#oh you found a dragon and it’s your pal now? alrighty what do they like to eat?
So you know how in stories kids will hide the creature they found from their parents? Like “gotta hide and disguise the alien or mom will ground us!” Or “quick lil fairy, hide! We can’t let dad see you” Or “mom will freak out if she found out I was friends with a giant robot!” Etc etc. And I understand that it’s from the fear of getting in trouble over the littlest of things (god I can relate to that) but also if I had kids and found out they were hiding a whole ass person or mystical creature or giant or alien I’d be upset that they hid them from me but I would be SOOOOO excited to meet them. Like: “Hey son, I found an alien in your room. Are they your friend? Why haven’t you introduced me to them yet?” Or “You’ve been hiding a giant robot??? And you didn’t think I’d want to meet him?!?!?!? This is the best thing EVER!!” Or “sweetie…your telling me magic exists and you’ve known about it for a week now? This is awesome. Yes I’ll keep her a secret don’t worry, a friend of yours is a friend of mine.” Etc etc. just really supportive about this new wild friend they have. Imagine that though, imagine having a parent who would be chill about finding out about that you made friends with an alien, monster, superhero, robot, etc. I think that would be nice and I’d be that parent.
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