scalproie · 4 months
3, 6, 10, 31,36
1, 60, 55, 12, 10
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(Also dont kill me for the Asulili im not as versed as you)
3. Do they wear the other’s clothes? (sweatshirt, bandana, necklace, etc.)
*laughs in canon clothes swap in t8 customization* but fr i dont think asuka would willingly wear lili's clothes bc its not her style and the same would be true for lili. BUT when lili start to gift asuka clothes, I feel she would eventually wear the kinda clothes she buy for her gf herself, making asuka want to wear them in return.
6. Who would beg the other not to leave? Who has to leave to protect the other?
I FEEL like both of those would be lili. bc lili is the one making an active choice to be in asuka's life, so it would be her who'd have to swallow her pride and beg for asuka to stay, all the while being the one who'd be ready to leave to protect asuka, bc in her mind, pre-dating, she deep down would think/know that her presence isnt essential in asuka's life (it wouldnt be true but yknow)
10. Describe their first date.
When they decide to actually start dating, I feel their first date would be kinda jarring to asuka bc in her mind, she'd picture lili doing exactly what lili has always done, with the extravagance she's bring to everything, the roses, the everything... but the actual date is much more reserved bc in lili's mind, smth has changed yknow? This has a touch of seriousness to the situation that wasnt there before, and maybe, just maybe, lili is a bit more nervous about this now.
31. Can they sit side by side without touching the other or are they handsy? (lacing fingers, touching knees, etc.)
I feel asuka would be kinda handsy bc thats the protectiveness talking, she would barely even notice that shes doing it, someone would be talking to either of them about lili in particular and asuka would have to have a physical contact with her.
36. Who’s more likely to fire up the stove at 2am because the other woke up in the middle of the night hungry?
Again. Asuka. She's someone who finds concrete solutions to problems, and if lili wakes up hungry well there is only one way to solve that. "Its rotten work, especially if its you. I mean i'll do it but christ alive"
And now Xiaojin!
1. Who would end a heated argument by defending their actions with ‘because I love you!’ ?
Xiaoyuuu like MAYBE post-t8, jin could end up in that situation but for the most part it'd be xiaoyu, again, pre-t8, jin would have trouble coming to terms as to why someone would do any kind of extreme actions for HIM so this would be xiaoyu's argument ender. She'd immediately be embarassed after saying it while jin bluescreen
10. Describe their first date.
AMUSEMENT PARK BABEYYY like man. Literally what better for them to reconnect as friends and get used to hang out as lovers? With xiaoyu's special interest and a place jin is sure to enjoy experiencing for most likely the first time where he get just to have fun?
12. Do they have many heated arguments? How do they smooth things over?
I dont think they have many arguments and in those, jin would be particularly apologetic anyway. His loved ones are everything to him so naturally he would try to make her heard and find together a solution to whatever problem theyre having that would have them argue anyway. That and he also feels like a "my girlfriend is mad at me. I hope I die" kinda guy.
55. Do they like watching clouds or star gazing?
Both, watching clouds turns into star gazing eventually and this is more jin's thing like he would show xiaoyu the clear sky of yakushima and she's happy to share that with him
60. Who pulls the other closer when they’re sleeping?
Xiaoyu does it sometimes bc like. she's finally found him :) but most of the time its Jin, he likes that kind of comfort to having her close to him and not being scared of harming her despite himself
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sealrock · 3 days
Love the new layout especially that header 😭
ikr I still look at it and go :DDD
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spiribia · 2 years
First impression is that you came down from Mount Sinai holding the tablets and scriptures on Utena
my uncle works at ohtori!
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pettyeti · 11 months
Your carrd is mad good I respect the work
oh thank you! that means a lot <3
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jarael · 2 years
Haurchefant 👀
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He's a very goob boooy
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kazamajun · 2 months
Ty for the king d slur and queen f slur gifset
You're welcome, I love lesbians
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nozomijoestar · 4 months
Heya! Wanted to thank you for the wonderful Asuka/Lili essay posts of yours. They were a real pleasure! You brought up Lili's façade on an earlier post and it was something I picked up on her as well, and it was good to see that it's not just me. Her masking alongside her terrible inability to figure out how to keep herself around Asuka is what first drew me to main her on Tekken 7/8 as, while I admit I was likely projecting, she gave me really heavy neurodivergent vibes. Please keep on writing!
Have you read the Bible yet
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nhaneh · 2 years
@nozomijoestar replied to your post “now all I need is a suitably film noir outfit for...”
man...i want a Kea action figure fr
oh big same.
yet another reason why it might be nice to have a 3d printer and some actual painting skills lmao, but alas!
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zazrichor · 3 years
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nozomi tojo | requested by @nozomijoestar
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kingjasnah · 4 years
If 100% straight Jasnah happens I will write SA fanfic where she is WLW and that is It
thank u for ur service but literally nothing sanderson can do can undo the ‘it doesnt bother you being beholden to a man’ line.....we have three books of sapphic jasnah content and he just has to accept he did it on accident
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scalproie · 2 months
Uhm. Kazumi
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I do have a bunch of headcanons/theories about mama hachijo-mishima but my favorite rn is the one Val made in their essay about how she never actually wished ill on her son ❤️🐅🤍
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sealrock · 7 months
That's crazy idk then, my bad 😵‍💫
yea that's the first time carrd wigged out on me but it's quite all right! no worries :)
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spiribia · 2 years
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Ibuprofen. 👍
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pettyeti · 10 months
Hair Motion Roots Change for Eti
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Hair: How does your OC wear their hair? Does it have some kind of meaning?
There's no real meaning behind it until post-EW. After he wakes up from his coma, his hair is the length it is rn. He cleaned it up a bit so it wasn't a complete bird's nest, but he's letting it grow out to symbolize his new lease on life.
Motion: How does your OC move?
During combat, he's a samurai-shinobi though and through. He's extremely fast and coordinated, each strike precise and calculated beforehand for maximum efficiency. He's also ridiculously flexible and incorporates a lot of flashy flips.
He fights very similarly to Wolf (tw for typical dark souls-esque violence and blood gushes lol) from Sekiro. The first minute of that video is all you need to to get a good gist of how he moves.
Roots: Is your OC's look inspired by any specific style of clothing or fashion trend? What are the roots and/or inspiration for their look?
Are plunging v necks and poofy sleeves trends?? I won't lie, I was OBSESSED with the Sailor Moon artbooks growing up, so a lot of the more casual clothes in them have influenced his wardrobe. These two outfits in particular describe his current style perfectly. Monochrome, lace, shows off the figure... Yeah, that's peak Eticore LOL. He is very gnc.
Change: Has your OC ever drastically changed their appearance? Significant haircuts, big tattoos, complete wardrobe swap, etc? Why? How do they feel about the change?
Complete and utter wardrobe swap after he got more comfortable with his body. Growing up, Eti wore a lot of heavy robes to hide his form. Once he settled in Eorzea and started accepting himself, he slowly began throwing out his more formless clothes and replacing them with his current style. These days, he will literally die if he's NOT showing skin lol. He is very happy with how he looks now.
ty for the ask <3
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jarael · 2 years
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Not me and my love for grouchy men acting up. He smells but he does bathe.
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kazamajun · 2 months
How's this? 😌
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