#hope the link works
yourlocallygrowngay · 2 months
Kiss of Purple, Blue and Green
Summary: After a drunken night together, Arthur sees a love bite on your neck and mistakens it for a bruise.
Warnings: bit of angst and a whole lot of fluff, suggestive themes
Word count: 2,361
Ask and you shall receive. Here's a one shot of the scenario I posted a few days ago ;)
Check this out on A03: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54854827
Last night was still a bit of a blur, pieces of it manifesting disorderly, like trying to fit puzzle pieces into the wrong spots. All you knew for certain was two things: the pounding headache that was making you wince at each sound, and… that you and Arthur Morgan had been up to no good.
You shivered in the cold morning air, pulling the blanket over your trembling shoulders as you sat down in front of the last embers of the campfire, a steaming cup of coffee in your hands to warm you up. You could tell the sweet nectar was doing its job, as you were feeling more awake already. You thanked the Lord for coffee.
But you cursed him out the very next second, because you felt someone sitting next to you and you froze, your entire body stiffening. It wasn’t nice company.
“Hello there, cowpoke!” The mustached man roared, sending a wave of pain directly to your already aching temples.
“Micah… not now” you begged, features scrunched up in pain. Turning away from him, you downed the rest of the coffee in silence.
But you knew Micah. He wasn’t resisting the opportunity to have his fun with you in one of your rare vulnerable moments. He spun you around rudely, and grinned under his blonde stache when you recoiled and slapped his filthy hands away.
“Geez, does the liquor at least make you gentler? I’d have to ask Mr. Morgan about that!” he sneered loudly, prompting you to look around, alarmed.
“What do you want?” you hissed, moving in closer to shush him. Micah’s expression relaxed.
“Me? Oh, nothing, nothing at all!” he got up and paced in front of you, grabbing his belt. “If you want the whole camp knowing what you got up to, that is.”
His stupid, cocky smile made you want to punch it off his face, but you tried to keep your composure. Micah was Dutch’s second in command now, you didn’t think it smart to attack him like that. Inside, anger was boiling in your chest, filling your gaze with venom. The mere thought of him knowing what you did (something that was nebulous even to you, and so very private) made your skin crawl. Was he in Valentine too yesterday? Did he spy on y’all?
The man approached you, lowering his voice condescendingly. This would stay between the two of you, if… you did something for him. You were sitting there, trying to interpret his ominous request, you heart beating steadily faster as you felt cornered by this damned fool.
“What is it?” you sighed, wondering if being blackmailed by Micah was worth it, if it meant your foolish actions remained concealed.
This time, he got so close you could feel his foul breath on your nose. You grimaced and tried to suppress a gag. Man, he was disgusting, both inside and out. He cupped your chin, squeezing it firmly. He had just parted his lips to speak when you heard loud, thundering footsteps get closer and closer to your position. Next thing you knew, Micah was tumbling backwards, narrowly avoiding the campfire.
You tilted your head upwards in shock. There he was, the man you spent the night with; Arthur Morgan, a man you knew for years and who you never saw lose his temper was there, fists clenched and a murderous rage obscuring his usually sweet blue eyes. A man you had witnessed murder, steal and intimidate, yet his violence always felt calculated, measured in a way, but not this time.
And it was gone in seconds. He turned to you, his fury fizzled away into a worried expression as he asked you if you were okay. You nodded, dazed, still processing what had happened.
You both glanced at Micah, who was still trying to regain his balance after the fall, wiping away the mud and grass from his pants. His expression was his usual, douchy one, but you saw the genuine panic and the fear in his eyes when he was on the ground: he was scared of Arthur. It was clear as day, from the way he kept a safe distance from the both of you, his wounded ego showing. Arthur put on his intimidating gaze and scowled at him until he disappeared into his tent.
“So, what did the bastar-“ he interrupted himself, noticing something on your neck. There it was again, the rage. You saw his face become completely red with anger as he gently hovered his fingers on your bruise, the contrast between the two baffling. You tried to think of some words to defuse him, but before you had a chance to say anything, he shot up and started yelling at the whole camp.
“Okay, which one of ya bastards did this?! Jus’ lemme find out…” Arthur snarled, quite literally growling the threat like a rabid animal. He frantically looked around for the culprit, only finding tired eyes and people still in their night clothes blinking at him, incredulous and concerned at his unusual display of anger.
“Arthur…” you tried to get his attention, but his mind was miles away from you. He wanted justice for whoever dared to put their filthy hands on your precious skin. He was pacing menacingly, glaring at the other men in the gang.
“Come out, ya goddamn coward!!” he shouted, spelling the word “goddamn” even more harshly and slowly than usual. Boy, was he angry… he was starting to scare you, too. You sat there, frozen, pondering what to do.
Javier, Sean and Bill exchanged confused looks, standing each in front of their tents. Sean was the only one who darted a look at you, and you widened your eyes at him, shaking your head in disbelief. But Arthur interpreted that differently and marched towards the Irishman threateningly.
“I’m watching you, boah” he threatened, but Sean was difficult to intimidate, and kept that dumb smirk on his face. The older man grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, but Sean assured him he didn’t know what he was talking about.
“Leave the boy alone, Arthur” Javier intervened in his usual pacifying tone. “Besides, wasn’t you out with them last night?”
Arthur kept his grip on Sean, but his expression softened a bit, his scrunched eyebrows trying to remember the events of last night. Little by little, it came back to him: you had been out on a mission, robbing a stagecoach, and then… he vaguely recalled stopping at the saloon in Valentine.
He let go of the kid and you sighed in relief. You approached him, grabbed his arm and walked him to the edge of camp, where you two could have a private conversation.
You thought you were hiding it well, but Arthur still noticed the fright in your eyes. He realized he had gone too far.
“I’m so sorry I scared ya, darlin’…” he apologized, his tone softer than you’ve ever heard it, his eyes firmly on his feet. “That was way outta line… it’s jus’…” he gestured aimlessly, struggling to find the words. 
You took one of his hands in yours, gently kissing his bruised knuckles. You got was he was trying to say. When it came to you, all rationality went out of the window. He was sweet on you for a while now, and he was incredibly protective… this was just the first time you’d seen his feelings in action.
“I know. If someone hurt you, I’d probably do the same” you said gently, and his face relaxed into a smile.
You pointed at your neck, smiling in amusement. “This, however? All you.” you laughed, and then cracked up some more at Arthur’s sheer panic.
“Did… did I hurtcha?!” he gasped. He couldn’t stand the idea, not even for a second. It would destroy him if it was true. He’d never forgive himself.
“No, you fool!” you elbowed him in his ribs and explained that that was no bruise. It was a love bite.
“A… what?” he repeated, blinking rapidly. He never heard of such thing. You tried to explain that when he kissed your neck, he did it so… fervently, that he left a small mark just under your jawbone.
“Oh.” His cheeks lit up in a bright, tomato red and his pupils dilated in realization. You two kissed last night? He was starting to remember now…
The stagecoach robbing went exactly as planned. Of course it did: you and Arthur were a great team, excellent criminal minds that foresee every possible outcome and handle everything expertly. You made off with quite a lot of money and jewelry, so you both decided to celebrate the successful heist with a few drinks in Valentine.
“Just a couple, we still have to go back to camp to deposit the loot” you reminded your partner, putting a coin on the counter and gesturing towards the bartender.
“Of course, no crazy business tonight” the cowboy promised, downing his first shot.
Of course, you were both full of shit. The drinks kept coming, and coming, and coming, until the next thing you remember was you waking up in Arthur’s tent, his arms wrapped around you.
And there was a room… it had a bed, so maybe it was at the saloon?
“Did… did we share a room at the saloon?!” you asked Arthur, alarmed. He was staring straight ahead, hand on his chin, as the scene revealed itself to him.
He saw your exposed neck, head tilted backwards into the pillow as he peppered kisses all over your collarbone and chest, stopping at the edge of your jawline to suck on the tender skin that bruised so quickly, so easily. He heard your moans and his name repeated over and over in delight, as you went deeper and deeper, the friction of skin against skin delicious and exasperating at the same time.
He felt breathless now, his face burning unbearably in what? Arousal? Shame? Maybe both. He didn’t dare to look you in the eye, but seeing him that flustered was enough to prove to you what had happened. You did drunkenly sleep together in that room in Smithfield’s saloon. Some recollections came back to you, making your stomach flutter and your abdomen warm with desire. You saw Arthur in his entirety, remembering his touch on your bare skin, his tongue on your neck and chest, the hair a tangled mess that covered his face. His figure revealed itself in all its vulnerability, the mask of tough outlaw crumbling to reveal a tender, passionate lover that, even in his inebriated state, made sure to put your pleasure first. You silently watched him now, trying to piece together the two sides of him: the side that you always knew, and the new one that opened up to you last night.
Arthur looked back at you, interpreting your surprise as hesitation.
“You regret that, don’tcha?” he asked, an almost imperceptible note of sadness in his tone. “I do too, in a way.”
You were not sure whether to take that as an insult. “What do you mean?”
Arthur walked towards you, taking your hands in his. He lowered his voice into a whisper that covered you in goosebumps. His expression was hard to interpret.
“I regret not making our first time special.” He rubbed his thumb on your hand lovingly, smiling at you. There they were, the eyes you always knew, those breathtaking blues you would lose yourself in every day.
You tucked a hair strand behind his ear and lingered there, caressing his scruffy cheek. Arthur leaned right into your hand, melting under your touch.
“Oh, Arthur” you smiled at him, radiant. “It was special, because it was you.” You grabbed his collar and gently pulled him closer, then put your lips on his for a brief, chaste kiss.
“Nah, I could’ve done it right for ya” he shook his head, as always rejecting the compliment. One of these days you had to make him accept one, you promised yourself.
“Now I’m curious. What would you have done differently?”
Arthur took a moment to think. “Well… for starters, I wouldn’t have been that drunk!”
You chuckled. “Then, I’d book a nice bath for the two of us, with some good wine…” as he talked, he fidgeted with the collar of your shirt, resting his hands on your chest. “Then we’d have some dinner, maybe a walk… and then we’d go back to our room, to sleep in a nice, comfortable bed.”
“That does sound nice…” you remarked, almost disappointed that it wasn’t how it actually went. “Although that’s where it did end. In that nice bed.” You joked, making the man grin.  “I guess you’re right” he laughed, pulling you closer.  
“Besides,” you continued, lowering your tone, “there’s always the next time, y’know…” you purred, putting a lot on emphasis on the word “next” and giving him a playful smile. Arthur’s eyes lit right up, and he licked his lips.
“S’that so? And when is that?” he asked, his voice so deep it boomed inside his chest, so filled with desire that the warmth in you lower belly returned unannounced. Before you could answer, he was kissing you again, taking his time with it. His stubble tickled your skin, so thick and rough compared to his soft lips. You put your hands around his neck, one cupping his nape as he pushed you against the tree, lost in his affection for you.
“Get a room, you two!” you both jolted at the voice, realizing you weren’t as well hidden from the group as you’d thought. You smiled, embarrassed, watching Hosea wink at you as he walked away.
“Well, there goes our little secret, Arthur” you exhaled, laughing nervously.
“A secret? Who do ya think is responsible for pairin’ us up on every damn mission?” the cowboy laughed, pointing his thumb at Hosea’s back.
“C’mon, let’s go get some breakfast, darlin’.” After placing a kiss on your forehead, Arthur took your hand as you both went back to the group, relieved to not have to hide your love anymore.
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idk-imkris · 1 year
Pride Suakko
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Wow bitches gay good for them Good for them
art by Carbonated Jem
Her Twitter:https://twitter.com/CarbonatedJem?t=VttZJvvkMnVgF_uT-bfoUA&s=09
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rottentiger-art · 1 month
hi! saw u liked my post on the fake fic game and these tags are my challenge for you!
inspector!katniss, cop!peeta, new york setting, bantering in front of everybody at the station lol, one of them in danger and the other shows up
sorry it took so long, I kinda suck at modern aus heh
Name: The Backup
Rating: Teen & Up Audiences
Relationships: Katniss Everdeen/Peeta Mellark
Tags: inspector!katniss, cop!peeta, new york setting, bantering in front of everybody at the station lol, one of them in danger and the other shows up, humor, romance, fluff, friends to lovers, modern au, ACAB except for these two
Summary: Usually, Inspector Everdeen is able to handle such situations just fine. But when shit hits the fan, she has no other option than to search through her contacts and find a cop she trust enough to back her up; easier said than done when you trust none of your coworkers.
Well, almost no one.
Katniss's heart raced as she found herself in a dimly lit warehouse, surrounded by crates and the faint sound of footsteps echoing in the distance. Her instincts kicked in, and she fumbled for her phone, eyes quickly scanning her list of contacts, discarding them one by one.
She scrolled through her contacts, her finger hovering uncertainly over Mellark's name. Or the ridiculous name he wrote there. Lover boy <3. In the heat of the moment, she couldn't help but feel a strange sense of comfort in the thought of him coming to her aid. Taking a deep breath, she pressed the call button.
The phone rang for what felt like an eternity, amplifying her anxiety. Finally, Peeta's voice came through, his tone teasing and light-hearted. "Well, well, Inspector Everdeen. To what do I owe the pleasure of this unexpected call?"
Katniss's frustration mingled with relief. She rolled her eyes, forgetting for a moment about the danger that loomed around her. "Don't flatter yourself, Mellark. I'm in a bit of a tight spot here and thought you might want to witness real action for a chance."
Peeta chuckled on the other end of the line. "Is this your way to ask me out? I knew it was only a matter of time, Inspector."
Katniss fought the urge to smile, her annoyance momentarily overshadowed by the playful banter. "Sorry to disappoint you Romeo. I need backup, and you seem to be the only one available."
Peeta's voice turned serious, a hint of concern cutting through the flirtatious tone. "I'm on my way. Just hold tight, alright? Tell me where you're at."
Something warm stirred within her, but there was no time to dwell on it, she muttered her location quickly. Swallowing her pride she added in a softer tone this time: "Hurry up, Mellark. And don't get any ideas about being my knight in shining armor."
Peeta's chuckle carried over the phone. "Well, I am dashing and I'm technically wearing an armor, so can't really help it."
Katniss shook her head, a smile tugging at her lips despite the danger that surrounded her. "You're incorrigible, Mellark. Just get here fast."
As they hung up, a newfound sense of reassurance flooded over Katniss. She knew that no matter the danger she faced, Peeta would be there to back her up. And maybe, just maybe, their banter held a deeper meaning that was yet to be explored.
For the record:
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I think I want to have a sideblog/askblog for this idea(with a few revisions) I had but I can’t come up with names >:[
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youngroyals-stuff · 6 months
Please share which fic you loved?
Recently finished Screwd by fandom_commitment_issues little to say I loved it. It's the show almost as it is but Erik never died. I truly love the Erik lives trop, especially this one. https://archiveofourown.org/works/40065081
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d-criss-news · 11 months
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Darren Criss tickets
Venue: Festival Theatre, Adelaide, SA
Date: Sun 3 Sep 2023 8:00pm
On Sale Soon:
Thu 27 Jul 2023 9:30AM (ACST)
Darren Criss will perform at Adelaide Festival Centre for one night only on Sunday 3 September!
His triumphant return to Australia, Criss will perform the hits of his career from Glee to Broadway with his own four-piece band and some special friends.
Criss said: “My first show in Australia in 2018 was so much fun and I am looking forward to coming back with my friends and seeing more of the country. We are taking things up a notch for this tour and I can’t wait to see everyone!”
Michael Cassel, who brought Darren to Australia in 2018 and is producing his national tour said: “Darren is a consummate showman and his last concert here sold out in eight minutes resulting in many angry phone calls from his fans to the office. Well, good things come to those who wait and now we are bringing him back for a series of shows all over the country, so no one will have to miss out.”
Musical fans, get ready – this is a night you’ll never forget.
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charles-edwin · 11 months
noooo does force really not want people calling book mochi?? but his cheeks really do look like mochi it's such a cute nickname😭😭😭 he gets to kiss them already he's too selfish 😭😭😂
hear it from the man himself, i’m just spreading the word aldkkskdkskdkskdkskdksksk
but yeah, he wants all the privileges (and gets them) while we’re here with nothing but cricket noises 😔😔
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anissapierce · 4 months
"That production used a translation by Marc Blitzstein that is probably still the best-known English version but is regarded by purists as a softened and sanitized interpretation. Certainly no such complaints can be lodged against the new translation by the playwright Wallace Shawn, whose rendering is both more densely lyrical (with some cumbersome poetic tropes in the songs) and explicitly obscene than any I know. This is a show that doesn't hesitate to call sexual organs and acts by their most common names, loudly and repeatedly."
Every fact I find abt Wallace Shaw impresses me more
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lavender-phannie · 8 months
Wait what aita post about dnp and laundry?? OLLIE WHAT AITA POST?!?!
It’s this!!! There’s an aita blog here on tumblr and someone sent this in lol
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codenamesazanka · 1 year
Hello ! Sorry to bother you, I saw you posted screenshot of a in game story in MHA mobile game for All For One Day Off ? I'm really sorry to annoy you, but do you know if it's still playable? (This specific story, not the game) and if its not, would you mind resuming what happened in it ? Thank you anyway for reading ans have a nice day :)
It is available in the game! The ‘Holiday Stories’ are part of a ‘Trust’ system where players fill up ‘trust’ levels with a character via using them on missions/battles or giving them gifts.
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I think once you reach Level 10 in trust with a character, you unlock their mini-story, if they have one.
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For All For One, his mini-story is just him musing about what quirks to cram into a Noumu to make it stronger so it can defeat All Might. Takes place post-USJ, but before Kamino.
Here’s a GoogleDoc I made that has the screenshots of the whole story! + a text transcript in case the images don’t load or just for better reading.
Thanks for the ask! You weren’t annoying me at all! Please enjoy the story!
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heddailler · 8 months
I got huge mayor arc Oswald vibes from this
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dioneabot · 1 year
Is your Chamber playlist public? I’d love to see it!
it's a messy 3h playlist since i put everything and anything in there, but it's on my spotify profile!
(@dioneabot -> jono starsmore tmtc)
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notsoattractivearenti · 11 months
Do you have the clip of Christian trying to speak Italian?
i don’t have it on my phone but i have the link:
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anonyb0b · 1 year
Ok ok so yes there is a song from The Lorax but HEAR ME OUT it fits the vibe of Squipville at first (also it's a bop????????)
gonna draw a cover for that definitely bc i cant handle just. THE LORAX staring at me
Also to explain some of the other songs: there's endgame boyf riends
also if you want you can ask me about my aus i love talking about them!!
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whoregaylorenzo · 1 year
guys pls watch this just gave me sm serotonin, silly little dance moves!!
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ponds-of-ink · 2 years
Psst. Hey guys. Go to this YouTube vid at 12 AM EST. It’s a surprise. :D
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