spinnysocks · 19 days
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we're doing this again
you ever get consumed in thought about a character who never even fucking speaks /silly
sum extra silly images 💀
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i didn't even screenshot these myself i found them LMAOO
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devilsrecreation · 21 days
Skink personality headcanons
Inspired by/adding onto @spinnysocks ‘s post
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-Along with being the stealthiest skink, he’s also the quietest of the bunch. While Ed and Neema don’t talk but still communicate through sounds, Nyeusi prefers to stay absolutely silent. When he does make noises like hissing or flicking his tongue, it’s only around the skinks (and Ushari when he was alive). Only time where he hisses or flicks his tongue at someone else is to insult them
-While he doesn’t have anger issues like Kenge does, it’s not that hard to piss him off. All you have to do is shove him aside and he’s already plotting revenge against you
-The skinks sometimes forget he’s there. They’ll be talking, Nyeusi suddenly flicks his tongue to comment on something, and Njano would be like “Have you been here the whole time?”
-Romance repulsed aroace; you can go do your thing with your partner, he’ll just he over by his favorite rock trying not to puke
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-She’s one of the least likely to get mad other than Njano. She gets more amused if anything
-She’s very sassy and quick-witted. She can come up with the best comebacks on the spot and it never ceases to amuse Shupavu
-She’s definitely very smug, often mocking Nyeusi after beating him in a race. She’s competitive like that
-Honestly has a little respect for Kinyonga. Not everyone can outrun her. I like to think after Kinyonga escaped her and Nyeusi, she went “Huh…respect” before getting up to go after her. I’m not saying she likes being beaten, but she’s a good sport lol
Green female skink (who my friend has named Nyororo):
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-I have a feeling she’s the flirty one, managing to sweet-talk her way into getting what she wants. All she has to do is bat her eyelashes, maybe tickle someone with her tail, and she’s getting her way no matter what. It’s only until after she’s long gone when you’d realize you’ve been tricked
-She always knows exactly what to say in every situation in order to trick someone, it’s actually kinda scary
-She’s actually known Shupavu for a while, about as long as Njano has. Maybe even longer. They’ll tell each other everything and it’s the one time Nyororo’s sweetness isn’t a trick. It’s why she sometimes joins Shupavu and Njano on missions
-You could definitely beat her at her own game by flirting with/complimenting her back. It’s not super easy though. You have to have a certain trick up your sleeve and that trick is being a girl. She can handle guys, but if it’s a girl flirting with her, she’ll get all flustered
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-Waza’s the mediator and the most chill of the group. When two skinks are arguing, he’s the one to step in and resolve it either by talking to them or by slapping them with his tail (whichever is easier at the moment lol)
-I like to think his keen eye is…inconvenient at times. He notices when someone tries to sneak away or catches someone doing weird stuff when they think they’re alone, yet he couldn’t see where Kinyonga went when the skinks were chasing her. Waza wasn’t paying attention when someone does something suspicious but somehow knows all the cutesy nicknames Reirei calls Goigoi when she thinks she’s alone
-He’s sometimes quick to assume
-Has a plan for everything cuz he comes up with all kinds of scenarios in his head
Orange skink, who that same friend has called Hasira (anger):
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-You know those grumpy, sometimes old characters who get annoyed by just about everything the main character does? Yeah, that’s Hasira
-He’s definitely the eldest in the group, about middle-aged in skink years
-He’s seen it all, but not in a “wise mentor” kind of way. It’s more like “I’ve been through a lot of bullshit and I’m just done” lmao
-He’s also kind of a reluctant babysitter to everyone. Shupavu may be the leader, but he’s the one making sure no one actually dies hfhfgfg
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Case file #102: Nyeusi Mamba
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Race: Faunus
Nationality: Vale
Ethnicity: Mixed Valish & Vacun
Weapon: Banesaw (A simple reinforced Chainsaw that is modeled after GW era weapons: one form, simple function, Dust is only used as an energy source.)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: N/A (can somebody reach the intern who's semblance is knowing this stuff???)
Current Age: 31
Aura Color: Dark Purple
Handedness: Right
Complexion: Tan
Eye color: Black
Faunus Trait: Snake mouth (Nyeusi's lips, teeth, tongue, and lower jaw are the exact same as a snake. His body also produces a poison.)
Occupation: White Fang Lieutenant (Vale Branch).
Nyeusi Mamba is proof that some crimes just can't be forgiven.
At the ripe age of 6, he was permenantly disfigured by members of the hate group, Natural Order. This installed in him a hatred of humans that extended past the fear that most Faunus in his village already had. It was only natural then that he joined up with the White Fang during it's five years of violence.
According to current reports, he serves directly under Adam Taurus as a Middle Manager, of sorts. Most lothe the idea of serving under someone younger than them, but I believe Nyeusi admires the young man... they share the same origin.
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mizimugrove · 1 month
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Something Scar would want to hear, you say? He'll have to report that to Shupavu immediately...
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handfulofmuses · 6 days
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Cheezi is dead already
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federer7 · 1 year
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Sanamu Nyeusi (left) and Hasani Soto (right) of the US Organization at the Watts rally, Will Rogers Park, Los Angeles, 1966
Photo: Gordon Parks
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vegito2cool · 7 months
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Length: 9-10.35 m long
Weight: 10-11.5 tons
At 34 ft long and over 22000 pounds the Isdrakon is largest Dragons know to man.
They come from a sub group of Sea Serpents called the "Shark Lizards" due to their more Robust builds.
They came into the scene 11 million years ago and have dominated the Oceans since. However they are not without competition. Mizusaurus is a similarly sized Mosasaur and has a unique way of attacking.
There is also Imperosuchus who has a stronger bite than the Iskdrakon.
But, Imperosuchus and Mizusaurus prefer Mid to Large fish and Thalassodraco Prefers Large Blubbery mammals.
This means that they will usually stay out of eachother's ways, but, this doesn't stop them from switching up their diets and stealing food from eachother.
With a bite force of 18000 psi and powerful teeth for Gripping, they can hunt large prey and penetrate through their thick skin.
They're also very intelligent, infact studies have shown that they are almost as smart as Dolphins.
They will mate for life and the females will give birth to once every 10 years. These infants will reach Maturity at the age of 25 and will have an life expectancy of 150 years.
These infants have a very low Mortality rate due to having 2 parents looking after them, although their slow birthrate is something to consider.
The Largest ever confirmed Specimen was a male found on the Coast of South Africa named Nyeusi. He was 13.716 Metres Long and 18500 kg.
Luckily for us the Isdrakon is not particularly aggressive and is smart enough to leave us humans alone.
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raevenlywrites · 2 years
Hi Raev! It's been a while, how you been love?
Been tryin to stay cool in this muggy muggy summer! And, been doing a lot of beta work for the new Nyeusi book I've been promoting the hell out of XD Because at the end of the day, I am simply Den of Shadows fan trash and that's my whole personality right now :P
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backlistbacklog · 4 days
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Random Nyeusi OCs
Totally not a self insert noooooo lol
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polyrhythmicbw · 8 days
Justin Brown's NYEUSI Boiler Room New York Live Set
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nyeusisandsxix · 1 month
Book I. The Unforgiven
In the beginning, there was only Darkness. In the shadows unbound, there was but one presence. That presence was the Voice, who would later bring forth light with their song. As the light burst through the Black, stars would form and worlds would take shape. Life gained a foothold in the newborn universe. But unbeknownst to the Voice, there was another voice in the void. That voice did not sing; it screamed. It's sinister song twisted life, turning the primordial creatures into sickening perversions of the Voice's great design. In retaliation, the Creator sang and the Archangels were born. Each of the Voice's eldest sons wielded his might greatly but none wielded it mightier than both Samael and Michael. Wielding their father's light in their own way, the brothers were both warriors and peacekeepers. With their aid, the Darkness was diminished from the world, its influence with it. The Presence knew mercy and allowed it's creations a realm where even their light could not reach. The beasts accepted and left the newborn world. The Creator's work continued and life could freely explore the Earth again. Animals were born by sea and by land and their gift was the ability to spurn life itself. Forests, seas and great mounds of sand and ice surrounded the world in wonder. Through the Archangels and his Earthly creations alike, the Voice discovered newfound sensations; joy, love, a sense of belonging. Yet… something was missing. Soon, the earliest of mankind walked the earth and sang upon seeing their creator. Their song brought forth a new sensation, one they did not anticipate: Awe. The Voice gifted these creations with perhaps the most powerful source straight from himself; the ability to fathom. Though Man did not have his power, they walked with their heads high and their hearts full. They sang and explored the world, as well as each other.
Despite an age of peace, the Voice could feel it- the pull of the Darkness. The Scream they heard before echoed through it's very being and memories tainted it's once benevolent tone with something more.. "monotone". The Voice's doubt reached the Archangels, as a terrifying dream disturbed their peace. They dreamed of a beast cloaked in red, wielding the unstable powers of the realm where even the Voice's song did not reach. What troubled them more was that the light was in the beast's hand. It was without name until the Archangels awoke to war. Beasts from the realm of Chaos flooded our world, converting the Voice's creations and scarring the very universe with it's carnage. Michael was the first to fall, a shock to Heaven and the Archangels. Samuel was missing. The reins fell to Misael, youngest of the archangels and no warrior like his relatives. Still, with God's might in his hand, he led and he fought. His ferocity was something unforseen. Even the mightiest, Michael an Samael, were not so ruthless. Misael fought whilst fully exposed to the pull of Chaos itself, his blade of light soon tainted with the blazing fires of scarlet. The battle took the Archangels a great many years, and humanity as well and beasts fought just as hard. The Scream was powerful but even they were locked in battle against Misael where neither could completely dominate the other. Their skirmishes were both inspiring and terrifying to the world caught in between. Mankind and their warriors fought back against the spawns of Chaos, faith guiding their blades. Archangels bridged the gap between themselves and humanity, selecting those who would act as host to their power in the fight against the Scream. Misael too chose a champion: A lowly villager from the land that would later he known as Africa.
His name was Nyeusi.
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spinnysocks · 3 months
Humanized!Skinks plus personality headcanons!!
inspired by @devilsrecreation's post! i've just done the underdeveloped members of shupavu's group :)
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the sneaky guy! i really like him but there's not much i can think of to say about him, except i imagine he's kinda-friends with neema and ed in nikki's hc/au where the original hyena clan comes back. i think he'd be good at dissing people, and them not even knowing :)
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possibly my favourite design?? it was unintentional but i made her a little similar to nyeusi which is fun because i imagine they're a duo like shupavu and njano are, especially because they're the fastest skinks. i imagine they're competitive fuckers and keep trying to beat each other in races
Female Skink:
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i think i'm going to headcanon her name to be Nyororo, which means "soft" or "smooth", because of her voice! the only thing we know about her lol. i also picked the name because it matches nyeusi and nyata. while making her i started liking the flowery design so i've headcannoned that she'd dress up all flowery-looking to help decieve people into thinking she's sweet, along with her smooth voice. admittedly i was getting kinda sick of green, and i noticed she has a slight blue tint around her eyes, so i gave her a little clip! why not :)
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i'm actually really happy with this design, or maybe i just like blue lol. i found out that Waza means "mediate" so i'm wondering if he's the mediator of the group in some way. he doesn't talk, but he isn't shown to communicate using his tongue like nyeusi does, so i'm wondering if he literally just shakes his head at others when he dissaproves of what they're doing 😭 he could communicate with head and tail movements, because he's the keenest of sight he would alert the others of what he sees in silence
Male Skink:
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i'm going to go ahead and headcannon this guy's name as Hasira, meaning "vex" or "angry" because literally the only notable thing about him is his constant grumpy face. i've also headcannoned him and Waza as friends, and i think Hasira and Waza sounds nice. because of his supposed grumpiness i wonder if he might be one of the older members of the group. like a reluctant adult around a bunch of rowdy teenagers kinda vibe. who knows, he's completely free reign for personality like waza lol
not sure if i'm 100% happy with the designs but that's bc i'm a perfectionist- the picrew didn't have too many colour options but i think everyone looks alright despite that. btw hair was completely random bc i don't fucking know 😭 i hope you liked tho :)
i used this picrew <3
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devilsrecreation · 9 days
Absolutely living for my friendship headcanons I made for the crocodiles and the lizards cuz they’re legit so fun to play around with
-First there’s Makuu’s canon friendship with Hodari the gecko
-Pua’s also taken Hodari under his wing so now the little guy has 2 crocodile mentors, not to mention he tells the former leader everything
-Ucheshi and Hodari are so close they almost share a braincell
-Kenge’s now a sort-of honorary crocodile to Kiburi’s float cuz they’re good friends
Not only is Kenge an ally, but Njano’s proven to be a pretty good friend to Kiburi on several occasions. Hell, @spinnysocks and I agreed that all of Kiburi’s float would be all buddy-buddy with the skinks. Neema and Nyeusi are aroace icons who watch all the shit go down, Nyororo/green skink helps Tamka with his acting by teaching him how to be more…believable ig? (and by teaching him how to fake flirt with someone lol). Nyata would definitely encourage Nduli’s sassiness and helps him come up with witty comebacks
I’m even thinking about Tamka and Nduli eventually befriending Hodari. They may have only used him in the past, but imagine them being unlikely friends when the little guy helps them out with something. Just a lil something to think about :)
Also I can help but imagine Tamka mentioning how he was being used by the meerkat mafia one time (as I mentioned in an episode idea I had for him) and Hodari goes “Been there, done that” and Tamka’s all “You have? By who????……..Oh yeah, my bad”
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mvsterjedi · 4 months
Nyeusi Wingi
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mizimugrove · 29 days
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He thinks Shupavu should hear this. Not because it's important information or anything, no, it's because it's hilarious and everyone should come watch.
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handfulofmuses · 6 days
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"I started a game and it's going well already."
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