#obey me prediction
devildomwriter · 11 months
Future Seasons Predictions
1. I don’t think Barbatos has been banned from using him powers by Diavolo yet. I think we will all see why he can no longer use them freely because of the events in Nightbringer
2. The devs hinted that Raphael, Mephistopheles, and Thirteen will eventually be dateable
3. The ending of season one hard mode implied Michael may want to attend RAD in the future so we may finally get a character reveal for him. If this does happen he may be included as a dateable as the same time as the others just to make things easier
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4. We’ll be getting more plot revolving the founding of RAD
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5. I imagine we’ll see a lot more fun nods to the OG game and see how other things turned out the way they did
6. Asmodeus is already popular but I believe we’ll see him fame skyrocket soon
7. The real Raphael will probably make an appearance soon to check things out for himself
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8. There will be a lot of tense “family” drama between the brothers and their former angelic brothers
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9. Hopefully some more comedic scenes between Mephistopheles and Thirteen
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10. I believe at some point MC’s identity will be revealed and in order to connect the timelines everyone will probably have their memories erased until MC returns to the present timeline and then they will all remember just how big a part MC played in their lives and with the Devildom
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melverie · 7 months
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The fact that his birthday is so shortly after Dia's paired with the fact that he was literally groomed to believe his only life purpose is to be beneficial to Diavolo + keeps reminding everyone of it is......not great tho
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Mephistopheles Place in Nightbringer
Since we’re gonna be disguised as a demon I’m interested to see how Mephistopheles will react to us. As assumedly he’s still friends with Diavolo, I’m curious to see the fallout personally.
Besties No More
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It’s never been outright confirmed but it’s likely Mephistopheles and Diavolo stopped being friends due to Diavolo taking the brothers in after the fall.
I’m also fairly certain this was Diavolo’s decision to end the friendship. Diavolo is incredibly lonely and I can’t see him casually throwing away an old friend.
Mephistopheles still holds him in high regards so it wasn’t a nasty break up but he doesn’t like Lucifer…at all. Which if Diavolo chose over him, yeah I’d get that.
Potential interactions
Mephistopheles has made it very obvious he doesn’t like Lucifer and his brothers and he doesn’t like us (MC). So seeing his initial reaction and what he did to cause Diavolo to drop him, I’m curious.
Most interesting to me however is his interactions with MC, who we know will be disguised as a demon.
I could see it going two ways:
he’ll still be snarky because we’re the newly fallen brother’s attendant and he’s not happy about them running around.
he’ll be sympathetic. “This poor demon has to live with these weirdos” something like that and maybe we become friends?
Whatever it is, it’ll be different than how he interacts with us currently in S4 onward.
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Nightbringer Predictions: Breaking Lucifer
(spoilers below)
So if I'm not mistaken, after this Belphie arc is done there's only one brother left to snap: Lucifer. I've been very curious about what's going to happen with him especially, so I'm looking forward to the coming lessons. It makes sense that they'd save him for last.
That said, I have a prediction for what might cause his spiral.
So far, each of the brothers' spirals had some kind of emotional trigger. For Mammon, it was coming to terms with how his greed hurts others, for Asmodeus it was coming to terms with being a demon, for Belphie it's grappling with MC's upcoming departure, etc.
I think for Lucifer, his breakdown is going to come in the form of a self-fulfilling prophecy. I think he's going to snap because he realizes he's next.
Lucifer has watched every single one of his brothers spiral into their darkest depths, one by one. By now, everyone's come to the conclusion that it's going to happen to all of them, but I don't know if it's quite set in for Lucifer. He's the Avatar of Pride, after all- on some level, he views himself as above the others and above most situations that come his way. Satan made a very good point in S1 when he mentioned that Lucifer was very likely to consider himself immune to a banshee's warning- that's just how Lucifer is.
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I think that's how he's going to turn out to be here, too. As the Avatar of Pride, I don't think he can truly comprehend his own vulnerability.
But after watching everyone but him snap, I think it might finally set in for Lucifer that this is actually happening and that it's going to happen to him. He'll realize that he's not above this, he's not above what's been happening around him. And as the Avatar of Pride, I don't think he can take that. I don't think he'll be able to bear the idea of breaking down and losing control, of having his deepest insecurities unearth themselves as he's unable to control himself. It would be his personal hell, the ultimate wound to his pride. And I think the anticipation of that fate will be what sends him over the edge, a self-fulfilling prophecy.
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acaribeau · 1 year
Spoiler of Nightbringer
At the end, MC kills GOD
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12am-motivation · 2 years
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And I know that these 3 finally got some new URs after a long while but DOES THIS MEAN THAT SOLOMON MIGHT FINALLY APPEAR IN THE NEXT SKILL ANIMATION BANNER—
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amor-immortalem · 1 year
Obey Me Nightbringer plot theory/Prediction also some extra questions that’ve been living rent free in my head
I know this isn’t my usual style of content but ever since the announcement, the cogs in my little peabrain have just been turning and turning- especially with the hints we got during the livestream Friday night trying desperately to put together a cohesive story.
So, what little do we know about Nightbringer’s plot and how can we use those pieces to try and figure out an idea what’s going to happen?
The three hints given to us were this:
The game takes place after the Great Celestial War
Satan and his brothers
Solomon and the attic
The opening movie also had some interesting imagery namely Barbatos and the doors.
So let’s start with the first hint, shall we?
The game takes place after the Great Celestial War
First off, this is the most straightforward of the hints. I’m excited by this. The period after the Great Celestial War is a timeframe for the brothers that we haven’t seen a whole lot of in past seasons other than a majority of them grieved over Lilith for possibly hundreds of years afterwards. It holds a lot of angst potential.
But how exactly do we see this unfold? This leads me back to Barbatos and the imagery of doors we see during the beginning and ending of the opening. All of us who are caught up through at least Season 1 know Barbatos utilizes his time magic through doors. When he sends us back in time to figure out who set Belphie free, its through a door in his room. But Barbatos has also canonically stated he doesn’t like using his time and reality magic very often if at all essentially because it would make life boring to know what’s coming next.
I think I’m getting away from the point here but what I’m trying to say is that I believe a very credible threat to the Devildom (possibly all three realms, even) may arise and the only way to deal with this threat is to go back in time and subdue or contain it before it can get out of hand and that’s how we end up experiencing the events after the Great Celestial War.
Satan and his Brothers
I find this as an interesting hint because it kind of goes hand in hand with the first hint. I also find it interesting in the way it was worded too. It makes it seem like Satan is meant to stand out here. This could just be a hint that we’ll be seeing how Satan formed the relationships he has with his brothers and how they dealt with suddenly having a new brother *coughnephewcough* after having just lost their sister.
It could also hint toward something being wrong with the brothers as a group. If you remember in the opening, there was this one scene of what appeared to be this little ball of light kind of surrounded by this liquid-y substance and then the substance also appears in the backgrounds of the character reel.
Perhaps this liquid is somehow corrupting the brothers even further to be the absolute worst versions of their sins that they can be (that could also be why lucifer looks to be in pain, satan looks far more aggressive than usual like he’s not even trying to hold back his wrath, and levi looks cold and distant and Asmo was Yuno-fied. Also as a side tangent Belphegor was giving me heavy lesson 16 vibes for whatever reason. Beel and Mammon were the only two where I didn’t get an immediate ‘oh something is very wrong with them’ vibe.) moving on!
Solomon and the attic
One of these hints is not like the others~ All jokes aside, this hint - when I heard it- made me really stop and think about it. Why was it important- I can’t think of any reason why Solomon would be interested in the attic in the first place. Unless for some reason he ends up trapped there.
I believe it was stated that Lucifer used to store his things from the Celestial Realm up there after the fall. What if there was something Solomon needed in the attic and then Lucifer ends up trapping him there like he did with Belphie? That’s really the only story beat I could see coming out of this hint.
So… to finally get to what I predict the plot might be like:
the story begins with MC and Solomon living together.
he’s helping them fine tune their magic as any good teacher does when Mammon (under the influence of that liquid-y substance we see in the opening) attacks them, jealous over the fact that MC and Solomon have been living together when MC is his human and how dare Solomon attempt to encroach on what’s his.
MC is quickly able to subdue Mammon with their pact but gets the feeling that something is horribly wrong with the rest of the brothers as well so they along with Solomon take Mammon back to the Devildom and stop in to check on the rest of the brothers as well.
It becomes clear very fast that something is off as they can’t even get into the House of Lamentation so Solomon and MC make their way to the demon Lord’s castle to meet with Diavolo and Barbatos.
When they get there (along with Mammon because the clingy bastard refuses to let MC leave his line of sight) Diavolo fills the humans in on what’s happened with the brothers and how they were exposed to a liquid called ‘the Nightbringer’ which corrupted them to exhibit and indulge in even more of their sin than they already did. (Think everyone back in S1 but even worse. They’re almost completely feral in this state.)
Dia then goes on to explain that under the effects of the Nightbringer, Lucifer attempted to stage a coup believing himself to be a better ruler than Diavolo so the Avatars had to be sealed away in the HOL for the time being until the effects of the nightbringer wore off or Dia and Barb could find a way to reverse the effects themselves.
Solomon remarks how similar the situation is to the great celestial war and that’s where Barbatos gets the idea to send MC back in time. If they can secure or contain the Nightbringer before the brothers get a hold of it in the present day then they can reverse this situation. The only issue is they don’t know where to start.
Thats when Mammon reveals the Nightbringer was originally a strength enhancing potion from the Celestial Realm all of them had used during the war that had been tainted from the change in environment and age and was something Lucifer had brought with him during the fall and that they have more vials of it in the HOL’s attic because Lucifer was trying to find a way to dispose of it.
And that the only reason they were under its influence now was because Mammon had stolen a vial from their stores and attempted to sell it but he accidentally dropped and broke the vial and it spread quickly through out the HOL.
With that information, Barbatos takes MC to begin their time shenanigans while Solomon is sent to the HOL to try and get his hands on the rest of the Nightbringer stores in the attic but he eventually get trapped there.
This got really fanfiction-y in a hurry but yeah that’s basically my prediction on how the story will go… I’m probably dead wrong though.
Tell me your plot predictions.
Extra thoughts that don’t really fit with the theory/prediction but were still rattling around in my empty skull
What are the game mechanics going to be like in Nightbringer? I can’t imagine why they would make a whole new app just to reuse the current game mechanics from the og app. Perhaps it will be like twisted wonderland? Where you have the story section and then actual turn based battles or rhythm game levels? Guess we’ll just have to wait and see.
I’ve also seen on twitter that one user thought perhaps Nightbringer might be a visual novel and if that’s the case would that mean routes for our current set of love interests?
The devs did confirm that the og app would still continue on. Whether this means s5 is coming or not in the near future is still unclear. Whatever the outcome I’m expecting the story for S5 to not be any better than what we got for S4 but I’m also infuriatingly optimistic it might be better since Nightbringer and S4 (perhaps even S3) were likely both in their plot development stages at the same time. Maybe that’s why the writing was oddly paced in S4 too.
Hey what the fuck ever happened to Ruri Tunes? Did it get cancelled? just turned into Nightbringer? Does anyone know? The last we heard of it was back around late September, early October-ish when they did the beta test. (It was really fun and easy to play. I just wish they had more songs on the beta than Sinful Indulgence) I’m assuming RuriTunes just got turned into Nightbringer hence the need for the character song remixes but who knows now.
Is the anime getting a season three? What I wouldn’t kill to have full length episodes with an over-arching plot line instead of the 5 minute episodic stuff we get currently (not that there’s anything wrong with it though it just doesn’t feel long enough ya know?)
When will the English translation for the rest of the Manga come out on Manga plaza? Will we ever see it completed in english not that I probably couldn’t translate it myself with the help of a Japanese dictionary but damn I don’t wanna do all that extra work man…
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impish-ivy · 1 year
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He’s controlling a puppet king.
Does this disconfirm Solomon as the king?
I hope not but to soothe my soul I shall say, no!
I was curious and looked up king puppets and they generally look the same; grumpy face, big crown, bread and mustache (Although most had white hair funnily enough)
Just like the prelude movie, characters we know could be taking a different form. So this could just be representing Solomon. If it looked like him, it’d be too obvious and ruin the fun!
So if this is Solomon—hoh boy!
Barbatos secretly being the puppet master and not the other way around. Verrrry interesting <<
His smile is super jarring. Barbatos hardly ever smiles and if he does it’s a small polite one. This is one of a Cheshire Cat.
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ikemen-trifecta · 2 years
Lucifer x MC Reader ~ Apple of my Eye
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 I admittedly don’t know much about how Luci speaks, but I got inspired by Astraea’s headcanon list and wanted to give fic writing a try. So, here goes!
link to part 2:
 You knocked on the tall door to Lucifer’s room while balancing a plate of apples sliced into such a way that they resembled bunnies. It had been the ultimate stealth mission to keep Beelzebub from seeing you carrying them.
 “Yes?” that smooth voice resounded through the door.
 “It’s me, (y/n). I have something for you.”
 “Come in.”
 You opened the door and stepped inside, once again taking in the macabre-yet-luxurious atmosphere. Or at least you would have, had your voluminous, curly hair not gotten caught as the door closed and nearly pulled you backwards.
 You closed your eyes, bracing for impact before feeling a hand on your back and the plate being taken from your hands. You looked up to see Lucifer towering over you despite him leaning down to steady you.
 “Honestly… Why don’t you get Asmodeus to tie your hair up? It’s a hazard.” He meant this as a backhanded complimentー you knew thatー but the tone he used just made your heart flutter. Just a little bit.
 “Are you listening to me?” he commanded, freeing your locks from the door.
 “Y-yes! Sorry; I’m still in a bit of shock.”
 He shook his head. “Humans are such fragile creatures.”
 “Yes. I meanー no. Wait…” You were at a loss for words all of a sudden. Things weren’t how they used to be when you’d first entered the Devildom. You had been miffed at first, being caught in a situation full of danger and deception. You grew to love it, though, being unable to refrain from playing the role of family therapist. And now you were trying to hide that you had fallen for the fallen angel.
 “I… I figured you were busy, so I wanted to make sure you remember to eat.”
 He quirked one eyebrow in amusement. You hid your blush by pretending to brush out your bangs.
 “Ever since your curiosity about the attic, you’ve looked out for my brothers. And now you’re looking out for me. You truly are interesting.”
 “That’s me! Always there for my…friends.” You trailed off. He wasn’t just a friend to you anymore. He was a man who could effortlessly make demonism look cool and suave. You looked up at him again and started trembling from the sheer force of the butterflies in your heart.
 “Are you cold?”
 “N-no! I’mー” But he was already removing his coat and draping it around your shoulders. God, it was so warm. The soft fur on the neckline tickled your cheeks and had a smoky pine scent with, surprisingly, vanilla. You figured Asmo must’ve hugged him earlier or something.
 “Thank you” was all you could say.
 “Would you like to join me while I take a break from work? I’ll put on some Nuvole Bianche.”
 You didn’t have the heart to refuse, so you made yourself comfortable on the couch as he scuttled about, searching for that specific record he mentioned while simultaneously making some tea.
 It was gnawing at you. You couldn’t hold back any longer.
 “There’s something I need to tell you,” you said. He turned, looking surprised at your firm tone.
 “I’m listening.”
 “I…” Your mouth went dry. Of all the times, it had to be now! You let out a small squeak.
 “Are you sure you’re feeling alright?” He took off his glove and put his hand to your forehead, making you flush even more. “You’re very warm.”
 It had just come out. You hadn’t even noticed until his look of shock brought you out of it. You had to escape from this situation you’d created for yourself.
 “Welp, I should go,” you blurted out, reaching to remove his hand from your forehead.
 “Wait.” He caught yours and held it. What was happening?!
 “Look me in the eyes and repeat what you just said.” You couldn’t tell what emotion was on his face. You began to panic.
 “I didn’t say anything! Just forgetー”
 “Don’t lie to me. I know your tricks by now.” You broke out into a cold sweat.
 He stared at you, just…waiting. Agonizingly long.
 “I…like you…?”
 He continued to stare. Then he moved your hand to his face in a gentle caress.
 Is this really happening?? you thought. Your brain and emotions were going haywire.
 He looked back at you, kissing the inside of your palm. “Why so ashamed, love?”
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obeydecoded · 2 years
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how does he know?!
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devildomwriter · 1 year
Is it weird I kinda wanna see how they’d kill me if bad ends are a thing in Nightbringer???
Like I feel Lucifer would straight rip your limbs off, Mammon would bury you alive, Levi would probably drown you or feed you to Henry, Asmodeus would rip your heart out, Satan would torture you, Beel would eat you, and obviously Belphegor would strangle you
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melverie · 11 months
Do you have any theories how NB is going to end? I got a feeling that solmare wont do the simeon storyline in the OG
Season 2 better ends with MC returning to their own time, otherwise there will be Problemsᵀᴹ (I will be upset and probably also complain to some friends but otherwise won't do anything)
Before the game came out I was hoping that season 1 of NB would be about MC navigating the lie of being a demon, with the others finding out the truth in the season finale & that resulting in a huge conflict, and then season 2 would focus on figuring out Nightbringer's identity and finding a way home, but that's obviously not what we're getting
But honestly, no clue. I find it kind of hard to make proper predictions since we neither know who Nightbringer is nor what his motives are. The game is literally named after him, yet we hardly know anything about the guy + he kind of just vanished during the second half of the season
The one thing I am hoping for is that we actually get to return to our time instead of a future changed version of the NB timeline. I don't want to abandon the boys in yet another timeline cough og 16-A & 16-C cough
Plus if we stay in the NB timeline and it turns out that MC was catalyst of everyone turning into the demons we got to know in the og game, then that would just? Negate so much of everyone's character?? Like, Satan learning to control his wrath all by himself despite everything seemingly set up against him is really admirable, and learning that--nope, it was actually MC that helped him get tp where he is now!!--would be so disappointing. Like it would literally take away so much of his character and I don't want that
The only "resolution" I could think of other than sending MC back via the pacts is if it turns out that everything was just some kind of dream. They keep bringing up that characters have feelings about i.e. MC's room or the 'Purgatory Hall friendship' even though they should have no connection to that stuff yet, + it wouldn't be the first time MC traveled to the past in a dream. It would be kind of a lame conclusion though, so let's just hope that's not it
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obeymeow · 2 years
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since everyone's generally agreed the new exchange students seem to stick out because of the different line weight and shading-I thought, hey, I can fix that! so I tried. (a couple other minor edits to thirteen, as well- if you want a copy of her original design with the fixed linework just DM me or hop in asks and I'll grab that for you!)
#obey me on side#obey me thirteen#<- this is my FIRST recommended tag 💀 I am so predictable.#obey me raphael#obey me! one master to rule them all#obey me!#obey me! shall we date?#that'll work.#anyway we still don't have decent sized full sprites so I just went with the fandom wiki headers#list of thirteen edits for those wondering:#eyeburn blue (full sprite HURTS) to a deep purple#grey choker for harmony and because it blended in too well with her hair after editing#nail color because WHY are they YELLOW.#also rad uniform red lips because the pink also looked strange after changing everything#did NOT change her snake eyes because I think they're fun. I actually like her design at large#like the outfit's a lot of fun and I like the blue pink green.#just some of it felt appropriate to change since the edit was for the sake of sprite ''''symmetry''''#raphael's design is pretty predictable so I didn't feel the need to change anything. at least not torso up#have y'all seen his fucking shoes why is his cape shaped like that. I love the newbies dearly but they kill me#also he should have long hair. maybe curly maybe brown but I know he has long hair I know it#also if anyone bothered to read this far and is willing to humor me tell me what colors you think the newbies nails should be#any of them all of them. i like raphael having plain nails thirteen was controversial#general concensus either two colors (blue/pink or pink/green) or black#but I don't know about mephi he eludes me. AND he has gloves so I don't have a starting point#anyway.#OH I FORGOT#omswd#okay thanks tags over
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And Raphael cus he’s an actual character yet we haven’t made any direct contact with him at all T-T
As much as it pains me to say it, I'm not sure how or if they're going to bring Raphael back in. I don't know how they're going to figure out an in-story reason to have both Michael AND Raphael show up.
The main reason Raphael showed up in the OG was because of Simeon, and that whole Simeon situation isn't (yet) applicable in Nightbringer. There's also the issue of who's going to look after the Celestial Realm if Michael decides to come back to play.
If Michael makes his way into the exchange program, someone has to take over all his duties. When he went for his little jaunt, he put Raphael in charge- who would he put in charge instead? Uriel?
Michael and Raphael seem a little too important to the Celestial Realm for them to both go running off to the Devildom. I'm holding out hope because I love Raphael dearly and miss him, but I really don't know how the writers are going to make this work.
Moving away from the doom and gloom, though, there are some reasons to hold out hope. In the Nightbringer launch video, Raphael had a whole clip to himself, compared to the other two undateables only getting background cameos. I really, really hope that clip wasn't just foreshadowing Michael's BS and is indicative of an actual Raphael presence. There's also the fact that we get Raphael in events and a birthday call- leaving him out of the main story while including him in the background would be insanely sloppy. Nightbringer is advertised as being inclusive of new players, and if I were a new player looking at Raphael right now I'd be pretty confused. There's a lot of loose ends to tie up; I don't think the devs can just completely ignore them. I just have no idea what their plan is or if we're going to like it.
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leviathanswingman · 2 years
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he's at it again
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HE'S also at it again
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