#nooshy rambles
kazumirambles-old · 2 years
Sing 2 Headcanons (Sexualities)
Porsha is probably bisexual
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Nooshy is lesbian (she gives off top vibes…)
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And Johnny is a disaster gay.
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Also also- not a headcanon but honestly the British accents… They’re amazing. Reminded me that I once again think people with British accents are hot-
If I ever do date a guy, I hope they have some sorta accent lmaoo- (and then me over here stumbling over my words and just shouting “ENGLISH” like a dork- this is why I’m surprised people are friends with me, let alone date me-)
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smileyfacemojisworld · 4 months
Credits To @puppiesandnightlock for the idea❤️
THANK YOU SO MUCH @puppiesandnightlock for the Sing 2 Christmas one shot idea(storyline, honestly)
Chapter 1
Buster Moon's POV:
I got out of bed and grudgingly trudged down from my little staircase made of books to open the windows. Bright sunlight blinded me along with an icy chill of.. Wait, is that? I forced my eyes open and squinted, rubbing my eyes ferociously. A gorgeously shaped snowflake landed gracefully on the window plate, as I admired it with awe, I looked down and noticed the rooftops of the houses in the city were aesthetically coated with a thick layer of seemingly fluffy snow. My little mouth dropped in astonishment of the breathtaking sight. It rarely snowed in Calatonia, making it almost a lifetime opportunity to see the city with snow. I was just mindlessly gazing out my window when suddenly the door was kicked open and in came in Porsha, who I recently invited to stay at New Moon theatre. (I'm using New Moon Theatre since we don't know exactly how Majestic looks like, other than the stage.) Porsha rushed frantically to me and gave me a body-crushing hug, while ecstatically squealing, "Merry Christmas Mister Moon! I've invited the everyone to the theatre, Rosita, Norman and all 25 of her kids are coming, oh and don't worry about them, I already went Christmas shopping yesterday, got each and everyone who is coming gifts, ooh guess what I got for Ash, you'll never guess!" My head was spinning, I was clearly dumbfounded, but before I could even mumble a single word in, Porsha started rambling again, "I got her a new guitar case, she's gonna love it, I can already tell! I spent so long trying to decorate it in her style, we two have such different taste, I bought I bunch of stickers from her favourite store to DIY it, and it turned out perfectly, I got Rosita and Norman one of the very best nannies to look after their kids for as long as they like so Rosita won't have to worry and Norman can finally concentrate on work, I'm gonna take the kids to a huge toy store and get them whatever they want, since I don't know all of their likings, Gunter a karaoke system, got Johnny a portable keyboard and sheet music, for Meena I got her new baking stuff and recipes, Miss Crawly loads of new dresses and wigs for her to dress up with, AirPods for Nooshy so she can street dance without having to always lug that bulky radio around, I got Clay a new guitar, since his is, like, 15 years old, Alphonso merchandise for his business and for you I got, oh whoops I almost spilled the surprise!" Porsha covered her mouth with her hand/paw (???) and snickered, "You'll never guess what it is! But don't tell anyone about their gifts, alright?" she warned. I blinked, flustered with all the new information processing through my tiny brain(smol). "Hello?
You there? Come one, we have to decorate the theatre, thank goodness I was reassured by Rosita, who's gonna bring breakfast, we already have so much to do! Now let's go!" Porsha stopped waving her hand in my face and strutted out. I reluctantly followed her out, stretching my arms and yawning groggily, tossing my perfectly pre-planned outfit on, which consisted of my regular snow-white(®) button down shirt, a dark blue suit jacket with matching pants along with a black belt. I lost the bow tie and put on a tie which didn't exactly suit my style, but looked definitely like the explanation of 'Christmas' It was red and green striped, with several, small, Christmas elements around it. I kicked my chocolate brown shoes on and dashed off to find Porsha, who was humping a box of old Christmas decorations, along with a newly, store-bought bag of Christmas decorations, which she willingly offered to get. We emptied the box and bag to find a Christmas tree slightly taller than Porsha, numerous baubles and colourful fairy lights, a glittery golden star, miniature bells that ring a delightfully pleasant tune to hang up on the tree, collectable reindeer, scented candles that smelled pleasingly of peppermint, stockings, decorated wreaths, ornamental angels and fairly expensive snow globes. I lighted up the scented candles and placed them all over the theatre, arranged the ornaments of reindeer, angels and snow globes immaculately and decorated the bottom part of the Christmas tree, while Porsha had to set up the tree, decorate the upper half, hang the fairy lights on and through the ceiling and got the opportunity to position the star. I wiped a drop of perspiration off my sweaty forehead and panted, that was certainly a lot of work, but we got it done just in time! I looked up at Porsha and grinned from ear to ear, thanking her profusely for her help.
Porsha's POV:
Oh, my gosh, today is Christmas! It's the most, wonderful time, of the year! I stayed up all night wrapping all my gifts, I'm exhausted and ecstatic all at the same time! I must say, I think I overdid myself on the presents, but after all, AM earning my own money, now that Buster got me a job here at New Moon Theatre AND I was invited to stay here. I got ready in a blink of an eye, wearing my white cropped top, neon blue puffy jacket, midnight blue ripped jeans and my. ankle length brown uggs. I thought the outfit looked gloomy so I threw on some colourful neon jewellery and stormed off to Buster's room to wake him up. I just noticed the absolute beauty of the snow through his window, it was gorgeous! He and I got ready for the crew's arrival, I seriously can't wait for them to get here! 
I planned out a perfect day! First, I pleased Rosita to get us all our favourite breakfast for each of us, who gave in after one request, she's the best! I regret being so rude to her... 
My favourite breakfast is french toast and a milkshake with extra whipped cream, Buster's is toasted PB&J sandwiches with milk, Miss Crawly's is toast and tea, Ash's is fruit tarts and lemonade, Gunter's is pancakes with fruit, Johnny's is avocado toast with tea (being British don't mind me), Rosita's and Norman's is coffee, the kids all have different tastes, but they like reallyyy sugary stuff, Nooshy's is- hold on I don't think she eats breakfast, does she? 😃🤔 I texted her she sent me:
GirlieOnFire(Porsha): Heyyyyy
IllegallyDancing(nooshy): hiiiiiii what's up
GirlieOnFire: do you eat breakfast?
IllegallyDancing: no course I don't that's for WEaK pEoPIE🤭🥰
GirlieOnFire: well you really should it's not gUd FoR yA🤓👆
IllegallyDancing: yes I eat breakfast
GirlieOnFire: well you should've just SAID SOO🤨
Illegally Dancing: why am I friends with you
GirlieOnFire: I should be asking that, now what do you eat
IllegalyDancing: well I go to any restaurant and see if they have any food leftover in their trash, why?
GirlieOn Fire: ...
IllegallyDancing: what? 🤨
GirlieOnFire: *Venmo $200*
GirlieOnFire: now shoo and go get smth to eat
So I forgot to ask her her preference🤭 Ah well of I'm gonna guess sweet stuff, cuz she told me the first time she went into a diner was went Johnny met her
Continuing, Clay loves TEA
WITH HONEY(yeah totally for sure I asked Ash 🥰) 
So after breakfast, we're gonna walk around caroling and promoting our theatre. I'm gonna surprise Buster with the promoting and his other gift, I managed to convince one of my FAVOURITE FASHION BRAND to sponsor the theatre! I can't wait to see the look on Buster's face when I tell him!
End Of Chapter 1
I’m so sorry, it’s not me best work, I don’t have snow, so I don’t know the experience, please comment some ideas and thoughts, I take criticism very well❤️
If you’re into Jooshy, I highly recommend @puppiesandnightlock ‘s fanfiction, Breakdancing and Romancing, on Fanfiction.Net. This fanfic was the genius story that got me obsessed with fanfics in the first place🤩
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whack-patty · 4 months
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more comic practice! Context/rambles below the cut but all u need to really know is This Is Fun
idk what im doing but i'd highly recommend throwing your ocs into another universe and practice writing comics n stuff with them bc it takes the edge of "oh no this has to be perfect/presentable/make sense" off bc it just gets to be absolute nonsense bc w h o gives a frick. nobody
((Plus this was genuinely good practice for how my own ocs would handle this situation/how I want to write them WITHOUT worrying about inventing the perfect side characters/scenarios. Just a "what would Simon/Ethan do in THIS situation?" and now I feel More Confident in writing them in my own stuff. 10/10 would recommend. This is your cringe pass, dear reader, join me))
for those of you who might give a frick/be curious:
one of the Detective's main antagonists is an arsonist who attacks big fancy buildings f u l l of people, which just hAPPEN to be like the ones Buster and his troupe perform / rehearse in a lot. Making them a very bright and bubbly and fun target.
I moooost likely won't be drawing the rest of this comic bc this one in particular would just get kinda dark ((ɥqʇ ʇᴉ opɹǝʌo ʇuplnoɥs ʎllɐǝɹ ᴉ os ɥƃnouǝ ʞɹɐp ʇǝƃ ɐuuoƃ sᴉ ǝuo dɹous dǝǝus ǝɥʇ puɐ)) but if it were to keep going, Simon and Ethan would split off in two teams:
Ethan would be in charge of getting everyone OUT safely, but she knows that at this point the mystery arsonist would already have blocked off all the main exits and fire escapes, so the challenge is finding a new, safer exit. The team probably would've ended up taking some weird hidden tunnels (bc hc that no matter HOW good things get, Buster always has a backup escape/hidey hole. Tis The Way of people who have come from bad places -- they're generally prepared) and having to do a mad scrambling dash out.
BEFORE the teams split, Simon would've pulled Clay and Johnny to the side to give them some unfortunate instructions --- ideally it won't come to this, but there's a good chance their group may be attacked by someone VERY dangerous before they get out. Clay and Johnny, as the largest/toughest/most experienced with danger, would be the best bet to protect the others should worse come to worse.
Simon would split off to both call the cops, find ANYBODY who may not have been with the main group (janitors etc), and if he can, stall the Arsonist themself. ((aaaaaaaaaaaand potentially some of the more ambitious/crazy troupe members sneak back to see what the frick is going on. Nooshy I'm looking at you)) (((actually that scene might be fun to draw. potentially)))
also. Simon can speak in emojis. That's how they communicate quickly without causing panic in the people around them/alerting antagonists of their plots right away. Why can he do this? that's a ramble for another day lol
if you read this far you get a royal kiss on the hand btw thanks for indulging my madness <333
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hoperays-song · 3 months
I wonder, with the possibility of having a sing 3 sequel, I wonder if Ryan would even be in it. If he would be added , I'm curious if they would redesign him to be more unique, in Sing 2 he looked like any other tiger character in the movie, considering he has the same models as the tiger background, and considering that the main cast have unique models that differentiate them from the other background characters that are the same animals as them.
I wonder what would his redesign would look like to make him more unique that removes him from the background but also relates to him as a part of the cast.
What do you think his design would be if he was added?
Thanks so much for the ask! And I'm sorry for the rambling that's about to follow this, I just really love this topic. Hope you enjoy though! - <3 Gooseless
Ryan does actually have a unique model! His stripe pattern and eye color is completely unique to him, as well as his build being slightly different. Which is why the tiger we see at the auditions is Ryan in my opinion, as legit every other tiger has the same stripes besides that one (who we actually never see audition so might just be there as a represenative).
We only see two other tigers in the movies (that I could find) and while their stripe patterns aren't the same, they are more similar to each other than Ryan. Ryan has a distinct flame shaped stripe on his left cheek. And while the other two's stripes are similar, that's because bengal tigers do have those type stripes on their cheeks.
See below the facial patterns on an actual bengal tiger:
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And then the stripes of the two other tigers we see:
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And finally, there's my boy Ryan:
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They are distinct from the other stripe patterns we've seen, no longer sickle shaped but flame shaped on the left cheek.
And while it is compressed in the auditions photo. you can see the blobs that would likely look like the other flame branches if he had higher pixelation in this frame (he's tiny and in the background).
And the other two tigers we see, though not in the best pixelation or lighting, seem to have dark colored eyes, while Ryan's are very noticeably green, and likely a shade between olive and sage green judging by how it changes in the various lightings. Even in the auditions, that tiger has a lighter coloured iris.
And as for builds, we'll use a handy dandy chart!
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As for the other two, we actually see two different builds for them too. While Ryan is an inverted triangle (mesomorph), which is also Johnny's too for reference, the other tigers do seem to be rectangular in build (to be fair they are in loose clothing and that is my perspective of it but this also would align more with actual tigers too). They also differ from endomorphs and ectomorphs as well.
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*Sorry photos aren't the best and from weird angles, they literally are barely on screen lol*
Ok now on to the redesign. The reason Ryan looks more like a background character despite his unique model is his clothing imo. Whenever we see him, he's either in a uniform (the leotard and leggings), or very plain, nondescript clothing (the costume underclothes and the suit).
So, we can fix this by giving him a new outfit! Which is amazing because otherwise we would have to change the entire model and that would take forever lol.
Almost all the teen/younger characters wear jeans in the movies (the exceptions are the eldest two, Nooshy and Ash) and Ryan does seem to be at least close to Johnny's age so he joins the jean club. Now adding cuffed light wash jeans to his outfit.
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Second, Ryan gives off strong perfectionist vibes. You don't become a principal (or at least high up) dancer at a company like the one we see him in as young as he likely is without an ambitious and perfectionist streak a mile wide. So we're gonna go with something that codes that to the audience (aka yes, somewhat stereotypical clothing for that cliche), a dark green sweatshirt over a white button up. This type of aesthetic is also not used by any of the main cast so far and the dark green accent will highlight his eye color, making it stand out more and further giving him a unique look.
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And for accessories, which please let's give these kids jewelry, I typically describe Ryan as having two double lobe earrings, with one being a long simple gold one and another that is either a rainbow heart or a gold stud. I also give him a jade and gold necklace (which is tiger shaped in the continuation fic) and have him wear dark green sneakers for more green accents. You can also add in a brown or black belt if you want so he can tuck in the sweatshirt and shirt, but those don't necessarily have to be showing.
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So, yeah, that's how I would change Ryan's design to make him fit more in with the rest of the main cast! I really hope we do see more of Ryan, though I am not sold on the idea of a third movie, so I'm pretty sure I'd prefer to see him in shorts lol. But I hope you enjoyed all of this chaos of a character design analysis/comparison of sorts, thanks again for the ask!
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moon theatre family hurt/comfort headcanons (teens edition)
might get a little angsty here, had these bottled up in my head for a while (can’t think of anything for nooshy, but i will think about it!).
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- johnny hates crying in front of others, hates it more than anything. despises it and will bite down on his tongue or dig his nails into his hand to hold it in (sometimes it’s enough to draw blood).
- he appreciates the comfort his friends try to offer him at that very moment, but he hates looking so vulnerable when he’s supposed to be the strong one looking out for his best friends.
- whenever he feels like he can’t take it he quietly excuses himself to the bathroom.
- he completely lets himself go when he’s locked himself inside and his shoulders just lurch as he sobs over the sink.
- of course the rest can hear him and they all silently agree on the fact that he needs comfort.
- but they all know trying to bombard him at once at the beginning will just overwhelm him and make him say “he’s fine”.
- obviously, none of them are going to take that as an answer.
- so one of them (usually it’s ash or nooshy) visits his room with a cup of english breakfast tea (+ honey) once he’s calmed down.
- they usually find him practicing a piano piece he has to play for their show, continuously messing up on notes.
- johnny would try to greet whoever it is with a cheerful voice—sometimes they can notice that he’s still upset, sometimes they just can’t tell because he’s so good at hiding it.
- “i’m telling you, really, i’m okay. there’s nothing bothering me, honest.”
- he gives many attempts to try and change the subject when they try to get it out of him, but eventually they manage to verbally back him into a corner.
- johnny doesn’t say anything for a while and slightly starts to pace, then gives in and blurts out how he’s trying, he’s trying so hard to be perfect, to be the most he can, trying so, so hard to be strong, because he needs to be the strong one for the rest of them.
- but it’s just really difficult, and sometimes he can just feel the pressure getting to him and he’s just so tired and it makes it hard for him to breathe sometimes.
- but the thought of becoming a burden just stresses him out way too much, so even though he wants to talk to an adult or a friend about it his mind and body just won’t let him do so, and it just feels like it’s building up inside his chest—suffocating him.
- his hands start to shake a bit and he starts to talk faster, rambling on and on as he picks up pace like he does when he grows anxious or nervous.
- “i-i feel like i should be able to do it, y’know? b-but then i try to do it, and there’s just so many other things that stay on my mind and it’s... it’s like it’s messin’ with my head. am i really not enough? i never know what i’m supposed to do to fix it all, and i just feel so... so useless.”
- johnny then stops and quietly admits that sometimes he just feels pathetic and weak, and that’s when they give him a nice, warm hug, although it does take him a while to actually sink into it.
- “johnny, ‘pathetic’ and ‘weak’ would be the last words anyone would use to describe you. it’s okay to tell us you’re feeling stressed out sometimes, all we want to do is help you. please don’t try to hide anything like that from us, it’s important we know you’re having a hard time. you’re never a burden... you’re our hope, o-our family... you’re our best friend. we love you.”
- eventually the others would join in and it just all ends in one huge cuddle/hug sesh until porsha cheerfully offers that they all watch his favorite movie to cheer him up.
- they all eventually end up tangled up in a mess of blankets and cushions on the couch asleep altogether, halfway through the movie.
- she hasn’t been able to get rid of her “stupid” trust issues after her boyfriend of five years, lance, ditched her for some random bitch named becky.
- ever since she never really let herself get too close to anyone else beside her new stage crew family.
- ash has always been scared of stepping out of her comfort zone, especially when it means getting deeply involved with other animals.
- but for some reason she holds onto the old electric guitar lance had gotten for her for their second-year anniversary, although she has more than enough money to buy a better and newer one.
- and oh god, she feels pathetic like a stupid teenager hanging onto her stupid ex and she can’t help but feel like she’s being a complete idiot over it.
- so ash has, more than five times, tried to throw her guitar away, case and all, reassuring herself that she can just buy a better one—one that wasn’t given to her by some low-life cheating bastard.
- but whenever she tries her hands start shaking as she grips onto the case, and her teeth clenches and she just can’t let go of it and it drives her insane.
- she finds herself thinking if she was that bad enough of a girlfriend for lance to go find becky, and she gets angry and she has to clench her teeth not to start bawling.
- she returns back to their condo and tosses the guitar case aside into the living room, disappearing into her own without a word, letting everyone there realize almost immediately what she was going through. 
- they know that she needs time for herself for at least thirty minutes before one of them talk to her so during that time, meena goes out to the nearest café and buys a piece of chocolate cake with bubble tea or hot chocolate.
- after those thirty minutes, one of them (preferably johnny) goes inside with her guitar and finds ash walking busily around the room aggressively cleaning everything up, loudly blasting music from her phone.
- it takes her a while and some soothing words to get her to calm down and bring her down from her “worked-up” state, and when she does she sits down on her bed, staring down at the red guitar case covered top-to-bottom with stickers.
- “i feel so stupid.” she says, fists clenched on her lap. “he was such an idiot, and i know he doesn’t deserve what i offer him... but why am i holding onto this? what am i doing wrong? i thought i moved on, and i know i have, but... something must be, just, really wrong with me. maybe... maybe i’m just not strong enough to erase him from my mind.”
- “you’re not, stupid, ash, don’t say that. and there is nothing wrong with you, i promise. sometimes... we just have a hard time thinking what we want and we wonder what’s right. no, you can’t forget him—the more you try to forget him, the more your mind will take you towards him. the best you can do—the best we can do—is create another chapter of your life. a fresh one, see? things were bad back then... but now, you have us, don’t you? we can write a fresh new page together, create better memories over the worse ones.”
- “you’re one of the strongest animals i know, ash. believe me. it’s going to be a tough journey, but you’re not alone.”
- then ash leans into them and they wrap her into a side-hug. they find ash wearily eyeing the guitar case again.
- “keep the guitar—it doesn’t have to mean that it’s something you can’t let go of. it’s just part of who you are, and the music you make from that guitar is what shapes you. think it that way, alright?”
- then they carefully hand ash her drink and her slice of chocolate cake.
- “ugh, you guys know me so well.”
- porsha doesn’t really go visit her dad in jail, she tries to avoid doing it if she can.
- he’s never really been the best dad in the world, and he had done so many wrongs... but then again, he’s her dad. he used to be all she had.
- so from time to time, porsha does try to go talk to her dad to check on him—the last thing she would want was for him to fall ill or into some sort of state of depression.
- but he never comes talk to her, refuses to talk to her, but she decides to hold on and sits there for about an hour, hope dwindling every passing minute.
- eventually she comes back to their condo, not really hiding the fact that she’s crying or having a breakdown, her make-up completely smudged across her fur.
- before anyone can get up and ask her what’s wrong, she locks herself in the bathroom and doesn’t come out for sometimes hours.
- they knock on the door gently and ask her if she’s okay, but all she can manage at that point is just brokenly tell them to leave her alone because she can’t use her voice at the moment.
- she does unlock the door at some point but leaves it closed—whenever she cried as a kit she’d usually wait for her dad to come and maybe give her a hug, but it never really happened.
- she’s not used to asking for anyone’s comfort or consolation and is honestly embarrassed to show how sorry and pitiful she looks, so different from her “happy” facade. 
- but porsha knows she could use some comfort and stays in the same spot waiting for it—usually her friends all hear the door unlock and it’s not long until someone comes in to check on her.
- “i-i think my daddy hates me.” she chokes out, and she slightly bites down on her fist. “i know he’s bad, alright? i know he’s not a good person... but he’s my daddy. h-he’s supposed to love me, right? then why won’t he talk to me?”
- “listen.” they say as they take her hand, helping her to her feet. “your dad, well, he... he did bad things, i know. and he’s always had his priorities in the wrong place. his reputation came first before anything, and i can’t imagine what it would have been like growing underneath such a shadow.”
- “but just because he did have priorities in the wrong place, doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you. he does love you, i’m sure of it... he’s just blind of who you are, he’s not considerate enough to appreciate you, because you’re such a wonderful, amazing person to be with. he just can’t see that.”
- “i know everything hurts because you feel like he doesn’t want anything to do with you. but he might, and i really really hope he does, that he’ll be able to get to see what’s important. until then, you have us—we appreciate you, and we’re all happy to be able to call you our best friend. we’ll get through this together, alright?”
- porsha feels better at these little pep talks and asks what she ever did to deserve such “awesome bffs”, they have a little laugh about it, have a group hug, before they decide to give time for porsha to clean up or redo her make-up so that they can go have ice cream at the city square.
( + might add one for nooshy if i can think of something!)
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puppiesandnightlock · 2 years
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Welcome to another episode of wtf did I draw! This was supposed to b a timeline of my idea for Nooshy’s backstory but naturally it looks like crap! Now, i’m super lazy and I don’t wanna type all this out, so imma reblog this once I post a YouTube vid of me rambling about her lol, 4 now, here’s a few bullets:
baby girl: happy, not much to say
8-9: Amazing dancer, loves her parents, super happy, smart girl
13-15: after her parents were shot when she was nine, she tried to make it thru, not mourning her parents at all, but after awhile she snapped, leading to her emo moody teen years.
16-19: she got over it, pulled herself together and started to work. She met Johnny when she was 19, and yk, The Whole movie happened.
early 20s: She’s married, super happy, still misses her parents but is good now, SHE’S A BADASS MOM!!
Her kids will be revealed as soon as I figure out how to draw them, nooshy’s the only character that I can draw somewhat decently lol 
(If anyone has tips on drawing and wants to share, I suck so they r appreciated)
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hoperays-song · 5 months
Can you explain things you want to happen to Johnny in the next sing movie(or project or if they make a graphic novel) mine is that he makes his own song.
Ooooooo, thank you for the ask!!!! I'm so sorry in advance, I'm gonna ramble here lol. - <3 Gooseless
--------------------------------- So I actually want a few things to happen in the next project (the continuation fic is essentially all of it lol), but I would definitely agree on the original songs front! That's for sure on my list.
One of the main things though, the biggest one actually, is to continue with Johnny's storyline as a queer allegory. We've already faced familial acceptance in the first movie, community acceptance with the second movie (though I have so many issues with how the dance class was handled), and it would be nice to just wrap it up with personal acceptance. And that might seem out of order but it actually isn't in a lot of cases. I know, for me at least, I spent so much time right after coming out defending my place and my identity to the world around me that I never really took the moment to process I could just finally be myself, and that it was ok to exist. I feel like a storyline like that with Johnny would be amazing, as there are numerous ways to go that route, like romantic (please, I want to see Rynny more than anything, PLEASE) or personal (Johnny finally putting out boundaries with his workload).
This would be an awesome storyline to see through either of those lenses, with a romantic arc featuring Johnny and Ryan being able to use a much more obvious way of showing this, especially if Ryan has already reached personal acceptance. Why that is is because throughout his previous storylines, Johnny has a specific support system for each, with familial being the troupe and community being Nooshy, so it would make sense if the love interest in this scenario, Ryan, took on that role this time around. It works really well in this option as it leads to really cute moment possibilities of the characters, particularly Johnny, just letting himself exist and have something for himself. And I will admit that I feel this is the best option for this storyline, as it is pretty blunt and up-front with the coding then, just like Johnny's other storylines, but also allows Johnny to have something for himself (his identity and his relationship) instead of how we see all his developments in the past movies, aka being broadcasted to the world and not really giving the kid any privacy. He deserves something for himself. And I feel like a relationship with Ryan could be that thing.
But like I said, you could work it as personal as well, with Johnny finally putting forward boundaries with Buster due to the workload the man keeps assigning the poor kid. I feel like a good support system here could be Ryan (if they are in an already established relationship) or his dad and uncles as they would have life experience to advise him on the matter. Johnny is heavily overworked throughout both movies and it seems like the expectations for him are really high, so a moment of him just letting himself exist as the ordinary person he is would probably be very therapeutic for him.
I personally wish they would go in the series direction instead of another movie, allowing for more detail to be poured into the characters, and that is kinda the format in which the continuation fic is written, in a way easily translated to a series. However, I have posted an idea for a Sing 3 set after a time jump around Johnny's story that I'll link below. It kinda goes into the previously mentioned wants for a series but having those already happen and mainly talks about ways to get queer rep around hate groups.
So yeah, I really want to see a personal acceptance journey for Johnny, letting the kid see he doesn't have to fight for who he is or his place anymore, he can just be Johnny, however that looks like.
Here's the Sing 3 idea thing!
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