep that in mind
rottentiger-art · 1 month
hi! saw u liked my post on the fake fic game and these tags are my challenge for you!
inspector!katniss, cop!peeta, new york setting, bantering in front of everybody at the station lol, one of them in danger and the other shows up
sorry it took so long, I kinda suck at modern aus heh
Name: The Backup
Rating: Teen & Up Audiences
Relationships: Katniss Everdeen/Peeta Mellark
Tags: inspector!katniss, cop!peeta, new york setting, bantering in front of everybody at the station lol, one of them in danger and the other shows up, humor, romance, fluff, friends to lovers, modern au, ACAB except for these two
Summary: Usually, Inspector Everdeen is able to handle such situations just fine. But when shit hits the fan, she has no other option than to search through her contacts and find a cop she trust enough to back her up; easier said than done when you trust none of your coworkers.
Well, almost no one.
Katniss's heart raced as she found herself in a dimly lit warehouse, surrounded by crates and the faint sound of footsteps echoing in the distance. Her instincts kicked in, and she fumbled for her phone, eyes quickly scanning her list of contacts, discarding them one by one.
She scrolled through her contacts, her finger hovering uncertainly over Mellark's name. Or the ridiculous name he wrote there. Lover boy <3. In the heat of the moment, she couldn't help but feel a strange sense of comfort in the thought of him coming to her aid. Taking a deep breath, she pressed the call button.
The phone rang for what felt like an eternity, amplifying her anxiety. Finally, Peeta's voice came through, his tone teasing and light-hearted. "Well, well, Inspector Everdeen. To what do I owe the pleasure of this unexpected call?"
Katniss's frustration mingled with relief. She rolled her eyes, forgetting for a moment about the danger that loomed around her. "Don't flatter yourself, Mellark. I'm in a bit of a tight spot here and thought you might want to witness real action for a chance."
Peeta chuckled on the other end of the line. "Is this your way to ask me out? I knew it was only a matter of time, Inspector."
Katniss fought the urge to smile, her annoyance momentarily overshadowed by the playful banter. "Sorry to disappoint you Romeo. I need backup, and you seem to be the only one available."
Peeta's voice turned serious, a hint of concern cutting through the flirtatious tone. "I'm on my way. Just hold tight, alright? Tell me where you're at."
Something warm stirred within her, but there was no time to dwell on it, she muttered her location quickly. Swallowing her pride she added in a softer tone this time: "Hurry up, Mellark. And don't get any ideas about being my knight in shining armor."
Peeta's chuckle carried over the phone. "Well, I am dashing and I'm technically wearing an armor, so can't really help it."
Katniss shook her head, a smile tugging at her lips despite the danger that surrounded her. "You're incorrigible, Mellark. Just get here fast."
As they hung up, a newfound sense of reassurance flooded over Katniss. She knew that no matter the danger she faced, Peeta would be there to back her up. And maybe, just maybe, their banter held a deeper meaning that was yet to be explored.
For the record:
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idairsauthor · 4 years
This Fcking Trial, Episode 2: Being Alive
CONN: Senator Collins just announced that she was going to vote to call witnesses.
PLAIDDER: That’s still only 48 people IF Manchin doesn’t do his fucking Manchin thing. Go away.
ETHIR: Don’t talk to him that way.
PLAIDDER: It gets worse!
ETHIR: I have a question and I really need to know the answer right now.
PLAIDDER: I guess in cyberspace it’s always time for freagair.
ETHIR: Who in the green earth or under it is Alan Dershowitz?
PLAIDDER: Ethir. This is unworthy of you. The night before all hope is lost, you come into my house and you ask me to dredge up from the cesspool into which they have subsided my totally 80s memories of celebrity lawyer, self-appointed gadfly, and massive narcissist Alan Dershowitz?!
ETHIR: I do.
PLAIDDER: Ethir, last night I saw Just Mercy, a film based on a real-life case in which a young lawyer named Bryan Stevenson devoted years of his life to obtaining a new trial for an innocent man who was framed by corrupt racist cops for a crime he didn’t commit, prosecuted for that crime by a corrupt racist DA, and given a bonus death sentence by a corrupt racist judge. Unlike most real-life stories in which underfunded young lawyers take on entire power structures, this one actually has a happy ending, and an innocent man who’s spent six years on death row for no good reason is eventually returned to his family. I think you should get a bucket of popcorn and some caffeine-free soda and go watch this movie. You will enjoy it.
ETHIR: But--
PLAIDDER:  I want you to go watch that movie, and then I want you to come back here. And then, when I tell you that Alan Dershowitz got famous in the 1980s for finding a way to get the conviction of a European billionaire who most likely murdered his diabetic wife thrown out and get him a new trial at which he was acquitted based on problems with handling of the evidence, and then gave a dinner party to celebrate which Alan Dershowitz attended and wrote about in his book Reversal Of Fortune which by the way was made into a TV movie in 1990 which I actually to my everlasting shame saw--when I tell you all this, and then tell you that Alan Dershowitz thinks that makes him Bryan fucking Stevenson, you will fully understand my rage. 
ETHIR: All right.
PLAIDDER: In the meantime, can we not talk about how Alan Dershowitz’s narcissism has set fire to the last shreds of our Constitution?
CONN: But that’s exactly what I’m most hopeful about.
PLAIDDER: That...BLOWHARD forgot that he’s not in a damn trial court where the worst he could do to the world is set one rich and guilty asshole free. To satisfy his insatiable fucking ego, that man just burned down the rule of law.
CONN: No, he didn’t. That’s what I’m trying to tell you. He’s actually made things better.
PLAIDDER: This oughta be good.
CONN: All along we’ve been talking about that moment when everyone stops pretending. The moment when people just drop the mask for good and all and they just stop caring about whether people see their atrocities or not. We talked about that in July when that Congressional delegation went to see the detention camps at the border. You must have a clip of that somewhere.
PLAIDDER: OK, I found it:
CONN: Their lack of fear, that’s the worst sign. The fact that they don’t fear exposure. The fact that they’re not worried about the rest of the world finding out what they’ve done. Because that tells you that they know they’re protected. And that means they have no reason to stop. Not just that. They have no reason not to make it worse. No reason not to invent new indignities. No reason not to entertain themselves with making more misery.
PLAIDDER: That’s something I’ve always been afraid of. The moment when the state decides it doesn’t have to pretend any more. Theamh is afraid of that moment too–you know–on the magical side. That’s why that battle at Slieve was so important. It forced the corrupt government to go on pretending for a while. As long as they were pretending, there were certain limits to what they were able to do. Theamh and everyone else worked so hard to keep those limits in place.
CONN: You’re right to be afraid of that moment.  
CONN: And you’re afraid that this moment has now come.
PLAIDDER: It has. This is it. 53 Republican Senators--
CONN: Fifty-two--
PLAIDDER: Conn, you are on my LAST NERVE tonight. Fifty-two Republican Senators are about to vote to endorse the idea that the President can rig an election and nobody can do a thing about it.
CONN: No. They won’t be. Because Dershowitz and friends have already retracted that argument.
PLAIDDER: They can’t retract it now. Fox News has a hold of it. The Republican Senators have a hold of it. It’s out there and it’s going to become the new normal.
CONN: You’re not listening to me. THEY WALKED IT BACK. They realized they HAD to walk it back. Because 53 Republican Senators are not ready for this moment.
PLAIDDER: I bet 51 of them are.
CONN: No. That...circus act...that your President calls a legal team has withdrawn that defense because they now realize that these Republican Senators still want to pretend. And where there’s pretense, there’s hope.
PLAIDDER: Yeah, well I just refreshed the WaPo page and we lost Lamar Alexander, so I’m gonna go scream into the night now.
CONN: There’s still--
PLAIDDER: Don’t you get it? These assholes have got together and worked out exactly how it’s going to go down and what will happen is that they will let Collins, Murkowski and Romney vote for witnesses so there’s a 50-50 tie and then Roberts will refuse to cast the tiebreaking vote and there will be no witnesses and the whole thing will be over tomorrow. These people are not taking a stand, they are saving face in the most weaselly way possible. 
CONN: But surely you realize that it doesn’t matter any more whether they call witnesses or not.
PLAIDDER: I DO NOT realize that.
CONN: They don’t have to make Bolton testify. As soon as Alan Dershowitz made that argument, he admitted that your President has done everything he’s been accused of. Everyone saw that, everyone knows that. Anyone who will ever be willing to vote for removal will vote for removal now. And the people who will never be willing to vote for removal will never be convinced no matter how many witnesses you call.
PLAIDDER: So this is it. He gets acquitted. And I SWEAR TO GOD if you say “not yet” ONE MORE TIME--
CONN: All right, I won’t say it.
PLAIDDER: You won’t?
CONN: No. I won’t. Acquittal is what you always expected. That’s is what you always knew was probably going to happen.
CONN: MAKE UP YOUR MIND! Or let me go back into the void! I never asked to be dragged out here to this horrible place.
PLAIDDER: Yeah, I’m not gonna watch any more of my favorite characters go through the door to oblivion tonight, friend.
CONN: 67 votes for removal was always an unrealistic threshold. It’s never been done before, I understand.
CONN: Trust me when I say this, friend. They overreached. That always has consequences.
PLAIDDER: How can they overreach when they are about to take a vote that will ensure that their party will always have unlimited power?
CONN: That’s not what that vote is going to ensure.
PLAIDDER: Then what will it ensure?
CONN: That your president never gets a second term. And neither will many of them. 
PLAIDDER: Why should I believe you?
CONN: Look at what the Democrats in Congress have been able to do. They dragged that mac na mhada to the brink of removal. Where is your appreciation for Adam Schiff, who got up there day after day and told the actual truth?
PLAIDDER: You mean the “you know you can’t” speech.
CONN: Yes. That and many others. Because the thing is: they DO know they can’t. They definitely know that now. 
PLAIDDER: What does it matter? They will never cross him.
ETHIR: Hey, I’m back.
PLAIDDER: So you see what I mean about Alan Dershowitz.
ETHIR: Actually I saw something totally different.
ETHIR: You know that scene where Ralph Myers takes the stand at that hearing and he tells everyone that he lied at that first trial?
ETHIR: And he’s scared to do it. But once he does it, you can see the whole man come back to life. He’s told the truth and now no matter what happens to him, he doesn’t care, because he’s alive now. I mean you wrote our story but you spend all your time on the shriias, you’ve never really thought about how ordinary people experience the truth. I will tell you, I’ve seen a lot of people lie in court and I’ve seen a lot of people tell the truth and there is no comparison. Telling the truth is magic for us too. It’s...it’s being alive.
PLAIDDER: Anthony Scaramucci, of all people, has said as much.
ETHIR: I wish Theamh could have seen Slythe during the trial. She would have been so proud of her. Still an ordinary woman, but once she caught a hold of the truth again she never let it go. She understood it better than I can explain it. You could see it when you looked at her. I think she knew there was a good chance they would kill her. But it was worth it to her, just for that feeling of being alive. Humans are humans. They need joy. They need to feel alive. 
PLAIDDER: How are you making me cry when I don’t believe EITHER of you?
CONN: It’s like your Nancy Pelosi always says. Patience and time.
PLAIDDER: That was Kutuzov in War and Peace.
CONN: Well she doesn’t say it. But she knows it. She dragged this process out as long as she could safely drag it and what can be exposed has been exposed. Whatever happens tomorrow, you got more out of this than anyone expected. Be mindful of that. And just...be all right. All right?
PLAIDDER: All right. I guess this will be our last episode.
CONN: Maybe not y--
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