#ofc there will be restrictions so it wont be a perfect book
mecharlie-fox · 2 years
FEH: Mid-cutscene + new banner
Here it is again guys, since going back to the Askr vs Embla conflict after several books - we finally got the gods!
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Bish literally said dilf energy for Askr and I'm living for it.
It's lowkey odd to see him seem kinda and carefree? Considering his two descendants (Gustav and Alfonse) are so serious for their own good, remember - I think we have an answer to where Sharena kinda got her carefree attitude from. We can say it's in their blood.
He's gonna be the father of memes in the FEH community now, I can feel it.
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Now a lot of cows vs bats were happening on Twitter when this all came out but hey, Embla does kinda look devious and I am hoping that there would be personality between Lady Embla and Lord Askr - but this is Nintendo and we have a few chapters remaining, so all we can do is hope.
If, let's say Embla is corrupted considering that they worked together centuries ago before the cursed thing - I guess we can see it in the design of Lady Embla. She's corrupted, like her descendants from the imperial royal family.
I'm happy that the Embla and Askr gods are close to what designed we've seen prior. Unlike Nifl and Muspell who... kinda look like they came from a completely different game. Still confused as to why they're bats and cows since I remember reading somewhere that they're dragons - unless... there's something else in there that needs revealing.
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Ascended/Legendary Veronica?
The design is nice, and considering Letizia being a playable character in the next few days on the new update, maybe we can finally get the default Veronica and Bruno/Zacharias unit we've been waiting for.
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This bish. I love Ash's design. I like her character compared to Reginn from Book 5. But yeah she doesn't have enough screen time to the point where I just don't see her usefulness in the story. Elm is doing his damage as he was told to by Lady Embla, but Ash? Yeah, I don't see her importance and hopefully, I.S. will give her something in the next few chapters before it ends, especially now that Lord Askr has recognized the threat and went down to Zineth himself.
As Askr's retainer, she should have an idea about the Emblian blood curse - correct me if I'm wrong, or maybe we'll get them in the next few chapters, but we don't get that sort of confirmation yet?
We can argue that Letizia is on the verge of breaking because of the curse since she is of royal blood, ninth in line. We saw Bruno cracking in book 1 and were reminded of that curse in book 4 in the realm of dreams. Veronica has yet to be cracked.
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This one broke me. I'm not saying it's not expected but based on the pattern of the books starting from book 2 - a sibling will die on the opposing side. Gunnthra and Legjarn died in book 2, Gustav died in the classic Fire Emblem father dying formula plus Lif and Thrasir, kinda-ish? Book 4 had both Freyr and Freyja dying. Book 5 had Otr, Nott, and Etri dying - but Etri had us questioning our life choices before she died.
Following that, Letizia might surely die as she's the major antagonist and if she lives she's gonna spend the rest of her years of lifetime imprisonment unless forgiveness saves the day. Hopefully not though.
If Veronica dies who knows what Zacharias/Bruno might think. He might give in to his sorrows break completely and go against Alfonse. Accepts the fact that there was no way to save Veronica. Or he dies. Like in true Fire Emblem fashion.
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She's either on the verge of breaking or she's already broken.
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Default enemies were updated. Literally screams Emblian invasion now that their god is at their side.
Now, where is Sharena, you cowards!
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akiisame · 3 years
Genshin impact guide - how to into artifacts
How to into artifacts and team set.
A guide by me for my kawaii @stupidneko and whoever is in need.
Okay, so, as a word of introduction before well start with this long ass post, I’ve never wrote anything like this so be patient with me.
In my personal opinion artifacts are more important than the characters themselves, they can turn every 4* into a main dps (yes, even amber). 50% of your DMG will come from items, then the other 50% will come from weapon, talents and the character itself, but this is a story for another post.
First let’s take a look at what kind of artifacts do we have. Each and every character have 5 slots for artifacts:
Flower of life - or just flower, for short
Plume of death - feather
Sand of eon - time watch piece
Goblet of Eonothem - goblet
Circlet of Logos - head piece
Each of the pieces have two types of stats: main stats and sub stats. The first two pieces, flower and feather, always have the same main stat.
For flower it's HP
And for feather it's ATK
Then for the rest of them it can be anything, from good main stats like this:
(The following items have high stats because most of them are on max lvl)
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... to less of a good stats, like this:
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Goblets also are the only artifacts that has the possibility to have element DMG bonus as the main stats:
While head piece are the only artifacts that can have CRIT DMG and CRIT rate as a main stats:
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... but they too can have less of a good stats like healing bonus or DEF.
Now, to the sub stats. They can vary from less appealing stats like HP, DEF and Elemental Mastery:
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To a great stats like CRIT DMG, CRIT rate and ATK:
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Unfortunately that's where the tricky part comes in. You cannot chose which substats the item will have. They will randomly appear. All that's left is to cry and pray.
But how do you get more stats on your item? That's simple, you need to level it up! We call it 'enhancing'. Depending on the rarity of your item( they vary from 1* (one start) to 5*(five stars) ) there are different max lvl cap. I'll mostly focus here on the 4* and 5* items. Max lvl cap for 4* is lv16 and for 5* is lv20.
Every artifact you'll get is always lv1. To enhance an artifact you'll need mora and another artifacts. The main stats will grow with each level, but the substats will update every 4th level (so for 5* item new substats will appear on 4th, 8th,12th, 16th and 20th level). Let's take this 5* feather: Bard's Arrow Feather
As all feathers it has ATK as a main stats and quite decent substats. You can enhance it by giving it other artifacts. You can also auto add artifacts of given level (1*, 2* or below, 3* or below and 4* or below)
Or you can chose items manually if you click on the gray '+' icon. Once you do it, there will be a list of artifacts you can use for enhancing. Only items that are not given to any characters will appear here.
Let’s enhance it up by one lvl (there’s limit of pic so I can’t show it ksmosjnwk). As I said, the main stats got better, but the substats didn't change because that was only the 1st level. So now let's enhance it to lv4. Once we choose enough artifacts to enhance it to lv4 we’ll see an information that one new substat will appear. (It doesn’t always have to be new substats. Sometimes the substats that the piece already have can get a boost).
Let's see what I'll get:
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... Yea, I'm going to cry.
But for real now, that's how the artifacts work. Depending on your luck you can get a great items or a depression.
Usually people always aim for artifacts with ATK and CRIT as a both main and substats, but that all depend on you team composition.
But Akii, how do I chose good artifacts for my characters? How do I build my team?
I'm happy you asked. We can have up to 4 character in the team. Usually people aim for a team consisted of one main DPS, one healer and two supports, but ofc that all depends on your style of the game and your needs.
What is the most important in building your team and deciding on artifacts is the characters talents themselves. You absolutely have to check their talents and passives before giving them any artifacts, cause for some of them items with HP as a main stat could be actually good (like Barbara, since her role is only healing she doesn’t make more than 100 dmg on her normal attack but she heals a TONS).
Let's take my team for example, I’ll explain what their talents do and choose artifacts accordingly:
Razor as my main DPS
Qiqi as my healer
Xingqiu as my support
And Xiao that is none of the above but I just got him so I really wanna use him lmao
Usually I'd have Bennett in my team that would work as both healer and support, but yea, Xiao happen. Anyway, back to the topic
Since Razor is my main DPS I am focusing mostly on the DMG he can do. That's why when choosing artifacts for him I was aiming for the one with ATK/CRIT.
I do believe right now is a good moment to introduce artifacts sets. Each artifact has its own sets. There are plenty of sets to chose from. Now, the question is, does it matter from which set the item comes? Yes, it does.
Every set has all 5 types of artifacts to offer (a flower, feather, time watch piece, goblet and head piece). Depending on how many of the pieces from the same set you'll have you can get different stats. Let's take everyone's favorite Gladiator's Finale set. If you equip 2 pieces of Gladiator your get additional 18% of your base attack. IT'S A LOT!
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But if you equip 4 pieces of Gladiator your normal attack (the single mouse tap, not the skills or the hold tap) will be increased by 35% IF your character has a sword, polearm or claymore (so it doesn't work on characters with books and bows, sorry Amber).
As I was saying, since my Razor is my main DPS and his role is to hit, not deal Electro DMG, I gave him 4 pieces of Gladiator's Finale just so he can have these additional 35%. But his head piece belongs to Wandener's Troupe. Why? Since every character can have 5 different artifacts, and the set's bonuses are only up to 4 pieces, the last one can belong to any other set. I chose Wandener's because it have CRIT rate as a main stats, so it's perfect for main DPS character. (The last piece doesn’t have to be the head piece, it can be any of the other 4 pieces).
You can check the character stats and the difference in the artifacts by going to your character menu and then clicking on the ‘details’.
For example here are my Xiao stats calculated with all the artifacts he has right now on him:
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And here I have my Xiao without any artifacts and with 1* weapon:
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Next we have Qiqi, my healer. One would think that, if she's a healer, then it would be good to have a set that is designed for healers on her, right? Wrong.
Let's take a look on Qiqi elemental skill (You can check your character skills by clicking on ‘talents’ in the character menu):
When Qiqi hits a target with her Normal or Charged Attacks, she regenerates HP for all party members and all nearby allied characters. Healing scales based on Qiqi's ATK. Regenerates HP for current character at regular intervals. Follows the character around, dealing Cryo DMG to enemies in its path.
It's says that the heals she gives is based on her overall ATK. Which means the more ATK she has the better her heals are. That's why, in my personal opinion, it's better to focus on raising her ATK and energy recharge. Ofc, there's nothing wrong in having for example 2 pieces of Maiden Beloved (set's name designed for healers, 2-Piece Bonus: Character Healing Effectiveness +15%) on her. If those pieces main stats will be ATK then this will work amazing, but unfortunately I don't have any artifacts like this.
Next are supports, Bennett and Xingqiu. Since their role is not dealing DMG, but more of a supporting you can give them sets of a 2 pieces. Let's take a look at their elemental burst:
if the health of a character in the circle is equal to or falls below 70%, their health will continuously regenerate. Regeneration scales based on Bennett's Max HP. If the health of a character in the circle is higher than 70%, they gain an ATK Bonus that is based on Bennett's Base ATK. Applies the Pyro element to characters within the Field.
Basically you just ult and switch to your DPS (or whoever you want honestly). If the character you switched to (or Bennett himself, his ult works on him too) HP is below 70%, they will receive heals. If their HP is above 70%, the incoming healing with cease and they will get attack bonus based on Bennet BASE ATK (only when you have him c0, so with no constellations. On c1 (his first constellation is unlocked) there is no HP restriction, so his ult buffs the attack no matter of your character current health). So it’s not the same case as Qiqis. Base attack is the base amount the character have with weapon equipped but without any artifacts on, so the only way to rise base ATK is to maximize character level and to give them weapon with high amount of attack. Then we should focus on giving him as much of an energy recharge as we can so he can load his ult faster. Then it’s up to you whether you wanna make is a healer or side DPS. In healer case you should focus on rising his HP amount by giving him artifacts with that stats and substats cause, on the contrary to Qiqi, the heals he gives are based on his own max HP, not his ATK. In side DPS case you can focus on the overall dmg he makes.
Now let's take a look on my Xiao. His role is a dps, just like Razor. So one would think that it would be the best to max physical DMG on Xiao too, right? Wrong.
Let's take a look on Xiao's elemental skill and Elemental burts:
Xiao lunges forward, dealing Anemo DMG to opponents in his path.
Greatly increases Xiao's jumping ability. Increases his attack AoE and attack DMG. Converts attack DMG into Anemo DMG, which cannot be overriden by any other elemental infusion. In this state, Xiao will continuously lose HP. The effects of this skill end when Xiao leaves the field.
Both of them covert the DMG into Anemo DMG. Which mean that no matter the physical DMG bonus, if he doesn't have any Anemo DMG he won't be as useful as he could be. That why my Xiao has 2 pieces of Gladiator and 2 pieces of Viridescent Venerer that gives him +15% of Anemo DMG bonus. (y’all have no idea how long it took me to write this thing correctly lmao)
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As the last piece i used Wandener's head piece again to give him that additional CRIT rate. (yes, his Anemo DMG can be scaled with CRIT rate, too). Ofc my Xiao still lacks a lot of power we can see on some videos on yt.
Okay Akii, I understand how does the artifacts works and what to which to chose when thinking about the character role, but how do I actually get the artifacts?
That's actually the hardest part. You can get them from domains. Each domain have two sets of artifacts at the same time, which means depending on your luck you'll get the artifacts from the set you want or the artifacts you don't want BUT can use for enhancing later on! Gladiator's and Wandener's don't have its own domain, but can be achieved by fighting bosses like cubes or regisvines and from weekly bosses like Dvalin, Andrius and Childe.
Now that you know everything you need to know about artifacts you can go and start doing the domains...
only to waste all of your resins and get tons of shit artifacts with DEF as a main stats and then start crying after your one good artifact with ATK as a main stat and CRIT as a substat gets shits like HP, DEF and more HP after enhancing. Have fun <3
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