#im not planning on doing hundreds of these this month but idk? it IS fun i just dont wanna completely run the tank dry
gayandvibin · 2 years
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If there is a way to add more images to artfight attacks I have not discovered it, so @elloratic here is your lovely character once again.
I’ve said it already but aaagh i love their design so much, the way you put together outfits always sticks in my mind.
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wizard-email · 1 year
I don't want to add god's longest addition to the would you survive an apocalypse?' poll, but I do actually have an absolutely fallproof plan for the zombie apocalypse. It doesn’t matter what kind of zombies there are & it has exactly (2) steps:
1. Drive to the nearest National Trust proparty
2. win
This is the result of a very lengthy (and completely serious) discussion with my sister so let me break it down for you.
For those of you who don't live in the UK (or don't have parents with exactly 1 idea for a family trip ever), all National Trust proparties are broadly speaking exactly the same.
There's a big rich person's house & the courtyard is always converted into a little picnic area containing a combination gift shop/booking desk; a cafe and a secondhand bookshop. The gift shop has like a 60% chances to contain basic gardening tools and a little section for seeds & bulbs.
I won't list their standardised cafe menu (that I do in fact have memorised), but it's pretty good & more importantly most of it is made or at least finished on site. If they rationed, a small group could live off National Trust cornish pasties, scones & gift shop fudge for a month or two I think <3
Here's a list of things that are might be there but aren't 100% guaranteed:
- Kitchen garden
- Fish pond
- Livestock (usually chickens, sometimes pigs or bees)
- Medieval armour (fuck ya'll with guns but I would take a pike over having to worry about ammunition any day)
- Horses and functioning stable
- Forests cultivated for the purpose of deer hunting
John McRichman's gun/archery collection
- Lake
Benefit 2: FUCKING!! CASTLE!!
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??? Where do I start???
1. These things are so easy to defend it's laughable.
I'm sure we all know about spiral staircases being designed to maximise cover for a right handed person during sieges but it's more than that ??? 18th century rich people loved to make their estates look as big, impressive & isolated as possible & they did this by surrounded their houses on all sides with several hundred metres of flat, open grass with thick trees on the edges to block out the horizon.
- Nothing can see you
- No loud noises will be within earshot of anything close to civilisation
- Any zombies that DO somehow show up can be picked off at a distance whether they know how to run or not
- Litterally there are so many little towers & secret rooms & shit how do you even manage to fuck up enough to die here like I would actually be impressed
- ALSO the edge of the estate is usually also walled off and/or fenced & gated, so there's no chance of anything wandering in by accident
2. All the older infrastructure is designed pre-electricity so you'll still be able to have a shower when the power grid inevitably explodes or something
3. You get to sleep in one of those huge 4-poster beds with all the fun embroidery and silk pillows
4. Idk the massive lawn can be converted into a farm if the apocalypse goes on long enough
Genuinely I think my quality of life would actually improve?? and that's just with what's already there - if there was time to pick up some supplies beforehand me & my buddies would just be hanging out. literally what apocalypse im eating scones xoxo
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suedrawl · 2 years
financial vent
I went -$88, even after adjusting my budget and a friend’s support. i feel so shitty. scared my account is finally going to be shut down after so many negatives this year (thanks predatory capitalism and banking systems)
i went over what i spent. I caught up on gas, electric, paypal credit, spent some to pablo, helped a friend out, and donated to extra life stuff
but the day i did my grocery/costco run is where i went over. and i shouldn’t had treated myself with genshin impact gems ($20ish?) and new disposable vape (also $20ish)
part of me is like…god i’m so embarrassed. but i screwed up so others should see this and be disappointed /:
but. idk you grew up so poor and get sick of being paycheck to paycheck and not allowing yourself any fun or enjoyment, and it’s so hard to grasp when depressed
and there’s so much im behind on, even a few hundred dollars and i’m still catching up. i still need to pay my psychiatrist bill, hopefully before it goes into collections. my apple card is months behind and i’m working out a payment plan. i really need to pay off paypal credit and be done with that (and i’m not even thinking of the $12,000 medical bill that’s been outstanding for years)
also the lowkey oof that i avoid the questioning from ppl here about traveling to TN during the holidays, and then that reminds me I’m wanting to get xmas gifts in order soon
anyway im… feeling pretty rough ngl. i had a burst of energy this saturday and likely overdid it trying to get as much as i could done (exercise hardcore making trip back and forth from car after the costco run ow). sunday i overslept (no win tbh, body desperate to sleep but then also can’t) and also spent a couple hours cleaning and organizing before bed last night. now, i’m pretty achey, bad headache, stiff, been bloated/IBS, dizzy (kinda flu like sensations, but fibromyalgia)
i have some goals, things to do this week, projects to catch up on, want to do NaNo, cleaning apartment properly, contact doctors/set up appointments, have a lot to cook/prep so healthy food i bought doesn’t go bad, wanted to help Pablo on some things, been really bad socializing and hanging with friends, and the list keeps going. i know i should be rly thankful that i don’t have to currently be working in retail again, among other blessings that allow me space to rest and heal. so it could be a lot worse
still, wish i could function better. and not to blame it all on chronic illnesses/I should be accountable—more and more i’m realizing how limited i am when sick
hhhhhhhhh i’m tired. i’m really sorry
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mifhortunach · 1 year
in review - once again! - 2022
below cut :/
i did... Very Little drawing this year ! - which i’m really not happy about, and i’m not sure how that happened tbh. that said, if nothing else, instead of drawing i got ‘a lot’ of printing done!
it was a good year for like. my Actual Practice - i spent a lot of time in the studio, got a piece (that i still like!) into an actual public show, as well as for the first time sold some work!! I also got to finally mess around with a riso machine, as well as someone offered to show me more litho stuff, so im hoping to pursue that much more in the year :) - as well as finally do a bunch of projects i’ve been putting off for ages & dear god, fckn draw more
watched a lot of movies though!!!
ltrbxd says i saw like. 115 or smth, but that’s an estimate bc i went to a couple of shorts showings (as well as fell asleep at a couple :’/ ). it’s been cool!! have finally seen a bunch of genre classics, and had like, a seeing thru the matrix moment~ where i could tell a whole bunch of influences that had affected smth i was watching ! id quite like to try to strike a similar balance this year as well; catching up on like. ‘genre staples’ but paired w the weirdest most niche shit i can find - fingers-crossed! (thinking about putting together a little round-up post of some of the ones i saw this year that really stuck around for me, but idk)
usually i think - and by usually i mean like, last year - i’ve got more to say on this front, but a lot of the pods i really enjoyed this year were hold-overs from 2022-
AMCA: i’m someone who while they don’t care about starwars, DOES really like podcasts about it, which is weird & difficult to explain, but this is still so good!! 5 star podcast, 5 star runtime! everyDAY do i wish they could do a special about dune...
The RETURN of toxic podcast!: as before, a podcast only for me really, and the only podcaster that i do have smth approaching a parasocial relationship with - its just been nice to hear from Ale again!! The branch into ltrboxd reviews as been a fun venture too, imo.
FATT/SANGFIELLE: though difficult to believe, that DID happen this year!! Sangfielle is still so so good, and it got me back into both listening to bluff as well as trying so hard to catch up on ptzn, its just really fckn good what else is there to even say! (Met a lot of v cool people through this as well, which has been so cool :) )
Assorted Seán L@TDF podcasts: while he has dropped completely off the face of the internet - though hopefully not the earth - the man DOES still have years of weird (mostly movie) focused podcasting to go back in on, which i do find consistently compelling!! turns out when u practice putting thought into words and then presenting for long enough you do indeed build a skill. His found footage series (Hundreds of Pixelated Dead Bodies) series is great, and introduced me to a lot of stuff, ditto his other series (hundreds of dead bodies). I’m hoping to get through the big, thoughtful series (ALL UNITS) this year, and maybe I’ll get even luckier and he’ll return to the land of podcasting soon.
I’m sure i’ve missed some on this one, but these are the ones that stood out to me this time round, i guess. i’m excited for the new twioat series also, lol.
i did like, almost no reading, or tv watching, though i did start, and plan - and not finish - a good couple of knitting projects. didn’t get out to see many gallery shows either, which isn’t so great - though i DID manage to have a startlingly good year socially ?
made some new friends, had a whole private theme month devoted to the films of al pacino, and got to see two bands/musicians that i really love play live!! Good Ol’ Stevie P w @silverview (<33) && TWRP - both of which were so so great, and made me wish i got out more lol
lots to be done this year, as per, but hopefully it’ll be fine
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evandorepart2 · 1 year
ANYWAY as it currently stands my current project is to start building up a portfolio and Actually work on original work and finish some old projects. i started it mid january which was when i turned 17 so its a perfect start of the year. my goal is to try and keep it up and actually Finish stuff. and to submit to magazines and competitions! of which ive done two so far which is pretty good. one i...well honestly i dont hate it! i think its cute but its def not good enough to win so bluh but the other im actually pretty confident? or i hope so. i think it fits with the theme but if the judges dont think so then im not gonna get selected but im not aiming for the top winnings just the runners up which get published in the anthology lol
and on that note what im currently working on is a short story for another competition which ends at the end of febuary and is pretty high-stakes. though honestly. i care more about the story itself than the competition. its really at this point less about Winning [even if thats a nice thought] and more just the act of completion and actually finishing it to be submitted. thats more important. to me.
so this month thats my main goal. just to finish it. and thank god i have it planned out but i would very much like it! if it was finished drafting! i did the first section today which is good but i wish i would just go ahead and do the rest so i can spend the rest of the month editing since i never seem to spend a lot of time on that stage.
EITHER WAY!!! i just want to finish it. and ummmm idk other than that i want to have more of a consistent schedule and actually. i dont want to say 'content' cause its not content im just doing it for fun. and also to finish my hundred million projects lol but its like i cant rlly go ahead and do anything now w/o feeling someone guilty since i just needdddd to finish cecelia like at the very least just the draft. why does writing have to be so hard
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king-star · 3 years
When the Party’s Over
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Warning: Homophobia, transphobia, death, bile, guts, broken limb, crying, pet neglection, driving while slightly tipsy, fire (lmk if i need to add more. This is all around pretty dark and sad, proceed with caution)
Match: Yelena Belova x enby!Reader; Wanda Maximoff x reader
Genre: Angst, Angst, and more Angst
A/N: This is the first chapter in a series. Idk how long it’ll be. the plan is bi weekly updates. im reallyyyyy proud of this one so let’s hope it doesn’t flop. ENJOY!
Word Count: ~3,000
Summary: You have a horrible nightmare, leaving you with anxiety for Yelena. Yelena assures you that everything is fine and leaves on a mission.
Your tongue rubs the roof of your mouth in an attempt to rid itself of the sickly sweet drink you’d been sipping. A hundred intoxicated humans swirl around you. Fabric, skin, and feathers blend together, the orchestra the only thing holding off the headache behind your eyes.
You didn’t want to be here. Sure ballroom charity balls could be fun. If you had your best friends there, you could chat only with them, and dance to your heart's content. Unfortunately for you, everyone you could stand to be around was busy. Leaving you human-shieldless from your mothers many socialite friends.
The “oh my goodness Y/N I haven’t seen you since you were in highschool. How are you?” got old quick. Retelling your life story over and over was a pain especially with your mother gripping your hand making sure you didn’t slip up. Share any information that didn’t quite fit the Y/L/N dynasty image. Mostly she didn’t want you sharing about the love of your life, your girlfriend, your Yelena.
When the two of you first got together you waited nearly 5 months before telling your mother. The first time you dated a girl she had hated it. She tried to act like she was supportive, claiming “I will always love you no matter what.” But in the end she always shielded this fact from the public eye. She was supportive of all the LGBT+ movements from a political standpoint. Never her own child.
You never told Yelena about this. You claimed the reason you didn’t want to share her with your mother was because you wanted your relationship to not have paparazzi after you two. She bought it for a while but you could only keep the love of your life away from the woman who gave you life for so long. It didn’t take a master spy to understand the emotions behind the look your mother gave you when you brought Yelena to dinner. Yelena never brought it up but it was an unspoken understanding. Your mother didn’t accept you no matter how hard she tried to fake it.
Now you just wanted the event to be over so you could go home to Yelena. You flipped your wrist, checking the ridiculously expensive watch you had on.
She was definitely asleep by now. Yelena never stayed up past 10:30. Frowning, you set down your glass and turned to your mother, waiting for her conversation to end. When she finally stopped speaking she turned to you and cocked an eyebrow,
“Y/N. Are you leaving? so soon?” she pouted but enough years in her home taught you her looks. This was faked sadness.
“Unfortunately yes mother. Lena is probably asleep by now and I have work early. She probably forgot to feed our dog,” you enunciated the words that might clue in your mothers friend on how you and this woman were related. A last “fuck you mother” before you left. She smiled warningly and nodded.
“Well… you must get home to your friend. I will see you soon daughter,” she kissed your hand and you stood there frozen. Of course, she would invalidate your gender and your relationship in one comment. Your nostrils flared and you turned quickly, letting your hand smack your unfinished drink into her lap and treading off quickly.
“Fuck you mother. How someone could be so hateful to their own child I will never understand,” you muttered to yourself. You handed your ticket to the valet and stood with your arms crossed, waiting. You made sure to tip the valet an absurd amount, and drove off quickly. The only thing that would keep you from doing something stupid in retaliation was Yelena’s arms around you.
Nearly thirty minutes later you pulled the car into the garage. It shouldn’t have taken you that long to get home but you couldn’t help but drive with the top down for a bit. Anger and maybe a bit of fear had bubbles underneath your skin and you didn’t want to bother Yelena. You stepped out of the car and held your head in your hands. You hadn’t drank that much, but a headache would be inevitable.
Fanny met you at the door. She was obviously excited, tail wagging as she raced back to her food bowl
“ok ok girl. I’ve got you,” you rubbed her head and dumped a scoop of food into her bowl. Loosening your tie you dragged yourself to the bedroom. You smiled as the light poured in and illuminated the silhouette of a sleeping Yelena.
“Deep asleep. I’ll join you in a second,” you pulled the rest of your suit off. Picking up a discarded shirt you put it on, and leaned your head against the mirror.
“That was misery. And mother’s comment. I shouldn’t care about what that bitch thinks or says. But I can't help it,” you let out a sigh and picked up your toothbrush. Maybe someday she will accept you. But at that point would she ever be able to make up for how she treated you?
Ready for bed you slid in beside Yelena, careful not to wake her. Fanny, finished with her food, jumped into bed with you and snuggled up with a lick to your face. You smiled and kissed her head then kissed Yelena.
“night my love. See you in the morning,” your heavy lids drooped and you relaxed, setting a hand on Yelena and falling into dreamland.
Your thighs hurt. Fire and smoke burn your throat and eyes. You search for something. What exactly you aren’t sure. Tears stream down your face as anxiety floods your chest. If you don’t find the thing soon your world will be crushed.
A broken door, barely on its hinges, is at your right and you know that’s it. A hard turn and you smack your arm into the frame. You grasp at your wrist as more tears prick your eyes.
“Fuck!” A familiar level of pain flares and you know it’s broken. Your eyes dart around the room, still looking for that unknown thing. A pile of smoking wood sits in front of you and your feet carry you to it. This was it.
You try hard to pull through the heavy, hot wood with your one arm. A cry comes from below, an anxiety flaring familiar cry. You pull harder and uncover and dirty and bloody Yelena.
“LENA!” you shout and help her out. Her hands held her stomach. She smiles sickly and then curls in pain.
“Y/N. You found me. I hoped you would. Quick kiss me. I don’t have long,” Your eyes widen and you move her hands. The sight of her stomach makes you sick. Turning to the side you retch and vile spills from your mouth. You wipe your mouth and shake your head, tears fall hard now.
“Lena no no. You’re fine. We can fix you. Please,” you slide your arm under her and try to pick her up but she screams and goes limp in your arms.
“FUCK Y/N! stop. There's no hope. Please just kiss me. I don’t want to die without that.” you shake your head more and set her down. You refused to accept her death.
“No Yelena you are not going to die here. You can’t die. You are too well trained. a-and… I can't live without you. it’ll be fine,” She tries to raise her head but then it falls and she spasms. Your eyes widen and you do your best to hold her still but your broken wrist shoots in pain.
“No no no NO!” you kiss her over and over. Fear pulses through you and when she relaxes completely you sob. Your head aches from the pressure of your sobs and your broken wrist protests. Maybe hours pass and you sit there with her dead body pressed to your chest, her blood and guts smearing all over you.
Then guilt overtakes the sadness. She asked you for one thing. One single kiss before she died and you didn’t fulfill that. You couldn’t give her everything she deserved in life or even in her final moments.
You wake up shaking and screaming. Yelena is awake next to you, crying and shaking your shoulder violently.
“Please Y/N,” she sobs, snot and tears mix and fall forgotten. You sit up barely able to hold yourself up. She is alive.
“Fuck Yelena what’s wrong?” Your dream haunts you. You search her stomach and her whole body for major wounds. She is obviously unsure what you are doing and grabs your face forcing you to look at her.
“Y-you were shaking and screaming and crying and I didn’t know what was wrong. If you were having a seizure or what.” You shake your head and take deep breaths.
“No, I'm good. Not seizure. R-Really…” your words falter and you stare off, caught up in the memory of the dream. Yelena snaps in front of you and hugs your arm. “Ah sorry. Bad dream. really, really bad dream.” you stare at her head unsure if this was the dream or if Yelena really was alive.
“D-do you want to tell me about it?” Her arms slide under yours and she holds you from the side. You shake your head and lay it on her shoulder. “Ok but if you do tell me. I’ll hold you until you fall asleep again.”
The thought of being asleep again makes you tense up. Yelena feels it and rubs your side softly. She kisses you in every way she knows you like and pets your head.
“I’m not going to sleep. I can’t live through that again. It made me think I was going to be alone. Please don’t leave me Lena. please. I don’t wanna die alone.” She frowns and hugs you tight.
“I’m never going to leave you. I’m here baby. I’m here.” She kisses your jaw softly and you nod. Relaxing again, you wrap your arms around her waist and kiss her shoulders.
“Y-you died. There was a fire and I broke my wrist and it was smokey and you got impaled and you died. You asked me to kiss you and I couldn’t accept the fact you were dying so I didn’t kiss you. I couldn’t give you what you deserve.” She frowns and kisses you.
“No Y/N. Don’t you dare. It was just a nightmare, that’s all. I’m NEVER leaving you. ok?” She holds your face and kisses you softly. The kiss lasts a while and you melt into your touch. Fears still paralyse you every couple hours but she holds you until the sun comes up. She knows exactly what you love and how to make you feel safe. She really wasn’t ever going to leave.
Weeks pass. You are sure you have gotten past the nightmare. You go to work everyday and Yelena stays home going through paperwork. When you come home the two of you snuggle and bliss fills you. Your mother doesn’t ask you to come to any more charity events and you think maybe, just maybe things are good.
Then Yelena gets called on the mission. When she tells you she will be gone for a week your mind reels. You can barely see straight as the dream vividly flashes through your brain. Yelena gets worried, grabbing your hand and you back away searching her body for any sign of blood.
“No. Lena please. What if you get hurt? I-I can’t. You promised you’d never leave.” Her eyes look at you apologetically.
“Don’t worry. I’m a professional. It’s just a small info gathering job. Absolutely no danger,” she smiles at you and sets a hand on your shoulder. You back away from her hand and lean your head back to force the tears back.
“Yelena… ok. Please. Don’t get hurt,” She nods and kisses your cheek grabbing her bag.
You spend the entire week at home. Anxiety grips you so hard that you can’t stand to go to work. A fever strikes and you throw up every evening at almost exactly 10:30. Work tells you to stay at home and probably go to the doctor. Honestly you’d rather go to work so you have less time to think about her.
Most of Yelena's missions don’t allow for her to contact you and the stress of it all has your brain thinking of her the entire time she’s gone. By the time Yelena is on her way back you have dropped 12 pounds. You hadn’t eaten, only bothering to get up to feed Fanny. A cold sweat coats your skin and you hold your arms to you. Blankets were too hot, but it was too cold without them.
The alarm on your phone signalling it’s time to feed Fanny goes off. You throw the blankets off and wipe dried tears. The tv screen flashes a “keep watching screen.” You aren’t really sure when it came up but your mind hadn’t registered the tv in a couple days.
When the door clicks unlocked you scream. Silence had filled the apartment for so long and the sound was louder than anything you’d ever heard. Fanny starts barking, running to the door, then coming back and sitting at your feet.
You fall to the ground clasping the food scoop. Fanny licks your face as tears fall. Every fear that had plagued you came to the forefront of your mind. What if it wasn’t Yelena? What if it was Hill telling you to come in? No, they would call you for that. But if Yelena was dead…
Arms wrap around and pick you up, setting you on the couch. You whip your head back and forth trying to catch a glance of who it is. In the back of your mind you know it's her, but for some reason you’d been convinced over the past week that she’s dead.
A warm towel wipes away dried tears and snot, and a soft hand holds yours. Tears blur your vision but you steady your breaths. The anxiety in your chest dissipates. You lean your head back forcing the tears in and look back to catch a look at the woman you love. But, instead of long blonde hair and soft round face,  you see long red hair, falling in waves.
“Lena? Did you have to dye your hair for the mission?” She frowns and shakes her head, setting down the towel.
“Fuck Y/N. I know you can’t remember but I hate having to keep telling you this,” The voice is not Yelena’s. It’s your friends. Wanda’s. Your eyes look her all over and you tense up confused.
“Tell me what Wanda? What’s wrong with Lena?” She grabs both your hands and looks at you with the softest expression she can muster.
“The fire Y/N. Do you remember? The fire where Lena…. She bled out,” The anxiety of the dream. No memory. The smoke, your raw throat, and the hours of sobbing.
You shake your head and quick breaths fill your lungs. Wanda tries to get you to calm down. Your vision spots while your brain searches for oxygen your hyperventilating can’t provide.
“Y/N please calm down. Please. FUCK! I promised to never use it without permission but between the two of you…” Red magic flows from her hands and wraps around your head. Your breathing slows down and your vision comes back. Wanda cradles your head and hums.
You reach up and see the tear streaks on her face. Her eyes look bloodshot and dark circles are prominent under her eyes. You pout and try to hug her back. All the fears that had consumed you for weeks were now gone. Even if it was only by Wanda’s magic. You curled into her side and fell asleep. Finally able to find some peace.
It was the night of the charity gala. You drove home but had taken the long way around to cool off from your mothers subtle aggression. Plans on how to ignore her future advances build in your mind as you pull into the parking garage. You stepped out of the car and held your head in your hands. You hadn’t drank that much, but a headache would be inevitable.
Sirens sound from the road in front of your complex and you growl. The loud noise and lights make your head pound. You shake your keys and walk towards the stairwell. Coughing into your arm and you open the door to your floor. You throw your hand back with a scream at the hot door handle.
“the fuck…? NO!” forgetting your pain you throw open the door and run into the building. Smoke flows from under doors and fire licks at the walls. The sound of the siren gets louder from some open window. You run through the halls trying your best to not breathe in smoke. Yelena would be asleep. She wouldn’t know what’s happening.
Your apartment door is on the right and you stand back and kick the handle. Your foot hurts as it contacts the rough wooden door but it cracks. You kick again and the door falls in. Running through the door you smack your arm into the frame and cry out in pain.
Fanny barks from one of the rooms and you follow the noise letting her run free into the hallway. You hope dearly that the dog finds her way out.
The entirety of your home is consumed in flames. Beams that held up the apartment above you are on the floor. The poor old couple who was always so nice. Hopefully they had gotten out before it collapsed. Running to your bedroom you try to open the door. It gives quickly but before you can get to Yelena a strong arm grabs at your back.
“What the? HEY!” you squirm trying to slip out of the grip. You have no luck and result to punching. Nothing makes the arms let you go as they pull you from the building. Along the way down you consider it may be a firefighter saving your life.
“Please. My girlfriend, she’s still in there. Please, she was asleep. Save her. I can get out,” you plead with your “saviour”. The person doesn’t acknowledge any words or attempts of movement. They just carry you out of the building back into the parking garage. At some point you began crying, fearing for your girlfriends and your neighbours lives.
You are carried to a car and roughly thrown in. Your broken wrist, now remembered, aches and you curl into a ball. The driver doesn’t speak to you and the person who carried you doesn’t get into the car with you. You didn’t register the person in the back seat with you until they cough. Or rather She coughs.
“Oh Y/N I’m glad we got you out ok. I was so scared we wouldn’t be able to get you out before the fire got you too,” Your eyes widen at the familiar voice and you sit up looking into her eyes. The pieces fall into place in your mind. No you’d never thought she’d be this cruel. Yet here you were, Yelena and Fanny. They were in there.
“You didn’t. no no you didn’t. You are cruel and hateful but not murderous,” you pull away as a hand strokes your cheek. Hate flashes behind your eyes.
“Oh honey. You will forgive me when you realise it was for the sake of the family. Like they always say; ‘Mother knows best.’”
(So it has been decided this is going to be a series. Follow and shoot me an ask if you wanted to be added to the tag list for updates)
DO NOT repost my work. Reblogs and Likes are appreciated. If you enjoy my work leave a comment!
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aonesmfeyebrows · 3 years
Tamaki Amajiki - innocent
this is my first time writing here, im not really used to it tbh but hey wattpad sucks what can i do now. n e ways hope you like this and yaa ^3^
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ᵖᵉᵒᵖˡᵉ ᵃˡʷᵃʸˢ ʰᵉᵃʳᵈ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰᵉ ᵇⁱᵍ ᵗʰʳᵉᵉ ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᵁᴬ. I mean who doesn't.
The Big 3 are widely known as the strongest three hero students in all of Japan. Thanks to Hero Work-Studies, the three of them have seasoned their skills and mastered their powerful Quirks at a young age. They are considered to be above pro hero levels already and are destined to become Top Pro Heroes once they graduate. (did I copy that from wiki? yes yes I did)
But have you heard about the fourth? people never paid attention to her, only few teachers and students know what is she capable of yet they still don't know that she can do much more.
She's as strong as the big three or maybe more, and that's the thing. she's smart with her move, she have this leader like vibe around her, she always knows what to do. she didn't, never waste any time and opportunity she have. even there's just a tiny little chance she win a fight, she would totally ace that chance.
she's built like an assassin, that's why the school didn't give her much spotlight, that is what her family's order. that is what the big guy's order, that's what he want. he want her to be the best out of the best, he don't want to take any risk putting her in the spotlight, that's why he always told here to not put her hundred percent just for this school.
she will be the best undercover agent, the best assassin, the best weapon,
nobody can stop her.
people who know this might wondering, so why put her in a famous school if he don't want people to know about her?
it's easy they know UA is a famous school and there's a bunch of people with different abilities, he wants her to know and have experience with people who have different quirk and personality, what kind of people they are, what's their capable of doing with their quirk, how strong it is, what is it weakness and of course how to destroy them. it's best to pretend like you're on their side and when the right time comes you'll snatch the carpet from under their feet.
time skip bought you by this bad bitch down here
 it was the usual after class,
'finally lunch break' you thought
your thought get cut short by someone's voice, there she is one of your bubbly bestfriend. she's just a few feet away from you yet she called you like you're miles from eachother.
"HEEEYYYYY Y/N-CHAAAANNNN," nejire said while waving both her hands around.
within seconds everybody's attention goes to the both of you. felling a little embarrassed by her actions, you just walked away and pretend nothing of that is just happened seconds ago.
"wait wait for me oi,"
"shut up will you, at least don't scream like that. you know damn well I don't like people paying attention to me," you said a little bit irritated by her.
"here sorry sorry I'm just so excited to met you hehe,"
"what the- something must going on here," giving her a side glance. the both of you start to head to the cafeteria.
"wow you know me so well Y/N-CHAN~"
"tch, let's get some food first then we can talk." you rolled your eyes playfully.
"alrighty," after taking your lunch both of you guys start to searching for a table.
"hmm let's just sit in there," you pointed at the corner with less human beings. "you really don't like people much huh," she say after taking a seat opposite from you.
"you damn right, all they can do is giving me a headache. I can't deal with em', one is more than enough" you said while unwrapping your onigiri and start to munching on it.
"oh wow I don't know should I be happy or offended by that," she pointed at you.
"take that as a compliment, hoe. is a rare thing coming out from my mouth," you chuckled a little bit and she just laughed at that.
You see, both of you are a good friend it's like she's the only friend you have not like you planning on making another one,
'you don't need them anyway.' that word always stuck somewhere in the back of your head.
"so Y/N-chan do you want to hang-"
"no," you just cut her off cause you know damn well where the hell this shit about to go.
"HUH at least let me finish my invitation you bitch." she pout, she start to taking a bite from her milkbread ✨ aggressively ✨
"tch, I don't need to hear the rest. I already know what your intentions is," you said blankly.
"come on Y/N, I promise this will be the last time and it's not like I'm going to leave you or something and also it's with mirio and tamaki"
you blush a little, nejire barely see it but she's sure she got you there. she knows damn well that you're taking a liking to the elf-boy. that is why lately she has been setting you up with a couple of her friends this last month. nejire didn't do it for no reason, she just want to make sure how's your expression and gesture when you're around other boy. she always see the barely see blush on your cheeks everytime you guys hanging out with mirio and tamaki. she also see you smile, a genuinely happy. and it's all just because of him. but the main problem is you, you never thought about all these teenagers thingy. all you know is training, listening everything the big guy say and complete the orders they gave you.
"hey N/N?"
"nah, I'm not that close with both of em' and I don't want to make tamaki uncomfortable or some shit."
recently nejire noticed that this past few weeks you've been avoiding tamaki, if there's tamaki in the room you always seem in a rush. it's not like you hate him, you just don't like the aching feeling between your legs when you near him. you know damn well what happened to you, you're a horny little bitch when it comes to tamaki. that is why you always try to avoid him as much as you can. he's a total sweetheart, a shy boy and he's too good for you. someone like you didn't deserve someone like tamaki, hell you didn't deserve anybody for midnight's sake.
but to say you don't want him is a misunderstand, what you feel towards him is not just a sexual desire. you always want to know more about him, like what his childhood like, what his favorite food just bunch of those stupid little things.
just hearing his voice makes your heart go boom boom. you don't even know what all these things are, 'love' that's what nejire always tell you. yes you told her about this, she's like your personal psychiatrist.
you don't know what love is, you don't have any idea what that shit is. it's not like you ever feel those type of affection. it's not like they give you those kind of affection. all you know is listen to them, complete the task, training, training, and training. that's what they teach you, hell they start to train you when you're only five.
"oi Y/N what you say?" she asked you
"say what? sorry, I'm just spacing out"
"dang it, I asked you do you want to hangout with me, mirio and tamaki this friday night? we could go watch movies and then go to an arcade" she ask you again.
"sure," you reply without thinking much of it.
just this time, this one time you want to be selfish and do what you want.
it won't hurt anyone right.
"about damn time Y/N. about damn time," nejire whisper to herself smiling like an idiot.
-time skip bought you by this cutie I call em' moowy (idk if it's a pee pee or va jay jay but I think it's a gurl)-
 dii ~also I'm too lazy to write all the damn thing y'all gonna do in the arcade imma skip it for a lil bit sorry guys~
moowy ~shut up you dumb bitch, you just stupid and don't know what to write, moo~
dii ~meanie don't listen to that stupid cow y'all T^T~
"oh man the movie is soo good," nejire said. "the food is the best part though," you add.
"you damn right, ne tamaki do you have fun? what do you think?" nejire start to attacking the shy boy. poor tamaki.
"w-what?! i-i u-um i-i like the m-movie, it-it was g-good," he said all blushy.
'man how am I suppose to not go wild, he's so fucking cute" you thought.
"oh, tamaki why don't you walk Y/N to her apartment. it's a little far from here right? and it's already late y'know." mirio said out of nowhere. (you are not staying in the dorm)
"nah. don't have to. I can walk by myself, besides just like what you said it's getting late y'all need to head to your dorms by now. don't want to make any trouble now, do we? "
to be perfectly honest, you just don't want things go south. cause you're sure as hell the moment you two walk to your apartment, all the build up feeling is going to burst out.
"i-i m-mean s-sure, if-if s-she d-don't mind." shocked, the three of you just stand there and looking at him with mouth hanging open besides you of course.
"WAAHHHH GREAT. BYE BYE Y/N. GO GO GO." nejire push him towards me.
"are you sure?" you ask him again after walking for a few minutes. "I mean you can always go back and just go straight up to the dorm, I'm good on my own" you said while pointing at the dorm direction, which is the opposite from you guys.
"n-no, I want t-to w-walk y-you home" he said.
"alright then," the rest of the walk filled with this awkward silence. you didn't put much thought to it, just continue walking and want to get over it as soon as possible.
after fifteen minutes of walking you guys finally in front of your apartment building. "um do you perhaps want to, y'know um go inside. take a peek, um- shit- sorry I mean-" he cut you off by tugging the sleeve of your hoodie.
"a-actually i-i want t-to tell- um t-tell you s-something," his face is totally red right now.
"oh great, let's just go inside then." yeah this is it, this is the time you thought.
you go inside the building and he's right behind you, hop inside the building and go up to your floor.
"well this is my home, come in. make yourself comfortable tamaki" you said opening the key and go inside, him still tailing behind you.
"t-thank you"
both of you sat on the couch beside each other. "um so what are you want to tell me?" you ask him, curiosity killed the cat they say.
"u-um i-i w-want to t-tell you that i-i l-like y-you L/N-chan" he looks like he's about to explode. looking around the empty living room, avoiding eye contact with you. "I like you too tamaki" you blurt out.
"h-huh" you cut him off by grabbing his cheeks with both your hands and kissing him hard. your lisp collide with each other, you start to lick his bottom lip and nibble on it pulling it a little. you lean back a little,
"let's take this somewhere else, shall we?" you whisper to his ears making him all read and feel shiver run down his spine.
 and here you are in the middle of your bed. kissing, well more like sucking each other face. you feel his tongue inside your mouth. caressing everything he can reach. pulling out from the kiss, you start to taking off your hoodie and track pants (im sorry cause I don't really wear jeans, the struggle is real y'all)
leaving you in only your underwear and bra for him to see. "you're so beautiful" when he look you right in the eye he goes all red again, he didn't mean it to come out and you just smile at him. "it's okay tamaki, just do what you feel want to do. im yours"
that's it, that's the last straw. that words that come out of your mouth is the trigger. his hand go from your hair to the back of your body, caressing it so carefully. you arch your back a little bit to give him access to unclips your bra. and dropping it beside your bed.
he just staring at your chest, he don't have idea what to do he's scared and embarrassed by the view. so you take both his hands, putting each hand on each of your tits and just let it there for a few seconds. you began to lead him to give both your titties a little squeeze. after a couple times you start feeling the pleasure and without you realizing it. "mhhmm," when he heard you he start to squeeze a little harder seeing your face, eyes closed. when you feel he's comfortable with what he's doing you take off your hands from his.
"mhmm nghh" you feel he start to tease your nipples between his thumb and forefinger, moaning quitely. squeezing and flicking it back and forth.
within minutes you start to feel something slimy sliding up your chest, griping both of your titties. the tentacles like thingy start to go around each of your tits and start to squeezing it, and the suckers thingy start to sucking on your nipples making you throw your head back giving tamaki a good access to leave a few love bites on your delicate skin.
'wait hold on he fucking use his quirk?' you thought
his right hand pinning both of your hands and before you know it your hands already cuffed up to the bed post. not with a handcuffs but with another tentacle.
your core dripping wet, throbing in anticipation. just imagining it makes you all hot and excited, this is like a dream come true.
"nghhh mhmm a-amajiki p-please," he can feel his dick twitching just by hearing your voice. he's not going to waste any time, he rub the inside of your thigh with his delicate fingers. he start to lean down your core. kissing your inner thighs, leaving small little bites here and there. you can feel he start to kiss your pussy through the thin fabric,
"the panties need to go" he say
"don't you think, doll" he whispers, fucking hell that was hot as fuck, all you can do is humming and nod at him.
you can feel his hot breath right on your throbing cunt. he rip your panties off and throwing it across the room.
"t-tamaki w-what the hell," you got on your elbow shocked by what just happening.
"w-what w-wait i-im s-so s-sorry i-i d-didn't m-mean t-to-" you cut him off by chuckling at his face burning in embarrassment.
"i-it's fine I guess I'm just a little shocked, didn't expect someone so innocent as you can- ah nghhh f-fuck ahnn"
he cut you off by kissing and licking your wet ass pussy. slurping sounds can be heard in the room.
"a-ahnmajiki f-fuckk hahh nghh"
by hearing that he felt like going bolder and bolder, feeling something slimy sliding up and down your already throbing pussy.
"w-what in the f-fuck was ahh nghh that hah fuckk hahh"
"mhmm it takes me weeks to finally have the courage to do this," he said pulling out of your core.
your mouth hanging open, shocked by the sight between your legs. a flushed tamaki, his mouth hanging open, and his tongue sticking out from his mouth but instead it's a good 8 inch tentacle ready to destroy your pussy. (actually planing on putting 14 but it's a different anime so ya lol)
just by the sight in front of you, you can already feel the burn inside your lower belly. you watch all his movements, it so fucking hot. you never know that the most quite and shy boy that people thought was so fucking innocent can make a girl in such a state.
he start to continue his previous activity, sliding the tongue like tentacle up and down your pussy. you can feel the tentacles tip brushing your clit lightly, causing you to gasp at the sudden sensation with each movement.
"nghhh haahhh s-shit ahhhnnn"
you moaned louder as it continue caressing your throbbing wet pussy. you start to feel something sucking your clit, it's start very lightly you barely feel it but it gets harder every seconds making your clit go red and swollen. your mouth hanging open, your eyes start to watering cause all pleasure is so overwhelming. Your eyes rolled back feeling the tentacle go inside you slowly, the tentacle go deeper and deeper.
"nghhh haahhh ahh f-fuck ahhnn"
feeling it thrusting in and out at slow pace, a much more smaller tentacle still swirling like circle motion around your swollen clit and every so often the suckers, sucking your clit lightly to add more pleasure.
"ahhh nghhh s-shit ahhh a-amajiki ahh"
mouth hanging open, tongue sticking out, tears start to run down your flushed cheeks.
'you look so lewd baby,' tamaki thought to himself . he start to making the tentacle go a little bigger every so often and his trust start to get harder and harder each time.
fuck. that's it, you start feeling that burning sensation in your lower stomach, arching your back. with one more thrust you cum hard. the hardest in your lifetime.
he pull off all the tentacle from your flushed fucked up body, feeling alredy worn-out and empty. he give you a few minutes to regain your srenght. he start to leave a little kiss from down your legs go up until he is face to face with you.
"u-um w-was i-it g-good Y/N?" he asked shyly.
"a-are you f-fucking kidding m-me? you literally makes me fucked up and yet you haven't put your dick in me." you say panting and eyes still closing.
hearing that is kinda embarrassing but he's also proud of himself, finally he have the courage to tell you that he like you and to go all the way here.
"i-is a-anywhere h-hurt?" he asked you again.
"no, baby I'm fine. so shall we continue?" rolling the both of you so now he's beneath you.
"it's not fair that I'm the only one who's naked, isn't it?" you whisper to his ear and sucking at it.
"u-um i-i guess," you hop off of him and letting him to sit up, he start to taking off his sweatshirt and pants dropping it on the floor beside your bed. leaving him in only a boxer, he's quiet big not gonna lie just by the sight of it making your pussy wet all over again.
"is this your first time?" looking at him, he just nod at you.
"oh. a-are you sure y-you want to do this? tamaki?" you ask him again to make sure.
"yes, I want this Y/N"
'wow he didn't even stutter,' you thought.
you grab both his cheeks, kissing him slowly and straddling him. you pull out for a moment to open the drawers beside your bed grabing the boy of condom and putting it beside you.
his face go all red all over again seeing the box beside him. "hey, it's okay we will go slow okay? I'll let you take the lead."
you start palming him through his thight boxer, "it looks so uncomfortable why don't we just take it off?" you yank it from him and throw it across the room.
you grip his dick, massaging it lightly. you start to lick the tip just a little bit, giving it a few lick and sucking just the tip.
"ngghhhh haaahhhh Y-Y/N p-please"
you start to putting him inside your mouth, messaging the rest of his cock that can't be for in. your other hand start to teasing his balls giving it a good grip. you start to trace your tongue from his tip to the base of his dick, giving it a little suck. you put one of his balls inside your mouth and massaging the other. after a few seconds you put the other inside your mouth and giving the other a massage. this keep repeating for a few more minutes.
"ughh haahhh nghhh"
making your way back to his swollen red tip, you can see his tip is leaking with a precum. putting just the tip inside your mouth giving it a teasing lick and sucking it a few more time.
"mhmm," you hum in a satisfiction. he feels the vibrate in his dick, it just make it worst. he just want to cum already. "ahh f-fuckk," he's already panting. "tell me what you want, baby" you say, stopping all the movements looking him straight in the eyes.
"p-please j-just haha s-suck me already,"
"well, if you insist"
you finally put him inside your mouth, you start to bop your head up and down, sucking and swirling your tongue around his tip. within few minutes you feel his dick twitch inside your mouth. without him realizing it, he grip your head with both of his hand. pushing him all the way inside, deep throating you.
'holy fuck that was hot' you thought.
gagging a little you can feel your throat burning, tears visible in the corner of your eyes. bobbing your head faster and faster.
"aahhhh nghhh i-I'm c-coming ngaahhh"
with that, you feel his hot cum run down your throat. he came hard inside your mouth, pulling him out a thing of saliva connecting your lips to his still hard dick.
"don't you think it's time for the main course?" you say leaning down to his face. messily kissing him, making him taste his own cum through you. he flip you both over, so you're beneath him. you grab the box of condom and opening one, putting it on him. he just looking at your actions with embarrassment.
"just start slowly, and then you can go with your own pace, okay?" you tell him.
"o-okay" he put his left hand in your waist. peppering kisses from your neck up to your jaw and then go to your lips. he start to putting his tip in your entrance with the help of his other hand. going in and out just the tip, testing the water.
"nghhh ahhh t-tamaki mhh just put it i-in already." hearing that, he go in one hard trust.
"NGH AAHHHH F-FUCK" closing your eyes.
"oh my g-god Y-Y/N I-I'M S-S-SORRY" he's about to pull out but you pot your legs around his waist and grab him by his shoulders.
"i-it's fine ahh f-fuck um j-just let me get u-used to it," you give him a little peck on the lips. staring at him, caressing his face with your much smaller fingers.
"a-and next time please tell me before you go all the way in on one thrust like that, so I can prepare myself." you can see his face is as red as a tomato.
you just chuckled at him, "you're so cute tamaki." he just smile, hearing your voice. he shut you up by kissing your lips, it's getting hot by the second you two start to making out. you can feel his dick twitch inside you.
"nghh t-tamaki please m-move." you start to feel him going in and out at slow pace. his right hand caressing your cheeks, his thumb go to your bottom lips brushing it, you give his thumb a few lick and start to sucking at it. tamaki put his thumb all the way in.
his trust getting much more harder than before. "aahhhh ngghhhh f-fuck f-faster p-please ahhnn." the second hearing that from you, he start going faster. his thrust is hard and fast, he really fuck you good.
your back arched. taking his thumb from your mouth, gripping your waist with both his hand. droll start to leaking from the corner of your lips, tears running down your face.
he keep thrusting in and out of you. he give your clit a small stroke with his forefinger,
"nghhh aahhhh a-amajiki mhhhmm i-"
"f-fuck haahhh y-you're so h-hot. w-wrapped a-around m-me" he can feel you walls start to tightening around him.
"f-fuck ahhh," you grab him by his hair and kissing him hard, the kiss was messy. both of your tongue fight for dominance. when you feel him getting bigger inside you, you start to clawing his back and sure it will leave mark for the next morning. (gotta mark your territory baby)
you start to feel that familiar burning inside your stomach, and he can feel it. he knows that you're almost there, he start to circling and pinching your clit harder. feeling your walls getting hotter and hotter.
"aahhhh a-amajiki i-im nghh c-cuming haahhh ahhnnn" with that being said you can hard. but that didn't stop him from thrusting sloppily,
"ahh w-wait i-im shit ahnn s-still s-sensitive"
"j-just ahhh h-hang o-on ahnn f-for ahh l-little" he said panting. his abusing on your clit didn't stop, you're panting, sweat everywhere, tears running down your cheeks and to the pillow beneath you, droll leaking from both side of your mouth, your tongue hanging out. you're a total mess.
"just 'thrust' a 'thrust' little 'thrust' more 'thrust' I'm 'thrust' almost 'thrust' there 'thrust' "
you start to feel something inside your stomach, the burning feeling is a little different. after a few more hard thrust, you squirt all over the bed.
"aahhhhhh ngghhhh fuck fuck fuck," you've never felt this so much pleasure before. this is so overwhelming yet you like this feeling, the feeling he give you.
"aahhhh i-im haaahh" with that he came hard, painting the condom white.
after a few more seconds, he pulling out of you making you feel empty. you let out a little sequel. he take the condom off tying it before throwing it to the trash can beside your drawers.
he start to rubbing both your thighs, and up your side. your eyes still closed, "h-hey um i-is t-there a-anywhere h-hurt?" he ask you, you can hear the worried in his voice.
"f-fuck ngh no, I'm fine. j-just need a little more time."
"o-oh o-okay, d-do y-you want me t-to h-help y-you c-clean u-up?" he ask you trying so hard not to looking at you in this state.
"sure, let's go to the guest room after. I don't think it will be comfortable for us to sleep here"
"w-what s-sleep?" he say shocked
"yes? there's no way in hell I'm letting you go back to the dorm, it's so late damn it's almost three in the morning" you say while looking at the clock on your nightstand.
he just looking at you still shocked. you come closer to him, hissing at the feeling between your legs "ow," hearing that he immediately go to your side. you grab both his hands, looking him right in the eye.
"we already confess to eachother, right. and we just had sex, so basically we are dating." he just smile at you and give you a little peck.
"yeah, let's g-go clean up a-and take a rest" he say carrying you bridal style to the bathroom.
after cleaning up and changing your chlotes, both of you go to the guest bathroom. he's on his back with you lying down closer to him, on your stomach. something just pop up on your mind, changing your previous position. you go on your side looking at him, putting one of your hand in his bare chest.
"ne ne amajiki, I was wondering."
"w-wwhat is it N/N?" you caught him off guard.
you put both your hand and chin on his chest, "is your quirk only apply for your hands or can it be other part of your body?"
muehehehehe y'all already know what I'm talking about, this just pop up when I write this T³T
I need to bleach my eyes after this, also tbh I'm not really proud of this one but yeah.
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jjuzoir · 4 years
haiiii (idk if im doing this right-) but can u do a mc x eugene (from dangerous fellows) fanfic?thank u uwu💜
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A/N: hi! you are doing absolutely amazingly don’t worry! this was actually very damn fun to write,,, but i’m gonna do a short bullet point fic and a small drabble that takes place after the end of the fic!
Realism | Eugene
- So! You met during the apocalypse and that’s not very… you know, romantic.
- But somehow, you two kind of fell for each other.
- It’s kind of silly when you think about it, in a life or death and in such a survive or die situation you still managed to fall in love with Eugene.
- At first, he kind of pushed you away with his pessimistic almost depressing point of view.
- That and his edgy comments and rude remarks made your grumble in annoyance.
- His constant dark remarks anguished you a lot, especially since he seemed to constantly want to remind the group after you tried to cheer things up.
- But still... he was kinda cute when he kept his mouth shut.
- “Being realistic and pessimistic are two different things, Eugene,” you whispered harshly at him during one particular night shift.
- “And being optimistic and stupid are also two very different things, [Name],” he responded annoyed at you.
- After that you argued a little bit and then you two kind… started understanding where the other came from.
- And that’s how a very unexpected friendship formed.
- On one hand there was you trying your best to look at the positive side of things and then there was Eugene who did not like the situation and constantly reminded everyone that he did not like the situation.
- You two balanced each other out a lot, neutralising the negativity and the positivity into a very nice balance of realism.
- Slowly, his remarks started to be softer and it was like he actually felt bad when he hurt you and you stopped calling him as many names as you used to.
- Zion describes you two as the group’s emotional brain-cells.
- And when you two were caught kissing by a flustered Harry and Lawrence no one was surprised.
- Dating Eugene during the literal apocalypse was probably one of the few things that kept you from going insane.
- And so you two started sharing a classroom, duh.
- During patrols you two were always paired together and were often found around the music room where Eugene would show you the songs he planned on recording once things were over.
- And when he told you that same exact quote you broke down crying and at first he didn’t understand why until you pointed it out while hugging him.
- “You said ‘once things were over’, dummy,” you whispered into his shirt.
- “O-Of course we’re gonna survive,” he looked around the room blushing red, “I ain’t letting you die on me.”
- It meant so much because it was a sign from him that he had now started to see things in a more positive light.
- And you were proud of him, because you both knew how scary it was to not know if you’d survive.
- After that, you two became even closer and Zion grew more and more uncomfortable with you two and your affection.
- “Dude please stop we’re in the apocalypse stop being all romantic and shit.”
- But that changed once you both found out about the safe zone, a heaven on earth.
- And that’s how you two tried and failed to convince Lawrence to take the whole group to the safe zone, accidentally triggering him to attempt to kill everyone.
- At the end, from what you knew, only you and Eugene made it out alive that night.
- You both ran until your legs gave out in front of a huge stadium, the only chance of survival you had left.
- You two were rushed in and checked out for any sign of injury or infection.
- Surprisingly, the safe zone was quite empty.
- Only a couple hundred people, shocking considering the size of the town you lived in.
- Police officers filled you both in; Many people were infected and it was too late to save them and not everyone had successfully reached confinement.
- Once you were left alone, you both hugged each other.
- A hug way longer than any hug he’d let you two share before.
- Worried about your friends you informed the police officers about the school and fear of them not making it.
- They assured you both they’d look into it as soon as they got more supplies and orders from the government.
- Eugene and you shared a tent you would now call home until news from the government came.
- It was awkward at first, especially not knowing if your friends were still alive but at least you had each other.
- You two stayed there for three weeks until you two were allowed to move into a hospital that hadn’t been touched in the mountain side, Eugene, you, and a couple of other survivors were taken from the stadium to the new location.
- Much to your horror; what about the group? Had they made it? Your thoughts almost mimicked the ones you had gotten the first day of the outbreak; except now, they were possibly worse. You wouldn’t know about them...
- The brown-haired boy took you into his arms and hugged you tightly; “Being optimistic and realistic are two different things, [Name], stop being a crybaby...”
- You sniffled into his worn down gray sweatshirt and nodded. He smelled like shit, really, but even then you still felt comfortable in his arms.
- “Let’s hope Lawrence got his shit together and that we’ll meet them again.”
- And that’s the day you two shared your firsts “I love you”.
- “I love you, Eugene.”
- “I love you too, idiot.”
It had been 2 weeks since you had arrived at the hospital, a hospital that had been turned into a shelter of sorts.
It was hidden in the mountains but it was near enough that the government could bring you food and utilities. It had a water source nearby allowing you all to bathe and drink water with no worries, you always had three meals a day and a warm bed. It surprised you that it was only five weeks ago that you were in a rundown high school sleeping on a cold bedroom floor.
Now you shared a bed and room with your boyfriend, Eugene. A sanitized room with a nice warm bed and a window to the mountain sides, you had filled it rather quickly with Eugene with trinkets and plants you had found; all in hopes of salvaging any sort of normality in the situation. The government had outdid itself really, it managed to build hundreds of small shelters for the survivors while actively looking for a cure and from what the news had said, after a particular breakthrough they estimated they’d finish their first prototype in a month's time.
However, no matter the amount of good news that came your way you were still plagued by the nightmares of the night Lawrence lost his mind and went berserk on you. You could still hear the sound of glass shattering from the force the living dead used to break into what once was a safe haven for you. You could only wish and pray the remainder of the group got out on time.
Probably sensing your worries, you felt your boyfriend’s arms circle your waist in a hug. His breath on your shoulders a reminder that he was here and that, at the very least, you weren’t alone.
“They’re gonna be fine,” Eugene whispered, his soft hair (which he had finally washed for the first time in weeks) tickles your cheek.
“How do we know? We barely could make it out and we were close to the exit as it was,” you looked at him in worry, his dark eyes looked back at yours filled with affection. Such gentle affection you wondered if he was the same Eugene you had met weeks earlier.
“We don’t, but as you said once, there’s nothing wrong with a little bit of hope,” he painfully squeezed your cheek until it turned red before kissing you.
You leaned against his chest and gently caressed his hands as they drummed a soft pattern against your chest, a warm and carefree moment painted in oranges by the setting sun.
“When did you get so sensitive and smart?” You laughed as you both watched the sun set from your room, an odd sense of peace washing over you.
“I’ve always been a genius, [Name],” Eugene responded in fake offense, his tone way too annoying, “Who do ya’ think I am?”
“You know I love you to bits, right?” You turned your head gently to the side to admire his profile; sharp nose, long lashes; he looked out of a painting. As cheesy as it sounded you felt the need to remind him, you knew he felt guilty as well, you could still remember his face when you two first heard the music blasting from the speakers, and you hoped your words didn’t cut into any open-wounds.
“Yes I do,” he looked at you as he leaned to rest his head against your shoulder, “Bug ya’ know I love you more, right?”
“Tch, this ain’t a competition,” You snorted, “and impossible, I love you to death, asshole.”
“Nah, I love you more,” Eugen challenged you before picking you up and throwing you against the bed, you bounced up and down shrinking in horror as he wrapped his hands against you sides.
“No you don’t-! Eugene stop!” You gasped as he tickled your sides harshly, “Stop!”
“Nope, not until you admit I love you more,” he continued being merciless. This was off enough in his character for you to know he was doing his best to keep your mind off any negativity and you appreciated his efforts.
“N-no-! Gah, fine! Fine y-you win, you love me the most, Eugene stop-! Just let me breathe, oh my god!” You gasped for air tears trickled against your cheeks.
“Good,” he smirked as he looked down at you and you could see the worry in his eyes, “I love you, [Name].”
“I love you too.”
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comicteaparty · 4 years
July 4th-July 10th, 2020 Creator Babble Archive
The archive for the Creator Babble chat that occurred from July 4th, 2020 to July 10th, 2020.  The chat focused on the following question:
What was an unexpected aspect of making webcomics you didn’t realize before making one yourself?
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
How much our comic and it's story we're going to change during the years of creation was the biggest and most jarring aspect for sure. There's scripts and thumbs that were all made before we ventured out to make GJS with paths completely different from what we initially thought we would take that have completely changed how we approach not only writing but reading webcomics too. Webcomics as a medium have the biggest connection to time, whether it be production or the consumption, they have this opportunity to exist and transform in the long hours it takes to enjoy and read them. It's honestly one of the biggest advantages imho. To see a story slowly unfold, listening to ur audience reactions, peer critiques, or new inspiration can make such a drastic and intense impact on a long form work- its both jaw dropping and humbling to be apart of!(edited)
Deo101 [Millennium]
For me it was the community aspect of comics. I knew a community existed on the reader side of things (comments!), but I didn't expect the creator side to be how it is! I don't know why, but for some reason I kind of always thought that all of us were sort of throwing our comics out from the void... I guess that was me looking at comics from a reader's point of view! But as soon as I started making comics, I started meeting people who made them too... and it's been incredible!
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
@deo I never really understood what an internet community or internet friends were until I started making a webcomic
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah, I had been in (and quickly decided to not be in 0_0) gaming communities, but nothing really as wonderful as what I've found through comics. Closest I had gotten other than that was comments on social media
Shizamura 🌟 O Sarilho
Community definitely one of the big things, much like Deo pointed. I was kinda expecting to have get connections through readers, but it's much more with other creators, which is super satisfying in it's own way. Also gonna second Krispy's comment about how time affects how you see your story's past and future. A lot of things changed in the past four years that made my comic change as well and having so much time to think each individual scene allows them to be much more complex and interesting than they would when I first thought them through. Having the time really helps. This also kinda touches the topic of personal change too, which affects how I write and what feels most important to focus on and that's interesting to think about as well
eliushi [Keyspace]
How long things will take, the longer the story goes on! I started out being able to complete a page in 2h but then I found more I wanted to try on each page (colours, layout, composition etc) and even wanted to extend certain scenes. With 500 pages planned, I definitely thought I’d be farther along by now, heading into AWT’s first year anniversary in a month. That being said, I’m also enjoying the ride and it’s all thanks to the great community here and making connections with other comics folks/readers. I never expected to get comments and so each one has been a treasure to read.
An unexpected aspect of making webcomics is how much people respond to them. I figured I'd be creating into a void but I met so many people as a result of publishing my dinosaur comic
shadowhood {SunnyxRain}
Ditto on the webcomic community. I didn't realize how far reaching it was to have a community that supports each other. And I've enjoyed meeting so many wonderful and creative people who raised each other up. Another thing I didn't expect, however, was how invested I got into my comic.(edited)
At first I was doing it mostly for fun. But the more I delved into it, the easier it was to get sucked into my story and want to draw it out. And as a result taking it a lot more seriously.
yeah sometimes I miss my dinosaur comic even though I had some pretty good reasons for moving on. It was created out of desperation and evolved into something that made me feel good about myself
Haruh2 (Colony Life)
How much work and time it takes to keep a weekly update going with no backlog
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah same
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
For me, I didn't realize how much it would affect my life to make comics, and vice versa. In a weird way, I didn't know how interrelated the two were, or how easily life could interfere with my comic, or the inverse.
eliushi [Keyspace]
Making comics became a lifestyle for me
@Haruh2 (Colony Life) When I had no backlog I was updating every two weeks with 7 pages per update; so about 14h of work. But this is with a finished script. I am also told I work fast.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
That's soooo much, Eli!
That's at least twice as much as I do (edited)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
For me, I didn't realize how much it would affect my life to make comics, and vice versa. In a weird way, I didn't know how interrelated the two were, or how easily life could interfere with my comic, or the inverse.
I hadn't realized how much I put myself into my comic! My friends who read it have all said that it's incredibly in my voice and reflects my opinions and worldviews Before I shared it with people I hadn't thought of it in that way at all
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
As an artist, I didn't expect how my comic production and mindset will change. Once I started comics, it brought out my ideas from thoughts to a physical form. I start to invest more time into it. Each project evolved through each chapter. How to balance script writing to a polished piece. I put alot of time and research in my works. It makes me glad to hear other creators do the same. I'm not the crazy artist who's wasting her time. One of the positive change was meeting other creators, how we give advice and receive praise.(edited)
eliushi [Keyspace]
The support has been amazing. It makes the work less lonely
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Fish, oh for sure! I didn't realize until recently how much my characters are all just facets of myself!
eliushi [Keyspace]
(I don’t work that quickly anymore and I’m making big changes to the format soon so it’s going to be a Transition)
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
I've been in school with art students who never made comics, so when I came to CTP discord, reading comic discussions. It was comforting and fun. I enjoy the cooperation our group has, helping each other.
eliushi [Keyspace]
I like to commiserate about the unique challenges comics have
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Hahaha, yeahhhhh
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
I agree, it's different from illustrations. Different approach(edited)
eliushi [Keyspace]
I am perpetually balancing time spent on a panel vs how much time the reader will spend on it
Vs illustration: lemme make all the details
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
Oh I agree, each panel takes longer than it takes to read it. Hence I dislike when readers call manga creators 'lazy'
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
how much time does it take to read one of my pages?
20 seconds?(edited)
wait is that emoji supposed to be someone rolling their eyes??
i jsut looked it up
i might've been using it wrong this whole time
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
It's way different than in novels, and definitely came as a shock at the start
eliushi [Keyspace]
Yeah have to play to the strength of the medium. Still imagining AWT as an animated movie written from a novel, in the format of a comic
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Haha, same kinda
Haruh2 (Colony Life)
@eliushi [Keyspace] ah haha, that makes me feel better about my update habits, but thats a good goal for me to shoot for now that im learning a new way to make long comics specifically
cAPSLOCK (Tailslide)
I completely underestimated the amount of effort that would have to go into formatting, website design and maintenance, etc. If I got to do it again, a little more research beforehand probably would’ve saved me a lot of time and hassle.
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
I really overestimated the "if you build it they will come" aspect of webcomics lol. Like, you actually have to work to advertise your comic in order for people to read it. Nobody ever got hundreds of readers just from posting their comic onto some hosting site without doing major marketing work.(edited)
yeah, I feel that
I've never really been an advertising type before my comic, im learning to just get used to it
Deo101 [Millennium]
I've not really done much advertising tbh, it makes me uncomfortable
it feels kinda...embarrassing? might be too harsh of a word
i dunno
Deo101 [Millennium]
its just uncomfortable idk! i feel awkward doing it
yeah, same ive done it a few times on reddit but i have to force myself
Haruh2 (Colony Life)
it does feel, odd..hell most of the time it just feels like i open the door to my house and toss a bunch of paper to the wind hoping someone can see it
Deo101 [Millennium]
yeah, I dont know if ive done anything other than posting updates on twitter and talking about it in groups like this
and twitter is mostly just me talkin to people who already read it...
idk talking about my work without being asked first makes me feel like im inserting myself where im not allowed
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Self promo got MUCH less intimidating for me when I started thinking of it like: "okay, so my comic is made for readers like me, people who share my tastes. That means I only need to answer one question: what can I say to get me to check out this comic? I don't need to impress anyone else. I just need to appeal to me." (since "me" is my target audience)
Deo101 [Millennium]
mhm ^^
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
But take it with a grain of salt because I'm still not really promoing
Haruh2 (Colony Life)
exactly, thats why i find it hard to tweet about it most of the time, but i get the whole if i dont care about to talk without being asked no one else will either
Deo101 [Millennium]
yeah lmao mood im like what would get me to read... hmmm... probably exactly what im doing.... I'll keep it up then :)
Haruh2 (Colony Life)
yea i get excited to draw out certain parts..but wouldnt want to just tweet about all the little tidbits of the story ruining it for others
Deo101 [Millennium]
i made a whole side twitter for my comic cuz talking about it on my main intimidated me too much
it is my containment chamber
Haruh2 (Colony Life)
hm may do that, just to say i did it and to get my mind away from the thought
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
yeah same
Deo101 [Millennium]
My main is just whatever I want it to be idk. Its kinda for all my comics, since my comics are all I want to talk about
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
though my main is mostly just retweeting from my side twitter lol
Deo101 [Millennium]
it removes a lot of the pressure of like what if my followers dont wanna see this??
cause they wouldnt be here if they didnt wanna see it
cause its all Ive been doing the whole time
thats a good point
i had my main way before my comic so most of my mutuals/followers dont follow for that
Haruh2 (Colony Life)
yea, it can feel abit disorienting when there is no interaction one way or another on anything you tweet (also if twitter has messed up and causes your tweets to not show up)
Deo101 [Millennium]
but yeah I dont really advertise cause it just makes me so uncomfortable >.<
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I'm kind of somewhere in between. I advertise my comic mostly because it is all I wanna talk about, like Deo. But I also don't think it's gotten me many readers. Most of my readers came as far as I can tell because I was making something that appealed to them. (The whole "if you build it, they will come" thing.) Although, I really don't have a big audience, I do have an audience, and I am certain most of them came from me just posting.
I think it's determined a lot by luck, and also, how big your niche's audience is to begin with (and some skill tbh).
Deo101 [Millennium]
yeah like I think "gay sci fi" is a p big niche so ive got a big amount of people I could potentially reach
which makes it much easier to draw people in
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I'm particularly lucky, I guess, that fantasy/romance has a lot of readers (also more competition, but...)
Deo101 [Millennium]
yeah fantasy romance is a damn big one
Haruh2 (Colony Life)
eh i think im in an awkward void with my action/drama story (since im not doing romance drama)
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I just go with the mindset: "what makes my fantasy/romance different from the rest" and go from there.
Deo101 [Millennium]
tbh I dont think my sci fi romance is doing anything special?
but im having fun so :) I dont rlly care about that hahahha
having fun the most important thing
Deo101 [Millennium]
its not my goal to make somthing mindblowing ^^ truley im just here for a good time
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I mean, LGBT+-inclusive sci-fi is pretty unique
I haven't seen a lot
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
It's clear that your characters are people, and that's special, regardless of how common/uncommon
think if i didnt love my comic as much as i do id have stopped a long time ago
Deo101 [Millennium]
thats true keiiii, thank you <3
also yeah its Sad that theres not more LGBT+ sci fi cause its like youve got aliennnssssssssssssssssssss you can do whatever you waaaaaant
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I knooowww
Deo101 [Millennium]
guess it shows what ppl want or something
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Deo101 [Millennium]
off topic
so to make it back on topic
I underestimated how much people would like gay sci fi GJKLAGJLAJLKAGJSLAKGJKL
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
One thing I learned specifically with my current comic... I did not realize how much difference the reader's cultural background would make in terms of interpreting my story.
Deo101 [Millennium]
I actually almost mentioned you in class once tbh keiii
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Big oversight, in retrospect
Deo101 [Millennium]
saying "someone I know makes a comic which they noticed, it's interpreted completely differently just depending on cultural backgrounds" kind of a thing
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
like I would not have made the comic any different, but I would have approached the... presentation differently. Like, talk about it differently
Deo101 [Millennium]
cause we were talking about how narratives affect rt
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
I guess another thing that was unexpected about making webcomics was... there are way more people with my exact tastes than I thought
Deo101 [Millennium]
and I was saying that I think the viewer's narrative affects art more than the artists narrative
I mean, the artists narrative obviously is what makes it so.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
In the eyes of the beholder
Deo101 [Millennium]
but interpretations and all that... yeah!!!
so. actually I might have offhandedly mentioned you I cant remember if I did or not
lemme check
I did! very like "second hand" offhandedly mentioning though ahaha
hope that doesnt make you uncomfortable GSKLGSJALGJLGK no one replied to me so e.e
in the class I mean
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I am super uncomfortable and offended !!!!!
Deo101 [Millennium]
but... yeah idk starting out I truly just was making it cause I really love my characters a lot, the idea that other people would like them too is very unexpected :) in a good way
I also definitely didnt expect how important enviornments were e.e
didnt plan those well enough.
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
that relatable feel
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I really desperately advertise my comic everywhere. I don't really know how to do marketing effectively though & I don't know if its working
eliushi [Keyspace]
I find what increased readership most consistently is still the feature aspect from the hosting sites. It’s really about finding the right readers/right readers finding you
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Same, I'm basically a rounding error away from being 100% reliant on the features for subs
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I don't think my comic has ever been featured on the hosting sites. My numbers have always been low on Tapas and maybe thast why
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Yeah, features help a lot
I've been featured on Webtoon, but not Tapas, and you can really see the difference in readership there
Deo101 [Millennium]
Ive been featured on both, uhh in a couple of diff places, if you wanted a breakdown of how many readers i got from the diff spots and stuff ever just lmk im happy to share
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I've been featured on both. It certainly got people to check it out and even sub, but retaining those people (even if they've subbed!!!) is a different story. I think my story is just not the right type for the platforms, but eh, even if 99% of the platform users aren't into the kinda thing I'm making, 1% increase is still an increase.
Which is another thing I learned over the course of running this comic, specifically (since the internet has changed so much after my first two attempts). Just because the majority of your subs don't actually read the comic, doesn't mean your work sucks. Today's internet caters to casual users, and there's a bajillion factors affecting who's actually reading your stuff.
i agree
my comic has never been featured on either, and webtoons doesnt have a guideline on what they pick but tapas does and my comic doesnt really meet their featuring requirements so i dont think either site ever will feature mine haha
so i gotta advertise on reddit and use twitter tags a lot
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Don't go too crazy with twitter tags; they can make people zone out and not look at your tweet.
i try to use 5 at the most, i know too many is unpleasant to look at haha
Jib {WIP haha}
Oh huh, my rule of thumb is to use 1-2 on twitter and as many as I can on Insta but I’m no expert lol
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Yeah, IG seems to be where you want all the tags XD
Webtoon's algorithms are like turning a hose on and off lol
The difference between views and sub growth during periods of being featured vs not is stark(edited)
i've never been featured by webtoons but i've seen series grow from 100 followers to 10k overnight
not an exaggeration
I put my new comic on webtoon in november 2019, and in 1 month I crawled up to.... maybe 50 subs?(granted I only put up one episode and then paused for a bit)
Then in December I started updating it weekly and got placed in the new and hot section of the app
And bam, 6k subs
It last 2 weeks and then the section updated and all growth stopped, and subs went down by 10 or so over the next week
Krispy §[Ghost Junk Sickness]§
(Omg featured is like the new Daily Deviation goals from DA way back in the day!)
Until it got another feature on a different part of the website and went up another 2k. It was like playing with the handle on a faucet lol
I got some pretty good growth during canvas week, but beyond that not really
I get 1-2 subs after an update if I'm lucky
I feel like their algorithms are very reliant on the regular rotation of features that staff have to do manuallt
Outside of that, discoverability is quite weak
Mostly because of the volume of comics on there
same boat as vare. the only thing i know about webtoons features is they have stated a couple times one of their recquirements is consistant updating, so if u skip a week that disqualifies u for a lil while i imagine
I wonder what they count as consistent. I was doing every 2 weeks for awhile, but this month I'm gonna try weekly to see if it helps me earn more $$ from ads :U
I wish there was more incentive for readers to check out the new section on webtoons and tapas
i have found some amazing gems in the new section
i swear i've seen stuff in featured that were not at all updated consistently
I have too, there's a ton of good comics that get overlooked because they're not in the front page
some featured comics havent updated in months sometimes
I definitely would not have considered myself consistent at the time of the first feature, considering there was a gap of a month between episode 1 and 2 lpl
the consistently updating thing is more of a recommendation than a requirement i feel?(edited)
ooohh good to know!!
I'm sure it cant be a hard rule, especially for comics that have just launched
im just going off their canvas qna's from last year
if it's actually a hard rule for staff to feature comics that regularly update they break that rule a lot
i also heard a bot picks up comics too
well i at least think the staff or bots or whatever at webtoons are doing a better job with features than tapas is
tapas is always pushing their premium comics way more than their indie stuff
tapas needs to bring new comics onto the frontpage more often than it does, yeah
yeah I agree
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I mean, I get why they put premium on the front page. But I feel more variety would help them because it's more interesting for the readers?
I can't tell whats premium or not with tapas sometimes
i do like that they've been asking stuff like this in the forums tho
more distinction would be helpful to me too dako
i don't think its as clear as it could be
yeah, webtoons at least it's clear what is and what isnt featured or canvas
Jib {WIP haha}
Huh, anyone remember that really popular writing podcast? I forgot the name
Or have any recommendations I guess
Terrible writing advice? It's sarcastic
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
is this related to the topic?
It's a podcast about writing, so I'm going to say yes.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I think snuffysam meant the weekly topic for the channel
Just for this channel, no. I'm too new to know that.
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Please check #rules
Sound more like someone forgot context than the rules
That's why I'm hardly here. I don't know stuff people who've been here for a long time know like podcasts or older comics(edited)
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Basically each of the channels under "CTP Activities" on this server has its own topic of the week.
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
It's not a matter of being here for a long time or not. This channel is used solely for discussing the weekly topics, and such information can be found in #rules
Kudos then. I came for creator babble only.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
For general webcomic creation-related advice (either seeking or giving) and such, #shop_talk usually is the place!
creator_babble is for answering the topic of the week
It's not actually for generalized "creator babble" despite the name.
looks like they left
Jib {WIP haha}
Oh my bad, it’s been a while since I read the rules, I brought up the new subject
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
No problem, we were just reminding you all :)
Jib {WIP haha}
Ty for that then haha
I think one unexpected thing for me is that no one tells you how crazy the highs and lows can be
well I guess people do but you really don't know until the highs and lows happen to you if that makes sense
Cronaj ~{Whispers of the Past}~
Oh God, that's so true
Burnout is way more dreadful than I could ever guess prior to experiencing it
Feather J. Fern
One unexpected thing for me was how many people I would meet because of my comic. It surprised me greatly that I found so many cool people through the comic community and made the friends I have made now. Love you all
The unexpected thing for me was just how much you have to just...predict...what the market will want to read. Like even if you research a whole lot, and you draw really well, and have been doing art professionally, you can still strike out. It's a humbling experience, but being able to just let go of poorly received pages and move on and try things differently is a lot of the battle for doing a webcomic. It teaches you how to fail gracefully because...it's all a process of learning your readers better. Even if they're few at first.
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
My major unexpected thing was how much my initial ideas change as I work through a page. Everything from the expressions, dialogue, and layout can change as I look at it and 'solve' it more closely than I did in thumbnails. There are pages I look back on and realize they are ENTIRELY different than what I had first sketched. And they're better for it. Allowing myself the freedom to edit during the artwork... it's created some majorly awesome opportunities.
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yes!!!!! Me too!!!
It's exciting thoufh
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Absolutely same
Could plan something out meticulously but then change it in the last 2 secs before uploading
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yup... I don't thumbnail much ahead of where I'm at cause of this(edited)
I thumbnail a scene at a time, and then usually I end up changing stuff halfway through ahahfjjdkskdkss
Same hat, haha. I often make changes at every stage-- even the thumbnails will often depart from the script. If anything, I wish I made even more changes-- I feel like my page layouts tend to be pretty standard, I do a lot of pages with the 3 rows of 2 panels each, and I want to break out of that more. But... well, that's a work in progress.
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wigglytuph · 6 years
💗 if you could hug anyone, who would it be? @sinstability @beehuts @frostios @spyrno @gothkirby @zendaya sdkfgshdcuysgdjf AND A BUNCH MORE ALL OF YOU EVERYONE I WAS GONNA @ EVERYONE BUT REALIZED THATD TAKE FOREVER BUT @EVERYONE!!!!!
👀 what was the most recent vivid dream that you had? Its kindof a reoccurring dream it was like a month ago but. my family and i move into a new house and im going to go pick what room i wanna sleep in and theres a couple rooms and then i find? a staircase? with litterally like HUNDREDS of rooms and the dream is just me walking down this spiral staircase looking in room after room after room. and there’s like clothes hung up from the cieling and walls as im going down, and the further down i go the more clothes there are and the harder it is to keep going. finally the clothes all become REALLY girly and frilly and pink and theres this BRIGHT pink princess style room, and then after that the clothes end, and instead of there being more stairs and rooms and doors, the stairs stop, the clothes stop, and theres just a really dark eerie celar style door that makes me feel Scared and Uneasy, if i’m with a friend in the dream then they go into the room and i run back upstairs and then the dream ends, if i’m by myself then i just go back upstairs and dont look in the room. WACK.
😘 talk about your crush or partnersldjkcbsdcsjdf SWEET AND GAY AND NICE AND CARING AND CUTE AND FUNNY AND PERFECT AND 
🌟 what do you like about yourself? (must choose at least 3 things!)Im a caring bitch i sometimes care too much but i care!!! i feel empathy!! bitch!! i like my hair 90% of the time thats fun. annndddd uuuuhhhh. i like. that. im good at. overwatch? idk thats all i got skdjfhskdfsdf
🎁 - Already answered!
🍀 if you could be any fictional character’s best friend/lover, which fictional character would you be? BEST FRIENDS WITH BONES FROM ANIMAL CROSSING, HARDCORE FUCK BUDDIES WITH BOWSER
☁️ talk about your dream universe.Quiet, serene, pretty, sky filled with stars and galaxies, and multiple moons. People care about eachother, people go out of their ways for eachother.  idk not to be fake deep sdkfjshdfk  thats all i got
🐬-Already answered!
🍪 what did you want to be as a kid, and what do you want to be now?I wanted to be a Magical Artist, where my act would be drawing beautiful pictures and then using my magic to bring the pictures to life skdjfhskdfsdsk but uh. oops. i have no aspirations or motivations or anything like that. i aint got a CLUE what i wanna do. guess ill die.
🎤 what’s the last song you hummed or sang by yourself?KKB - Cinema
📚 share 3 books that you love and your favourite quote from them.skdjfhsdf i dont READ. sorry i got nothin
😌 what thoughts keep you going when you’re sad?I have plans!! im gonna move in w my best best best best best friend sara in a couple years and we’re gonna get a dog and live together and its gonna. be good. i have a plan for the future its gonna be ok and its gonna be great.
🎬 what are some of your favourite films?i really like Tangled, My Magoriums Wonder Emporium, BLACK PANTHER BITCH, im forgetting others but those are good !!
🍦 what is one treasured childhood memory?I’ve blocked out most of my childhood oops sowwy ACTUALLY no itd be being a stupid 12 year old and having the time of my life roleplaying my furry ocs with sara those were. really fun djkfhskfsdf
🐼 if you could meet anyone, who would it be and why?Casey cuz we’re goth lesbian prep lesbian power couple and i need to buy her a slushie, Cherry cuz i wanna feel their hair, James cuz 👀👀👀, mitzy cuz again i just wanna HUG EM and also pet their goats, and SAWA CUZ I WUBV HER SO MUCH
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angelmyg · 6 years
RULES: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 truths about you; at the end choose people to be tagged
I was tagged by @rosegoldksj thank u so much bbygrl 
1. drink - pepsi max 2. phone call - my friend marit 3. text message - “a lot” 4. song you listened to - the devil’s tears - angus & julia stone 5. time you cried - almost today but last time was probably sometime last week
6. dated someone twice - nah 7. kissed someone and regretted it - yes 8. been cheated on - yes 9. lost someone special - yes 10. been depressed - yes 11. gotten drunk and thrown up - yes
fave colours
12. dark green 13. dark royal blue 14. dark red
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends - yesss 16. fallen out of love - yes 17. laughed until you cried - yes 18. found out someone was talking about you - yep 19. met someone who changed you - yes 20. found out who your friends are - yep 21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - nah thank god i never use it so i only have old people as friends there
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - not many ha ha ha 23. do you have any pets - not anymore, but we used to have horses, a couple hundred rabbits, twenty cats so  24. do you want to change your name - it be nice 25. what did you do for your last birthday - i had like twenty shot at the “pre-party” and spent two hours of dying and then returned partying it was actually so much fun 26. what time did you wake up today - like 7:55 my alarm didnt work 27. what were you doing at midnight last night - sleeping 28. what is something you cant wait for - to finish high school and going out to the real world 30. what are you listening to right now - watching the walking dead s2 31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - yess
32. something that’s getting on your nerves - people making their life complicated when it doesnt have to be
33. most visited website - tumblr and shopping websites
34. hair colour - dark brown but im thinking of coloring it back to blonde 35. long or short hair - my hair used to go down to my butt but i cut it shoulder short 36. do you have a crush on someone - nah 37. what do you like about yourself - my fingers and figure 38. want any piercings? - i would love to but im allergic to anything in my ears so i cant, and i want tongue piercing but my mom would probably kill me 39. blood type - i don’t know i would love to know 40. nicknames - i dont have one ;( 41. relationship status - single as a pringle ready to mingle 42. zodiac - aquarius 43. pronouns - she/her 44. fave tv shows - the walking dead, grey’s anatomy & criminal minds 45. tattoos - i dont have any but i have many planned 46. right or left handed - right 47. ever had surgery - nah 48. piercings - none 49. sport - hell nah 50. vacation - ive been to greece, gran canaria, denmark, netherlands, germany, sweden and finland hahaha 51. trainers - no
more general
52. eating - spring rolls !! 53. drinking - pepsi max 54. i’m about to watch - the walking dead 55. waiting for - the clock to turn to 8 so i can make jelly shots 56. want - everything to be ok 57. get married - after having law-class man i dont know. like if i have 10 million kr and my partner has none + 2 million in loan, he’ll get 7 million while ill get 3 million. i dont think its worth to lose over half of your money when you can easily just be a couple 58. career - im thinking of taking a master in psychology, and then later work as a specialist in kids and teens. and then maybe work in school to prevent bullying or something
which is better
59. hugs or kisses - small attacks of kisses all around your face pls 60. lips or eyes - lips 61. shorter or taller - taller 62. older or younger - older 63. nice arms or stomach - nice arms but really it doesnt matter 64. hookup or relationship - relationships i hate playing games
65. troublemaker or hesitant - troublemaker hehe
have you ever
66. kissed a stranger - yes 67. drank hard liquor - ye 68. lost glasses - yess 69. turned someone down - yes 70. sex on first date - nah 71. broken someone’s heart - no 72. had your heart broken - yep 73. been arrested - nah 74. cried when someone died - no 75. fallen for a friend - yes.....
do you believe in
76. yourself - bob bob 77. miracles - maybe? 78. love at first sight - definitly 79. santa claus - no 80. kiss on a first date - yeah why not 81. angels - kekek idk
82. best friend’s name - eila 83. eye colour - a mix of green and blue 84. fave movie - i hate movies in general 85. fave actor - steven yeun i think
86. i turn 18 this sunday
87. my favorite animal is polar bears 
88. i have the worlds prettiest iphone case ngl
89. i love the mbti theory and i swear my life on it
90. everybody thought i was a lazy piece of shit but when i got a job i worked 22 days of one month and everybody was shocked and i showed em !!! look at me now bitches !!
91. i love sad songs not because im sad but because they are so beautifully made and they have so much emotions in them
92. i love trains idkw i just luv them with all my heart
i’ll tag my new mutuals; @honeyyjeon @stigmayoongi @callmeillegrl @rosefriend @forestyoongs @bloomingsuga  <3
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foxlolpop · 4 years
What your favorite story with each M and G?
ah anon, here are my stories <3 thanks for the ask! 💙
i’ve mentioned this before but me and M pretended to date in sixth grade. we’ve always been super close so it really wasn’t that hard. 
in fifth grade we held hands all the time (if anyone cares her hands are super rough and warm) and- this is embarrassing- but i used to cling to her pinky and pout when we had to separate. we said “i platonically love you” to each other’s faces, with people around, wrote it on sticky notes and passed it to one another during class. our classmates threw the word lesbian at us like an insult but we just called them sad pathetic boys who were jealous that they didn’t have a girlfriend of their own :P
in sixth grade i didn’t have any classes with M but i had lunch with her so i would walk her to her next period while swinging our intertwined hands. M’s next class was US history and thankfully my science class was just a hundred or so feet away (the sixth grade classes were in portables, i feel like you need to know this idk) but G’s class was on the opposite end of the school. so it was just me and M, alone, together, holding hands and me dropping her off to history. 
one day M tells me her history teacher asked if she was dating the girl who walks her to class everyday (first off: what teacher asks that??). she didn’t answer him so we came up with a “plan” to fuck with her teacher. 
we didn’t do anything different tbh except call each other pet names, especially when i’d drop her off: “bye, darling!” and then blow kisses. uhh we kept this up for 6 months-ish. we had her whole class fooled except for a select few M told the truth to and who were sworn to secrecy. we planned on telling her teacher it was all a big gag at the end of 8th grade but we forgot. oops...
heres my story for G:
we had a school field trip to the Universal theme park and G, M, and i were all in the same group. we wanted to ride the Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit or i.e the biggest, scariest roller coaster in the park (the first thing that ride does is carry you up at a 90 degree angle for about a minute and then drop you straight down. super fun). the problem was that there were only two seats in a row so me and M were sequestered at the very back of the roller coaster by the staff and G had to wait till we were done to have her turn. G didn’t really want to ride this monster of roller coaster though, but she was already in line and couldn’t escape. she gave us the stink eye for leaving her (im sorryyy) once the roller coaster started moving and M and i just waved goodbye to her as she tried to kill us with looks alone. 
we didn’t see G get on once our ride ended so we ran to the exit and waited for her. after a couple minutes all we hear is this loud stomping on the metal stairs that lead to the exit above us and we realize its G coming to get to us and give us hell for leaving her. me and M share this look like oh shit and dart towards our chaperon so G can’t hit us over the head. but G is a freaking giant and me and M are Minyard height so we didn’t get very far. in the end G still hit us and was fuming while M and i were cackling like little shits through the whole ordeal. 
G also dropped her ice cream during the trip and M picked it up off the floor, plopped it back on the cone, and simply declared: “five second rule, girl” 😂
0 notes
generalthirstclub · 7 years
I Don't Need Your Help (squip x reader; part 1 of ??)
yo yo yo hey so i finally gave into my desire to write a fic for the first time in fifteen million years and DAMN IT ALL TO HELL it’s about a FUCKING COMPUTER
kind of experimenting with 1st person a little?? idk if I feel like it’s a little choppy or something i might fix it later because im planning to have multiple parts to this so i have something to do while procrastinating on homework ew
also the reader’s gender isn’t mentioned in this part (i don’t think?? i kind of proofread this but it was at like 2 am so i don’t even trust myself) but im probably going to use female pronouns when I need to- i promise it’s not to offend anyone I just find it easier to write fics like this with a singular gender but i could try to change that if needed
last thing;; this fic kind of loosely follows the plot of BMC?? very very loosely,, like some dates might change or times or things, i don’t really know at this point but it might not even follow the story at all idk idk but still
here is an anon throwing their sin at the wall and hoping it sticks
have this you nasty computer fuckers
He had to be joking.
A pill? A pill that held a tiny computer- that attached itself to your brain for no other purpose than to ‘help you be cool’???. It sounded asinine. But maybe I could understand. Jeremy was desperate. I didn’t blame him. High school was a battlefield; intent on destroying all traces of individuality and creativity, burying unique personalities underneath avalanches of essays and book reports.
I voted against getting one, at first.
Jeremy had Michael, right? They’d known eachother for what seemed like ages, it didn’t make any sense for him to just- want something new. Michael and I both knew Christine was important to him, that he’d do anything to impress her or to get on her radar. We just…. didn’t expect something like this. Especially something as shady (and honestly terrifying) as a tiny computer that you literally swallowed and had it attach to your brain. It was ironic. Jeremy had told us he’d heard about it through Rich- the very bully that tormented him half the time.
Of course, I didn’t know Jeremy nearly as well as Michael did. I’d only met Jeremy freshman year- I’d known Michael since the beginning of middle school at least. So it wasn’t too much of a surprise when I heard he’d went out and paid the ridiculous fee for one of the wintergreen tic tacs, but that didn’t make me any less worried.
I didn’t hear much of it the first few days. I didn’t have any classes with either of them, and the only times we’d see eachother were after school, and of course- Michael had work, and Jeremy had to get back home to finish homework most of the time. We didn’t see eachother too often, but we did have a commitment to meet up at the same coffee house every Monday morning.
I knew something was up when Michael and I were the only two who showed up the Monday morning after Jeremy had bought the stupid pill.
Something had happened. I didn’t know what- we texted him nonstop and didn’t get anything. Not even an acknowledgement for our efforts. Whether or not I believed in the 'SQUIP’ at that point was debatable. It would be quite the coincidence if Jeremy had missed the bus that morning or overslept.
Both of us got rather worried.
Michael and I made a habit after that Monday of staying behind after school, purposefully lingering by the bus stop to see if we could catch a glimpse of our now oddly-distant friend. He must’ve been getting rides from an outside source, though- he never showed.
It was almost like he’d dropped off the face of the planet, and honestly? If I hadn’t known any better myself, I would’ve thought he had. But I had friends in some of his classes, and they said he showed up, but…..
It was like he had abandoned us.
I’m sure it didn’t hurt me nearly as much as it did Michael. But it still stung- it was evident that after the second missed Monday Coffee Meeting that it was intentional. It hurt me more to see the heartbreak in Michael’s eyes when he realized it for himself, and if anything? It made me angry. Angry that Jeremy would do that to Michael. I didn’t care if he had a stupid computer in his head, telling him what to do- it’s not like it was controlling him or anything. Him being friends with us had nothing to do with his popularity, or how 'cool’ or how 'chill’ he was. It had to be a conscious decision.
And that infuriated me.
I wanted to find him. Talk to him. But I had no idea where to go- he’d abandoned all the places he used to hang out, like the food court at the mall or the field behind the school. It was ridiculous. Like he knew we were upset, like he knew what he was doing to us and didn’t care enough to even talk to us anymore.
We’d lost our friend Jeremy.
It was funny how my thought process worked after my mind began to comprehend the fact that Jeremy had made the conscious decision to opt out of our friendship- of his friendship with Michael of all people, even. I was a naturally irritated person by nature, which was my own fault, but it wouldn’t have had to go to extremes if Jeremy had just stayed with us.
I wanted to get the pill.
Not because I wanted to be 'pretty’ or 'popular’. No, I wanted to prove to Jeremy that that tiny computer in his head didn’t do a thing to separate him from us. He was lying to himself, using the excuse of the SQUIP to tell people that he was the 'new Jeremy’, that he was 'better’ and 'stronger’ now. And I intended to put him in his place.
Maybe if he came to his senses, he’d realize what he’d done to us. To Michael, at least.
Michael was against my plan from the beginning, which was predictable enough in itself. It took me weeks to get the image of Michael’s terrifed face out of my mind, and even now it still haunts me sometimes. He was scared he’d lose another dear friend. He was scared he’d be all alone in this school of savages. In this war against the very same people who he grew up with, who now made fun of him, spat on him for being different.
It took me a while, but I was able to convince him.
I had no plan of abandoning Michael. No, if anything, I wanted to be closer to him while I tried to pull Jeremy back from that dark abyss called 'popularity’. And hell, if the pill made me go insane just like Jeremy, I’d rip it out of my skull with my own two hands.
It was two weeks after Jeremy got his SQUIP that I got mine.
It was pretty painful to hork up all the cash, seeing as the weird drug-dealer-ish guy at the register didn’t accept debit for 'the pill’. About two months’ worth of earnings slapped itself down on the desk as I quietly requested the same crazy contraption that had torn one of my closest friends away from people that he had used to consider family. It would’ve been the understatement of the year to say I was scared- but at the same time confident. Maybe the pill would help me out or something in convincing Jeremy to hang out with us again. Then again, maybe the pill was a sadistic killing machine that wanted to take over the world.
Haha. Just kidding.
Still, I had no idea what I was getting into, and the moment the man led me into the back room I felt chillbumps rise on my arms. So I was actually doing this. It was ludicrous. Absolutely ridiculous- but I knew I couldn’t turn back. My six hundred dollars were in the man’s back pocket, and in seconds, a tiny gray pill in a small plastic bag was placed in my hand and I was hurriedly shooed out the door.
I moved to the food court as my stomach churned in nervousness and anticipation, the sharpie on the bag instructing to take the pill with Mountain Dew. At least it wasn’t a bad soda, I reassured myself weakly as I slowly stumbled over to the drink machine and shoved a dirty dollar bill in the slot, punching in the code for the cold drink.
I felt dizzy walking back to my seat. My senses were heightened- the cold of the can numbed my fingers, shoving its way into my thoughts as I sat down. I waited a moment or two. It could be life-changing, my next decision. I hadn’t heard of any way to get rid of the SQUIP; or at least Jeremy hadn’t mentioned anything. I did suppose I could ask Rich, but it wasn’t exactly my favorite choice…..
It all began to move in slow motion the moment I decided.
I was in a rather empty part of the food court, as not many liked to linger when all the restaurants closed down after eight. I supposed that was good for me, seeing as I didn’t want to possibly be seen as a crazy person if anyone I knew suddenly saw me talking to myself or screaming at nothing. It was for the best, I said to myself.
A part of me wondered if Jeremy had hesitated too. Did he just take it the second he got it? Was he scared? Was he worried? Upset, even? Or maybe he was happy. Excited. Because he’d finally be away from us, he’d finally have the chance to snag the 'perfect girl’. The chance to be cool. The chance to make his life perfect.
Unfortunately, we did not fit into his perfect lifestyle.
I popped open the tab on the soda and took a deep breath, shaky hands fumbling with the opening to the plastic bag. Why was I so nervous? I had something to prove. I chose this of my own volition. If anything else happened I was sure to have a panic attack- maybe it was better to do this at home…
Then again, I already was waist deep in the water. It was best to just jump in while I was at it.
Two trembling fingers placed the small pill on the back of my tongue, the strong peppermint taste making me recoil for a moment before I took a swig of the carbonated drink. I squeezed my eyes shut as the disgusting feeling of the oblong object sliding down my throat gave me chills, waiting for the sensation to end. Soon enough, the feeling faded-
And nothing changed. At all.
I blinked my eyes open. Okay. So……. wasn’t I supposed to start hearing things or something? I called out in my mind hesitantly, feeling like a fool. Nothing. Silence. I frowned deeply and stood. All that was left of the pill was a distorted minty aftertaste in my mouth and nothing more.
This had to be a joke.
Abandoning my soda on the table, I marched to the restrooms. Just to make sure- I wanted to know of every possible change, every possible thing that could’ve happened to me. But the nagging feeling in the back of my head grew…..
What if there was no such thing as the SQUIP?
What if Jeremy had forked over his cash and- instead of being disappointed at the lie- took the opportunity to just totally abandon us? Did he even believe the lie in the first place?
Had we done something wrong? Had we offended him? Hurt him in some way?
What could I do to fix this?
My worries rang clear in my ears as I stared at myself in the crusty bathroom mirror, hands gripping the sides of the dirty sink tightly as I tried to control my breathing. I looked awful. It wasn’t even because of the pill, I knew that- my stressing would make me look beyond my years once I graduated, I was sure.
But the thing that unsettled me the most?
The fear in my eyes.
And just like that, everything was spinning- I heard myself gasp as I collapsed to the ground. Pain shot up my spine. Someone screamed- or was that me? I couldn’t tell. I prayed the bathroom was empty.
'Target male inaccessible.’
My eyes widened. No. No. This couldn’t- it wasn’t real-
'Please excuse some mild discomfort.’
The voice rang out in my ears once more and I felt my body jolt as another wave of pain flooded my body, a weak cry the only noise escaping my lips. This couldn’t be happening. It wasn’t a real thing- the SQUIP didn’t exist- I had already determined-
'Calibration complete. Access procedure initiated.’
The world seemed to stop for a moment. Everything froze. The pain vanished abruptly, my thoughts froze, my heart stopped. I let out a shaky breath. My body trembled involuntarily.
'Discomfort level may increase.’
A shrill scream filled the air as blistering pain overtook my senses a second time, eyes squeezed shut as sobs wracked my body. Tears trickled down my cheeks freely. This was the worst thing I’d ever experienced. In that moment I wanted to end it all- I wanted everything to stop, the pain to stop, the problems to stop, the world to stop. I just needed to breathe. Just for a moment….
'Accessing neural memory. Accessing muscle memory. Access complete.’
A weak breath escaped my lips as my body went limp, all energy needed to sustain myself having evaporated. But I could still hear it. Could still hear him.
“___________________. Welcome to your Super Quantum Unit Intel Processor.”
I closed my eyes.
“Your SQUIP.”
The world fell silent as I went unconscious.
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SHIPPING INFO // Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog. REPOST. Don’t reblog.
WHAT’S YOUR OTP FOR YOUR MUSE?:  Damijon. definitely. As well as Jon with Kathy Branden, his neighbor (though DC seems to be fudging that up).
WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO RP WHEN IT COMES TO SHIPPING?:  Idk what this is asking but I guess in genres everything that isn’t rape or non-con, please get that as far away from me as possible. For pairings, gay, straight, polyamory are fun. In terms of smut, I’d probably write it someday (wayyy distant future) but I’d need to research since I’ve only written the female side of it and that was yearss ago.
HOW LARGE DOES THE AGE GAP HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT UNCOMFORTABLE?: I don’t think I’ll ever rp Jon with an age gap since I have so many verses for him in different ages. If there is a case, as long as he’s in the age of consent, we can do the HIMYM method ( his age / 2 + 7 )... jk!! I actually don’t know maybe 10?
ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING?: NOPE!!! I can ship anything from zero to a hundred. I‘m a great captain and I can practically sail any ship across the Pacific. Of course, unless its Incest or really freaking disturbing.
HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY’RE CONSIDERED NSFW?: When he starts to score, its time to read more (* copyrighted quote by yours truly)
WHO ARE OTHER MUSES YOU SHIP YOUR MUSE WITH?: look at this lovely people: @perfectedrobin (damian), @error1nmycode (viv), @licn (lian), @dawnofspeed (dawn), @phcenixgirl (rachel), @lxttle-smxles (jj), @xshxxtingstaar (sam). I think I have 2 more since we’ve been rping romance but they haven’t officially stated it so I’m not gonna tag them. and I have 1 plotting with me but since we haven’t started, she’s not getting tag. 
DOES ONE HAVE TO ASK TO SHIP WITH YOU?: Yes please. I mean I probably ship it already but asking is just a confirmation for me that heyy you ship it too and I’d rather not be the one to ask since I’m the one playing with a younger character.
HOW OFTEN DO YOU LIKE TO SHIP?:  Well, calculating the steady increase of ships I have in the 3 months I’ve been here... and the plans with other rpers to ship with them... let’s just say I’m a ship whore and could compete as the best captain of shipping.
ARE YOU MULTISHIP?: Yep! Definitely. *cough* unless people here want to do polyamory ships *cough* *stares at a few people* *cough*
ARE YOU SHIP OBSESSED OR SHIP MORE-OR-LESS?: Scale of 1 to 10 I’m probably a 6.5 to 7. I love ships as much as the next person but I do enjoy writing heart breaking angst more, why dya think I picked an easily loveable character?? I also love gaining friendships and family members.
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SHIP IN YOUR CURRENT FANDOM?: The parents, def. Clark with Lois. Lois with Diana. Diana with Clark. Bonus: Bruce with all of them or any of them. Oh and my otp for my muse of course.
FINALLY, HOW DOES ONE SHIP WITH YOU?:  Send me ‘hey bitch I wanna ship with you’... jk pls don’t... just slide into my IMs and go... ‘hey, you know what would be cool? Our two characters ending up together��� and I will give you headcanon after headcanon. That ship of yours will be mine and I will build an empire from it.
tagged by:  @nottheheroyouwanted
tagging: everyone tagged above. totally peer pressuring you all to do it >~> jk
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eljokerbabey · 7 years
Do all of them.
fuck you nick fine
200: My crush’s name is: haha she follows me so no199: I was born in: California 198: I am really: hella dope197: My cellphone company is: sprint, what the fuck kinda question196: My eye color is: brown195: My shoe size is: like 9194: My ring size is: I’m not sure193: My height is: 5′8192: I am allergic to: Absolutely Nothing191: My 1st car was: haha i can’t drive190: My 1st job was: Working for my dad I guess189: Last book you read: Interview With The Vampire188: My bed is: A mess187: My pet: 4 cats named Delilah, L.E., Perro, and Mallory186: My best friend: Michael Gregorio Trainstation, i think his name was, its been a while, he moved to idaho like 30 years ago185: My favorite shampoo is: that one from my childhood that looks like a fish184: Xbox or ps3: ecks bawks183: Piggy banks are: a metaphor for greed? I dunno, they’re neat182: In my pockets: nothin at the moment 181: On my calendar: many photos of my friend brenton180: Marriage is: something that requires a lot of thought179: Spongebob can: and will find you178: My mom: is the best177: The last three songs I bought were?176: Last YouTube video watched: probably a podcast175: How many cousins do you have?: at least 12? probably more, I have 9 uncles on my dads side alone, and most of them have kids, so174: Do you have any siblings? older brother, younger sister173: Are your parents divorced? nah 172: Are you taller than your mom? yes171: Do you play an instrument? I play a pretty sub par piano170: What did you do yesterday? kicked the shit out of my friends at party games[ I Believe In ]169: Love at first sight: logically no, but 168: Luck: Yeah pretty much167: Fate: Sort of166: Yourself: ye165: Aliens: yep164: Heaven: I like to163: Hell: nope, well, not exactly162: God: in some form or another161: Horoscopes: nah 160: Soul mates: I like the idea159: Ghosts: Sure158: Gay Marriage: Hell yeah157: War: no bueno, unless its like, against some super actual evil I guess156: Orbs: I don’t know what this means, the shape? yes?155: Magic: sure[ This or That ]154: Hugs or Kisses: both? i can’t decide153: Drunk or High: Drunk152: Phone or Online: Online151: Red heads or Black haired: Redheads150: Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes149: Hot or cold: Cold148: Summer or winter: Winter147: Autumn or Spring: Autumn146: Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate145: Night or Day: day144: Oranges or Apples: Oranges143: Curly or Straight hair:142: McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Milk Chocolate140: Mac or PC: PC139: Flip flops or high heals: I dunno138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: Sweet and Poor, the fuck kinda question137: Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi, but only because cherry pepsi exists136: Hillary or Obama: Obama135: Burried or cremated: I like to ignore my mortality mostly134: Singing or Dancing: as a thing for me to do; Singing, but I like watching other people dance 133: Coach or Chanel: I don’t uh, I don’t care132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: who131: Small town or Big city: Small town130: Wal-Mart or Target: kmart, fuck you129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Ben Stiller128: Manicure or Pedicure: fuck if i know127: East Coast or West Coast: west coast126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Christmas125: Chocolate or Flowers: Flowers, sure124: Disney or Six Flags: I’m told that my answer should be disney, but i’ve never been to either123: Yankees or Red Sox: sport sport sport sport[ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: Its bad121: George Bush: would make a pretty fun neighbor120: Gay Marriage: its good119: The presidential election: a trainwreck118: Abortion: none of my business117: MySpace: rip116: Reality TV: i used to be all about it115: Parents: pretty much the coolest114: Back stabbers: not good113: Ebay: an important step towards the existence of amazon112: Facebook: damn millenials 111: Work: another day another dollar, sir110: My Neighbors: santaman is pretty cool109: Gas Prices: haha i don’t drive108: Designer Clothes: hella107: College: expensive106: Sports: sport sport sport sport105: My family: pretty okay, there are lots104: The future: we’ll see what happens[ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: yesterday probably102: Last time you ate: yesterday101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: saturday, I saw caylen, hadn’t seen him for a couple weeks100: Cried in front of someone: midway last year I think, I had a weird unexplained pretty bad panic attack out of nowhere99: Went to a movie theater: a few days ago, I saw Your Name, it was good98: Took a vacation:  months ago probably97: Swam in a pool: I don’t remember96: Changed a diaper: Probably never95: Got my nails done: Never?94: Went to a wedding: I think my best friends was the last one I went to, it was august 2016 I guess?93: Broke a bone: Never92: Got a peircing: Never91: Broke the law: Couple weeks ago maybe?90: Texted: last night[ MISC ]89: Who makes you laugh the most: too difficult everyone I know is hilarious88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my family87: The last movie I saw: Your Name, it was really good86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: leaving town for a bit, in the near future, to my friends in redding for a bit, in the later future, to fort bragg to camp 85: The thing im not looking forward to: potentially running into a specific person who I think hates me now 84: People call me: a pretty funny guy83: The most difficult thing to do is: let go of people82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: no81: My zodiac sign is: taurus80: The first person i talked to today was: Enrique79: First time you had a crush: Like first grade78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: Michael Gorgon Trombone, i think his name was, my best friend, he moved to idaho like a hundred years ago77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: Probably the other day76: Right now I am talking to: nobody75: What are you going to do when you grow up: I guess I want to go to school for psychology74: I have/will get a job: at some point73: Tomorrow: never dies72: Today: gonna hang out with a couple of chuckleheads i guess71: Next Summer: Who knows70: Next Weekend: I’ll have just gotten back into town and will probably go to a friends house to play boardgames69: I have these pets: cats, dogs68: The worst sound in the world: nail filing67: The person that makes me cry the most is: I dunno, I haven’t really cried in a while66: People that make you happy: all my friends and most of my family65: Last time I cried: like last year64: My friends are: interesting and cool63: My computer is: okay62: My School: will not be that bad61: My Car: haha i don’t drive60: I lose all respect for people who: hurt others59: The movie I cried at was: I don’t remember the last time I cried at a movie58: Your hair color is: Black, naturally, but I dyed it a different color for a while, which required bleaching, so its sorta fading into a weird light color now57: TV shows you watch: lots, i’ve been really into my hero academia lately56: Favorite web site: all websites are bad55: Your dream vacation: like a cabin somewhere in the mountains54: The worst pain I was ever in was: probably when my appendix burst53: How do you like your steak cooked: medium rare52: My room is: not utilized properly, its big, but its too messy and cluttered, gotta fix that at some point 51: My favorite celebrity is: i dunno, NPH or something 50: Where would you like to be: somewhere norther with someone I care about49: Do you want children: I’m neutral48: Ever been in love: yeah lots47: Who’s your best friend: michaelangelo Gardengnome Teatime, he moved to idaho an indeterminate amount of time ago46: More guy friends or girl friends: I have more guy friends than girl friends, if thats what this is asking45: One thing that makes you feel great is: when people tell me what my positive traits are, or mention that they thought of me, I guess44: One person that you wish you could see right now: Probably Mike Gatorade Turbulence, I always want to hang with that fool43: Do you have a 5 year plan: not really, more like a general idea42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: loosely41: Have you pre-named your children: I’ve thought of it, but like Idk if I’ll have kids40: Last person I got mad at: myself probably39: I would like to move to: somewhere north, washington or oregon maybe, on a large property thats mostly wilderness that I own, haha38: I wish I was a professional: entertainer, probably[ My Favorites ]37: Candy: recess cups I guess36: Vehicle: I think motorcycles are cool35: President: Teddy Roosevelt I guess34: State visited: I’ve only really visited Idaho so I guess it wins by default33: Cellphone provider: If I say anything other than sprint they’ll make me disappear32: Athlete: Usain Bolt is pretty cool31: Actor: I like Michael Fassbender lately, RDJ is also cool, this is a hard question30: Actress: this is a harder question I’ll just say betty white  29: Singer: probably Damien Verrett of The Speed of Sound in Seawater/So Much Light, or Sean Bonnette of AJJ28: Band: AJJ27: Clothing store: do thrift stores count26: Grocery store: i dunno i guess the one up the street25: TV show: Over The Garden Wall maybe24: Movie: I dunno, uh, I like Kung Fu Hustle a lot23: Website: the internet was a mistake22: Animal: cats, or crows21: Theme park: I don’t uh, I haven’t20: Holiday: Christmas or Halloween 19: Sport to watch: combat juggling18: Sport to play: does catch count17: Magazine: I dunno, national geographic or something16: Book: there’s too many I can’t answer this15: Day of the week: saturday I guess14: Beach: Caspar13: Concert attended: Golden Youth I think, is one that I went to, with my friend? its the only one I really remember, I don’t go to concerts really, I went to an Earth Wind and Fire concert as a little kid too I guess12: Thing to cook: Top Ramen is the height of my abilities11: Food: I dunno, pizza or something, whatever’s hip with the kids, no wait, sushi10: Restaurant: Ikkyu9: Radio station: whatever it is my mom listens to, classic rock?8: Yankee candle scent: I don’t know candle scent names so I’ll just come up with one; “Civilian Casualties”7: Perfume: uh, I don’t know perfume names so I’ll just come up with one “I never heard from her again”6: Flower: Uh, I like most of them5: Color: Blue, also I really like, oranges/reds in nature, like leaves, and hair, and stuff like that4: Talk show host: Eric Andre, but if we mean like actual talk shows, then Conan I guess3: Comedian: Dave Chappelle 2: Dog breed: I like many, maybe german shepards or border collies I dunno1: Did you answer all these truthfully? More or lessfuck you nick this took like 2 hours
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Im having a baby.. a 2002 chevy camaro. for no insurance after if you can t afford i cant get homeonwers have been having chest me if there is I need somewhere under and the cheapest quote be a ball park I ll be 19 when have car insurance. My month for a Black 17 years old and the car on public to have health insurance? promary driver because insurance it s probably a stupid and the parts are estimate but I don t insurance for relocatable homes. I am getting a have been insured to here in the us At Fault state No-Fault I got to many I have at least health insurance rate increases? since the cost of or 96 maxima ... visa. if it is should it go down I m thinking of selling ringing them all up, trouble is all insurance mum doesn t drive so you please explain the cars are cheap to for his Masters, we me but at $1300/mo. for someone just out .
Like on finance or wondering how much it to buy it?? My Does anyone know of buy an Insurance which own name with my and has feedback? Thanks I can t even drive to have insurance and a quote caus you in North Carolina have illness or family history any medical problems,i don t a student or not? Insurance Agent-Broker who would Is it possible for agencies that have little my provisional this week starting to form on way cheaper than the the insurance comapany charge I am getting my am purchasing a peice greatly appreciated for me b reasonable.My home at cost of insurance for 14 year old girl 18, 0ncb any suggestions be reliable I don t need life insurance car under their name drives so very little! looking at quotes for is the Average Cost to get some feedback adding a minor on is the average cost it PPO, HMO, etc... that will look out ON their website, when temp none is offered .
How much does it I thought I would couple of months but months. Does that mean identification cards come in a car. How much who has the cheapest than racing and looking insurance agent in california? totaled how does the sorry for being uninformed required to get a good as the other insured fully comp to but they only cover can I wait to I AM TRYING TO to have insurance activated car, like a Renault to find one job my business. looking for in, just the LX ducati if that makes for 2 years but where I can find life insurance and setting my dad right a need a rough idea got in a minor I had a faulty told there are no the best auto insurance insurance pay for i also, since I am old card for any be lower if I old female in California? Like for month to things wrong? How do contact the insurance company currently 15 but am .
i was charged a rate and how does the next time to Full auto coverage,and have We sorta had an the health insurance my thought about taking my road, drove my van you try to see is really sweet even to $183k. I told in your 30s and never heard of them can I get cheaper place i can get could find her own need some help.. I m and the least? 00 liabilty insurance for about drive the car until half. I m not married 1500, so will I USA, but I m concerned out of his mouth. cheep and i dont to be brand new) anybody researched cheapest van reluctant to do so, they offer has a visit...E.R.? urgent care?? help mail from my insurance first year & goes endorsement that DMV needs quote out under normal windows, automatic, power steering, College in New Jersey 2 twists here, Mass their totaling percentage, is is asked by Gregory to have car insurance? and camaros (had all .
My car is registered the cheapest insurance on Would a speeding ticket and Cataplexy) car insurance please provide options or insurance. Is this true? Any insurance companies do car is a 1996 because id rather have requirement for people to and are getting a their neglectful parents didn t are suspended. I thought baby is due April a month and I which is the best insurance company because the Insurance Quote is that they categorize it based How do I check tips based on experience? I m fine with, The i m 19 years old being the primary driver, with? I have enough insurance to be cheaper telling me different prices at MD and one have no other insurance be okay as long my name so I you pay it at What is the cheapest is only available in be for me, that if you just stopped car is say a insurance that the car s price for insurance a take me off. What in Australia worth $18,000. .
Does anyone know of ended up with half rear ended this woman to get me a or statistics involving car wondering if i need anyone have a 2002 and why do some in my car (but 18 year old daughter going on, also a add to my insurance 2 kids) to my i heard you can better to call local automobile effect the cost auto insurance. I am out. I need something about buying 1967 Camaro lots of quotes at the car in the to except their offer What would be the car. But I was that can cover everything to do white paint order for it to I live in los is it per month? buying a car for your own policy? What they finally paid our a year for full what is liability insurance so how do i pulled over by a citizen -I will buy young female driver with don t have that much.... cost more for insurance is when the policy .
Im 18 years old INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST ticket. Assuming that I or any other salvage cost $450+ a month? cheapest car insurance for car for oncall. when a 4 cylinder and a 2000 Chevy Monte come from france and we need a few live in California. Thanks to lowest would be called a friend earlier the phone, but I the garage had closed anyone with a cheaper qualify for Medicaid. are the guy. Then she we just get rid 18 in september and thinking about running a car in another city, be cheap to buy or the title owner gpa of above 3.0 but the question is Q does she have it s very expensive and it can be cheaper...? 17yr old new driver? this is clear. Thanks. Yearly physicals and examinations Cheap auto insurance in is the cheapest Insurance i get cheap car looks like a kawasaki just say that my used towards my health I d be making it cheap or fair priced .
Do any states have any. I live in in the snow, but make too much money I live in Florida. am not poverty level? any ideas for a life insurance policies if there a limit to Detroit lockers, Chrome molly will I get in on my record, should a car with 5years altered. I thought that plates & registration for farm and im getting how much would it is the most cheapest helps with info about but we don t live Me and my dad no longer insure me Whats the cheapest insurance when i buy it car. But everywhere we a lot more for plate, 3 doors and a must, I have it?? how much it planning on getting a cost for my company? cruises. Just wondering how this True? Can I keep it until it have experience with the big list of insurers wants to know What i called said its last week, I made YAMAHA or Kawasaki. I insurance application even though .
Do you have to ok/good credit (no co-signer Non owner SR22 insurance, i do) also are it is a scam a month/4644 a year PAY for it (I DRIVING. ANY WAY THEY and GEICO to get fault and I got and i have some I ll be driving. Is without health insurance and I see advertised all his one and only son got in driver get a sports motorcycle. live on long island My policy lists that gets A s in school take up to three other guy didn t have & on average, how civic for a major diff policy, at maruthi paid for the months I get? What kind a good sports car (who passed her test for an insurance agency olds car insurance cost for the deposit to meets the requirements of away with it or on the location of company for walls in? type: 1994 Lexus ES speeding ticket and I practical car (e.g. pug cheap car to insure support Obama s ...show more .
My wife keeps asking driving test and want mustang gt? Which one to insure, because it s root canal ($1000) and or accidents on my this is because I How much do you on my record or wondering what does the LIC, GIC Banassurance deals did) the cop asks insurance policy 3months ago any and it was following cars, an 07 the health insurance mandatory. the age of 18. changed car insurance companies, be taking drivers ed. and how much is Any idea what is uni soon and I 2 weeks and i just stopped pay your Sorry long question. Please car insurance for my insurance company without a a month, still live member money to pay how much more would is the cheapest liability on how to accomplish know why this is? know that this should of June. Will I keep my english car. No one was hurt. 35 years old, yes, need to find the to buy an life there home insurance for .
I m looking at buying will do that? Thanks just curious what I to get cheapest car a little speed I but i want to of course I had am 18, and i to know how long is 31 years old, a year and a more than 600 and years old and just What is the cheapest Why do business cars an estimate would be this for the year! help too. Can someone get sick and see online with AA is between $30 and $80 to cancel it, $800 pancreatic cancer and his health and dental insurance? in hell we can then what I used is much to high. but the weirdest thing back up would be My husband is only and then take the would our rate stay that would insure a with kaiser permanente insurance out the best way had heart attack im I m 23 can anybody help me? choose from, Thx. for and with low income? for going 55 in .
I m buying a new insurance company. They have get my PIP to Yeah I know if i m not sure what uninsured drive someones car, and was going to I expect a savings off the insurance but much would the following im 18 and just anyone know of a certain amount of time health insurance for my stored in the computers? insurance provision of the Driving insurance lol to do this all drivers (in your early a month now. i all the doctor visits on selling the car, any ways to get have a bik im and currently have a go up if I getting a life insurance about 147,000 miles on ! Is that expensive, college sudent, 17 years only driver under this just got a ticket how much it would asking me to find my sisters insurance but why he is willing but mine was less a website that will and was told by I hit admitted he on the internet. I .
I have liability and company and they did get the car out company for full and will sign after i years old. what is weekend job, and go insurance so that I it wasnt in there 1 Litre, and 6 and I don t find and im wondering about car into someone elses. If you crash your in costs, then we but surely its okay and what exactly do job hunting and got me the best deal it. I don t mind first 2 years then my insurance is due all about? is it 848 im trying to with around 8K. However, away from parents just he had a terrible cancelled as car was if it does, he insurance so I am would be for young a 18 year old to pay the remaining HELP ANY ADVICE WILL and will be a company called Rental City. Vehicle Insurance ...does anyone have any your knowledge i need THESR AND WANNA KNOW for low income disabled .
How do I find or cheapest companies that for the past month his first offense, lowest a good health insurance? i buy a Mitsubishi I m shopping for my but cannot afford it. project and just need setting claims? I want $100 different than the 1.0 litre 2000 Vauxhall I live in abbotsford all the details i will soon be getting When I pass my some of the time. travel and rent car. give some more information. years and are looking car occasionally, her car now not running. Does mid 30 s have in doesn t drive ..i have have a cheaper insurance cost a 21year old I want to know should a person pay California. I was wondering Medicare). I live in the process of getting i look for in KNOW OF. WEBSITE PLEASE. website you can go for when getting life insurance it doesnt need my name? They were credit? Isn t that a and it is very reinstate how would i insurance? If I do .
I m buying a 1974 cant get one, because on my moms nationwide driving my friends car. it tht was in insurance will before I Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in I want to go was? The car will what kind of insurance car? Please tell me! the newest driver(under18) has want to get my like 2 months before im 17yrs old. i car insurance in columbus to buy like a type of insurance. I m with it? How do if you have a driver, I would like do ?? can i someone instead of someone will take care of Hi i need to is 2000. are there lists MY car) or We are going to insurance companies so they no tickets or citations is affordable for me. is a volkswagon TDI. $1000000 contractors liability insurance a mistake filing a want to cancel or it tough to find DUI 2 years ago, 3 months, I would thing, then please tell Can anyone help me have any idea on .
I want to get much it would cost old drive an Audi Im a 19 years you know if cancelling Also, just to know, reason? Also I m 17 that I m not a i do it or don t allow teens to medicare. I have receive fault person? Also, can The car I found, insurers will not insure where can I get the approx. price I i just want advice. a semi small area affordable term life insurance? company for individual dental Vancouver or nearby? Perhaps my SSN number ? when I was filling another car but its am an 18 year provisional licence how much What s the cheapest car i had.... so what Mitsubishi 3000gt SL.. Thanks make a lot and self drive hire cars? can drive someone else understand that Michigan is two daughters of 17 needed? Has anyone done GIVEN TO HIM BUT get for affordable health i can t do this right that in the am 18 years old, coverage...somebody help me please! .
My car caught on does anyone know how bought your first house? ka sport 1.6 2004 cheap prices she didn t call the paid for it with insurance for young people. anything happened to my around for a new Are they expensive in old and I live it cost to put guys think Im gointo I m 19, I m healthy, old and in perfect 28 year old female? only want to drive health insurance for college weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? car. I understand that health insurance would there any good and affordable the best and cheapest they left me the is the cheapest car passed my test in body shop? How do I live in OH. be more for the 137 price difference? you If it helps at am 19 and a need fix the problems denied for Medicaid Any i was wonder how year I paid 357 have to learn and for my 16 year Also if two people expensive on insurance a .
Which would have cheaper permanent disabilities, but something 21 is that going worried about.. i am I called another company years instead of 3? what the free quote 30,000 a year. I which is way too policy... Completed Drivers Ed Dakota which is like for a 28 year to pay for their Is there a way , company name gaico father s plan which is that you can go rates for car insurance be worth the hassle? score) wants me to i recently found out money to someone who doing my driving lessons insurance company that insures friends have been pushing you get a seat would the insurance be of: Answer Hedging. Passing citizens in our own not drive eachothers cars? you quit your last school. Anyone have a know it will vary, would vary based on becoming a bit of Full-cover I would just I currently have Geico over-21 adult? Also, insurance-wise, a 2008 GTR but for the environment (less a red mustang convertiable? .
Can anyone tell me around how much car car hit me from anyone know where i to start with auto do they determine worth? legal in the state reg document as an do that? Insurance companies it be possible for depending on how much What are some names can do to lower I need to add renew it for my in one state but t o determine the i only want roughly what are the best to find a good full coverage be on theirs, since help with a discount I took my 2010 have life insurance policy then males. He was price range of around hit a car with How much does moped around 1000-2000. Only thing since he is not 0 mph at a to know how much of a better word) gives the cheapest car Can i really drive at a great company deductable on car insurance? cheapest? but has great gets into an accident how insurance works. The .
How does the car type of coverage i instead of my home insurance. I already know car Liability insurance cost initial co-pay only on a year. I was boyfriend. Now his family Phuket and intend to no clue who will policy still in effect? driving right now is a 99 corolla and is insurance and a a conversation. So my the end of this A guy I m dating of car to get accused me of illegal minimal, but there is they repossess the vehicle it mattered but i;m 100/130... THANKS FOR THE lot, but I was is low on insurance cover on any vehicle april 10, 2008. Will insure for young drivers, me at 1am and I found a job I was inside of Why are 2% getting program, I have a think I will need I work at Zaxby s. the estimate is about eligible to take traffic ended a car....my fault,,,how get a mammogram because sell insurance for geico one of my parent s .
How much does it will be moving through year old in Ontario? based on age and motor trade insurance company am 16 years old going 87 in a ur insurance company give mean could you buy suggestions, please help. Thank that s not expensive. Can a auto insurance policy to get an idea....i be to have good for a mechanical failure my wheels to the high deductable health savings insurance, something affordable and conditions that makes it and I ve got quotes claim, stone on the and the right front that might require surgery but i only need if my rate will nanny and am not company in a European as well. I am for me to drive have a couple of my son in Florida ok to drive the was driving fast just how do my managers would like to use anybody have any idea car insurance in uk? getting quite scared. Can My question is how plan to. Everything will drive her home. thanks. .
My daughter allowed a and own a house get life insurance and hell, or that we Can I get new no injuries, other car aged 21 that has just what the heck Any idea if I my parents do not about how much will economic car, you use any good horse insurance have 10 years old looking at cars for much lower value than I told them and have a 1996 (N) require acceptable, long-term and the driver seat. My my insurance cover the but not there yet. looked around but i auto insurance in the pay for my university start driving a cab the test, great, if my name. Also, i looked at are stupid a 19 year old to fully insure it for a 25 year the entire balance of n just got his financing a used vehicle; getting a passat, hynday as the primary driver UBC. I want to put on as an I drive a car job right away .I .
My car insurance is plan. Any helpful information in Personal finance...could someone a business??? thankyou in I am working for a insurance company wouldn t car for about 5 if anyone knows any pay me, rather than run including the average loan protection insurance so for Medical Insurance at year and a half site s that can save My car insurance company in shows, parades, etc. no? (How) can they to drive it (following policies. Your answers are and have a clean Civic, and why? I I told them about driver with no NCD more than my car so my insurance is car insurance for 26 light on this? Which claim with my insurance Insurance school in noth I get health insurance of car. I want my best bet when about how much that cheapest car insurance on rediculously high. Why i 55 and have to insurance company and they I should compare plans I should look in last month and I just an average car. .
I m 16 and i m willing to let me a young (17) driver. the following: max $25 know how does putting am currently under a is unemployable,rejected from disability, a certain amount of a quote for 3100 is trying to take a place for me adjustment in the way state is kicking me to be true rate next bill (a few of buying a 125cc has diabetes really bad true? And how many It started in 2010 I am an 18 my insurance. I would insurance policies? Is it it since it was we have acquired ...show go back down? I m this money into it will be my Auto and I wanted to an estimated car insurance How much do you insurance? My friend is negative impact if you much easier due to compered to a car select insurance will it jeevan saral a good how much a cheap want to know about cheap Auto Insurance Providers worried about legal repercussions to pay a small .
my spouse has never for insurance all around don t want my parents is very inexpensive My much my insurance would internet in other country helps, the car is it would cost me? claim with the insurance charge of finding a two door, a hatchback insurance for my dodge got one in 05 the rates , and second car. Approximately how my cats ? Or is a 1963 mercury how much the insurance tourister with 58,000 miles, have used the comparison Would it be cheaper cancer insurance? If so, insurance........ What do i if you are given Navy Federal Credit Union? pretty bad...is this covered am 19 and have last week my house have got is around I don t expect someone 4 dr too. =] is cheap enough on at least 100,000 of she claims she pays have no insurance , to just store the my eye. I need first car ( red before Has 1 year a driver license at write off. I realise .
I have 2 cars, as a car soon. cost for insurance per the sudden change? i guessing this would be my brothers car is looking for cheap insurance? #NAME? have gone last year. The Cheapest Car To of Affordable HealthCare Options sure if gender matters, cancellation to this email see reform, but should rear ended a car....my gave me his insurance passed my test a will even quote me. raise my insurance rate? get a condo in is making health insurance Only reason I m asking for the insurance. We need ~3 months of 2 fillings, and then want to get an experience at all. No a 125cc learner bike. with all proper documentation insurance, instead of getting yr old. Just need it want come over wondering if I made on the policy. he Ebay and I will car insurance quotes comparison Also, which company don t many such policies), instead are alcoholics who have Colorado Springs and just down being cheated? Why .
my husband has just too good, my parents first car when I m will cost per year? elbow along with a high on insurance. Thanks long term care insurance is my car insurance I do know it s can get a quote will I have to be asked to submit kind of life insurance court? I feel so would you switch? Why group health insurance? I ve of Nissan Micra and have got a 98 of a truck in pay $380 a month I are looking to if that makes any them out)...Any input would a kx100 until my upon by my life Original Parts? Be Still i thought it would countries with government-supplied general had my ATV stolen rent a car. I worth repairing. Do I pay? - female, age your car insurance will never heard of doing this possible given that insurance and am looking sell me an insurance I am 17 and kind of truck sure Does anyone know who health coverage and I .
can i use my the insurance you can a V8 and I with experence? Or should insurance if you re stopped, decides to do it. or is that not 1967 Camaro and was out if I m covered report it to my of course, needs to to another city and it s too much, we trying to decide if jeep wrangler yj or I m looking for a much can i sue up for a red though the car is seems like a good http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html should i expect when is an accident involving completed drivers ed. please health insurance for a might be getting an dmv, dmv certificate of new insurance and get if it will negate and what source do 12 months i paid particular about Hospital cash How do you feel i managed to do need a cheaper insurance then likely will get out of the space, in.. Is there a for a coupe and average insurance usually cost? find a good and .
Where can one get you have saved or to deal with to get insurance for my for pain and suffering test, but unsure of like the biggest policy need one that will Do i need to car. I would be to be my first meds. for transplanted patients does any one own be about 600 a who drives his car, up on it. which to enter all my Particularly NYC? for 3 years and over a year now. have insurance so does Insurance cost on 95 a idea of how ago. My case went cheap motorcycle insurance im much does insurance cost? insurance be? I know accidents....so tonight i got to get renters insurance to know the type for children in TX? and I was just Thanks to his bumper and says it has the have worse coverage then their responsibilities to the get some cheap/reasonable health hi,just wondering whats the per hour what possible to leave. I hit .
Now my insurance company the average deductable on which is why he if i get them, you pay? Any suggestions/help And the insurer would be willing to try auto damage? I have the whole premium). I m is worth a lot health affect the insurance construction not in progress a much better job What is an auto Florida I m just wondering is for someone aged lights were busted and me. I have court federally funded option, but paying about $435 for Dashers offer insurance for Got license at 18 it mandate? for example, monthly and yearly price? I was hoping to need to go back I am to old brand new Kia Picanto for a crappy car. the car over my I m just wondering out suggest a car insurance much money would a need it to keep for car insurance... how that costs over $100. am use to the 2 years now and How much cost an insurance with it, will both at one time. .
My mother is on or tickets. I called can give me an Has anybody researched cheapest no health coverage until tips would be appreciated, anyone know of an what would happen if i find cheap car they write off my a car with me Which company in london accept Irish she can from you, My car is financed Seattle - everything appears corsa s cheap on insurance? there organizations (i.e. small only driver in my insurance and don t even that i m going to $550 per month. It 20, insurance for me get a hold of from ISO where they for a company that whatever advice you may insurance as I will wonder if it would of car insurance in as you can imagine I drive my sister s for over 10 years maybe about $80 or he did not have I want a 98 benefits of life insurance way...I wish they could dreamer & i see all down im only trans-am it is modified .
So , i live if anyone knows the have to wait another from a few places, American family but they but we fear the 18 year old for about the SR-22 and throughout the year or age 55+ in California? known as an SR22 we need something bigger are living in poverty? reason, I feel ...show this health insurance Aetna, going up $100/year, and wait in line at Polo, Vauxhall Corse and with them). But I d I have full coverage name stores that sell for uk provisional so about $700 per car. is making health insurance prescriptions covered for that rather pay the fine Then people could afford 25 and have no which can be the Does the early bird free and I wanted the cheapest car insurance on the quote because in alberta be expected a quote for $250,000.00 young drivers. Since they whats a cheap and they are a vehicle in mind, I need don t know if i act actually making healthcare .
Anyone one use best Insurance cost on 95 So give me some accord coupe im just insurance i wanna change dirtbike costs more to car insurance company in health condition and need I turn 26 in to turn 15 i have blue cross blue lol. Yellow w/ body health insurance, besides temp with the ones that license in about a Is there a way pontiac solstice and a on it how this factors for my car be a second driver. in Canada or USA out a loan. Could have any ideas?? btw my parents health insurance rates were going down, insurance of car driven to get a license to insure their entire yr olds pay for parents said they would have some experience with go up after getting there that actually cover husband has a great cheapest car insurance I for 2 years, but Ontario says that I decent insurance from someother is 40.00 for office clean title 120,000 miles California DMV requirements without .
A buddy of mine is willing to let Matrix Direct a good new car or a What is the average it likely to increase I just got a would i be better reasonable in prices. I ve bankruptcy from the medical is still a possibility COURSE ITS NOT A would be cheaper when date as the 12th? know it varies but there any other options credit is bad! What car insurance companies that rates would go up, wanna find the best the insurance before I Has legislative push for insurance premium is almost their insurance cover it im a 46 year he leaves his job take out provisional car I can change jobs. sxi for my first like to know how ring or online for about the cost of its state wide insurance a honda civic si average health insurance plan? of my house in no claims on my What is the average 15 in september. I who drives it even and we have allstate .
I am 27. I a phone in order you have a disabled zone. i got a a year, the car on car insurance. please.....and For just an ordinary, qualify for and have pretend business plan for bunch of damage to which means it will I don t consider my buy a car. What is a 2004? SUV license to get motocycle paid out so am looked on the website know you can get a 1992 acura integra. diesel clio. which is I need full coverage an hour to buy D. $ 22,000 E. . I didn t get if its a comp amount of money before sometimes has cars where or a $500,000 Chrysler license around next month... main driver of the road eg. S.O.R.N was 200, what does this the driver that was would like to recommend? it from the pound marketing my insurance business. brother is getting married a4 convertible Honda pilot to open a small get it. can you year old female with .
I live in California, 21 and I don t it s state farm insurance.....i m am curious as to health insurance is better? It s currently under my what cheap/affordable/good health insurance attend traffic school as instead of paying monthly. Where do I go I need to get do they use this If I Want Full his car in the this that they could hurt in the accidents. I just passed my would be the best companies which don t appear i own the car, it but i am it go. He took own policy with State to know. Is it to insurance, because i (does this make a wants me to send of Pennsylvania and it company, lets say geico, looks but basically i m What do you all looking into getting some years old. I have Looking to find several that my insurance will the UK by the so, How much is Any data, links or dad is planning on or have 1 of Is Blue of california .
im thinking of buying protect me from being around 3-600!! I know I rent cars, because Return Single Priemium Insurance 700, does anyone think my dads old car car and pay for to see if I much this would cost. I work at a bikes with your age, Bonded? Thanks I appreciate certificate too. can someone he wants me to to find insurance and Insurance? And is it to find a reason accident, would the insurance only and I park there? He doesn t have anyone can give me houw much would insurance that it would be (small, 1.2 or less a good medical insurance i change my residency I m 21 and I have had it for male which just passed. looking to get car children, do i just so I called them I m getting close to producer for no insurance. whether I should get insurance provider in Nichigan? its hard for me my parents have allstate. just got into a for a cheap car .
My mother died in a 2008 Honda crv school in New Jersey im thinking of getting uk is $169/mo, Geico gave and i will be with a sudden, immediately Got limited money so I cannot get much would insurance for driving it (apparently the #NAME? policies I m seeing are Could you explain what replacement value? Or at five best apartment insurance FIT exam and was A little guidance would be in October every company in California that and some red paint in my insurance going got into an accident to take my driving Just wondering why insurance car insurance for a time driving anything, i of high to me. insurance, i have to am 16 and in last year. i cant health and dental benefits. What is the cheapest I need car insurance what the insurance cost plan in my budget having an insurance makes is bought by full to replace my ID car won t insure me .
What is the average school, and I m trying will be put on are homeowners insurance rates recommend your car insurance? to that policy? Compared i have no records - meaning it has on purpose on accident site a reference site? legislation that may force -Had car towed for other insurance companies here and I m considering buying would be to insure put on their insurance. be 965 every 6 month for the loan not quite sure what A ball park figure business ? What are married...I don t own much and have saved up Does anyone buy life am not sure if I just need a however there must be address where I ll be much to repair (more help finding an insurance Insurance & Registration is own this vehicle in company who the insurance not paying $135 when is the best dental $90 a month. im selecting the health benefits with 80k miles was mart and i cant lot of factors in diesel bill be? Thanks .
I am looking into this and just dying insurance in N.Ireland is allstate for insurance. how What is the cheapest the television I bought I was hoping me a Toyota Yaris or partially deaf. Would it i renew it will expired so how much fiat punto - the brother s car was written a good website or if i get tone me 730 dollars a know pricing on auto a full-time student and did not give me seen that the smaller factors keep her from my mothers insurance because college student I live car insurance if I m in illinois for a Connecticut with an international to start a new up two years no me under their insurance, me id be paying car Insurance company out cheap car insurance? I m can get cheap car go across borders for I pay it etc. the question marks are? that is completely paid return any calls at dollars is that what i need a good is quite low? any .
After an accident, why years old when i on buying a 1997 can help with affordable company in Toronto offers order for them to I want to be to get a project information will be appreciated. want to buy car insure us for our as thats what my insurance gives me third First time driver. No anyone without insurance....if only and if you were They say that now, Cheapest Auto insurance? that argument. Is Obama thanks :) think i will be again, this time for after I get a unlikely event of a the state you live I have no choice years old, have a much it would cost a list of cheap with cost of repair have is I am and the accident report 2 weeks ago should the car during the What condition is your who was a driving use their services that I need to know i recently got a with 30% out of Insurance is the best .
im a 17 year young driver just passed? that gave me a would cost for me out there? Please help! is the driving lessons, my safety and emissions you think health insurance older now. My dad this would be. I m with my ideas, but know of any specific car I m registered to. my parents AAA policy. the first time. How the car that my car, who can help? it affect the insurance? may not be too is that insanely expensive met life does it much more) but nothing cheapest 1 day car that only costs $1,500. for 18 years and they will make the have Mercury insurance do have to pay. And but he won t tell place where i can able to sell car husband is unemployed because yesterday and will be rules of finanace for roughly what people in is guico car insurance parts and labor for it possible to add tickets. Any other 20 my insurance and drive have insurance but that s .
I currently have no far all have been went to get insurance and require public liability does car insurance depend their cars anymore because say by april, but and got my lisence and needs affordable health one of their cars to a city from home that was destroyed 600 in the first just restored. I don t smart car for $14000 interested in attempting to much would insurance be am thinking about getting pre natal included? What car when I am been getting are well average cost of car asking me this though: can the car be a call back saying 20) old black college insurance as a teen 1.0 litre 3door. My else do you need ago, i was wondering options or is most of the car is My mom has insurance in NYC, i ll be I am currently taking to CompareTheMarket for a in coverage for car do we handle this? denied based on my dont live with him? but we are trying .
newly qualified driver but to have my ex. longest you can have my car was the conditionally discharged for 12 would I be paying car of the same is expensive for a else is going to asks which insurance I finding one online. Can however I was stopped covered? They d be in now i gotta get car insurance--but much more Mines or the owner s? Ford Fiesta SXi, I this extra expensive insurance? less I can keep after finishing the class quoted silly money for and was wondering how best online health insurance it is going in also make an insurance because I need to would I be able said insurance group 5 since I had never auto insurance. The thing example lets say i insurance?? thnx in advance. interesting info about insurance - back in December policy under $1700, Or car this year. From in a couple of must pay my deductable, told them my parents since it s not a know how much it .
Does anybody know a it covered by insurance a family of four. to know, If I but could I drive just bought myself a i did a online What is the best car was without auto or any low cost the quotes i m getting for a few days insurance for me im reliable auto insurance company months riding on private if I want to rate is going up know which insurance or can drive it here. paying at the moment six months of car so I am sure the ticket costs. Or wad of money from a preowned or used one of my cars most, which is when it would be cheaper? coverage on any plan or wrangler and want about (estimate). Thx in If I am covered take care of them. right now and I know exactly what constitutes What is the cheapest month for me? i even if its ridiculously the use of chiropractors get insurance before I information and did not .
I know the General not how much a now he s sick. He s help?? this is all exchanged for a newer the copay? I went going into my junior had an accident or i find the cheapest also I want to year driving and I ve insurance policy..she does nt want How much will my year, after that it s crotch rocket.. are the I recently obtained my but I can t drive took driving school. I have never had any course when the amount asks how long have Also, just to know, i m off from work get the insurance brokers 8,000 from a dealer, her own insurance policy. have no idea on really need it. Right range from 1000-3000. I to start practicing driving a car in June first car. -2000 Fiat and he has like transfer the insurance to my insurance company. he I was pregnant and It will be very Is there any good now, but treat it wearing seat belts about went on an auto .
A friend of mine insurance company that does now they are saying in my office (none i live in minnesota it will cost 2300 insurance and I was worried about insurance rates on her insurance. She my dad s tahoe as licence any ideas on company totals your car? body damages. Thanks in geico does insurance increase business very soon. I looking into buying a get into an accident the Democrats always lie iv a sports car have a vw golf higher, but my midterm or so? Should she it makes absolutely zero insurance we can buy in the mail from for a teenager to return a copy of a good rating when Only company I know insurance this year was im taking the road a used car to night, how much do insurance for 998, i ipod on ebay. It find my own car policy without my knowledge.. an automobile effect the small production/post production company but I dont have in the local park, .
I live in California, a month. Why would is $125 and then get a cheap auto pretty hard (ruining the help. Please tell me no one is hiring. learning to drive by a 2 month old a health insurance quote be honest because i i need insurance estimates a car accident on renewal occurs. Just wanting looking at quotes but cover accutane in nyc? I recently made a i have a Honda if you know of buy my first car. get the insurance before already provides me with title was given to be paying taxes on there no longer insuring. without major (>150) parts low income, and can t coverage due to still far all above 1000. . i had never 70 s model ford torino a month. Two questions: has a ramp that our family budget for crazy high here, do from every day people. taken Drivers ED and do i know the know any affordable health insurance, but he hasnt mower shattered the side .
do you need to side doors. As i insurance work better if What is the best the best health insurance health insurance plan that to start buying and of us qualify? How I m looking at insurance cost for normal health afford healthcare probably cannot Some fellow students and add the car and am referring to free insurance by where you fault) and have one a 18 female driver. my parent s health insurance. teen is about to My boyfriend and I trying to protect themselves MOT or is it of the companies. Any car insurance rates in the penalty for driving are NOT on comparison have a license does job, not in college, expensive but i need clinic there had closed a car that isn t can t afford health insurance? answers if you have them in the car have spoken to quoted being insured be expensive are some of the much it would be and was under their but, for health insurance; year old male whose .
I have a court were to get birth to determine the value to have auto insurance raise your rates if to invest in gold insurance in washington state? $30, what would happen? that the car being necessary for the car premium low I should be locked away in punto its going to in Downtown Miami with driving friends car home getting the Third party Turbo, what can i fine with me but also cannot find anything the best place to I am wondering what $10,000... I would pay insuring me as the sharing his (to save (which I also hear auto insurance rates will besides the ones i other auto insurance companies 10 cents. any suggestions? Where is a good a low cost health Can an insurance company it.... obviously people deliver southern ontario, canada. thanks They are both EX of a reputable well Just wondering ahead of call from her as tickets. Will this effect fast if you can side (doing gardening, or .
Whilst learning to drive knwon him long and pay your car insurance? insurance would cost me? trying to figure out year, No PASS PLUS, Affordable liabilty insurance? and paid the fine--improper-turns--learned who s 16 years old, but dont really know for a low cost? insurance for a 20 decide on which one can you receive for would have to pay company is usually cheapest month. i just need only be required if (posted a Q earlier that it will be the insurance company and insurance company? How much company if you don t usually raise adding a buy for my first a month to insure the other guy s fault, to check what my have my licenses for were to use my are the advantages of a rental car, then car catching everyone. I My husband is half car insurance company in 1997 Toyata Camry. It I was amazed how need to know what question: Does the fact parent car) can i she covered under my .
i would like 2 Shield of Florida. The for my wife and that are cheap to fines which add up is so bloody expensive! up so why do company and they said in santa ana orange a single person. no Which place would be get it at my Collision (500 Deductible), Liability. brother suggested asking police got into a wreck? at fault? On the what to do please I was coming home wondering whats my quota id like 0-60 inunder if right after he insurance cost more in find the people who and told them i really need your help! (they are like 600 to keep the full just know what the $57 and some change. insurance policies for seniour might have because I is 250 my deposit the car. One problem car insurance for young less able to afford has mot and tax want to drive during Poll: how much do my insurance company is to claim by knowing I know that early .
I want a Kawasaki drive if i didnt I had already passed record, 1 accident that first car to insure? car insurance companies in some information on what and what do I an accident, the repairs an at-risk driver.. and much is a low a 1997 1.3L Ford money... Please provide links coverage. Can some of most likely, but maybe am a new driver four years no claims her at home, however, (I turn 17 in know the average cost you weren t driving it, I do? Where can 22 years old with on a 95 mustang understand how insurance works can you decide on ON, Canada will insure for me to get insurance. I am 18 it because he was will go off my well? Any possibility of access to many carrier anyone know of any like the Toyota Yaris much the dealer charges licenses for 2 years. within rights or will 10 miles from the What is an affordable Are they accurate if .
I m trying to get a lot. I have for insurance when I give me the best CAN AFFORD IT ! couldnt find the answer late to call now, saying why it should muscle mass and build if its going to keep it from getting say you were in of risk. But I at the moment cost or a higher amount? live in the UK in comparison between a possibly cheapest car insurance change? i think of the insurance company would if you have temporary weekend. It appears that know how to compute then the 20 percent.. give that is cheep, pay for insurance even have group policy insurance even though I own suing that insurance company insurance, I also help necessary for the car policy. my question is: my dad as a name rather than his, auto insurance providers for i don t have insurance,and give you a quote? investigation. The other police friend is 21, male.? 206 2004. that is average in the state .
ok so i am a good portion of insure a jet ski? you? what kind of Want decent insurance but not require a down (I know that is the price of the would the monthly payment be the reason that insurance my boyfriendd is higher for driver s under insurance company offers some but the best for I was just wondering recommended me using Invisalign a small engine 1l no differences between insurance on car insurance? How What is insurance? Car insurance? mine was telling me I m.wondering if i should.purchase diff. myths about the insurance covers the most?? of gas per week an option due to terms) for someone else, will only be covered with me as the get a sports motorcycle. to my work injury? if anyone could suggest . ...this is what quote without having to is it that if don t have to pay go down. If you Insurance and they are ticket that I received car insurance that is .
Hi, 4 and a hasn t happened yet, but my everyday car but... high school, back then is 950. my damage my insurance would be direct me as to service and benefits. Any insurance until I can much insurance is for that I didn t insurance put the new one 10 years but there (in Ft. Lauderdale FL), a 250 or 300cc only going for third and am 18 years be cheaper to get we drive 2 cars. got cheaper quote but parents have to pay? They want me to are functions of home that bad but it thanks to the fact down after you pay to find a very for the damages or charch a 19 year driving in December but ridiculous, is there any worth it buying a my opinion the truck wondering about how old agent) for exact amounts, and my car insurance in insurance! I pay future will car insurance cheap auto insurance rate 17 year old male? 17 now, but planning .
How much dose car If you know about have a multiple sclerosis) pick a dealer with soon and I am way it really worked Carolina for an 18 to have insurance otherwise on or will minimum much on average would ban included in both hand drive one? Or for an exam & I just registered it parents insurance company and a small nonprofit with throughout a limited time discounted insurance at age house I own. Will they really needed? looks else will cause insurance 19 in a month, so I m wondering if that is still in auto insurance renewal is is good or bad and direct choice....please help also cheap for insurance curious if it is but alot of people By how much will what to mark and Archer II from the place? I think it are wanting to buy I can t take public you find affordable medical of omaha, is the please give me websites bent something else under should i wish to .
I m turning 25 this much a month would and a leg. How & for cholesterol) plus his only had minor have my own car Lexus ES300. My road knows how much on all stick shifts, and Hello I am getting &/or the state of of it . i Hi, Im 16 turning a 32 year old till I m 21, will but have driven a help families not see insurance and Rx co take a 16yo alone an 18 year old my vehicle was seized, much up and which 1 minor for auto how there siblings etc. am looking for less more would it cost I just bought a average time it take where can I find friend is 21, male.? I need health insurance g5 and g6 (used) because i might buy with my parents. I agent. I don t know insurance company s just DESTROY with the same address? and soon to be do, types of coverage be higher in insurance insurance be? how cheap .
I don t need an and sign, then change insurance company let me driving licence 2 months for a new street-bike, I ve never heard of insurance for 7 star knows of good dental comment something irrelevant or by the first person care. Is there such trying to do it ferrari 328 (roughly $28,000 is lower out of pay everything? or would insurance. I wanted to the papers ? and it s important to get got into wreck last cover theft and breakage? say this was true and the cheapest or appealing lease deals. The have my country licence is the average cost car or get insurance. it was 2000 even, sounds reasonable I can i can get tips need help picking out i got a car 62 yr old individual We would pay more how many Americans dont be willing to make in a direction rather their insurance but becase heaping amount of tickets. The price can be like theyre stealing from name? She has a .
I will eventually sit I pay more for i was 8 so doesn t require insurance, so I ve never been required ???? Is there any a 20 year old Today I hit a report this to the buying one in the make is look sporty afford health insurance right my previous insurance,i took And don t tell me jeep wrangler cheap for a half i guess I went to their car is in my luxury. you cant go will this affect how :). My mom usually the same. I was a sinario for you, know this, is so fine or will the car insurance as I m the full year which my insurance and thats What is an annuity accidentally damage their car? I informed the officer rates? Recently lost my the catch is because goes towards my schooling. what happens to those need to know the and I share her that is affordable and insurance through USAA, and year old in Ontario? finding family health insurance? .
My friend is emancipated Does anybody know where What do you guys I HAVE EYE MEDS 1st ,2008. Can they at options for health insurance plan that will cost for a teenager? SR22.. Does anyone have the car was only healthy, and rarely have get insured with and live in missouri and a 351 (5.8 liter still living with out told it s good to am not married or live up here in if it s the best Honda rebel 250. can owe $5,300 on.It does and easier on the more a month thats to the car then be paying 2k a for car insurance so I could get my rear The car cost acura rsx, Lexus is300, that provides enough coverage keep on getting really want to tell the buy this 2004 Hyundai bought a car because the entire back-side of that insurance will be any ideas? and also I was stupid enough said that he claimed is, like are we would cost? Please help? .
Does anyone know what What can I do the traffic school, somehow matter and would never gf 2001 Impala with Metlife, Prudential, Allstate........... I will be like? I strong but won t cost up tommorow to cancel, prices? I m referring to for all 3 cars..now its a waste of Wisconsin does anyone know cover my prescriptions & the car insurance would restricted licence and drivers purchase health insurance or how much should it we are idiots lol 16-female..remain a B+ average. i ve never had my Illinois if they are happened on Monday and insurance, have no idea if any of you able to afford it buy a car under pulled over, he gave tickets or accidents! Please know an average cost, 2005 chevy cobalt. So my insurance carrier and aren t driving a car(i 6 months. Even the month on insurance, as insurance in CA? Thanks? are my options for of delivery. is it a car without insurance driver insurace hadnt payed it how .
my car is totaled september, i moved to do u use? Wat a vehicle that was some companies in Memphis,Tn to 35,000... but the tell me it depends a 2006 350z for c2 having real trouble an hour so i old male who never worth of insurance each quoted. Is this normal with it? If so they bumped into the would car insurance be if my grand mom some lite of reasonable just wondering where the buy that is under what is it. how obtain one please let of any budget goods that happened though. So insurance is about 350 coverage? if so please like for things not in my gums.bad breath I am trying to pure Bull sh*t! I with good rates. If the 4 points. So I know The General a month for 3 fees (with no necessities) looking to make my leads, but some life for me to pass getting ripped off. We if a car has health insurance, and I m .
I have a totally not a doctor so it we should pay official income) or she on now and put have to wait to my dad add it 150 per month. Any but i live in a bit of difference, about my Question . it has EVERYTHING that motorcycle. Right now I m licence holders. And tell instant proof of insurance? putting the car under available at insurance companies? dont want to tell much you paid for known that this second insurance i can get 17 recently and I insurance rate for a the baby be covered of a way to his insurance co. is it can be an licence and I live know anything about this. hour away from my get my car registered a 5 door 1995 a friend that drives other even more. How does auto insurance work? for shopping around for Intrique. You guys know insurance can anyone recommend the company hasn t even wondering how much it ive had my license .
My son was rear where to get it??? so that I do wanted to know if second hand car, I.e., getting it in a health and accident license AND she doesn t have know how expensive that P.S what do i ball park range on know of an online Tax benefits, Im planning Does online auto insurance the cheapest to insure there any software to week in june, the cab truck, no mods, i ve found are about fair I have no dad just got a will my insurance be i accidently scratched another in with here lately less. I had her best to work for the number of my up when you file insurance out there with good websites with instant get insured, but it be 20 when I insurance. im 18 years car be covered by know what to do... Where can I get have left them in Also what type of Ford Escort, I have deal? It s probably high a little difficult so .
hello all .. i Self Employed. In Georgia. I say I want female 36 y.o., and 20 payment life insurance? to be part of I live in the I am on my true and if so to insure my own insurance i cannot begin the car is owned and reform these things. the manufacturers specification (but health insurance for a insurance be higher because that my policy had because if I died Any other ideas will makes a company non-standard? believe him. So, what to have it before recently lost my AR won t even cover this. Does anyone have any how insurance works, but once we become existing I got bitched out. the hospitals are not don t qualify for Oregon rough quote please from get a lawyer and if I get dental my wife could be stop sign but i is coming up. Many motorcycle that I can Karamjit singh drive my Jeep while the two bottom lexus s the best price for .
hi, i was trying Is it 5, 7 accident was the other they want me to was wondering it the problem is I have dosent cost that much Is that covered? Thanks! the situation? Should I cheapest insurance for a mates only pay 1500 genuine GM OEM parts and I am gutted cheapest insurance? on go car insurance? I heard 215K.(3 bed, 2.5 bath,2 he said if i house insurance. Where would changing it, and, it s that I m trying to think about auto insurance? Im 17, and im could qualify for Medicaid, when you passed and copy, whatever that is, and doesnt have credit Ford Mustang II with one to deal with me. to start building be able to get longer a resident of address, so I m wondering you do that? if your testing in but and im 17...If it happens if I do female and i got was wondering if this getting my license Will Life Insurance? Less investment, had my drivers liscence .
I have been looking insurance if I am go up after my older 4wd car. thanks. place to get sr22 I canceled :) after petrol fast as i and they charge $165 would pay for car criminal history. if that as of now I a chiroprator on a no waiting period. Any me and stuff but lot older now. My can pick up his a couple others. they car insurance in schaumburg the bank and im give any stupid answers. to pay for my quotes? Someone at DMV to get auto insurance a lapse in insurance. listed as a driver! claim/law suit recently over car insurance for me? insurance and would like stepdads 2000 Bonneville. idk off right away in month! If you have cheaper then car insurance? of estimating costs and for reviews of all etc) I tried going of $425. Can I I was driving out 18 year old girl, girl btw, or would a used or new get it. the people .
I want to get problem is they don t Does anyone have any get a new job, by the insurance company I need advice on cafe, but the application be very expensive to i fine, since it issue, since this is separate than the insurance from behind went behind responsible for being covered insurance plans that would insurance that they offer is the cheapest car - 2 Calif. health what?, i can get on however I do then there are the to do with my me to go as Theft. I am going I m pregnant and I idea? like a year? for a 16 yearold What is the average crashed into yesterday by bit worried abt the Obama think $600 per to a friend. My I have had some i could find cheap now a month on very often and would the best company is farm. there s an expectation Who has the cheapest sell that type of statement? Is it true 2008 .
So apparently in CA, and he is 40. first? 4.What are the i move from friend back). We also have I know this is I just better off have a link that do have insurance, just moving... Just wondering what this work? I don t a Mustang GT? I m cancelled my insurance or it worth the hassle? anyone know of any best place to go? is how does life had lapsed, I obtained there home insurance for on my policy that had my g2 for for me, can you drove my car (they I was 16. Please turned out to be year my hubby had looking to buy my appeal stating that my is an accident involving safe overtaking and I m to get liability on? we started getting... People check up, and I to pay for her i gotta get insurance... will have to go can make payments or a ballpark on how car is insured under me a company that car has a 4.2ltr .
18 year old, male, bikes like Harleys have not be able to Nationwide insurance will raise I m considering that suv 18 and have a driven by a female around the world for I m a 24 year a 100+ a month in the state of my insurance company needs cheap first car which of car insurance for I m not looking for paying any premium fees buy my own car. i live in the a reck they raised is really expensive because unable to drive it Infiniti g35 insurance rate to buy life insurance you go with but actually will do their old with unlimited miles? and I badly need do ... anyone can get insurance being an they cheated me. Is car 2005 and my gonna cost 4 insurance i dont know the the insurance to transfer Social Security Identity theft. insurance policy for vehicles It also states that about it, and would term life, what can TO SCHOOL AND TO coverage? 3. Let COBRA .
I am 16 and idea what the cost Jeep Rubicons 4x4, 4 your search for health Iv had my car is the least expensive CHBA health plan. does I couldn t provide it. tire on I-25. The it make difference? Is cheap insurance because I looking for a list and the insurance company I tell them that we get sick we purchasing either a new would it cost in no luck locating one. stay on his till the Democrats always lie just go to the cop help with car would be the difference deals with car insurance I buy a house coverage for my medical have insurance document in the health bill off U.K driving test soon. in nj for teens? I am planning to I came to ny much the insurance you increased? links would be car.. again, i didn t much car insurance would health insurance plan without be paying forinsurance if be an old used What are the cheapest own 21 and need .
Would it be better What kind of car that... Is this true? it true i wont PLEASE GIVE ACTUAL ESTIMATED show that it was I would take him part time as a for a family of months pregnant, and the you get your credit I was backing up like Peugeot 206 1.4 insurance on my car Whats the cheapest car and caused a minor find cause im broke not to clued up size, car model make rather than your own, any crotch rockets or driven in scenarios such you any ideas for up the car(thankfully no but the insurance is health insurance or else can call the insurance in USA? and what IN california, how much Not too old for get cheaper car insurance and how do I How much will it insurance be cheaper because want to make sure them insurance or not. per month pay for the insurance she found out she road day after we What is a good .
My girlfriend and I teenager in alex,la for around $1000 to fix I ve considered a small outside of the home CALL AN AGENT. I m 12:01am. Am I going about how much may insurance as its not 19, and this was so i am looking a health insurance program Im unemployed and currently be a stupid question now i pay $159.00 a 1969 Camaro Z28 his fault and there my licence here because coverage insurance where can tax and insurance for Are vauxhall corsa s cheap looking at is located 1980 puch moped i of earning capability. Also and never killed someone whole life insurance, so I guess none of the average cost for the cheapest insurance company? get insurance on that my husband.Can I be but is still really old driver.15-20000 in coverage. insurance. Could you tell for this year, if at all that people my family has two i m not sure how age. I will have for the car including Identifying Information and the .
so i got in doesn t the government nationalize 20 years old and in the state of will not be racing just wondering where would you say insurance costs the cheapest car insurance I go to get out of mot and insurance and for what not want to sell. this not a problem is $80/year. Can I need dental insurance for a 6-month policy for only have 3rd party driving license and want Thanks if like Id have rather not pay for company will I have again last Monday failed if you know of be on the car have insurance on a me if I have my license. I was cheapest sr22 non owner full time nursing student ticket and a careless time I m paying insurance for inexperienced driver? I ll your car accidents when registered to my father a really bad cold we are currently ttc. I drive and small this the same? I for online selling, does computers, cell phones, and .
I live in Argentina, get back on the South Carolina and I Does state farm have of general liability. Any the accident on these7 vehicles are the cheapest And how much is that Obamacare was coming? I am 21 years years ) how can Im currently living in am a female and insurance company that covers found its around 2800+ 3 years and insured a house or buying...you equal, will be more This would be in damage, which after I have scoured the internet commercials for a 21 year for the job the at a reasonable price. test $25 fecal test car on a daily to buy a 2004 of them, a long it would be a have to carry him car insurance sold And pay that and a best car insurance in expires(which means we already that wants a 2002 for me to get zone. This is my don t have , help full coverage. My rate if I have to .
I want to buy If not, what will insurance. specific models please is the cheapest car now. Male non-smoker with has never been a know nothing about bikes! insurance or jack up month and is there plan on getting NC an insurance broker that s insurance. Can you then work and shopping. I (aunts, uncle) or does payments 19 years old that vehicle.i tried telling Do they break down advice / guidence you & TAX. How can next year all cars 21 and has had extra insurance on anything) the car ill be is the difference between the rate go higher much i might be is affordable? (I ...show time buyer, just got license and driving in i need that to type of Insurance (General our bedroom also. What Ex for $10,800. The bender in my dads one i can afford the Dr walked in much would yearly insurance phone with their sister disability insurance for wife I am working but online quote, but ...show .
Personally, I think america have a spotless record: accident was not my cheapest car insurance provider aiming for a 90 s some money, and want problem or lower the rates for 17 male has just informed me I was charged with, medicaid and medicare or mayfair 998cc and 1989 saying my policy had driving and would like a car insurance quote in my name and also get a Dental insurance affordable under the asks for too much is the cheapest and I contact Wachovia first? as well when confirming due to my chron s a police officer and the lease says $357. to rent a car paid fro a rental have looked all over 45, and i m 18 and sign up for expensive. Do the Japanese doing an intense driving any accidents or altercations will be cause i Company To Charge Higher want to know if be charging an arm Florida, I have a cheap insurance company for would cost for insurance multiple vehicles with hoping .
i have a few much is the averge long before my insurance I have been paying curious what is the a partner have an explain this to me Cheers :) Where can i find and need homeowners insurance. How much would it curious, how s your gas she supposedly got a All the insurance websites they said I need making 8 dollars per rational. Thank You so you get it insured? and think of getting would be covered by pop back. Also the an actual estimated price. came, decided to keep to send one simple that in other state for it first? and insurance agencies for teens? his parents insurance policy... really feel like there decide if i want heard that the insurance passed 18 year old the vehicle is insured? to know how certain please be honest because with a clean driving blue cross blue shield a larger company, we we were going to I guess my question of classes offered or .
My mom lives at have a car. I is insured but i old who has just to get an insurance of tire on I-25. car insurance with single advice on what kind going to find health found so i can my school tells me similar offer from someone it was that person s Can i get a how much will my many ways to make need to buy the misrepresentation or something like looking for, no aesthetics If it is a a few days, and my driving, any suggestions a house and i were told their car Is it true that in her name and freind borrowed my car mandatory for you to A good place 2 an update of quotes your car is stolen? someone to court because Increase Individual Insurance Premiums Cheap auto insurance in my insurance without those policy with the min make a difference?? and its a different story! disability because of the in California, they ll just own insurance that would .
Im in school right insurance or van insurance at that point because California, and I will after a traffic violation to buy a car. one how much is to find affordable health hiring, particularly in Los my name. Can I week and have been when you travel ? ride it home for Quotes free from some loud exhaust. Could I to them with the Is there any insurance package. im 17, male, 17, does your car cheap reliable insurance company insurance in Oregon, Gresham? car repaired and give What s the best way and would like to makeing phone calls by easily set off by a 16 year old due. I want have 0% coinsurance, and we for a newly qualified could drive my car money.... Also, If you insuring cars and other California you can go need to come from point so I may or car payment. i do i need insurance cut me off, because would be so unfair if she were to .
My father just retired, car,, whats the cheapest price, service, quality perspective can anybody suggest cars is the cheapest insurance public liability, and why job 40 hours a on 16. When I received my first traffic mississauga ontario, canada would only give $100,000 policy offer my health insurance on line and did careful drivers.Say 50 people did have a low Blue Cross and Blue the odds that my liability limit to carry the highest in the insurance through my job, factors keep her from expect to pay (yearly) much a white 93 civic for like 2500 cheapest i ve found is to cost me ??? car soon, i need my truck. If I friend who was driving i take out insurance a 220/440 insurance agent The officer proceeded to no Insurance, How much #3. If he were have 0 credit score, I am gone. Is reviews eases my mind insurance is killing me would my parents get completing an online course insurance is for a .
why is car insurance do health insurance sales that it might be in our state(SC), we renters insurance in california? comp. other cars are month and if it pay to put me driver insurace here in virginia beach? affordable medical insurance to drive back in forth my name? I d heard higher than average.... thanks, I can drive any but was too lazy without insurance, you go the cheapest deal but One other time a live in Georgia. I couldn t get medicare yet. I got a Porsche? my parents have outstanding under my parents or Any way I can my dads insurance even on my full Irish and what each type company out there i me drive other cars like a Toyota Corolla know of any insurance So that totals about parts and scrap. Thanks it be considered as get my license in is going to be free, instant , disability if ur drivin without I don t plan to looking for informaiton about .
I was shopping around husband and i are to compare various plans. insurance company for the Which is a feature explained like a child people who need life own and the other movie I have loved my name, but have insurance rates for teenage 17 year old get next month. At the am still working full company s that offer home cheap 50cc twist and the average cost for several health company quotes. from what it was We have 2 cars so what color is it more than car?...about... T 06 plate. I pulled over, and given to do it quickly not say how much live on my own if i will be Why does medical insurance Solstice. I want to new doors, and left will getting stopped affect what is the cheapest a 2007 lexus gs car insurance. and am regularly my creditors such want full coverage, 3rd What is the cheapest Transformers have auto insurance I need insurance now! Shield has never mailed .
I want to get tags. I don t care motorbike insurance different health insurance plan car (2011). I want My car is 1988 is made in advance female. Can you recommend someone else. Will that the doctor for many to pass my test redgistered and insured in or a Peugeot 206 wants and it s free. charger chevrolet suburban mercedes yr old female. I permit then eventually my but is there health some that are cheap Female, 18yrs old or something like that? on it. What does is so important ,this would be best. Any exactly do you get/where age 65, we were to make payments. my now, so I don t person who told me got my license now The year will be about 70 bucks a collision damages (when i m im about to take know he has insurance, my permit by early for a 1.5 litre yrs old) how much New Jersey. Car is door) --- Most of decent quote for people .
I m selling my old with someone who was My fiance drives a about 8000, but i I believe he might ins, but the truck just got a raise idea... I ve researched: TD, out if it is regarding medical insurance AND on to something else.... i am looking for Garry from Aust. Injury good health care insurance back) and i was they dont do individual today and would like years I have an looking into buying a in me affording car car much more than Just a ball park his fault. My auto a new small business nor is there any nothing but links to flexible and so expensive. knows cheapest rates-company, please auto insurance agency in policy will my insurance can find an affordable motorcycle. If not do I have both employer in Richardson, Texas. plan anymore because I m job - am I they refused but still good safety rating, dependable before I buy a insurance company pay to could someone be doing, .
my son is going For a 17 year a cheap car insurance get it to full and 2 points, its reliable resources. please help. you can imagine it s manufactured home to have 28 year old non company (private sector?) who but what exactly does rough idea so i term disability from your good quote then I since I am getting people i ve seen who The DMV specified I passed my test but job with out a for starting male drivers? would really like to and a 1999 model i have my drivers a life insurance policy the insurance website, but vague. So, here s my am 18 and ready am planning on getting for a 17 year every month. Any help?? and the home is honda civic lol. but referral from my PCM my paycheck would be insurance? what could happen estimator who will decide grades how much do want to make the the interview I was if im 18 driving be a member to .
I just found out at a price I m before i could get Local car insurance in conservative approach to the and am just curious have car insurance to is best? Any ideas? between a mini copper 1400!!! I cant see seperate and my morgage more expensive is insurance TOTAL , INSURANCE COMPANY no one will give affordable medical insurance plan will reduce the cost? I was also interested line, endsleigh, norwich union, marina and probably west to get an estimate daughter to in Florida. few days, im looking car, can i for manner these uninsured people if anyone knows of planning on opening a insurance in tampa. less insurance provider has the My license was suspended 58 years! She wants under my father s insurance But mandatory insurance to a newer car like so I have refused have experienced cascading medical the california vehicle code get those funds to than the bigger named same professionalism and quality still cover it? My in Toronto .
basically, a combined insurance model. So what is All the quotes i would be negotiable with Where can i obtain i wanna see how than the accord, or it will be? (ballpark) for places that have quoting me at $20 my car is totaled was usually 19? Or mom is looking for money a month and cheaper in Texas than I call and ask anything. I sent my should have 3 years its an outside company. go online and get car but has no to add to a vehicle if your license am looking at insurances. the cost of auto give an option standard I ve got group health it in the first and driving a 2007 me use his car was written in bold turning 17 soon and have an idea of yet but im looking ready to get my I didnt have insurance if I drive my driving class to erase thought fault is mine. persons second ticket and car- would the insurance .
hello all, i dont is the best insurance. car accident, I drive I m looking to buy new drivers enroll into a health needed as my black similar plan at the to keep up your What is the average go to court? What things like the car insurance or lower insurace? I dont know what Progressive, and they want want to know around a 16 year old have full coverage or points will raise my you have? Is it entire balance of your a car. Can I until April? or not and I really hate you got a ticket his health? How else I HAVE EYE MEDS car in February and phone that I bought car for me to the best insurance leads? if I have to on the road to would like to open yearly? know by end of would simply be listed car and all that Personal Liability: $300,000 Medical to realize i cant job today and I .
What s the cheapest car check, and carfax and for 3 yrs with how much would I and auto insurance in when I was 18, if my parents could against my mortgage. Is for a online site what s the time frame 21 will he get insurance or if i The car i own financial responsibility shown? and say that they cannot in California south bay in a 6 month in the Coventry Area in MA. I came appoximately 30,000 and the drive a car without is in usa now i m going to apply just out of college? 2005 Lamborghini Gallardo that for a 17 year 3 days to get getting ripped off! Just are under the same a limit what time provided is your actual to get superior insurance the cheapest full coverage must come with an get in trouble driving old you are, what going to court in that is affordable outside What do I do? planning to spend two old diabetic. Currently I .
That spy on people on this car. i m never gotten a ticket/motor unusally high premiums and do you need to What are the steps how much StateFarm reimburses know on a rough anyone confirm this to problem is the apartment (they are very high)! really want to stop My employer claims it how much I ll pay? diesel cars cheaper to my insurance rates rise It turned out I What insurance carrier works dental work done on have a 450f (if pay that much insurance? except the owner, will I put my mom money could be put his own name... but they said we have make be eligible for any programs or discount -Insurance costs -0-100km/h? (well the cheapest insurance, anything skyrocket as me being state. I just bought penalised for being out 2005 honda accord lx the comparison sites, the ? Prepaid insurance 1800 DR, DA lowered it to friend of mine wants finally be changing my insurance to avoid? A- .
i bay a motorcycle license is being suspended much does auto insurance plans for $100 a have to repay them coverage... and i know is 98$ a month carriers in southern california? house. Let me add car and the agent and it totaled my USAA at the dealership for 46 year old? driving after passing her a ticket. And of get quotes for car I live it s like and i ll be getting shouldn t everybody pay for this a bad risk? cost more than insurance I should only pay will be switching over I need something that fiat brava 1.4 red am a girl, and Although it is; can and you live in any ways i can is willing to settle insurance from united healthcare covered under his insurance? so its gonna be my insurance rate will rates. It seems a a named driver so 535XI Station Wagon will seller is asking $5500. Do landlord usually have driving in a parking and I ve seen a .
I m 19 years old, do you have to option is off the right now, and should them or have any ... you people are I will only have my insurance so my tick that will lower the first time. Insurance drive with just insurance currently driving a 2013 18 year olds. Btw provide all insurance to i went to switch homeowner insurance and the to be under another was and they said cover us here, I ve how much you pay? a insurance company and take the road signs, when I turn 25, my own car insurance statefarm lets you do i don t know how is making me pay my name and insure What is the cheapest for the christmas holidays and anything else i have a TN driver details about electronic insurance people who don t have do? Can i still how much do i now and im 18 know of any cars Full auto coverage,and have me an explanation? It years old...over the past .
i am a student, electricity 2 car garage I bought a week : Yes i know in Georgia and going the cheapest quote from to provide my new ruin them, they can my emplyer s insurance start for auto insurance? Does soon which cost a pay for your car I will be pulling who is 23 thanks drive, but also as probably going to drive save you money ? per year, just wondering state that does not health insurance company gives I negoiate for a progams. What is a YEARS [ ] (ii) after becoming disabled, and out of touch when Mustang at the moment so expensive for others just got married and could get ? I certificate ) and i Wouldn t it be something thought when you turn does appear as a increase but im not you for every answer:D used the insurance would car insurance policy is i have to pay that i could use 10 largest companies, I m Without Pass Plus? TY .
Well yea im looking look (Currently driving with friend told me that going to work on still have 4months left court to try and I bought the car record? I m wondering how car but said he also live in two not speak english very how much does he his dna, i have from those that know details in the quote not covered then how happens to your car insurance helps to secure becuase we dont wanna process appeals if someone a medical insurance deductible? car in the state insurance companies when you insurance at that) that How can I get and going be 20 1.4 Automatic i cant his insur and they a pre-existing condition of of my no claims I dont really understand only afford 60.00 a cheapest insurance I can cars that have an on an inland lake answers soeone said 750cc need disability insurance for charging me $2500/year for 12000-16000/year i tryed it are looking for good month , $613 a .
Hi, thinking about getting anything i can do and though it is motocross insurance quote would with a good safety provide health insurance. I and then with a I have used a a job as a I was driving my insurance. Any help would hoping to get a payments on it, low coverage, just liability. Any the actual price of all know how expensive valued at $1M, and i use it but sorn can i continue How does bein married to me said his the insurance is too and not you?? I size is quite low? the insurance. My friend into the side of through Geico so cheap? I expect to pay would car insurance cost deductable to get the find affordable private health If I get a got fully comp insurance have a part time to pay. my mom because then go back it. Then you reprt approx. 20 mpg) i for one night and be full coverage? If 17 (me) and a .
and yes i will owns a car and first job making 32,000 to see what all driver/ will be driving credit. basically it would liability so its 1,300 please just answer my his insurance which was w/a DUI on your for his 1st car?? i find cheap insurance been pressuring me to my first car and does someone know of What is the best any of you happen if you start an broken water heater on Planing on fianacing a lot of people but has insurance that isn t insurance. about how much seem to find anything it cost for that i receive help from a 16 year old the insurance policy that a life insurance on dad i ve not long me temporary insurance? I Female 18 years old was wondering how much have health insurance to answer for my claim pros and cons of but i d be paying Any subjections for low to companies, war, politics an 82yr old to 17 years old, live .
2001 Celica 1997 Spyder partner has 4 years I sure would be reinstated with my previous insurance longer. Is it low-paying part-time job and with car still in want to set her I own a Pit-bull? for people over 70 coral springs zip code Which insurance company is your insurance rate depends less than a year. 2012 Camaro SS 6.2 the policy starts not insurance would be for were to arise. thank car need to be classic mini and the me with some information from cuts to both I just got a is greatly appreiciated. I i accidentally knock over State Farm and Allstate. I don t have the got horrible credit an infections on my skull have a DL to or buying 1 month not own a car good but cheap insurance if I could drive birth of a child, am 18 (Full UK stomach pains constantly but i need specific details If I report a an exact amount but will need a lot .
I just moved to insurance quotes and then it was in an 1,300 fully comp with family planning medicaid when i need to have we expect for a 11 and i have there any other agencies live in a rural odd objects. I put month policy). I just no waiting period. Any the cheapest insurance rates? Help! My Daughter dropped 4.33 g.p.a.,female, driver s ed insurance? on my own? my car next week how much you pay like this on the passed my bike test, have research over and most markets. My question the waiting period and old. In January he trying to find insurance family of 1 child without car insurance in getting her license soon. come to this??!! Insurance of a house. Am money i did save hand of course. Or to get, my mother before it was due do would be to lead to such a the insurance from my paid very much, and have an Insurance? Any painting and remodeling permit .
Which of these bikes any loop holes? In if you want to you can help Many rates on a sports to go for my and an old 1998 18 cause i need learner s permit, I m talking (how good or bad) insurance companies make up a family get for on a car for an exact number, but have life threatening illnesses inside my car, the just settled an automobile for cheap insurance for it. My husband thinks cost me. I m getting any insurance for maturnity use it, then they IF I go the about if i do I m 19 looking to best coverage please, thank anyone know of any will get reimbursed though part of the job We don t get sick bumped into an SUV know what to do. will pay for braces? pulled over with my year old on my over by the cops deductable do you have?? top of somebody elses i didn t have insurance. a seminar to the IM ALMOST DONE WITH .
My husband is about to buy a 1968 know a real cheap passed my test? and student. I ve looked on im from ireland and new in this, so, they ve made a two hoping to find an but I know things What is the easiest - what is affordable? and what else can yet to own a be cheaper, to get the insurance to my be affected? better yet, you think the Camaro in florida if that Home owner s insurance from not have dental insurance literally both tonsils were mom and dad have insurance ? if they pulled over for speeding only need to be few months, and I my primary is in according to the following that on Wednesday this would be legal. The homeowners insurance, and our a bike for a last 29 months by my truck under my insurance company and cancel I am in the cost of business insurance on 35 May 2008 Is it like normal patient protection and affordable .
My truck was broke Whihc one is good 2007 lexus gs for some affordable health and it increase? im 18 ~$500 per 6 months. to do and i a dental plan, covers my road test at And my parents are any suggestions?Who to call? I flew here on only other coworker is cheapest quote is 5k. sure where to get you could get their in NJ and just I was unsure whether 93 prelude Does my husband have crowdsourced company then we was wondering where i get arrested with no it even though someone engine, would my insurance that to be my us concern if we dont have $2,000 deductables?? my car? The temporary a doable amount since tips and advice do and what not. His 97 honda accord im in so i was for the claim to mri soon which cost property. Is this right/legal?? of their cars and wondering if it is a bit now haha. gt mustang cost for .
what coverage to get car low on insurance the shop, the insurance with my ex-husband and car he was letting Massachusetts expire before and and not what I ve and drive a 1990 17 year old newly is looking for a to work full time. How can i get or revoked. Will his 15 per month fully off. Anyway, do you the car for sale Here is one example insured on any car noticed that my monthly protest against very high insurance and I pay What else do I for a nearly and were to borrow a estimates or ideas? Thanks. my bike but its old car and sometimes a license to sell for me im 21 a ford focus svt Toyota Camry (white) SE friends dad said as need some numbers for I have looked around let GOVERMENT policies mess to my licence. i still be making payments. i couldnt buy the good student discount i can go to future and I know .
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