#now he's slow dancing????????
bitacrytic · 9 months
mew is heartbroken and rebounding with the only guy who's been moping around him for years. he doesn't have any feelings for ray. it's so obvious that he's doing this because ray is available. he is desperate to hold on to something and show that he's not a fool and in doing so, he's finally caved after years of saying no.
mew has no idea the problems he's walking into because if ray was quietly possessive before, he's about to be so much worse. one night together and he'll think mew is his property.
i swear to god, if this relationship turns mew into a submissive "whatever ray thinks is best" somebody, i will be PISSED.
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willkimurashat · 11 months
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wooriid · 11 months
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Inspired by @theluckybard and the recent most perfect art Renata dropped I would say they just came home from a really nice dance night <3
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
When Blue Meets Yellow In the West: A Series Long Theory - Part 2
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prototypelq · 6 months
#I DID IT I DID IT I DID JT#i ran around like a freakin headless chicken in the end and IT PAYED OFF#oh freakin hell#ahaha now only to repeat this with nero who i haven't touched in about a year now ahahahaha#...st least he has better options for dealing with the clone#game even awarded me with s though there was nowhere near s gameplay to be found#i am a bit overwhelmed now#i am now fully realising Exactly How Far Away from a 'hardcore' gamer i am#can you believe i started the year thinking 'if i go slow and casual at it i think i could take on harder dmc5 difficulties'#i feel ready to go back in time and theottle that idiot#this was...not fun but it also kind of was only because dmc5 gameplay is so good and dante is amazing to play as#and vergil is a great opponent he makes you take the situation seriously but you also learn to start goofing off its great#however i am NOT built for this i am so freakin not built for this boss grind i came through only because i like dmc so much#and i felt like if i could spend even a fraction of my fandom time in the actual game i could be much better at it#there is a number of games I overplayed to the point of starting to hate them and where the frustration overwrote the initial joy i felt#i felt like ive given myself enough time because i started to feel that frustration about dmc5 and i decidedly do NOT want that game#to end up like those i love it and want to enjoy it further so i was ready to concede defeat today#turns out i just had to be a better chicken thats good as nero is next and he is an arguably better for chicken tactic#maybe ill finish this sos run after all i would be glad if i could manage that#also im this close to 3 million and i want the dance taunt at least for dante)))#phew what an evening#mutuals my beloved thank you for constantly cheering me and reading this i can't find the words to express how much i cherish your support#and thank you tumblr for allowing me an entire book in the tags section hellsite my beloved
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princesssszzzz · 1 year
Rhaena and Aemond parallel and how the different routes they choose to get their dragons leads to them being anti parallels. We already know they both start in the same place basically close with their mothers and feeling bad about not having a dragon. When Rhaena loses Laena and Aemond gains Vhagar that’s when they stop being parallels and even their personalities get drastically different when Aemond getting bolder and Rhaena getting more reserved. Aemond is always in the mix of drama and fights and smiling about it but Rhaena is the one wanting the fighting to stop. The second son is still in competition with Aegon even though he’s not being made fun of anymore but second daughter Rhaena doesn’t openly fight with anyone even though she’s still ignored.
Aemond getting Vhagar is his rushing to prove himself. Rhaena prefers to hatch her own dragon which takes years of patience on her part. She seems accepting that she won’t be favored by Daemon without a dragon but still chooses not to jump at every chance to get her father’s attention. Her sister had a hatchling and she wants one like Baela. Aemond does the exact opposite and jumped at every chance to get a dragon. Basically Aemond’s claiming leads to his short term gains/long term loses and he’s able to brag about having the biggest dragon, defend himself with Vhagar, and participate in the dance via fighting. He keeps getting what he wants but it’s at his own detriment. So him telling Rhaena riding a pig would suit her becomes irony for two reasons.
Rhaena is touted that she’d be a splendid Queen and gets loved and welcomed by the smallfolk when everyone falsely thought they hated dragons. She takes Morning around the city and is a darling to everyone, they don’t see any threat unlike with Aemond. Vhagar is used to terrorize and bring down dragons and Morning brings hope and makes people cheer. In the long term Aemond has one of the worst reputations with everything that takes place after he gets a dragon. The smallfolk see him negatively and untrustworthy because of his killing and everything he does leads to him being murdered. Despite his self praising, even as a “historical” Targaryen he’s not known as someone that’s revered like Aemon the Dragonknight, Aegon the Conquerer, or even infamous like Daemon.
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Okay, that amazing art you rebloged has my brain running a muck with an image I can't quite pin; how do your human AU Drift and Ratchet dance??? I can't quite see who takes the lead or who would dip more or what their adorable habits are being in close proximity, or-!
Ratchet leads. Always. He was quite the dancer in his party ambulance days, and while more recently he tends less toward steps and more to "swaying together during the mushy songs," he's always happy to help along Drift, for whom dancing is a slightly more rhythmic version of bodyguarding Ratchet in a crowd.
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st-guliks-fnord · 6 months
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whysamwhy123 · 8 months
I feel like absolute shit right now for various reasons so Imma ramble on under the cut about my blorbo DG and some of my unpopular opinions regarding him and his current direction because I want to distract myself from The Pain. You can read it if you want, but like, I wouldn't recommend it, LOL
I feel like I'm in a weird position as a DG fan. Like, I'm with everyone on feeling glad that the Jericho stuff is done because I hate that dude and I only suffered through JAS segments purely for Daniel so thank god that's over. But my opinions get decidedly unpopular now because...I really don't want him to join the BCC? Or join up with Danielson in any way? And it's purely petty on my part because I just don't really like the BCC at all and Danielson's not my guy either (I don't really know anything about him pre-AEW so I don't have the attachment towards him that everyone else seems to have, he's really Just Some Guy to me *shrugs*) Like, I know it would make a ton of people happy, Daniel included, but I'd probably lose all interest in him if that happened? He wouldn't be able to do his dance anymore or show any of the character he's developed over the last year or so. He'd have to go back to being a Generic Tough Guy Technical Wrestler and that would be soooooo boring to me. He'd be going backwards, character-wise. Plus he'd just be in the same butt-monkey position that Yuta's in, does that really sound like fun to y'all??
And if I'm being totally honest...even if he doesn't join the BCC, I'm probably gonna lose all interest in him the second they start seriously pushing him and presenting him as a Big Deal. Like...I like my DG PATHETIC!! What can I say, I was drawn in by his stupid dance and his sad, kicked puppy dog looks and the fact that he's clearly the dumbest fuckboy who ever fuckboyed. I legit LOVE what they're doing with him right now because it appeals so much to my weird, personal taste. He's beaten down, abandoned, everyone around him doesn't get him and they're treating him like shit and telling him he's wrong. He's still doing his stupid dance and the fans love it but he's been pressuring to stop it by his chosen family and that sucks for him and so he pouts about it and makes sad faces. I'm sorry, but this is just Peak Male?! He keeps losing and losing and can't seem to catch a break and he regrets his choices and so he distracts himself by going out to clubs every night, partying with his bros, and trying to bone every woman in a five-mile radius that he can thrust his hips in the general direction of and I AM HERE FOR IT, THIS IS SUCH GOOD FOOD TO ME, GIVE ME MOOOOOOOOOORE.
But I know it ain't gonna last. He's gonna stop doing the dance, he's gonna either fully turn face and lose a lot of his current character or join Don Callis' group and be trapped in the exact same position he was in the JAS, just with a different annoying middle-aged Canadian weighing him down now. And then he'll start actually winning matches and being taken seriously and maybe he'll even win a title somewhere down the line and it'll be great for his career but a sad, sad day for ol' Sammy Sam-Sam. He is currently one of my most precious blorbos...but I know that's gonna change the second he starts *scoffs* succeeding!
Still, at least he'll always be cute.
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inutaffy · 9 months
guys im heaving with sobs omg
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kotaerukoto · 1 year
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i saw this tier list appear on my dash so I thought that I'd do it for Makoto n his ffxiv verse. It was very fun!
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siriuslynephilim · 1 year
idk if you'll like but this imagery it makes me so soft and the way he says "she does it for real now" like idk it makes me go YEAH
and i just wanna know if you're in love yet girl
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folklaurr · 6 months
In grad 7 I had this huge crush on a boy in my class and one day he posted a photo on Facebook of a bunch of anime characters in a room together and tagged everyone from class and he tagged me a Sailor Moon and I was CONVINCED from that day forward he was in love with me
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itadore-you · 6 months
oh my god. every bit of that thirteen pounds I paid for the show was worth it. uni crush can DANCE oh my god. i am feasting I am lunching on the videos (plural) I now have of this man. I'm gonna make so many edits. pls can he ruin me. he stripped as well later in the dance AGAIN I must emphasise the arms on this man. god he's so fine. pls don't have a girlfriend pls don't have a girlfriend pls don't have a girlfriend pls like me back pls like me backpls like me back
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kleftiko · 6 months
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cw: mature, sexual content, blowjobs, swearing
here are the tips i give my friends so that they get 10/10 sloppy top ratings
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"baby~" you coo from beside him on the couch.
the corner of choso's lips lift slightly in response, but his eyes still focus on the screen of his phone.
"babe~" you call again. "cho~"
although your voice is the most beautiful sound he's ever heard in his life, your boyfriend grants you mercy and finally answers you.
"yes, baby?" he asks softly, eyes not leaving his phone but the small smile still on his face. he can't see the beautiful, but maniacal, grin on your lips.
"teach me how to give a blowjob~"
the tendons in his hand tighten, nearly cracking the poor device between his fingers. besides his entire body going rigid, his eyes lock onto yours, only to nearly lose himself in the look of lust in your gaze.
"y-you can't just ask that shit with a smile on your face!" your boyfriend sputters, cheeks and neck blooming with a harsh blush.
"but who else am i supposed to ask?" your question is just too pure and innocent for the look in your face, and yet, choso can't help but fall victim to you.
"fine, just-fine." he takes a tense breath before saying "sit."
with a little too much enthusiasm, you kneel on the floor between his legs, hands gently resting atop your thighs. you look like a doll to him, so eager to please and so pretty that his cock would twitch even if he didn't know what was going to happen next.
he runs a hand over his face.
"fuck, baby, don't look so eager." his deep voice is muffled behind his fingers.
you giggle. "can't help it."
"'kay, now—um—fuck." choso pinches his nose for a second, gathering his own courage to say, "you're gonna need, like, a lot of spit." while he speaks, your fingers dance across the waistband of his sweatpants, littering his v-line with goosebumps as you free his half hard cock from his boxers.
"it needs to be messy, yea?" you look up at him and lick your lips, coating them with a shine that.
he nods silently, jaw clenched.
"t-then, you're gonna wanna -fuck!" you don't let him finish when you take a lick against his tip. the rough texture of your tongue dulled by the coating of saliva you gathered across it. as you continue to pleasure him, he lets out a low groan of satisfaction, his grip tightening on the edge of the couch. the intensity in his eyes tells you that he's enjoying every moment, encouraging you to take him further down your throat.
"fuck." he whines, taking note of your comfortability, just like always. "breath through your nose."
your head bobs up, taking a breath through your nose now that your throat is clear. swirling the tip of his cock with your tongue, you tease him with slow, deliberate strokes. his hips buck involuntarily, a desperate plea for more. the taste of his precum on your tongue only fuels your desire to please him further.
"the tip-the tip, baby." your tongue pays special attention to the slit at the top of his pretty dick that's leaking absurd amounts of precum, and your boyfriend squeaked out a small, "yes, fuck."
as you continue to focus on pleasuring him, you eagerly comply with his request, intensifying your attention on the sensitive tip of his throbbing member. the combination of his desperate pleas and the taste of his precum drives you to further explore and satisfy him, ensuring his pleasure remains at the forefront of your mind.
your manicured hands cup his balls. you gently massage and caress them, feeling their weight in your palms. the soft moans escaping his lips encourage you to continue, as you use the pads of your fingers and palms to fondle them.
"oh fuck."
it feels like a shame to waste your nails, so with one of them abandoning your boyfriend's sensitive balls, it creeps up to his v-line. You trace teasing circles along his v-line, feeling the shivers of anticipation ripple through his body. the combination of your delicate touch and the sensation of your nails grazing his skin heightens his arousal, making him tremble with desire.
the combination of all your minstrastions causes choso to buck against you, whimpering out obscenities as he jumbles out a warning of going to cum.
"fuck!" he whimpers as your lips release him.
spurts of cum fly into the air, landing in splats across choso's thighs, pants, and your hands as you lazily jerk him off.
the fucked out expression on his face and the mess he made of himself all because of your doing just made you crave him even more, so with one last move, you gave his angry, red, tip a soft lick, nearly causing him to cry in ecstasy.
when he calmed down, he gave you a look.
"you've done this before."
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s0dium · 22 days
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Synopsis: Jujutsu men and their red flag in a relationship or generally and how it shows through when they fuck
Characters: Gojo Satoru, Geto Suguru, Yuuta Okkatsu, Sukuna Ryomen, Choso
Warnings: Emotional abuse, narcissism, controlling behavior, dub-con, semi-public sex, spitting, fingering, rough sex, male masturbation, degrading, praise, teasing
Gojo Satoru- Narcissist  
Since he was a kid, Gojo has been praised and called many things
The honored one, the strongest, gifted and so on
But what people don't see is behind those beautiful sapphire eyes, is a goddamn narcissist through and through
He thinks, no he knows that he is the best, best at everything
This includes what goes on in bed.
And its not only that, the white-haired fox only cares about himself too in the sheets, abusing his unnatural stamina and using you like a cock sleeve for his own taste
At least he can be nice about it sometimes
Gojo is relentless. Its almost like your his personal cock sleeve, his dick shaping your insides and abusing your cervix despite your choked sobs and whines for him to stop, to simply slow down. He holds the back of your head with his hand, allowing you to look down at the way you two are connected; how he retracts his hips until his tip barely pokes out, admiring the slick coating his shaft before slamming back into you again.
"Ahhh~ P-please Satoru please...."
Gojo rolls his eyes and scoffs. Why were the people that surrounded him always so weak? Even you. It's a good thing you feel like heaven he could almost forgive you.
Tears stream down your face. Every time the tip of his dick rams against your cervix a powerful feeling mixed with pain and pleasure that surges through your body making you tremble and shake. You're losing your mind. Everything is so good, and, God, you can't ignore how handsome Gojo looks right now. His white hair is sticking to his sweaty forehead, and the muscles of his toned abdomen are flexing and unflexing. He is gorgeous, and, boy, he knows it. Even the way your pussy squeezes and spasms around his dick sends more bolts of electric pleasure to dance through your skim.
"Shhhh, just take it 'kay? You're doing so good for me baby." Gojo coos.
Geto Suguru -Controlling
It starts off small, a comment here and there on your choice of friends, a small criticism on where you were going to spend the evening because wouldn't you have much more fun spending it with him?
Then he's starting to pick out outfits for you. Modest but pretty ones for outside but short skimpy clothes for when you're only with him. It even gets to the point where he is controlling your finances, making you only use his credit card, and its not about the money, you can use as much as you want for all he cares. It's about the control, you being helplessly reliant on him.
And Geto has such an easy time getting away with his controlling tendencies, showering you in praises and sweet nothings about how he just wants to protect you. And the way his violet eyes gleam at you, you almost always believe him.
Don't for a second think that he's insecure because it's far from it. The raven-haired man just wants to have you all to himself, he just wants to protect you from the cruel cruel world out there.
"Didn't I tell you to ask me first if you are going to wear an outfit like that?" Geto whispers in your ear but you can barely focus on his words. The curl of his fingers inside you is just too numbing; the way it hits, prods, and massages a spot deep inside your walls that you can only dream about reaching on your own. Geto's fingers are so thick too, almost filling you up as deliciously as his dick does. Almost. "Mmm- I- I, I didn't-" You gasp for air and try to bury your face into your hands. He currently has you against a wall of some bathroom stall but that fact seemed all but lost to you right now. The pleasure was building in your core and fast. Your legs were starting to shake and a numbing electric feeling had taken course throughout your body. You didn't have to open your eyes to know that Geto was smirking.
Suddenly, Goto curls his fingers in a way that deeply presses your g-spot and the dam of pleasure that had built inside you breaks. Your jaw goes slack and your whole body trembles with electricity.
"Didn't expect for you to crack so easily" he chuckles against your ear, and you collapse into his chest. Yuta Okkatsu- Too obsessed
You would think this is a good thing right? You could never love someone too much, but it was different with Yuuta
Sure you had a crush on him, sure you touched yourself to him plenty of times (which Yuuta knew of very well) so the feelings weren't all that unreciprocated
But theres a line, there's a line that Yuta always seems to cross
From taking pictures of you to texting you constantly, christ you even found your panties in his drawer, yuta love was overwhelming.
Yuuta knows that he should wake you up, but he cant bring himself too right now. You just look so beautiful, so perfect under the soft glow of the night sky. Also, he just feels so good right now, Yuuta can barely think so much as speak. "Mmmm-mmm" he whimpers against the pillow, slowly grinding his clothed erection against your bare leg. How would you react if you knew your boyfriend was humping you while you sleep? Would you push him away? No no you're too kind for that, you would probably help him, probably pet his hair and whisper sweet nothings until he finished. Yes, if he knew for a fact that you'd help him when you wake up, what's stopping you from helping you now? Careful not to wake you up, he picks up your hand. It's so small compared to his but wraps so well around his throbbing member. He glides your thumb across his red tip to collect the precum before slowly sliding your hand up and down. The pleasure is immediate. It makes him bury his face into your neck to to press sloppy, wet, hot, and bitten kisses along your skin.
Sukuna Ryomen- Sadist
Where to start with Sukuna. Sukuna is the red flag.
Actually, even that is a complete understatement. Sukuna is straight-up cruel, rather he is a sadist through and through.
Manipulation, degrading, humiliation....although he wouldn't physically abuse you, with emotional abuse he won't hesitate.
You expect compassion, sympathy, and kindness from him? Fat chance. It is hard to see Sukuna being in any relationship at all.
Sukuna certainly doesn't love you, but he sure does love the sex though
Like any good sadist, his sexual pleasure derives from your physical or emotional suffering.
"Aw look at you, fucked you dumb did I?" Sukuna chuckles. A tattooed hand snakes between to your cunt, lightly rubbing your clit before delivering a sharp slap to the nerve.
Your eyes widen and your hips instantly buck up, unintentionally sending his dick deeper into you. The position he has you in is brutal. Both of your legs are thrown over Sukuna's shoulders and pressed against your chest, effectively folding you in half. "Open ya mouth" He orders, but you are too lost in the pleasure that is blooming in your stomach, the pleasure that is making your cunt flutter and squeeze desperately around his fat cock. "I said open." Sukuna delivers a particularly harsh thrust before stilling inside you; keeping the tip of his dick smushed against your cervix. The sudden movement snaps you out of your haze and you obediently widen your mouth letting your tongue hang out. Sukuna lets a glob of spit fall from his lips onto your awaiting tongue. You don't need to be told to swallow, you do so on habit, giving him a soft smile as you do so.
"Fuck, ya so perfect, such a good girl."
Choso- Jealous 
Choso is the type of man who keeps to himself. The type of man to blend in a group or fade into the background.
But that doesn't mean he notices things. In fact, he notices things a bit too well.
Was that your coworker who touched your shoulder? You say that he is just a friend but who should a friend be able to touch you so easily?
He won't hesitate to bring up what he notices either, he says he's not accusing you of anything, that he trusts you, but he totally is.
He hates it when people get to close to his brothers so it posits that he loathes it when it comes to his lover.
How did you get here? How did an argument turn into this?
You want to scream, you want to thrash and tell Choso that he's got it all wrong, that you didn't mean to see your guy friend when you went out to have lunch. It was just a harmless bump-in that turned into a long conversation. Thats it. But the feeling of Choso's dick filling you up, his harsh thrusts and the fucking delicious friction of the drag, Jesus, it's just- it's just so good your mind that your mind is a white sheet.
You are on all fours but you don't know how much longer you can keep the position up. Not with the way he's ramming your pussy from behind.
“You are mine," he grunts out, pumping into you, the length and level of his arousal is brutal. "Mine," he swears, and he pulls you up so your back is pressed against him and you are upright. Choso doesn’t slow his movement though, giving you full, hard thrusts, your breasts bouncing up and down from the harshness of it all.
“You wanna cum? Good, cum."
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