#not sticking this under a cut because i think its shorter than the grant ramble but HJFKDGHJFKD
officialgleamstar · 11 months
OKAY okay okay, @happi-tree asked for my sparrow notes so! here are my thoughts/meta/whatever re: sparrow's subclass. these aren't gonna be as in depth as my thoughts on grant's subclass because i feel like sparrow is way more cut and dry (tl;dr: sparrow is a circle of the moon druid.), BUT theres some interesting other options TO ME
Circle of Dreams - This is what Henry is, which automatically makes it very likely in my mind! Family magic and all, I imagine this is what Barry has as well. It's also... one of the worst druid circles XD (based on the common game meta that is heavily damage based, but even with considerations to healing, it is not. great. it worked pretty well in season one though since dreamscapes featured heavily! i wish will did more with that) 8/10
Circle of Spores - It isn't this one, since Sparrow has no signs of having any fungal connections. That would be cool as hell though, even if it was out of character. Mushroom Sparrow... 0/10
Circle of Stars - It isn't this one either but (slightly louder) IT WOULD BE COOL AS HELL, THOUGH, and not as out of character as spores would be! It's more combat-focused than healing though, and Starry Form locks you out of most if not all healing spells iirc, so not at all useful for Sparrow. 2/10
Circle of Wildfire - Not even addressing this one because it's so wildly OOC. Sparrow would not have a fire spirit following him around. It's not a bad circle for healing though, so it's an interesting idea for an AU! 0/10
Circle of the Land - This one is one of the very likely one to me! You get a bonus cantrip, meaning there's more spell slots, and I think that's something Sparrow would look for. I imagine Nature's Ward would come in useful pretty frequently. Also, it's a very simple circle to play, meaning from a meta standpoint, it's easier for Anthony to manage. 7/10
Circle of the Moon - Sparrow is this one. (It was honestly insane to me that Henry isn't this one, but I'm not writing Henry meta right now.) It's probably the best druid circle universally (my opinion), it's Wild Shape focused, it gives you more combat options which the kiddads clearly have a huge focus on, it literally is werewolf themed in the naming convention. Is this what Sparrow should be? Probably not, he's a healer and this is a more combat focused circle (though it is still perfectly fine for healers to use, especially in smaller parties/when several people can heal, it just means he would have to go in and out of Wild Shape more often--). Is it what he is anyways? 1000% yes. While I understand the other options, Anthony would be remiss to pick anything but Circle of the Moon for our dear lovewolf (and with the added layer that Sparrow has lost his Wild Shape abilities - that would be even more devastating if he is in this circle. Food for thought! Angst fodder!). Plus that means Sparrow would have been one of the most powerful kiddads when they were first starting out which I like, it makes sense for the way he is often taking a leadership role with Grant and Lark. 10/10
Circle of the Shepherd - This circle isn't likely since we don't see any of the kiddads with animal companions. I think Sparrow would really enjoy it though and if Anthony did want to toy around with subclasses more, I think it would make sense for Sparrow after he lost the ability to Wild Shape or even post-season 2. That's just me (guy who really likes reclassing as a character arc) though, and it's really not suited for healing so it's unlikely. 2/10
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INEFFABLE - Kaz Brekker
Chapter Thirteen
If you would like to read this on Wattpad, it’s on there as well, my @ is in_my_feels_probably and there’s a few visuals and better descriptions and stuff on there. otherwise, enjoy, let me know what you think, and you can check out my masterlist for updates and more. don’t forget to read the prologue, it’s important to the story!
INEFFABLE – Kaz Brekker
ineffable (adj.) too great to be expressed in words, utterly indescribable; too sacred to speak of. 
Chapter Thirteen
The Crows were ducked away in a shed, as safe as they could be for the moment. Kaz had emptied his pockets, placing everything he had on the table. A couple Ravkan coins and bills, and not much else.
Inej was grimacing. “Is this all we have left?”
She groaned, clutching her side, taking a deep breath. “Jesper, my bag.”
She pulled up her shirt to reveal a deep wound on her abdomen just as Jesper had turned around. He gagged, averting his eyes.
“Mother of Saints.”
Elham chuckled, helping Inej lean back against a stack of hay on the floor so she could have better access to the wound. She lowered her to the ground, helping hold her shirt up, not missing Kaz’s look of concern. She turned back to Inej, watching her grab things out of her bag.
“It’s not healing on its own. I need to stitch it.”
Elham glanced at Kaz and Jesper’s uneasy faces, giving them a grin.
“Don’t worry, I happen to specialize in stab wounds. Granted, I’m normally on the other side of them, but that’s alright, I’ve had enough sticks myself to know how to stitch them up.”
Kaz turned his head away as Elham threaded the needle, handing it to Inej. “How long before you can travel.”
Inej was quick to respond. “Not long. Where?”
Elham whipped around to face him, but he wouldn’t meet her eyes. Earlier, she was so sure that they’d either get the kruge, and she’d be safe from the Menagerie, or they wouldn’t make it back to Ketterdam, and it wouldn’t matter whether they got it or not. But to go back now, and empty handed, she would almost certainly have to go.
“Between our dwindling funds, lack of time, and conflicting interests, it’s time we cut our losses.”
He moved to go outside, and Elham called after him. “Kaz.”
He didn’t look at her, stepping out the door.
He was already gone.
Jesper scoffed. “I guess the Bastard misses the Barrel.”
Elham shook her head, willing the tears not to fall, turning her attention back to Inej. “Hey, love. Let’s get this fixed, yeah?”
Inej took a deep breath as Elham grabbed the needle, hooking it through her skin. She pulled the skin taught, trying to get it done as quickly as she could.
Jesper groaned, gagging, having to turn his head.
Inej scoffed. “You can watch a bullet tear through a man, but a needle’s too much.”
“It...yeah, well, you see, bullets are bam, in and out. That’s...just...ugh!"
Elham laughed, letting Inej take the needle and finish it up. Jesper was still groaning.
“Where’d you learn to do that?”
“When I was at the Menagerie.”
“Yeah, but why would you...oh. That’s dark.”
“Which is why I can’t go back.”
Elham’s smile fell from her face, her laughter dying. It was bad enough that Inej had to go through all of that pain, but now it was looking like she would have to as well. She knew she would be able to handle it, and even if she couldn’t, she would go on anyway. Heleen would get what was coming to her one way or another.
Elham swallowed. “You’re not going back. You know that.”
Inej’s eyes clouded, and Elham watched her try and fight tears. She quickly gave her a smile, grabbing her hand.
“It's ok, it's ok! We’re both gonna be fine, yeah? Right, Jesper?”
He tried his best to lighten the mood, but his face was full of pity, and Elham knew in that moment that Inej had told him about her deal with Heleen.
“Yeah, that's right, love. Inej, I bet if you told Kaz that story, I think he’d murder Heleen himself.”
Elham chuckled. “Saints, if he doesn’t, I will.”
It was nightfall now, and Inej was well enough to stand and move around. Elham led her outside, where Kaz was sitting on a wooden box, staring into the flames. She led Inej over, before taking a seat next to Kaz.
Inej stayed standing, handing Kaz his cane. “Jesper fixed your cane.”
He took it from her, bringing it close to him. He rested his hand on the Crows head. Elham noticed how he almost seemed more at ease with it, like it was another limb, in the same way that her sword was like another limb to her. And, Saints, did she miss her sword.
He said nothing, not even a thank you, and Elham gave him a look. He sighed, clenching his jaw. Inej turned back to head inside, when Kaz called after her.
“You were right.”
Inej turned back to him. “About what?”
“The Sun Summoner. You were right. She’s real. I played it over and over in my head. None of it’s a trick. The light was hers.”
“So, what? Kaz Brekker finally believes in Saints?”
“But you just said that--”
“I said Alina Starkov is a Grisha with the power to manipulate light. She’s a girl with a gift, not some savior of lore.”
“Fine. Kaz, if not Saints, what do you believe in?”
Kaz glanced at Elham, and she held her breath, meeting his gaze. He turned back to Inej.
Inej scoffed. “Why’d I even ask?”
“And you. And Jesper...and Elham. My Crows.”
“Because we flock to your bidding? Like the animals of vengeance you named us after?”
Elham laughed quietly. “I happen to like crows.”
“Crows don’t just remember the faces of people who wronged them. They also remember those who were kind. They tell each other who to look after and who to watch out for.”
He was talking to Inej still, but he was looking at Elham.
Inej nodded at him, heading back inside. “Thank you, Kaz.”
And then she was gone. Elham was left next to Kaz. They sat in silence for a moment, before Kaz spoke up.
“I knew, you know.”
She faced him, and he was already looking at her. She felt her cheeks heat up under his stare. “Knew what?”
“That you’re a Grisha.”
Her eyes widened, and her face contorted with confusion. “What do you mean you knew?”
“Of course I knew. How could I not? I notice everything about you.”
Elham was hiding a smile now, eyes watering. “Like?”
He scoffed, exasperated.
“Like? Like everything. Like how you run warmer than everyone else. That was one of the first signs. That night I broke my leg, and you had to help me back to the Slat. Your hand touched the back of my neck, and you were warm. Unnaturally warm. I couldn’t figure it out then, but as I put the pieces together over time, it made sense. I guess that’s just another part of you being an Inferni, or just another thing different about your powers than the other Inferni.”
Elham felt a tear roll down her cheek.
“I think you being warm to the touch helps. When I touch people, and their skin touches mine, it’s like I’m back in the harbour with those bodies again. Cold. It’s so fucking cold, and it makes my skin crawl. It’s like rubbing against sandpaper. But when I touch you...it’s not like that. It’s still difficult for me, but not unbearable.”
She was in awe of his words, but he kept talking about the other things he noticed about her, rambling.
“Like how you like to rile Jesper up, just to get a reaction out of him. Like how you sit in that chair in my office in the most uncomfortable position you could possibly be in, just to spite me. Like how you were fearless when you offered yourself up in Inej’s place to Heleen, because you’re just that protective over your family. Like how you’re ruthless when you’re the Valkyrie.”
She could feel the tears streaming down her face, but she ignored it, listening..
“How could I not notice all of that? I mean, Saints, El, you’re...you’re--”
She caught her breath, asking. “I’m what?”
“You’re fucking ineffable.”
He took his cane and tapped the end of it to her ankle, the faintest smile on his face.
“I missed doing that.”
She felt a sob catch in her throat, and she quickly wiped at her eyes. Her mind was racing, she couldn’t think of the right words to say. He beat her to it.
He murmured. “I have something for you.”
He pulled a sword out from under the bench. She gasped as he picked it up and unsheathed it. It was absolutely beautiful. The hilt was pure matte black, with shining silver engraved all throughout. It was heavy in her hand, the weight familiar. She sheathed it, turning to him, in awe.
“I found it in the Darkling’s carriage, under one of the seats. Figured it was fitting for you to have it.”
Elham belted it around her waist, strapping it to her back through the harnessing on her back.
“Thank you, Kaz. I really missed having one.”
He almost grinned. “I needed my Valkyrie fully functional again. The Grisha power is a plus, but I’ve always preferred you with a sword. Now, what are you gonna name it?”
She turned to him, confused. “Name it?”
“All of the good swords have names.”
She nodded, pondering for a bit, before a smirk landed on her face.
Inej named her knives after her Saints, Elham would name her sword after her sins.
Afterall, she was no Saint.
Kaz scoffed, letting out a dark chuckle. “Wrath. I like it.”
She smiled at him again. “Thank you, Kaz. I mean it.”
He knew she wasn’t just talking about the sword, and that she meant thank you for everything. For sticking with her all those years, for giving her a place in the Dregs, for making her the Valkyrie. For everything.
He just nodded. “Come on, let’s go show Jesper your new sword. He’s a little scared of you with one, did you notice that?”
She giggled, and a grin appeared on her face. Kaz would never admit it, but he loved watching her happy like this.
“Oh, I know.”
A/N - i was so excited to write this chapter, it has some of my favorite stuff in it that i wanted to write. not entirely loving it, but it's decent i guess. we still have about an episode and a half of content left, a few more chapters to go. i wanted to get this one out because i know the last one was shorter. i hope y'all liked this chapter, let me know. thank you for the support!
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taocastleprincess · 3 years
shaman king (2021) ep 1
i said i was going to type smth up last night but teaching is literally so exhausting sooo i'm here now!! i have watched the episode like a million times since Thursday LMAOOOO i think i mostly have the dialogue memorized, that's how much i've watched it. i'm just so happy though, i've been a lifelong fan of SK, i was obsessed w it in my teens (still am but i was on a DIFF LEVEL in HS), and i'm just SO HAPPY we finally got a reboot!!! Shaman King deserves a canon adaption, so glad that Takei got it :)
this post got super long rambly so my thoughts/glows/concerns are under the cut!
gonna start w the GLOWS
-- honestly, i am in LOVE w the new OST!!! i have had it on repeat since it was released in Japan!! Megumi is a godsend and i feel like both the OST and the ED kept the same vibes as the og adaption OSTs and EDs. can't really explain why that is but the melodies and the feelings you get from the new OST are very authentic to the SK-verse.
-- the animation is absolutely beautiful and i could hardly focus on anything else the first 2 times i watched it. i was really scared about how the animation was going to look bc so many weird rumors about the animation team were circulating on twitter but it is nearly perfect. they stayed true to Takei's style and the background scenery is out of this world. i also think all of the characters look brighter and more... like them? like, i love the og SK but even as a kid i felt like the animation did not really capture any of the characters (especially Yoh, Ren, and Joco) in their true essence. Like, it was just very dull and didn't accentuate any of their key features. The reboot is beautiful and I love the way certain characters' eyes are drawn. I thought that the look of Ryu's crew was a great example of the animators highlighting and emphasizing defining features of certain characters. They aren't major characters at all but we know they are important to Ryu (and his story) so their designs are given their rightful due.
-- i know that a few people didn't appreciate the beginning scene of the episode for a myriad of different reasons and i find them all totally valid and understandable, tbh. however, i think the opening scene was really great. i had a few problems w it (i do think the 'chosen one' set-up for Yoh was heavy-handed and weird bc i don't think the source material really wants us to believe that Yoh is the stereotypical 'chosen one' and i think it pushes back on that trope quite a bit but i'm open to hearing diff opinions on that) but overall, i think it gives a very cool and mysterious set-up for the anime. i don't think it does much to spoil the eventual ~Hao is Yoh's twin!!~ reveal because, to me, personally, it wasn't that big of a reveal/plot twist. what i WILL say is that the opening scene was very diluted in comparison to the manga vers and that was a bit disappointing but i think they might revisit the scene/make it more dramatic later on in the series when there is more context around the events of that night so that may just be a little tease, you know?
-- this should not be shocking to read from an account that is named 'taocastleprincess' but... AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH THE ENDING SCENE WITH REN AND BASON WAS SOOOOO PERFECT AND I DIDN'T EXPECT IT!!!! ON MY FIRST WATCH I RAN IT BACK LIKE 300x!!!! THEY BOTH LOOK AMAZINGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!
moving on from glows and to CONCERNS, i spy a lot of possible issues w pacing, character development, and authenticity. the series is currently only slated for 52 episodes, a whole 12-eps shorter than the OG adaptation, and the entirety of the series is supposedly being adapted so... 52 eps for 300 chapters? to me, that seems extremely rushed even with best-case scenarios. i have read opposing views on twitter, people think that 52 eps is just enough if they cut 'filler' and 'stick to the most important arcs.' i don't think i can agree with any part of that argument. i really think that it's a REACH to say that Shaman King has filler chapters or filler arcs. there is a purpose for each and every chapter/arc in the series. plot development, character development, foreshadowing, etc. those all hold distinct and important purposes and the love, thought, and time put into the SK manga is exactly why people love it. 'filler' does not have a true narrative purpose, it only serves to lengthen the story, so to say that there are scenes/chapters/arcs that can be glossed or skipped over you would have to make the argument that they have no narrative purpose or bearing on the story. i personally think it would be extremely difficult (near impossible) to make that argument for anything within the og 300chap work but, again, i'm open to seeing if anyone can change my mind.
the first episode of SK flew through and glossed over a lot of important scenes for character study/development. by the end of the first episode, you don't really understand or relate to Morty as one might have done after the first episode of ogSK. and although Yoh is supposed to remain mysterious/confusing/weird for the first couple of chapters/eps, at the end of ep1 there is no GRAND interest that has been developed about him. The first episode operated at a breakneck speed and to its detriment. the characters so far are extremely flat regarding everything beyond character design. the viewer is hardly invested in the partnership between Yoh and Amidamaru because there is (little to) no build-up of their partnership and both of their characters are... not real to us yet. even the scenes regarding Amidamaru's past and his friendship with Mosuke doesn't affect or interest the viewer at all because it is referenced, addressed, problematized, solved, and wrapped up all within 3.5 mins.... huh?
what REALLY destroys me, though, is that the anime seems to be foreshadowing that Manta's character will be playing a backseat role.... the first couple of adventures are from Manta's perspective. he asks the questions that we have, situates us in this very weird world and helps to world-build without it being obvious or heavyhanded, and we start to understand the nuances of his character. none of that was present in 2021 ep1. it kinda felt like Manta was a plot device instead of a character. granted, like i said, none of the characters feel real yet but Manta getting this sort of treatment so early on is dismaying. i really do feel like Manta and Yoh's (developing) friendship and trust in each other is the heart of the first quarter of the series (and is continuously referenced and exalted throughout). rushing through (or, really, just straight up cutting out) the first couple of subplots/mini-adventures that they have together feel really weird and detrimental to the overall tone and purpose of the series. those early adventures cement so much and really lay the groundwork for the rest of the story. it's disappointing that they didn't get their due.
this isn't a very organized review/breakdown, i'm just typing as i think, but to sum up what i am REALLY worried about is this: if the series continues at this extremely crazy pace, i'm a bit worried that the characters will never feel fully developed. not only that, but SK has a lot of heart-wrenching scenes and also a lot of scenes that are beautifully filled with hope and care. i just don't see how those scenes are gonna hit quite as hard or even as they SHOULD if the pace doesn't slow down and let us really sit with these characters and their feelings and motivations.
i mean, i know that this is only the 1st episode of a 52ep series but a lot of things don't look too promising... anyway, these are my initial thoughts/concerns/feelings. i'm way too busy to actually sit down and plan out all of my millions of thoughts but hopefully this was good enough!
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