#not pictured was me falling asleep and not waking up until 3pm when i thought my first attack would take like... 3 hours max
gayandvibin · 2 years
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If there is a way to add more images to artfight attacks I have not discovered it, so @elloratic here is your lovely character once again.
I’ve said it already but aaagh i love their design so much, the way you put together outfits always sticks in my mind.
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atzsslut · 3 years
requested by @let-this-be-a-lesson from this, and this list.
chosen prompt(s) : 
#1 - “Is that my sweater?”
#11 - “If you were my boyfriend/girlfriend/partner, I’d probably never stop staring at you.”
pairing : bang chan x fem ! reader
genre : fluff 
warnings : long time best friends, very obvious crushing, kind of more than friends (unidentified relationship) to lovers, implied slow burn 
word count : 2.4k words
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You promised to meet Chan almost an hour ago. 
The adrenaline coursed through your body as you ran out of the bathroom after a shower, which was relatively dangerous but you didn’t care, sprinting back to your room to get into some decent clothing. 
As you looked at yourself in the mirror, you almost punched it from the frustration. But you didn’t, of course, as if you didn’t have enough bad luck already.  
Are you that stupid to have fallen asleep on the couch? You thought to yourself. You were much too thankful that you already washed your hair in the morning, so it looked good enough now. 
As you dropped your towel, you swore that you’ve never grabbed such a mismatched set of underwear and bra before, but it didn’t matter. You’d opt yourself to become quicksilver if it was for Chan. 
Your hands let themselves skim through until your phone lit up on top of your cupboard and showed three notifications from the man himself. You froze in your spot reading the following messages. 
chan: okay :( if u insist [5:02 PM]
chan: but since u seem tired [5:03 PM]
chan: i’ll pick u up since i’m only 10 mins away [5:03 PM]
Your mind went back to when you had woken up to three missed calls from Chan, various texts asking if you were alright since you never missed a ‘hangout’. At least, that’s what you two always called your frequent meets. 
Your first instinct was to call him back, your voice rather nasally from the blocked nose you always got after sleeping. His kind voice kept replaying in your head;
“Chan, I’m so so sorry-”
“Oh, did you just wake up?”
“I.. yes. Yes I did. I’m so sorry, I fell asleep because I ran a million errands up until 3pm.”
“Hey, no. It’s okay. It’s not your fault. Do you want to move our hangout to some other day? I think I’m quite free this week.”
“No, no. I need to see you, honestly. My stress has piled up and it’ll be great to see you. You always cheer me up.”
“I try my best, Y/N. I’ll wait for you as long as you’d like. Go get ready!”
“Will do, Mr. Bang. Thank you so so much!”
The last thing you heard after the call ended was his farewell that was mixed in with his infectious laugh, and that was when you ran towards the shower to get the thin layer of sweat that always came after a nap in the living room.
Your fingers quickly typed away a ‘did god send u down to me as my angel or smthn THANK U BANG CHAN’ before going back to rushing to pick out a nicer outfit. 
Because of him willing to pick you up, you had an extra ten minutes to get ready but your mind was still blank from the adrenaline rush. You had picked yourself out a cream-coloured pleated skirt, but you had no idea what to pair it with until you saw a familiar black sweater pushed to the back of the drawer. 
You weren’t too sure why it was familiar to you, but it was nice enough for you to use with the skirt. For a reason you couldn’t pinpoint, it hugged your body well enough, but the area where you could see the stitch of the shoulders were clearly too broad for you, falling around the middle of your upper arms. 
Strange, you thought, I don’t remember buying this but it’s so comfortable. 
And just like he said, Chan was there in ten minutes, voice heard through your apartment intercom, asking you to come downstairs. Although you tried to ignore it, you were excited just from hearing his voice through that old system speaker. 
Taking the elevator down to the lobby, you smiled seeing the boy standing around, clearly waiting for you to come down, as he kept shifting his feet. 
It was music to his ears as well when he heard you call out his name. Although he would never admit it, or so he thinks, he swore that he heard a hymn whenever ‘Chan’ spilled from your lips. But he shook that away when he reached in for a side hug. 
“Hey you.” he said, “You look awfully fresh for someone who just woke up.”
“I work my magic.” you boasted, not wanting to admit the fuss you made for him. Since Chan was a bit taller than you, not by too much (which you teased him about, but he only let it be because it was you), you held onto him as well by slinging your arm around his waist. 
And as you both walked to the parking lot at the front, stuck together like two pieces of paper with a hefty amount of glue in the middle, that was when Chan stopped right in front of his car. 
You looked at him with concern, thinking that he’d probably left something inside, “Did you forget something?”  
He paused, looking at you with the face he’d make whenever Felix did something strange. That wasn’t new, but you felt flustered when he let you go and stood in front of you, arms crossed, eyes checking out your whole body. 
You looked at him strange, not understanding what he was doing. Your hand only clutched your bag strap harder, not understanding the situation. But before you could say anything, he cut you off. 
“Is that my sweater?”
And the realization hit you. 
A few months ago, Chan had gone to your place to spend some time with you after not getting to meet you for three weeks. But of course, the two of you did not look at the weather forecast when a rainstorm dawned over the whole of Seoul. 
You insisted that Chan should not be driving in this weather in fear of a accident, but he did have to get his car to the indoor parking lot incase it began to hail. However, once he had gotten back, the umbrella you had given him was soaked and so was he, the two of you getting into a hysterical laughing fit at the state he was in. 
In all seriousness, you did quickly get him out of the clothes he was wearing and washed them, shyly looking away when he directly began to take his shirt off in the living room until you yelled “Chan! I have a bathroom!”
However, as the night passed, after he slept in the same bed as you, finding his arm around your waist in the morning to which he quickly pulled away in surprise— he left with only his jeans and socks that had been dry cleaned. 
“Oh shit, this is your sweater!” you swore, the event having replayed itself in your forgetful mind, “I’ll clean it after this and give it back to you.”
“Oh, no. You look better in it than I do.” he complimented. 
In between your reminiscing, he had clicked the car key, making the vehicle make the familiar unlocking sound and flashing lights. Running over to your side, he opened the door for you. 
“M’lady.” he offered, 
“M’Chan.” you joked, only to laugh for a bit then go in with a murmured, “Sorry that was cheesy.” 
“It was!” he admitted, yelling so you could hear him through the car glass since you closed the door already. He did his little jog over to the drivers seat and went it rather smoothly, not that you were impressed by that. 
“So, arcade?” he asked, smiling when you nodded and tapped excitedly on his dashboard. 
Once again, in ten minutes, the two of you had reached the destination, quickly running out as if the both of you were six, and not in your early 20s. 
As you ran into building, fluorescent hitting your eyes with a familiar nostalgia coming alongside them, much too familiar from the high school days of you and Chan going to another arcade that was already closed down now. 
“So, what do you want to do first?” you asked, as if you didn’t guess the answer already. 
Chan looked forward, scanning the place more and finally seeing a row of big,  bulky, metal boxes that couldn’t be missed. He pointed at them, rather cutely to add, smiling down at you. 
You gave him an excited grin back, happy that you guessed right in your head. You walked ahead, pleased to hear him tread behind you at a faster pace to catch up with you.
Drawing back the curtain, the two of you went inside and swiped the arcade card that you had because of several trips that were forced by your auntie with your little cousins. Luckily, there was still money inside. 
The recognizable ‘twinkling’ sound of the photo booth rang in both your ears, opting you to choose the frame decor, etc. 
And as the screen showed both your faces, a robotic voice was heard through the same speakers at the sides of the booth, stating ‘please move more towards the centre, thank you’ 
But if anyone were to look inside, you and Chan were already considerably close, especially since the bench space wasn’t wide at all. But you side-eyed the boy, scooting closer to him as he did the same to you. 
You felt his arm squish against yours, feeling flustered at the sudden contact. 
“Can..uh..” he trailed, “Can I put my arm around you? I.. I think it’ll make the pictures look less awkward, don’t you think?”
“Y-yeah!” you responded a bit too enthusiastically. Clearing your throat, you gave him the gentle smile that he could never hate, “Yeah. Go ahead, Chan.”
He did as he asked. Unlike the playful hug that you two had shared in your apartment lobby, this one felt more intimate, especially when you saw the screen reflecting the two of you. 
You could feel his rings dig against his cotton sweater on your body, assuming now that it was yours, comfortable enough for you to feel secure— at home. Nevertheless, you always felt that Chan was your home. 
Your eyes fixated on the screen as you moved forward to press the red button that would soon make you both take simultaneous pictures together. 
We look good together, you thought to yourself, Wait what? Shut up. 
But why did this feel different? You two had taken hundreds of photos together, varied with ridiculous, attractive, and unnecessary ones. But you swallowed that wondering lump in your throat, quickly dismissing it as you posed with Chan for each one, your vision rather blurry for a reason you couldn’t pinpoint. 
And as the twelve clicks ended, Chan stood up first. You were quite upset about the absence of his embrace, but didn’t mind it when he smiled at you like he always did,
“Let’s see the pictures.” he held his hand out for you to take, which you graciously did, feeling the pit of your stomach drop as you, as per usual, questioned what your relationship with him was at this point. 
The two pairs of feet, albeit the both of you were wearing matching shoes on accident, met their way towards the printing area. Looking at the screen which read 99% complete, Chan heard the sound of the photo paper hit the stopper that avoided the prints from falling on the ground. 
He bent down and took it, showing it to you. Naturally, your arms went around his left bicep, hugging it to look closer. Chan sucked in his breath, knowing that if he was in a cartoon right now, his brown head of hair would be sticking up in all places as a silhouette of his heart pumped dramatically out of his chest. 
It was ironic, as most of your friends would say; it was ironic how you two hugged often but got shy whenever your hands would simpy graze, it was ironic how you two were so affectionate yet were so resistant, and it was very ironic that your ‘hangouts’ weren’t dates at this point. 
He watched as you pointed at his face from top to bottom, questioning, 
“You’re not even facing the camera in most of these! Stop looking at me and look at the lens next time. Do you want to retake these?”
Your question wasn’t too hard, but you didn’t understand why Chan looked at you with such solemn eyes, his eyebrows knitted together as if he was frustrated. But the look was soon replaced with one that held adoration, but that only increased your confusion. 
“I mean.. we don’t have to retake these, Chan. What do you want to do?” 
“If you were my girlfriend, I’d probably never stop staring at you.”
He didn’t know why he said that. Not a bone in his body was willing to let that out but his mind decided to play a little game of “thinking out loud”. The impulsivity of the statement made the two of your freeze in front of the photo booth.
But there was something that the both of you knew, something that neither of you wanted to admit. You had been friends for too long, had been too close for too long, but what was different now?
Why, after more than ten years of being best friends, was now the best time for you two to be together? 
But something resided within you, and in Chan as well. This was to atone for all the pain you two had experienced without one another. You and Chan always wondered why you’ve always loved, but never been in love truly. All this time, the person that was it from the start was right in front of your faces, but pent up denial never allowed it to happen. 
Until now. 
Somewhere, somehow, this was the universe’s way of telling you that today was that day. You woke up late, wore his sweater, and Chan had slipped up with his thoughts aloud. It made sense. 
So, you took a small step forward. 
It felt as if the gravity between your feet and floor was much heavier than before, especially watching Chan’s jaw clench out of nervousness, but you knew it was just you mustering up a ton of courage to finally ask, 
“Who’s stopping you from asking?” 
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diegos-butt · 3 years
Electricity chapter 4
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Summary: For the first time in her life, Melody Williams is moving out of her hometown to Minnesota where she got a job as a crime journalist for the Minnesota Daily. But this city does not only have a new job for her to offer. What will happen when she crosses paths with detective Walter Marshall? Heads up, a little electricity is involved ✨
Walter Marshall x Melody Williams (Curvy OFC)
Warnings: mention of murder, a bit of fighting
Wordcount: 3.9k
A/N: don’t do anything reckless y’all. Let me know what you think of this chapter. 😘
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3
Somehow the universe was on my side for once. Once I got home, I noticed I had a new text message. I was surprised to see that it was from Walter. He asked if I got home safe. What a gentleman.
I figured he just wanted to make sure I got home safe, I didn’t think too much of it. If anything, I didn’t think we would end up texting each other for three days in a row. Did I wish that would happen? Yes. Did I actually believe it could happen? Definitely no. I wasn’t the only one who couldn’t believe it.
“Have you been texting with him again last night?” Gia asked when she saw me yawn and stretch my arms out above me. We were having a slow morning at work, and this was the third time she showed up at my desk.
“Maybe,” I smirked. Even though it started a little awkward, we were still texting. After I had texted him back that I got home safe, and he send a thumbs up emoji, it was silent for a moment. I had thought about what I could possibly text him next. I grabbed my phone to compose a text when a new message already popped up.
Walter: Still sure you want to live here?
A smile had formed on my face. He thinks he is funny huh. I was wondering what I could text back, and I thought to myself: what would I tell my friends to text back in a situation like this? Normally, I would never listen to my own flirting advice, but at that moment, I did.
Melody: Might stick around. Heard the detectives in town are quite something.
Since then, we had been texting constantly. Alright, maybe not constantly, we were both busy during the day, but we spend a good amount of the late evening texting. We got to know each other a little better. I told him about my family, and I shared a few awkward stories. For example, I told him about the time I was too stubborn to put on sunscreen during the summer, and I got sunburned to bad, I would never forget to apply it ever again. I still apply it every day, even in the winter.
In return he told me all about the shenanigans he pulled as a kid, and that he had a kid himself, Faye. At first, I was a little bit surprised, but then I figured we would have a babysitter once we would get children. Mel, get it together. You are not even dating him, you don’t even know if he likes you and you are already thinking about having children with him?! Our kids would look damn cute though..
“Earth to Mel! Stop daydreaming for once, and get some work done.” Carmen laughed and threw a pen at me, which I skilfully dodged, but it did wake me up from my little daydream.
“There is nothing to do! No development in the murder case and that’s all I am covering right now,” I said and spun around in my chair. “I am so bored right now, I don’t even know what to do.”
“Text your man, see if he has any new information?” Gia suggested.
“Hmm, he avoided talking about the case. Maybe they are having trouble getting a match with the murderer on that dating app.” I had told them about what happened the other day at the police station. I might have a hearing problem now because they had screamed so loud, I’m convinced the entire building heard them. It’s safe to say, they were very excited and convinced he liked me.
“Besides, he’s not my man!” I said while throwing the pen I picked up back at Carmen. “I mean, I wish, but he is so out of my league.”
“No one is out of your league, and I swear he’s into you. I saw the way he looked at you at the bar and at the crime scene. I have an eye for these things, trust me,” Carmen said and dodged the pen as well.
“Whatever,” I sighed. I spun around in my chair a few more times before an idea popped up in my head. “Guys, what if we set up an account on that dating app?”
“And then what? Meet with a creep? No thank you,” Gia said with a disgusting look on her face.
“I’m not a fan of that plan either. Please don’t do something like that Mel. Don’t do anything stupid. That could be very dangerous, and you know it,” Carmen agreed.
“It’s not like I’m actually going to meet him. I just want to see if I can figure out what profile he is using this time.” I stood up and looked out of the window. I oversaw the city, the sky was grey, and it was slightly raining. “Alright, fine. Can one of you give me something to do in that case? Otherwise I will make a dating profile.”
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Later that day I laid in bed, trying to sleep. It was 1am and I had been trying to sleep for two hours, but I was still wide awake. I felt restless and didn’t know what I could do to fall asleep. I had tried to drink some tea, didn’t help. I watched an episode of The Office, didn’t help either. It also didn’t help Walter hadn’t texted me back for hours now. I wondered if he was already getting tired of me.
You know, I could, maybe, possible, just make an account on that dating app and swipe for a while. Maybe I would come across someone that matches the profile that the murderer would use. Gia and Carmen will probably kill me though.
I grabbed my phone. I hesitated for a second, but I downloaded the dating app. After I made an account and uploaded some cute selfies, I finally got to do some swiping. The most guys that came up were pretty basic. They didn’t spike my interest at all. They were the typical white boy, all with the same haircut and they looked like they did not only skip legday, also arm- and chestday. Half of them also posed proudly with a fish they had caught. As if that’s something girls like. Too bad none of these men look a little like Walter.
I also came across a few good looking, decent guys. I knew that was not what the police were looking for, so I swiped them to the left. The next profile was of a guy who was way too good looking. He also only had one picture. It was obviously that this picture was stolen from a model. The bio creeped me out a little. He said he liked to hike in nature, and he enjoyed the silence. You enjoy the silence? Are you trying to creep me out on purpose or what? I swiped him to the right. It was weird but I felt like this could be the one the police were looking for.
I swiped for a little while longer. Swiping a few sketchy looking profiles to the right until I felt my eyelids drop. Yawning, I put my phone aside and finally fell asleep.
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The next morning my alarm woke me up. I stretched out after I turned the alarm off and grabbed my phone. There were a few messages, one of them was from Walter, but what spiked my interest was that I had a few matches on the dating app. I wanted to check it out, but I noticed I had to get out of bed and take a shower if I wanted to be at work on time.
After I had showered and got dressed, I grabbed my phone. The first message I opened was from Walter. He had texted me at 3am.
Walter: We were working late today, no breakthrough in the case. Missed texting with you, can I make it up by calling you tonight?
My heart skipped a few beats. He wanted to call? With me?! I stared at the message for a few seconds while I felt some butterflies flying around in my stomach. Okay, no need to freak out. He just wants to call, he is not proposing. Yet….
Melody: I missed texting with you too. And of course, you can call me tonight. I look forward to it.
Before I could overanalyse my response, I hit send. Take a deep breath Mel. No need to read into this too much. I checked my other messages and texted my mom and Gia back. My mom wanted to know how I was doing, and Gia needed an approval of her outfit of the day.
I walked to the kitchen and grabbed some milk and cereal. While I was eating my breakfast, I noticed the notifications from the dating app. There were a few new matches, and one of them had send a message. It was from the guy with the creepy profile. His name was John. Millions of people are named John, you could’ve at least been a bit more creative while choosing a name.
John: What do you say good looking? Let’s skip the talking stage and just meet up?
I shivered at the thought of meeting up with this guy, but he could be the one they’re looking for, right? I decided to just go to work and deal with it later.
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The workday was slow and boring. I finished a few articles but spend most of my time gossiping with Gia about our favourite celebrities which annoyed Carmen at first, because she wanted to get some work done, but eventually she joined us. I also told them about Walter’s text from that morning. If I weren’t sure I already had a hearing problem from their screams before, I sure as hell would have one now. Those girls made sounds so high, I’m surprised the windows didn’t crack.
The rest day went by slow, and before I knew it the clock showed me it was 3pm. I had decided to not tell Gia and Carmen about the fact I downloaded the dating app and was considering meeting with ‘John’. I mean, I would inform Walter about it. I wasn’t a complete idiot. No need to stress those girls out. Why would I?
My phone buzzed and I picked it up. Another message from ‘John’.
John: What’s it going to be beautiful?
I thought about it, and what could go wrong? I would inform the police, aka Walter. Besides that, I can put up a fight. It’s not like I am a damsel in distress. Plus, the upside of being a little bigger; I’m harder to kidnap, you got to be pretty strong to even lift me up. I shrugged my shoulders and texted him back.
Melody: Sure.
Short, but clear. I looked around the office, Gia and Carmen both sat at their desks typing on their computers. They had no idea what I was doing. They would probably kill me, right here right now. Before I could change my mind about not telling them, my phone buzzed again.
John: Tonight, 7pm? A new bar just opened up, we could get a drink there.
The rest of the message contained the address of the place. I googled it before I answered. The website of the place popped up, and as I suspected, it was clearly a fake website. Bingo. I texted him back, saying I agreed with his plan.
The rest of the hours I had to spend at the office went by surprisingly quick. Soon people were starting to leave, and so were Gia, Carmen and me. We parted ways in the entrance hall, and I drove home. Once I was home, I looked in the fridge, and I came to the conclusion I had forgotten to do groceries. Again.
I wasn’t in the mood to order take out, so I quickly drove to the supermarket. Unfortunately, unlike last time, I didn’t ran into Walter. Shit, I still have to text him about my meeting with ‘John’. I’ll do it once I get back home.
I drove back home and started making dinner. After I ate dinner, and did the dishes, I looked at the clock. It was already 6.30pm and I had to leave soon. Glaring down at my outfit, I decided I wanted to wear something more comfortable. I went to my bedroom and stood in front of my closet. I grabbed an old pair of jeans and a simple long-sleeved black tee. No way I’m going to dress pretty for this guy. Wait, what if he actually is the guy from the picture? Nah, not gonna happen. Shit, I still need to text Walter.
I needed to hurry up and put the tee on. While putting on the jeans, I suddenly heard a sound I didn’t like to hear. I look down and saw the jeans have ripped in the area between my thighs. Thick thighs save lives? They sure as hell don’t save jeans. I thought while throwing them across the room. Quickly I grabbed another, old, pair of jeans and put it on. I put my shoes on and fixed my hair.
I ran into the living room again and grabbed my jacket. With my car keys and phone in one hand, I locked the door behind me with the other one and made my way to my car. 6.45pm, right on time. I started the car and drove off.
While I stood in front of a red light, I remembered I hadn’t texted Walter. Shit. Contemplating what to do, I decided to call him. He didn’t answer. Shit. I left a voicemail instead. The red light turned green and I continued driving. Once I had to stop in front of another red light, I decided to text him as well. I noticed how the streets around me became emptier and emptier.
The street where I was supposed to meet ‘John’ was dark and pretty empty. The sun was settling down, making it even darker. I parked my car at a parking lot and checked my phone. No response from Walter. Not yet at least. I was alone in the parking lot and decided to wait for a few minutes.
Alright, maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. Maybe this was pretty dumb. And why did I forgot to text Walter. Why couldn’t I have done that sooner?! You know what, I’m just gonna go. This was dumb. And reckless.
But before I could start my car, someone opened my door. A man stood there, he was tall but not very muscular and he did not look like the profile picture at all. He looked at me with a creepy grin that made me regret doing this.
“Hello there, nice to meet you. I’m John and you must be Melody. Why don’t you step out of the car?” he said. I didn’t knew what to say, so I nodded and wanted to step out, but he spoke again. “Why don’t you leave that phone of yours here, we don’t need it do we?”
I knew I had to play by his rules. So, I left my phone and stepped out. He took the keys out of my hands and locked my car. I tried to keep thinking straight. Walter should be here soon, right?
John kept talking to me in the meanwhile. He kept telling me how pretty I was and how glad he was to meet with me. I stopped listening when I heard my phone go off in the car. Walter. If that is not him but my mom, I will do something to her.
“Come on, let’s get away from that car, shall we? The bar is right around the corner,” he spoke. We were the only people in the parking lot. I noticed he had parked his car a few feet away from me. Something was definitely not right.
“You know, I’m actually good here. Could you give me my car keys back though?” I asked. I knew he wouldn’t, but I had to stall. I really hoped the police would show up anytime now.
“Ah please? Just one drink?” He took a step closer to me and grabbed my wrist. I quickly twisted my wrist, releasing it from his grip. He looked at me with an unpleased look, and I suddenly felt a presence behind me. Never sneak up on me you dumbass. I thought as I felt the presence got closer.
Once I felt someone was right behind me, I didn’t waste another second. I took a step to the right and shoved my elbow straight into the guy’s nose with full force. He grunted in pain and when I looked behind me, I saw he grabbed his bloody nose with both his hands.
“Creepy Greg from finance?!” I say surprised. “Could have seen that one coming.”
“You bitch!” the guy in front of me yelled. He raised his fist and threw it at my face. Well, he attempted it. I dodged it and slammed my fist into his face instead.
“Sorry, that might leave a mark,” I smiled.
Creepy Greg from finance was still standing behind me, crying, and telling me I broke his nose and that I would pay for it. Make me.
I looked back at the other guy, and he swung his arms at me again, trying to hit me. I ducked to the side a few times, avoiding being hit. Sadly, I couldn’t escape all his attempts to hit me. His fist met the left side of my face. I felt my blood boiling from anger. I took a deep breath and raised my fists. While I was about to throw a punch, I heard loud noises. Cars. Thank God, they’re here.
Before I could comprehend what was going on, policemen were already running towards us. One tackled creepy Greg and a familiar figure tackled the other guy and threw a hard punch in his face. This is not supposed to turn me on. At all.
Walter got up and handed the guy over to another cop. The guy looked at me in disgust, but I didn’t see it. My eyes were focussed on Walter. He closed the gap between us by taking two passes.
“First of all, that was insanely stupid and dangerous and very dumb. This was reckless behaviour! But we will discuss this later,” he said vigorously.
“Yeah, I figured,” I said. I opened my mouth to continue speaking, but he spoke first.
“Are you alright? Are you hurt?” he said with a concerned look in his blue eyes, and his hand caressed the cheek that had been hit. As his rough, calloused fingers touched my skin I felt a spark of electricity going down my spine. His other hand found its way to my waist, and he pulled me a little closer to him. His body radiated a welcoming warmth, and I smelled his familiar musky cologne.
“I’m fine, just got hit once. You should see creepy Greg’s nose,” I snickered.
“I did, and you sure know how to throw a punch,” he smiled. “I’m glad you’re okay. And I’m glad you called and texted me. I’m sorry I missed the call. If I hadn’t missed it none of this would have happened.”
“No, don’t be sorry. This was a pretty stupid, reckless plan and I should have called sooner,” I quickly answered.
“It was indeed reckless and stupid,” he sighed. “Look, we need to take your statement. Why don’t I take you home after?”
“I’d like that, but my car is here,” I said while pointing at it. His hand left my cheek, but his other hand remained on my waist. He was so close to me, and I felt so comfortable despite what happened a few minutes prior.
“We’ll take care of that, don’t worry.” He grabbed my hand, interlaced his fingers with mine and guided me to one of his colleagues. My heart was racing and skipped a few beats at the same time. His hand felt warm and comforting. I never wanted to let go.
We reached his colleague and he started asking me questions and he squeezed my hand before letting go. He walked away to speak to some of his other colleagues and I immediately missed his hand, it felt like mine had fitted perfectly in his.
I told his colleague what happened, and I could see he thought it was really reckless, but I also saw in his eyes he was kind of impressed. He complimented me on how I stayed calm, but he did tell me to never do anything like this again.
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Once he dismissed me, I looked around for Walter. I noticed him already walking towards me, and he offered me a little smile.
“So, Liam is going to take your car down to the station and I will drive you home, alright?”
“Thank you,” I smiled at him. “Can I get something from my car? My phone and keys are still in there.”
After we got my stuff out of the car, he pointed at a big truck. We walked towards it in silence, and he placed his hand on my lower back. Oh god, please keep that hand there forever. Okay, I might be incredibly touch starved.
Unfortunately, we reached the car too soon and his hand left my back to open the door for me. I climbed in and he closed it. He walked around the truck, took place behind the drivers’ wheel, and started the car. While he drove into the street he asked for my address.
We sat in silence next to each other, the radio softly hummed a rock song. I looked out of the window, it was dark and suddenly I realized that what I had done tonight, could have ended badly. Really badly.
“Hey, are you okay?” Walter put his hand on my thigh but when I looked at him, his hand shot up to my cheek to wipe a falling tear away.
“Yeah, yeah. Just realizing that this maybe wasn’t a smart thing to do,” I offered him a small smile. His hand left my cheek and found its way back to my thigh. The warmth coming from it spread throughout my entire body and I didn’t think twice and placed my hand on top of his. He turned his hand around and interlaced his fingers with mine for the second time that night.
He smiled at me and focussed on the road again. We were near my home, but I did not want to be alone now. Heck, I wanted to be near him. I didn’t want him to go. It felt so good to just be around him. I have never felt so comfortable around someone so quickly.
He parked the truck in front of my apartment building, not letting go of my hand.
“So, we’re here,” I mumbled. He grunted in response. We sat in the truck in silence for a few more minutes until it started to rain. I knew it was now or never, he was not going to offer going inside with me. Not after what happened. Perhaps he thought I wanted to be alone.
I felt anxious, but I decided to just ask it.
“Could you stay with me for a while?” I avoided looking at him, but he squeezed my hand and his other hand gently grabbed my chin, making me look into his eyes.
“Sure thing doll.”
> chapter five
Taglist: @keanureevesisbae / @klaine-92 / @xxxkatxo / @stxlemate / @oddsnendsfanfics / @amberangel112 / @seriouslygoodlookinggents / @sillyrabbit81 / @pixie88 / @cynic-spirit / @rn7rocks / @daddys-littlewhitegirl / @little-brattyangel / @omgkatinka / @myloveforhenrycavill / @eldarwen333 / @kebabgirl67
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g0ldengubler · 4 years
chapter two~a mysterious night
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(*i do not own this gif*)
A/N: aaaaaaa i know i know i went from a really long chapter to a filler, but at least y'all get some backstory to how Y/N feels and thinks! thank you guys so much for the love on chapter 1! it seriously means a lot :’) also, i’ve been asked about a taglist and that was the one note i completely forgot about. i’m unfamiliar with them so if someone could message me what taglists are and what its purpose is that would be amazing! don’t worry though, those who have asked about it will be put on once i get to it, just ask for your patience. ok, enjoy the next chapter :)
Category: fluff
CW: there’s a bit of smut in here and mentions of weed and hangovers, but other than that it’s just a pure fluffy filler :)
Word Count: 2065
before you read | last chapter | next chapter
You woke up the next day feeling so/so. You didn't feel hungover because you were smart and had lots of water in between drinks, probably because your mouth would get dry whenever you got even more high. You look over to the other side of the couch and see Spencer, still asleep. He was hugging his book bag like he did on the jet when he took a nap. You quietly get out your phone and check up on anything you might've missed, which even though you had a lot of notifications from tweets and story updates, nothing was there for you to click on it quickly and check it out. You open your photos app and look at the pictures and short videos you took from last night. You always documented every party, every time you hung out with another human being, because those moments meant a lot to you. You didn't get them often in life.
You swipe along, remembering how the night ended. After Spencer got out of the bathroom, everything went back to normal, like that little thing he did never happened. You finished the game and then Garcia got up with Morgan and they started dancing to the music that was still playing. They invited everyone else to get up and dance, too and that you did.  You danced with Spencer, but not in a seductive way. You were both being goofy and doing stupid moves that made everyone else in the room question you. You were even showing him ones that people do online and he wasn't getting it at all because he doesn't use social media. It was so hilarious you almost peed your pants from laughing so hard. If this was a sober event would you laugh that much? Probably not, but you couldn't help it. Jj was passed out through the whole dance party and Emily eventually did as well, snuggling with her. When you looked over to see them, they were still in the same positions they were last night.
Garcia walks in with some tea and Advil. "Oh good, I had a feeling you'd be awake!" She whispered.
She hands you a very colorful mug with pink and purple tie dye pattern and unicorns all over it. You told her thank you and took the Advil. "Oooo, pumpkin spice my favorite!" you said after taking a sip. "I had a feeling," she said, "You give me fall vibes through and through."
"Are you sure you're not a profiler as well, Penelope?"
Garcia chuckled. "I mean, when you work with them for over a decade, some it rubs right onto you."
Slowly everyone else woke up and you helped Garcia handing out the aid. Spencer woke up last and as you handed him his Advil and tea, he spoke raspy, "I haven't had a headache like this in months."
"I'm sure you'll live." you said, roughing up his hair a bit more than it already was. You check the time and your phone and stood up quickly. "Hey, I'm sorry guys I know we were planning on going to breakfast but I feel more tired than I should so I think I'm gonna go take a nap at my place."
"I can give you a ride." said Spencer.
"Yeah, that'd be great, Thanks Spence!"
You say goodbye to everyone and thanked Garcia for a wonderful night. She promised that this night can happen again with the girls on Friday night and you were all in for it. You walked out with Spencer and got in his car and drove home. It was quiet at first. You kept looking over at him, thinking about last night, wanting more of his touch, even more than his touch. You needed him, but you knew that it probably won't happen again.
"So, you remember anything about last night?" you asked him, trying to be normal about it but you could feel yourself failing.
"I do actually," he said, "I never knew this about myself, but even as messed up as I was, my eidetic memory still worked."
You began to blush as your eyes grew a bit wide. So he remembers what we did then? You thought to yourself. You were silent again the rest of the way there. You were pretty close to your apartment when all of a sudden you felt a hand rest on your thigh. You look up to see it was Spencers, but you didn't flinch. You didn't want to be obvious and ruin everything. You stayed quiet until he spoke, "I also remember the fun we had in Garcia's room."
To your surprise, you were already back at your place. You went to the back to grab your bags and went to the passenger window. "Thank you again, Spence!"
"Anytime you did a ride, I'll be your chauffeur!"
You both smiled and you waved goodbye. You started walking to the front door when Spencer called out for you again. "Y/N wait!"
You turn around, confused as to what he was gonna say. You didn't think it would be...
"Call me when you wake up, I have something planned for us tonight if you're down."
A Couple Hours Later
"Spence, don't stop!"
He kept going, not going off beat as he made you scream for him. You could feel your stomach in knots. You were ready for him. You needed him inside you. He was making you scream, begging him for it. He gave you a dark smile. He was really enjoying the sight of you so helpless and being a little brat.
You could  tell he was close by his cock twitching.
"Spencer I'm close pleeeasseee!" you beg.
"Cum for me.  Be a good girl and cum for daddy." he growled.
It was building up and building up. You were ready....
*Ding Ding*
You wake up to your phone going off. How long had you been asleep. You slowly grab your phone and see that it was 3pm. Not too bad you guessed. You saw you had a couple of text messages from the BAU group chat, sharing the pictures from last night. You remembered what happened on the way home, yet you couldn't remember  the dream you just had. Shit, you said you'd call him.
You go to the group chat and click on his name to call. As it rings, you get nervous as to what he had in mind of doing.
"Hello?" (A/N: Think of that one audio on tik tok where he starts of with saying hello and then it goes to 'baby hotline' lol)
"Spence, hey! It's Y/N."
"Oh hey Y/N! I have something fun planned if you want to hang out tonight."
"What's that?"
He was quiet for a moment, then spoke again but sounded unsure of himself. "Now that I'm thinking about it, I'm not sure if you'd find it fun. It might be boring but um...would you want to get high and walk around DC?"
You thought for a moment. This wasn't a bad idea, but part of you was kind of surprised that he asked you. He could've asked Jj or Emily or Garcia since she was the one who gave you the pens. Why would he ask the newbie? Then you remembered that he said he remembered everything from last night...
"Sure," you said, "sounds fun! What time were you thinking?"
"Let's say 10pm? You know that park that's on Jefferson?"
"Yeah, I remember seeing it when I gave myself a little tour of the city."
"What?!" He sounded shocked, but he could've just been playful. Why would anyone be shocked at you? "You did a tour by yourself?"
"Well yeah silly, I gave myself a tour the day before my first!"
"Ok, that's it. Our walk around the city will now be an official tour and I'll be your official tour guide!"
You let out a little laugh. "Ok, "pretty boy", I'll take you up on that."
"Great! I'll see you there at 10!"
You said your goodbyes and hung up. Spencer sounded more confident than when you first met him. You thought that he would be the shy and awkward type that would take days, even weeks, to ask someone to even hang out with him, let alone go on a date. Wait, was this a date? No. A date would be like fancy dinner with expensive wine and then either going somewhere after that or back to either place and have sex. This was just two friends getting high and hanging out, you finally convinced yourself, Like anyone, even Spencer for that matter, would like you enough to take out on a date.
So now, you had 7 hours to not overthink and play in your head how you think this would go. This was the time to pretend like it was just something in your planner that you wrote down to do for the day. You wondered why you were so flustered and nervous to hang out with someone, acting like it was a date. Did that little scandalous event you had last night really affect you that much? You told yourself to snap out of it a few times before going into the kitchen to make yourself something to eat.
Once you had your food, you grabbed a beer and headed to the couch to continue rewatching Murder, She Wrote on Netflix. You didn't watch much tv, but when you do it's mostly crime shows, Rupaul's Drag Race, or old sitcoms like Golden Girls. Murder, She Wrote had always been your comfort show. It something you went to when having a bad day or you were nervous about something. Anything negative you felt, you turned on the show and think about living like Jessica when you retired. Moving to a small town on the east coast, writing stories and making friends with everyone. The more you thought about it, the more you realized that you wanted to be like Rossi, too.
And there you were, for 3 hours hours before you took the remaining four you had left to get ready.
10pm-Jefferson Park
You make your way into the park. It was chilly, dark, and peaceful, something you admired about the night. You had gotten ready before, but didn't do anything special. You wore your grandpa sweater with black mom jeans and your vans. Your makeup was your everyday, wings with a nude pink lip. You didn't dress so exciting because you were just hanging out with someone, so you didn't worry about it much. Sitting on a bench waiting, you start to play a game on your phone to take your mind off from running in circles. After ten minutes, you heard your name being called out. "Y/N?"
You look over to see Spencer, long hair and all. He wore a brown sweater with jeans and black converse. He almost looked like he was ready to head into the BAU at anytime, which you thought cute of his aesthetic. He came over by you, hands gripped to his book bag strap, smiling awkwardly but with a bit of excitement.
"Hey, Spence!" you said, waving at him. He just stood in front of you as you talked for a minute.
"Did you walk here?" He asked.
"Yeah," you said, "I live pretty close to here actually. Didn't realize that until tonight."
"Oh really? Me too! I just live half a block away."
You both awkwardly laughed and then went awkwardly silent until he said, "Um, I know a spot we could sit at before we start walking."
"Lead the way, Doctor!" you say as you get up.
He takes your hand in his and runs for a bit. You didn't know he was gonna drag you along, but you could tell that from that moment on, this was going to be a ride; A fun ride full of adventures.
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messrmarauder · 5 years
sup’ share your remadora headcanons pls
i have too many, here we go!
‘amused, impressed, smitten’ happened so damn fast because they spent so much time together doing order work and she would come over to try and cheer up sirius a lot
they get on straight away, always laughing and joking and they flirt but it’s a joke, it’s a just a joke.. right?
so he was basically completely in love with her within a month
he doesn’t know it though because they’re just friends, right? and friends think about friends all the time right? like all day? and all night? and friends can’t sleep because friends winked at them at 3pm? and friends feel their heart shatter when someone subtly teases their friend about someone that may or may not be another man? and friends secretly switch shifts around so they’re on the same guard watch and missions together? and friends walk each other home all the time? even though it’s a 40 minute walk each way and its far easier to floo but if she floos he wont get that kiss on the cheek that he thinks about the entire walk home and then regrets it because its creepy isn’t it? because she’s so young? and she doesn’t know that he’ll lay in bed and think about it for hours wondering why he cares so much  but they are just friends
then one day he’s writing her a letter, about something that doesn’t matter and is definitely something that doesn’t require a letter to be sent to her while she’s at work, but he’ll find any excuse at this point. and it just hits him, he thought something to himself about how even thinking of her made his entire day and it sounds far too similar to something james had once said about lily when he was trying to explain how he knew she was the one
he panics. he panics hard. he sits for hours completely still just wondering what the fuck he can do, until he decides to write to dumbledore saying he has to leave London, he can’t face her loving someone else, he thinks he would literally explode. but he calms himself down, there’s a war, harry needs him. so he bins the letter. he knows she would never think of him like that so he feels no guilt being her friend. because theyre just friends.
and the worst part is, to her, they really are just friends. it creeps up on her slowly, rather than being hard and fast like it was for him.
so for the most part, theyre just really close friends, joking and flirting, and he’s hiding the fact he’s completely in love with her and she doesn’t know but sometimes looks at him a bit suspiciously at the things he does or says that are a bit too soft and a bit too caring. but he slowly becomes her best friend
the order can tell straight away, its pathetic, he’s a mess around her despite them being so comfortable around each other. what they don’t see is that he literally pines for her. at 35. listening to all those songs about love knowing he’ll never have it
he’s badly jealous and can get quite nasty and judgemental if she has a date or talking about her exes. he used to really like bill, they get on great and he’s a good laugh, but he doesn’t speak to him for 3 weeks after finding out he and tonks had a drunken night once years ago and repeatedly tells sirius he’s a self-obsessed prick and hints to molly that bill needs a haircut. he used to support the montrose magpies until he found out tonks used to see the current captain, they never win anyway, remus thinks it’s probably because of him
molly even sits tonks down for a strong word about ‘being careful with him and letting him down gently because none of us need a broken heart in this war’ and tonks just laughs but she does start to notice what the rest of the order sees but she thinks maybe he’s just got a little crush and that’s fine because maybe she thinks he’s cute too? maybe
she falls for him way after he has and its not as terrifying, she doesn’t even think about it. it just sort of dawned on her one that that’s what it was, the thing they had going on, it made sense 
she tells her friends about this guy from her ‘duelling team’ to secretly get advice on him 
they end up together about 3 months before sirius dies after 100 ‘almost kisses’ and cuddling in bed as ‘friends’ because ‘the other rooms don’t have heating charms’ and holding hands because ‘she falls a lot padfoot, shut up’
there’s a fight with the death eaters and they think each other have been hit so when its finally over they’re running and screaming for each other until they dramatically run into each other’s arms and kiss and its all very romantic until mad eye shouts ‘HANDS OFF MY AUROR LUPIN’ and they break away and grin at each other
the next few months are bliss and they’re rarely apart, sirius moved from teasing remus about fancying her to glaring at him and giving him ‘the big brother talk’. remus quickly tells him to fuck off but tonks thinks its hilarious.
tonks friend finds out about them because he’s visiting her while she recovers after being really badly injured in the department of mysteries. she doesn’t take it well and starts telling tonks she’s crazy etc and tonks is like fuck off then bigot
but it reminds remus of how people see him and therefore how they will now start to see her. he’d never really thought about it because he never imagined them actually being together because it seemed so unrealistic. now he’s in full meltdown mode about what he could actually give her, which coincidentally, is nothing
they fight about it. they break up. remus decides to go and spy since that’s all he can offer the world. tonks is sent to guard hogsmeade/hogwarts since she’s not fit for detective duties.
he announces in a order meeting that he’s leaving and that’s how she finds out. he says he has nothing to lose when someone mentions the danger. it just makes her angrier, that she’s sitting there loving him, but he says there’s nothing for him. she says she loves him when he leaves. quite angrily. and disapparates before he can react
he shows up on her doorstep less than a month later, face black and blue, filthy, teeth missing, broken bones, after being caught out. he expects her to shudder and be disgusted when she opens the door but she kisses him. she starts to clean him up when he says he had to come back to tell her he loved her, he didn’t want to die without saying it. he says it 400 times that night, he can’t stop.
he leaves the next morning while she’s asleep and doesn’t say goodbye. this is the start of the ‘grief fucking’. something happens, he comes back, kissing her, saying life’s too short, that they need each other, he ‘stays the night’, she thinks they’ll be fine but he leaves in the middle of the night every time, and she breaks all over again. he knows its not fair and promises himself that he won’t do it next time someone dies but he does because he needs her
dumbledore told him to take something with him while he’s spying that will make him feel human and keep him sane. so he takes a picture of her, he’s scared he’ll forget her smile. but they find it, the werewolves, and he’s come back smelling of her one too many times so greyback decides he’s going to teach him a lesson about running away to witches. remus finds out about it and sends word that she needs to be hidden immediately
he goes to see her to explain he needs to be completely cut off from her and she needs to deny all knowledge of him, he needs to fully be isolated from the wizarding world for this mission to work. but she’s seen what this mission has already done to him, he’s a mess, physically, mentally, he talks of himself as if he is one of them, he’s adopted far harsher habits and doesn’t have his usual patient personality. she doesn’t want to hide, she wants to fight them, fight for remus, fight for them, so they start to argue and he’s so terrified of greyback getting her he’ll do anything to get her to forget him. so when she screams “but it doesn’t matter, if I love you and you love me-“ he turns around and screams “I DON’T LOVE YOU”  and he says it while looking right in her eyes and he sees the light leave her eyes and she looks down. he didn’t mean it, he was just desperate for her to understand and he’s trying to take it back, trying to explain but she shouts at him to get out. he goes back to the pack to try and blend in again, hoping she’ll stay hidden
there’s an emotional wizarding condition about shock that makes your eyes, ears, nose bleed and cough up blood etc, it’s pretty nasty. she gets it and gets it bad because she was so sure about their love but now she’s utterly convinced he was speaking the truth, he’s a bad liar and who would ever lie about that? mad-eye finds her bleeding out in her flat soon after remus leaves, she’d started choking on her own blood and she couldn’t see, she signalled him, he takes her to st mungo’s. he’s been alerted by dumbledore about the situation so he knows the werewolves can’t know her whereabouts so he gets a professional wizarding copycat, whose hired to walk around hogsmeade under polyjuice as a decoy while she recovers. she’s in hospital feeling completely useless and pathetic, what kind of auror doesn’t know someone’s not in love with you? she sits for hours thinking about how disappointed mad-eye must be, how dumb she is, how every touch, every kiss, every i love you, it was all a lie. she analyses every moment they had together, convincing herself they were all fake and trying to understand what his motive was, if he was just lonely?
the pack catches the fake tonks but remus doesn’t know about mad-eyes plan so he wakes up to the pack making a riot and goes over to check it out only to see tonks screaming and being hurt and groped and attacked. he is forced to watch greyback rip out her throat while they hold him back, he’s screaming and begging, then they drop her and move on to him. he’s battered but not enough to kill him. once they leave him he’s able to grab her and disparate to the burrow. arthur is in the garden and suddenly remus is just there with her, both covered in her blood, her throat ripped out, on the grass screaming.
the weasleys don’t know about the plan either and try to get him away from her, but he wont stop screaming and holding her and saying sorry, begging her, telling her he always loved her, that he’s a liar. he cant stop thinking about the last words he said to her, ‘I DON’T LOVE YOU I DON’T LOVE YOU I DON’T LOVE YOU’ and that she believed that. she died believing he didn’t love her and knew he and his kind were the reason she was dead. he cant take it and suddenly his wand is at his throat and he says the words as bill dives for his wand but blood splatters everywhere and he falls backwards and molly is screaming. he’s managed to cut himself but not his throat, thanks to bill. he spends 2 days in percys old bedroom on suicide watch begging bill to empathise and give him his wand back, ‘what if it had been fleur? if you had killed her, bill’ until they switch it to charlie who remus cant even look at considering the long feud he’s had with him for being on-and-off with tonks. he’d once told tonks that charlie was a fucking idiot, what kind of fucking idiot would ditch her for dragons? probably the same kind that left her for werewolves
after they both find out the truth, dumbledore breaks it to him, tells him about mad-eyes plan. mad-eye is trying to explain to tonks that remus had been caught with a picture of her, that the werewolves knew he wasn’t loyal because of her, so they killed her, or so they thought. she doesn’t want to see him, it doesn’t make a difference, he doesn’t love her anyway does he? he just feels guilty. but she needs to know why he had the picture and mad-eye says if she doesn’t go to see him he’ll probably break into her house, seeing the state of him. so she agrees to meet him at the burrow. he’s so relieved he’s openly sobbing on his knees, holding onto her and she’s thinking this is awkward and fully to do with guilt and nothing to do with love. he tries to explain how he had to say it to get her to stay away, that he was beyond desperate and she doesn’t believe him. ‘you can’t look into the eyes of someone you love and say that’ and he doesn’t really have an answer, just mumbles something about life or death.
after molly tells her all the details and how distraught he had been, she rethinks and goes to see him again. they talk it out properly, not screaming for once, they’re both too tired in this war and he’s too grateful to see her with her throat intact to be angry. she tells him about being in hospital but downplays it a lot, he’s still beating himself up about it until she points out she would have been caught by the werewolves if she wasn’t. they only see each other at order meetings until christmas.
he didn’t know about her patronus until harry mentioned it. he goes to see her, she is alone, but she had been working a double shift. he asks to see it and she refuses, says it’s not really any of his business unless he wants to be with her, but as he explains more about it, she thinks he’s realised they can’t be apart if this is true, so she shows him but it makes no difference because it was the usual ‘stay the night but leave again as soon as she fell asleep’ situation. she turns hopeless, if her patronus isn’t enough to show him how willing she is to sacrifice things to be with him, nothing ever will be.
after the hospital wing scene they go to grimmauld place to destroy any evidence before snape lets the death eaters in. he tries to avoid her but she catches him just to say that he’s right and they don’t have time to fight each other now that Dumbledore is gone, that they need to focus on the war, they’ve too much to do. he just nods but he doesn’t feel right. is that really it? shouldn’t he feel happy that she’ll be spared his life? but she’s still not happy he thinks. he sits up all night in the house they fell in love in and thinks maybe mcgonagall was right.
she goes home to sleep before the ministry spend all day interrogating her about dumbledores death tomorrow, but he wakes her up in the middle of the night, he asks to come in, she says there’s no more ‘grief fucks’ that she cant handle being used like that anymore. he says it’s not like that, obviously she’s not going to believe him but it’s different. he says he can’t go to the burrow, that he doesn’t want to intrude after what just happened. tonks lets him stay but only on the couch, and he thinks maybe he has lost her for good. he’s fucked her about too much and for too long. he wonders how he can show her he won’t leave this time.
the next few days are him trying to convince her this isn’t grief, its real and he is back for good, and her saying he just wants what he can’t have now and he’ll get over it in a few days. they go about missions together because she is on suspension for failing to protect the school
they’re on a weekend mission together away in scotland and they’ve kind of gotten cosy together again, almost like they’re back together but he sees her doubting him constantly, like she thinks it’s too good to be true and he’ll leave again so she doesn’t want to get too close. so it hits him that he has to prove that this is permanent so he abruptly says ‘marry me’, it’s not a question. she just laughs asking if he’s hit his head but he’s gotten very serious and says he’ll prove this is serious by marrying her, she thinks he’s fucking insane and says absolutely not but they get back together and she says she trusts him. but he keeps mentioning getting married to prove he’s here to stay after so many times of walking away but she keeps refusing him, saying they don’t need to, that it doesn’t matter. eventually he gets really emotional about how it’s really important to him to feel secure together, that they need a solid confirmation of this thing, and she agrees and they get married two days later.
it’s not a secret for long, her friend turns sides and rats them out to the death eaters,
umbridge sacks her for ‘beastiality’ in front of the entire auror department and she swears she’ll never work for the ministry again
the pregnancy is a mess. he leaves while she’s screaming at him saying if he leaves, that’s really the end of them, no going back, their marriage will be void. he leaves anyway. she waits all night for him, when he doesn’t return that night she waits until 3pm the next day before packing some stuff and going back to her parents, knowing that there was no going back this time.
he comes back to her parents, where they stayed after her parents were attacked, and andromeda screams and refuses to let him see her and says the flat has been sold and she’ll be out by monday so he better pack his shit and fuck off quickly. he has to plan the right moment to catch her in the flat by herself. she’s calm, terrifyingly calm for a pregnant women whose husband walked out on her, just packing boxes, telling him all his stuff is in the small amount of boxes in the livingroom, he can have that spare cauldron if he wants. he tries to talk to her about it but she keeps dismissing him, trying to ignore him, she shuts him up with ‘look, i know you were scared, i know you always come back, i know that but i wont have a child sitting at the window wondering if daddy will come back this time. that’s not fair, they didn’t ask for this, i did.’ and he knows he has no argument.
she says there’s post for him on the mantle and he finds a letter addressed to him with her wedding ring in it. he can’t stop himself, he’s begging her to put it back on, on his knees, half hysterical, trying to put it back on her. she says he broke his vows, theyre not together, why should she wear it but his begging gets to her and she puts it back on to shut him up but she doesn’t take it off again
he spends the next month completely doing up his father’s old rundown cottage, complete with baby room and every method of protection he can do. he doesn’t know how to show it to her since he’s seen andromeda burning his letters and only ted answers the door, so he waits in her parents back garden for hours until he catches her on her own and begs her to come see what he’s been doing. she hesitates but he looks quite manic and like he hasn’t slept in weeks so she agrees just to make sure he’s not lost the plot. he shows her around while she’s silent, he’s talking far too quickly and looking far too frantic, as if he expects her to run out the door any second. he explains everything at lightning speed, how it is for her and the baby, its made for them, how he doesn’t have to be here, he’s been staying in the spare room while he set it up but he’ll be gone the second they want it, how he’ll send all the money he gets, he’s got bill to take out some gold for him - it’s in the kitchen, how he’ll get any medicine or pregnancy things she needs so she doesn’t have to leave hiding, he’ll help her move in if she needs, if it is a werewolf he’ll do everything, if she wants. he looks so desperate so she says she’ll think about it but she breaks down when she’s leaving, shouting that this is what she wanted for them, not just her and the baby. that it should be them living here, not just her and the baby. she moves in at the end of the month.
it’s a really horrible pregnancy due to stress and inability to see a healer whenever they need. he comes home one day and she’s screaming, he finds her covered in blood. they risk getting a healer. the healer says there’s a large chance that the baby hasn’t survived. she’s hysterical, crying and screaming and hitting remus, saying he wished for this, he prayed the baby would disappear. she knows it’s not true, that he loves this baby already but she’s so distraught. its andromeda that defends him, tells her shes being ridiculous, that he’s done nothing but try and provide for this baby, put the baby first always. remus is grateful but still blames himself, for not being grateful for this child.
when teddys born they nearly write edward john lupin down but remus thinks its not right. every lupin baby carries john as a middle name, they always have but he wants to honour james, wants to thank harry for setting him straight, giving him the good bollocking that lily would have. so he adopts the potter tradition, of using the fathers name for the middle name. he thinks it will sound self-conceded but tonks thinks its fitting that he should have something in common with his godfather, especially if he might not get the chance to meet him. so it is edward remus lupin
I have a lot of pregnancy/teddy headcanons but this already ridiculously long so let’s skip that.
they live and harry moves in with them to give the weasleys space after fred. especially since hermione now stays in rons room, there’s not much space for harry. it’s great but there are postwar stresses and pumps. she finds out a lot of her friends are dead, theyre both unemployed with a small baby, werewolf legislation is still awful and then there’s charlie weasley who sends a letter essentially saying if she wanted to restart her life in romania after the war, charlie would help tonks and teddy move. remus opens it and the house is tense for a while.
I also have a lot of headcanons about charlie/tonks and remus and charlie having beef throughout ootp/hbp/postwar but we will skip just now.
they have a second son when teddy is around two. they don’t really have the money but they are both thrilled and were in a ‘not trying but if it happens, it happens’ mindset because neither liked being an only child and teddy is so wonderful and definitely not a werewolf. therefore alastor john lupin is born. teddy and ally don’t get on that well, both are hufflepuff and ally is a mini athletic remus, quidditch obsessed compared to music obsessed teddy. harry is godfather to both, and spoils them beyond belief.
remus eventually ends up at the ministry for a werewolf investigation unit that works with the aurors to stop packs, offering support/help to recently bitten and werewolf integration into wizarding society. he eventually gives it up to home school teddy and look after ally then goes back to teach at hogwarts a few years before the boys arrive.
tonks becomes head of the auror training division after the war and trains harry and other new aurors because she doesn’t want to be out in the field again as a mum but is too good a dueller to be stuck on desk work.
she visits remus in hogwarts one day because shes in the castle anyway and some boy shouts ‘sir?? is that your wife?? shes FIT’ and remus goes ‘yes youre very right mr ross, lets discuss it in Thursday detention’. ‘its not his fault im hot remus, leave him be’. teddy demands his mother never return to hogwarts since his friends wont stop teasing him about how fit his mum is, ally doesn’t mind because his friends are 11 and don’t know how hot she is. remus secretly loves it.
i am so sorry for how long this is but im avoiding uni work and you gave me an excuse
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scornedlove · 5 years
Chapter Twenty-Two
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Funny how when you want to run into someone, it never happens. Then, the moment you refocus your energy, they’re everywhere you turn. Since Trey and I smoked with Robyn at the festival, I've been running into her everywhere. Once at the grocery store, once at a gas station, and here we were, crossing paths again; this time at Taylor’s gym. I thought being friends would be difficult, but we found our rhythm and boundaries weren’t even an issue. Our run ins no longer felt awkward and since we both had the morning off, we decided to have breakfast together. 
She seemed to glow as she talked about visiting her family recently and all the fun she’d had at crop over. Seeing her smile so bright as she showed me pictures of everyone and all the costumes, made me happy. I was glad she was back to the vibrant Robyn I fell in love with. Since everything seemed easy and natural again, I felt like it was the perfect time to ask her to meet Tae. “I have a question to ask, and I’m not sure how you’re going to respond.” I began, after our omelets were in front of us and our waiter was gone. Her smile dropped and was replaced with uncertainty. She took a deep breath, exhaled, then stared at me as if she were waiting for bad news. “So, I know you won’t be in town for Trey’s wedding, but Tae will be in the city until the day after. The same day you’re supposed to be back, right? I was hoping we could all have breakfast, lunch, or something. I want to introduce you two.” “Why?” she frowned, as she shook her head no. “That‘s completely unnecessary” “Because both of ya’ll are important to me. I haven’t told her that we reconnected, or that we’ve been hanging out, but I don’t want to continue this behind her back.” I explained, hoping she would understand without getting angry. “Chris, I’m going to be honest with you. I want no parts of being friends with your girlfriend, that’s weird as fuck.” “No it’s n-” “Didn’t you say she lives in Texas? Get some time under your belt before I can even take y'all’s relationship serious. Trust me, you gonna fuck it up sooner than you think” she sputtered, before dismissing me with a chuckle.
“I get it, you think I’m foolish for even asking you this”
“You right. I don’t want to see ya’ll together. ”
“It’s not like we’re going to be all over each other in your face. This has been heavy on my heart lately. Can you at least give it a real thought. For me, please?” I begged. “Don’t answer right now, think about it and let me know how you feel next Saturday. Her flight leaves Sunday at 3pm.” “Fine. I’ll think about it” she sighed, rolling her eyes as she tossed her hair over her shoulder. “Thank you, and thanks for agreeing to come as a surprise on Labor Day. I told Mama you couldn’t make it and she was bummed, she’s gonna be so happy to see you. You don’t even have to stay long. I know you’ll be tired from all the traveling, so this means a lot” “Yeah, well I love mama too. If I can make it happen, I will.” We finished eating and I drove her home. She’d found her a nice condo by the beach, which didn’t surprise me. She always loved being near the water. She invited me up, but I decided against it. I was already pushing the limit by hanging out with my ex-fiance. 
The entire week seemed to drag, but Saturday finally arrived. Trey’s bachelor party was last night, so I was a little hung over. He wanted to go strip club hopping, so that’s what we did. His cousin Victor was the designated driver, so we were able to get fucked up without any worries. Now I was hungover and paying the price. 
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“Rise and shine!” Tae’s high-pitched voice echoed in my ears. She floated past my bed and opened the curtains, letting the sunlight burn the shit out of my eyes.  “What the fuck” I groaned, throwing a pillow over my face. “It’s already three o’clock. We gotta get going, the wedding starts in a couple hours. So, drink this and take these” she ordered, setting a glass and two pills on my bed stand, then sitting beside me. “Ten more minutes” I pleaded, with my face still in the pillow. “Nope! It’s time to get up.” She ordered, leaning over me to snatch the pillow and getting a feel for my morning wood. He hasn’t been acknowledged in months, so that small amount of attention made him grow even more, and that came with a little pain. “Alright, if you keep leaning over me like that, you’re gonna be mad at me.” I teased, grabbing her waist and pulling her in for a kiss.  “I’m already mad at you. Now get up, or I’ll find my own way to the wedding.” she snapped, pulling away and throwing the pillow back at me before storming out of the room.  “What did I do?” I called out confused. Yeah, I got wasted last night, but I made it back at a decent time, as promised. Tae wasn’t the type of girl to get mad at minor things, so her attitude towards me right now was something I didn’t understand. 
With the help of Tylenol and a bloody mary, I pulled myself together and was wedding ready within thirty minutes. Tae gave me the silent treatment the entire ride, so by the time we arrived, I was just as irritated as she was. 
“I don’t want to bring bad energy to my best friend’s wedding. So, I’m going to ask you one more time, then I’ll leave it alone; Why are you mad at me?” I asked after turning the car off and giving her my undivided attention. “I don’t want to talk about it” she replied, getting out the car. I felt disrespected when she dismissed me by slamming my car door and walking off as though what I had to say next was unimportant. Luckily, I had a half of a blunt in my glove box. So, instead of losing my temper, I sparked up and felt myself calming down with every exhale.
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It's official. My boy is a married man. He and Lala are leaving tomorrow for the Bahamas, and I couldn’t be happier for them. I even teared up during my best man speech, something I’ve always considered corny. He was genuinely happy and in love with his bride, it took a lot not to envy their simplicity. Especially when Tae and I were having our first bump in the road. 
I couldn’t help but isolate myself at the reception. I sat at the bar and although it’s been forever, I smoked a cigarette to prepare for whatever was to come next. I couldn’t imagine why Tae was upset and it was all I could think about. Did she somehow find out about me and Robyn reconnecting? Whatever it was, had her pissed off so it had to be serious.
After keeping our distance all night, we were finally leaving together. It surprised me that she didn’t choose to ride with Lexi, since they were joined at the hip all night, but she must've been her excuse to stay preoccupied. We hadn’t even gotten comfortable in the car yet, when I decided we should pick up our conversation where we left off. I didn’t like being on her bad side, so I was ready to clear the air. We were going to talk about this like adults.
“If you don’t tell me what’s wrong, how am I supposed to fix it?” I asked as soon as we pulled out of the parking space.  “I’m feeling good right now. Please don’t kill my vibe” she frowned as she stared out the window.  “Fuck that. We’re grown, we talk about our problems, regardless of how we're feeling”  “Fine you wanna talk? Let’s talk” she huffed, turning to face me. “Just tell me what I did to piss you off”  “You were stupid drunk last nigh-” “So, you’re mad that I got drunk?” “That wasn’t the problem, I’ll show you the problem” she replied, pulling her phone out. She scrolled through it for a minute, then held it up to show me a video she’d recorded. I was sitting on the couch, obviously faded, when the recording began, and when I noticed her recording, I immediately started laughing. 
“You recording me?” I asked with a big grin as I leaned back and pulled my cap forward.  “Yup, this is for when I’m missing you later” she giggled in the background. “I can’t wait to show you how wasted you got when you wake up tomorrow” “My boy is getting married tomorrow! Fuck yeah I’m wasted” I replied as she started getting closer. “I know right. You’re gonna have to start flying out to see me, since I won’t be coming out here as often. I’m gonna miss you so much” “I be missing you too baby. Honestly, I’m just glad you’re in my life. You know I love you” I replied through hazy eyes. “Wait, what did you say?” she squealed excitedly in the background. “I said I love you Robyn” I grinned, oblivious to the fact that I called her my ex’s name. The video went on for another five seconds, in which I appeared to be falling asleep. “You cannot be serious?” I groaned. If it wasn’t one thing, it was another. “I’m sorry baby, but you know I was drunk out of my mind” “A drunk tells no tales” she rolled her eyes and slid her phone back in her purse. I had to admit, if the shoe were on the other foot, I’d be upset too, but I was lost for words. I couldn’t think of anything to say other than sorry and I’d already said that, so we rode in silence the rest of the way home.
For the first time since we met, it was awkward as hell being around Tae. She played with Diamond and said a few words to Anthony, but completely ignored me, until she went to bed. I wasn’t even sure if there was any coming back from that one dumb drunken moment, so I decided to let her sleep on it. Hopefully it’ll blow over by the morning. I spent the rest of the evening staring at the TV, but completely engrossed in my own thoughts until my phone broke my concentration. I was glad for the distraction, but when I saw Robyn’s name, guilt immediately swept over me. I debated on answering, and by the time I decided I would, she had hung up, and a text message popped up a few seconds later. “I actually put some thought into your request…it’s still a no for me. Sorry.” I completely forgot about asking Robyn to meet Tae tomorrow and now, I was glad she decided against it. After last night, nothing positive could come from it, so I silently thanked God and went to sleep. When I woke up the next day, Tae was gone. I tried calling her several times and was sent to voicemail. I sent her a text and when an hour had gone by with no response, I gave in and called Trey. I hated to bother them when they were getting ready for their vacation, but I didn’t know what else to do. “What’s up bro” Trey answered on the second ring. “Can’t win for losing man, I’m always in some shit. Is Lala around?” “What you want with my wife?” he asked playfully, but I was in no mood for games. “I’m looking for Tae bro, has Lala talked to her?” I asked impatiently. I could hear him relay the question, then some mumbling in the background. “Yeah, she talked to her about thirty minutes ago, she was stopping by the house to pick up some stuff she’d left last time. Why, what’s going on?” he asked, now concerned. “What did he do to my friend?” Lala yelled loud enough for me to hear. “Nothing, ya’ll enjoy the Bahamas. I’ll see ya’ll when ya’ll get back” I replied, rushing him off the phone. Now I was irritated. I couldn’t believe the childish way Tae was going about handling our first issue. I fucked up and if she wanted to break things off because of it, I would be fine with that, but I wasn’t going to worry myself over her attitude. I had just gotten out the shower when my phone rang and I just knew it was her finally calling me back, but it was mom.
“Hey Ma, what’s up” I answered, forcing a little ‘cheer’ in my voice. Mama always picked up on negative energy and I didn’t feel like explaining what was going on right now. 
“Did you get the banana bread I left you this morning?”  
“No, I didn’t realize you stopped by” I replied, jumping up to find it. I loved my mom’s baking; she can fix any bad mood. I found it already halfway gone and was pissed that either Anthony or Tae beat me to it.  
“It was before church. I caught Tae as she was on her way out”  
“Oh yeah?”  
“She told me what happened.”  
“She did?”  I quizzed, beating around the bush.
“She sure did. Christopher, are you still in love with Robyn?”  
“Really mom?”  
“I’m just asking. Tae is a great girl, but if you’re in love with Robyn, then you gotta let somebody go”  
“I was drunk ma; it wasn’t that deep. I don’t see why Tae wants to talk to you about it and not me”  
“Just give her some time. She’ll come around and when she does, you gotta be understanding. She must be feeling threatened by the love you still have for Robyn. You can’t fault her for that.”  
“What did you change about this banana bread?” I countered, changing the topic as I devoured my second slice.
“I added cream cheese. I knew you would catch that” she chuckled.
“This is the bomb and I didn’t think it could get any better before. You should make it like this from now on. Do you need anything for tomorrow?” I asked, licking the crumbs from my fingers and going for another slice.
“I have everything covered, but I’ll let you know if I think of something. You watch yourself now, and figure out what you’re gonna do about these women. You can’t keep playing with their hearts. You never know what could trigger them to do something crazy.”
“Mama I’m not playing with Tae, she’s the one being childish about the situation”  
“I said what I said Christopher. Get yourself together.” she instructed before we hung up. I cleaned up around the house, then took Diamond for a walk to take my mind off of Tae. When I got back, Anthony was at the dining room table wolfing down the last of the banana bread and Diamond wasted no time cleaning up the crumbs he’d dropped on the floor.
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“This shit right here is bomb as fuck” he exclaimed through full jaws. I was trying my hardest to be cool, but I was pissed. I’m stingy when it comes to mama’s cooking and he should’ve asked before eating my shit.  
“Yeah, I didn’t intend on sharing. I’ll have mama make more next time.”  I shrugged, clenching my jaws.
“My bad bro, I didn’t realize ya mama made this for you. I damn near ate the whole loaf. I was gonna buy you another one...” he offered, his eyes rolling back as he swallowed the last of it.
“I ain’t tripping. Don’t let it happen again tho.” I ordered as I wiped sweat from my brow. I was still recuperating from that hangover, so that walk took a lot from me. 
“What you got up for the day?” I asked, pulling out my tin can of greenery and a stick from the kitchen drawer. I sat down to roll up and Anthony pulled across from me to do the same.
“Not shit. It’s Sunday. You know I don’t do shit on Sunday. What about ya’ll?”
 “Same, not shit. Tae already left, so it’s just me.”  
“Yeah, she told me what you did” he snickered.
“Damn! She’s telling everybody” I shook my head in frustration as I lit the blunt and took a long drag. “Why is she acting like I did the shit on purpose?”  
“That’s women for you. I feel like kicking some ass on the court today. You tryna hoop?” 
“Hell yeah…only if you keep your shirt on.” I teased, passing him the blunt. Every time an attractive woman shows up at the court, he’s ready to start stripping.
“Don’t tell me you’re jealous of my body” he joked taking a hit and passing it back to me. 
“Nah, you be up there flexing for the thotties. Every time I turn around you getting a new number.” 
“Cause I’m a playa”  
“Hey man, you like it, I love it. Just don’t bring em here. I don’t have time for shit to start coming up missing”  
“You don’t gotta worry about that. The only one I bring here is Ryan”  
“Well that’s the homie, so that don’t count”  
“You know, she’s been acting distant lately”  
“Maybe she doesn’t wanna be one of your hoes anymore”  
“Shut up man, I’m serious. We went from kicking it every day to once or twice a week. She gets distant when her period comes, but it’s been three weeks now. The next one is coming up” he frowned, stroking his chin in thought.
“Seriously? I thought you were a playa, but you over here tracking periods and shit. You got it bad and don’t even know it”
“That ain’t it. I know I say some stupid shit sometimes, but I do like having shorty around. She cool peoples”
“Well the good ones don’t stay around when you have a whole line they have to wait in. You might have to start cutting back” I pointed out.
“I don’t know if I’m ready for all that serious relationship shit. That’s why you’re in the predicament you’re in now” he argued, his face twisted with uncertainty.
“It’s a lot that comes with it, that’s for damn sure” I agreed with a nod, although we were both right. Unlike him, I was willing to put forth the effort in being a good boyfriend, but somehow I always managed to fuck up. If being a player were easy, I’d have no problem with doing that, but someone always ends up hurt in that type of situation. That’s not something I’m willing to have on my heart. 
We smoked a couple more before going to the basketball court. It was hot as hell, so we only played three games of one on one and I won two. I felt good and made sure to gloat all the way home. I’d left my phone at home when we went to hoop, but I still didn’t get a call from Tae. I tried her one more time that night, but she sent me to voicemail again. I figured she must’ve found her own way to the airport and made it home already, so I let her be. It was out of my hands. 
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purplerain85 · 6 years
I Love You
PAIRING: Alex Skarsgård x You (Reader)
WORDS: 3997
WARNINGS: Swearing, Hateful comments (not sure how to explain that part), Smut.
SUMMARY: Dating Alex and you two have a date night and the paps photograph you two, and some of his “fans” make some hate full comments about your weight and you have a whole day of self doubt and your worth to Alex.
A/N: I got this idea from an ask that @rae-of-sinshine (I hope you don’t mind that I wrote this) All typos are my mistakes.
 @rae-of-sinshine @ohh-la-la-leto @laketaj24 @loey-bae @evenwhen-ihadnothing @sideeffectsofyou @thosekidswhohuntmonsters @kyber-hearts-and-stardust-souls @just-another-fangirl-94 @sploodgebucketlu
Alex and you had been dating for just over two years, you two were introduced by mutual friend Anna, when she was talking about you to Alex he had said he wanted to meet you, Anna had than mentioned that if she did and you two hit it off, that he had to promise not to toy around with you as you don’t date much since you had your daughter 3 years ago, and you didn’t want guys coming and going.  He promised that he would not play games with you as long as you didn’t either.
When you finally agreed to go on a date with him, you two were inseparable and you made him wait 6 months before you introduced him to your daughter Ursula, you wanted to make sure that he wasn’t going to run off, although when you had decided to introduced them you didn’t know for 100% that he wouldn’t but you had a pretty good idea that he wouldn’t.  The night that they finally met, you invited Alex over for dinner, the two of them hit off just the much as you two did, things had gone so well that night that it was the first time that Alex had stayed the night which was also the first time you two had sex and also the same time you realized that you Loved Alex.
Two years later you and your daughter were living with Alex, and some how you two managed to keep your daughter out of the lime light let alone let the world know that you had a child from a previous relationship, you enjoyed the fact that no-one other than his family and close friends knew about her.  It wasn’t that you didn’t want his fans to know about her, but she was your daughter and you and Alex had discussed it and you two agreed and decided to keep her protected as long as you could.  Although it still surprised you that no-one had found out about her.
Tonight, was date night for Alex and you, Alex’s dad and step mom had taken Ursula for the night, which was great which meant they would pick her up right after school, so you didn’t have to rush from work to her school to home and than to Stellan’s .  It also meant that you two could be as loud as you could and not worry about waking her up…… although you tried not to be loud, sex with Alex was like nothing you ever experienced with ex-boyfriends, he always left you satisfied.
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Alex had taken you to a place that taught people how to cook different things (not that either of you couldn’t cook) and once you were done you got to cook what you had made which you thought was great and you two had so much fun. Than you two walked around Central Park for a little bit until about 9, then he took you to another park that showed old Black and White movies and he knew how much you loved Black and White movies and tonight’s movie was The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, which you had told him you saw for the first time when you were 13 and it made you fall in love with B&W movies.  You two had a great evening and were so caught up in each other that neither noticed that some people were taking your photos….. But you did the next day.
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The following morning was Saturday and you had the day off you didn’t to pick Ursula up tell tomorrow afternoon as Stellan and his wife took the kids out of the City for the weekend.  Alex had to do some filming for the day, so you had the whole day to yourself.  You slept in tell about 9:30 and when you woke up you had a couple emails and about 15 text messages from Anna, which was unusual as the last time you got that many texts from her was when it was discovered that you and Alex were dating, you two had been photographed so much since than that you didn’t even care anymore.
Her first text at 7:00 told you to call her, her next one at 7:15 said do not go on the internet until you call me! Please!, you didn’t even read the rest, you did the exact opposite of what she said because your fear was that someone had photographed Ursula, what you found was worse so much worse, that having her photographed would have been nothing compared to what you read.  
”ALEX SKARSGÅRD AND FAT GIRLFRIEND: Y/N was seen last night out with Alex for what seemed to be a date night, the 34 yr. old bookkeeper and the 44yr old actor have been dating for about 2 years but it seems like Y/N has decided to let herself go and put on weight, she has never been as small as Alex is but it seems like he can have any woman in the world why choose to date someone who doesn’t want to watch her weight.”
You could not believe what you were reading l mean sure you struggled with your weight since you had your daughter 5 years ago, Ursula was 2 when you found out that you had a thyroid problem and had to be put on medication and yeah you yoyoed with your weight but Alex had never complained in fact he seemed to love the “love handles” that you had and never said anything about your weight…. Not that he ever would as you knew he was raised better than that and he really didn’t have death wish.
You sat there in bed for couple minutes reading and re-reading the article, thinking that you were not fat God you were between a size 10-12, then you made the mistake of reading the comments.
-I cannot believe Alex is dating someone so fat! I mean come on, lose some weight or go back t the sea.
-Man, he has to be dating her for her personality, or she has a golden pussy, because he is clearly not dating her for her body or for her beauty (which she is not)
-As a long time, Fan of Alex, and as a fan l am telling you to dump her fat ass and date someone who is better than her.
-Seriously what does this Amazing specimen of man see in this beluga of a woman.
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You ended up shutting your phone off because you could not handle reading anymore comments, you curled up into a ball and cried for what seemed like hours, you couldn’t understand why his fans where making such hatful comments, you knew some of them weren’t happy he was dating someone, but they had never been rude to you nor have they made such hurtful comments you eventual fell asleep again, and woke up around 3pm Alex wouldn’t be home for at least another 3 hours.  You managed to get out of bed and wanted something to eat but could only bring yourself to make two slices of peanut butter toast, even that you had to force yourself to eat, even though you were starving all you could think of was the hurtful comments.  You decided to take a hot shower as you stood under the hot water tears started to form in your eyes again, you thought to yourself “maybe l am fat?” “maybe Alex does deserve to be with someone who is not as big as me?” “maybe l should lose some weight” all these thoughts just seemed to make you feel crazy and very, very self-conscious.  When the water got ice cold you decided it was time to get out of the shower you found some of the baggiest clothes you could find, one of Alex’s over-sized hoodies and a pair of baggy pj bottoms that you hadn’t worn in years and wrapped yourself in a huge blanket.
Alex arrived at home and you were sitting in the livingroom when he came in and asked you why you never responded to any of his or Anna’s text messages, you said bluntly “I turned my phone off hours ago”, which made him look at you and that was when he realized that your eyes were swollen, which made him panic as he thought something happened to Ursula or something, he leaned down and looked at you and asked what was wrong?  You “we were photographed last night, and the published the photos this morning and l look ugly and fat!” Alex “You are not Ugly nor are you Fat!” You “well your so-called Fucking fans think that l am fat as a whale and fucking ugly! And they also think that you can do better than me!”
before Alex could say anything else you got up from the couch and stormed off to the bedroom, you hadn’t even realized that Alex was right behind you tell he said “I don’t give two fucks what these “fans” have to say about you! I love you for you, I think you are gorgeous, I think your body is fucking amazing and it also did an amazing thing by bring Ursula into this world, I have seen pictures of you before you got pregnant and to be honest l love this body that you have hidden under this blanket more than how it was! I love your caring heart and how you treat everyone you met with so much respect, I love you for how you interact with my fans and how you raise your daughter and l love your big personality, l love how most of the time you like your body and the confidence that you have about yourself and l love You! For You!” and l am going show you tonight and every night that l am home how much l love your body and you!”
Alex had your face between his hands while he was talking to you and telling you what he loved about you, and you started to cry again (although you weren’t sure where or how you were able to still form tears. He went to kiss you and you pulled away and told him you where not good enough for him.  But he wouldn’t take no for an answer “if anyone is not good enough it’s me who is not good enough for you, I am gone a lot and l hate seeing you like this” before you could respond to him he kissed you.
The moment his lips touched yours you melted into him, he gradually moved his hands from your jaw, down your neck to wear the start of the blanket and he slowly pulled it from your body, just that little bit of movement you felt your arousal starting between your legs, Alex moved his hand slowly down your arms and moved to your hips where he gripped them and pulled you closer to him as he deepend the kiss, you wrapped your arms around his neck and placed one hand at his hair line and gently ran your fingers up and down, which made Alex moan into the kiss and his grip get tighter which cause your to moan. You pulled away from the kiss first and you two placed your foreheads together and breathed together.
Alex moved his hands under the hoodie you had on and softly said “l Love you, Y/N! I would move heaven and earth to make the pain you are feeling about yourself go away!  But l will settle for showing you how much l love you and tell you everything l love about your body” his hands moved up your body as he was talking to you, when he got to your shoulder blades he got you to raise your arms and he took the sweater off and kissed you again, and he took your breasts in his hands and messaged them and ran his hands over your nipples and slightly pulled away from the kiss and said l love how these amazing breasts just fit perfectly into my hands, they are perfect size, he kisses you again, and moves to your special part of your neck right where your jaw and bottom of your ear meet and he sucked, you moan “Alex”.
He moved you one to the bed and kissed your collarbone down to your breasts and took your right nipple into his mouth and nipped and sucked and swirled his tongue around the harden nipple while his left hand gripped and pinched your left nipple, and as he was moving to the left nipple he said “l love how your nipples react to my touch, and how l can feel them harden even more on my tongue” all you could do was moan in response.  He then kissed your navel and sat up on his knees and looked at you as his fingers went into the top of your pj bottoms, he could see the lust in your eye and the love you had for him and you could see the same in his eyes, as he pulled you bottoms off.
Alex lifted your left leg and kissed and nipped at your calf up to you knee and than pulled up your right leg and did the same and when he got to you thighs he told you that he loved how thick your thighs were and how amazing they felt around his head when his head was buried between them and wrapped around his waist and how great they felt when you rode him into ecstasy, than he kissed and licked each of your stretch marks and said he loved the feel of them. You responded to him “Please Alex, l get that you love my body, just please!”  he told you “No, l told you l would show you what l love about your body and l am going to do just that!” than he ran his stubble chin over your folds and it made you jump and cry out in pleasure.
Alex kissed your left hip and bit it and then licked across to your right hip and bit it as well and than he kissed up your stomach and said “love your stomach and l love these three little tiger marks right here, and l love these lovely love handles of yours, l love that l can grab hold of you and l can hold onto you when you ride my like your life depends on it, God l love it when you ride me!” Alex continued to kiss you your body back up to your mouth and kissed you and grinded his jean covered hard-on against your wet core. Again, you moaned “Alex please, l need to feel you”.
Alex moved his weight to his right arm as his left hand made it way down to your wet pussy and he slipped one finger between your fold and gathered some of your juices on his finger and ran his finger over your clit, you moaned and as he continued to kiss you he said how he loved how your pussy felt he then slipped two fingers into you and slowly moved them in and out of you and rubbed his thumb over your clit every now and then he would curl his fingers and hit your G-Spot just right and you would hum against his mouth gradually he speed up his fingers to the point he was thrusting his fingers out at a fast pace and kept them curled and pulled away so he could watch come to your first orgasm of the night, you had a tight grip on his right arm and the back of his neck, when you orgasmed you called out “Oh God Alex!”
Alex pulled his fingers from you and was about to put his fingers in his mouth when you grabbed his wrist and look him in the face as you moaned around his fingers and sucked them clean which cause Alex to close his eyes and moaned, when he pulled his fingers from your mouth his kissed you hard and thrusted his tongue into your mouth and moaned at the taste you. He got up from the bed and removed his clothes and your mouth watered at the sight of his erection and you wanted to taste him so bad and suck him Alex saw the look in your eyes and said “not tonight darling its all about you and my pleasure will come when l make you cum for the last time around my cock” Alex kissed your thigh again and made his way to your pussy and your know that you had at least two more orgasms coming, and just as you were think at the joy of what you were going to have you felt his tongue slip between your folds as he swirled his tongue around your opening and which made you grind your hips against his face, he placed his right hand over your hips to keep them still. He looked at you and said l love how sweet you taste, and l could be buried between your legs for the rest of my life and die a happy man.
He brought his mouth back to your pussy and brought his tongue to your clit, and than brought his left hand to pull back your hood so he could have better access to your bundle of nerves, you were moaning so loud and basically cry out Alex’s name as you were still coming down from your last orgasm, you had one hand in his hair and pulling his hair, you other hand had a death grip on the rails of the headboard. Alex ran his teeth lightly over clit and you cried out “Fuck! Please do that again” and he obliged.
Alex than let go of your hips and put two fingers into you and moved them and a decent pace and kept working his tongue on you exposed bundle of nerves, you were so turned on you that you had to let go of Alex hair and move to the headboard with your other hand you were so sensitive that you were seconds from cumming again and then you felt it, it felt like you had you urinate and all you could get out to warn Alex was “OH Fuck! Alex l’m gon…. And then your squirted all over his fingers and wrist he pulled his head back enough to watch as he continued thrust his fingers in and out of you and he excitedly said “Fuck, Yes! Babe, good l love when you squirt all over my fingers.”  You had to pull away from him as you were so sensitive and told him you need a second. You took your second and pulled Alex into a hardened kiss you went to get him to lay down, so you could repay him for the two orgasms, but he knew what you were going to do, and pushed you back on to the bed and grinded against you.
Alex asked you if you were ready for him and you looked him in the eyes and pleaded with him to fuck you, he lined himself up and slowly pushed himself into your warmth and he had to take a minute to get adjusted to your tightness and let you get adjusted to him, you begged him to move, he pulled out slowly tell just the tip was in and slowly pushed back in and that was the pace he kept for a while as much as you loved love making with Alex, you want no you needed him to be rougher, you asked him to go faster but he just kept the same pace, and when you needed him to go faster, you tried to get him to flip over, but he grabbed your right leg and put it on his shoulder than he grabbed your left leg at the knee and pushed it into the bed and began to thrust faster and harder into you grabbed hold of his arms and begged him not to stop.
You moaned “God Alex you feel so good, and l can feel you everywhere! And you are hitting me in all the right spots” Alex “You feel so good wrapped around my cock babe, l love how you feel around me and how great you feel when you clench around me” You “Please, Alex let me ride you! Please!!!” You thought he was going to say no, but to your surprise he kissed you and let go of your legs and put one arm around your waist and one hand at the back of your neck, and rolled over on to his back, without even pulling out of you.  He put his hands on your hips and you sat up and grinded your hips back and forth and put your hands on his chest to keep your balance. *Before you started dating Alex, you were never big on riding a guy, only because they always wanted to be in charge and that meant that you were on you back or your hands and knees, which got boring even for you.*
You bounced up and down on Alex as you were coming down his length Alex would snap his hips up and you could feel him so much deeper, your fingers would scratch down his pecks and he winched in pain and pleasure. You could feel your third orgasm of the night was coming and you knew by the grip that Alex had on your hips and groans he was getting close to his end as well you began to ride him hard and faster and rolling your hips.  Alex looked you with hooded eyes “Y/N fuck you ride me so good, God l am going to cum!” he took his left hand off your hip and dipped his thumb down to your between your folds and gathered some of your juices and brought it up to you clit and rubbed tight circles and said “Babe cum for me! You need to cum all over my cock right now!” and just like that you felt Alex release in you and could feel him coat your walls, you came for the third and final time that night, you collapsed on Alex.
As you two came down from your highs you felt him wrap his arms around you and rubbing your back, you felt Alex softening inside you, but neither of you could bring yourselves to move. Eventually you brought your head up to look at him with a goofy little smile on your face and lightly kissed his lips, you pulled yourself off of him and got off of him and laid next to him and had your arm around his waste and he had his arms wrapped around you.  Alex “How are feeling now? Now do you understand that no matter what anyone says about you, l think you are the most beautiful woman ever!” You “Yes, l feel, better and l understand what you mean, and l am Thankful for everything that you do for me and Ursula. I Love you so much?” Alex “I love you too”
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claritalunaluna76 · 6 years
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SIMON Cowell revealed he axed Sir Philip Green and Little Mix to clear toxic people from his business.
The X Factor and Britain’s Got Talent mogul decided to speak out after months of being dogged by rumours and conspiracy theories about the state of his personal life, health and company Syco.
Speaking with emotion, ­Cowell, 59, said he had been “embarrassed” by the claims.
But he told The Sun he has now decided to put principles before profits as he attempts to create a business for his four-year-old son Eric to inherit.
He said: “The only reason I got annoyed was that it’s easy to paint this picture of Syco as this dark, awful place where all we’re trying to do is rip artists off and make them unhappy.
“I suppose why I am glad I’m talking to you guys today — at least I can tell you what really happened.”
Cowell and Green were once so close that they spoke on the phone for hours and went on holidays together. The tycoon even holds a five per cent stake — valued at £12.5million — in the music business.
But last week it emerged the under-fire billionaire has finally agreed to walk away after Simon tabled a fresh bid.
It came after recent revelations Green used a High Court injunction to protect NDAs that apparently involve allegations of racism and sexual harassment.
Cowell said: “He was part of the company but three years ago we just stopped talking.
“When it came to severing the ties, I wasn’t arguing about the money. You simply make a decision of who you want in your life and your business and it was my decision.”
Cowell insisted he cut contact before Green was criticised for his controversial sale of BHS.
He added: “It was six months before that. Then, roughly a year and a half ago, there was a meeting to see whether he would be interested in selling his shares. It didn’t appear that way. Then, your article came about and then shortly after it was done.”
Green is not a comfortable topic of discussion for Cowell, who is restricted by what he can say with the sale of the Syco shares unconfirmed.
But does he regret him being involved in the company? Cowell said: “This is tricky for me. Well, I could say that about hundreds of people I’ve worked with. The point is, I would have regretted it if I hadn’t acted now.”
And should Green have been named in Parliament over his use of NDAs at TopShop following claims of harassment? He replied: “I don’t know what this is leading to — not with me but with him.
“But like I said, my only regret would have been if I had put money over principle, and I didn’t. So when I had the opportunity, I did what I did.”
Cowell invited The Sun to a central London hotel — where he is meeting his staff from around the world to plot future strategy — following our exclusive on Saturday about his shock split from Little Mix.
And should Green have been named in Parliament over his use of NDAs at TopShop following claims of harassment?
He replies: “I don’t know what this is leading to — not with me but with him.
“But like I said, my only regret would have been if I had put money over principle, and I didn’t. So when I had the opportunity, I did what I did.”
Cowell invited The Sun to a central London hotel — where he is meeting his staff from around the world to plot future strategy — following our exclusive on Saturday about his shock split from Little Mix.
Simon said the decision came after a falling out with their reps Modest Management amid a row over a songwriting credit on their single Woman Like Me.
Cowell admitted: “It was just embarrassing but, funnily enough, I was more annoyed, again, not about me, but about the fact people who had worked so hard in my company were being misrepresented. Why do artists think they’re more important than staff members? They’re not. They’re the same.
“The irony was the record they were arguing about, which is Woman Like Me, they didn’t want to record. This was one of those ironic times that we were having a hit and nobody was happy.”
Again, Simon’s decision to walk away from his most successful act wasn’t financial. He said: “It wasn’t down to money. Basically, they said we’d done a terrible job. I had agreed not to talk about this publicly because I thought it was a private matter. I said, ‘We can’t work with the management, it’s as simple as that’.”
Cowell said he is going to meet the band this week “just so they can hear it from me and I can hear it from them”.
He added: “Everyone’s like, ‘There must have been something massive and that’s why it collapsed’. Well, I can show you all the correspondence between me and the girls over the years, there’s never been an instance when we’ve fallen out. As I said in my email to them, I stand by the fact they are the hardest working bunch of girls I’ve ever worked with. They deserve everything they’ve got.”
Over the past year, Cowell has removed himself from the internet and social media so he cannot be damaged by near-constant claims and conspiracy theories thrown about.
Addressing the subject, he said: “Look, no one’s more in the spotlight than me. And when the whole [#MeToo] thing happened, I have always had a clear conscience about that. I understand the moral code here.
“I suppose I get frustrated. People can read whatever they like. I do let myself be a bit of a sponge where you get beaten up. With this story, if you hadn’t called, I wouldn’t have said a word.
“All you can do is be transparent. I’ve never hidden anything from you guys, ever.”
Simon was livid when we told him there are internet conspiracy theories about why he teamed up with controversial journalist Mark ­Williams-Thomas — who exposed Jimmy Savile as a paedophile — to work on a TV series.
He replied angrily: “What you just said about a conspiracy about why I hired him, well let’s be clear here — I have a four-year-old son. He is all I care about.
“Like I said, I make these ­decisions now not on me, but my little boy. I think the crazy stuff, you’ve got to ignore.”
The departures of Green and Little Mix are part of what Simon — who has son Eric with partner Lauren Silverman — describes as a “wake-up call for me”, especially when it comes to his health. A fall last October prompted real concern for his well-being, although he joked: “I have a stairlift now.”
But in all seriousness, Cowell conceded a lifestyle where he would work until 8am and then sleep until 3pm, coupled with stress, was killing him.
He admitted: “I was like a vampire. For years I would not go to bed until eight in the morning.
“It was a wake-up call. I think stress, if you want my honest opinion, is the biggest killer of all.
“I’ve stopped all the crazy late-night phone calls and the late-night meetings. That was the problem.
“Suddenly you go, ‘I can’t live like this anymore’. You don’t want your son walking in when you’re always asleep in the afternoon. I mean, that’s not great.
“Going back to Eric, I have laughed more this year than I have in years and I think it’s one of the best medicines in the world.”
In fact, Cowell wanted to have fun during our interview and even laughed about the constant talk of record low ratings for this series of The X Factor.
He smiled then said: “My perspective on life is slightly different than it used to be. I used to be really competitive, read the ratings and have white knuckles. Now I find it funny.
“At the end of the day I always go back to Eric, who will hopefully one day be running these shows — one day, please God. But our ratings with young people are up and everyone wants Robbie Williams, Ayda Field and Louis Tomlinson to come back.”
And Simon said he has no regrets about the massive changes he has made to both his business and his life.
He added: “This is the best I’ve felt in years because I’m going into the New Year now without any weight on my shoulders any more. It’s like I’ve dealt with everything I’ve had to deal with.
“You can’t change the past because you don’t know who ­people are but once you do you get them out your life.”
The Sun - November 13th, 2018
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