#it handles a lot of topics well but one movie can also only be about so many things
mothman4life · 11 months
i get that the barbie movie didn’t show a lot of gender nonconformity or diversity with its characters outside of weird barbie and allan but the emphasis on barbies and kens not having gendered sex organs means that all of these very traditionally presenting men and women still don’t meet the terf criteria to be a man or woman because it’s an oversimplistic and reductionary way to define gender
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nomizombie · 5 months
boyfriend!König headcanons that have been on my mind…
[SFW/Wholesome/Fluff] ; random stuff ive been thinking about, SO MUCH FLUFF YOUR HEART WILL HURT, established relationship, gender neutral, no usage of y/n, not proofread
[A/N] ; love love LOVE the idea of all these things happening!! Also off topic but i feel like this boy needs more wholesome fanfics. Theres just too much smut for this sweet anxious guy :((
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He doesnt move a muscle when you fall asleep on him. He just cant bare to wake you and your cute sleepy face! Hell sit there staring at you for hours until either he falls asleep or you wake up. You falling asleep on him just tells him that you feel so safe around him, especially when hes struggled with being so intimidating (the social anxiety and hood certainly dont help). Whether its at home on the couch, at a movie theatre, or just on the train back home, he just loves you so much he wish you would do it more often <3
You have a phobia and he comforts you. He immediately shields you or removes whatever thing youre scared of. He just cant handle seeing his liebling so terrified and vulnerable :(( he wants you to always feel safe around him, you would never have to worry about safety when hes around. Hes very loyal and is just as great a friend as he is a boyfriend :)
He would either have shoulder length hair or a super short fluffy buzzcut. No inbetween. If you ask him to grow/cut it, he wouldnt hesitate to find the nearest pair of scissors and whack it all off! (or vice versa…) he loves it when you play with his hair, and if its long, he doesnt mind you braiding or tying his hair in silly ways!!
Youre cold? Dont worry! König produces a lot of heat, let him share some of it with you! Hed give you his jacket, a thick padded one fit for surviving the Austrian winters and snug for you! Obviously his size means its huge on you but, he loves seeing you wearing his clothes. Its just another reminder of how small you are compared to him and he is absolutely obsessed with it.
You and him are having fun at a bar. He notices how drunk youre getting and pulls you away to go home before you hurt yourself or regret it in the morning. Unfortunately… the hangover hits hard and you are stuck on the bathroom floor, his hand gently rubbing circles on your back and holding your hair back as you vomit your insides into tje toilet bowl. He hates seeing yoi like this… sick and hungover. next time hes making you leave as soon as your words start slurring >:(
The movie is too scary!! Let him hold and cuddle you, jumpscare after jumpscare. You can shrink into his chest if youre scared. And dont worry about sleeping, nothing can hurt you if hes around. Of course hes just as scared as yuou, the movie was very well made afterall. But, he doesnt want you to be terrified, so hes here for you :) dont forget to give him cuddles too, he cant stop trembling as well!!!
Anniversary, valentines day, your birthday? Dont worry one bit! Hes already got it marked on his calendar, gift planned weeks in advance and the restaurant is already reserved. How could he ever disappoint an angel like you? This is the least he could do for all the love he receives for you!
Youre on your period? Dont even THINK about it. Hell be cuddling and snuggling you to warm you and calm your cramps. Cravings? Hes already on the way to the store :) you dont even have to tell him, hes already got your favourite snacks ready in a basket for you. Youre in pain all week! He hates seeing you like this… :(( who cares aboit the mood swings as long as youre nuzzled in his size, using his warm arms to stifle the chills running down your spine.
Its raining and you only have one umbrella. He would hold it for you, making sure that its his shoulder thats getting wet, not yours. Lest you fall sick and he has to stay home and take care of you for days :(( (not that hes complaining, he’ll take any opportunity to pamper and spoil you!)
Hes just gotten home from work after a bad day. As soon as he sees you, he feels just a little better, especially while resting his head on your chest and listening to your soft breaths on repeat. It could be on the couch, in bed or just while standing in the hallway, some physical touch from you always recharges his batteries :))
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dividers by @mmadeinheavenn !! :)
Tysm for reading!! :) my requests are always open, feel free to ask me anything or request a drabble/fic!
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winterlogysblog · 3 months
4KOTA ✨142✨aka I have a BONE to pick with Nakaba
Oh boy, this chapter is a lot and I honestly want to make separate posts about several different things but I don't have enough patience for that so this is going to be a long one so buckle up.
This entire chapter is just all about setting up conflict for the chapters to come. We have this whole thing with the Drug of Yore, Nasiens, and Mertyl.
I also noticed that Phao overheard Diane and Tioreh's conversation so the rest of the kids are also gonna be involved in this whole ordeal one way or another.
So, the Drug of Yore. The source of all of this.
In the previous chapter, it's heavily implied that King is going to give Nasiens the Drug of Yore and for plot's sake I guessed that Mertyl will witness all of this unfold and that is exactly what happened.
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Nasiens was upset about several things, mainly why is King giving this to him when Mertyl is sick and why did King give this to him now. Nasiens has been in the Fairy Realm for two years now and has been trying his hardest to find a cure for Percival then King comes in with the Drug of Yore which is essentially the medicine of all medicines.
Now, I don't think Nasiens has clued in that Mertyl is just a human in the Fairy Realm. Because Mertyl being human is the problem here, he's not sick, he's perfectly fine and healthy he just can't handle the Fairy Realm's atmosphere. That's why King didn't give the drug to Mertyl and since this is a rare drug he's probably not gonna risk it (even if that's his kid) and even if he did try to give it to Mertyl it's not gonna work.
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Now, I looked back on the Grudge of Edinburg movie and I'm confident to say that the Drug of Yore is the same medicine that King used on Elizabeth, it's in the same bottle too. However, I also noticed something. In the movie, the bottle has a generous amount of elixir, but right now in the manga, it's almost empty, and the amount of elixir in the bottle is perfect for just a single dose. Which means King must have used this drug on someone before. This led me to a rabbit hole. I lost my good mind on this.
My guess is that King has given the Drug of Yore to Mertyl at least multiple times already but noticed that it's not working so he stuck with giving him the pills. This also explains why Mertyl has heard of the drug before when this is supposed to be an ancient secret medicine, he just forgot about it because it's been such a long time. This led to a shortage of the drug since King had been giving it to Mertyl this entire time. As said by King, it's a rare drug extracted from flowers on top of the Sacred Tree and these flowers only grow once every millennium (1k years) so this thing is not easily accessible, and it probably takes time to produce. Most likely the reason why it took 2 years for King to give the drug to Nasiens is because that is how long it took for King to acquire the perfect amount for at least a single dose that Nasiens can use. Besides, as per King's phrasing he's not even sure that it's gonna work on Percy.
On that note.
Will the Drug of Yore work on Percy?
In a sense yes it will but all it will do is bring OG Percival's soul back to the body, not our Percy. But it could also work because our Percy has more connection to the body than OG Percy. Maybe Nasiens could use the Drug of Yore as the main ingredient of the actual drug that he'll give to Percy to bring him back.
King messed up here but that doesn't make him a bad parent it actually makes him a realistic one
King's main fault here is not talking to Mertyl and apparently any of the kids about the whole adoption thing right away resulting in Mertyl's ever-growing insecurities, which realistically I really can't blame him for because it's a hard topic to discuss but really? It's been 18 years and you didn't say anything.
No parent is perfect and parenting is hard and Kiane is trying their best to be as good parents as they can for their 7 little munchkins. They mean well and obviously love their children a lot they just fumbled the bag on this one. I could also see Mertyl at fault here for not trusting his parent's love for him but again I can see why he felt the way that he did.
I don't think the reason King didn't give it to Nasiens right away is because he wanted to keep him there. That is a pretty selfish and petty reason and I know King, he's not that type of person, especially when the fate of the world hangs in the balance. I can actually see King not revealing that Nasiens is his kid ever and just being content to see his kid again and see the kind of person he grew up to be. To King, it's enough that he knows that his kid is alive and well. Nasiens will most likely realize this in the future, with the help of Lancelot (probably) (I love Lance I have to put him in everything lol this is his fam too yk)
We really haven't seen either King or Diane's side of the story, we don't know anything really and I still have enough trust in Nakaba that he'll give us a good reason for all of this. We'll probably see that next chapter (hopefully) cause with these types of dramas usually the parents' POV are the last ones shown.
They love Mertyl
Seeing both Sixtus and Tioreh's actions alone I can say that they love Mertyl to bits even if Tioreh knows that Mertyl is not his biological brother and I guess she's the first one to figure this out, she's upset at the idea that Mertyl won't be family anymore. Sixtus also shows great admiration and love for his big brother. And hey! even if Mertyl is human and not their actual kid he's still their big brother. They're acting like Mertyl's gonna be replaced or something when Nasiens is just an addition to their family and Mertyl is not going anywhere because he's forever part of their family.
This whole thing boils down to misunderstanding really, everyone has their own interpretation of the situation and people keep running off before anyone can explain anything (classic) I hope, boy I hope this will be resolved quickly and fast cause I hate seeing my babies suffer.
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jahayla-parker · 1 year
Ok, this is my first time requesting anything but I've been reading your works for a long time and I am a complete sucker for platonic fics so here it is: Headcanons for being Jeremiah and Conrad's younger sister. If you don't wanna do this it's totally fine. Thank you
Hi, thank you so much for all your support and reading my fics!
Obviously they’re brothers so you can’t be the sister of one without the other, but I’m breaking it up a bit to organize my rambling Headcanons about your relationship with each of them individually too.
Younger-Sister!/Fisher!Reader x Sibling!/Platonic!Conrad & Sibling!/Platonic!Jeremiah Fisher Headcanons
Jeremiah As An Older Brother:
He would indulge in every hobby, interest, sport or activity, etc. that you ever found yourself enjoying or wanting to try. He’d do it to not only support you but to spend time with you as well; even if he didn’t enjoy the particular activity you’d be doing.
He’d be both supportive and protective when it came to you dating. He’d worry for you and your wellbeing but also encourage you to not be shy or insecure.
Jeremiah would make tons of jokes in front of your crush. Sometimes he could accidentally go too far; as such, he’d apologize for it and probably fumble over himself in his attempt to undo it.
Jeremiah would offer tons of advice (although it might not always be the best or most helpful).
He would attend all of your extracurricular activities to cheer you on.
He’d be the one to teach you how to drive, making playful jokes throughout your progress.
He’d be more relaxed about you aging and trying more adult things like drinking. That’s not to say he wouldn’t be watching you closely to ensure you were safe. He just wouldn’t be as direct or restrictive about it.
Conrad As An Older Brother:
Whenever you were sick, you could count on Conrad to be there to take care of you. He’d be probably a bit over-the-top at first with it, but he means well.
Conrad would be very protective when it comes to you dating. He’d be overly cautious about your love interest hurting you in some way. He’d warn you of any red flags he saw. That’s not to say he wouldn’t be there when things went wrong. Instead….
Conrad would be there to help you get through any heartbreak or breakup. He’d likely rely on the adult women in his life (such as past lessons from or experiences he’d seen Susannah handle, or from talking with Laurel) to know what to do. But, you can count on him come to your defense and aid and to have your fav ice-cream (or other comfort food of your choosing) ready, your favorite movie pulled up on the screen, and face masks/etc ready for you and he’d never truly say “I told you so”, even if he did; he’d only say it if you pushed him to and even then it would be in a joking lighthearted manner.
He wouldn’t be the best when it came to handling you dating, but you could count on him to pick up the pieces in the aftermath.
That being said, he’d try to keep Jeremiah’s jokes in front of you crush from truly crossing any lines or hurting your feelings. He’d laugh along with the ones that caused you to blush, etc. but wouldn’t let them go too far.
Conrad would be the best for advice. He would frustratingly always seem to have the answers. Conrad would even look into topics in which he wasn’t very familiar with or informed about before offering his advice to you.
He would attend your sports and extracurriculars. If he knew enough about them, he’d be able to offer tips or tricks on how to improve; if you were okay with that.
Unlike Jeremiah, Conrad would struggle a lot with you growing up. He’d have to work on not being so controlling and restrictive. It wouldn’t be easy for him to let go and not see you as someone he needs to constantly look after/over. He’d be proud of all your accomplishments and milestones, but he’d also feel somewhat distraught about the changes.
Overall, Conrad and Jeremiah would really do everything they could to be good older brothers. It would honestly at times almost be competitive in nature between the two of them. But, at the end of the day they would both love you and do their best to care for you and help you become a great person.
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Taglist: @wolfmoonmusic
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Eddie was staring at Steve. Normally, he loved it, but Eddie was looking at him in concern. Steve sighed and paused the movie, turning to face Eddie.
"What's up, Eddie?" Steve asked. "Did you want to talk about something?"
"I don't know how to tell you this, but I've noticed it, and I'm not sure if you have or not, but I figured that you should know," Eddie said.
"Is this about you staring at me all the time?" Steve asked. "Because I like it."
"Look, I know Robin means a lot - wait, you noticed me staring at you?" Eddie asked. "Hold up, you LIKE it? No, wait, getting back to the topic at hand."
"So, what's this about Robin?" Steve asked.
"Well, I noticed she's been spending a lot of time with Nancy," Eddie said.
"They're friends," Steve said. "What are you getting at?"
"You're not worried that Robin is developing feelings for Nancy?" Eddie said.
"Why? Because she's a lesbian and that automatically means she must have feelings for the only girl her age who's seen the same shit she has?" Steve asked. "Just because she's hanging out with a girl doesn't mean that she has feelings for her. I mean, I'm a bisexual and I hang out with Argyle a lot but that doesn't mean I have to have feelings for him. I mean, he does have really great hair."
"You have made very good points," Eddie said awkwardly.
"And even if she did have feelings for Nancy, sure, it would be weird, but I'd get used to it. Besides, I'm over Nancy," Steve replied.
Just then, the front door opened, and Robin came pouncing into the living room. Speak of the devil.
"Hey, what are you two ladies talking about?" Robin asked.
"Oh, we're just talking about the fact that Eddie thinks you have feelings for Nancy," Steve said.
Robin stared at Eddie, who blushed. She burst into laughter, leaning against the doorway. She bent over, clutching her stomach, and pointed at Eddie. He threw up his arms and covered his face with his hands. Finally, she managed to stop laughing and wiped her tear stained face.
"Me and Steve are close, but we're not that close. I've never really had a friend that's a girl before, and it's been a long time for Nancy since she's had one. Besides, Steve means too much to me. In that situation, one of us would have to put our feelings aside in order to make the other happy. I believe in any relationship, there needs to be an equal give and take. Our friendship is also a relationship even though it's platonic, and if we can't take friendships seriously, how are we supposed to take romantic relationships seriously? You know? So, even if I did have feelings for Nance, I still wouldn't be able to do anything with it because it would make me uncomfortable that Steve had once very strong feelings for her and that would make me question just how much we're alike. Are we too alike? Do we spend too much time together? Are we, in fact, combining like I suggested we should? Am I slowly turning into Steve Harrington? It's a risk that I just can't take," Robin said. "There's too much weirdness. Besides, if Steve, a man, can handle putting his feelings aside, then I, a woman, can handle it too. We're all capable of loving more than one person and finding someone else."
Eddie and Steve at her. It was the longest rambles in the history of Robin rambles.
"Okay, that last part about turning into me. Should I be offended? Also, have you thought about this before?" Steve asked.
"A little after everything that happened, but then me and Nancy talked about it. We realized that it was the trauma bond. We're really good friends who can laugh about it now. It still urks me to think about it. Plus, as pretty as Nancy is, there's no beating redheads," Robin said dreamily. "Sorry, I didn't tell you about it, Steve."
"I totally get it, but you know you don't have to sacrifice anything for me, right?" Steve asked.
"I know I don't have to, and I'm not sacrificing anything. There's no feelings, remember? Besides, your parents never sacrificed anything for you. Someone in your life should, considering you almost sacrificed your life for me, for the kids. Me giving up the possibility of a relationship is nothing compared to you nearly getting beaten to death. There's nothing to give up, anyway. I have feelings for someone else, and Nance is focusing on college," Robin said. "I love you, dingus."
"I love you too," Steve said, sniffling.
"So, Eddie, tell me why you didn't just ask me?" Robin asked as she turned to Eddie, her arms crossed.
"I was worried that Steve might still have feelings for Nancy, and I was worried about his feelings getting hurt. I was totally ready to whip out the ice cream," Eddie mumbled. "Okay, from here on out, I promise not to talk about shit I know nothing about."
"Yeah, right," Steve and Robin said.
"Or, and here's a thought, you could just go straight to the source next time," Robin said and winked at him. "I totally get why you did it. You know what, I'm going to leave you to chew him out."
They watched Robin leave and waited for the sound of the front door to close. Steve stared at Eddie, who refused to look anywhere but him.
"Eddie," Steve said. "Eddie, look at me. Other than being a good friend, was there any other reason why you were worried about me?"
"I don't know, would you hate me if I said yes?" Eddie asked.
"No, because I would be a hypocrite since I feelings for you," Steve said.
"You do?" Eddie asked, and Steve grinned, nodding.
Eddie crawled over the armchair, over the end table, causing him to knock over the lamp and crawled into Steve’s lap. He kissed Steve deeply, and Steve laughed against his lips. Eddie pushed him down onto the couch and straddled his waist, slipping his tongue into Steve’s mouth. Steve gripped his waist, sighing into his mouth and broke the kiss.
"So, we're not finishing the movie?" Steve asked.
"You're paying for that lamp."
"Does it have to be with money?"
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aihoshiino · 7 months
can i interest you in a penny for your thoughts about aqua and ruby's relationship in the current stages of the manga? ruby's clearly projecting and im pretty sure aqua is kind of blocking that entire conversation? hes acknowledged it but i think hes avoiding thinking too much about it (in part due to *waves hand at entire movie arc* all that)
gosh since you've twisted my arm i have NO CHOICE...
But yeah, I think Ruby is pretty clearly doing a lot of projecting here — the consistency with which she's started calling Aqua 'Sensei' really jumps out to me and it makes me pretty certain she's basically completely overwritten Aqua with Gorou in her brain, completely discarding the 18ish years he's lived as her brother in favour of just viewing him as the doctor who supported her.
This is a two-part process of denial, imo. The first and most obvious is Ruby trying to convince herself that her supposed romance with Gorou can still happen and it's not the first time her sort of naive stubbornness on that topic has come up — we saw this before during the Private arc when it came to their age gap.
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Like girl, I respect the cope but he would be nearly fifty old by now. That man would be old enough to be your dad LMFAO.
If Ruby can delulu herself about an age gap of that size, she can easily also come up with an excuse for herself as to why she would be able to date him now he's her brother. I mean, if you think about it, they're not really actually twins, right? They're just strangers who happened to be born together! Since he's really Gorou and NOT!!!!! her brother, there's nothing wrong with it!
It should go without saying that this is a pretty absurd justification and imo, not one I think the manga is wanting the reader to uncritically buy into. Ruby's feelings here are, I think, intentionally being portrayed as naive and pretty childish. The framing around Ruby when she talks about Aqua in this regard is consistently exaggerated and comedic in a way that is a pretty clear signal, at least to me, that she should not be taken seriously.
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This could only read more plainly as shoujo brainrot exaggeration if Aqua's chin was seven inches long and sharp enough to cut glass...
Beyond the denial of convincing herself that this romance still has any chance to happen, I also think this is denial in the sense of grief, too. In a very real sense, by entirely superimposing Gorou over Aqua, Ruby is denying that his death has happened at all. She doesn't want to acknowledge the possibility that he could be different now, especially not in any way that is emotionally inconvenient for her. Because acknowledging that this change occurred and that Gorou is no longer the Gorou she needs him to be would force Ruby to accept that her beloved sensei really is gone forever.
It should go without saying but this erasure of Aqua's identity is, of course, cruel. It's a dehumanizing rejection of his personhood. That's not to say that Ruby is A Bad Person for doing this— she's a fucked up kid dealing with a INSANELY fucked up situation and I think it would be unreasonable to expect her to handle all this entirely gracefully. But I also don't know that Ruby is even aware that she's doing what she's doing, because she doesn't quite get that her relationship with her identities and her reincarnation is different to his.
The continuity of identity between Sarina and Ruby is more or less entirely unbroken— she sees herself equally as both girls. More specifically, as Ruby herself puts it in 115, Sarina and Ruby are both 'roles' played by the 'real her'; both equal in weight and authenticity. I think she expects this to be the same for Aqua as well but this simply is not the case, or at least it's not anymore.
My read on Aqua's identity is that while he used to have a similarly unbroken continuity of identity, the trauma of witnessing Ai's death created a split and separated the two. It's not that Aqua is entirely separate from Gorou or entirely unaffected by his past life but Aqua himself & the supporting framing of the manga draws a pretty clear line of distinction between the two of them that does not seem to exist for Ruby and Sarina. In fact, Gorou is explicitly portrayed as a negative, invading force, an unnatural encroacher whose presence in Aqua's life is actively preventing him from finding happiness and stability.
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To Ruby, it seems natural for these two identities to comingle, or for one's priorities to cancel the other's out. For Aqua, this same overriding of priorities is the thing that causes him anguish. In fact, I don't think it's too much of a leap for me to say that Aqua does not want to be Gorou full stop.
With all that laid out, I think you can pretty easily see how that conflict starts writing itself. Ruby ignoring and erasing the 18 years that Aqua has lived as her brother to assign him the identity of a man he doesn't want to be... the discomfort of someone he has only ever had familial feelings towards projecting romance onto him... the Squick of it all... no wonder Aqua is doing his best to just not deal with it. I can't really blame him.
Something I also think is informing Aqua's behavior right now is guilt. As he puts it to Memcho in 130, he's using everything he can to ensure the movie's success and I think this also includes manipulating Ruby.
We get some hints at this idea from Crow Girl both in 123 and 127. She sardonically notes "aren't you glad?" that Ruby seems to have reacted so positively to this reveal and explicitly ties Ruby's wellbeing to Aqua being able to make the movie. Later, after Aqua's just witnessed the final script be delivered to the B-Komachi girls, she notes that Aqua has the expression of a person who has made the choice to "hurt people and to get hurt".
Ruby's shoujo brain reads of Aqua's intentions also are important in establishing this, I think -- these clearly read as intended comedy beats to me, both in their exaggeration and the fact that she is so obviously misreading Aqua's character and his intentions because of her rose tinted glasses. As that Netflix show about the cartoon show once said, the thing about seeing someone through rose tinted glasses is that all the red flags just look like flags. In keeping Ruby happy, Aqua is making sure she herself doesn't become inconvenient to the movie's creation.
I think you can see that idea of like, guilt and discomfort manifesting as avoidance in the twins' first proper on-page exchange since this reveal, in 132:
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I didn't catch this initially (so sorry to the person on the OnK subreddit who did -- I completely forgot your UN!) but not only do we never get a proper unobscured look at Aqua's face during this exchange but he also never once looks directly at Ruby as they talk. His body language & expression at the end (literally averting his gaze!) just screams discomfort to me.
That's not to say that Aqua revealing himself to her was entirely cynically motivated -- I think he completely genuinely loves her both as her brother, Aqua, and as Gorou, the man who cared for a deathly sick child when she had no one else in the world by her side. But that's just the problem— Aqua's love for her is the thing that makes his manipulation of her so painful. He's taking advantage of his sister's emotional vulnerability and their unique connection to use her in a way that completely betrays and desecrates the bond of trust they should otherwise share. And he's aware that if (or, as I'm beginning to worry, when) this comes out, Ruby is going to crash even harder as a result.
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mae-i-scribble · 11 months
I’ve been thinking so much about how ASTV goes out of its way to set up Miles and Gwen as both parallel and directly opposing each other throughout the entire film and going just a little feral so now I am subjecting my essay upon the internet.
First off we have the direct comparisons that can be made between Miles and Gwen as people, the way they both use that awful fake low voice to disguise themselves. Both of them have fathers that are in the police force who were at one point staunchly against spider-man and to whom they have to conceal themselves from. Both of them started out as superheroes around the same age. Both are established as people who despite having support groups around them who support them (miles and ganke plus his parents, gwen with her band and her dad (here on a technicality)) to be desperately lonely people because they can never discuss who they are in full with anyone, and who in turn feel a special connection with each other because of all these similarities in their unique situations. Both of them are also painted as anomalies, with Gwen being a Gwen Stacy who exists outside of the ‘girlfriend who tragically dies’ role given to her other universe counterparts (this may change in BTSV based on some creator statements but for now its all we have to go off of). And Miles, the kid who was never meant to become spider-man but who excelled at the role. Both of them are extremely skilled superheroes who keep up with the older veterans despite their age too.
And then we have some of the hard hitting differences. The polar opposite relationship these two have with both their fathers and with family in general. Even as spider-man, Miles has kept a good rapport up with his father and the police, if met with a little more annoyance from the police. Gwen on the other hand, has been hunting down like a criminal for most of her vigilante life, doubly so by her own father who even when confronted with the fact that his daughter is spider-woman, tries to lock her up anyways. Something we know with absolute certainty Miles’ dad would not do. Gwen’s dad is also the only family she has left, and even before that it seems that her support group was very small and limited to Peter and Aunt May. On the other hand Miles has both his parents and a lot of people he can at least call acquaintances (we see this in the first movie as he has always been a bit of a people person, well loved at his old school). We also see a stark difference in how they would have handled being told they couldn’t use the watches to visit. Gwen, clearly afraid of losing the one safe space she has left, keeps in line regardless of her own feelings because she cannot risk it. Miles, on the other hand, had he been put in a position to join spider-society before Gwen, would have gone to see her by any means- he was already trying to see both her and Peter from his own dimension.
There are some other scenes and visuals that also continue this trend, screencaps and explanations of those below the readmore.
First off we have the visual contrast between Miles and Gwen’s respective dimensions. Gwen’s world is a blur of color, the cityscape blends together only to focus on the things Gwen cares about. It’s painted together.
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Miles’ world, on the other hand, while having a slight blur that is reminiscent of older comics, stands out much more sharply. And while not as distinctly colorful as Gwen’s world, its a much brighter take on our everyday reality (mostly this one shot is not the best example).
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When Miles and Gwen first meet and start talking on the bank building, this shot happens. As Gwen sits with a backdrop of shadows we pan up to see Miles standing, the archway giving him the bright backdrop of sky. Right here, as they talk about what could happen if Miles’ were to reveal his identity, visually they are on two opposite sides of one story to reflect how ideologically separated they are on this topic. There’s a physical divide between them. This is coupled by the way ATSV uses the imagery of people being oriented in different directions to show their separation. It’s used in the promo art for Miles vs spider-society, and twice in relation to Miles and Gwen specifically.
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But despite their vastly different experiences, the way that their lives have played out so differently, they still have a connection, shown by the way that Miles gets down to match Gwen’s perspective. He literally meets her at her level, and by doing so they get a view that only the two of them can share. Miles is what brings them back onto the same parallel track by orienting himself to match Gwen. That divide doesn’t exist anymore.
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This one is less meaningful I just kinda thought it was cute how they essentially had the same reaction to watching the Spot’s plan play out.
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The most meaningful shot in this scene though once more brings back the separation via oriented in opposite directions though. The backdrop behind them is open, connecting them together, and they’re on the same level face to face. However, Miles is upside down. Rather than Gwen being the one in strong disagreement, now Miles is with the fact that Gwen would choose to abandon him without telling him anything. And unlike Miles, Gwen doesn’t have the chance to try and see it from his perspective.
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The last point I want to bring up is two paralleled shots in the movie. The first being when Miles catches Gwen with his web when she falls in Mumbattan. Here, the only thing that makes the web snap is when Miles’ starts glitching, literally the only thing the could have made him drop her is the universe itself interfering.
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Vs when Gwen returns the favor in Nueva York. Only this time it isn’t about the universe interfering, it’s about how she’s lost Miles’ trust so completely, so utterly, that he would rather break off this connection himself than have Gwen save him.
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All these things come together to just break my heart over what’s happened to their friendship- I really want some solid resolution to just how much both Gwen and Peter have hurt Miles in the next movie. But also the levels this movie goes to show just how these two are connected to make their intense bond over such a short period more believable is just superior film making at its best. If anyone has more examples I didn’t point out here please let me know I would love to see them.
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pomplalamoose · 7 months
do you have any headcanons for luke with a reader who has some kind of trauma 🥺 no need to expand on what the trauma is (don't want to trigger you or anyone) but i deal with that and would love to know how luke would relate. totally okay to skip this if you don't want to talk about stuff like that :)
That's such a sweet ask, anon and I'm sorry you have to deal with this <3
(I hate to say so but unfortunately I'm relating a lot🤝🏻)
• Luke being Luke will always care about his friends' troubles and especially about yours
• when it comes to trauma though, he might need to go through some character development first to fully understand what's going on and where you're coming from
• like, I don't think pre ANH Luke, my sweet innocent sunshine boy, even knows what trauma is
• of course this doesn't mean he won't listen attentively
• he easily worries about you and even without being able to consciously reach out with the Force he can sense there's something you need/want to talk to him about
• he'd try to make whatever it is you're specifically fighting with easier for you, no questions asked
• it's just that I imagine him struggling to grasp the exact workings and effects trauma can have on a person
• at the beginning he might still think it to be something one can simply get rid of, and will ask if there is a cure
• this is going to be a little bit different with ANH Luke, as he truly has gone through a lot at the end of the movie
• he's not only able to sympathize but will also confide in you about how he is feeling in regard to what happened to him and the people he lost
• in case you're well educated about the topic of mental illness and trauma, I can see him asking you lots of questions about his own situation
• he's a naturally curious person and always eager to find out more
• unfortunately he'd be less focused on you and more on himself in this situation
• we can see something similar happening after the OT crew escapes the first Death Star and Leia, who would desperately need some comfort herself, consoles him because of Obi-Wan's death
• this doesn't mean Luke would overlook your experiences, he's just struggling a lot himself and too caught up in his own mind to properly be there for you
• actually he might be the one to lean on you in that aspect
• he would look up to you
• you seem so knowledgeable!
• you already have so much more experience than him!
• you know how all of this works, right? You can show him how to deal with this??
• ESB Luke is objectively the worst person to talk about your (but mostly his) trauma with
• he cares and wants to help just as much as the next guy but his own approach to it is definitely not healthy and you really don't want to get yourself dragged into that kind of mindset
• he is constantly in a rush and always busy
• he is frustrated
• he has no time for trauma
• what's that anyways? He eats that for breakfast
• he's not scared!
• (cue Yoda looking into the camera like he's on The Office)
• I think he suppresses a lot in order to somehow keep going for his his friends and the Alliance
• he's their last hope and it weighs down on him heavily
• I don't think he's in a head space where he would handle confronting heavy topics well
• especially because he'd be so worried he'd somehow end up faulting himself and would want to take on the sole responsibility for your psychological well being
• he has no trouble with his own burdens whatsoever so he can carry yours too, no problem!!!
• he means so well but would sadly end up ignoring his own boundaries and deliberately overwork his capabilities in the process
• ROTJ and post ROTJ Luke however?
• simply top tier perfection, 11/10
• would gladly recommend to anyone at any time
• spending lots of time with Yoda and self reflection paired with meditation made him come a long way
• he's now more balanced and able to see to his own needs better than ever
• he's very insightful and attentive and would probably recognize some of your behavioural patterns as trauma responses before you even have the notion to share your story with him
• depending on your relationship at this point he'll either say nothing but keep and eye out for you, or approach the topic in an empathetic way
• even he can't immediately know to what extent you're dealing with the effects of your past, so he'll be very careful about it
• he'll take a lot of time to intently listen to you
• if you are willing and/or able to talk about your drama in detail, he'll want to ask lots of questions
• mainly about if and how your day to day life is being affected and how he could help make it easier for you
• as opposed to his younger self he'll actually know what he's talking about and has lots of ideas and good approaches
• he'd totally offer to show you how to meditate, for example
• if you straight up tell him you don't want to talk about it/are not able to yet, he's more than sympathetic
• he too remembers what it felt like being unable to open up yet
• though he makes sure you know he's always there if you need something
• it's enough to let him know that there IS something you're struggling with to make him spring into action should you get triggered
• I think that's actually the most wonderful thing about him
• you don't need to explain
• anything
• he understands
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djservo · 1 month
riding the high of seeing challengers twice already means i’ve remembered tumblr (the gifs that will be reblogged..) in time for the monthly book wrap up! coming in thick and fast are we in a post-Easton Ellis world? where did your april reading take you and what’s on the horizon for may?
I've heard that's the movie of the moment!! do you think we'll see a cultural resurgence of casual tennis and all the clouty pickleball courts soon to be taken over by tennis as the lord intended? much 2 think about ..... april was laughably not a big reading month for me ugh so i'll take a page from ur book + talk about some fav watches
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The Edible Woman by Margaret Atwood
my first Atwood! reminded me of The Vegetarian by Han Kang with its theme of appetite linked to interpersonal relationships + unraveling sense of self (in fact this book might've popped on my radar bc of its association with it). I liked how each character had their own quirks + weird shit going on too, made the stakes that much more layered and set a kinda zany world for the plot to unfurl in
Less Than Zero by Bret Easton Ellis
finally acquainted with Mr Ellis... not as graphic as I was expecting it to get but I suppose it's his debut + ultimately a different subject matter/world than American Psycho so Understandable! very sparsely + unfeelingly written which I might've read as lazy had I read it years ago but luckily I'm a dedicated student at the Dennis Cooper Institute of Mundane Morbidity so I can appreciate the detachment as an effective vehicle for plot/development. a little repetitive and predictable after a certain point but I think that was the point of it all. im excited to dive into his later / more thorough works!!
Fan Fiction: A Satire by Tavi Gevinson
not actually a book but a 75 page zine that I devoured in one sitting truly unable to rip my eyes away, so im counting it. rookie mag + tavi were staples for me as a teen and tho I was never a swiftie, she also very much aligns with teenage years in my head + she's also just the perfect subject for this kind of piece so this was incredibly nostalgic... so playful and clever and funny and weird, reminiscent of I Love Dick by Chris Kraus with unreliable + obsessive narrator in autofiction form. RPF is actually very ethical and fun when it's this well-formed methinks
The Adjuster (1991) dir. Atom Egoyan
this is only my 4th Egoyan but I'm so amazed at how he portrays desire and obsession and detachment in an equally unsettling and blasé way, images that stay on my mind weeks later. I feel like I consistently see a lot of praise for Arsinée Khanjian's performance in his films (rightfully so!!), but Gabrielle Rose is such a queen of haunting intensity I just can't not stan!!!
Young Soul Rebels (1991) dir. Isaac Julien
really fun sexy cool giallo set in late 70s london. amazing soundtrack and costume / set design, cultural/racial/sexual clashes expertly touched on in both explicit + subtle ways. Julien has such an incredible eye for detail, I wish he'd make more narrative films
Girls Town (1996) dir. Jim McKay
sensitively nuanced and surprisingly (for being directed by a man) realistic portrayal of girlhood with another great soundtrack + costume design moment. just felt incredibly real between the friendship dynamics and adolescent handling of difficult topics - the kind of movie I wish I'd come across a decade ago but am grateful I got to see such a beautiful restoration of it
Hustler White (1996) dir. Rick Castro, Bruce LaBruce
WOOOOOOF tony fuckin ward........... hard for me to focus on much else at the moment but wow this was so sexy and funny like surprisingly slapstick at times?? i mentioned it in my letterboxd review, but literally slapstick stumbling into a BDSM scene... just a the perfect convergence of things I love to see on screen, a perfect fun time!!
my sister and I are buddy reading (2) referenced works in Fan Fiction: A Satire + I've got a handful of potential picks for AAPIHM reads, probably leaning more towards the nonfiction route bc this JCO short story collection has maxed out my capacity for fiction at the moment
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misguidedasgardian · 2 months
The Lifeaters (III.4)
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IV. Hogsmeade
Chapter Summary: You thought everything was going so so great… 
Pairings: Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader (platonic)
Warnings: Cursing, magical objects, Mugglephobia, classism, charms and curses, might miss some warnings
Wordcount: 4.1 k
Notes: If you see something say something, come on and party tonightttt woooo
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You placed your broom on its stand over the common room table, taking advantage of the fact that there was no one there, it was late at night, the next day, you had a free first period so you could have a late night study session with your… muggle studies partners in crime
Theo and Matt
This week was the start of the Quidditch season, and you were so excited you had to give your broom their monthly maintenance 
“Alright so… muggles use this…. thing… called electricity”, muttered Theo reading his book, “and that is why they have synthetic light… and something that is called a Television?”, he said with difficulty
“Synthetic? but how?”, you asked, as you were trimming the edges of the bristle of your broom
“What is a television?”, asked Matthew
“Well, according to the pictures… apparently Muggles lock little people inside a box and watch them perform for their entertainment”, said Theo
“How little?”, asked Matthew, rubbing his chin, Theo showed him a picture, “that can’t be right”, he muttered, squinting at the old picture 
“No, slavery was abolished in both Muggle and magical world long ago”, you said
“But maybe those anti-slavery laws don’t apply to these little people”
“So… muggles have like… house-elves? but in the shape of tiny humans?”, you asked
You three took long moments to ponder on that fact, and Theo turned the page around
“We are gonna fail muggle studies”, he said, frowning, “apparently there is no such thing as little people locked in a box”
“So what is television?”, asked Matthew, Theo kept frowning, reading forwards
“It doesn’t say”, he said, “but in the course introduction the professor said we were going to watch a… what the muggles call a movie”, he muttered, “and it is perform in a television”
“movie, what is that?”, asked Matthew
“Sounds fun”, you offered
“It’s like a play, only… you watch it in a box”
“That’s odd”, muttered Matthew, you knew he was burning on the inside, but he had kept himself from saying horrible comments of the muggles, he was actually interested, rather than disgusted, or that is what it seemed like.
“But how are we going to watch it, if we need electricity?”, asked Theo
“What was electricity again?”, you asked. Theo kept reading
“It doesn’t say”, he concluded. He kept reading the book you had taken out of the library, and while he do it, you started polishing the handle on your broom, with a big jar of Fleetwood's High-finish handle polish
“Right now?”, he asked
“Quidditch season is about to start”, you said simply, “I have to keep my place in the team”
“Alright we need to choose an Muggle item and do a couple of parchments on it”, muttered Theo, “the topic is… items you can find in a muggle house”
“Professor Burbage gave us a list”, you said, walking to the table to reach your piece of parchment 
“What is a.. rubber duck?”, you asked, nobody knew
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Things were looking up in school, Defense against the dark arts had finally reached the level of interest that you knew it could reach, you were having so much fun with Professor Lupin and after the boggart that professor Lupin had managed to catch, he had also ACTUALLY showed you Red Caps, that were a small goblin-like creature that enjoyed blood baths. Then you went onto Kappas, actually went into the black lake to gaze upon them, monkey-like creatures with scales instead of fur 
You were enjoying it only too much, you had begun to flinch every time Draco would mock how Lupin dressed, until you made him stop. And he did, with grumbles, but he did
There was a lot of things Draco had stopped doing because of you, or in behalf of you
And you felt terribly guilty because of how much fun you were having in Muggle studies, and you will rather be caught dead than admit it, and theo did as well, but you were having the most fun
Not Matthew though, you tried to really get to him, if he was truly enjoying the classes and he really, really wasn’t.
You were curious about muggles and the way they lived but once you started uncovering it, Matthew felt rather… disgusted by them, now hating them with actual “evidence”, that they were weak, and strange, different from us, that they didn’t do magic…
You felt guilty after every class, because you were actually hiding the fact that you were in that class altogether.
There was no way of stopping Draco though, because, Care of magical creatures had become so boring and dull… Hagrid had lost all motivation, and he was scared of introducing you to more creature so he had you looking after the more dull creatures in the land, some worms and whatnot
But luckily, there was always Quidditch
You were on the field, with your Nimbus 2001 and Draco by your side.
It was Marcus Flint’s last year ever, and he seemed truly excited, and determined, to win the cup for Slytherin -again- 
“I want Malfoy and Basilik”, he said, determined, you and Draco shared excited looks, he wasn’t even going to put you on “trial” to stay on the team. Adrian will also stay on his position as Chaser alongside you and Marcus , so, there was little change to many’s dismay
For the second year, you were the only woman on the team, even though there were older girls wanting to tryout
Marcus had you by his side on the air as he did actually oversee the tryouts, even though the team was full, he wanted to have spares for each of you, in case something may befall you
“Do you really want me on the team?”, you asked Marcus, he looked back at you
“You score like five goals for match, of course I do”, he said, and you were so relieved that nobody could wipe the smile of your face for the rest of the day
Fall was approaching quickly, and with it, came heavy rains, storms and later the powerful winter, but you were excited for the Quidditch winter gear as last year Quidditch season was canceled due to the attacks by the Basilisk and the chamber and all that, this year… nothing or no one could ruin this season.
The team, luckily for you, stayed the same as last year, Marcus, Adrian and you as chasers, Peregrine Derrick and Lucian Boyle as beaters, they were both fifth years, and then Draco as a seeker, and Miles Blatchley as the Keeper.
You were feeling confident, you had played together last year, you had a great start.
What concerned you, and also Marcus… was Draco… he lost the snitch last year because he was too busy trying to mock Potter, and he needed to let that go if you were to win against Gryffindor that was your very first match, in around a month or so
Marcus gave you the training schedule, and thanks to himself and Snape, you had very good schedules, three times a week, right after classes.
You were having fun in your classes, you were on the Quidditch team, and now… Halloween was coming soon
And with it, your first weekend in Hogsmeade
“I’m so excited to go to Hogsmeade”, yous aid as you took a seat with difficulty on the common room couches
Your buttocks and thighs hurt like hell, after the first week of Quidditch training, but it was because you hadn't use the broomstick on a while
“Our very own all-witching town”, said Draco with a smirk, “my father was not going to let me go, since Black is at large, but I told him he would never dare to come near us”, he said
“Do you really think he would come here? To Hogwarts?”, asked Blaise, taking a seat on the opposite couch
“You know, they say he is insane!”, said Draco, “The minister himself said that he heard him chanting, “he is at Hogwarts! He is at hogwarts!” he clearly is coming here to murder Potter”, he said so happy.
“Why?”, you asked him, :you never told me the real story”
“Nobody knows the full details”, he said dismissively, “but it's said that he was a spy, for the Dark Lord, against the blood traitors, so, he revealed his true colors by betraying the Potters, telling the Dark Lord about their location”
“So he is a snitch”, you mocked
“For the Dark Lord”, said Draco with a smile, “now he will finish what he started, he will come here to kill Potter, because he is the one that made the Dark Lord go away”
“So a murderous maniac is coming into the castle to kill Potter, and you are ok with that?”, asked Theo
“It seems crazy to me, why would he come to Potter while he is in the Muggle world?”, asked Pansy, “wouldn’t that be easier?”. that made Draco chuckle and Pansy blushed scandalously. 
“Anyways, who wants to talk about Potter?”, asked Matthew, “Maybe Black will do us the favor of getting rid of him so he’ll stop ruining every school year”, you all laughed. “What I really want to know is… who wants to go to the shrinking shack with me?”, he asked and he looked at you
“They say is the most haunted house in Europe!”, said Theo excitedly 
“But they say it's impossible to get in”, you muttered sadly
“Well, because we have never tried before”, mocked Matthew
“What I want to know is… if Hogsmeade is an all-wizard community, will we be able to do magic there?”, asked Daphne
“No, I don’t think there is a loophole there, I think no underage wizards are able to do magic outside of Hogwarts, ever”, said Blaise
“I can’t wait to get to Zonko’s”, said Matthew with a big smile, “buy some Dungbombs”
“As long as you don’t throw them in here”, mocked Theo
“I want to go and check out…”
“Honeydukes”, answered Draco for you, and you felt your cheeks heated but nodded enthusiastically
“Yes, I want to try the fudge”, you giggled, “but also… the Dervish and Banges”
“Oh yeah, the wizarding equipment shop”, said Blaise
“Yeah, and afterwards, we can go to the three broomsticks and have some butterbeer”, said Matthew
Days went by quite quickly, and soon, you were giggling with Pansy and Daphne in your room.
Your boots that even though had heels were really comfortable, and you were so happy with the things Pansy had made you buy when you spend that day together in Diagon Alley, as you put on your new favorite jacket 
“You look so cute, but… for who?”, she teased
“Nobody”, you said mindedly, you knew she had 
“I bet it’s for Theo”, Daphne said with a somewhat dark tone that sounded a bit mean
“no, not really”
“Matthew?”, teased Pansy
“No!”, you said loudly, “no one!”
With heated cheeks you went to meet everyone outside, the boys were giggling and snickering as you walked to them, and Draco seemed crossed to a blushed Matthew
Draco smiled at the sight of the three of you
“Ready?”, you asked excitedly, Filch was in the entrance, checking names from a list, as it was the first time for you all third-years, you were all in the courtyard
“Remember, those visits to Hogsmeade village are a privilege!”, said McGonaggal with her serious face, “should your behavior reflect poorly to the school, it will not be extended again”
You all nodded for her to just let you go, and you started the walk to the village, you looked away when you walked by the dementors guarding the gates to Hogwarts.
It was already 31st of October, Halloween! you were going to spend all day in Hogsmeade and then the famous Halloween feast! your smile couldn’t be erased off your face
You were a big group, even amongst your friends… the village appeared in front of you and you were so happy, but your group of 10 didn’t split.
First you came across the post office, which impressed you with a hundred owls, of all sizes and color, some of them could fly internationally! you wondered if you could train Umbra to go to France and back
“Let’s go to Honeydukes”, you didn't even realize Matt was this close to you, but the rest of your friends was going the other way 
“Oh”, you doubted, you didn’t want to split from the group, but it would be rude if you refused him, so you nodded and started walking with him. Draco and consequently Pansy noticed, so they stayed behind and went with you
Matthew now seemed crossed, but he didn't say anything as Pansy and you stuck your faces into the big showcases filled with different flavored fudges 
You bought a box
“I would like a marble, the one with strawberries, mint, white chocolate, and the one with dark currants”, you started picking yours, and Pansy chose her own box
“I’ll pay for that”, muttered Draco
“No, it was my idea, I’m going to invite her”, said Matthew, you and Pansy exchanged looks, “you invite Parkinson’s, I’ll invite Basilik…”
“I ALWAYS pay for Basilik’s treats”, said Draco angrily
“Guys”, Pansy was over the moon, you were even concerned for this weird development, you took out sickles for your box, but Matthew grabbed your hand and payed himself, alongside his own treats, and Drco, with a frown, payed for Pansy and his own
“Thank you Matt, you shouldn’t have”, you whispered
“You are most welcome”, he said with a smile
The group had walked away already, you catched a glimpse of MIlicent and Vince turning a corner 
You looked back and catched Draco and Matthew gazing at each other like they were challenging one another to some duel or something
“We can go to Zonko’s”, you suggested, and Matthew then came out of his stupor, looked at you and nodded, and you four directed yourselves there
Zonko's joke shop was brilliant! you had never thought about jokes and tricks before, but you had an amazing time inside it
You could try everything they sold in there, and Matthew bought a bunch of stuff, you yourself even bought a “tempest in a bottle”, it was a glass bottle that contained, as the name entailed, a little storm
It was supposed to be a prank, to make it rain inside a room, once released, it would release a storm for fifteen minutes, but it looked so beautiful inside the bottle that you probably just were going to let it sit on your nightstand
This time, while Matthew wasn’t looking, you paid for his dungbombs 
“Only Basilik would but a tempest in a bottle just to look at it”, teased pansy, grabbing into your arm as you walked down the street
“I found it truly mesmerizing!”, you said with a wide smile
“Let’s go to the shrieking shack!”, said Pansy, pointing at a street that led to the outside of town
“Yeah! let’s do it!”, said Matthew, you shared concerned looks with Draco, you were not the bravest of the bunch but you didn’t want to seem cowardly in front of Pansy and Matthew, and well, you were four, and had your wands with you, what could go wrong?
You reached the last barrier of the house, a poorly made wired fence
You doubted, but you were also skeptical, it seemed like an abandoned house, just that, and you had heard that it was the most haunted house in Europe, but not because an awful massacre had occurred there, only because… so… it couldn’t be that bad, right?
But as you were walking down a narrow road, you stopped suddenly as Draco had spotted something in the distance
“What’s that!?”, he asked, pointing, when you saw a huge, huge black dog. he came at you, with a quick pace 
“Look!”, you shrieked, “A doggy!”
“Ah!”, Draco screamed, scared, “I don't know what that thing is but it is not a dog!”, Matthew seemed scared, but you and pansy came close to it, and he let you pet him, at least, he looked lke a “he”
“Nonsense, look how cute!”, yes it was true it was an abnormally large dog, but he let you get close enough to pet him, he cooed under your touch, “hey doggy, are you alone? Do you have a home?”
“Basilik for Merlin’s sake leave that animal alone, maybe what kind of diseases it has!”, said Matthew.
Caressing unknown dogs was a dangerous thing, even for wizards, but you couldn’t help it, the dog smelled you your hands and face
“Are you hungry boy?”, you asked, but you didn’t have anything with you, and right now, you couldn’t conjure or transfigure anything, as you couldn’t do magic outside of school.
“Basilik, for the last time, please, leave that dog!”, muttered Draco
“it’s hungry!”, you said, you looked into your bag, and you found a muffin you were not going to eat, as you cast a small spell, to turn it into mince meat, small spells were not that detectable, and then you gave it to the dig, who eat it earnestly 
“Please, can we go now? we promised we were going to go to the three broomsticks”, said Draco
Taking this huge dog to the school was out of the question, it broke your heart to leave him, until… he left you first, with a last -what you thought was- a sad look, the dog trotted away quickly, so you didn't felt as bad that you couldn’t take him if he didn’t want to go with you
“Let’s go, and please wash your hands”, said Draco, and you and Pansy walked back to town and to the three broomsticks to meet with the others. 
You couldn’t stop giggling and talking about what a great time it has been as you walked back to the castle right at sundown
And now it came something even better
You and hold onto the fudge and not eat it right away, because the feast was waiting for you
Halloween was your favorite holiday
The candles in the skies where pumpkins, above them near the clouded ceiling, were bats flying haphazardly, and all around the candlesticks and torches were orange streamers. It looked great like always.
The food, as always, was creepy and delicious, you even managed to get several servings of profiteroles filled with ice cream and bathed in chocolate.
At the very end, the ghosts popped out of the wall, they floated around, and started reenacting their deaths… Even the bloody Baron told your table… how he died…
And nearly headless Nick told gladly the story of his infamous name. 
As you were leaving the great hall, you ended up next to Potter, to which Draco couldn’t help but whisper 
“The dementors send their regards, Potter!” 
You were doing a bit of flaunting the things you had bought to your friends in the common room, when Marcus himself strode inside the room
“That fudge looks good Basilik, give me some?”, he asked, reaching, you snatched your box away and looked at him angrily
“Wanna’ lose a hand there Flint?”, you threatened
“I’m your quidditch team captain!”, he said, entertained
“Try me”, you said, and he removed his hand.
All the Slytherins were in the common room, all too excited by the feast, the sugar and the visit to Hogsmeade to go to sleep, but you didn’t have too
The Head Boy -who you couldn’t name right now- came rushing in, along with the head Girl
“Black has entered the castle!”, he said hastily, all houses have to present themselves in sleeping attire in the great hall
It was mayhem in the common room, and you didn't know if you had to be scared or excited 
You all were back in the common room, that was not dressed in Halloween anymore, the tables had disappeared, it stood empty, but the candles and ceiling were still there. Dumbledore stood taller than most
"The teachers and I need to conduct a thorough search of the castle," he said out loud, white the big doors being closed behind you, "I'm afraid that, for your own safety, you will have to spend the night here. I want the prefects to stand guard over the entrances to the hall and I am leaving the Head Boy and Girl of each house in charge. Any disturbance should be reported to me immediately”, he was set to leave the hall, but then he turned around, "Oh, yes, you'll be needing...", the floor, from one second to the next, was covered with hundreds of very thick, comfortable-looking purple sleeping bags. 
"Sleep well," said Dumbledore, closing the door behind him.
Not even two seconds and the hall buzzed alive with giggles, conversations and more, you came together with your friends, feeling so excited.
Clearly Black wasn't a threat to you all, but, this was kind of exciting, having a massive sleepover with your entire house! and well, the other houses were there as well
“Quiet!”, demanded the older Weasley, ever the waterparty
“Weasle relax!”, said your own head boy, which made you smile
You wasted no time in accommodating yourself near Draco, but as Pansy looked at you with pleading eyes, you decided to step back a few paces, sleeping rather than by his side, putting your heads together.
“Boys on one side, girls on the other!”, commanded Weasley, but students started booing him.
You were accommodated in some sort of a circle, Matthew had accommodated by your side, you would have preferred to sleep around your girlfriends, but they were scattered around the group, Pansy seemed all too Happy, and Draco had managed to place himself on your other side.
“How do you think Black entered the castle?”, asked Matthew whispering at you
“Well, a castle this big, has to have secret passageways”, you said, “Black was a student here, he probably knows more of its secrets”
“That makes sense”, said Pansy
“But you’d think that as a Wizard as powerful as him would know how to apparate”, said Greg
“You cannot simply apparate into Hogwarts”, said Draco, “its enchanted, and protected by spells that doesn’t allow apparition and other irregular ways of magical transportation”
“So he could have only walked right through the gates, then”, said Theo
“Yeah, without being seen, or catched by the dementors”, mocked Tracy
“Do you think they would come in here?”, you asked
“Dumbledore hates them, he couldn’t have possibly let them in”, said Draco with a frown 
“Well even though there is a murderous maniac running around inside the castle, I think this is kinda cool, like a big sleepover”, you said with a smile
A couple of hours passed as you started to fall asleep one by one, Draco’s stormy eyes found you in the night
“Are you alright?”, he asked, as he saw you couldn’t sleep. You were a bit concerned, a strange sensation in the back of your throat, professor’s trelawney’s “prophecy” played in your mind over and over.
“Yes, yes”, you whispered, you tried to move, but Matthew had rolled over and was stuck to your back
“Don’t you worry, is Potter he wants, not pure blooded wizards such as ourselves”, he said softly, you smiled
“I know, we are not in danger because of Black, is just, Professor Trelawney freaked me out in her first class, she said that I was going to find what I was looking for, and other things that I was going to become complete, and… I think it's because I'm going to find out who my father was but… I’m scared”, you confessed 
“Why?”, he asked back
“He is probably dead, or, what if he is not, what if he had done terrible things? what if he was a terrible person?”
“I don’t think he is”, he said softly
“Then why would nobody tell me who he is? everyone seems to know who he is!”, you said
“I don’t know”, he said sincerely
“Do you think your parents would tell me if I ask them?”
“I think they wouldn’t dare cross Cercille”, he said
“You are right”
“QUIET OVER THERE!”, and booing was heard again to shush Weasley
“But I think I feel guilty, I’m having such a good time and this is just looming over me, like, I have to think something is going to go wrong because I’m so happy right now”, you explained softly
“You are right, that’s it”, he said, nodding, “you will find out who he is, whomever it is, and I will be there, and Cercille, and my parents”, he offered.
“Thank you”
“You never told me what class are you taking instead of Divination”, he wondered 
“You are never going to believe this”, you said apologetically
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urmomluvbot · 10 months
i just read a little life and here's a messy review of the book by saying my opinion on people's takes on it
[THERE WILL BE SPOILERS] also dont expect this to be professional etc
i want to start off by saying that this book is like willem's movie "life after death"; either people absolutely loved it or people hated it. and i fucking love this. would i be rereading it? probably not. but would i think of jude for the rest of my days? yes.
the thing i keep reading about from the people who didnt like it is that a) it's a trauma porn, b.) it's lengthy with various of unnecessary parts, and c.) its just a sad book with a sad ending.
something that i dont really understand is people's need and urge and want to always, always read a book expecting a happy ending. ("and books lied, they made things prettier"). spoiler alert: life isnt like that! its ugly and u cant always run away from its ugliness, no matter how hard you try. no matter how hard jude tried. and i always had this hunch, when i was first reading it, that it wont end the way i'll like it, but still i hope and hope and hoped for jude and for all of them, and thats just the Human part of me. my in denial.
as someone who struggled from mental health, i actually guiltily thought in the middle of the book, "why hasnt he k!lled himself yet?" even before jude's attempt. i cant handle the thought of putting myself in his situation and pushing through, and that's the reality as well. you thought about it and yet , complying to it somehow makes you think that the hyenas won. that brother luke won, that dr traylor won. and the thing about jude is he always try. he tried to get through life, he tried to accept romance in his life, he tried and he tries to accept everyone's devotion and help because even though he feels like he doesn't deserve it; he feels like he owes them that at least. to try.
i can see how people, especially the first ones when it just came out, may be put off by the tones and the topics of this book, but as years went by and it grows in popularity, the trigger warnings had been set. one thing ive set my mind to when i bought the book is the advice i was given: to only read it when im in a stable stage of my life, and that's why it took me almost a year before i started reading it after buying it. the triggers are listed for anyone to see. YES. those things do happen in real life. those things, esp the rape and physical mental and verbal abuse DO come in hand majority of the time. the book is not trauma dumping or a trauma porn: it simply tells. (imo, its on YOU if u think this is a trauma porn. imo, it says a lot about you as a person).
the book is lengthy because it is intended to be, the "unnecessary parts" are not just fillers but a stepping stone to unraveling jude's past, to fully grasp the situation. they are there for a reason. you can skim through the book if you want to avoid them: but believe me when i say you wont fully get the book if you do. the book is not meant to be enjoyed. its meant to tell a story, to make you feel things for the characters, may it be pity or joy or anger.
jude is not meant to be understood or to help or to be pitied at, hes meant to exist. and those things are something that was given to him willingly by the people he loved. and the characters are all flawed. andy is a bad doctor, willem is lovable and maybe had too much love, malcolm is perfect (i love him so much), jb is infuriating most of the times, harold shouldve pushed more. they all shouldve pushed more, but they cant. because the way they love is also flawed and it gets in the way, because judy is also flawed. hes stubborn and confusing. but those are traits that makes them all human.
ive reblogged this before but ill say it again: ik its a meme, but not everything can be solved through therapy. again, it took jude YEARS to finally tell willem his past– willem. willem who jude probably trust with his life, who he lets help him and seeked out for him when he was bleeding to death from cutting too much. you think jude would talk to a shrink he barely knows? someones whos literally paid to talk to him? not even jb and malcolm knew.
smth i wanna address that i rlly dont get is people who claims it's homophobic, and i really and genuinely cant see it, as a lesbian person myself. every talk about sexuality (if there even is any thats worth noting for this part), had come naturally. everyone existed how people exist with each other. even when willem and jude got together, theres barely any talk about willem's sexuality. also, hot take (/s): sexuality is confusing!! not everyone wants to label themselves. ive known multiple ppl who majorly likes girls only, but have fallen for their recent boyfriend. it happens, surprise! not everyone wants to put themselves in a box.
in conclusion: i think people expects this book to turn out for the better as a psychological response. surprise, it doesn't. my opinion? it's not meant to be enjoyed. i dont recommend this to anyone but only because it IS devastating and im a sadist if i want people to experience those feelings the book will brought. however, the characters, the delivery of the story and the pacing, and hanya's god bowing writing style are what makes this book GREAT. great ≠ happy ending, just like how sad ending ≠ bad book. thanks!
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maochira · 10 months
hi lovely!
So I am like extremely late to your event for the parent ships but here I am 💁‍♀️ (so sorry lol but congrats on the milestone!)
Since you ate up the NagiReo, can I request Nagi and Bachira please? Idk it’s kinda like the two opposite but at the same time they’re perfect goofballs yk?
Thank uuu 🫶
It's not really an event but more of a series by now :'] I haven't heard of this ship until now but!! Already adoring the idea of them as parents!! Also this is posting on Bachira's birthday, so happy birthday to him <3
Requests open! - ships as parents masterlist
Tags: gn!adopted child!reader, fluff
-at first, Nagi wasn't so sure if he wanted children because that takes a lot of work and effort. But the more he thought about it, the more he felt an urge to be a father
-Bachira has wanted a child for a very long time and has talked to Nagi about it, but it never became a big topic because Nagi was so unsure at that time
-but when Nagi told Bachira he was ready to become a fatherm you can imagine Bachira's excitement
-Bachira actually wanted to adopt twins or even triplets, but Nagi only wanted one child, which ended up being you
-you're kind of a mix of both of them. Either you're super energetic and run and jump around for hours without getting tired at all, or you're tired and only want to sit on your bed or on the couch
-depening on which mood you're in, your fathers take turns
-Bachira takes care of you whenever you're having the zoomies and Nagi takes care of you when you've calmed down
-you always get to sit on Nagi's lap when he's playing video games and most of the time you end up falling asleep there
-you really want to play video games as well, but Nagi is too lazy to teach you how to play and you're too young to understand anyways, so he just gives you a second controller that's not connected but tells you you're playing another character on the screen
-one time Bachira accidentally told you the truth about that but Nagi shut him up really quickly because he knew you'd get really upset
-Bachira has a really hard time with getting you to sleep, especially if you're still energetic. He'd let you stay awake longer but when it's 11pm you really can't be running around the house anymore
-Nagi has a hard time getting you to fall asleep as well because he's just not as good as Bachira when it comes to handling you in your energetic phases
-most of the time it takes both of them to get you to sleep. Either they let you set on the couch with them while they watch a boring movie or they let you fall asleep with them in their bed with lots of cuddles!!
Taglist (sign-up link): @kaineedstherapy12 @luvcalico @remy-roll @truegoist @weichspuelertrinker @futuristicxie @bluelock4life @https-archangel @ririgards @userwithlotsoftime @nikokii @chaosinanutshell @quite-eerie @peachesncat
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rexsoka-monthly · 10 months
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Send an ask to this blog or DM one of the mods to request an invite. We talk all things Rexsoka and Star Wars. And you don’t have to be a writer or artist to join in on the fun! If you love Rexsoka, we want you here! 🧡💙
Mods: @whamgram / @ahsokathegray / @darthgoosegoose
Why join the server? You can:
Vote on and suggest monthly prompts
Have a safe space to gush about Rexsoka with other shippers
Take part in special events
Participate in discussion about Star Wars shows, movies, and future projects
Workshop fanfic/fanart ideas with other creators
If that sounds like something you’d want to take part in, then please see our full list of rules for the Rexsoka Monthly Discord server below!
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1) Must be 18+. This server is for adults only. Any member who is discovered to be underage will be removed and referred to other spaces that support Rexsoka and allow minors.
2) Be respectful towards others. It’s okay to disagree and debate on topics, but keep conversations friendly and civil. Please refrain from bashing or doxxing specific people who are not in this server, including antis. Venting is okay, grabbing pitchforks isn’t.
3) This is a non-discriminatory space. Hateful speech about race, sexuality, gender identity, ethnic background, or disabilities will not be tolerated.
4) NSFW chat is accepted in all channels. Please spoiler tag super explicit content, such as graphic descriptions of sexual acts, xeno, etc. Super explicit discussion about Rexsoka should be done in #thirsty-chat.
5) NSFW images/gifs must be spoiler tagged. NSFW content includes nudity, sexual content, violence, etc. Basically anything that you wouldn’t want your boss getting a glimpse of over your shoulder. Please make sure to also spoiler tag the url for images linked from outside sources such as Twitter or Tumblr; this will hide the thumbnail as well.
6) Spoilers must be spoiler tagged. See “Spoiler Guidelines” below for more information.
7) Triggering content must be spoiler tagged. See “Triggers Guidelines” below for more information.
8) Use appropriate tags in your fics. In addition to trigger warnings, please tag tropes that may not be of interest to all readers. This includes topics like cheating, dub-con, pregnancy, OCs as major characters, crossovers with other fandoms, etc.
9) No clonecest. Clonecest refers to any romantic ship between two clones. This includes sharing fics, fanart, or any other content. We welcome people who ship clonecest, but we do not support its discussion in this space.
10) No Master/Padawan ships. This includes Anisoka, Obikin, Quiobi, etc. Due to the power imbalance, grooming aspect, and underage content that is commonly associated with these ships, we do not support their discussion in our server.
11) No Rex or Ahsoka ships that aren’t Rexsoka. This includes Luxsoka, Barrisoka, Kaesoka, Rexwalker, Rexobi, Codex, OC/reader/"you" ships, etc. We understand there are lots of multishippers out there, but we want this space to be exclusively Rexsoka.
12) Rex and/or Ahsoka having past/present relationships before they get together in fics is acceptable. So long as this content is not explicit and Rexsoka is still the focus/endgame. Please tag this appropriately and give a content warning when sharing your fic in the server.
13) No underage Rexsoka, unless it’s platonic. This means no content where Rex is an adult and he is sexually attracted to Ahsoka when she is a minor. Unless their ages are adjusted, no explicit romantic content before season 7. Pre-relationship fluff and Ahsoka having a baby crush are acceptable.
14) Do not share/repost content created by server members without their explicit permission. There may be instances where fics, art, headcanons, and general chatter is only intended to be shared in this private space.
15) Be respectful of the mods’ decisions and do not attempt to “mini mod”. If you see something that you think violates a server rule or have concerns about how a situation was handled, please DM one of the mods. In our efforts to keep channels clean and on topic, mods will delete any messages related to the incident after it is resolved.
16) The mods have the right to remove a member who is not in compliance with these rules. If a member is continuously violating rules, harassing other members, or otherwise impeding the enjoyment of the server for other members, the mods will determine a corrective action to be taken.
*Spoiler Guidelines and Trigger Guidelines (along with the above rules) can all be found in the server under #rules-and-guidelines.
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babiestbubbles · 2 years
ROTTMNT Agere Headcanons
Mostly Caregives but when he goes down, he goes down. He’s just an itty bitty baby. Cutest thing ever tho. He tries his best to be a good and helpful little one even if he can’t do much. He’s really never over the age of 3, maybe 4 if you’re pushing it. 
He’s a very expressive baby though, he loves interacting with his brothers, even if it’s just peek-a-boo, watching cartoons, or scribbling all over with crayons (Raph’s not allowed near the paints or other art supplies out of fear he’ll try to eat them. His caregivers have their hands full just keeping them out of Mikey’s mouth and he actually knows better.) 
He also loves shadowing his caregivers/babysitters, sometimes even his siblings who are also regressed, just toddling behind them and maybe imitating them or trying to help them out. A well behaved sweetheart. The only reason he’d ever end up crying is bc he’s gotten hurt or someone else (*cough* Leo *cough*) is being mean to him.
Kind of young kiddo most of the time, rarely ever over the age of 6/7, but also almost never falls into the baby range (0-3) unless something super bad’s happened. 
Is actually incapable of caregiving, he gets too anxious and it ends up doing more harm than good to anyone involved 
Sometimes an older sibling type if he does end up falling in the older age range but that’s the best you’re gonna get. 
He’s a super active kiddo though, always on the move, always wants to be doing something. Usually teams up with Mikey to make little plans. They’re great at playing pretend together or really doing anything together, they feed off of each other’s energy, but this also means they encourage one another to get into trouble. 
He tries to be independent a lot of the time but also very much enjoys being doted on by his caregivers. Definitely enjoys a nickname like ‘Little Prince’ or something adjacent, he loves the idea that he’s the center of attention and most of the time his caregivers are happy to oblige. He’s a bit cheeky. He does like messing with his cg or babysitters a bit, but nothing too serious and all in the name of fun. They can always handle it.
He’s actually a bit similar to Donnie and Mikey in his sensitivity to criticism. He doesn’t usually shut down as quickly or intesley as them, but he’s still heavily affected by even minor criticism. Everyone around him knows his littlespace is his only opportunity to be ‘troublemaker’ or break the rules etc. so most of the time he gets off without any real punishment, other than maybe the consequences of his own actions. Ex: cleaning up a mess his prank made or being stuck sleepy all day because he went to bed late.
Chaos baby at any age. Most fluid when it comes to headspace range. Will jump from 3 to 5 if activities get exciting, might drop down to 2 if it’s just movie night. 
He’s always bouncing around, happy to do anything and everything that will satiate his boredom. He’s usually pretty good about keeping out of trouble, but sometimes he just can’t help it, trouble knocks right on his front door. What is he supposed to say? “No Thanks”? He isn’t lame.
He actually struggles to sit down and do stuff while little. He needs a lot more simulation when regressed. He actually requests Lou Jitsu theme songs or a movie playing in the background if he’s coloring with Raph or his siblings because coloring alone isn’t ‘interesting*’ enough for him (*he means stimulating he just doesn’t have the proper vocabulary)
Super talkative, even when he can’t talk. Sounds simply never stop coming out of his mouth. He’s always rambling about fantastical nonsense or his favorite something or why he dislikes something. The kid never seems to run out of conversation topics. Even when he’s just a baby, can’t form words or sentences, he’s still babbling. Making happy coos at things or saying words in succession “April, April, April” “Paint, colrs, pretty” Sometimes gets self conscious abt his voice but usually gets better with a bit of reassurance. 
Very quick to meltdown but also pretty easy to soothe. Most of the time just needs help processing his emotions but will also very readily take an icepop bribe to settle down.
 He can’t really handle the idea of being in trouble, he freaks out that he’s bad and will almost shut down. The same thing happens if you tell him to quiet down/be quiet/shut up. He stops talking entirely, and you know something’s wrong when Mikey stops talking. As for soothing, usually he just wants to cuddle and be told it’s alright, he’s a very good boy, etc. A tv show is a really good distraction for him after he’s had an episode and needs time to feel better. 
Either incapable baby or menace teenager/older kid. Doesn’t really fall in the toddler range unless it’s a special day (ex he and one of his brothers have plans to do something together while little)
Opposite of Mikey, super nervous to talk, typically goes non verbal, but tries to sign if able. (they all know pretty basic asl. Their lexicon is huge but like they don’t use proper asl grammar/sentence structure and tone indicators and stuff. They just sign words in succession)
Loves puzzles, games, building things, making things etc. while regressed. Usually when he’s older but even when he’s a baby, he insists on getting to play with foam blocks or magnets so he can build, or he wants to do jupiter jim activity books.
Definitely the one who struggles the most with insecurity abt his headspace. His classic Donnie overthink continues even when he’s little and he gets embarrassed that he’s weird or wrong for regressing. He needs a lot of reassurance that it’s okay and healthy and normal.
Ironically though, he’s probably the one who needs it the most. He struggles with taking care of himself when he’s having a hard time mentally or emotionally, he needs someone else to take care of him. Make sure he’s eating, sleeping, taking breaks. 
He’s super scared of being bad/getting in trouble, just like Mikey but quite frankly to a worser degree. At this point everyone knows not to scold Donnie for things when he’s little, even if he’s 11/12 because he will cry, sometimes entirely meltdown. That’ll either pull him out of his regression (and lead to him isolating for the rest of the day) or it’ll send him deeper into a smaller headspace. If it’s really bad, he’ll spend the next few days drifting in and out of babyspace. He’s generally a very sensitive baby, sometimes he can’t even handle jokes about him being ‘bad’ or a troublemaker or misbehaving.
He absolutely cannot handle punishment at any time ever. While he is a menace and messes around and is kind of feral, he’s careful, he doesn’t really properly break any rules (mostly because he has a huge fear of getting in trouble), so there’s really never a reason for him to be punished, but if he did break a rule, there’s no way he could manage to make it through his punishment. Just having to face his caregiver while knowing he did something wrong would probably send him into a panic attack. 
Getting sent to time out or his room or something would just lead him to meltdown there and then deny himself any comfort after. He’d push away from cuddles and deny any sweet/comforting words his caregivers tried to tell him afterwards. (Poor baby doesn’t think he deserves it)
This only happened once and his caregivers learned their lesson when they were stuck with a baby Donnie for an entire week. [He was so embarrassed afterwards but also was so far in headspace he doesn’t remember a lot of it]
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gauntletqueen · 1 year
Okay so! I saw Across The Spider-Verse. I wanna say some lil thoughts. First off, without spoilers:
I thought the first movie had prepared me for how visually captivating and groundbreaking this one would be and I was WRONG. They took it SO much further in this one and it is SPECTACULAR. The way they play much more with the art style depending on the spidey-person and the universe is incredibly fun to see and impressive to think about.
Now for a LOT of thoughts concerning spoilers:
I am SO glad that they used the fact that it's a two-parter to take the time with its story. Plenty of slower moments, room for talking, etc. I knew it was gonna be a To Be Continued, but was worried the movie would be at a break-neck speed to cram in as much story as possible like with the fuckin uuuh avengers movie with Purplo The Mean Man, and I am SO GLAD!!! That they didn't!!!
Next off I was never a fan of Peni's design in the first movie. It felt too much like that "trying to be anime" thing that western cartoons had going for a while, and I can now only imagine that the creators had planned from the start to have her grow into her comic book design between movies, which is VERY GOOD. (I had already assumed that SP//DR's design would be comic accurate in this movie after its destruction but it's nice to see :> )
On that topic, I do thing it's a bit of a shame that Peni, Noir and Ham didn't get to be in this movie, really. I understand why! Use this one to flesh out the new important characters (and they are very good especially Hobie) so it doesn't feel cluttered when you put them all together in the third one. But I was looking forward to seeing them...
Now let's have a little intermission. (it's relevant I promise) Please meet Carapace, my Spider-Sona, who I created after I had gone to see the first movie back in 2018:
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I won't bore yall with the details, but basically she got her powers due to outside intervention causing a shift in her universe. Her getting these powers resulted in that universe's Peter Parker, the one who was supposed to be Spidey, to die. Carapace is characterized as sticking very closely to her own morals even if it might harm in the long run, even when people tell her and show her what she is doing is dangerous, and eventually this leads her actions, as well as her very existence to endanger the entire multiverse despite her best efforts.
So. you know. I thought that was interesting. Given. Yknow. The movie
Okay moving on. Spider-Gwen is the only spidey comic series I've actively read, so seeing her story and her artstyle explored more in this movie was a delight! It's also just really nice how she's more of a pivotal character this time around, given a lot more focus. I'm happy about that :> (also can't believe we now know why she has sneakers in fortnite wow)
The Spot! Was spoiled for me. But not like, in much detail? I had, after seeing fanart against my will, pieced together that he was the guy that got a bagel thrown at him in the first movie, and that he had something to do with "Canon". Now as someone who's read homestuck, and has consumed modern media in general, the use of the word Canon worried me. I was worried they'd break the fourth wall and get all annoyingly meta and stuff. BUT they didn't! They did get meta with it, talking about the canon events that make a spidey-person, but never broke the fourth wall. It was handled carefully and it works! Maybe that's why Ham isn't present in this movie... He'd definitely ruin that now that I think about it. As for The Spot, he's not the most compelling villain. He's funny! it's a funny concept for a villain origin. "Just take this one-off gag from the first movie and turn him into the main villain." But by doing that, by making him Funny and Pretty Dumb In Concept, and then turning him into an Actual Real Threat whose motive is that nobody takes him seriously, it WORKS. We the audience are PART OF THE PROBLEM kinda I dunno I thought it was neat.
Miguel is mean to Miles >:| Stoopid poopoo head >:| (but it's cool that he's like a parallel to Kingpin from the first movie)
As for the whole "different versions of the movie in different theaters" thing, that was spoiled for me, thoughI didn't know what was different heading in. Apparently it's like, Lyla doing some funny little bits? Whatever. I can only assume needing to re-animate perfectly good scenes for no reason other than "aah gotcha! Neat right??" is definitely something that contributed to the reported terrible working conditions and crunch during production. It's a fun reminder that even a film that is so strongly about art, about pushing back against conformity and those that want to control you, is still being made by a giant corporation, and according to that corporation, the workers don't matter, only the product's ability to money. I can only hope that the animators get enough time to work normally on Beyond the Spider-Verse, which I'm sure will be also a phenomenal movie despite the higher ups' demands, just like this one.
Also they said ASS and CRAP in it!! Wow!!!!
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aerkame · 4 months
I’d like to toss my hat into the ring since that anon brought up AUS. I don’t have any favorites or enjoyment of a lot of them, So here’s a sort list I can think off;
1. A/B/O: It’s just very, very, uncomfortable.
2. Crossovers: 80 or 90% of the time when there’s crossovers, it’s just crossing over for the sake of having your fav characters meet and get up to crazy adventures. There’s no actual reason as to why there crossing over apart from that.
3. mafia: Not a fan as there’s nothing different, but there’s a Mob AU by Clownn (correct me if I spell it wrong,), they put a unique twist by having it be physiological and giving it certain traits to make their AU stand out from the usual Mafia AUs.
4: anesthesia: It’s a pretty cheap way to get characters to fall in love and kinda creepy when you think deeper about how easily bad things can go.
5. Soulmates or Marks: I don’t like the idea of a mark or something telling you who your partner is or who to be with. What if you don’t want a partner tho or not interested in falling in love? Are you allowed to be just friends instead?
I prefer if authors/creators add more unique twist or additional spin on AUs. The down side is, I have seen some pretty unique AUs but they’re not as talked about or popular since it’s not the go to ones that fanbases love.
Ah yeah, A/B/O AUs tend to romanticize toxic relationships a lot from what I usually see. Not liking it is understandable. Ironically though, the whole Alpha, Beta, and Omega stuff that was made by a researcher later discarded his own theory after further study of wolves. (In short, wolves are just large families with mom and dad in charge, the whole A/B/O stuff makes no sense.) So the whole thing is really just made up of disproved theories and is purely fiction.
The others are also understandable. Some of the AUs tend to have repeating themes or they end up being complete copies of each other. The Whole amnesia one is creepy, yeah. I have only ever read 3 fanfictions in my life that did this trope properly and it only really works if the characters knew each other beforehand or they were already in a relationship before it happened.
The soulmate one is kind of okay depending on who is writing it and how it is written. I've seen a handful of very well written soulmate AUs that actually got creative with it, but a lot of the fanfictions for AUs like that just repeat and copy each other a little too much.
To be perfectly honest, I agree that unique AUs are way better because it leaves room for even more AUs to branch off of those one and it also helps other writers get a good idea on how to handle the idea behind it.
My other favorite AU type is one I don't see often but I wish I did, and it's the self-aware ones or the ones where the reader/character ends up in the fictional world of the fandom they're in. My reason for liking those ones is because they can turn into good horror fics or have creepy vibes IF done right. It's like the 4th wall breaking rule in some video games or horror movies. Twilight Zone vibes y'know?
For my own personal Finfolk AU, I did want to add yandere vibes, but not like Wattpad anime fanfiction kind of yandere. I think yandere fics should be taken seriously and treated seriously because of the topics they deal with. I have read so many fanfictions that do it just right where it genuinely scares me and it makes for interesting dynamics between the characters. I haven't gone into full horror with the AU though simply because I'm afraid of people romanticizing what is supposed to be dangerous behavior or dark topics. The finfolk folklore itself is dark when you look into the stories/mythology. I just don't like seeing how often AUs and fanfictions with serious topics get put on a pedestal in a wrong lighting. But, I do plan on eventually trying to go full horror with it at some point. When? I'm not sure yet. Maybe when I have more experience in writing. All I know is that making the characters attractive (that is what finmen/women do regardless in folklore) but obsessive without making it romanticized is going to be difficult.
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