#not me discovering this now while looking for the ep on yt lol
merinnan · 4 years
We start episode 5 with the Xiaoge Rescue Count at 6 for Wu Xie, and 7 total.
- Pangzi just sitting there eating while they go to dig an evil bug out of A-Ning 
- A-Ning is luckier than Pan Zi, though, having it in her leg rather than in her gut 
- Should I consider this part of the Xiaoge Rescue Count? Technically he is saving A-Ning here, but does she count?
- Fuck it. There's now 3 Xiaoge Rescue Count categories: Wu Xie, the protagonists as a whole, and everyone 
- So the count is now 6 for Wu Xie, 7 for the protagonists, and 8 for everyone 
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- That was a relatively painless bug removal. Probably helped that A-Ning was unconscious 
  - That's a large hole left in her thigh. Speaking from experience, standing & walking are not going to be fun for her for a LONG time. 
- But this is a cdrama, so she'll be fine within an ep or two 
- lol, I've never seen an unconscious person with this level of muscle control
- Wu Xie, you don't just wrap a bandage around a wound like that! Dress it first! 
- But, again, it's a TV show, so a bandage will be fine 
- LOL, yes, shhhh, Pangzi. Shhhh. 
 - Pan Zi's looking a lot better this ep 
- ...what's wrong, Wu Xie?
- Aaaand he just passed out. 
- Xiaoge actually looks mildly disturbed. I think this is the second most amount of emotion we've seen from him so far 
- That looks like a nasty bite 
- Oh, we're just gonna...feed him blood. That's what we're going. 
- And it woke him up
- Okay, so Xiaoge Rescue Count is now 7 for Wu Xie, 8 for the protagonists, and 9 for everyone 
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- Fortunately, Xiaoge hasn't lost as much blood as he did last time he used it for magic rescue purposes. Last thing they'd want is a comatose Xiaoge down here
- Everyone is just so chill whenever Xiaoge does weird stuff, it's great 
- Aaah, I was wondering how he'd been bitten, since I didn't remember a bug biting him. I forgot that A-Ning did 
- That's some odd poison if it got into her saliva just because she had a bug in her leg
- GDI Pangzi 
 - Of course the cure is in the tomb, and of course Xiaoge knows about it 
- LOL, there's a vaccine against the poison gas 
- Oooh, I was wondering when the dudes in the trees were gonna make their move. Poor Wu Xie's friend. He really would have been safer in the tomb, huh
- Hahah, why are the bad guys treating Wu Xie like the leader when he's just a uni student? 
- Ooh, who did that? 
 - Oh, Wu Xie's friend. Good boy. I mean, it was dumb, but brave. Now they can't use you against your friends. 
- Poor Wu Xie is so woozy he's not sure what happened
- Yeah, figured it was some more of A-Ning's friends 
- Get out before nightfall. Isn't that what Xiaoge said, too? 
- Yeah, abandoned in a forest at night doesn't sound like fun
- She should NOT be walking that well, although at least it is showing her limping and in pain instead of just okay 
- God, Pangzi, that was a dick move 
- And that was even more of one 
- Wow. I...don't really like this Pangzi. Those things he just did were actively cruel, even if she is an antagonist
- It's blocked? Yeah, ya think? 
- Oh, STFU Pangzi 
- Pan Zi looking at him like "I really regret not shooting you properly when I had the chance" 
- Xiaoge doing this "stab fingers STRAIGHT INTO MORTAR and remove the brick" trick again 
- The look on Pangzi's face is pure gold
- Had to pause watching for a sec to think about why I'm so mad at this Pangzi and more forgiving of Liu Sang in Chongqi. I think it's because Liu Sang intended to pull a prank. A mean prank, but he lacked the experience to understand that it was actively harmful and dangerous. It went wrong, and then he freaked because of that lack of experience and didn't know what to do/say until Xiaoge pushed him. And then he tried to help make up for it. Whereas this Pangzi did things that he knew would cause real physical pain to A-Ning and potentially worsen her injury just because he doesn't like her, and he doesn't seem to care or even give that a second thought, let alone look like he's going to apologise or try to make up for it. 
- OK, mini-rant over, back to the episode.
- Gratuitous Xiaoge side-profile pic just because
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- And now Pangzi is gonna embarrass himself by trying & failing to be Xiaoge 
- Okay, I gotta stop to look up his name. I can't keep calling him Wu Xie's friend all the time
- High Shao. There we go
- High Shao is a good kid 
- A-Ning's eyeroll at Pangzi is my entire mood with his antics right now 
- Eyeroll from Wu Xie 
- Can't see Pan Zi's face, but his whole posture is basically an eye roll 
- Oh. Well. Huh. I did not expect Pangzi to actually manage to break the wall
- Judging by everyone's expressions, no-one else did, either 
- Oooh, something bad must be coming, Xiaoge is going on guard 
- Yep. Zombie dude is on his way 
- Yes, send the woman with the serious leg injury to go crawling through a tiny cave tunnel first. Brilliant idea, Wu Xie
- OK, I should stop being so hard on bb!Wu Xie, this is his first time in a tomb after all 
- Y'know, guys, I really think it would have been a better idea to let Pan Zi go before Pangzi, given that he's also injured and all. Get your most injured people to safety first.
- How the fuck is that zombie deflecting Xiaoge's sword with his HAND?! 
- Oh, NICE, Xiaoge! 
- I am very disappointed that I could not get a good screencap of that awesome, smooth, and effortless slide he did through the tunnel
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- Things I discovered when I went to YouTube to see if I could get a good screencap of it by slowing down the playback (which I can't do on Viki) 
- the eps on YT and the eps on Viki are edited differently. I'm gonna have to watch this again on YT once I'm done with the Viki one
- At a guess, the YT ones have a bunch of stuff cut, because where I'm up to in ep 5 on Viki is in ep 4 on YT 
- Wow, I'm going on a lot of tangents tonight. OK, back to the ep.
- Xiaoge holding the zombie at swordpoint until it gives up and backs away 
- So these zombies have some intelligence 
- ngl, though, if I was on my hands and knees in front of a hot guy holding a sword on me, backing away would be like the last thing I would be doing
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- Why the fuck is there a giant, chained up tree deep in the middle of an underground tomb? 
- And ivy all over the cave walls? 
- I'm glad you're just as confused as I am, Pan Zi
- OK, some sunlight is getting in, since there are two bodies laying in a conveniently positioned sunbeam 
- Sure, what the fuck are you gonna do to him, Pangzi? He's dead. He doesn't care. 
- Unless he's another zombie who's gonna rise from the grave, but still don't think he cares
- Yes, Pangzi, tomb robbers don't end well 
- Love Wu Xie's cute suspicious face 
- Lucky grab there 
- Oh, there you are, Sanshu 
- Do all the tunnels in this place empty out at this tree? 
- LOL, I love that Sanshu immediately doesn't take any of Pangzi's shit
- That was a bad place to faint 
- Good thing Xiaoge is right there! 
- Xiaoge Rescue Count: 8 for Wu Xie, 9 for the protagonists, 10 for everyone 
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- I love how often Wu Xie is the damsel in distress
- Don't worry, Sanshu, Xiaoge will definitely look after his future bf
- Looks like Pangzi is about to fall. Again 
- Pangzi, if you had HELD ON to that vine, it wouldn't have been as bad 
- Wait for him to realise he's laying between two corpses in 3, 2, 1... 
- Uh...I hope they're just stuck to him and not actually sitting up under their own power
- These are remarkably well-preserved corpses 
- THERE'S that realisation 
- And there's the freakout 
 - They did get just get caught 
- They're not gonna have kids, Pangzi, they're dead 
- Pangzi, what are you doing? Leave the corpses alone now
- Wake them? I don't like the sound of that, Sanshu 
- Also, how do you know that? 
- Cute pingxie shots just because 
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- In her mouth? 
- Oh, a key, thank goodness. I thought it was gonna be an evil bug 
- Pangzi, stop appraising her necklace, didn't you say you're not a tomb robber? 
- There's fucking what now? 
- HOW?! 
- Hahah, well that certainly stopped Pangzi from checking out the valuables on her 
- JFC 
- That got Xiaoge's attention 
- Oooh, he's noticed something in the tree 
- Sorry not sorry for more gratuitous Xiaoge shots
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- That's a pretty looking key 
- ...and now her corpse is undergoing rapid decay? How the fuck was the key preventing the corpse from decaying? 
- That explanation makes no logical sense, Sanshu 
- Maybe that box the other corpse is holding, Wu Xie? 
- Pangzi thought of that, too
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- What were those flashes? Were those just for the viewer, or was one of the characters getting them? 
- That seemed to be the unnaturally bright green-eyed man from the opening credits 
- Leave the sword alone, Pangzi 
- Although I do understand the desire to pick it up
- Uh...what 
- No shadow is NEVER a good thing 
- WTF? 
- Sanshu, I never wanna play poker with you 
- This doppelganger has done a damn good job of acting like Pangzi this whole time 
- When did it replace him? 
- Maybe it was the doppelganger who was so cruel to A-Ning? We'll see.
- That's a very solid ghost 
- And that's kinda creepy 
- Uh...isn't she already dead? 
- Sanshu just going straight for the tackle 
- Clever boy, Wu Xie 
- Though, Xiaoge, where were you? Were you just gonna let Pangzi strangle Sanshu, or did you figure Sanshu had it handled?
- (he did not have it handled) 
- (pretty sure if that had been Wu Xie you'd've jumped in the moment Pangzi's hands went around his throat, if not before) 
- *sigh* Pangzi, pls 
- The Green Eyed Fox? 
- Was that the dude in the fox mask? 
- Probably (also?) the opening credits guy
- How the fuck has it taken me 3 hours to get through half an ep? 
- Oh yeah, I keep going off on tangents and pausing to take pretty screenshots of Xiaoge 
- So we're doing fox demons, are we? 
- Don't touch anything. Yeah, like that sword you had casually slung over your shoulder.
- Storytime! 
- Suuure, Pangzi 
- Xiaoge really seems to know everything 
- Don't rattle it, Wu Xie 
- Oh, that interested A-Ning 
- I wonder if this is the thing that's supposed to cure Wu Xie 
- Sanshu thinks it's a bad idea, but doesn't want anyone other than Wu Xie to know
- Or, more to the point, doesn't want Pangzi and A-Ning to know 
- Good excuse, Wu Xie 
- I wonder if Pangzi is still supposed to be a doppelganger, or if that was part of the hallucination 
- Yeah, suuure you're not going to steal relics, Liu Tai
- Have they set up a new camp at the digsite, or did they take Chengcheng and High Shao back to their original camp? 
- I think he does legit want A-Ning to be ok, though 
- Looks like I was right, all the tunnels lead to the tree 
- Which means I expect zombie guy to show up any minute
- Don't think A-Ning will be happy they kept what happened to her friend from her when that happens 
- Xiaoge back into 'something is coming' mode 
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- Oh, how was that for timing? Less than a minute after I said it, zombie dude is on his way 
  - And it goes straight for Pangzi 
- Maybe he knew Pangzi was a dick to his friend 
- GDI A-Ning 
- That's a strong zombie 
- Xiaoge Rescue Count: 8 for Wu Xie, 10 for the protagonists, 11 for everyone
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- Yes, Pangzi, Xiaoge IS amazing
- lol, Pangzi making so much noise cheering for Xiaoge that he got the zombie's attention back 
- Xiaoge Rescue Count: 8 for Wu Xie, 11 for the protagonists, 12 for everyone
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- This is apparently the Xiaoge Rescues EVERYONE ep 
- I'm not surprised you fell, A-Ning, with that wound
- That was a heavy fall. Ouch 
- Come on, A-Ning, you seemed more level headed than this so far 
- And the zombie knocks away the easier/closer target, Wu Xie, to target A-Ning 
- Wonder if there's a reason for it, or just dramatics
- And then he stops trying to bite her to kick her away & go back to fighting Xiaoge? 
- Those are some very nice moves from Xiaoge 
- And now the zombie is...launching himself at Wu Xie and the others? 
- Wu Xie being the hero and pushing everyone else out the way
- Pangzi to the rescue? 
- No - A-Ning!
- Poor A-Ning 
- Oh yeah, better pull Pangzi out the tree 
- Zombie spitting up blood as he's dying 
- No, Pangzi, he's not gonna be fine. A-Ning shot him like 4 or 5 times in the chest 
- Aaah, zombie is lucid now
- Wu Xie ain't doing too good right now 
- Those are some nasty bruises. Caused by the poison gas/blood, I'm guessing 
- WTF made you think drinking the water in a tomb chamber was a good idea? 
- Xiaoge's shown emotion a total of 3 times in 5 eps, and 2 of those have been worry for Wu Xie
- Whatcha looking for, Xiaoge? 
- Huh, no-one even thought to look under there, just assumed the box was all that was interesting 
- Kirin blood?!  
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- And how did A-Ning know what it was, esp from that distance? 
- Pan Zi, you are like the second most badass person here next to Xiaoge
- Also, I am no longer feeling sorry for A-Ning 
- You owe these people your life, A-Ning, and this is how you repay them? 
- Xiaoge isn't too impressed. After all Pan Zi ain't Wu Xie 
- Oh, that seems like a fair deal. 
- I am pleased with the amount of Xiaoge in this ep
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- Xiaoge Rescue Count: 9 for Wu Xie, 12 for the protagonists, 13 for everyone
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- Not gonna count his offer to A-Ning as a rescue, since he didn't bother waiting to see if she'd accept before he went ahead and saved his future bf 
- This is the softest I've seen him look all show
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- Pan Zi is much nicer than I would have been. I would have probably punched her 
- Then again, they've made a fuss a few times about treating her differently because she's a woman, ugh
- Hahah, Xiaoge just getting up and walking off without any explanation for poor Wu Xie
- Wu Xie seemed so concerned, like he thought he'd done something wrong 
- Then all worried, aww 
- Hahah, Xiaoge not even gonna wait for A-Ning, just gonna go find her guys all by himself 
- Several *thousand*? No wonder Wu Xie's gagging
- Oh, eating super old kirin blood is what made Xiaoge's blood magical? Does that mean Wu Xie's blood is also magic now? 
- Just Chengcheng in danger, Sanshu? What about High Shao? 
- What about climbing the tree? 
 - Sanshu saying exactly what I just did
- There's sunlight already coming through, will you even need to dig a hole? That sunbeam on the corpses was pretty big 
- Pan Zi like "of course I can climb all the way up there with a hole in my gut and several other injuries"
- Of course Wu Xie is gonna worry about A-Ning getting out as well. He wouldn't be Wu Xie if he didn't 
- Wu Xie is such a nice boy 
- Pan Zi is also pretty forgiving 
- Pangzi, you just can't take people being sincere with you yet, can you? 
- That's some depressed fatalism there
- Sanshu now doing his part to convince A-Ning by appealing to her sense of responsibility for her men 
 And there we go for ep 5! It only took me...5 hours for a 40 minute ep 
We end with Xiaoge Rescue Count at 9 for Wu Xie, 12 for the protagonists, 13 for everyone
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Current Music Obsessions: February 15 - 28, 2017
Sorry for doing this so late. I was pretty busy these past few days and didn’t have the time to share this till now. Better late than never! I have quite a few picks for these past 2 weeks, all thanks to me purging my watch later list again.
Here are the honorable mentions:
Ayreon - The Day That the World Breaks Down Ravenscry - Oscillation Mindless Faith - Leachate Dol Theeta - Keep Deep Obsidians Curse - What I Would Give Sede Vacante - Hate Eternal Battle of Mice - Sleep and Dream Azylya - Darkness Ascending Lost Kings - Quit You feat. Tinashe Even Vast - Dawning Gloom Haze - Afterglow The Northern - Umbra Eisblume - Warten Auf Ein Wunder Villainess Ambition - Undying Sarea - Downfall Daylight Misery - Θλιβερός Χειμώνας (Sorrowful Winter) Isaz Corp. - Out of the Door Amaran - Atropine Deadlock - Carbonman Lightfall - Who We Are Them Guns - Horoscope Parasite of God - Through Sorrows Illuminata - Cold Hands Warm Hearts Asteroids - Scream Birds of Tokyo - Harlequins G.O.T.H. - Darkly in Cradle Ex Deo - The Roman Talvienkeli - Atlas
I think there are more honorable mentions this time, but let’s see those real obsessions!
1) AfterTime - World We've Lost
I came across these guys on Facebook one day, and let me tell you, this is some epic stuff! AfterTime is a symphonic/cinematic power metal band and they just recently released a new EP called World We've Lost, and I must say, I am really excited to listen to it. After hearing this song, I am blown away by how epic it is! Can't wait to hear more from these guys!
2) Magion - Forever Mine
Magion are a symphonic gothic/power metal band that I discovered randomly one day through the recommended videos on YT and this song is far from epic and powerful. It's so dramatic and beautiful. So good. So good. I highly recommend you guys give this song a listen!
3) Sound Storm - Original Sin
Sound Storm is a power metal band that I've been into for a hot minute now. They have a new lead singer and he's just as good as their previous singer. Vertigo is such an epic, beautiful, amazing and powerful album. This song here is definitely one of my favorites off it.
4) Starset - My Demons
I discovered this song a while back on Tumblr and rekindled my love for it not too long ago. It's such an epic song and is what introduced me to this band. Of the few songs I've heard from them, this is definitely the most cinematic. It's an epic song that is a perfect blend of cinematic and nu metal. It's so good.
5) Blackdahlia - Falling Down
I discovered this song a few years ago, but the video randomly got stuck in my head one day and continued to stick around for nearly A YEAR. I didn't have the song stuck in my head, but the music video for it. When I finally found it, I fell in love with the song all over again. Such a great blend of alternative metal and gothic metal.
6) Sisters ov the Blackmoon - Blackbyrd
I wound up rekindling my love for this track not too long ago. This is some doomy, sludgey goodness right here. I learned about these guys through following there lead singer, Sasha, on IG and decided to give them a listen a couple years ago. I still have yet to listen to any of their other stuff. I really need to fix that.
7) Across the Sun - Before the Night Takes Us
Another rekindled song from a band I came across a couple years ago and need to look more into. This is a perfect blend of symphonic metal, progressive metal and metalcore. Such an epic song. The breakdowns are beyond amazing and are total ball busters.
8) MILCK - Quiet
I came across this song through the recommended videos on YT. The singer's voice is so great. So peaceful and beautiful. This was the theme for the Women's March that toook place last month and it's message is so clear. But this song isn't just for women's equality, but equality in general. No matter race, gender, gender identity, sexuality, religion, etc.; we are all human beings and deserve to be treated no different than anyone else.
9) ShadowPlay - Home
I'm not sure if I talked about this song when it was first released, but if I did, I'M TALKING ABOUT IT AGAIN. These guys dropped one of the best music videos ever, and it's there first ever! The visuals and outfits are EVERYTHING. Definitely one of my favorite music videos ever! The song is absolutely GORGEOUS and to die for. If you haven't already done so, you NEED to listen to this song and watch the video. You will not be disappointed!
10) Dismal - Microcosm & Macrocosm
If you've ever wondered what symphonic doom metal and experimental/ambient music blended together would sound like, this is it! It's such a beautiful song. I've heard quite a few bands try to do stuff like this, but they always wind up turning extremely chaotic. But this song is quite different. It has structure and is absolutely breathtaking. HIGHLY recommend this!
11) Dagoba - When Winter...
Once again, another rekindled song from years ago. The reason I originally decided to look into Dagoba was because they were going to go on tour with Epica and I was curious as to what they sounded like and I found this song and fell in love. I still love this song. It's so epic, powerful and just so fucking good! Quick question. Do you guys pronounce it Day-goh-bah (like how they do in Star Wars) or Dah-goh-bah (that's how Simone pronounced it when announcing that tour all them years back)? I use the second when refering to them, but use the first when refering to the swamp planet.
12) Ignea - Şeytanu Akbar
I've talked about Ignea quite a few times now and I can honestly say, I haven't heard anything less than amazing yet. This song is definitely not for everyone. They approached a social issue head on to bring attention to real issue behind Islam, and that is the people who justify their terrible acts in the name of a religion built on peace. Their approach to this is VERY abrasive, especially with a name like Şeytanu Akbar (which roughly translates to "in faith of the devil"), but it grabs your attention in order to expose you to this issue. It's an amazing song with such a powerful message. Islam will become a religion of peace again.
13) Disperse - Surrender
I have a feeling this is going to be a band I'm going to become obsessed with. This is the second song I've heard from them, and I am LOVING what I'm hearing! They're an atmospheric progressive metal band that I discovered through their record label, Season of Mist. This song is just so great to chill to. It's almost as if shoegaze and progressive metal had a baby. It's so good! I can't wait to give their new album a listen! Highly encourage you guys to check them out.
14) Egregor - Metamorfosis
Egregor is an alternative/progressive metal band that I discovered a while back that I'm falling in love with. They recently posted all the songs from their album, Karma, on their YT channel and I decided to add a song from it onto my watch later list and this was the lucky one that made it and I'm so glad it did. This song is so great! It has a really great vibe to it and I absolutely love it!
15) Bare Infinity - Hear Me Out
THEY'RE BACK, BITCHES! I've been a big fan of Bare Infinity for many years now. I do miss Angel, but Ida is such a great fit for them, and this song is pure proof of that! This is the first song that they've released off their upcoming album, The Butterfly Raiser (which can I say is an EPIC title and the cover art is GORGEOUS), and I absolutely love it! The hype for this new album is so real. Bare Infinity have definitely evolved into such an amazing band. Always Forever was an amazing album, but I feel like this new sound that they've acquired suits them so well and is absolutely gorgeous! HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!!
16) Never Awake - Wander
Apparently I already came across this song of theirs, but I completely forgot about it lol. I've mentioned these guys once before a while back, but they are a progressive power metal band that I discovered randomly one day and am really enjoying. I think this has to be my favorite song I've heard from them so far. It has this atmosphere to it that I am in love with.
17) Dark Portrait - The Rise of the Anti-Christ feat. Iliana Tsakiraki (Enemy of Reality)
I came across this song while browsing on the metal archives at different songs that Iliana is featured on and came across this symphonic black metal track. This. Is. EPIC. So dramatic and powerful. So much yes. I LOVE the drama that Iliana gives this track and the power of the rest of the band matches hers. It can be hard for bands to not be overshadowed by a guest singer that is dramatic and intense like Iliana, so it's amazing seeing that they matched her drama and intensity with this track. Definitely am going to look more into these guys!
18) Silent Stream of Godless Elegy - Mokoš
I've been obsessed with this song for a while, but I only knew of the live version that Season of Mist shared on their channel a couple years ago. I decided to listen to the album version and fell in love it. It's just as good on the album as it is in that live video. But the thing I LOVE about this version is the choir bits near the end. So beautiful and powerful. I REALLY need to listen to more from this folk doom metal band!
19) Lana Del Rey - Love
This song is everything. It's so beautiful. The video is gorgeous. Just yes. The sound reminds me so much of Born to Die and Paradise and I am hoping she's going back to that sound. That was her best sound in my opinion. Honeymoon and Ultraviolence were good, but Born to Die and Paradise are truly what made me fall in love with Lana. Also, can we talk about the fact that Lana is SMILING while singing in this video?! Listen to this. It's amazing.
20) Corvyx - I Don't Wanna Live Forever feat. JAX (Zayn & Taylor Swift cover)
I remember listening to the original version of this song because people were going on about how amazing it was, but as usual, it was just some mediocre pop bullshit. BUT THIS COVER IS EVERYTHING. It's so pretty and so nice to chill to. It gets stuck in my head rather easily, but I'm not mad about it.
21) Infy - Love Song
GUYS. IT HAS HAPPENED. LGBT REPRESENTATION IS SYMPHONIC METAL!!!! I am LIVING for this music video!!! I have been waiting for a symphonic metal band to do a video centered around the LGBT community for so long. I know Ruins of Elysium have lyrics centered around the community, but this video is GAY. So many gay relationships and makeouts. YES. no. YAAASSSSS!!!! It always makes me beyond happy whenever I see metal music videos with strong LGBT themes because me being not only a metalhead but also bisexual, seeing representation that is so out in the open like in this video, it makes my heart sing. The song is absolutely gorgeous and beyond epic. My favorite song released this year so far, no doubt about it!
That’s it for those weeks! HOPEFULLY I’ll be back to doing shorter lists soon. I’m still working on purging my watch later playlist. Binging shows is not good for my watch later list lol.
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Current Music Obsessions: January 16 - 31, 2017
I got a pretty long list for these two weeks. I came across A LOT of songs and purged my watch later playlist sooooo yeah lol.
Here are the honorable mentions.
The Silent Wedding - A Dream of Choises feat. Tom Englund (Evergrey) Cinq Element - Destiny öOoOoOoOoOo - Bark City (A Glimpse Of Something) Shoot the Girl First - God's Gift (Your Violence) Vetrar Draugurinn - Bleak Earth (demo) Mechina - The Synesthesia Signal Melrose - Hurricane Marcela Bovio - Stars Dark Lunacy - Howl Crystal Gates - Wild Sons of the Earth Terra Tenebrosa - Where Shadows Have Teeth The CNK - Dinner is Ready Hollower - Awakened Seven Kingdoms - Stargazer Class Actress - Bienvenue Hark - Disintegrate Diabulus in Musica - River of Loss She Must Burn - Eclipse Solarus - Shattered Skies On Letting Go - Soul Searching Space Unicorn on Fire - Broken Lose End of Aeon - Endless Agony
So let’s get into the main list now, shall we?!
1) Narwhal Tusk - Making Monsters
I discovered this band a while back through Unknown Power Metal YT and have been quite interested in them since. They’re a female fronted symphonic metal band (so different for me, I know) and I really like their sound so far. This song has more of a power metal feel to it than the last song I heard of theirs (Holding You Deep Inside). Really looking forward to what else these guys bring.
2) The Rinn - I Will Wake 
This is one of those songs you come across expecting one thing, but get something completely different. I originally thought I was going to be listening to some cinematic/emotive/theatrical orchestral stuff like Two Steps From Hell, Globus or Paulo J. Mendes, but no! This is a symphonic power metal band! The cover art threw me right the fuck off! It’s a really great track and I can’t wait to hear more from them, because so far, I’m loving what I’m hearing.
3) Stoneman - Mord ist Kunst 
This song was a random discovery for me. I just saw it in the recommended videos and decided to give it a listen and I really enjoyed it. It’s really hard to find bands the fuse industrial metal and have a good symphonic element that actually sounds good, and this song is just that! It’s also hard (for me that is) to find industrial metal bands from Germany that don’t sound as if they’re trying to be/sound like Rammstein or Oomph!, so it’s a breath of fresh air finding rather different.
4) Lord of the Lost - Liberty in Death feat. Nina Jiers (Neopera) 
I came across this song originally about a year ago, but thanks to my Facebook memories, I was able to rekindle my love for this song. I’m not that much of a fan of LotL, but this song is pretty epic. Once again, it’s an industrial metal band that has a really good symphonic element (or at least to this song) that is done right; and the fact that Nina has more than a line or a verse is really nice. Also, if you guys haven’t done so already, go listen to her band Neopera. Such an EPIC symphonic, gothic metal band that features a tenor on lead vocals! Think of them like a blend between Epica and Therion. HIGHLY recommend them!
5) Jetta - I’d Love to Change the World 
I came across this song while watching the Sense8 Christmas special earlier in January. The version they had in the show was a remix, but I wound up not liking it too much. But this version, the original, is BEYOND amazing! So beautiful and slightly dramatic. Yes. So much yes.
6) Starkill - Piece of Paradise 
Starkill is a symphonic, melodic death metal band with hints of power metal that have started creeping their way into my list of favorites. This song is definitely one of several standouts on the Shadow Sleep album, and it just might be my favorite off it. It’s so beautiful, lovely and slightly catchy. Parker and Sarah’s voices blend so beautifully together on this song. So good. So good.
7) Earthside - A Dream in Static feat. Daniel Topkins (Tesseract) 
I came across this song through Facebook one day. I can’t remember if it was a sponsored ad that popped up because it saw that I liked Tesseract or if Tesseract shared it on their Facebook page. I can’t remember, but I decided to give it a listen and it’s a wonderful song. Beautiful melodies and instrumentals. Such a lovely song to chill out to.
8) Obscure Sphinx - Memories of Falling Down 
This is one of the standout tracks for me on Epitaphs. It’s the true embodiment of post metal: ambient and aggressive/heavy. This song has creeped its way into one of my favorites by them (up in the ranks of Waiting on the Bodies Down the River Floating and Nastiez). It’s great to chill to and starts out very soft and ambient, but then explodes into an aggressive track halfway through and just when you get close to vegging out. If you haven’t done so, check out Epitaphs. It’s not as great as Void Mother in my opinion, but it’s still a great listen.
9) Shattered Skies - The End and the Rebirth 
This is another song that I discovered a while back and rekindled my love for. I was browsing through the Prog playlist I put together for myself a while back and came across this song and fell back in love with it. It’s very proggy, almost dkenty even. It’s a great song to jam out and just really great. And if I’m not mistaken, they just dropped a new song with their new singer. I can’t remember how I felt about it, but just know that they got something new out lol.
10) Divitius - Serpent Skin 
This band is quickly proving to be one of the best bands to come out in a long time. They’re a female fronted djent/progressive metal band from Portland and I am LOVING everything that they are releasing so far. Their music is just so epic, bombastic, but still can get really atmospheric (just listen to Lucid if you want something VERY atmospheric). This song is so epic and powerful and dramatic. I can’t wait to see what else these guys bring, because so far, they are making me lose my shit!
11) Transpherics - Tempus Edax Rerum 
This was a song that I came across on Facebook randomly one day and decided to give it a listen and holy tits is this epic. It’s intense progressive metal, but it’s just cleans. I LOVE it when bands do songs like this. They get so very intense and dramatic without getting very intense and dramatic with vocals and/or instrumentals. Can’t wait to hear more from these guys.
12) Malacoda - The Wild Hunt
Ritualis Aeterna was an EPIC EP (it did make my top 10 favorite EP’s of 2016 after all), but this song definitely takes the cake for being my favorite off it. If you like dark symphonic, power metal bands like Kamelot, you will LOVE these guys. Like it has the perfect blend of darkness, aggression and symphonic, power metal and it’s wonderful. DEFINITELY give these guys a listen!
13) Rave the Reqviem - Azalea
I’ve been a fan of these guys for a few years now, but The Gospel of Nil was the first full length album of theirs I listened to all the way through. It’s really impressive album with intense riffs, a kinda strong symphonic element and all while still being an industrial metal band. From the other songs I’ve heard of theirs that they previously released, this album definitely turned up the metal, and this song is pure proof of that! It’s so epic and intense and not at all what I was expecting from them and I LOVE it! This song is definitely my favorite off the album.
14) Teodasia - Two Worlds Apart feat. Chiara Tricarico (Temperance) and Fabio Polo (on violin) 
Metamorphosis is Teodasia’s first full length album featuring their new lead singer Giacomo (whom is also now Rhapsody of Fire’s new front man) and it’s a pretty solid album. But this song is definitely the stand out track on the album. It’s the ballad and is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. The chorus is everything. It’s so beautiful and elegant and I just can’t handle the beauty. Giacomo and Chiara’s voices blend so beautifully together. And the low notes Giacomo hits. Gurl. Yes. LISTEN TO THIS AND LOVE IT.
15) The Hardkiss - Closer 
This song was just an honorable mention in last month’s video for CMO, but this time a round it’s a full blown obsession. About two weeks into January, this song got stuck in my head and wouldn’t leave for about a week. It’s so good. I mean, The Hardkiss are one of my favorites. I’m also am really liking the slightly more heavy direction these guys are going in. It is a bit odd, considering that they are progressive pop band, but it’s giving them so much more dimension and I am loving it.
16) Temperance - Fragments of Life 
This song right here. Such a wonderful track off the new album. It’s so beautiful! They did really well with the new album, so many great tracks, but this one definitely stands out to me, and I’m not even sure why. It’s not the most eye catching song of theirs, but it’s the execution of it. Somehow they made a rather simple song into such a beautifully epic track.
17) Diabulus in Musica - Marble Embrace 
I about died while listening to Dirge for the Archons. Such an epic album! They definitely outdid The Wanderer (my favorite album of theirs) and turned it the fuck out! So many epic tracks, but this one definitely got stuck in my head the most, which is what makes it an obsession. There’s something about this song that is just so addictive. Such a great song. It’s not my favorite off the album, but it’s definitely an epic one.
18) Diabulus in Musica - St. Michael’s Nightmare (live) 
This version of St. Michael’s Nightmare is a bonus track on Dirge for the Archons and is beyond better than the original (which was already beyond epic). I’m not sure where this performance happened and if they had a live orchestra and choir, but those bits sound beyond spectacular. This version needs to be listened to on blast and with headphones in. Just let the choirs and orchestrations engulf your soul and send you into another dimension. So much yes. HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS!
19) Army of Lovers - Crucified 
I originally discovered this song several years ago through Atargatis’ cover it. They did a REALLY great job with it and made it into this symphonic power metal masterpiece. But the day that I found out that the original was done by this group, I had to give it a listen and see where it all started. Gurl. This shit is EPIC! I LOVE the campiness of the music video and the lip syncing. It’s just, UGGGHHHHHH, so good! Definitely listen to this!
20) Visionatica - Imprinting Lies 
I’ve known of this band for a little while now and found them back when She Wolf was just a simple single and didn’t have a music video. Then when they released Certainty of Benevolence, I knew I had to listen to their debut album Force of Luna. This song right here is probably my second favorite off the album (right behind Certainty of Benevolence). It’s so epic and beautiful and exactly what you want to hear from a symphonic, power metal band on their debut release to get you into them.
21) Omnimar - Out of My Life 
I came across this song in the recommended videos one day and fell in love. I’m not entirely sure if I should label this as industrial or dark electronic music, but what I can say is that it is amazing. There’s something about this simple song that is just beyond beyond. The video for it is also really great. Just give this a listen and watch the video too, you’ll love it.
22) Noveria - Acceptance 
Noveria is a progressive power metal band that I came across a few years ago, and when I saw they were releasing a new album in 2016, I needed to listen to it. This song is definitely one of my favorites off Forsaken. It’s so great and powerful.
23) Aphyxion - Nature of Mankind 
Aphyxion are a melodic death metal band that I came across in the recommended videos one day. At first, I really wasn’t too interested in listening to their new album, Aftermath, but after hearing and seeing the music video for Same Kind of Different, I had to give it a listen! This song is one of my favorites off Aftermath and it’s all because of the bridge. The breakdown with those synths just SLAYS me! Such an epic song and band.
24) Psyborg Corp. - Synthesize
I’ve been a huge fan of these guys since they made their debut a few years ago (The Mechanical Renaissance is one of my favorite EBM albums), so you can understand my shock when I came to find out that they released a synthwave track. I’m not complaining at all, I LOVE synthwave and retrowave, it just threw me off is all since these guys have been releasing harsh EBM for six years and then out of nowhere they drop a synthwave track. It’s the same Psyborg Corp. vocals with some epic synthwave instrumentals happening and is a wonderful song to chill out to.
25) Pryapisme - A la Zheuleuleu 
I have a feeling this band is going to become a new favorite of mine or that their new album is going to be a favorite of 2017. I came across these guys one day when their record label, Apathia Records, dropped some of their new tracks. This song is completely instrumental and is fantastic. It’s almost as if nintendocore (yes, it’s a real thing) and avant-garde metal came together and had this bizarre, seizure inducing arcade music baby and I love it!
26) The Autist - Age of Leviathan feat. Chiara Tricarico (Temperance) 
This band has quickly become a new favorite of mine. With each single they’ve released for their upcoming album, The Coldest Sun, I become more and more hyped for it! This song is nothing simple, but a complete ball buster when it comes to progressive, symphonic metal. Like holy tits, this song is beyond epic. I’m beyond excited to hear this new album, because everything I’ve heard so far is so good. AND they’re going to be releasing a new music video soon featuring Polina Psycheya and Alina Lesnik and I can’t fucking wait!
That’s it for these past two weeks! I know that was A LOT, but like I said, I purged my watch later playlist and got through a lot of shit. Now I just need to purge my list again and also listen to the last albums on my list of 2016 releases. So be prepared for long lists in again in February. I hope you guys enjoy all these songs as much as I did!
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