#normal skinship vs wow that's gay
whysojiminimnida · 2 years
I can’t call you Auntie Jaya because I think we’re the same age, maybe Cousin Jaya? Anyway have you heard anything from Kevin about the reaction in Korea to days 1 and especially 2?
Funny you should ask, @amatann 😉
Bros don’t bridal carry bros, it turns out. "Go find me one serious instance of any other member of BTS just randomly bridal carrying another member around like that," Kevin From Itaewon says. I could not. Especially not after the carrier got a hickey from the, er, bride.
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And certainly not while princess-waving and grinning like that.
But bros DO occasionally indulge in a little dongsaeng-hyung style lapsitting. That’s not out of the realm of normal bro skinship.
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Especially given that there is no leaning in by Tae and no leaning back by Jungkook. The lack of eye contact, softness or smiles also makes it more “normal skinship” and less “oh this is a thing”. It is nice that their friendship seems to be back on track but that’s all it is, Kevin says. AND HE'S RIGHT. This is the least romantic lapsit I have ever seen and I can't understand why it's being used as A Moment at all. Kev agreed. This is what normal bro skinship looks like.
And then there’s what Kev called the “ass man cometh for Jimin-ssi”. Slaps are normal bro shit and widely done and accepted. The caress-and-squeeze is something else.
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I allowed as how Jungkook does love to grab a random ass cheek and Kev goes "yes, but does he just... pet them like that?" and I had to say well, he slaps. he does the squeeze. I dunno if he'd pet them, his other asses don't usually stay put that long and Kev goes "Honey. Jimin is WALKING. Jungkook is just FOLLOWING THE ASS SO HE CAN PLAY WITH IT MORE." I snortgiggled ...but he was not wrong.
With me so far? Oh good because KFI was on his Boyfriend's-Been-Gone-Too-Long faggotry shit today so we had to have a nice long talk about the price of California real estate and HOW GAY THE Jeon-Parks ARE which is, apparently-- SO GAY. Like they could not be gayer unless they had two shared homes, one for vacations, and a marriage license and even then, Kev says, it's only paper they can certainly be just as gay without it. He should know. He's been gay without it for twenty years but he might be just about to be gayer with it, since he and X are talking about partial relocation and super gay beach weddings.
So yeah that was the extent of the How Gay Are They convo and the answer was THEY'RE SO GAY AND IN LOVE IT'S ADORABLE.
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