#not because she's a woman biologically
mothman4life · 11 months
i get that the barbie movie didn’t show a lot of gender nonconformity or diversity with its characters outside of weird barbie and allan but the emphasis on barbies and kens not having gendered sex organs means that all of these very traditionally presenting men and women still don’t meet the terf criteria to be a man or woman because it’s an oversimplistic and reductionary way to define gender
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hanmegumi · 10 months
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edit: turning off reblogs because some of the people that are reblogging are extremely fucking moronic. holy shit
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carlyraejepsans · 4 months
saw your most recent post about really good fics that contain uncomfortable kinks and i immediately thought "ah, biscia must be reading the mpreg soriel fic" and almost left a reply talking about it but i stopped myself because i realized that would be an insane assumption to make. needless to say i felt so vindicated when i saw you link it in an earlier post.
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like. HELLO?
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#answered asks#''I fear nothing good ever comes of it when it does'' is straight up SEARED into my brain as the toriel line of all time I've ever read#there's some character interpretations I don't share there. like i said i don't think either of them would cry that easily#and while the different conception (badumtss) of sex/gender in various monsters was interesting#i felt like it didn't quite deal with the ramifications of not strictly binary reproductions on social perception of gender like I could've#eg the part about boss monsters being closer to humans in how it works and thus having a different concept of mom/dad compared to skeletons#was pretty nice. but if you establish that skeletons work like ghosts but distinguish she/he ''for some reason'' even though all of them#can bear kids. and then you make a comment about ''the child possibly growing into a woman considering the shape of the pelvis'' it's like#why??????? why. whywhywhy. why would that be a factor. even hypothesizing a certain physical dimorphism. WHY pick the one tied to pregnancy#the ONE ASPECT that you decided was shared between both ''male'' and ''female'' skeletons#it's also like. objectively an argument that is leveraged to hurt and deny trans people irl so it was just. unbelievably uncomfortable#this is what we mean with mpreg and transphobia btw#not that the concept is inherently transphobic or hurtful to trans people#but that that kind of alternative biological worldbuilding implies an alternative social conception of gender role for the characters#that a lot of authors just. straight up miss. because their view of the world is still very cis/perisexist#BUT!!!!!!!!!!#it was still over all a very good fic. I'd rec it to pll not into that for the initial 2 chapters alone
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coochiequeens · 2 months
When a TIM is so shitty even his TIM call him out
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When an actual lesbian has preferences for real women it's transphobic but when a TIM does it's because sex is a biological reality. So glad the women are calling him out.
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deva-arts · 2 months
Is Nate technically a carnivore since he has fangs?
While this would have worked for other variant species, Nathaniel doesn't abide by the rules of nature in any respect, especially as an atypical-form shifter.
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His body has a predisposition towards humanoid forms, so it's safe to assume he'd have the same overall conditions that a human would- omnivorous. He's made a nutritional plan for himself that incorporates more veggies and less saturated fats. Ew! boring!
(Can you tell I love talking about Variant physiology)
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lexa-griffins · 4 months
How did Lexa react when she found out about Clarke's dick
Okay okay so about this I have thoughts!
Because of the way June has such a view about men being inherently violent and given her trauma, Lexa was taught that their violent ways, especially their sexual violent ways, came from their dick.
Now, being a lesbian like her grandmother Lexa, both never thought she'd sleep with someone with a dick unless there was violence involved. She was sheltered and fed narratives from a deeply traumatized woman, and as much as she sometimes down right hates her grandmother, she knew there was some truth to her view from the life experiences of the women around her and her own father.
So I think Lexa is at first shocked, like a bucket of cold water was thrown on her. Almost like a fear of what being with a woman who she loves has a dick could mean for her - as if Clarke was to end up hurting her for the simple fact of her having a dick.
It's clear from her reaction to Clarke that Lexa might not want to do this with her anymore, and while the reason /why/ is clear, Clarke does try not to act like it affects her.
Their first time would be desperate and slow as well. When Clarke starts getting dressed and telling Lexa it's fine if she is having second thoughts, Lexa feels panicked at the thought of ruining things with Clarke. Not sex, but the idea that now that her and this amazing woman are finally developing their relationship, she is about to ruin it for a trauma that isn't even hers to carry.
Lexa pulls Clarke back to bed and kisses her, apologizing to her about her reaction. Maybe Clarke would have had a different attitude towards Lexa after her reaction if Lexa didn't look so damn honest and vulnerable and so in love with her. Because when Lexa apologizes she never once looks down, instead staring right into Clarke's eyes.
It is different from what Lexa was accustomed with Costia, but Clarke is gentle with her, reminsing her she does not have to do anything she doesn't want to, but Lexa has this burning need to be as close as possible to Clarke. And that kind of surpasses all the things she was told over and over again by her grandmother because even with their relationship just starting Lexa is most sure of something and that is that she loves this woman more than she ever did anyone and that she feels a safety with her she last feel in her mother's arms.
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laniidae-passerine · 1 year
yeah cause on one hand Shiv being a mother would kill her and staying with Tom is a very bad idea but on another hand it is what people do, they stay in bad marriages and raise their kids awfully and it wouldn’t be unrealistic for them to fall into that trap and on this other hand i found on the cruise ship if Shiv had an abortion then maybe she and Tom could reconcile but on Logan’s dead cold paw they should never ever be near each other again and also maybe Shiv should have that baby on her own because does she not want to be a mother or is she just afraid that she is her mother and anyway uh love is real but also it is not enough
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bucephaly · 9 months
Fuck whatever terfs and transphobes are treating the term 'socialization' as if it's evidence for bioessentialism or whatever as if it's literally the exact opposite, fuck them for taking a useful term we should be aware of and poisoning it so now people think whoever uses it is a piece of shit.
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Mother stop calling me your “biological daughter” challenge and using that to explain why you’re so upset at trans women competing in sports (impossible)
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bonesrbleaching · 2 months
had the most braindead repetitive conversation/argument with my parents. buzz cuts are too masculine but if you dye a design on it it become effeminate which is bad because then you look weak and if youre weak then society falls apart (all societies ever that have fallen apart for any reason are actually because of feminine men) and we start sacrificing babies. and also all mental illness is invented because only 4 people had anxiety in the 90s and covid was made up so that we would all become gay and trans and then the government can control us better and be joe biden's little sex slaves. and also i need to keep my hair long because my father finds it attractive. what
#lolaa.txt#what do i even tag this with . my mother wouldn't let me leave and i kept asking for sources and she kept saying 'i'm your mother!!!'#'i wouldnt lie to you!'#okay. say that to someone maybe who doesnt know you lie to them all the time.#its tiring going around in circles with her.my father is better because at least he admits when he doesnt have a reason for feeling some wa#also what got me. she said 'do you own research if you want!! but im right!!!'#yeahh not seeing anything about anything you just said. i think you made that up.#i have a theory that my mother secretly hates herself because she believes all women are weak and must serve strong men#and my father has so so much trauma and anxiety that he cant be that strong man#so now she feels like shes betraying her very biology when she has to step up.#and also because i am stronger than her now and my hair is long and far far denser than hers and i have a younger face#that she feels that im wasting my precious femininity that she could be using. does that make sense.#shes so miserable trapped in her idea of what makes a man and a woman what they are. once you stop caring about what makes someone somethin#you dont have to worry about anyone else.#im queer because i dont really feel that connection to biological and social ideas of gender that my parents seem to#never really have#im not gonna theorize 'ohh shed be happier nonbinary' or stuff like that because it is up to you and you alone to define who you are#if you spend your whole life trying to fit a box for the sake of fitting the box#then when would you have any space for self discovery#youve invented personality traits to go along with your box. now you can never ever change or grow as a person. congrats#and you know what? one day she will die. and that will be the end of that.#and i will live and i will probably shave my head a thousand times. and come up with new names#and new ways to be a better person that makes me feel happy#and i will dress like a boy because its all made up anyways. who cares.#and if you care? that much about what im wearing or how i look?#then thats your problem and i wont be responsible to maintain your happiness.#SORRY RANT OVER.#im just so flabbergasted. what a sad life someone can lead poisoned by jealously and reactive rhetoric.#tw homophobia#tw transphobes
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Hi there! I've done lots of research on sexualities and such so I may have some helpful answers ^^
Basically, bisexuality is when a person likes TWO genders. Doesn't have to be a man or a woman. Like let's use Badgerfang as an example. He identified as a gay man for years and even has a husband but if his partner, Blossomtail, comes out as Genderfluid, then he is considered Bisexual.
Pansexuality(me) means that a person doesn't care about gender. They love tue person no matter what, which could fit Badgerfang as well. He loves Blossomtail, end of story.
Being Homosexual (either mlm or wlw) means the person strictly likes the same gender as them.
Saying that a gay man likes a trans woman is incorrect because even though she may LOOK masculine, she is still a woman not a man. Same with lesbians and trans men(me).
Also another important thing- labels don't matter!! sometimes people just like people and don't need to be in a certain label! whatever it is that they like/identity as, it's all okay :]
I hoped this helped to some extent! I've done many years learning about sexualities and getting genders while trying to figure out my own ^^
Big love,
Sky Doodles <3
not sure if you wrote this before or after I wrote my response here BUT
"Also another important thing- labels don't matter!! sometimes people just like people and don't need to be in a certain label! whatever it is that they like/identify as, it's all okay"
"Also another important thing- labels don't matter!! sometimes people just like people and don't need to be in a certain label! whatever it is that they like/identify as, it's all okay"
"Also another important thing- labels don't matter!! sometimes people just like people and don't need to be in a certain label! whatever it is that they like/identify as, it's all okay"
Everything I say is based around this idea. Labels are not concrete. They are not the end all, be all. Labels are great! Labels are comforting. Labels are helpful. I am not against labels. But pointing to labels and saying, "this is the only option," is just. So. Frustrating.
Because you (ambiguous you, not targeted at you, Sky!) say "Homosexuals are attracted strictly to the same gender as themselves," and then proceed to go, "but labels don't matter!" So... Do they?? Because it's a mixed single. You can't tell a gay man they're not gay because they're formerly male partner transitioned into a different gender, and then go, "but labels don't matter!" Because??? You clearly just made the point that they do matter, that they have to pick a handcrafted label, and that you don't value their opinion on the topic of their sexuality.
And to go back to my previous response:
And then there are the people who say, "But you can't be gay, Steve! You have to be bisexual now! You have to call yourself that, or pansexual, or maybe call yourself demisexual but just for your wife, or have you heard of abrosexual? What about agentosexual? I think that's what you are!" and Steve is just like "I don't know. Can't I just love my wife and that's the end of it? Maybe I'm not gay anymore. I don't know." And these people aren't ill-intentioned. They feel they're just trying to help, or trying to "correct" things. But there isn't always a correct answer, and the more you try to force one, the further away the "correct" answer gets.
Trying to force someone into a new label just because a new event and new information arose isn't... isn't fun. For anyone involved. Is it fun for Steve when a bunch of people are telling him he must be this, or must be that? He's trying to come to terms with his own sexuality (is he attracted to women, or just this woman, who once presented as a man?), and isn't of letting him figure it out by himself, people are shoving all these options at him. And, then, if none of them work for him, and he says, "I think I'm still gay because I still really only feel attraction for men, it just happens that my longterm partner transitioned into a woman," and then everyone is like "NO!!! BAD STEVE!!! STEVE MUST BE BISEXUAL NOW!!! JAIL FOR STEVE! JAIL FOR STEVE A THOUSAND YEARS! WE ALREADY DECIDED YOUR SEXUALITY FOR YOU!"
The point I'm trying to make is that there is not one singular, perfect answer to this scenario. There are many. Maybe Badgerfang does decide he is pansexual, because he is loving Blossomtail regardless of his gender. Or maybe he doesn't, and he feels content being gay, as he already had to come to terms with being queer once, and it's a comfort to just be comfortable with himself and his identity, or because he truly still feels gay and only attracted to men. Or maybe he calls himself unlabeled, undecided, or questioning.
Or maybe Badgerfang breaks up with Blossomtail because he feels his attraction fading for him when he is no longer predominantly masculine. And that's perfectly okay and acceptable too!!
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bwarkz · 1 year
so called r*dical feminists when they see a muscular cisgender woman dominating the sport she’s chosen to dedicate her life to:
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torchwood-99 · 10 months
House Green's arguments are founded so much on "Team Black is wrong because misogyny and anti-bastard prejudice says so!"
In a book that explores and criticises prejudice and misogyny to such an extent, does it occur to these guys that prejudice is an evil to be defeated? That the moments where the characters defy laws founded on prejudice are the moments we should respect them the most? Regardless of motive, anything that takes away power from these evil systems is something to be encouraged?
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melonthesprigatito · 2 years
Headcanon that Ms Question low-key HAAAAAAAAATES Rhyme because while she's vegan, Rhyme is from a planet that's way too cold for plants to grow so the inhabitants pretty much only eat meat.
And while Rhyme hasn't set foot on her planet since she was five years old, she never really had a taste for vegetables and Ms Question has to watch Rhyme order the steak and ask the waiter if she could get chicken wings as a side instead of the salad during their Girls Night with Leslie and Lady Redundant Woman.
Meanwhile Rhyme is totally oblivious to the fact that Ms Question has a problem with her.
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myanimatedopinion · 2 years
I’m sorry but the way some of y’all were headcannoning Perfuma as trans simply based on the fact she had a flat chest and sharper facial structure..is not the win you think it is
Like come on “this woman was obviously born a man because they have a flat chest” is a very iffy mindset to have, and really shows how you as a person expect all biologically born women to look😬you cannot celebrate the body diversity of women She ra then turn around and go “well this woman used to be a man”/simply because you expect women to be born with defined chests and soft faces
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androcola · 2 years
its so embarrassing saying my great grandpa was cherokee cuz every white person who says theyre native is like "my grandma was a cherokee princess😁" no my grandma actually has her native card thing 💀
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