#oh it’s t’rina
Damn Saru’s Vulcan girlfriend is reeeeally into mind melds. Good for them 🖖💋
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samnotsammy12 · 1 year
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isagrimorie · 28 days
[initial reactions]Star Trek Discovery 5x07 - Erigah
Again, another solid episode with good pacing and with an ensemble showing that’s been really great.
I love the whole negotiations thing between Federation/Starfleet and the Breen — this is what modern Trek is missing, the political negotiations and stand offs and I’m glad to see it again. One of the things I do love about this though is how Civilian ambassador/representative of the Federation is involved.
This was something that was missing in the negotiations between the Dominion and Starfleet. I love Sisko but he’s Starfleet, and speaking for the entire Federation didn’t feel right— it was very Stargate SG teams spoke for the whole of Earth thing that always bothered me.
T’rina also proved why Vulcans are formidable diplomats and that they’re not pushovers — the trick with the translation and precise translation was really Great. Especially after I finished watching Shogun where translation and precision of language was everything.
I love how Rayner’s background played into it and how that history helped with the current negotiation. Kelleruns are from the Gamma Quadrant, it makes sense why the Breen would be expanding in their direction.
Also, the Breen using Borg Green and black is really distracting to me, who is a fan of the Borg.
I love Michael’s instincts about this, it makes sense she thinks there’s more to this Erigah with L’ak. Everyone’s so shook about the Breen arriving that they’re going with their first instincts but Michael’s gamble almost worked… if not for these meddling kids.
So, I just gotta say this okay?
I recognize that L’ak’s fate is really tragic but also — oh boy, Moll, your man was a Fail Boy. He hurt himself because he fell on his own knife — all Michael did was watch in disbelief as he fell on his own knife.
And then the next thing he did was over dosed himself trying to help Moll get away, all for nothing because it just ended up killing him.
Like — Dude. My man. You are not made for this adventurous life.
I guess that’s why you’re dead. Amazing.
L’ak lived as he died, a Boy Fail.
Jett Reno remains cool but also baffling because is she, or is she not the Chief Engineer? Because B’Elanna and Geordie and even Scotty do go along their respective ships fixing things along but we also see them delegate and order around teams. And we haven’t really seen Reno do that yet.
On the other hand, SEVEN OF LIMES. LMAO. Seven would get a kick out of that —- or maybe she won’t. It’s so funny how Seven went from someone who can’t hold liquor, to someone with some sort of functional alcoholism, to getting a drink named after her. Our girl has Gone Through a Journey and survived 400 years.
Up next, BAD LANDS! And we’re finally going to see the Badlands the way the writers envisioned them. I hope we get to see what Deep Space Nine looks like!
Again, it’s a damned shame this is the last season for Discovery because they really found their pacing and their wheelhouse — 50 episodes in as most Trek shows have found their footing.
Nhaan! I missed Nhaan and her hardline security mentality that was missing on Discovery.
Unfortunately, her security officers still let Moll go, fortunately Moll didn’t go far.
I hope we get to see more of Nhaan. Also, are Owo, Detmer and Rhys not really here? I hope they appear soon.
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dragons-in-spaceee · 1 year
Oh also if we’re doing what we want from disco since it’s the last season I’d like canon ace saru and t’rina please :)
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sporkandpringles · 2 years
I’d like to know, who’s your favorite crewmen/important character from each series? If you want to! Sorry if you’ve already answered this somewhere, I scrolled your tag and didn’t see it, but the tumblr search function is terrible so I’m reluctant to place faith in it.
I haven’t done something like this yet, so thanks for the challenge! Gonna go in chronological in-universe order, since that’s closest to the order I watched them in:
ENT: This one is a close call between Hoshi and T’Pol but at the end of the day I’ve gotta say it’s Hoshi. She’s my personal hero and so amazing!
DISCO 1-2: Michael Burnham, hands down. She’s the most relatable character to me personally. The guilt complex she has? Oh wow that’s me. Her compassion, her intelligence her determination to do the right thing even if it’s hard or unpopular, the way she makes mistakes but always tries to do better. I love her so so much.
AOS: this is the hardest. I love the AOS characters so much. It’s probably a threeway tie between Kirk, Spock and Uhura with Sulu and Gaila coming in hot on their tails.
SNW: T’Pring. Loved her in Amok Time. She’s great in SNW and I Can’t wait to see her dump Spock for Stonn. It’s gonna be a riot, I’m sure.
TOS/TAS: Gotta be Spock, of course.
TNG: Tasha Yar if she’d gotten more seasons 😢But probably Troi! I think she often gets overlooked, but her performance in “Face of Evil” especially was great. And I’m a sucker for telepathic characters who are half human/half alien and struggle with their parents.
DS9: Again, the DS9 cast is so great it’s really hard to pick just one, but I think I’m most obsessed with Sisko. He’s a really complex and unique character that so often gets overlooked, but he’s got so much going on. Surprised there aren’t reams of Saratoga fics for him when Michael’s got a good number of Shenzhou-Era fics for her. But maybe I’ll just have to write them myself.
VOY: a tie between Tuvok and B’Elanna. Tuvok is an excellent Vulcan character and I love Vulcans. And B’Elanna is another hybrid, which I’ve always found interesting.
LOW: Beckett Mariner! She’s a AOS-Kirk-Type party animal, but just like him, deep deep down she really cares about everyone and she only pushes people away because it’s a coping mechanism for trauma. There’s so much depth to her character and she’s one of Trek’s first openly bisexual characters, so that’s awesome!
PRO: Prodigy is still warming up, so it’s hard to say. But I think Gwyn is my favorite. She’s got so much angst potential in that backstory of hers. Going against her own dad who thinks he’s on a mission to save their people? I love it. So juicy.
PIC: Can I make everyone angry and say Narek? I was hoping he would come back but no, Picard writers hate me specifically.
DISCO 3-4 (it’s basically a different show): Michael again, if we’re being honest. But I also really like Rillak and T’Rina. More milf presidents, please!
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stargatelov3r · 1 year
🍦and 🎃 for the writer asks!
🍦 What‘s the sweetest fic you’ve created so far?
I think it’s a tie between “Finally” and “Where do I begin”. Both are for Saru/T’Rina from Star Trek Discovery, both are pre relationship or in the very beginnings of it and they are just… sooooo soft
🎃 Do you write fics for certain holidays?
I should state here again that i am terrible at remembering my own fics so there is a good chance i forgot some of them completely and therefore my replies might not be 100% accurate (not quite sure why i keep doing these ask games xD)
That being said i think I do? Sometimes? But often not when a certain holiday is coming up, interestingly. Just sometimes it’s like “oh this might be a fun christmas fic” but it might be in the middle of summer
Also, rather than writing for an actual holiday i make up my own sometimes? Especially with the Athosians in Stargate Atlantis. I gave them a few holidays like harvest or solstices that they celebrate🤷 and i sometimes write for birthdays or anniversaries.
I think i’m not a person that is hugely attached to holidays (that would be christian holidays for me) so i think i tend to avoid them also because i’m annoyed by the whole perfectionism and consumerism surrounding most of them
Thanks for the ask!
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tailsrevane · 2 years
[tv review] discovery 3x07 “unification, part 3” (2020)
this is a silly complaint but i kinda wish this had gotten a “previously on…” sequence at the beginning featuring scenes from the tng two-parter like “if memory serves” got of “the cage.”
i love not only that we picked this story thread back up, but that spock was successful in reuniting the romulans and vulcans. in a way i’m a little sad to lose the romulans as antagonists because they were just so dang good at it, but the 32nd century seems long past time to move on to new things, so i’ll more than happily allow it. and michael being so, so proud of her brother for achieving this seemingly impossible goal was incredibly moving, i felt so good for both of them in that little moment.
the science fight that makes up the bulk of this episode’s runtime might seem silly conceptually, but they did a great job with it and used it to do a bunch of stuff at once. character work for michael, filling in the gaps of what happened with the burn and the federation and ni’var, and to top it all off the beginnings of reconciliation between the federation and ni’var.
that’s… a lot to get through in a show trial/debate club meet, but the way it gets there makes it feel totally earned? i loved michael’s mother as a qowat milat, and the ways she challenges michael get her to open up in a way that services all the aforementioned plot and character points.
also also, the character work for michael is tied into her central conflict this season (questioning her place aboard discovery and in the federation writ large), and this season has been really great about having her actually incrementally make progress on that problem and not just leave it sitting on the back burner until she dramatically resolves it in the last episode or something?
this is functionally similar to michael serving as defender of the faith for the federation over and over in season 1, but it feels so much more honest and earned, and it doesn’t leave everyone else looking like an absolute stooge.
i get why the people of ni’var are reluctant to trust the federation, and seeing them begin to overcome that is so much more rewarding when you really do empathize with them. i get why michael is so determined to fix everything herself, and seeing her accept that that’s what she’s doing and let it go is so much more rewarding when you really do empathize with her.
although this rightly takes up the majority of the episode’s runtime, believe it or not there is other stuff going on? saru builds a rapport with president t’rina of ni’var quite organically, and with t’rina encouraged by the examples of saru and burnham, they part on hopeful terms.
furthermore, ensign tilly has been unexpectedly offered the position of acting first officer, and most of the crew gets together to tell her to say yes, and i’m not crying you’re crying, and burnham gets there late and breaks the tension by saying “oh shoot, did i miss the cool ‘say yes’ part?” and i am just super, super okay with this show establishing a tradition of having the entire crew assemble to tell one of them that they’re awesome and they love them and making me cry, that’s a good tradition let’s keep doing that one.
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weerd1 · 1 year
Tag 9 People You Want To Get To Know Better
Shout out to @rubyjean-jacket-blog for the tag!
3 ships: Clark and Lois always my OTP. Baze and Chirrut forever. All about Saru and T’Rina on DISCO.
First ever ship: Oh, certainly K/S stuff back when I found out FANS were perfectly capable of writing FICTION sometime in the early 80s.
Last song: "The Story” by Brandi Carlile.
Last Movie: Easing out of our weekend with the new “A Christmas Story Christmas.” Before that the documentary “Fire of Love” about a married couple of Volcanologists.  
Currently Reading: Claudia Grey’s “Leia: Princess of Alderaan” and Izumi Suzuki’s “Terminal Boredom.” Both are delightful, and they are completely opposite. 
Currently watching: Just finished “1899″ season 1, but involved with “Star Trek: Prodigy” and rewatching “Andor.”
Currently consuming: Egg nog.
Currently craving: More time off and a green corn tamale.
I know I’m supposed to tag nine people, so if you’re one of the nine people who read my Tumblr, feel free to pick it up and run with it.  If not, absolutely nothing bad will happen, and I do not mean that in a Monkey’s Paw way.  Happy Holidays. 
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disco-headcanons · 2 years
There truly was so much Love and Found Family and Connection in this world and I love it SO MUCH
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leaveharmony · 2 years
Petition for there always to be at least one person in the background making a delighted ‘Oh?’ face every time T’Rina makes an Extremely Vulcan Move on Saru
Like that’s right, she is Going For A Stroll with this lanky cup of tea, and there may even be some light mindfulness exercises involved.  Return of the red-hot lovers.
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genius2mania · 2 years
21 answers for a fanfic 2021
Thank you @curator-on-ao3 for the questions & the template - to another lovely year of fic!
1. Fandoms you wrote for this year
Star Trek - mainly Voyager with a dash of Picard, TNG and Discovery
2. favorite fic you wrote this year
That has to be “Things that Fall”, just because it was my first foray into creative writing and it holds a special place in my heart. Also, I’m quite pleased with how it turned out!
3. favorite fic you read this year
I am physically incapable of picking just one, so have my top 3:
Treat Night by @youvearrived-deactivated2021122
The Autobiography of Kirsten Clancy by @curator-on-ao3
Burnished Slate (and wild horses) by CynthiaER
4. favorite opening line/scene you wrote this year
”She's panting and you try to tear your eyes away from her heaving chest, but you fail, miserably.” (Four times she denies you and the one time she doesn't)
5. favorite ending line/scene you wrote this year
"Go back to sleep, Kathryn." (I’m a little tied up right now)
6. a trope you wrote this year
The Four times One Time trope, I guess the prehensile plant counts as a Star Trek Trope?
7. pairings you wrote this year
Main Pairings:
Kathryn Janeway/Seven of Nine
Kathryn Janeway/B’Elanna Torres
T’Rina/Laira Rillak
In supporting roles:
B’Elanna Torres/Tom Paris
Chakotay/Seven of Nine
Kathryn Janeway/Seven of Nine/Prehensile Plant
Kathryn Janeway/Borg Queen
Borg Queen/Data (Star Trek)
Borg Queen/Seven of Nine
Borg Queen/Jean-Luc Picard
Hugh | Third of Five & Seven of Nine
Phoebe Janeway & Seven of Nine
Gretchen Janeway & Seven of Nine
Icheb & Seven of Nine
Seven of Nine & B'Elanna Torres
Seven of Nine & Deanna Troi
Beverly Crusher & Kathryn Janeway
8. a fic regret from this year
The WIPs I didn’t manage to finish honestly - but there’s still time and I'm excited to continue working on them!
9. a song that helped you write
I don't really listen much to music while I write, but most of all it'd probably be jazzy and lofi HipHop beats
10. total number of fics you posted
11. total number of words you posted
12. most popular fic written this year
Four times she denies you and the one time she doesn't.
13. least popular fic written this year
I Will Follow Where You Lead
14. longest completed fic you posted this year
The Space in Between
15. shortest completed fic you posted this year
Each single one in Drabbles & Oneshots
16. favorite character to write about this year
I mean always, always Kathryn Janeway but I was definitely ambushed by my love for Laira Rillak and T'Rina so that was a fun surprise...
17. a fic you didn’t expect to write
I Will Follow Where You Lead
18. most memorable comment/review
Oh that is hard - I've been lucky enough to receive many, many lovely comments. The ones that stick out are the flailing ones, the beautifully thought out ones, the kind commenters that keep on coming back - they all have a special place in my heart!
19. trends you noticed in your writing this year
I write a lot about connection, what prevents it, what it takes; communication and a lot of adulting about feelings. With copious amounts of smut sprinkled in there...
20. fics you wanted to write but didn’t
An exploration of how different names for a person, titles, nicknames, endearments change how we interact and perceive ourselves. Maybe next year ;)
21. something you want to write next year
I want to continue working on my timetravel-PIC-Seven-meets-VOY-Janeway-Gay-Panic-TM-Ensues fic - it's been a bit of a wrestle with that one...
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Star Trek: Discovery Season 3 Episode 9 Easter Eggs & References
This Star Trek: Discovery article contains spoilers for Season 3, Episode 9.
Although a casual fan doesn’t need to know the ins-and-outs of Star Trek canon to get into Star Trek: Discovery, it certainly helps! Although all of Discovery Season 3 has been set in a “new” part of the Trek timeline, the 32nd Century to be exact, the series hasn’t entirely been freed of canon restraints. From Trill, to Starfleet history, and beyond, Discovery Season 3 has been a rollercoaster of connections to the entire sprawling canon of Trek. And, as “Terra Firma Part 1” proves, that canon isn’t just limited to one universe. Here are all the Easter eggs and references we caught in Discovery Season 3, Episode 9, “Terra Firma, Part 1.”
The Kelvin Universe 
Right at the top of the episode, the mysterious Kovich (David Cronenberg) explains to Culber that traveling both across time and jumping from different universes can “make you pretty sick,” and in the case of a “time soldier” named Yor, can be fatal. This 2379 Starfleet officer is a Betelgeusian, but also “from a parallel universe caused by the temporal incursion of a Romulan mining ship.” This is the first time in “Prime” Trek canon that we’ve been told outright that they’re even aware of the Kelvin Universe. Further, Yor is the first glimpse of the future of what Starfleet looks after the reboot films in that timeline. Basically, Yor’s uniform might look like an early TNG-era jumpsuit, but because he’s got a 2370s combadge, it’s a bit of a mishmash. 
TLDR: In the future of the Kelvin Universe, they dress like it’s the beginning of TNG. But, who knows? Maybe in Yor’s universe, gold in 2379 still means “command.” 
Oh! And Yor’s death also neatly explains why Old Spock died off screen in Star Trek Beyond. Kovich says: “Before Georgiou, Yor was the only individual known to have traveled across time and dimensions.” This implies his files don’t know about Old Spock, who did the same. The question is: How does Starfleet in the Prime Universe know about the Kelvin Universe (and how it was created) and not know about Old Spock going there? Hmmm?
The Temporal Wars and the Temporal Accords 
Kovich mentions both the Temporal Wars and the Temporal Accords, and mentions that the “Interdimensional displacement restriction” prevents people from going to other parallel universes on purpose. According to Daniels in Star Trek: Enterprise, the Temporal Accords existed sometime in the 31st century, roughly a hundred years before the events of Discovery Season 3, and likely before the burn. Although Discovery has mentioned “the Temporal Wars” before, it stands to reason that one aspect of these wars was the “Temporal Cold War” seen throughout all four seasons of Enterprise. 
“Maybe they’ll call you Killy after all”
Georgiou jokes that if Tilly manages to kill the crew by accident that “maybe they’ll call you Killy after all.” This references Season 1 of Discovery in which we learned that Mirror Tilly’s nickname was “Captain Killy.” Notably, we never saw Captain Killy in “Despite Yourself,” or any of the other Season 1 episodes in which she was referenced. Obviously, that changes in this episode. 
The Gamma Quadrant 
The Discovery’s computer suggests taking Georgiou to the planet Dannus V, which Michael Burnham says is “just shy of the Gamma Quadrant near the galactic rim.” So, to put this in perspective, the Gamma Quadrant is the area of space that the Bajoran Wormhole led to in Deep Space Nine. Saying this planet is just shy of the Gamma Quadrant, could indicate it’s right on the border between the Alpha and Gamma Quadrants, which would be “north” of Federation space, roughly. The galactic rim might refer to the barrier at the edge of the galaxy. This barrier was breached by the USS Enterprise in “Where No Man Has Gone Before” and again in “By Any Other Name.” Relevantly, passing through that barrier caused Gary Mitchell and Dr. Dehner to acquire PSI powers and slowly go nuts. 
Speaking of Gary Mitchell…
Admiral Vance suggests that leaving Georgiou on an “Uninhabited planet is better than a brig in the starship.” This kind of references the idea that Kirk was going to maroon Gary Mitchell on Delta Vega, rather than just kill him outright. Meanwhile, while the name of the planet here — Dannus V — is new to Trek canon, the word could reference writer Richard Danus, who wrote for both TNG and DS9.
The needs of the many must outweigh the needs of the one
Saru quotes Spock from The Wrath of Khan in his decision not to help Georgiou with her condition. He’s overruled eventually, which kind of echoes Saru’s conversation with the Vulcan president T’Rina in “Unification III,” in which she told him that maxim’s like that one were part of some bagge the Vulcans were trying to get over.
“You hesitated last time”
Vance tells Burnham that he needs to know she won’t hesitate if Georgiou gets dangerous. Burnham says, “you’re referring to Commander Airiam.” This references the events of “Project Daedalus,” in which Airiam nearly killed everyone after getting possessed by the AI called Control.
New phasers 
We’ve been seeing “new” Starfleet phasers in the opening credits for a while, but this looks like the first time someone picks one up. It also appears that the phaser morphs into something on Georgiou’s wrist. So, maybe these phasers are made of programmable matter? 
“Where I’m from we were Prime and you were the Mirror”
The idea that there is an “objective” Prime Universe, is of course fanspeak that has bled into the actual canon of Star Trek. Nobody in the Mirror Universe considers themselves to be from an alternate dimension, and ditto with the Kelvin Universe. This is the first time this kind of thing has been openly addressed on-screen in Trek canon.
“Door Doesn’t Register at All”
Burnham says that the mysterious door doesn’t “register” on her Tricorder. This is a little like the Guardian of Forever in the TOS episode “City on the Edge of Forever.” In that episode, Spock says, “For this to do what it does it does is impossible by any science I understand.”
Prefix code
When Adira and Stamets locate the Kelpien ship that is still sending a signal in the Verubin Nebula, they mention that they have the prefix code, which should be able to open up a backdoor to the systems. This references The Wrath of Khan when Kirk uses the prefix code of the Reliant to order the ship to lower its shields. 
“Die standing”
Before Georgiou walks through the magic door, she says she’d rather “die standing.” This might reference a recent tie-in novel Discovery novel called Die Standing by John Jackson Miller. In that book, there’s a character from Georgiou’s past named San, and it seems like this is the person she’s mourning in the Mirror Universe flashbacks from this season.
Lorca’s Coup
Georgiou has seemingly traveled into the Mirror Universe, and back into the year 2255. All of these events served as the backstory for Star Trek: Discovery Season 1, and effectively happened “before” the show began. For a full breakdown of all the ways Georgiou’s new trip to the Mirror Universe changes what we know of this timeline, check out this handy article. 
Epsilon Indi IV 
“Killy” references the Imperial shipyards on Epsilon Indi IV. This star system first appeared in the TOS episode “And the Children Shall Lead.”
Mirror Landry returns 
Ellen Landry, played by Battlestar Galactica veteran Rekha Sharma, returns in this episode. We haven’t seen Landry since season 1 of Discovery in which she seemingly died twice, once as Prime Landry, and again, when DISCO blew-up the Charon. Notably, Landry was part of Lorca’s coup, but it looks like nobody knows that right now.
Georgiou’s fancy title
We hear Emperor Georgiou’s fancy title twice in this episode: Her Most Imperial Majesty, Mother of the Fatherland, Overlord of Vulcan, Dominus of Qo’noS, Regina Andor, Philippa Georgiou Augustus Iaponius Centarius. We first heard this title in the Discovery episode “Vaulting Ambition.”
Evil DOT bots
The last time we visited the Mirror Universe, we hadn’t been introduced to the DOT bots from Season 2 of Discovery, yet. Here, it appears that the Terran Starfleet has red-eyed versions of these cute little things, because, of course they do.
Vahar’ai retcon
In Season 1 of Discovery, we didn’t know about the process of Vahar’ai, in which Kelpiens are supposed to turn into baddasses. In the Mirror Universe, it seems that the Terrans have taken the place of the Ba’ul, introduced in the episode, “A Sound of Thunder.” Did Georgiou know about Vahar’ai only because of her trip to the Prime Universe? Or do high-level Terrans know about it?
Owo, the security chief of the Charon
We see Owo battling to keep her job as the security chief of the Charon. In the first Mirror Timeline, she had this job. 
Georgiou’s backstory seems to foreshadow Deep Space Nine’s Mirror Universe
During the christening ceremony, we see a dramatic recreation of Georgiou’s ascension to become Emperor of the Terran Empire. One aspect of this has to do with her totally dominating the Klingons. In the future of the Mirror Universe, we learn that the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance eventually destroyed the Terran Empire. Clearly, the Klingons were harboring a hundred-year-long grudge.
Daughter of Rome
Did the Roman Empire just not fall in the Mirror Universe? When Stamets calls Georgiou a “daughter of Rome” it really makes you think that’s the case. But, if we’re meant to think that the Roman Empire didn’t fall in the ancient history of the Terran Universe, then it feels super-unlikely that all the same people would have even been born, in order to like, establish duplicates of Tilly, Stamets, Kirk, Spock, etc. I mean, I guess it’s possible, but wow, the divergence goes back that far?
Georgiou is kinda like Kirk in “Mirror, Mirror”
In terms of story beats, Georgiou is in a similar place Kirk was in “Mirror, Mirror.” Kirk spared Mirror Chekov’s life, Georgiou spares Mirror Burnham’s life. Kirk started being nice to his concubine, Georgiou is being nice to her slave, the Mirror Saru. In both cases, the characters know that everyone will freak out if they keep acting nice and forgiving to people around them, so an air of arrogance and bluster is required. The difference is Kirk only had to fake it until he made it out of the Mirror Universe. What’s Georgiou gonna do? Fake it until she reforms the Terran Empire? 
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Star Trek: Discovery Season 3 has four new episodes left this season. Those all stream on Thursdays on CBS All Access.
The post Star Trek: Discovery Season 3 Episode 9 Easter Eggs & References appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3qLClVO
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samnotsammy12 · 1 year
OK SO IM ON 4x10 The Galactic Barrier and SARU AND T’RINA ARE SO CUTE
I know this is my third or fourth post about them but OH MY GOD
When he’s talking to Hugh about how she asked him out and he’s overthinking it so Hugh is just like “you’re being an idiot. If you like her, then go out with her” AAAAAA
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Discovery S3: My Thoughts
Unification III
Everything with Spock just made me want to bawl my eyes out! His dream came true! His vision! His hard work and commitment to his people and the reunification of Vulcans and Romulans! I love Ni’Var and all its complexities and commitment to logic AND candor, to truth - both objective and subjective! It unites both ideals to make for a greater world!
And - most importantly of them all - they are united in THE DRAMA. I was happy to see that through the continued adherence of T’Kal-in-Ket, Romulans and Vulcans are still the galaxy’s biggest drama queens as ever! 😊😊😊
Spock would be so proud of Michael! The Michael and Spock bond goes deep and I love how it comes to a beautiful climax within this episode!
It is kind of weird how Michael’s mother just so happens (conveniently) to be part of the sha-set. But it is also like, welp Michael is part of a crazy time traveling family! (Yes, that includes Spock - who was has MANY temporal violations!) So, I guess this is just normal for the Burnham family at this point. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
SARU HAS A VULCAN GIRLFRIEND AND I COULDN’T BE HAPPIER! 🥰🥰🥰 Saru and T’Rina had such a harmonious connection! I loved it! I hope we see more of their friendship develop in the future!
Everything about her coming into this role has been so perfectly in the making and how the crew had her back! It was precious and pure! I am going to love seeing her grow further in Command!
The Sanctuary
Not a very strong episode, but many fun and adorable character moments! I liked that it gave some character development to Detmer, and I feel a little more attached, like I have a handle on her character better. Besides the main cast of Michael, Saru, Tilly, Stamets, and Culber, the rest of the Discovery crew feel more like background characters, but it is great they gave Detmer her moment! Also, Rin and a kitty! I just like Andorians. I think it is because of Shran.
Also THE MYSTERY THICKENS. The Burn continues to be intriguing, and I hope it leads somewhere worthy!
I was super impressed with Culber being a badass with Georgiou! Don’t get on Culver’s bad side apparently! Yikes! But also Tilly, and how she made sure Rin knew his place in the presence of Saru.
And OMG Saru trying to come up with his very own Captain phrase! Awwwwwww! 🥰🥰🥰 My heart! He is the purest! I am excited to see every aspect of his continued Captaincy! (THE BEST FEDERATION CAPTAIN OF THEM ALL).
I think it is hilarious that through all the madness, Michael and Book are just basically giving each other heart eyes. Oh no, we are going through life risking shenanigans again! *romantic glances and giggles* But I like their warm dynamic. I am glad Book has been seduced by the Federation and is considering staying on.
MY PRECIOUS WORM BABY! Stamets loves his Adira! Them playing music together! And I was just like awwww, when she was sleeping at her desk and then Stamets wrapping her with his coat! She works so hard! 🥰
Terra Firma Part 1
Finally some Georgiou juice! I LOVED IT. The Mirror Universe is SO messed up and ridiculous, but strangely they are always the most fun! And I love everything surrounding Empress Georgiou, and the worldbuilding of that Terran Empire. That whole beautiful, overdone drama that Mirror Stamets put on! OMG I was dying! Yet it was always very moving in a way - outlandish propaganda, but it gives this unique insight into the Terran culture and mindsets! I am interested to see how this literal trip down memory lane unfolds for Georgiou! She has clearly grown and changed with her association with the Prime universe (Tilly giving her hug! omg!), and her now changing events seems to me would logically create an alternate universe. I don’t know what this means for her or the Mirror Universe’s fate, but I am highly intrigued!  
I am happy that Mirror Saru hadn’t been eaten, but was clearly applying himself to the study of the Terran Empire as much as Prime Saru did with the Federation. I was so proud of him and his bravery! 
Who is Carl, though? What is this Door? How did the half-sentient Discovery computer know about it?? (Nice, Discovery Writers, you literally wrote a deus ex machina into the Discovery mainframe to help you out whenever necessary. You guys! *shakes head*) 
But my favorite Star Trek is WEIRD Star Trek, and Carl is right up there with the Q or all the weirdness that the DTI have dealt with! I cannot wait to find out!
AND the mystery of The Burn takes an unexpected turn! It isn’t at all turning out like how one would expect, and I like that! I hope this keeps up! 
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dragons-in-spaceee · 2 years
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samnotsammy12 · 1 year
Also I am once again dying over Saru and T’Rina oml
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