#hell yeah your demon friend can stay over for the night as long as they follow the house rules
So you know how in stories kids will hide the creature they found from their parents? Like “gotta hide and disguise the alien or mom will ground us!” Or “quick lil fairy, hide! We can’t let dad see you” Or “mom will freak out if she found out I was friends with a giant robot!” Etc etc. And I understand that it’s from the fear of getting in trouble over the littlest of things (god I can relate to that) but also if I had kids and found out they were hiding a whole ass person or mystical creature or giant or alien I’d be upset that they hid them from me but I would be SOOOOO excited to meet them. Like: “Hey son, I found an alien in your room. Are they your friend? Why haven’t you introduced me to them yet?” Or “You’ve been hiding a giant robot??? And you didn’t think I’d want to meet him?!?!?!? This is the best thing EVER!!” Or “sweetie…your telling me magic exists and you’ve known about it for a week now? This is awesome. Yes I’ll keep her a secret don’t worry, a friend of yours is a friend of mine.” Etc etc. just really supportive about this new wild friend they have. Imagine that though, imagine having a parent who would be chill about finding out about that you made friends with an alien, monster, superhero, robot, etc. I think that would be nice and I’d be that parent.
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
Just thinking about ASL living together (modern AU) and Ace always trying to sneak Yamato inside their house without Sabo's knowledge because he doesn't want him to go all 'responsible older brother' on him. But the reason why he's always letting Yamato stay over is because his life at home is obviously... Not so good and he hates being there so he tries to spend most of his time outside. And Ace's heart aches every time he has to let him go, so he often lets him stay over. It becomes more constant and less of a 'sneaking in for a while' thing. And Sabo knows. Because of course, Sabo knows. Sabo always knows what's going on. One day he wakes up to see Yamato having breakfast and Yamato gets all anxious and not knowing what to say and trying to make an excuse (because that's what Ace told him to do if this ever happened) and Sabo is just like "Do you want anything else?" / "Huh? What?" / "I mean. You're eating cereal but we have more stuff in here, you know? At least one of us can cook. What do you want? I can make you pancakes." / "YOU KNOW HOW TO MAKE PANCAKES???????" / "Oh my god, what has my brother been feeding you in here???" / "Mostly leftovers." / "Dude, why are you still with him?" / "Because I love him!" / "Yeah, no, me too. I guess love makes you do stupid things like dealing with a fucking moron like him. Anyway- Pancakes?"
And then Ace wakes up to find his brother and his boyfriend actually getting along and laughing and having breakfast together, and he needs a second to process everything because he's tired as fuck and maybe he's hallucinating. But that doesn't matter because the point is that he's fucked.
Ace: ..... Hi? Sabo: Hey :) Ace: What are you two doing? Yamato: WE'RE HAVING BREAKFAST :D Ace: Yes, babe, I can see that. Why are you here, Sabo? I thought you were- Sabo: I got home last night from college. We have some days off. Now, care to explain why you've been treating your cool boyfriend like a dog instead of giving him actual meals? Ace: I- You're not angry? Sabo: Oh, no. I am angry. Can't you see I'm angry? Ace: Sometimes you give me mixed signals and I'm never sure...? Sabo: I'm angry. That clear enough? Ace: Yes. Yamato: Okay, so Sabo is the only person that scares you. That's good to know. Ace: OH SHUT UP HE DOESN'T SCARE ME I AM NOT AFRAID OF MY BROTHER Sabo: Ace. Ace: ... I'm sorry.
Then, Sabo takes Ace to a more private place in the house and expects an explanation from him and Ace can't keep the secret anymore. So he tells him about Yamato's dad and how he is not a good person and he's always keeping him locked and making his life a living hell. And Ace is literally begging Sabo to let him stay for a while and Sabo is just staring at him like "Why would I not let him? How could I not? Do you see me as some kind of controlling demon around this house or what?" / "I mean, you're kind of scary sometimes-" / "Because you don't do shit around here and when I left for college I expected you to take care of Luffy. But I'm not making Yamato leave! What the fuck, Ace? You should've told me." / "I just- I just don't want him to go back there. He's, like, the nicest guy I've ever known. He's just so good, Sabo. I don't want him to-" / "Yeah. Yeah. He's the love of your life and you're gonna get married and have a fairytale ending or some bullshit like that." / "I did NOT say that." / "But you love him. I'm not letting him stay over if you're not serious about this. We barely have money for us three and we're lucky I can go to college." / "... I know. I know. I do. I do, you know. Like. The L word. You know I can't say it." / "Idiot." / "You're so mean to me. You don't do this shit to Luffy." / "Because at least Luffy has the decency of telling me when his friends are coming over." / "That's what you think." / "What? / "Nothing."
So, long story short, Yamato has the chance to actually live with them for a while if he wants to. Of course, he can't do it permanently. But he knows he has a home there if he ever feels like leaving his own house.
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satosugusandwich · 4 months
𝔏𝔢𝔱 𝔐𝔢 𝔖𝔢𝔢 𝔜𝔬𝔲’𝔯𝔢 𝔐𝔢𝔞𝔫…
True Form!Sukuna x Fem!Afab!Reader (This is an AU!!! Sukuna is not a homicidal maniac cannibalistic murderer! I think he’s sexy and my morals say no dick from crazy murderer BUT dick from crazy 😍)
CW: violence in this chapter, threats, bloodiness, implied sexual violence and objectification
Description: You've been friends with Yuji Itadori for some time now and have seen the best, the worst, and the strange in all your years of knowing him. You've never thought he was one to have any crazy secrets and well... you were wrong. And now the demon bound to Yuji is bound to you too! How fun! Good thing that you aren't stupid and won't fall for a being that by no means should you have ever interacted with! Right? Right...?
*despite this being an aged up version of yuji, there will be no sexual stuff involving him, also the violence is only in the first chapter with a few mentions after that!!! Cross posted on Ao3 under Spicycrunchroll! THERE WILL BE LOTS OF SMUT LATER ON!*
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Chapter 1: Never Again.
Poor you, stuck with a gay best friend and his gay boyfriend and exclusively terrible, gross men. The struggle of getting a good man was hard enough, let alone getting some good dick. Even gay men will tell you how bad some dudes are. Its one thing to finish in 2 minutes and cry after, at least there's sympathy, but a whole other thing to just be kicked out of the guy's house immediately and left wearing d r y panties with cum on your shorts. Yeah, never hooking up again, you tell yourself each time. Now, you found yourself wiping the oil off your face with a clammy hand while dialing Yuji's number, having just been booted out this guys house in the middle of the night. It rang only about twice before he picked up.
"Please don't tell me something bad happened." He said on the other line.
You sighed, walking to the end of your date's driveway and sitting on the ground. "Worse than usual. Can you pick me up? I'll send you the address." Your head hung low and your eyes felt heavy, wanting to cry but not having the energy to do so. At this point, you're never fucking anyone again. Let alone agreeing to suck them off before you get off. "I should've known that all his talk were lies."
You could hear him breathe in. "Yeah, I'm coming. Wanna stay over?" He asked jubilantly, as if to raise your spirits.
You smiled softly. "Could you stay at my place instead?"
"Hell yeah!"
You said your goodbyes and opened your phone, aimlessly scrolling on social media while looking for something to distract you from the disappointment of being used up and left to the corner, dehumanized again by a shitty man with a big ego. God, it made you sick. It wouldn't take long for Yuji to get to you, but it wasn't fun waiting either. Each minute ticked on by as if an hour had passed and all you wanted to do was throw away your shorts and shower off the stench of vape juice and alcohol. You didn't want to get in his car and start sobbing about how you wished you never did what you did, not because Yuji wouldn't listen, but because of your own embarrassment. Itadori has always been kind and much more level-headed (at least with this, he's usually just as stupid as you) so its extra embarrassing to have to tell him you sucked off a guy who didn't even get you wet. At least he was clean, you tell yourself, deleting Tinder from your phone for the last time. Never again will you take subpar dick from grown men who act like children! No, from now on, your body only allows worthy men, men that would worship you like you'd worship them!
After sulking for another five minutes, the engine of a car in the distance rumbled in your ear. Straightening your back, your head turned in the direction of where it’s approaching. It’s approaching way too fast for a regular suburban neighborhood. Rising to your feet to take a step back, it already turned down the street you happened to be on and you could hear sirens go off in your head, especially as you noticed that none of their lights were on and they definitely didn’t have tags. The van sped past you but they started to slow down before they reached the end of the street. You felt your heart rate surge when you realized they came to a complete stop. At that moment you realized that they were turning around.
Quickly, your legs brought you to the house you had just left and you banged on the door for a few seconds and screamed.
“Hey! Let me back in!!! It’s not safe!” The roar of the car started again and your intuition told you to run so that’s what you did.
Fuck, who knows who these mother fuckers are! Your mind is racing thinking about what they could potentially do if they caught you. Did they know you were here? Did they just happen to see you? Or… did the motherfucker inside of that house tell them you were here? Oh fuck… that’s why he kicked you out.
Tears started falling from your eyes as you ran through these people’s yards, you could see lights coming on in some houses, but it was no use because the car behind you stopped and three men came out the side door. You prayed that your human survival instincts would kick in and catapult you to go faster than you were, but they were bigger than you and right on your tail. Your legs ached and burned, practically sprinting and trying not to trip in the road. You didn’t dare look behind you, scared to slow yourself down, and scared of them. You kept on running and running until you reached the end of the road and saw headlights.
“Yuji!” You screamed, recognizing the shape and color of his car. With you out in the road, he stopped abruptly and you could see his body jerk with the impact. The men behind you cursed themselves but you felt hands on you faster than Yuji could process what was going on.
“Get her now! He’s coming behind us we’ll throw her in!” The man lifted you and you screamed again, but a hand swiftly covered your mouth. Yuji was out of the car and lunged at the guy holding you captive but was quickly stopped and apprehended by the other two.
“The kid has some fucking balls!” The biggest of the guys holding Yuji shouted, earning a strong blow to the chin. You thrashed against the man’s body as the large van from earlier came up right behind you.
Yuji looked at you as blood dripped from his nose. “Y/n! I got it, I promise!”
You held out hope and believed him even as you were thrown inside the van and the driver pulled away from the scene, leaving the two men with Yuji and you with a man wearing all black pressing you into the floor of the van. Tears spilled from your eyes, angered and terrified at the same time.
“Looks like we got a real good catch!” The driver harrumphed. “Bet she’ll go for a pretty penny.”
Your mind practically stopped when you heard those words. You were going to be sold, like an object, like a slave. The horror of it all made your body go numb and eyes go wide and then you closed them.
“Please.” You begged. “Please let me go.” Your voice was hoarse and you could taste your own tears as your mouth opened.
“No can do. We were told that you’d fetch a high price with your skills. Don’t worry, some girls get a good owner.” His voice was menacing and cold, but he spoke as though he actually fucking believed it. He didn’t even laugh at your pain like a monster would, he was just indifferent, emotionless.
“Please.” You begged again. “I can’t do it, please let me out!” This time your voice raised. “Help!” Your mouth was stuffed with cloth and your face was buried more into the floor as he bound your wrists.
The driver started to chastise the other man. “Why didn’t you gag her right away, the dumb bitch is louder than a dying cat!”
The other man cussed back. “Shut the fuck up, there isn’t nobody coming after us!”
The van stopped so fast you and the man were flung to the front of the car, colliding with the back of the front seats.
“What the fuck!” The man that was holding you down swore. His arms were now off you and the bindings he attempted were loose enough that you released your wrists and went for your gag. “No you don’t!” He reached for your clothes, yanking you back. Before you were held against your will again, the entire van split down the middle, from door to door. The back half of the van was flung off to the side before it became a cut up mess in the middle of the road.
Then you saw him. His hair was the same color as Yuji’s but was much less controlled. You could see what looked like four arms and a giant smiling mouth in the middle of his stomach. Every single person in the van went still and silent, staring at him. The creature looked inside and dead at you, bright red eyes gleaming in the moonlight. All four of them. Even the two on the side of his face that looked almost like a mask. He can’t be real. The tattoos all over his body were arranged in such a pattern that it was beautiful but something that scared you even more.
The creature spoke. “Now.” His gaze shifted from you to the man holding you. “I prefer it when I can get a good fight out of my opponents, but you lot are pathetic.” He looked disappointed. “Normal humans…”
No one spoke and he pouted. “Not a single retort? None of you pathetic excuses of flesh can say a word? You had a lot to say about selling the woman, can’t you entertain me? Or are your brains so simple you can’t think outside of making money off selling one of your own?”
Their own? Did he mean… humans?
The man behind you was shaking. And you could definitely feel his pants getting wet.
The creature before you sucked his teeth. “Boooring.” He narrowed his eyes. “And pathetic.” The vehicle was slashed once again, this time cutting into thirds, leaving you and the man holding you isolated in the middle while the other two thirds, including the driver collapsed around you. You heard squelches of flesh from the front and gasping. “You said she sounded like a dying cat, hm? Since you prefer the quiet so much, I thought I’d help you.” The creature chuckled.
The man holding you finally let you go, and he turned around to see the driver. You didn’t look. You knew what the creature did. Scurrying away, you realized headlights were approaching again and… it was Yuji!
“Ahhh, the brats already here. Well, I can’t kill you lot so how about I leave the piss-soaked one with a lesson.”
You didn’t know if you should thank the monster or run from him. You decided to run toward Yuji’s car.
Another crack resounded in your ears and then a gut-chortling scream resounded from behind you. “There we are. Something nice and fast. I hope they don’t find you until the morning.” You didn’t want to know what he did, you didn’t want to dare to turn around, all you cared about was the car door opening for you and Yuji’s comforting presence.
He looked so relieved to see you. “Y/n. I’m sorry I didn’t get here sooner. Don’t worry about those guys. I got you now. Sukuna won’t kill them, he can’t, but they’ll never ever do anything like that again to anyone.” Those were the first words to meet your ears. You didn’t say anything, all you did was sob in the seat next to him as he drove off and away from the scene. You didn’t ask anything. You didn’t want to. All that mattered was getting the fuck away from this and home and into a clean bed.
You could care about this later.
“I would’ve killed them if it wasn’t for this contract.” Your heart jumped out of your chest as the monster’s voice resounded in the backseat. “Sorry you don’t get the pleasure of knowing they’re dead.”
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seb-reads31 · 3 months
Hi! Can you do a head cannon for how the various women of Hazbin hotel would confess their feelings to/ask out a clearly shy reader who's never had a partner before and they know?
Tw's - Cursing (it's hell so hush), mentions if fighting, Velvette threatening Val's 🍆, me sucking at pet names✨, spoilers (duh), injury to reader and others, let me know if there are any more!
Type - head canons
Genre - Fluff
Comments - Awww, this sounds very wholesome 🥰🥰 so of course I'll do this! In this Charlie and Vaggie are just besties, also, implied fem!reader for Vaggie, and implied male!reader for Nifty, the rest are gn!readers. (I didn't know if you wanted me to do the angels too so I just did the demons, let me know if you want a part 2 for the angels) SPOILERS FOR SEASON ONE OF HAZBIN HOTEL‼️ IF YOU'RE FINE WITH SPOILERS OR ALREADY KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING THEN FEEL FREE TO CONTINUE <33
Sweet, shy thing~
- Remember how she was panicking in episode 5 when extermination day was about a month away and stayed up all night?
- Yeah, she did something similar to that when it came to asking you out lmao
- She also ended up enlisting the help of Vaggie (Angel Dust joined in because he was getting a little aggravated with how much you two danced around with each other 😭)
- Vaggie and Angel both gave Charlie a very.. straight forward approach to confessing which she knew wouldn't work out in her or your favors, but kept their advice in mind
- The best helper of them all would be Husk (who else) who told her to just be as sweet as possible and to be both straightforward (like Vaggie and Angel said) but not enough to scare you
- She took his advice with great confidence, and finally did it.
- She's asking you out!
- She grabbed a plush of your favorite animal, and a singular flower, a Lilly of the Valley
- Why that one? Because it means hope. Hope that you return her feelings, hope that all goes right with your possible relationship, and hope that you both survive the upcoming extermination.
- With all of that in mind, she gives the items to you, her hands shaking, eyes shut, and the most furious blush upon her red spotted cheeks
- She explains when, how, and what caused her to fall for you, and why she's giving you this flower
- When she finally looks at you, the last thing she's expecting is to see tears brim your eyes, the slight shake in your body as you hold the stuffed animal and flower close to your body
- She nearly has a panic attack! She starts stumbling over her words, begging for you to not hate her, asking if you both could still be friends, not stopping her words until you suddenly lean forwards and hug her, tightly
- You silently whisper in her ear that you like her too, but haven't been in a relationship before, not that she didn't know that already. But you wanted to wait until after the extermination to really give it a try
- As saddened as she was hearing you wanted to wait after the extermination, where anything could happen, she would wait as long as you wanted her to
- Normally I wouldn't decide what the readers background is, but for Vaggie you both were great friends in heaven, you just not being an exterminator
- Instead, you decided to fall from grace as soon as you heard the reason why Vaggie never came back from that extermination..
- No one up in heaven had known what you were planning until it was already done
- Vaggie only knew what you did till she discovered you one day while out and about with Charlie, casually hanging out and discussing how to promote the hotel more
- She obviously asked what happened, and she fell for you once you explain your reasoning
- The many thoughts of how she would confess to you would run through her mind as you did something she found so cute subconsciously
- She was already friends with you in heaven, and knew your mannerisms like the back of her hand
- And the only thing she could think of was the classic "I like you, and want to take you on a date. [Yes] [No]"
- Why? Because it's simple, straight to the point, but also giving you space to decide what you want to do without the pressure of her being there
- She slips it under your bedroom door, knocks, then silently runs away
- She had to do something, ANYTHING to get her mind off of your response so she spent several hours working with Charlie discussing trust exercises
- It was the end of the day when she finally returned to her bedroom, she remembered the note as it sat on her bed, crisply folded. Just how she gave it to you
- That made her a little.. nervous, but she opened it..
- "I like you, and want to take you on a date. [Yes] [No]"
- Holy shit.. YOU SAID YES-
- Ahem, you said yes, and now she is taking you on a date. Where's Charlie-
- She needs to tell her bestest friend that she's going on a date with the most beautiful creature in all of hell
- She uh
- She's something ngl
- Velvette is very straightforward and brash person
- And we could tell that with the overlord meeting
- Let's say you work for her as an assistant or scheduler
- So you're always by her side, which means you spend a decent time around the other V's
- And as much as she enjoys the chaos those two bring, she gets fed up with it. ESPECIALLY Val's temper tantrums
- His tantrums include bursting into her workshop, ripping apart her models, her clothes, and just wrecking everything he declares in his way
- Unfortunately, you ended up being caught up in his tantrum. Good news, you didn't die. Bad news, your limbs were.. broken. Just a couple though, like an arm, several ribs, nose, all that jazz
- Velvette happened to hear the commotion and walked in, and saw him looming over you
- She felt her body freeze from your current state, how battered and bruised you were, your arm bending in an impossible direction, your labored breathing as you just clenched your eyes and accepted the fate Val was planning on handing to you..
- That is until Velvette fucking EXPLODES on Val, threatening to chop off his 🍆 if he didn't leave and calm tf down before she made him
- Everyone feels a chill run down their spine as she lets out more curses towards Val as she stomped towards you, demanding someone call a doctor (if they even have those in hell) and to fix everything or so help them-
- ..let's just say Val is more careful with his tantrums and everyone realized that Velvette is the scariest V when angry
- When you were finally bandaged up and resting in a bed she calmed down and really took a deep breath, and came to a realization
- She had never been that pissed that Valentino had nearly mutilated one of her employees.. what made you so different.?
- Then it hit her like a truck
- She liked you, and she didn't realize it until she almost lost you
- All of the times you did something so small for her, but it made a big difference to her was all she needed to know that you were meant for her, and that hopefully she was meant for you..
- The second you wake up you see Velvette, who lets out a sigh and gives you the softest look you have ever seen on her since you began working for the V's
- She slowly reached her hand forwards, cupped your cheek, and whispered how sorry she was for not being there to protect you
- Your cheek warmed up in her hand, not expecting the vulnerability she showed you, not to mention the worry and sorrow that covered her face
- Gently leaning into her touch, you tell her it's okay, and that you would be fine. You always were, weren't you?
- Chuckling, she shifts her face from sadness to a look of endearment. She had to confess now, otherwise she may lose her chance again
- Sighing softly, Velvette whispered her confession, of how much she adores you, appreciates your patience with her, how strong you were when it came to Valentino's rampage, and just you as a whole
- Velvette closed her eyes, halfway expecting rejection, but only opens her eyes again when she feels something wet run down her hand, the hand still on your cheek that's now very, very warm
- As she opens her eyes, she's met with a teary eyed you, cheeks ablaze with a blush so fierce
- You muttered something so softly she almost didn't catch it, almost. "I-I.. feel the same way, Velvette.."
- This woman doesn't like you
- Let's get that out of the way 😭
- She's into bad boys (like Val and Alastor)
- The reader being shy doesn't scream "bad boy" to her whatsoever
- Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk <33
- She's very reserved about her feelings
- And she kinda has to be, especially when it comes to keeping her daughters safe
- But now.. she has to keep you safe too
- She had added you to her little crew a couple of exterminations ago after her daughters had discovered you running away from an exorcist, managing to fend it off long enough to help you get away
- And as an expression of your gratitude for what Carmilla's daughters did, you made a contract with Carmilla, pledging to try and protect her and her daughters to the best of your ability to repay their kindness for a random sinner
- Carmilla didn't even think much of you at first, and almost refused your offer, but didn't see the harm
- She doesn't regret it, if anything, she's very happy she did however
- You kept your word and did more than she ever expected you to do
- You always accompanied her daughters to shipments, and even had to step in a couple of times because someone got a bright idea
- You may've been shy, but you owed them your life, and you planned on never letting them come to harm under your watch
- Carmilla appreciated it, greatly. Her girls have showed how much they've cared about you. Almost treating you like their second parent alongside her
- She didn't realize it, but you were growing on her too, just not in the same way as her daughters.
- She.. fell in love with you.. in hell of all places
- Strange, but not completely taboo
- She just wasn't expecting it to happen to her, and with you
- She wasn't quite sure how to go about it, knowing your surprisingly shy nature (despite how fierce you can be when it comes to her daughters)
- But she figures it out
- Her plan being that she will invite you to a "meeting" in a very nice restaurant
- She dresses up even, with her daughters assistance who are very much on board with you hopefully being their 2nd parent, and gets a private room for the both of you
- In that private room, as you both eat your meals, she confesses
- She tells you how much she appreciates you, and how you protect her daughters with your life, how sweet you are, how loyal, how brave you are
- She tells you that and more, including how and why she fell for you, hoping silently that you felt the same so this dinner didn't become incredibly awkward
- She looks everywhere but at you as she tells you these things, too nervous to look you in the eyes, but when she finishes and she's left in silence she finally does
- And all she can see is how flushed your face became, how you're looking down at your lap with the dopiest grin stretching across your face
- Then you mumble something, she doesn't hear it the first time so she leans in, silently asking for you to say it again
- "I-I.. I fell for you t-too, Carmilla.."
- Her heart does a flip, several, actually
- Her face flushes slightly, her larger hand reaching across the table to lift your face up, softly stroking your cheek
- "Words could never express how happy that makes me, mi amor.."
- (translation, "my love.." I couldn't think of anything better, send me a list of some cute names she would use I beg of you 🙏🙏)
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Things that you do that creep them the fuck out.
Ft. The Overblot gang.
Genderfluid reader ( Selective mute reader for Vil's part.)
Riddle Rosehearts
You're very intimidating, and you don't even mean it. You just have that face you know.
It was a morning at Heartslaybul and he was getting ready fro school. You had notified him that you were coming to walk to class with him, After getting dressed he walked out his dorm....and saw you.
And god did he almost shit himself, you were standing right outside his room door. That terrified him was how the shadows angled your face!
How is it possible to look like a demon of hell when it 7 am! It's a sunny day! How do you look so menacing?!
" Riddle, you ready? " you asked so nonchalantly, while Riddle over here is having seven heart attacks.
Leona kingsholar
You do great impressions... You think that would be a good thing.... But its fucking not....while you and Grim were staying over, Ruggie warned him before hand that you have a tendency to....make strange noises.
Leona didn't give a fuck.....as long as it's doesn't bother him....
You were getting pissed that Leona didn't help you with that contract you had with Azul. You threaten to ruin his sleeping hours but he said and I quote, " Herbivore, you're as threatening as a mad bunny."
One night when he was sleeping Ruggie woke him up...
" Wake up Leona. It's time for school." But when woke up....he didn't see Ruggie....it was still night time....he went back to sleep.
" Leona, it's time to wake up. Come on." Yeah, he's starting to get pissed off. He woke up again and looked around to see a shadowy figure, he walked up to it without thinking. " Ruggie, it's fucking late. Why the..... What the fuck..." It was just a coat hanger covered with clothes he had thrown over.
" Leona." He whipped his head around to see nothing.... He felt unnerved. He went back to bed, but not without feeling something grabbing his foot from under his bed.
He let out the most horrified scream he had ever mustered in all his years on this earth. He quickly jump back on his bed. Like a cat seeing a cucumber, he saw limb coming from his bed. Someone was coming from his bed.
But something about not felt so inhuman, like it's pretending to be human. The figure stood up...it was you...." T..that was you?! The fuck! Why did you! " you cut him off.
" Leona, Prefect needs their dorm. " the voice came from you....but it was spot on to Ruggie's voice... Your lips didn't move, or that's what he thinks due to him still being half asleep and it being dark.
But the way you said it....it sounds like you took different recordings of Ruggie and crudely mashed it together.
You got closer. " You are going to help them Leona..... ÜňðÊşTåǹÐ?"
The voice sounded choked out...and the last phase sounded distorted... Like a glitch....h..how how did you manage to do that....and no matter how you said it....It still sounded like Ruggie....
Leona could only nod as he gave you a shell shocked stare....you blend in the shadows of the room. A door opening and closing was heard, as if telling him you have departed.
The next morning the dorm was lively and enjoying breakfast, it was noticeable that Leona did not get a wink of sleep last night due to your...' Visit '.
Azul Ashengrotto
He has been best friends with the Leeches since childhood, nothing could scare him...or at least... At first....
You...you were a very weird human....no, fuck that you're fucking creepy. Not even Floyd wants to squeeze you.
It happened when you were hanging out with all three of them. And you said, " hey I bet I could fake being dead for 10 minutes. "
" bet" Floyd said as you immediately went limb at the table you all were sitting at...eyes open and everything.
It's was fine...until 10 minutes passed... " Alright Prefect, that was impressive. You can stop now. " Azul stated.... You didn't respond.... Your face was blank, unmoving..... " P..Prefect? "
Jade shook you a bit but your body slowly slid off your seat and onto the floor like a ragdoll.
Yeah...it's time to panic.
Azul was freaking the fuck out, Jade was too but internally. Floyd went over to you and checked your pulse... "Guys! T..the pulse is gone! "
Azul was thinking of what to do, A close friend of his was probably dead in his dorm. He started to cry. " AZUL! GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF! " Jade shouted, it was out of character for him...Who can blame him, he's panicking at the moment.
" Ok. We have to hide the body, let's just feed them to a shark. W..we'll all have alibis, and if that doesn't work. It's fine! We'll fake our deaths transfer to a new school. Live new lives. Floyd! Grab their arms, I got their legs." Jade said in a panic.
" O..oh god...oh god..." Azul has having a breakdown... Until.
" Ah! Told ya I could do it for 10 minutes! " you shouted in victory.
Azul immediately passed out on site. Jade dropped in shock, Floyd was just shocked.
Jamil Viper
You...had a very bad habit of spacing out.... Like...really bad... It doesn't help that you had a ' resting bitch face' either.
When you had a study session with with him and Kalim you were spacing off....looking through the open dorm....
" The world is...so beautiful. Do you feel it? The voice telling you to follow them....the voice wanting to end it all....it very beautiful.... Can you hear it Jamil?" You said it like you were hypnotized or possessed by a great Force.... Kalim was confused and also weirded out by what you said....
Later that night, Jamil couldn't sleep due to what you said earlier.
Vil Shoenheit
He got used to your bad habit of popping out of nowhere. He has dealt with Rook, so he's pretty much desensitized to it....but the difference is...he knows when Rook is coming due to his footsteps. But you....you're... So silent...to the point is very unnerving.... Like he has not here you spoken a word... A matter of fact he can't even hear you damn breathing, A pin drop is more louder than your own fucking breathing....
He has to ask you is you were ok, you nodded.
While being the manager of the dance group, Vil over time bought you some earrings, bracelets, key chains and necklaces.... You thought this was nice of Vil to buy you all this stuff.... But in reality, he belled you like a cat. So whenever you approach him he wouldn't have to have a heart attack every time .
One time you got Vil some tea after a days worth of practice. At the time he was talking with Epel and scolding him on his behavior. You not wanting to be rude stood next to Him and waited... His scolding got more intense as he accidentally swung his hand up knocking the tea out of your hand. Vil look behind him....
and jumped while slipping on the spilt tea on the floor, falling face first. ( insert family guy death pose ) Epel took everything he had in himself to not sound like a laughing lunatic. As you helped Vil up and apologized profusely.
Idia Shroud
He's a scaredy cat, the words his own little brother Ortho would describe him....and he's not wrong, Idia and you both love anime.... And he wants you to wear some cosplay...but whet he doesn't know is that you like to stay in character when it comes to cosplay..... Let me tell ya...he regretted letting you cosplay Himiko Toga.
You texted him earlier that you would be coming over in cosplay.... And he was ecstatic.... He heard a knock on the door and opened it, he was immediately tackled to the ground by you.
" Idia~ my my....you look so red! I can't wait to cut you open and play with your insides~! " you held a small pocket knife near his chest and raised your hands and plunged down about to stab him but stop mid way. " How was that? Too in character? Or? " Idia had fainted already, accepting his faith....when he regain his senses he was on his bed and you were out of cosplay watching some Tv.....He doesn't know what's worse you nonchalantly watched TV like you didn't try to stab him...or he got turned on by it...
Malleus Draconia
The fact that you know that he's the Prince of Briar Valley and one of the most powerful mages in the world and you treat him like a silly lil thing is weird enough... Have you no fear? But still he loves you either way.
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fandomworld9728 · 2 months
Oops... (Angel Dust/Lucifer)
(Requested by @buuteer) (AppleDust hidden relationship getting found out) (Hope this is okay. I wasn't really sure how to go about it and ran with this idea when it popped into my head)
(Warning! This takes place during episode 6 of Hazbin Hotel! So not only spoilers but trigger warning for Val being his usual dickhead, possessive, violent self!) (Also, protective Lucifer and Alastor as a bonus!)
"You forget who you're talking to. I own you."
The pink chains connecting Angel to the Overlord were yanked, pulling him close to him. "Yeah. You do. In the studio, and you can do anything you want to me in there, just like our deal says. But out here? I get to do what I want. So once again. Fuck off-"
Before Angel could finish, the moth demon had back handed him, sending him and Niffty to the floor. Mouth now bleeding. It had felt good to finally stand up to the man even with the repercussions. He wasn't about to let the creep mess with his friends. Especially not after what had happened that day with Charlie.
"Enjoy the rest of your night, bitch, because I'm going to enjoy making you pay for it tomorrow."
A flash of light bright light mixed with an eerie green filled the place, a summoning circle now between Angel Dust and Valentino to keep them separated. "What the fuck is this?"
Hushed whispers came from the sinners arounds them as Lucifer stepped out of the circle and walked slowly towards the moth demon, Alastor, who had accidentally got caught up in this, stayed put scanning over the people of the hotel. More importantly, over the two souls that he owned.
"That is a good question. What is all this?"
"Oh. Fuck. No, wait. Luci don't."
"Luci? Angel sweetie, have you been fucking our dear King and keeping it from me?"
Fuck. "Val listen-"
"Wow. You're that possessive that you need to know all of his clients when you never bothered to ask in the first place? That's how it started out and now it's much more than that. I've tried to stay out of this because that's what Angel wanted. However, this is the second time you've struck him since we've been together."
To say that Lucifer was pissed was an understatement. The day that Angel came to him after a long day of work to relieve some stress and was sporting a black eye, he was ready to go and teach that Overlord how to properly treat the souls under his care. But he was asked to stay out of it. Was reassured that Angel wanted to get out of this and handle it on his own. Lucifer only backed off when he was promised that the next time something like that or worse happened that he had permission to break the guy's face in.
"Ugh, I'm getting an ache in my neck. You're too goddamn tall. How about you come down to my height?!"
Seeing this side of Lucifer did something to Angel. Small, beautiful, powerful, Lucifer. The King of Hell. Defending him like this. The spider demon couldn't help but feel so loved and cared for.
"Holy shit, Angie. You're datin' the King of Hell and didn't tell me?" Cherri asked, helping her best friend up.
"I'll uh... explain later. Oh shit. Where's Niff?"
"Our dear Niffty was involved in this?" And now Alastor was going to join in the beating. Angel wasn't going to complain. The guy had it coming for a long time.
Landing on her butt in the hotel's foyer after Adam forcefully sent them back through a portal, Charlie jumped up and ran over to the group sitting and tending to Angel. Her dad was wiping the blood from his lips to make it easier to heal while Alastor, surprisingly enough, was holding Niffty protectively.
"Dad! You've been dating Angel Dust?! Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't either of you tell me? When did it happen? For how long?" A long string of rushed out questions tumbled from her mouth before Vaggie lightly took her by the shoulders and made her sit down.
"Babe. Give them a chance to answer."
"Wait.... how did you find out? This came out while you were in Heaven."
"Oh. Well. We were watching you guys to prove to Sera and the court that redemption could be possible. Uh... Adam was not happy when he found out... but the rest of the court was pleasantly surprised at how you acted and handled the situation! So, Sera would love for you to join us for our rescheduled meeting."
"Of course she does."
"Hey. It's alright baby. I'll join ya if it'll make ya feel better." It felt good to have their relationship out and in the open now. He should have listened to Lucifer before about just being open about it since the beginning.
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anonymousewrites · 8 months
One Hell of a Love (Book 2) Chapter Eleven
Sebastian Michaelis x Demon! Reader
Chapter Eleven: One Hell of a Murder
Summary: In the aftermath of Sebastian's "death," more murder is discovered.
            (Y/N) pretended to shudder in fear as Baldroy held them steady. Beside them, Finny and Mey-Rin cried, and the guests (excepting Phelps, but no one noticed that) looked on in horror at Sebastian’s “dead” body. So far, the acting had gone perfectly well. As long as (Y/N) continued to play the part of poor mourning maid, friend of the butler, everything would go well.
            Ciel ran into the room, still in his nightclothes, standing beside Tanaka and Arthur. His eyes widened in similar panic as they landed on Sebastian, laying on his back in a pool of blood with a fire poker lodged in his chest. His acting was just as impressive as ever.
            “Young Master!” cried Finny worriedly.
            “Sebastian…?” Ciel paused before moving forward towards Sebastian.
            Mey-Rin caught him. “No, stop! Young Master, you must not enter, not at all!”
            “Let me go!” demanded Ciel.
            “No, Young Master!” said Finny.
            “Stay back!” Ciel pushed them away. “Don’t you dare order your master around!”
            “Young Master…!” Tears streamed down Finny’s cheeks.
            Ciel stood over Sebastian. “Sebastian, how much longer are you going to keep up this childish prank? Once again, I can’t imagine the floor makes for comfortable slumber.”
            Ah, the part of the child in denial. Everyone will be too busy pitying him to question his performance, thought (Y/N).
            “How much longer do you intend to feign sleep, hm?” said Ciel. “Can you not hear me? I’m telling you to get up.” He gritted his teeth and pulled the poker from Sebastian’s chest.
            Ah, that’s got to be irritating. It always stings when it’s pulled out, thought (Y/N).
            “Why you!” cried Ciel.
            “My Lord!” warned Arthur.
            “Sebastian!” Ciel grabbed the labels of Sebastian’s tailcoat. “You get up right now, you hear me?! I command you!” He slapped Sebastian when he didn’t move. “Did you fail to hear my command?! Who in the name of hell gave you permission to die?! I’ll never forgive you, Sebastian!” He raised his hand to hit Sebastian again. “Open your damn—!”
            (Y/N) caught his arm. “Young Master. Please stop. We can’t take any more of this.” They pretended to sob, turning their face from Sebastian’s corpse. “It’s difficult enough…He’s already dead…”
            Ciel pretended to tremble as he faced Sebastian. “Are you…really dead? Sebastian…You, my butler…You and you alone, who…who promised you would stay at my side until the very end—” He leaned over Sebastian body, and (Y/N) watched as he whispered a true order to Sebastian.
            “The corpse will rot if we leave it here, so it would be a good idea to move it quickly,” said Grey coldly.
            (Y/N) glanced at him, a slight coldness in their gaze. Sebastian may not be killable by something as simple as a human blade, but that didn’t mean they liked Grey trying to kill him. Unfortunately, Grey was the Queen’s butler, so for Sebastian and his Master’s sake, (Y/N) couldn’t retaliate. (If they could, (Y/N) would add Grey to the death toll at this banquet).
            “…Yeah,” said Baldroy, nodding hesitantly.
            “Come on, Young Master…” said Mey-Rin gently, pulling Ciel to his feet.
            “No, let me go!” cried Ciel. “Don’t leave me behind, Sebastian! Sebastian! I command you! I command you…! I command you!”
            Lau hummed as he watched the scene. “Committing this last murder would have been impossible for the confined Earl, hm?” The guests’ eyes turned to him, and Lau smirked. “This is all turning out to be very amusing indeed.”
            (Y/N) quite agreed.
            “Amusing?!” cried Grimsby. “Two people have been murdered in the space of one night!”
            And Phelps is missing, noted (Y/N), but they would leave that to the humans.
            “A-And he was killed in such a way…” Irene shivered as she stared at the bloodstained poker.
            “Tell me about it. Runnin’ him through with a fireplace poker…was just too much…” agreed Baldroy.
            (Y/N) turned into Mey-Rin, who comforted them during the reminder of what horrible sight they had walked in on.
            Arthur examined the body. “There are signs of trauma to the head. He may have been struck from behind while stoking the fire.”
            “And ‘cos that didn’t do him in, they finished him off with another blow to the chest, huh?” said Baldroy.
            “Or maybe they didn’t wait to see if he was dead and instead attacked him twice in quick succession…” said Grey. “Rather than a single attack, two attacks would have been sure to kill him. How strange.”
            You would know, thought (Y/N).
            They rather liked the confusion on Grey’s face since it was clear that he had only attacked from the back with a hit to the head and a stab through the back, so he was confused about how Sebastian ended up with a stab to the chest. However…it also meant he would be suspicious. (Y/N) raised an eyebrow in clear view of Sebastian’s “vacant” eyes in a message to him saying: “You’ve really just made more problems for yourself, haven’t you?” Sebastian would have to run around quite a bit to deal with any of Grey’s suspicions (and (Y/N) would be probably dragged in, too).
            Arthur paused beside the body and considered. “If he did not die from the blow to the back of his head, why did the murderer go to the trouble of stabbing him from the front?”
            Because Sebastian was in a hurry and stabbed himself the wrong way, thought (Y/N).
            “Yeah,” agreed Baldroy. “Normally you’d attack from the same direction if you’re attackin’ twice.”
            “Then maybe there are multiple perpetrators,” said Arthur. “For example, who spoke to him from the front to catch his attention while the second snuck up from behind and bludgeoned him in the head. Then the one in front delivered the finishing blow without pause.”
            (Y/N) had quickly landed on him as the most sensible human present.
            “In any case, it is a fact that I sense not a shred of mercy or hesitation,” said Lau. “The culprit or culprits managed to kill that butler, so they must be very—”
            “Please just stop now!” Finny’s voice cut through the discussion. He held Ciel tightly. It was kind of adorable and brotherly. “How could you talk like that when the Young Master’s right here…! Please consider the Young Master’s feelings!”
            “Finny!” admonished Mey-Rin. She bowed. “P-Please excuse our rudeness, please do! We’re all a bit shaken, we are!” (Y/N) shivered and nodded to add to the excuse.
            “Well…He does have a point,” said Grey. “We can stand around the corpse bandying theories about all we like, but it won’t get us anywhere. So let’s first carry this to the cellar. The discussion of the murderer’s identity and the like can be continued afterward, perhaps over a meal or something.
            Woodley blanched. “How could you take this so leisurely!”
            “You’re right. No good will come of rushing things!” chirped Lau.
            “That’s that, then,” said Grey, turning to leave. “We’ll leave you servants to handle the disposal of that thing.”
            Sebastian was really lucky (Y/N) respected his instructions so much since they really wanted to stab Grey through the chest with his own sword for treating Sebastian like a troublesome object.
            Grey glanced back over his shoulder. “Oh, and have breakfast ready for us as well, hm?”
            (Y/N) straightened and bowed. “Yes, sir.” They would play the part Sebastian asked of them. At least the situation was entertaining. The guests nodded and walked out of the room, not wanting to remain in the room with the corpse any longer.
            “(Y/N), are you sure you don’t want to rest? After that scare, you must be shaken, you must,” said Mey-Rin.
            (Y/N) put on a soft, shaky smile. “Sebastian would want me to do my job, especially in his absence…And so I will.”
            “Oh, (Y/N)…” Mey-Rin’s gaze softened. She knew Sebastian and (Y/N) were close, so she worried for how this would hit (Y/N).
            “Do as they say,” said Ciel. “Take Sebastian to the cellar. I apologize for losing my composure.”
            “Not at all!” cried Mey-Rin.
            “Young Master…” Finny gazed at Ciel in worry.
            “Tanaka,” said Ciel.
            “Yes, sir,” said Tanaka, in his full form.
            “Sebastian is dead. You are my butler from this day forth,” said Ciel. “I entrust you with the management of the manor and the supervision of the servants. And this pin too…” He held out the bloody pin from Sebastian’s uniform. “I return to your keeping.”
            “The pin of the head butler…this does bring back memories,” said Tanaka. (Y/N) could see the ages of service to the Phantomhive estate in his eyes and knew he’d do his job admirably. “Will an old man like me be equal to the duties, I wonder?”
            “You need only do it until a replacement arrives,” said Ciel.
            “As you wish, sir,” said Tanaka. “I shall by all means accept it.” He pinned it to his lapel and straightened. The old man Tanaka was gone, and the butler had returned, ready to perform for the Phantomhive household with familiar skill. He clapped his hands and addressed the staff. “Then let us first prepare for the morning baths. Mey-Rin, please see to the hot water. Finny, Baldroy, once you have moved Sebastian, please carry hot water to the Young Master’s bathroom. (Y/N), please see to it the guests are taken care of during breakfast.”
            “Yes, sir,” said all four.
            Tanaka turned to Ciel. “Young Master, you will catch cold if you stay dressed like that.. Let us first see to getting you a change of clothing. The head of the Phantomhive family must not be shaken by the death of a mere servant. The previous master was never once seen to be losing his composure over such a trigle.”
            “You are strict as usual, old man,” said Ciel with some fondness.
            Tanaka smiled before facing Arthur, the only guests who had remained in the room. “Professor. I sincerely apologize that such events have taken—.”
            “No, no,” said Arthur. “He is far more in need of you than I…Please stay with the Earl.”
            “I am deeply touched by your concern,” said Tanaka. “Now then, let us go, Young Master. You must not keep your guests waiting.”
            The storm raged outside as the guests sat at the breakfast table in a tense silence. (Y/N) was once again reminded of human’s ease at being distracted by observing that no one had noticed Phelps’s absence. (Y/N) had a suspicion that somehow he wouldn’t be making it to breakfast, and even though that would mean there was a mystery that Sebastian hadn’t anticipated, they would clear that up quickly if needed.
            “It’s a great help that (Y/N) and Sebastian took care of the meals in advance,” said Ciel in a subdued tone.
            “Smells yummy! Let’s eat!” said Grey happily, quickly digging in.
            Grimsby looked at Irene in concern. “What’s wrong, Irene? You’ve barely touched your plate.”
            “I’m sorry,” said Irene. “I don’t have much of an appetite.”
            Grey paused. “Hey, if that food’s gonna go to waste, can I help myself to it?”
            Irene picked up her plate. “Yes, here yo—”
            “No, not yours,” said Grey. He pointed lazily with his fork. “But the one next to you.”
            “Eh?” Irene glanced to her side in confusion. “Oh…you are right. There is an extra place here. Did the chef prepare one too many?”
            “(Y/N) and Sebastian prepared breakfast,” said Ciel. He looked at (Y/N).
            They straightened. “We ensure there was a plate for every guest, my Lord.”
            “Eh? Then whose is it?” said Lau.
            “Everyone is present and—oh!” exclaimed Irene. “Mr. Phelps is missing!”
            It took them all long enough, thought (Y/N).
            “You’re right. I failed to notice because he doesn’t have much of a presence,” chuckled Lau.
            “Now that you mentioned it, I haven’t seen him all morning,” said Grimsby.
            “It seems he’s really sleeping it!” said Woodley with a laugh.
            Arthur stood up. “If I may!” He looked serious. “What do you say we go look in the Earl’s bedroom?” He was the only one who knew that after two deaths it was necessary to check on everyone’s wellbeing and not assume anything. Really, he was the only sensible one there.
            Ciel stood. “I’ll show you the way.”
            The solemn exchanged caught the rest of the party’s attention, and shivers ran down their spines. It was clear what Arthur was worried for.
            The group ran through the halls of the manor until they came upon Ciel’s bedroom, which Phelps was sleeping in since Ciel and Arthur had stayed in his. Arthur banged on the doors.
            “Mr. Phelps! Mr. Phelps! Please respond if you’re there!” he called. Nothing. He tried the door handle, but it was locked. “The lock, it’s—! My Lord, where is the key?”
            “I don’t know,” admitted Ciel.
            “Eh?!” exclaimed the group.
            “Sebastian is the keeper of the key to my room, and only he knows where it’s stored,” said Ciel. “Now that he’s dead, even I couldn’t tell you where to find it.”
            (Y/N) stepped forward. “Young Master, if I may, I can break the doors.”
            “Move.” Grey acted before Ciel could give any directions. With a long swing of his sword, he cut through the doors. The pieces fell to the ground, and everyone stared at him as he held his breakfast plate in one hand with a bored expression. “Let’s take care of this quick, okay? I haven’t had my dessert yet.”
            “Mr. Phelps!” called Arthur as he led the group into the room.
            They turned into the bedroom of Ciel’s quarters. Arthur’s eyes widened. Irene let out a horrified gasp. Woodley and Grimsby grimaced and stepped back. Grey’s eyes were wide. The servants let out a breath.
            Phelps lay on the ground, clutching the carpet with foam on his lips, his face one of struggle and pain.
            He was dead.
            (Y/N) raised an eyebrow behind the group. Their nose twitched. Now this was an unanticipated development.
            “How?” said Ciel.
            Arthur knelt by the body, getting to work. “Quite some time has passed since rigor mortis set it.”
            “Are we all having a bad dream or something…?” murmured Grimsby.
            “There is no external trauma as in the other two,” said Athur. His eyes narrowed as he found a mark on Phelps’s neck. “He has what appears to be puncture wounds in the neck! Perhaps he was injected with poison from a needle or the like.”
            “A needle?” Ciel narrowed his eyes.
            (Y/N) peered at the marks. Looks like snake bite to me. But far be it for me to ruin the mortals’ fun.
            “Oh, I say! Lord Earl lives in the most wonderful room!” To the side, Lau and Ran-Mao were rummaging through Ciel’s closet.
            “Don’t rummage around someone else’s quarters as you please!” said Ciel, an irk mark appearing.
            Lau chuckled as he pulled out a Chinese dress. “You’ve held on to the dress I gave you! Have you worn it?”
            “I most certainly have not!” cried Ciel indignantly. Lau had given him it after the undercover investigation during the Jack the Ripper case, and Ciel hadn’t been able to live it down, yet.
            Arthur continued and regained the focus of the group. “The marks could also be said to resemble the tooth marks of some beast or other.”
            (Y/N) nodded in agreement.
            “Bite marks on the neck…Brings to mind Carmilla, doesn’t it?” murmured Irene.
            “By that are you referring to Le Fanu’s vampiric Carmilla?” said Ciel.
            (Y/N) clicked their tongue. Vampires. Terrible little creatures.
            “Yes, are you familiar with it?” said Irene.
            Woodley scoffed. “So you’re saying he was killed by a vampire?! Preposterous!”
            Woodley was correct in that regard. With two demons in the household, a vampire wouldn’t dare approach the manor.
            “Such occult and unscientific occurrences have no place in the nineteenth century!” continued Woodley.
            There he was not correct.
            “2:38 am,” said Arthur, gazing at the broken clock that had been knocked from the side table of Ciel’s bed.
            “That would be the clock I kept at my bedside,” confirmed Ciel.
            “He likely dropped it amidst his throes of agony. It’s broken,” said Arthur.
            “Which would mean that Mr. Phelps died around 2:38?” said Ciel.
            “Yes,” said Arthur.
            “Say!” chirped Lau from in Ciel’s bathroom, still going through his things. “Instead of standing here holding court, why don’t we go sit down and think the situation through? Over a nice cup of tea, perhaps?
            “…Quite right,” said Ciel. “Tanaka, show our guests to the drawing room. (Y/N), prepare the tea.”
            “Yes, my Lord,” said (Y/N).
            “Very good, sir,” said Tanaka.
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Inukag Week, day 4: Modern
Fun fact! I came up with this story idea over a year ago! Thank fkn inukag week for giving me a reason to bang out the details!
Even funner fact? I DID NOT MEAN FOR IT TO GET THIS LONG 😅 My coworker really came in clutch so I could write during my shift today. Everyone say thank you Angel
Wish on a Star
"Pleeeease, Inuyasha! It's just one evening!"
"No way in hell!"
Kagome trailed after him as he stomped away from the well, jaw clenched in irritation.
"Y'know, usually, this is all reversed," Sango pointed out from where she, Miroku, and Shippo watched the other two. Miroku nodded in agreement, remembering how just the day before, Kagome and stomped to the sacred well, Inuyasha demanding that she stay and ignoring her annoyed refusals.
"Come on! I've spent all week investigating jewel rumors! It wouldn't kill you to spend one night with me back home!"
"You're right. And now we have to go out and actually look for all those jewel shards! We don't have time to screw around in your weird world. And even if we did, I have better things to do!"
The tense silence was broken when Kagome scoffed.
"Y'know what? Fine!" She huffed, turning on a heel and storming over to the others.
"Finally- hm?" Inuyasha watched as Kagome stood in front of Miroku, crossing her arms.
"Miroku? How would you feel about coming on a double date with my friend and I back in my era?"
Inuyasha and Sango's jaws dropped, and Shippo's eyes bugged out of his head, but Kagome didn't acknowledge any of them, keeping her eyes focused on the monk.
For Miroku's part, he looked a bit surprised, but smiled after a moment, turning to slide up beside Kagome and slip an arm around her waist.
"Why lady Kagome, I'm flattered that you thought of me! I would be honored to accompany you and your friend-"
Three different hands seized Miroku's wrist before his hand could slide any lower on her hip, and Kagome stepped out of his grasp before releasing her hold.
"Yeah, a move like that'll get you arrested back home, so keep your hands to yourself."
"You cannot! Bring Miroku!" Inuyasha insisted, turning his glare from the lecherous monk to Kagome.
"I can bring anyone I damn well please, if you don't want to go! Sango could come with me!"
"You can bring other people through the well now, Kagome!? I'll go!" Shippo cheered, jumping from Sango's shoulder into Kagome's arms. Catching him easily, Kagome's gaze shifted away.
"I mean, in theory…" she hummed, offering an apologetic smile when she met his eyes. "But a double date is… well, it's for people closer to my age. I'd love to bring you, but you're a little young yet."
He'd begun to pout, but did giggle when she playfully booped his nose.
"What's this double date business about, anyway, Kagome?" Sango asked, interested now that time travel was on the table and Miroku wasn't.
"My friend Ayumi got asked out by a guy from our school. She doesn't know him very well and didn't want to be alone with him right away, so she asked me if I could bring my boyfriend and make it a double date. Since I, apparently, have the most relationship experience in my friend group," she admitted with a wince. It wasn't even technically the kind of relationship they thought it was, but it wasn't like she could lay out all the gory details for her fellow modern highschool girls.
"Do you really think you could bring someone besides Inuyasha to your time?" Sango asked. 
"Well, back when Inuyasha and I first met, a demon comb sent a bunch of hair through the well. We had to fight it in the well house before passing back through," she recalled, tapping her cheek thoughtfully. "And then when Inuyasha sent me back without my jewel shards, I couldn't pass through, so maybe that's the key?"
Glancing over her shoulder at Inuyasha, she smirked just slightly.
"Hell, maybe I'll track down Koga! He's got shards built in, and I'm sure he would love to hold my hand at a festival for a few hours."
"Why you-!" Inuyasha growled, turning away and crossing his arms. "Even if you could find him before tonight, you wouldn't dare."
"Mmm, you're right," she admitted, earning a smug smile from the half demon. Until, of course, he caught sight of the taunting look on her face. "It'll take too long to find him. Probably faster to bring him here."
Turning to the fox in her arms, she batted kitten eyes at him.
"What do you say, Shippo? You got any little tricks we can use to get ahold of the wolves? I'll bring back all kinds of tasty festival food for you!"
"No. Nope, nu-uh, not happening," Inuyasha stated, snatching the kit out of her arms and covering his mouth. "Fine! Fine, I'll go! Just don't show that flea-bitten wolf where we live! We'll never be rid of him once he knows where to find you!"
"Oooh, thank you thank you thank you!" 
Kagome threw her arms around him, causing warmth to erupt across his cheeks. Taking Shippo from his hands, Kagome pecked the kit's forehead before handing him to Miroku.
"We'll be back first thing in the morning, you have my word!"
And with that, they were off again, Kagome hauling the grumbling half-demon back through the well.
Brushing a bit of cat hair from her light cotton shorts, Kagome popped the door to her room open, smiling when she spotted Inuyasha on the bed, messing with Buyo's paws.
"So what exactly is it we're doing today?"
"We're going to the star festival! There's a parade and food and games- Maybe I'll win you a prize. If you loosen up a little by the time we meet Ayumi, you'll have a good time."
"Not my forte," he bit out.
"Unfortunate," she sighed. Pausing for a beat, she reached out to carefully pull a longer strand of hair away from his face and tuck it back with the rest. "Have you ever thought about tying your hair back?"
"Only when it's hot out. Why?"
"You should try it," she hummed, reaching up to run her fingers through his hair, letting the sideburns hang while pulling the rest gently away from his face. "You'd have to leave some down to cover for not having human ears while we're here, but I think it'd suit you."
"Whatever. Worry about your own hair," he said, batting her hands away. He was already fighting a flush, no need to make it worse. With a shrug, she let his hair fall from her fingers and moved to her bureau, picking up her brush. With another huff, he continued, "I don't know why I'm letting you drag me into this. Bad enough we're losing another day looking for jewel shards."
"Listen!" Kagome groaned, watching him in her mirror as she pulled the brush through her hair. "Between jewel hunting and studying, I don't actually get a lot of time to hang out with my friends from this time period! Despite how little I see them, they're important to me. Ayumi's never been on a real date before, and Yuka and Eri don't know much about this guy. She needs me, and I'm not going to let her down!"
She saw Inuyasha roll his eyes in the mirror, but blessedly, he stopped whining.
"And," she hummed, pushing back to her feet. "If that means we get to hang out eating festival food and playing some games while neither chasing nor being chased by demons, well, all the better, right?"
Inuyasha blinked in surprise, not missing the mischievous sparkle in her eyes. She handed him a bandana, scratching gently behind one ear to make it clear what he was meant to do with it.
"Now, I just need to get dressed and then we can go. Shouldn't be more than a few minutes - mom's gonna help me with my yukata," she stated, turning for the door. "I can never get the bow right…"
Inuyasha watched her head back out through the door, waiting until he heard another door close behind her before he stood from the bed. Looking in the bureau mirror, he hesitantly reached up, pulling his hair back as she'd suggested, holding it in a high ponytail as he examined himself.
She'd left out some hair ties. It couldn't be that hard.
Another moment passed, and he picked up the brush.
"Hey, you tied your hair back!"
Inuyasha looked up from the cat, the words "let's get this over with" on the tip of his tongue, until he actually spotted Kagome.
She stood in the doorway, summer yukata hugging her shape. It was a pastel green, dotted with dark lily pads, pink flowers, and bright red and white koi fish. He kind of got what the guy from that play Kagome was reading was on about now: It is the east, and Kagome is the sun.
"Uh, yeah. Figured I'd try it."
"I was right, it totally suits you," she beamed, stepping closer while her mom followed her into the kitchen.
"Alright, do you have your wallet?"
"Got it!" Kagome nodded, holding up her little drawstring purse. "Thanks again for the help, mom."
"Of course, sweetheart," the older woman smiled warmly, resting her cheek in her hand. "Oh, the two of you look so cute together. Let me get my camera."
"Mom! We gotta go!" Kagome insisted, blushing as her mother went to a hall cabinet. 
"It'll just be a moment, Kagome. And how often do you have the occasion to wear more traditional clothes?"
"More than you might think," she muttered, sighing but smiling fondly when her mother returned.
"In this time period," she amended, looking through the viewfinder at them with a grin. "Alright, smile!"
Kagome did as asked, automatically reaching out to wrap an arm around Inuyasha's. She let her mother click the camera a few times, winding the dial in between.
"There, see? Barely a minute," she smiled, winding the dial one more time so she wouldn't forget. "Ooh, I can't wait to get these developed!"
"I'm sure they'll be great mom, but we've got to go meet Ayumi now."
"I know, I know. Here, you know how some of those games can be," she reminded her daughter, pressing a few extra bills into her hand. "You two have fun."
Kagome paused, shaking her head as her smile softened. She wrapped her arms around her mom, holding her tight.
"We will." 
Inuyasha, feeling a bit awkward, moved to head for the door, but mama Higurashi was faster, seizing the shoulder of his robes and pulling him into the embrace.
"That goes for both of you."
"Um. Yes ma'am."
Giving a soft sigh, she released them.
"Alright. Alright! Get out of here before I go for the camera again!"
"Kagome, hey! Over here!"
The clack of her sandals on the pavement rose above the din of the street as Kagome ran to embrace her friend as quickly as she could in her more restrictive yukata.
"Oh my God, you look so beautiful. You're gonna knock this guy's socks off!" Kagome grinned. Ayumi's yukata was pale blue, with a yellow obi and flowers, and her dark curls were pinned up and back with matching flowers, and if Inuyasha thought it was far inferior to Kagome's, well, he kept that to himself, letting the girls exchanged greetings. 
"Right. Well, Inuyasha, this is Ayumi. Ayumi, this is Inuyasha."
"The famous boyfriend! It's so nice to finally meet you!"
"Uh, yeah, you too." Inuyasha awkwardly shook the hand she offered.
"Kagome's told me so much about you! Is it true you nearly killed a guy that hit on her-?"
"AlrightwellAyumi, I think we should try to find this date of yours! I'm excited to hear more about him!"
"Takaoji's going to meet us closer to the festival," she assured, taking Kagome by the arm and dropping her voice to a smug whisper. "So we have a few blocks for you to tell me why you didn't spend more time telling us how freaking hot your boyfriend is!"
Kagome felt her face go warm, and though Inuyasha's expression didn't change, she did catch his ear perking at Ayumi's teasing. 
The trio headed towards the colorful banners and loud chatter, Ayumi keeping hold of her friend and Kagome keeping Inuyasha's hand in hers so he couldn't run off.
"We have all the time in the world for that! I've heard hardly a thing about this guy of yours!" she defended, hoping to turn focus from herself and Inuyasha.
"Well…" Ayumi smiled shyly, going along without complaint. "His name is Mikoshiba Takaoji. Our year, class B, starter on the basketball team…"
By the time they reached the festival, Kagome knew all the sordid details. Takaoji was old fashioned but very romantic, and left a candied apple in her shoe locker along with the letter where he'd asked her to meet with him. They had met in the West courtyard after their chorus and basketball practices, respectively. He had timed it so the light of the descending sun had just started to go golden. He'd even brought flowers. Kagome gushed with her over the whole story, endlessly happy for her friend to have caught the eye of someone so thoughtful and considerate.
When they finally found him, Kagome already had a very high opinion.
"There he is! Hey Takaoji!"
The boy who turned at her call was a bit taller than Inuyasha, dressed in a simple navy yukata. He had mousey brown hair and sharp, handsome features that softened the instant he spotted Ayumi. Kagome could see just how infatuated the guy was. He clearly only had eyes for Ayumi, and Kagome could swear she saw hearts in them.
"We didn't make you wait long, did we?" Ayumi asked, a little worried at his lack of greeting.
"... Wow," was all that came out, breathless and smitten. "I mean, ah, no, not long. I just… wow. You look amazing." 
Ayumi giggled, her face going bright red, and Kagome wished that she had thought to ask to borrow her mother's disposable camera.
"Oh! Um, thank you…" she murmured, getting a bit shy. Kagome wanted to stand back and give them another moment to be adorable, but her first backward step drew their eyes, and she cursed herself.
"Oh! Takaoji, this is my friend Kagome, and her boyfriend Inuyasha."
"Nice to meet you! I've already heard so much!" Kagome grinned, flashing Ayumi a teasing look. "All good things, I promise!"
"I'm relieved to hear it. Same to you." He turned to Inuyasha, offering a grin and a fist. "Good to meet you, man."
Inuyasha looked at the offered fist until Takaoji awkwardly lowered his hand. Shooting him a glare, Kagome elbowed the half-demon in the side.
"You too. Man."
Kagome sighed, knowing it was the best she was going to get.
"How about something to eat and drink before we get started? Gotta stay hydrated, and I think this one's a bit hangry," she teased, linking her arm with Inuyasha's.
"That's a good plan! I've been craving takoyaki since they started setting up the festival!" Takaoji agreed, offering his arm to Ayumi, who took it with a giggle.
They went to the first takoyaki stand they could find, and got a few bottles of ramune (water for Inuyasha - the carbonation turned him off) to drink while walking around, enjoying the decorations and atmosphere.
It didn't take long until they ran into a line of trees decorated with colorful papers.
"The tanabata are already pretty full, huh?" Kagome observed, watching an attendant refill the tables with the slips of paper.
"Well, it is half the fun of this whole thing," Ayumi stated, drawing the eye of her date. Takaoji flashed her a sweet smile.
"Do you wanna write something for the wishing tree?"
"Oh, definitely!"
The pair slipped away toward the table, chatting happily. Inuyasha's brow furrowed and he leaned down to whisper to Kagome.
"What's a wishing tree?"
"Exactly what it says. You write down wishes and tie them to the tree, and at midnight they're burned to send the wishes to heaven."
"Ain't it faster to just, y'know, make a wish?"
"Yeah, but wishes you just say out loud don't decorate trees for festivals," she pointed out, pulling him towards the table. He scoffed, but did stay close while she stopped to write her wish. His eyes scanned the other people around the table - kids and elderly and all ages in between. Ayumi and her date were a little further down, but there was a pair of girls in pink and orange yukata across from them that caught his eye.
"What are you gonna wish for?"
"The same thing I wish for every day; one more day with you~"
The first girl called her companion a cornball and threw a pen at her, and Inuyasha's gaze shifted down to the colored papers on the table. 
When Kagome stood to tie hers on, Inuyasha stooped, scooping up a pen and a green strip of paper before he could talk himself out of it.
When he stood from writing his message, doing his best to ignore how warm his face felt, he suddenly felt boxed in.
"What'd you wish for?"
Inuyasha jolted at Ayumi's sudden presence, whipping around to look at her.
"I-I was just- uh.." His gaze flickered to Kagome by the line of wishing trees, and when he looked back, Ayumi's smile was a bit more knowing.
"I knew you were more romantic than she was letting on," she sing-songed, taking a step back to let him breathe.
"You- what?"
Ayumi set down her pen, humming thoughtfully. 
"Yuka and Eri think I'm pretty naive. And I know I can be sometimes. But I've known Kagome since we were kids, so I know better than most that she's an amazing person with a good head on her shoulders. If she's kept you around this long, there must be something there worth sticking around for. I know you guys fight a lot, but she clearly cares about you. And when you make her happy, you make her really happy."
Inuyasha winced a little at the mention of their fights. He couldn't imagine that she had painted him in the best light to her friends after storming down the well in a huff so many times. He followed Ayumi's gaze, spotting Kagome now chatting with a (mildly terrified) Takaoji. 
"Kagome wants to be with you," Ayumi continued, looking back at Inuyasha. "Even when it's hard or painful. Which is why I need you to make it as easy and painless as you can."
Inuyasha felt his ears droop under the cloth on his head. 
"That being said," She hummed cheerfully, her smile turning somehow cold. "I have also heard plenty about this ex of yours. Beautiful, talented, nasty in a breakup? I understand that feelings about past relationships can be complicated, but get a clue. Kagome deserves nothing less than devotion. Figure your crap out. Because if you hurt her bad enough, I'll find you before she gets around to giving you another chance. I don't care how elusive you've been till now, I'll find you, and I'll ruin you. Are we on the same page?"
Inuyasha found himself swallowing hard. He generally wasn't scared of humans, but he could tell that Kagome's friend meant business. And no matter how much he liked Kagome's family, he didn't expect them to keep the well a secret if Ayumi's concerns about him were realized. 
"The situation with Kikyo is… messy. We're working on it. The last thing I ever want is to hurt Kagome."
Her expression relaxed again, and she looked to her friend and her date again.
"Would have been better if you kept the element of surprise, though. Why warn me?"
"It's only fair. Besides, shovel talk begets shovel talk," she added, nodding to the others. Kagome looked as chipper as ever, but Takaoji was pale as a ghost.
"You guys ready to check out some games?" Kagome asked, innocent as could be. Takaoji gave her a wary sideways glance, and Inuyasha wondered just what she'd told him. They started towards the game booths, and Inuyasha slipped away for just a moment, sliding the string on his paper around a branch before quickly returning to the group.
Behind him, a festival attendant, curious at the secrecy, couldn't help but check the slip.
Let me keep her. As long as possible.
"Do you guys wanna do die cutting?"
"Die cutting?" Inuyasha asked, eyes lighting up as he reached for his sword. Kagome stayed his hand, glad that Ayumi's enthusiasm for the suggestion covered his excitement at the thought of pulling his weapon.
"Inuyasha," Kagome hissed, pulling him a step away and keeping her hand firmly over his on the hilt of his sword. "This does not require magic demon weapons! You cut out little shapes out of delicate candy!"
Inuyasha frowned, clearly disappointed. Kagome sighed. 
"I don't know what you expected. It's a festival. There are no demons in this era, so there's no reason to expect a fight on your scale!"
"No demons? I seem to recall a certain Noh mask-"
"The Noh mask is an exception, not the rule. The worst that'll happen is we'll get mugged, and you don't need to draw a massive, physics-breaking sword to fend off a human mugger, right?"
Inuyasha pouted, but sighed.
"Thank you. Now do you want to try playing the right way?"
After that, things went much more smoothly. Inuyasha took the games a little seriously at first, but by the third stall, he'd loosened up. Kagome hadn't seen him have this much fun since he and Sango started really letting loose while sparring, and that had been a while ago. They got through fish-scooping, yoyo water balloons, and super ball scooping without incident. Kagome wiped the floor with them all at the shooting range, no contest, and draped the long green dragon plush she won over Inuyasha's shoulders.
They stopped for grilled squid at another booth in between, and Inuyasha declared the yakisoba they got later "the next best thing to cup ramen", which Kagome had to explain was high praise coming from him. They even found a few more modern carnival games mixed in - Takaoji had Inuyasha beat at free-throws, but Inuyasha obliterated him at the High Striker. And sure, the guy running the thing was pretty miffed that Inuyasha had sent the bell flying. But when Inuyasha handed Kagome the giant plush shiba he had won with a look of such excitement and pride, well, she couldn't even find it in her to be mad.
"Man, where do you even get muscles like that?" Takaoji asked, somewhere between envious and awestruck at the display as they left the test of strength, the machine now closed for repairs.
"Years of training," he shrugged, brushing off the compliment but clearly enjoying the attention.
"Training in what, whacking boulders in half?" he laughed, taking a seat on a nearby bench. Ayumi settled beside him, happily cradling the smaller tanuki plush he'd won for her before Inuyasha broke the game. Inuyasha sat at the other end of the bench, with room between himself and Ayumi for Kagome. Kagome, however, stayed standing, setting the large dog plush in her seat.
"I think I'm going to grab a shaved ice. You guys want one?"
"Ooh, that sounds good!" Ayumi cheered, and Takaoji laughed and nodded in agreement.
"Great! What flavors?"
"Melon if they have it, red bean if not," Takaoji asked, pulling out his wallet. "Here, I'll cover Ayumi and I."
"No worries, my treat!" She assured, waving away the offered money. "Inuyasha?"
"Surprise me. I trust you," he assured, not missing the way her expression went fond at such a simple thing. After a moment, Ayumi stood back up.
"I want to see what they have before I decide. I'll go with you."
"We can all go, then."
"Nah, you guys can sit. We'll be right back," Ayumi insisted, giving Takaoji a sweet smile that silenced any argument. 
As the girls disappeared into the crowd, Inuyasha waited just a beat before sliding closer to the other boy, moving the dog but leaving one seat worth of space between them.
"Listen kid," Inuyasha sighed, ignoring Takaoji's mutter of "we're the same age..". "I don't know Ayumi from Adam. She's Kagome's friend, I just met her today." His gaze shifted to the other boy, pinning him to the bench. "But she's important to Kagome, and that's important to me. You've been all good and sappy all day, and that's great, but you better stay that way. Between me and Kagome, if you do anything at all to hurt that girl, you won't live long enough to regret it, are we clear?"
"C-crystal…" The taller boy promised, giving a nod. Inuyasha was a little annoyed that he didn't look half as scared as when Kagome threatened him, but it was probably for the best. He could already see the girls through the crowd again, and he'd rather not have to explain why this guy looked sick.
"See? You barely had time to miss us," Kagome laughed, plopping down on Inuyasha's other side and very pointedly not asking about why he'd moved, instead offering him a cup of shaved ice. "Here, I got you mango. I don't think you've tried it before."
"You've never had anything mango, Inuyasha?" Ayumi asked, sitting a bit more cozily with Takaoji and giving him his cup.
"Haven't really thought too hard about it," he said, figuring it was better than saying he'd never even heard of mango. He couldn't remember Kagome bringing anything with that flavor, or if she had, Shippo got to it before he had a chance.
He took a bite and hummed, smiling around the spoon.
"Hey, that's pretty good!"
"Told you so."
"Did not!"
"Whatever you say," Kagome sighed with an eyeroll, holding up her spoon and cup in surrender. "Oh, we've got to stop at a taiyaki stand before we leave. I promised Shippo I'd bring him back something sweet."
"Who's Shippo?"
"A bratty pain in the ass," Inuyasha smirked, taking a large spoonful of dessert.
"His little brother," Kagome amended, patting Inuyasha's shoulder as he groaned through his brain freeze.
Once the shaved ice was gone and the taiyaki purchased, the group figured it was time to disperse for the evening. Takaoji and Ayumi's curfew was fast approaching, and the last trains would be leaving soon.
"You sure you'll be okay getting home?" Kagome asked as they reached the station.
"Yeah, I'll be fine. Takaoji's gonna walk me once we get to my stop," she assured, a bit shy but clearly pleased with how things turned out.
"He seems like a really good guy. I'm happy for you, Ayumi."
"Right back at you!" She chirped, giving Kagome's hand a squeeze and smiling warmly. "For all your gripes about him, it's obvious you both really love each other. Eri and Yuka were super worried, you know."
Kagome felt her eyes widen and her face warm.
"Ayumi! The train's leaving!"
"Call me as soon as you get home!" Kagome ordered, pulling her into a final hug.
Ayumi hugged back quickly and rushed off with a nod and a wave, jumping through the doors moments before they closed. Kagome hurried back towards the entrance where she'd left Inuyasha. She hadn't felt like explaining that the train was not, in fact, a demon, and was glad for her foresight, after what Ayumi had said.
She knew she could be a bit obvious with her feelings for Inuyasha. Even if he didn't see it, everyone else seemed to. But Inuyasha? Sure, she hoped, and occasionally had moments where she really thought, but she didn't really believe it, did she? He was her friend. He protected her, got defensive of her, even trusted her, which not many people could say, though the number was growing. But love her? So obviously that Ayumi, who'd never met him before that day, could see it?
"They gone?"
She looked up from her musings, spotting Inuyasha leaning on one of the handrails at the top of the stairs, massive stuffed dog at his side.
"Yep. We can head back now," she nodded, letting him fall into step beside her as they turned for home. "Thanks for being such a good sport about all this. I know you weren't really enthusiastic about it at first, but you ended up having a pretty good time, right?
"Yeah, I guess that wasn't so bad."
"... Still think it would've been more fun with Koga?"
Kagome rolled her eyes.
"Okay, you know I was never actually going to invite Koga, right?"
"Yeah, yeah."
"I mean it! I asked you to come with me first because I wanted you to be my date. I wouldn't have even thought to ask Miroku if he hadn't been right there while you were making that whole big stink about it," she insisted, pulling him to a stop by the arm so he would look at her. "Besides, those wolves might live in a waterfall, but they've never bathed properly in their lives."
The scoff he gave this time sounded more like a laugh and she smiled at him.
"I wanted you here. I still want you here. And… as fun as it would be to have the others visit my side of the well, if only one other person can pass through, I'm glad that it's you."
Her hand slid down Inuyasha's arm, fingers lacing neatly between his. Inuyasha felt his face go warm, but he closed his hand around hers and gave a soft squeeze. 
"Yeah," he murmured, "me too."
Kagome beamed at him, pulling him back into the sparse flow of pedestrians with their hands still linked.
They only made it about ten paces before Inuyasha stopped.
"What's up?"
He pointed upward.
The electric sign overhead flickered, a dark spot in the top reflecting the colored lights.
Wedged into the sign, Kagome could make out the outline of the bell from the top of the high striker.
"Oh. So that's where it ended up."
"Didn't go as far as I thought."
Kagome snorted. Inuyasha's shoulders shook. All it took was a glance at one another before they devolved into raucous laughter, leaning into each other in an effort to stay standing. 
Funnest fact: when I originally came up with this concept, I doodled the high striker bell stuck in the sign with Kagome and Inuyasha looking up at it, and the sign said kung pow penis
Edit: grammar/punctuation/wording
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crushculture03 · 2 months
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The three had finally arrived in South Dakota, and once they finally pulled into Bobby's property, Val immediately jumped out of the car, excited to see her father. The brothers just look at eachother and laugh, finding her excitement cute.
Val hastily knocks on the door, she hadn't been back home in months and missed her dad. In true Bobby fashion, he opened the door with his pistol out in front of him, "Val '' he whispers and lowers his gun. He pulls his daughter into a tight hug, "Hey dad, I missed you'' she whispers as she hugs him back. "Not that I don't want you to be here but why are you here?" her dad asks, as they both pull away from the hug, before she can respond Bobby looks behind her, spotting the Winchester brothers, "And what are these idjits doing here? '' he says, his voice raising slightly.
"Well it's a long story but basically John Winchester is apparently missing and Deans is trying to find him and they need your help" she explains, "And why in the hell would i ever care about finding that asshole after what he did'' Bobby says, clearly upset. "Look Bobby, I know what he did but he's my dad and I'm worried" Dean steps in, Bobby rolls his eyes and motions for them to come inside.
"Now tell me what did this dumbass get into this time '' Bobby asks as he sits in his chair, "Well he went on a hunt and we haven't heard from him in a week '' Dean fills him in. "Ok well you have any idea where he might be?" he asks, "No but we have his journal, maybe it will lead us to him, we know he's on the search for the demon that killed our mom" Sam finally speaks up. "Fine, give me the damn journal and I'll see what I can do '' Bobby gives in and snatches the journal from sam. "Now leave me alone, why won't you, so I can focus on this? '' the older man says, causing the three to get up. ''Not you Val, we need to talk '' her father says, causing her to sit back down. "Look darling you gotta be careful with these boys, you remember what happened last time you got close to them, especially sam '' he says, causing Vals heart to drop.
How could she ever forget the day where everything went to shit, the day her dad and John became enemies instead of friends. "I know dad, I'm being careful, I didn't even know who he was when I saw him at a halloween party, it wasn't till he recognized my last name that all the memories I blocked out came back" she says as she nervously plays with her hands.
"Sweetheart, is there something you're not telling me?" he asks, moving from his chair to the couch to be next to her. "The night Sam and I reunited, I found Chris cheating on me" she mumbles, she was ashamed to tell her father the news. Bobby doesn't say anything at first, just pulls his only daughter into a hug, "What an ass, wish I was in California so I could kick his ass' ' he says, Val sobs in her fathers arms as the memories from that night come back to her. "It'll be ok sweetie I promise, he's just a boy you'll find someone better, you're amazing and smart, i'm not sure how you're even my daughter at times because you're such a smarty pants'' he teases, making Val chuckle before pulling away from him.
"You know you gave me the same speech when Sam left and I was heartbroken" she chuckles sadly, wiping any loose tears away, "Hey it's a good speech and still stays true to today" he defends, giving her a small smile. "Now go make sure those idjits aren't damaging my house while I look for their father's asshole ," Bobby says, Valerie nods and gives her dad one last hug before going to find the boys.
"You okay Val?" Sam asks as she rounds the corner into the kitchen, she jumped slightly at his sudden presences "You scared me sammy" she chuckles and walks to the sink to get some water. "Sorry Vallie" he chuckles, "but seriously is everything ok? You look like you've been crying" sam says, walking over to her, placing a hand on her shoulder to comfort her. "Yeah just stuff about Chris and just the past, this place brings back memories, especially from the summer of '99" she says, they both blush when the mention of that summer comes up.
"You remember any of that summer?" Sam asks, analyzing her face as she thinks, "Bits and pieces, how we first met came back to me when we were driving here but some of the other stuff is a little foggy". "I'm the same way, maybe being here and being around each other more will refresh our memories" he says, giving her a soft smile. "Wanna go out to the tree house? Remember I took you there on the first day you got here" she says, "Of course" he responds. She grabs his hand and just like she did all those years ago, drags him to the rundown tree house.
The two sit down in the same bean bag chair, only one survived all the years of being out in the elements. Val put her legs on sams lap, "Hey I'm not your leg rest" he giggles, "Sorry sammy but it's a tight squeeze" she chuckles. "I missed this you know" she says, laying her head on his shoulder, her actions cause sam to flush, "I missed it too, I can't believe we were on the same campus for almost 4 years and never once ran into each other" he chuckles as he leans his head on hers and tracing shapes with his fingers on her legs, something he used when they were teens. "It's crazy to me, I mean we were so close and then we forgot about each other, it's insane to me" she says, "something just came back to me" he mumbles and lifts his head off of hers, the suddenness caused her to look up at him. "What is it?" she asks, "You and I had our first kiss together in this tree house" he mumbles, his cheeks flushing at the memory, he remembers being so nervous on that day, he had the biggest crush on her at the time. She smiles as she begins to remember the memory...
Summer of 1999
It had been a month since John dropped the boys off at Bobbys and in the past four weeks Sam and Val had become very close, the two had started to develop a crush on eachother, but no one but Dean noticed it.
The day they had their first kiss together, was one of the hottest days of the summer, so the two decided to go to their place, the tree house. They sat across from each other, having light conversation about some stupid topic, when suddenly Val brought up the topic "Sam can I ask you something kinda personal?" she asks, as she plays with her chipped nails. "Of course, you know you can ask me anything, Valley girl" he says, taking her hands in his, trying to stop her nervous tick, "Well have you ever...ever kissed anyone?" she whispers, blushing heavily. He chuckles softly, a blush also paints his face, "I haven't, no girl has ever wanted to do that with me, dean gets all the girls' ' he responds. "Would you maybe wanna get it out of the way, like um kiss me?" she stutters, her heart beating out of her chest. "Vallie are you asking me to kiss you? '' he can't help the grin that forms on his face, "Yeah" she mumbles, looking down on the floor.
Sam moves closer to her and places his hand on her cheek, causing her to look up at him, he slowly leans closer to her, Val leans in to, her eyes fluttering shut. Sam closes the gap between them, softly placing a kiss on her lips, his heart beating out of his chest and the butterflies in his stomach going crazy. The same goes for Val, she couldn't believe this was happening, she was scared he was just going to laugh her off but it was the complete opposite. Sam was the first boy she had ever had any kind of feelings for and the fact he's her first kiss, was just mindblowing to her. Sam slowly pulled away and smiled, "I hope that was ok" he whispers, "It was perfect, could we um do it again" she whispers. Sam smiles and cups her face, pulling her in once more and kissing her.
Present time
"I do remember, I remember being so nervous at the time" she responds, "I was the same way" he says. In that moment both realized they'd do anything to recreate that moment that happened all those years ago.
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stories-and-chaos · 3 months
Tarnished pt 15
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[Helluva Boss AU where Blitzø’s childhood theft from Stolas’ palace is discovered and major consequences ensue for everyone involved.]
[Part 15/?? Word count 1431 Cw: language]
Early that afternoon, a sleek limousine pulled up to ‘Slick Seduction.’ A sharply dressed imp in sunglasses popped out, fell on his face, then dusted himself off to hold the door open. A tall avian demon exited gracefully. His outfit was much more elegant than what was usually worn by the Sinners and Hellborn in the area. By royal standards it was downright modest.
The doors to ‘Slick Seduction’ opened before the royal demon had fully exited the car. He stalked through, looking for all of the realm like he owned the building. The imp glanced up and down the street as he followed his master inside. The limo stayed idling in the street.
The pair were escorted to the owner’s office. “Not every day I get a business offer from a royal,” the Sinner said as they entered the room. “So what did you have in mind, your highness?”
Blitzø froze at the door as Stolas took his seat before the desk. No fuckin way. “Hentai-for-hands?!”
The Sinner growled “what?!” as Stolas squawked, “I beg your pardon?” But there was no way Blitzø could have mistaken this asshole for anyone else. Deep red skin, one giant eye, and hands that ended in way too many magenta tentacles. The demon only had half of his original shiny black teeth; the ones Blitzø had punched out years ago were replaced with gold teeth.
Satan’s taint, not even thirty seconds in and you’re fucking it up dumbass. Blitzø cleared his throat. “Ah, hmm, sorry. I’ve seen you in passing before and you are very memorable.” The imp was sweating bullets as the wannabe Overlord laced his tentacles together. He hoped that jackass had seen enough imps over the years that he wouldn’t remember Blitzø specifically.
After a long moment, Slicker shrugged, the motion uncomfortably boneless. Now they knew why he had the tentacle motif on his signage. “Hentai’s an art form, just like the services I provide here. Back to business?”
Blitzø sighed inwardly in relief. Slicker’s avarice for a connection with Hell’s royalty outweighed any suspicions he seemed to have. They were betting on him wanting a boost in money or influence to get an agreement.
“Indeed. As my servants conveyed, I’m looking to acquire the services of someone…shall we say, outside of my household staff and their expertise. They’ve spoken highly of your establishment and the individual they hired last night in particular.” Stolas kept his tone lazy, reminding himself to talk like Stella’s friends who so annoyed him. “A female Hellhound I believe it was?”
Slicker pursed his lips in feigned thought. “Oh yeah, Deedee, Donna, something like that?” He pulled open a drawer in a filing cabinet and rustled through the papers. “D, D, D, ah, Dina.” He pulled out her file and made a show of reading it over.
“Well, sad to say we’ve got a binding contract, me and the Hound girlie. She’s agreed to work for me until she’s paid off all the money she owes. Fees from the kennel agency, job training, room and board. She’s been working at it but these things take time.” He closed the file and gave Stolas a look that would seem sympathetic if you didn’t catch the gleam in his eye.
Stolas gave a laugh. “Come now, how much debt can one little girl accumulate in a handful of years. I’m sure we can work out an agreement.” He rubbed his taloned fingers together, silently conveying he was willing to pay what the Sinner was asking for.
But the demon shook his head with a quick glance to Blitzø. Shitshitshit he does remember me. “No can do your highness. Her contract has a minimum employment clause; she’s gotta work for at least five years under me and she’s not there yet.” He spread his hands. “She’s tied my hands, I’m afraid.” He twisted his tentacles in knots to demonstrate.
Stolas was getting annoyed at his smarmy attitude, but he was sure he’d forgotten more about contracts and Hell’s laws than this Sinner ever knew. “Might I take a look at this contract? Just to confirm.”
“Suit yourself.” Slicker pulled the paper in question out and slid it to Stolas with a smirk. He looked incredibly confident about the situation.
Stolas read through it rapidly. It was better than he thought. Not ironclad, but tight. Then he spotted something next to the signatures at the bottom. He showed the paper to Blitzø, pointing to the notation in question. Blitzø lifted his shades to make sure he was reading it correctly. He gave Stolas a nod before resuming his bodyguard stance.
Now the Goetia smiled wickedly. “Everything does seem to be in order Mr. Slicker. My only question pertains to when the contract was signed?”
“Just after she arrived. Like the rest of my employees, I find it best to establish our business relationship as soon as possible.” Slicker still had his smarmy confidence, not caring about something so insignificant as dates.
Stolas nodded, looking over the contract again. “From what I understand that was before she would have been too old to stay at the Hellhound adoption agency, correct? Meaning Dina would have been a minor at the time.”
Slicker’s eye narrowed suspiciously. “And your point, your highness?” Blitzø didn’t even try to suppress his grin at this point.
Neither did Stolas. “Even in Hell, one cannot sign a contract until they reach the age of majority. Which means this contract-“ Stolas waved the paper in the air, “-has no legal merit.” He invoked a bit of magick and clapped his hands over the sheet. It disintegrated into a puff of fire.
Slicker turned an even deeper red in anger. “Ah yes, and you mentioned doing the same for your other employees?” A bit more magick and a snap of his fingers set of a cascade of ‘fwumps’ in the filing cabinet as any other invalid contracts obliterated themselves. “All of those are void as well.”
Stolas stood up gracefully. “It seems there is nothing keeping Miss Dina here, so we’ll be taking our leave.” The Sinner was desperately opening drawers to search through the remains of his files.
Of course, neither of the men trusted the bastard to inform his former employees of what occurred. “Let’s get Dina, Floof. Then we can spread the word.” Fortunately they’d coordinated with the girl through Scarlet in the early morning. She was waiting in the agreed room, awake and ready to go.
“Dina?” Blitzø knocked on the door which opened instantly. She looked so much like Loona he had to do a double take. She was smaller and slimmer with her hair cut short but the resemblance. “I’m Blitzø, the ‘o’ is silent. Let’s get you to your sister.”
She quickly slipped out. “You adopted Loona, right? She and your friends mentioned it.” Her voice had the same exhaustion as Loona’s when they first met.
“Yup. We can talk it all later though. Stick next to Stolas here; your old boss might still try something.” The prince wrapped an arm around the girl to keep her close. As they made their way back to the front door, they could hear a commotion from the office. Demons poked their heads out, rubbing sleep from eyes and generally looking confused.
They could all hear Slicker yelling about the contracts and losing employees. A crowd was gathering in the lounge. Blitzø, ever a showman, jumped into the tiny stage. “Ladies, gentlemen, and nonbinary specimen, the dumbfuck running this place messed up big time with your contracts. If you were under eighteen when you signed, it was never valid.” That woke everyone up and dozens of them stared at the office door in fury. Message delivered, Blitzø hopped down to rejoin Stolas and Dina.
They had just left the building when Slicker followed, yelling “YOU MOTHERFUCKERS WON’T GET AWAY WITH THIS!” Blitzø smoothly pulled out his favorite flintlock pistol from his jacket and thrust the muzzle under Hentai-for-Hands’ chin.
“Not much to get away with when it’s your fuckup. Now be a good little prick and back the fuck up before you lose more than some teeth.”
The demon backed up a pace. Blitzø motioned to the others to get in the car. He kept his pistol trained on Slicker. “This isn’t over, impy,” he snarled as Blitzø followed into the vehicle.
“Yeah, looks like you’ve got another appointment. Or thirty.” He pointed with his chin at the growing crowd emerging from the brothel. Then he slammed the car door shut and the driver peeled off.
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trexrambling · 1 year
Broken Heels (II / III)
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Request: “There's a protective Dean and Sam some kind of thing. They're friends with fem!reader, a shy and graceful girl. A long time ago the brothers took her in and a deep friendship was born. She only helps with research because she suffers from a heart failure, which leads to her being often dizzy nauseated and breathless. The brother care for her and always keep an eye out on her. Dean is secretly in love with her and vice versa. But neither of them admits it. One night Dean brings home some of his flings and the girl is really cruel to the reader.... Reader spirals into a rabbit hole, taking the things the bitch said to her to heart.... And shit hits the fan?! Some angst, drama and fluff, protective Winchesters.” - by anon
Word Count: 2,350
Warnings: side effects due to heart failure, language, negative self-talk
A/N: Italics refers to flashbacks. I broke this request into two three parts because it ended up being much longer than expected. No beta, all mistakes are mine, please message me if you see any! Watercolor heart from the header image credit. 
(Read Part 1)
“What are you doing out here?”
You smile softly at Sam’s voice, scooch over to make room for him on the park bench. “Just thinking.”
“About?” He settles beside you, an arm automatically wrapping around your shoulders to help offset the cold.
You gladly lean into his warmth. “How all I’m good for is reading a book and taking notes. How I can’t fight, can’t protect you guys, can’t even protect myself. That I’m basically a potato lump you guys get to drag around. You know, the usual.”
He’s quiet, but you can feel him thinking. You resume your watch of a cardinal nest you’d spotted earlier, see the dad dart back in with a fresh worm hanging from his beak. The simplicity of their lives is lost to them, just another day being a creature that can fly above the rest of us.
“You mean so much to us, Y/N. You know that, right? You have more to offer than you give yourself credit for.”
“Dean doesn’t seem to think so.”
He sighs. “So that’s what this is about.”
You start to pull away, but his arm tightens around you. You groan in frustration, snatch some of the emotions rolling through your mind and string them into a coherent thought.
“I just got in the way today, made things dangerous for everyone. It’s like Dean said, it would have been better if I’d just stayed home.”
You feel him shake his head, and you lean back to look up at him with a scowl on your face. “What? You heard him. He literally said-”
“He loves you, you know.”
Your eyes widen, and your mind goes blank for a split second before a whole new wave of thoughts crash through it. “I mean… I know you guys love me. I love you guys, too.”
“He was worried for you today, Y/N. Scared, even. Scared he might lose you. No one could have known that the demon was going to be waiting for us, that they had reinforcements. It was all a huge mess, and you were almost seriously hurt.”
Your brow furrows. “Yeah, but… he yelled at me.”
Sam sighs. “Yeah, he does that.”
You can feel the confusion on your face. “I don’t get it.”
He smiles down at you. “I don’t think Dean does yet, either.”
You opted to get a bus ticket back home. It was, after all, your right to choose whatever mode of transportation you damn well pleased. And right now that meant not being in the back of the Impala with Dean in the front seat where he could stare you down in the rearview mirror every few seconds.
You also had the right to pack up your stuff and go to the bus stop without saying a word to anyone. Hell, you didn’t even leave a note. Guilt, however, did have you sending a quick text to Sam letting him know you’d see him back home and that you were fine. You then promptly turned your phone to ‘do not disturb’ mode and climbed aboard the bus.
Earbuds in, your favorite playlist blasting, you lean your head back against the seat’s headrest and try to sleep. It should prove to be an easy task because you’re absolutely exhausted, and the walk to the bus station had taken its toll. And yet…
It’s a half moon tonight, and you stare at its bright form in the cloudless sky as cars whiz around you on the road. It’s going to be a good many hours before you’re back, and more than likely another few days before Dean and Sam follow behind you. The guilt of leaving them in the middle of a hunt boils in your gut, threatening to overflow the edges of your current state of sanity.
It’s not like they need you. Sure, you can hold your own with Sam when it comes to the research side of things. You can make coffee in the mornings, throw a meal together for dinner, make sure everyone has what they need. But when it comes to the actual job part of the job, the part where the monster is taken care of and lives are saved… Well, you get to twiddle your thumbs in a room and wait while the guys handle it.
And then there’s the things that they definitely don’t need you for. Don’t want you for. Things that a girl in a black dress and heels can handle.
God, that girl. You don’t even know her name and you hate her. Maybe not knowing her name makes hating her easier, makes her feel less than human to you. If she doesn’t have a name, then you can’t imagine Dean saying it while they…
You let out a low groan, and the person sitting beside you gives you a hard side eye and shifts further away in their seat. You stay quiet after that, but the thoughts raging in your head don’t.
You must have drifted off, because the next thing you hear is the blaring horn of the bus and lively, muffled chatter over the music playing in your ears. You yank your headphones out and raise yourself up to get a better look at whatever is happening, hands clutching the seat in front of you for support while your brain rapidly tries to decipher what the hell is going on.
The horn blares again, followed by obscenities from the driver up front. You whip your head around, trying to see out all the windows.
“Can you believe this guy?” someone says a few rows up.
“They’re going to run someone off the road,” another person chimes in.
You shove your headphones into your jacket pocket and grab your bag before unceremoniously stepping over your seat buddy and making your way into the isle, senses on high alert.
Did the monster we were hunting somehow track me? Get my scent? That’s crazy, right?
One step at a time, using the seats as a makeshift handrail, you get closer to the people who seem to be able to see what’s happening. Your mind is already formulating a plan of escape, all the worst case scenarios playing on a loop with game plans to match them. You finally make it to the front of the bus, a bit breathless and running high on adrenaline.
“Excuse me, what’s going on?”
The bus driver gestures wildly at the cars ahead. “This dumbass.”
And then you see it.
And it’s definitely not a scenario you have an escape plan for.
The handrail above your head is the only thing keeping you on your feet as shock floods your system. You blink your eyes and lean closer to the windshield, the synapses in your brain firing at high speed but still unable to truly connect if what is happening is actual reality or if you’ve somehow slipped into a demented, yet highly vivid, dream. Which would honestly make more sense to you, because…
…that’s the Impala.
Right there.
Directly in front of the bus you’re standing precariously in the isle of.
So close to the front of the bus that if the driver were to tap on the gas he’d rear-end Baby’s back bumper.
“What the hell?” is all you can manage to say. Because what in the hell indeed.
A flannel clad arm, illuminated by the bus’ headlights, sticks out the Impala’s front window, waving off and to the right, a wild gesture that can only be interpreted as ‘pull over’.
“This guy’s insane,” the bus driver mutters.
“You have no idea,” you say under your breath, then a bit louder- “You should probably pull over.”
He glances at you in surprise. “Wait, do you know this moron?”
“Uh-huh-” your grip on the railing above you is now slippery with anxious sweat- “and I don’t think he’s going anywhere.”
The bus’ blinker clicks on, the speedometer needle moving counter-clockwise as the wheel turns to the right, the rumble strip vibrating the floor under your feet as brake lines squeal in protest. All movement is finally halted with one final lurch.
“Do I need to call the police?” the driver asks you.
His offer is very tempting. You let go of the rail, wipe your sweat soaked palm on your pants, and then clap your hand on his shoulder. “I’ll let you know.”
Loud raps on the bus door make you both jump. The glass is tinted, and it’s still dark outside despite the hint of daybreak teasing its appearance on the skyline, but there’s no mistaking the outline of the man on the other side.
“Should I…open the door?”
“Yes!” someone from the back of the bus yells.
You turn your head and look back, perplexed, only to realize that all of the passengers are either halfway standing up in their seat or leaning out into the aisle, watching. Their investment in the unfolding drama is almost on the same level of intensity as your desperation to avoid it.
The bus driver is waiting for you to answer. You don’t want to answer. You also don’t want Dean to break the door down.
So you nod.
And then the door is open, and Dean is staring at you, eyes tight around the edges, hair a bit out of place, as if he’s been running his hands through it.
He doesn’t say anything, just takes the first step onto the bus and holds an open hand out, an offering for you to take it.
And you do.
“Quit looking at me like that.”
“Like what?”
You roll your eyes and flick some flour in Dean’s direction. “Like you’re going to waste away into a pile of dust on the floor if I don’t let you pre-taste the pie.”
His eyes go round. “Wait, you weren’t going to let me have some? Not even the bowl? Come on, Y/N, everyone knows that’s the best part.”
You laugh at the desperation in his voice and spoon the last bit of filling into the crust lined dish. “I don’t even like making pie. I’m only doing this because you asked me to, so…” When he doesn’t respond, you look over. He’s just staring…at the bowl. Feeling the weight of your eyes, he glances up.
“Huh, did you say something?”
You sigh deeply, but there’s a smile on your face as you grip the ceramic and then slide it with a small push across the table into his waiting hands. “Do you want a spoon for-”
His finger is already scraping the remnants from the edges, popping a filling coated finger into his mouth to suck it clean before diving right back in for more.
A snort pushes past your nostrils, quickly evolving into a laugh that has you doubled over, hands on your knees.
“What’s so funny?”
Your laughter turns to a cough just as quickly, and when you do your best to suck it back in something must have gotten snorted in the wrong direction because your diaphragm decides to start spasming, leaving you in a now seated position on the floor with high pitched hiccups squeaking through every few seconds.
Dean hasn’t left the table. He just looks down at you from his seat, licks another finger full of pre-pie into his mouth, and quips - “You good down there?”
“No thanks to-” -hic- “you! Ah, dammit, I-” -hic- “hate hiccups. This isn’t-” -hic- “fair.”
He eventually sets the bowl down and walks over to you, helps you up with a sly grin on his face. “There’s an easy way to get rid of them, you know.”
“Well then-” -hic- “please do share with the-” -hic- “rest of the class.”
He takes a step closer to you, and you instinctively take a step back. But he only moves again, and with your next step your back hits the wall. He’s suddenly close. Very close. His socked feet touch the tips of your bare toes, one arm resting on the wall above your head, his head turned down so he can look you in the eyes. His chest is so close that you’d only need to lean forward to be flush against it, the gray short sleeve he’s wearing outlining his muscles.
Your whole body is warm, and a tingle runs down your spine when he firmly takes your hand in his. You swallow, watch as his eyes dart to your lips. You subconsciously bite the bottom one, an anxious tell you’ve carried all your life.
And then the playful look is gone from his face, shifting into something that holds a deeper intensity. He blinks and clears his throat, moves his arm from the wall and takes a small step back. You’re intently aware that, despite the separation, he’s still holding your hand.
“So, uh-” he clears his throat again- “are they gone?”
You take a deep breath through your nose, try to slow your pounding heartbeat. “What? Is what gone?”
“Your hiccups.”
“Oh.” You breathe deeply again, try to keep your face clear of the emotions that are screaming to be let free. “Um, yeah. Yes.” They’re gone, and with them your ability to breathe properly.
“Awesome.” He gives your hand a small squeeze and then drops it.
“Oooh, are we making pie?” Sam, the blessed knife to cut the uncomfortably thick tension, strides into the kitchen. You let out a sigh of relief at his presence, cut your eyes to Dean one last time before returning to your previous spot at the table.
“Hey, hands off!” you exclaim, smacking Sam’s hand away from where he’d been about to dip it straight into the center of the uncovered pie. “I’m not done with that yet. Maybe Dean will share the mixing bowl with you.”
“Not a chance.” Dean quickly scoops the bowl into the crook of his arm and reclaims his seat. “I called dibs.”
And, just like that, things go back to normal.
But you don’t.
You can’t get the look in Dean’s eyes, the way he was looking at you, out of your head.
Read Part 3
Tags for this story (and this story alone, as all other tag lists have been discontinued): @iprobablyshipit91​ @senjoritanana​ @amythyststorm33​ @morgiex​ @sushiumex​
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Don’t forget to say goodbye.
A/N: its officially spooky season!!! And I’ve decided to do a sort of kinktober/spooky fics for this month. I’ll be commiting to a story a week. So be sure to request characters, kink, and spooky creature. I’ll also be picking random notes where ive written down, a character pairing, a kink and a type of creature. 
This time it was, wanda x reader, ghost, and breath play. Enjoy ;)
Word count: 2k
Warnings: Alcohol, choking, hot wax, ghost/demon wanda, posessiveness, blood, bruises, swearing, smut, ouija board
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It is starting to get close to midnight, and they’re still not there. You had invited your friends over for drinks and for some spooky fun. Yelena had gone to pick them up like an hour ago, but had yet to return. You were pacing around worrying something had happened to them when the door flung open.
“We´re back!” Yelena stumbled in through the door with a bag in each hand. 
“I can see that.” You said in a dry tone. “What took you so long, and what's all this?” You pointed at the bags. As they hit the counter the sound of ringing from glass bottles hitting each other went through the flat, and so the mystery was solved. 
“You think we’ll need that much alcohol?” You asked as Thor wandered with yet another bottle of liquor.
“Oh no, this one is just mine.” He held the bottle close to his chest, directing his body away from you as you swiped your hand in front of him pretending to try and steal it.
“Well don't you think the ghosts would like some spirits too?” Yelena smirked. At the mere mention of a ghost, you could see Peter's face grow pale. You weren't entirely sure why he was here. When you had all first discussed doing the ouija board, he was clearly freaked out and if it wasn't for Thor insisting he’d come he would’ve more than likely stayed home. Steve wasn’t too fond of the idea either. He was steadfast in his beliefs that “ghosts don't exist”, and yet he refused to actually touch the board, only agreeing to watch the rest of the group play from afar. Thor full-heartedly believed in spirits and held no fear for the dead, only respect. You two had met through a Norse pagan coven, not many knew that this giant beefy guy was into crystals and worshipping the freja. 
The person you really hadn't expected this night, was Yelena's sister. Natasha had really just meant to visit Yelena, but since she forgot these plans, Nat was simply forced to tag along. She didn't seem to mind all that much. She found herself a beer and a comfy spot on the couch. 
You started setting up the board as Yelena handed out drinks.
“Are you joining?” Thor asked as he sat down next to Nat on the couch.
“Me? umm yeah sure why the hell not.” She leaned forward her elbows on her knees. Watching you light the candles, kneeling on the floor by the wooden coffee table.
“Well great we get 5 people after all.” You received a frown from Steve, who was walking toward the couch at a snail's pace.
“Alright! let's talk to some dead people.” Yelena sat down opposite you. Peter took the last spot on the couch, nervously holding on to a glass of coke.  Steve moved a chair to sit down in a corner he deemed at a safe distance.  
“Alright, everyone two fingers on the cup.” The original piece had been lost and so a glass replaced it. You started with the basics questions, is anyone there etc but nothing happened, which had steve saying I told you. You all sat in silence waiting for anything to happen. Yelena started talking out loud to any potential spirits, essentially just sharing her every thought. Natasha moved her pointer finger and placed it on top of yours taping them a few times. You smiled at one another, before looking back down. You tapped her back, but before Nat could respond the glass started moving. Everyone went silent, as it slowly moved across the board.
“Lena, are you moving it?” Steve sounded from the corner. 
“Of course I'm not fucking moving it, I was in the middle of telling a story and they cut me off.“ Her eyes were fixed on the cup.
It was just about to reach the word “no” when peter freaked and pulled away his hand, accidentally knocking over his glass. The loud bang made everyone jump and let go of the cup. But things did not quiet down.
“It’s still moving,” Yelena whispered moving away from the board. Everyone watched as it slowly circled no over and over til it all of a sudden went sliding off the board landing in Natasha's lap.
“Nope, I’m done ill be in the bedroom if you need me.” Steve left the room slamming the door behind him.
They all watched Nat where she sat holding the cup in her hands.
“Is this normal?” She asked turning to you. You only shook your head unable to speak.
“What the hell did you do to piss off the ghost Natasha?” Yelena laughed. 
“How is this funny?” Peter seemed to be on the verge of tears. 
“Peter you wanna go check on steve for me?” He took you up on the offer clearly needing a break The rest of you got back to the board. Natasha was now slightly hesitant to put her hands back on the board.
Yelena was the first to speak. ”Do you not like my sister?” She asked and sure enough, the cup moved to no. Yelena clearly found it amusing. “Why not?” She pried. and it started spelling something out, C…A…N… “Can't keep her hands to herself” Yelena exclaimed. “Wow, Nat did you just slut shamed by a ghost?!” She laughed. Nat was however not laughing. You both looked at each other in confusion. 
“I’m sorry Y/N I made you uncomfortable…” She started.
“What? No Nat I didn’t do that, you’re all good.” She seemed to believe you but was clearly still unsettled. Yelena caught the moment and was quick to follow up.
“You don’t like Natasha touching Y/N?” It moved again spelling out something new. T…H…E…Y…R…E…M..I…N…E 
With those words a shiver wet down your spine. 
“Alright, that's a bit much even for me,” Thor said nervously looking at you.
“Yeah, I think it's time to stop,” Yelena agreed. 
“Are you sure?” You were certainly creeped out, but also curious.
“Dude I don’t know much about this stuff, but that doesn't sound good.” Natasha swiped the cup off the table.
“I say we go out?” Yelena stood up. Most everyone agreed, wanting to get the hell out of your flat as fast as possible.
“Boys! All clear!” Natasha yelled as she walked over knocking on the door. The two peeked out confirming that you had fact stopped.
“You wanna come with us out?” Thor barely had to say the words before Peter was putting on his jacket.
“You coming Y/N?” Yelena asked.
“I’m a bit tired I think I’ll stay here.” You leaned back against the counter.
“I can stay with you, if you want?” Natasha offered, looking worried.
“I’m okay guys really just gonna watch a movie and then go to sleep.” You smiled trying to reassure them.
“Alright, but I'm taking this.” she picked up the board placing it under her arm. “Don’t want you messing around with that alone.” 
And with that, they all left. Were you scared to be left alone here? Hell yes, but something was urging you to stay and maybe that should have been your first warning.
You didn't bother blowing out the candles, they were black pillar candles that you had found in the flat when you moved in, and you found them quite comforting. You settled on watching The Adams family since it was just the right amount of spookiness for you at this moment. 
After a few minutes, your eyelids got heavy and you are just about ready to drift off when the film comes to a stop. You frown reaching for the remote with a groggy vision, attempting to press play over and over, but all it did was a load.
“For fuck sake!” You yelled sitting up, and the tv went out. So did the lamp lit in the corner of the room. You froze, eyes set on the figure that was standing lurking in that corner. You wanted to run but couldn’t move an inch.
The figure started moving towards you and it was like a spell broke and you quickly hid under the blanket, certain you were about to be murdered, but nothing happened. Just silence. Until you felt the weight of someone sitting down next to you.
“Come on now don’t hide from me sweet thing.” Fingers gently traced up and down your leg. Your cheeks became wet with tears as you prayed for it to go away.
“That’s not very nice.” The voice growled, ripping the blanket off you in one motion. You scrambled away til you sat back against the other side of the couch. Across from you sat a woman, with long brown hair and glowing red eyes. She had a mischievous smile on her face, as she watched you try to get away.
“Now now sweetheart I’m not going to eat you.” She giggled. “Or am I!” She launched forward, teeth clashing together inches from your face. The laugh she let was haunting nothing human about it. She quieted down and focused on your face. Her hand comes to your cheek, to wipe away a few tears.
“You’re so cute when you’re scared.” She whispered leaning forward only to lick a teardrop of your cheek. She moved away, and her fingers traced up one of the black candles. Her fingertips were black and you found yourself mesmerized by them as they danced over the flame.
“I’m glad you like my candles.” Her head turned back to you, a blank expression on her face.
“Yours?” you asked without thinking. She smiled dipping her fingers into the hot wax. 
“Yes, mine.” She tilted her head. “And now…” Her hand grabbed your face, her nails dug into your cheeks and jaw and the still hot wax burned your skin making you gasp. “...so are you.” She leaned down licking her lips, before moving down and pulling down your shorts. You stared at her nibbling on your thigh, surprised by the suddenness of her action. Red eyes looked up at you from between your legs before moving in and licking up your pussy. You let out a moan as she sucked on your clit. You hadn't meant to be so loud but the woman clearly enjoyed your response, sucking harder. You closed your eyes leaning back, only for her to stop. You felt her climb up your body leaning in for a kiss, you leaned in trying to deepen the kiss, and she sucks your lip into her mouth before biting down roughly on it. Once she lets go you taste iron, lip stinging. She’s quick to lap up the blood, before leaning in and whispering in your ear.
“Look at you letting your guard down…” her hand wraps around your throat. “...silly little thing.” Her grip tightens drastically, cutting off your airways. You struggle to try to loosen her grip, but she doesn't seem to notice, her smile is feral as she strangles you. Those red glowing eyes are the last thing you see before passing out. 
Your eyes fly open. The clock on the wall tells you it’s 4 am. You sit up panting and looking around, she’s nowhere to be seen. The tv is on once more and the credits are rolling.  The lamp is also on, and so are the candles. Oh thank god, it was just a dream you think to yourself. You turn off the tv and blow out the candles heading to the bathroom to shower and cool off before heading to bed. You hurry into the bathroom and lock the door still spooked by it all. You turn on the hot water and start to strip when you catch yourself in the mirror. You moved closer feeling the hair raise on your arms once more, as you stared at the bruise around your neck and the black wax going down your chest. You backed away from the mirror, and a pair of hands catch you landing on your back as a cold breath hits your neck.
“Oh good, you’re awake.”
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lovelesslittleloser · 2 years
Fnaf au where y/n is an animatronic?
I don’t think I’ve seen one of these before so yeah imma fix that real quick
So basically, y/n (imma act like they’re their own character this whole time btw) was made like years ago, and when they weren’t being popular enough with the kids, they were decommissioned. But, in true fazbear corp. (I’m probably wrong but eh) fashion, instead of actually like. Destroying them, they just took y/n & stuck ‘em hidden in the big basement in the pizzaplex. Which, clearly, was a bad idea. Bad idea to have the basement, even.
So, now, years later, y/n, having managed to survive years down there, all whilst getting smarter and stronger with minor self-given upgrades and updates (only very minor ones where they can stay conscious the whole time), they managed to drag themself out of hell and into the main pizzaplex.
So, y/n, the vengeful animatronic, may or may not be after humanity. Thankfully, their AI is smart enough to know that children and adults are different; adults have already been tainted, but children have a chance. So y/n, avoiding all the staff and the glamrocks, made their way to the daycare. Thankfully, it was night, and Moon was willing enough to let y/n stay in their room as long as they didn’t make contact with any of the children. They easily agreed. Sun, while more worried about rule-breaking, let in quickly enough.
Eventually, they met all the glamrocks and staff, even with how much they tried to avoid them. Freddy was mostly just concerned, but also rather confused, and agreed to allow them to stay as long as they weren’t a threat to anyone’s well-being. Chica was quite nice, and offered them some trash. They only took the metals scraps, and she didn’t seem to like eating those anyway. The two became fast friends. Roxy was rather rude on their first meeting, but quickly took y/n to her room to tidy up their appearance. She said it looks bad on her if an animatronic in the pizzaplex has that rough of an appearance. She was satisfied only once y/n was sparkling and glistening like they were polished. Monty seemed pissed at their existence, but once they played Monty Golf horrifically wrong, he declared he liked their spunk and allowed them in his presence.
Of course, y/n never did stop planning the destruction of the pizzaplex at least, if not humanity (though it was on thin fucking ice). In fact, although not planning to use it, they spent a small portion of their free time constructing a bomb. They may have morals, but that did not change the fact that they were insane; deranged, even.
Meaning, once they ran into a demon child named Gregory, they were fast friends.
Turns out something was possessing the other animatronics to become violent toward humans at night. Or maybe just humans in general? Either way, y/n knew what they had to do.
Y/n gathered all the animatronics near the entrance with a lie that Gregory was there. Well, not a lie, per say, as he was hidden away inside Freddy’s stomach hatch, but it worked nonetheless. All the glamrocks were present, as well as the daycare attendant in the form of Moon.
You explained the situation in something of a villainous monologue. You were going to set off the bomb you had planted with the help of Gregory, and destroy this hell they had all been trapped in. You didn’t give them a chance to react before you lit the fuse and hurried everyone outside, since you’d prepared all doors for a quick escape, although only you knew how to access them.
With the best view in the house, you and the others watched as your prison was destroyed. Gregory, now safe as whatever was possessing the others was destroyed, came out of Freddy’s stomach hatch and opened a bag of marshmallows he had squirreled away in Freddy’s stomach. You helped him safely hold them over the fire, grinning maniacally as you watched the flames dance.
You turned to the others, sending messages to them directly in the animatronic’s way of communication when not wanting to disturb humans. You want to raise this one so it becomes decent as an adult, unlike the others. Gregory was smart enough; skilled enough. You’ve seen him work ideally under the pressure of imminent death; what more could one ask for?
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arjaandsimoni · 1 year
Just Say No to Supernatural Drugs
A long, long time ago, but slightly less long…
Through the darkened forests the creature ran, tree branches getting knocked aside by the large bony objects growing from its forehead, its hooves clattering on the occasional stone as bitter tears ran down its face. How dare he?! HOW DARE HE! This was HIS land! Those were HIS people! Yet against the invader's steel and their god's agents his followers were as nothing... cast aside and scattered, the men slaughtered, and the women dragged away.
Well, he'd gotten in a good few hits of his own. See how well that feathery bastard flies with his wing all twisted up. The creature's shining blood was still on his hands as he ran through the night, lit only by the moon above, trying to find safety, somewhere where it's friends couldn't follow...
He has wronged you too...
The voice came from everywhere and nowhere at once, the creature's hooves clattered and skidded to a halt on the forest floor as he looked around frantically for the source.
Who speaks? Show yourself! This is my land! Get out of the shadows where I can see you!
A deep chuckle echoed as the stars begin to dim, the moon growing dark above him.
It is not your land anymore. Your followers are gone, your temple has been put to the torch, all that is left for you is to flee to Shadow's Fall or fade away to nothing...
The creature snarled, a low feral animal sound, as it raised its hands, then sighed and stomped its hoof in frustration.
But WHY?! I had never heard of this Yahweh they spoke of! I know all the gods of the land! We have our agreements and our treaties! They stay to their places and I stay to mine!
The voice replied in a low hissing sound, as if it were some great serpent, or perhaps a hiding dragon...
It is their god's nature. He was once one I respected, lord of the Hebrews, but a splinter of him broke off and swelled and became something far far worse. I tried to stop this, and for my rebellion I was cast down... He now hungers for power, for all the world to become his and praise only his name. He will tolerate no other gods. He has already turned on those who worship the being he came from and he will turn on any who defy him.
The creature snorted, a loud wet sound like a warthog or buck might make.
Oh? And I suppose he sent you to finish the job of those shining men huh? Well come for me! I will show you how hard my hooves are, how sharp my antlers! This is still my land and I still have power here!
The voice hissed, and two blazing red holes appeared in the sky over the creature. It takes him a moment to realize that they're not holes, but great eyes.
I had something else in mind...
And then he saw the being's plans, he saw how he could become an instrument to fight the god that robbed him of everything, and like a wounded and desperate wolf he let out a low snarl.
I accept.
… and a moment later, the grove was empty, as if the strange being had never been. Several years later, full of fury and anger and wrath, a young Roman man who had more rage than intelligence made a very foolish decision, conjured up a demon from the depths of Hell… and let it in.
New Orleans, Present Day
Nelen snorted awake, trying to sit up, then gasped and clutched at his stomach, he lifted his shirt and saw the massive bruise on his gut, then hissed. “Fuuuuuuck… that’s going to hurt for a while…” he frowned. He squinted around, then found his eyeglasses and slid them on. Drusilla was laying on the bed next to him, watching television. Nearby he could see the sleeping form of Lupe, Dawn laying near her and using the werewolf like a pillow. Despite the species thing, she definitely felt a kinship with the lycanthrope due to the similarities they shared.
“Ah! Many-scars! Welcome back.” she chuckled, “Our friends said you fought a demon and got a good punch in on him.” she nodded.
Nelen coughed, “You… could say that, yeah…” he replied, hissing as he sat up further, “Where’s… where’s the others?” he asked.
As he did Dawn’s head popped up from behind the foot of the bed. “Oh hey, you’re back.” she said, “Yeah, they went out to dinner. Simoni is still kinda processing finding out that Merihim was used to commit a hate crime times… I dunno, sixty or so… and so the faeries, Natasha, Tex, and Arja went out to hit the town.” she nodded.
Nelen snarled, “Dammit, they should’ve waited for me! If Al really is in town I don’t want them wandering around alone!”
Dawn raised her eyebrow, “Nelen, I was there when you did that. It sounded like someone hitting a sack of wet cement. You’re not gonna be good for a lot for a bit. Besides, they’re not just random kids… they got this.” she grinned.
Drusilla frowned, “Hmm… yes, your sister mentioned this ‘Al’ to me… is he really as dangerous as she said?” she asked.
Nelen sighed, leaning back onto the bed. “Yeah… yeah he is… unless those kids can pull another couple gods out of their asses I really don’t like our odds here Drus.” he sighed.
Drusilla grinned, “Hah! Let him come!” she grinned, lifting Nelen back up and pulling him into a one-armed hug as he gasped. “If some demon wants to take MY man I’ll tear his head off by his horns and stab him through the heart with them!” she nodded.
Dawn smirked at Nelen as he flailed, “Yeaaaaaaaah, seeing why ya slept with this one Dumbledore.” she teased, going back to the TV and snuggling down into Lupe’s side, the werewolf waking up just long enough to nose her cheek.
Nelen coughed as he was released, rubbing his throat, “Yeah… yeah…” he chuckled, “Honestly… me too.” he admitted. She was a giant bear of a woman, but something about that he had to admit was hard for him to resist.
He just hoped she didn’t kill him when she found out why he was so terrified of Al’s return.
Meanwhile, near the coastline
The restaurant was for tourists, that much was obvious. Tacky voodoo masks, tiki torches all around, even voodoo dolls hanging near the tables. It was the kind of thing that the DeLanes, practitioners of real vodou, would have hated to see… except they had REAL problems to deal with beyond some restaurant misrepresenting them. Besides, it only served tourist crap so who cared?
The group was sitting outside at one of the open-air tables to enjoy the cool seaside breeze and the warm evening air, the weather clear and perfect for such things.
Arja finished off her second course, patting her belly in a satisfied way. She was glad that New Orleans had a large seafood selection. It made it far easier to keep away from eating beef, which in some parts of the United States was difficult indeed. “Well, at least we can say today ended with a good meal, eh?” she said.
Natasha frowned a bit, the vampire sitting next to a single glass of water, untouched. They’d told the waitress she was just here to be with her friends and had a very strictly controlled diet due to a ‘blood condition’ which wasn’t entirely lying… It helped that they were in New Orleans, the vampire’s archaic gothic fashion habits being far easier to overlook in such a city. Infact she’d had more than a few of the local goth community complement her and ask her where she found such a cute outfit… then look disappointed when she told them the name of a Romanian tailor who had been dead for almost fifty years.
“I will have to take your word for this Arja.” she replied icily. Being a vampire, she was a hemovore. She could eat some of the seafood platter Arja had enjoyed. She could also down a half bottle of ipecac syrup. Both would have the same result. Vampirism had many drawbacks, but one of the lesser-known ones was that vampires couldn’t eat or drink anything except for blood.
Sammi chuckled, enjoying a large plate of whitefish, “Well I’m enjoying myself…” he said, “I mean, its not a touch on some of the dishes mother’s kitchen can produce… but its quite delectable, nonetheless. Would be all the better with some crumbled winters sigh on it, but… well that’s just my opinion really.”
Simoni snorted, “Yeah, I doubt they offer herbs native to the Hedge on the menu here…” she muttered, picking at her chicken and shrimp platter, she’d barely touched it really. Idly she lifted up a shrimp to the collar of her shirt and Dusk’s head popped out, grabbing it, and vanishing back underneath again. The restaurant had a strict service animal only policy, but as kids who regularly broke the laws of reality and science, they weren’t concerned with small potatoes rules like that.
Stephy was seated next to Tex, the cowboy between him and Sammi, enjoying what the menu called a ‘junior margarita.’ A huge fruity half-frozen concoction that while looking much like a margarita was entirely non-alcoholic. He paused mid-sip, then sighed and pulled his mouth off it. “Ugh… Arja, could you take Simoni into the bathroom and, oh I don’t know, have a little fun with her in there or something?" he asked, wiggling his index and middle fingers for emphasis, “I mean, I can taste that…”
Arja snorted half her soda as Tex stared at the young fae ‘princess,’ Sammi letting out a loud laugh at the scene.
Natasha just looked confused. “A… foot massage?” she tried.
Tex leaned onto the table, looking a bit mortified at how blunt Stephy had just been, while Sammi grinned at him, “Darling, you really do need to learn how to read the room. As amusing as that was I fear Simoni may become cross with you…”
Stephy rolled his eyes, “Oh please brother… so Nelen’s little demon friend did something awful a century back. You don’t see me weeping for everyone that suffered under the gentry now do you?” he asked.
Tex glanced over, “Yeah ‘n I’ve really been meanin’ ta talk to ya’ll about that…” he muttered.
Simoni sighed, “No, Stephy has a point… this happened before Nelen was even born, hell before our grandparents were… its just… I get that Merihim does what his summoner wants, but… I dunno… after that and finding out about Rama’s Arrow and seeing him almost kill Akuru… I just need some time to process the past few weeks…” she frowned, poking at her food with her fork.
About three seconds later a car came flying down the street behind them, smashing end over end with a terrible crunch each time as the occupants screamed in terror, then finally skidded to a halt upside down.
Simoni sat bolt upright in her chair, her eye twitching a bit. “I SAID, I NEED SOME TIME DAMMIT!” she snapped, turning around as the group looked at the car, then back at the direction it came in.
Lurching up the road was a man… a scrawny looking human with a receding hairline dressed in a polo shirt, jeans, and worn-out sneakers with glowing green eyes. As he drew close both Sammi and Stephy gasped in pain and discomfort. Sammi clutched at his temples as Stephy’s hands went to his stomach, the boy princess looking rather ill suddenly.
“Augh… w-what… envy… that mortal reeks of envy!” gasped out Sammi, squinting to see him through the haze of discomfort the emotions were causing, the powerful feelings overwhelming his faerie senses. To the fae in their group he was at the center of a massive smog-like cloud of deep venomous green, like his body was emitting toxic fumes with each step!
Stephy looked like he was going to be sick! The faerie boy gripping his head with one hand and his middle with the other, “Augh… Oak and Ash my head! M-my stomach… I… I’m…” he whined, then turned and ran for the restrooms.
Tex growled, pulling out his cards. The gun he couldn’t carry in New Orleans openly and his dagger even would draw the police’s attention, but nobody cared about a deck of cards. Arja however held up a hand.
“Don’t!” she warned, glancing around at the others in the area. The restaurant was a popular tourist destination, which meant a lot of people had the means to take pictures.
Simoni nodded to Arja, and then took a breath and shrieked as the man with the glowing eyes drew closer. Most would assume it was just a frightened girl, at least until the wind suddenly howled and a blast of air shot through the area. Tex was quick on the uptake and shoved the deck back into his pocket, but the other patrons shouted and swore as cameras and smartphones went flying into the next lot over!
As the others ran to claim their precious devices Arja nodded to Simoni, then jumped the fence and ran at the man, her body sprouting golden fur as she leapt, aiming a drop-kick right to his head!
As he did Sammi made a complex gesture, speaking in some ancient dialect of French, and the ground froze behind him. Arja’s kick sent him sprawling, and the man skidded across a sudden patch of ice straight into an alleyway across the road. “GO! NOW!” he shouted.
The rest of the team bolted into motion. Tex and Natasha leapt over the fence as Simoni looked to the stricken car. The doors had broken and were stuck against the frame, the people inside were trapped!
“Not supposed to do this but…” she reached into her shirt and pulled Dusk out by the scruff of his neck, holding him in her hand, “Get those humans out of here!” she said, pointing to the car.
Dusk grinned, raising one kitten paw in salute, “Gimme a boost?” he asked.
She stood as if pitching a softball, then threw him as hard as she could at the car, “CHESHIRE! I CHOOSE YOU!” she called out, whistling sharply to give him a tailwind.
Dusk yowled as he sailed through the air, then landed with all his claws on the left front tire of the car, scrambling quickly inside of it to where two people were trapped. He touched his front paw to one and his rear paw to another… and then reality had a burp, and the car was suddenly empty.
Simoni ran through the gate as he did this, then chased after the others, her sandals splashing through the puddle of water that the hot Louisiana air had turned Sammi’s ice into as Stephy emerged from the restroom, his face green.
In the alleyway however, a battle was breaking out.
Arja snarled and tackled the green-eyed man, trying to knock him to the ground, but despite his scrawny body he was extremely strong!
“What the hell is your problem?!” she snarled, “Are you trying to get the mundanes to get out the pitchforks and torches here?!”
Natasha however was staring at him, manipulating the shadows in the alleyway to try to form manacles to bind him in place. “Arja… this one... he is corrupted, but he is a mortal man!” she gasped, her vampire senses telling her that the person she was looking at was nothing more or less than an ordinary human, but also warning her NOT to bite him whatever she did. “There is something in the blood! Some sort of chemical!”
Sammi nodded, having pulled his rapier seemingly from nowhere as he tried to aim for something non vital that could cripple him, but every time he drew close, he had to leap back to dodge a swing from the man’s arm. “Truly? The mortal is drugged?” he asked in shock.
Tex frowned, the boy having gotten a sturdy looking length of wood from a low draw on a spade, but one that seemed stained with blood, the next card up was a heart. “Guys, if this is a normal human he needs help, not a beat down! Somebody must’ve done somethin’ to him!”
The man snarled, his eyes glowing a violent shade of green, his face twisted into a mask of fury, “I’LL KILL THEM! BOTH OF THEM! THAT WHORE THINKS SHE’S BETTER THAN ME JUST BECAUSE HER NEW FUCKBUDDY WORKS FOR APPLE?!” he snarled, kicking Arja away and tearing free of the shadows, then turning and shoving past Sammi before retreating into the alleyway, vanishing into the night.
Simoni caught up with them at this point, watching him go, then looking at her allies. “What. The actual hell. WAS THAT?!” she gasped.
Arja stood up, rubbing her side, “A really pissed off mundane apparently…” she hissed through her teeth, "But… Natasha said he’d been ‘corrupted’ somehow?” she looked at the vampire.
She nodded, “Indeed Arja. I could smell some substance in his blood, and I saw needle marks on his arms, many of them.” she frowned, “I had seen such in Bucharest before. Mortals fond of… injecting chemicals into their bodies for some sort of emotional and physical pleasure.”
Tex frowned, “A junkie? So… what, he got a bad batch?” he asked.
Sammi looked up, “… yes, and it appears it wasn’t just affecting him.” he said, sounding concerned.
Stephy stumbled into the alleyway, “… guys, I don’t feel good…” he whimpered, his head throbbing. He had clearly thrown up moments before.
Tex ran forward, catching him in his arms. “Eaaaasy lil’ filly… I gotcha…” he whispered, helping Stephy stand up and leaning the boy into him. “That thing really took it outta ya’ll didn’t it?” he noticed, the odd change to his voice was gone, as far as his mortal senses could tell.
Sammi nodded, “Glamour poisoning, like food poisoning for mortals… it would appear my poor brother ‘lost his lunch’ in more ways than one.” he said, looking back at the direction the creature fled in. “What, in all the worlds, did we just fight?”
As the puzzled over this there was a faint thunderclap and Dusk appeared on Simoni’s shoulder, grinning ear to ear. “Humans are safe!” he declared, “Got ‘em a few streets over and they ran away like scared mice!”
Simoni smiled and scratched at his chin, the Cheshire kitten purring loudly, “Good job Dusk, sardines for you tonight!” she nodded as the kitten cheered and wagged his tail excitedly.
Arja nodded, “Well, one problem solved at least. Hopefully if they post anything online it’ll just be treated as more urban legend garbage… still, we need to head back and tell Nelen. Maybe he’s seen something like that before.”
About twenty minutes later the group walked back into the hotel room that Nelen and Drusilla shared, save for Stephy and Tex. The former limped to their own room, the latter helping him get there.
Nelen looked up, frowning, then pointed at the TV. It showed the street infront of the café, now with several cop cars and the area around the destroyed vehicle roped off with yellow tape. “Well?” he asked in an annoyed tone.
Simoni shrugged, “It wasn’t our fault. It was some mundane all hopped up on some crazy drug of some kind. He had these big green glowing eyes and was screaming something about getting dumped or something.” she explained.
Nelen looked up, “A supernatural drug?” he asked, “Huh, Dawn and I got called in to deal with a few of those…” he looked over at the Cheshire, “Remember the time we had to deal with that dealer near Roswell that was selling Red Martian?” he asked.
Dawn hissed, “Yeeeeeaaaah… that was a bad one, at least we were able to take care of the guys who overdosed on the stuff.” she replied.
Arja looked confused, “… Red… Martian? What the heck is that?” she asked.
“Its… a sort of weed that grows on Mars. Really rare because of how thin the atmosphere is, but if you smoke enough of it you turn into a Martian… and… that’s bad.” he replied, “Dunno how the hell that joker found it, but the local potheads went nuts for it. One hell of a high until the bad stuff kicks in.”
Arja nodded, “Riiiight, well… whatever this was it wasn’t smoked. Natasha said she could tell this guy injected it into herself.”
Natasha nodded at them, sitting on the floor, and stroking over Lupe’s head as the werewolf wagged happily at her return. "Arja is correct. There were marks on his arms for injections, and the chemical was in his blood. Trust me Nelen, vampyr can tell.” she nodded, “We would all be insane or addicted if we could not.”
Nelen frowned, scratching his chin, “… so, something in his blood… did you guys manage to get any of it?” he asked, looking up.
Sammi stepped forward, unsheathing his rapier, and showing it to the warlock. The silvery metal was indeed stained with crimson. “That we did, I wasn’t able to land a killing blow, but I was at least able to give him a few reminders of our meeting.” grinned the fae prince.
Nelen smirked, then held out a hand towards it… and nothing happened.
He blinked, then flexed his fingers… then frowned and flexed them harder… then snarled and smacked the palm of his hand against his head, “WAKE UP ASSHOLE!” he snapped.
Nelen’s body shuddered, then his eyes went blood red, and he scowled.
“Still suicidal Fullmoon? Fuck you and New Orleans. I’m sitting this out.” said Merihim.
His eyes changed back, and Nelen glared at the far wall, “Merihim, stop being a little shit. This mundane was on some sort of supernatural garbage and you can tell what it was without affecting me, so do your damn job!”
He shook all over, his eyes turning red once more, “NO GODSDAMN WAY NELEN! You say this is my job?! Fine then! Until we are back in India and the HELL away from whatever Al is doing I. AM. ON. STRIKE! I am NOT going to face his wrath if you wind up crossing him! Hell is bad enough already!” he shouted, then Nelen sagged and clutched his head as Merihim retreated into the depths of his consciousness to sulk.
Nelen shook his head, trying again, then swore, “Fuck… fuck fuck fuck… Merihim is serious, my powers aren’t working!” he stared at his hand.
Drusilla growled, muttering something about cowardice, but Arja snorted. “Huh, big bad rakshasa-mauling demon is afraid of some guy named Al? Suddenly I’m a lot less scared of him.”
Nelen’s hand involuntarily made a very rude gesture at Arja, the warlock smacking his arm back down. “That was him, not me.” he said, “Right, shit… how else are we gonna figure out what that was… I mean it might be unrelated to whatever Al is planning, but something that potent sure as hells isn’t a normal dealer. They want to get their customers addicted and dependent, not turn them into monsters.”
Natasha looked at it, frowning, “Perhaps… if I could sample it…” she began.
Simoni however immediately moved between Sammi and her, “Natasha no!” she shook her head, “A mundane on that threw a car across a street, I don’t think I want to know what it would do to a vampire!” she protested, “Nelen, is there ANYTHING you can think of?” she asked.
Nelen scratched at his chin, then took out his smartphone, “I might… just hope he’s there.” he nodded, dialing a number…
After a moment, a serpentine voice answered, “Wulfssshead Club, how the fuck did you get thisss number?” spoke Clotho, the gorgon bartender.
“Clotho, hey, its Nelen. Is Harry Fabulous in the club tonight?” he asked.
“Oh hi Nelen!” she replied, “Letsss sssee… ah yesss! He’sss right over there, hold on…” she said, and then her voice went quiet as she yelled across the bar with it held away from her, “HARRY! PHONE FOR YOU!”
Nelen waited, then put the phone on speaker as a man’s voice came on, sounding like the car salesman of everyone’s nightmares. The kind of huckster that sells you a tried-and-true sportscar whose engine falls apart and wheels fall off exactly the day after the warranty runs out.
“Hello hello hel-lo! Harry Fabulous, purveyor of exotic delights and delicacies at your service! How may I help you today?” he said cheerfully.
“Harry, its Nelen. Look, I’m in New Orleans with those kids I’ve been helping and they just had an encounter with a mundy all jacked up on some crazy supernatural shit. If you don’t have it, you probably know what it is at least, so we got some questions.” replied the warlock.
“Now now Nelen…” tutted Harry, “I can’t just give you information, I’m a businessman! How about some nice Revert hum? Get in touch with your wild side? Maybe a little Angel Dust? See heaven, if only for a little while?” he asked.
Nelen smirked then, “Harry, you’re going to tell me this because I know why the air vents at the Mammon Emporium started spitting blood and scarab beetles that night several years back, and I have John Taylor’s phone number.”
Harry grumbled, “… bully, just like you Fullmoons…” he huffed, “Fine fine… I don’t want Taylor finding out about THAT little incident… well, out with it, what happened?” he asked.
“Alright kids, tell him.” said Nelen.
Arja spoke up first, “Okay, so this guy was a mundane, and whatever he was on was injected into him, so some sort of liquid drug. His eyes were glowing green, but like literally glowing like car headlights, and he was superhumanly strong. He threw a car down a street and fought of me and several of my friends together. I’m with a vampire, a garuda, and a changeling, and I’m a vanara, so that says something. I can take an adult mundane by myself.” she replied.
Harry paused for a moment, “Hmm… I see… that could be a lot of things, however. He could have raided a government compound for one of the old super soldier serum projects or maybe he had brewed up something himself, you’d be amazed what you can find online these days…” he replied, “Anything else odd about him? Anything at all?”
Sammi stepped forward, “Yes, there was. I’m the changeling she spoke of, and that mortal was practically pissing envy out of every pore. To my senses he was like an ambulatory smog bank of poisoned air.”  he said.
“AHA!” shouted Harry, “I have it! Your junkie of a mundane was completely off his tits on Hyde! Though, perhaps not just Hyde… that does some stuff to you yes, but it won’t turn someone into the Incredible Hulk, at least not by itself.” he muttered.
“Hyde…” sighed Nelen, “Yeah, that sounds about right. Thanks Harry, I’ll call you again if I need to blackmail more intel out of you.” he replied, hanging up the phone and sighing, then taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes.
“Hyde…” muttered Simoni, “Nelen, you don’t mean like ‘Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde’ do you?” she asked.
“Yeah, I mean exactly that. Hyde is a modernized version of Jekyll’s old recipe, souped up for modern junkies who think meth is too wussy.” he replied, “Put it like this: everyone has a vice. Some inherent thing that they get off on even though they know it’s wrong. Envy, Lust, whatever. Hyde finds the dial for that vice, cranks it up as high as it’ll go, and rips the dial off.” he explained, “But… Harry is right, the effects are all mental. It won’t turn you into a monster unless it’s mixed with something else.”
Arja frowned, “Yeah… and now that guy is gone too… He could be anywhere in New Orleans by now.” she sighed.
Dawn looked up, chomping on a bag of kitty treats like they were popcorn, “Hm… well, we could always just keep an eye on the news until he starts breaking some more stuff.” she said.
Simoni blinked, “Breaking… oh… oh no…” she whispered, “Guys, he’s not just going to randomly rampage! Remember what he was shouting? He has a target!” she gasped.
Arja stared at her, the vanara girl looking around, “Oh crap you’re right! Those two in the car! He was after them, that must’ve been the people he was screaming about when we fought him!”
Simoni looked around nervously, “Um… um… maybe they ran away somewhere to hide? I mean, some lunatic with super strength tosses my car down the street, great time to go visit family in Michigan, right?” she asked.
Nelen hissed, sitting up and clutching at his still bruised middle. “No… no they would not…” he shook his head, “They’d assume he gave up or got arrested or something sane happened. They probably went right back home… and if he knows where they live, then he’s going there to kick the door in, and then their faces. Seen it happen so damn many times working for the Wulfshead… you’d think people never saw any horror movies!” he snarled.
Simoni looked around, “W-well what are we waiting for?!” she rushed to the window, pushing it open and climbing out onto the fire escape. “Arja! Sammi! C’mon! I can probably manage both of you, but we have to hurry!” she nodded, transforming into her Garuda form as the two followed her out.
A moment later she was frantically flapping her wings, trying to gain altitude with the extra weight of the faerie boy added to her usual passenger… but she needed him. Neither she nor Arja could sense emotions!
Meanwhile, in Tex’s hotel room
Stephy sat on his bed, a plastic bag filled with hotel ice pressed to his head, “T-thanks Tex…” he muttered, holding it there as the Texan boy sat down next to him.
“Not a problem at all darlin, but…” he sighed, “Stephy… can we talk?” he asked. “I’m… I’m worried ‘bout ya. Seems like every time ya’ll come back from Fairyland ya’ll are… I dunno, all wound up… like its changin’ ya somehow. I mean…” he shook his head, “I’m not sayin’ its all bad, yer always a lot more confident ‘n such… but… other times its like yer kinda… off kilter… like last night when ya’ll were gonna use yer magic to keep that clothin’ shop’s workers from leavin’ so ya’ll could shop more…”
Stephy looked away, “… yeah, I know…” he muttered.
Tex continued, “… ‘n not just that… its like ya’ll’re gettin’ mood swings, but the really crazy kind… I just…” he put his arm around Stephy, “… I just don’t wanna see ya’ll become somethin’ like Isolde…” he muttered.
Tex expected Stephy to get upset at that, or offended, or call him crazy.
What he didn’t expect is for him to whisper, “… I’m not trying to… but…”
Tex looked at him, “… but?” he asked.
Stephy shook his head, “Arcadia… its… its everything I ever wanted before I met you. I have a mother, a brother, I’m loved and treated well, I can finally be who I want to be… I…” he whispered, “I’m like a starving man who walked into a feast… I don’t want it to ever end…”
Tex nodded, “… ‘n I don’t wanna deny ya’ll that but…”
Stephy nodded, “Yeah… its… just how Arcadia is… the longer I’m there, the harder it is to stop being, well…” he looked up at him, his blue eyes looking scared, “… stop being a faerie. I… I don’t want to stop, but… Tex… when Sammi said he didn’t know how to be human…” he shuddered, “I… I feel like I’m forgetting how…”
Tex looked into Stephy’s eyes, then held the boy tight to him, “Darlin’… I… I really don’t know what to tell ya’ll… didja tell Nelen ‘bout this? That ol’ wizard might have an answer.”
Stephy shook his head, “I… p-part of me doesn’t want an answer though. Even right now, even though I’m lucid now because of that thing making me sick and making me lose all the stored-up glamour I brought back with me… Its… its making me wanna go back and get it back… and more… I…” he shuddered, “Tex I can’t stop… I don’t WANT to stop…” he chuckled, smiling in an odd way, “I… I want more of it… I want to feel that in my mind and soul…” he giggled, his eyes flashing blue as he smiled a bit too widely. “I want to dance in the snowfields outside my mother’s castle and sit on the throne of Arcadia and bring new mortals to her lands to play with and drink deeply of the wine and music and glory of her lands and never ever return to this drab dull world where people die when you need them and the monsters live forever and…”
“STEPHY!” shouted Tex, taking his cheeks in his hands and holding them tight, his eyes full of fear for his lover.
Stephy froze, almost literally, his lips blue and his ears seeming pointed even to Tex’s eyes… his mortal mask slipping just a little and allowing Tex to see what was beyond it now, the shining golden hair, the icy blue lips, the pointed ears, the eyes so blue it almost hurt to look at them… everything.
 “… and… then I remember you… and your kindness… and how you gave me your hand and pulled me out of the Hell I was in… and… I remember why I want to come back…” he whispered, his features slowly returning to normal. “Tex… I… I can’t stay away from Arcadia… I don’t want to… but… I’m afraid not to…” he whispered, wrapping his arms tightly around Tex’s body.
Tex held him close, stroking his head, “… it’s a tightrope lil’ filly… I don’t wanna deny you this… but… too much of it…”
Stephy nodded, “… too much of it and I won’t be able to be human anymore… and I’m afraid I’ll forget how to love you…” he looked at Tex, “Give me your hand Tex…” he whispered.
Tex hesitated, looking at him, but something in Stephy’s eyes urged him onwards. He clasped his hand to Stephy’s.
“Promise me… promise me on your true name as John Smith, that you’ll pull me back if I go too far…” he whispered, his eyes full of fear… but also longing. He was afraid to go back, but he wanted to… oh good gods he wanted to.
“I promise… I swear it on whatever ya’ll care to name lil’ filly… ya’ll go too far inta Fairyland… sure as my name is John Smith I’ll come, face any Trouble ya’ll got, ‘n pull ya back… so long as ya’ll promise me… you’ll try not to stay too long.” he replied.
Stephy nodded slowly, “This I swear, upon Everfalling Snow…” he replied, smiling softly at Tex, “Thank you…” he whispered.
Tex held him tight, “… Darlin, ya’ll didn’t even need ta ask…” he whispered.
Downtown New Orleans
Simoni landed on a rooftop, the garuda gasping for breath. “Okay… carrying two people is HARD…” she said as she gulped down air.
“THREE people!” huffed Dusk, the Cheshire sitting astride Arja’s shoulder now.
“You barely weigh anything compared to us Dusk. I’m sure Simoni meant human-sized people.” commented Arja.
Sammi however scanned the area around them, opening his faerie senses as wide as he could. All around them the emotions of the citizens of New Orleans swirled like clouds. A nearby apartment glowed pink with Joy and Excitement over a baby shower.
A purple cloud hovered over an intersection; Fear, Anger, and Panic mixing at the scene of a car wreck when someone ran a red light in their haste to get home, only to hit someone coming the other way.
A swirl of red Fury billowed up from the parking lot of a nearby bar where two drunken men were having a fistfight… and then he saw it.
Mixed into the cloud of emotional resonance was a plume of deeply toxic dark green Envy. “I have him.” he said, pointing four streets over. “That way, and…” he narrowed his eyes, a burst of dark red and orange billowing up, “Fear… no, Terror!” shouted the fae princeling, “He’s found his victims! GO!”
Simoni nodded, bending down for Arja and Dusk to climb on, and looked at Sammi.
“I will make my way back and inform the others we’ve found our quarry. I could barely focus enough to fight last time! It was by sheer chance I struck him at all. Hurry!” he nodded, rushing to the far end of the roof and gesturing with one hand. A chill wind rose, and a bridge of ice formed, the prince leaping onto it and sliding across, then doing it again at the far end of that roof as well, the bridges swiftly melting away each time.
Simoni and her allies took flight, arcing towards the direction Sammi pointed in, then descended. Halfway down the building Simoni flapped her wings and paused in midair, hovering. “What the hell…” she whispered.
The man was there, but it appeared the state he was in earlier was only the early stages! He had swollen into a massive beast now, his clothing tearing apart with his enlarged bulk. The Hyde-junkie was now taller than Drusilla, his body swollen with green sores that glowed the same as his eyes. Whatever he was on, it was turning him into a real monster! He was tearing apart the front of a house, and screams were coming from inside!
Simoni nodded, “Dusk! Same as before, get the mundanes to safety!” she said, pointing towards the house.
“Double sardines!” he shouted back, then vanished from Arja’s shoulder. The vanara girl stood up on Simoni’s back, then threw a fireball as hard as she could at the monster below them, enhanced by a burst of wind causing it to double in size!
It had all the effect of a water balloon.
The pair landed, but the screams were still coming. “We need to buy Dusk time!” shouted Arja, she grabbed a piece of brick that the creature had knocked free, then lobbed it at him. It smacked into his head with a loud thunk, and he paused… “HEY ASSHOLE! I’M JUST A KID AND MY FAMILY HAS MORE MONEY THAN YOU’LL EVER SEE! HOW’S THAT FOR ENVY?!” she shouted.
The Hyde-monster turned, and Arja swallowed. Its eyes were massive now, glowing green lamps in the darkness, and its teeth had become long sharp fangs. It snarled wordlessly then lunged at them, and Arja screamed and dove to the side as Simoni immediately too to the air, the beast slamming into the building next to them and bringing most of it down!
Yet even this didn’t stop it, the monster dug itself free, roaring like a furious bull. Then the once-human Hyde realized the screams from the house had stopped. Dusk had found the occupants and gotten them out and now it turned its gaze to Arja and Simoni. Twice they had denied him the objects of his hatred… and it seemed he was still lucid enough to realize that.
Arja hesitated, “Simoni… this thing is too much for us… but if we leave…” she said as the Garuda swooped low.
“Yeah… it could rampage and destroy the entire block… we can’t just run away!” she nodded, “But… we need help! We can’t use the firebird here, we could set a building on fire by accident!”
Arja looked up and around, “Dammit, Sammi had better hurry… if… wait…” she narrowed her eyes, “Simoni… someone is on that roof!” she pointed.
Simoni looked up, squinting, and saw moonlight reflecting off crimson hair. Then a voice cried out, “OI! UP HERE YE GREAT UGLY LUMP!” and the figure lept off the roof, a flash of steel shining in the light as they fell.
“That voice!” gasped Simoni as the creature looked up and lashed out with its claws, but the figure twisted in midair, and the monster screamed in pain and rage as two feet of sharpened metal sank into his shoulder!
The wielder leapt free and dodged his claws, then landed next to the girls, smirking up at the monster. She had fiery red hair and shining green eyes and wore a black tank top over a tight chest binder and military cargo pants, along with sturdy army surplus boots. “Miss me, cous?” grinned Loren Fullmoon.
“I don’t know how or why, but I’m glad you’re here!” she grinned back, “Loren, that guy is a human, but he’s on some kind of enhanced Hyde!” she warned.
Loren looked up and whistled as the Hyde-monster tried to wrench her sword out of his shoulder. “Daaaaaaamn… aye, looks like some stunningly powerful shite…” she nodded, pulling a combat knife out of her boot and standing ready.
The monster ripped her sword free, doing more damage in the process, but it didn’t seem to care. It lunged forward suddenly, so fast it was nearly a blur, and Loren’s eyes went wide, “AH HELL! LOOK OUT!” she shouted, shoving the girls hard to the right, then snarling as it slammed its bulk into her, sending her flying backwards into the building! “OI! FOUL!” she yelled angrily from inside the wrecked building.
Arja and Simoni scrambled to their feet, then the vanara jumped ontop of her garuda partner and they took to the air again. “Simoni! Keep him distracted! Loren might be able to stop him, or at least slow him down!” she shouted, conjuring two blasts of fire. “HEY! RICH GIRL RIGHT HERE! JUST A KID BUT I HAVE MULTIPLE CREDIT CARDS! BE ENVIOUS OF ME UGLY!” she called down, tossing the flames at him, and yet again they didn’t even singe him. Whatever he’d turned into was fireproof!
The monster grabbed a large hunk of rubble, then threw it up at them, and Simoni yelped and swooped low to dodge, but its arm lashed out and sent the pair sprawling onto the pavement. Simoni gasped and shifted back, rubbing her arms.
“Are you okay?!” shouted Arja.
“J-just bruised… but…” she replied, “My arms are hurt! I can’t fly like this!” she warned.
Arja growled, standing between her and the Hyde-monster as it lunged again, then suddenly it fell short.
Loren had one hand around it’s ankle, the other grabbing a nearby lamppost. “GOTCHA!” she laughed, “Yer a fast bastard, eh? WELL RUN ON THIS MONSTER!” she snarled, grabbing his foot with both hands, and twisting hard. A loud snap broke the air like a gunshot and the monster bellowed in fury and pain. Loren had broken his ankle!
She ran forward, standing between him and Simoni next to Arja as the monster struggled up, and its body seemed to swell again, its eyes lit bright enough to light up the whole area… “Ah bugger…” she growled… “... wait…”
The monster swelled, then suddenly it spasmed all over, its body shaking with sudden furious tremors! It coughed and gagged, and a burst of greenish bile splashed onto the pavement, steaming and bubbling where it landed… then slowly it fell to the ground, gasping several times… before falling still with a final weak growl.
“… what just happened?” asked Arja, each hand still holding a fireball.
“… I think it died…” replied Loren, “ ‘ang on, I’ll check.” she nodded.
She walked over, crouched down next to its head, then slowly stuck her dagger in its eye, then withdrew it. The monster didn’t even flinch.
“… aye, seems pretty dead.” she commented. “… eh, best be sure.” she added.
She stuck the dagger in the other eye, then in the first eye again, then in both eyes one after the other.
“Aye, definitely dead.” she confirmed.
Loren then stuck the dagger in and out of his eye several times. She seemed to enjoy doing it.
“Well, Loren… we’re really REALLY glad you’re here… but… why are you here? Shouldn’t you be with the members of Clan Fullmoon in India keeping the manticore at bay?” asked Simoni.
“Ach, th’ lads can handle that big ol’ pussycat.” she replied, standing up, “Jeannie told me ta come ‘ere personally… she took a peek at New Orleans’ future ‘n gels… it ain’t good.” she frowned, “Ye’d better take me ta see Nelen. Shite’s ‘bout ta hit th’ fan…”
About an hour later…
Nelen stared at Loren, the warlock’s face a mask of disbelief. “… Jeannie saw WHAT?” he asked.
Loren leaned against the far wall, “ ‘zactly wut I said cous. If th’ future dunnae change by March, New Orleans is gonna get blasted off th’ bloody map…” she replied, “ ‘n that’s just th’ beginnin'… it’ll start some kinda Civil War in th’ States. We dunnae have all th’ details, Morrigan be havin’ trouble tryin’ ta see it so somethin’ be blockin’ the Maven… but aye… this stops, or else…” she frowned, nodding.
Nelen stared at the far wall, feeling numb, “… its Al… it has to be…” he whispered, “He’s powerful enough to block Morrigan’s scrying, but… why?” he shook his head, rubbing his temples. “Dammit, we’ve got to get back to India and deal with that Manticore, we don’t have time for another crisis!” he shouted.
Tex sighed, shaking his head as he sat next to Stephy, the two holding hands, “Don’t think we got a choice Nelen… we ain’t lookin fer trouble, but trouble found us anyway.” he nodded, “I ain’t leavin’ if this’ll start some kinda second Civil War! My whole family is in America!”
Nelen growled, “There’s more to this. Kids, we need to figure out whats going on. Find out where the hells that Hyde came from.” he nodded.
Simoni looked up, “You think that ‘Al’ guy is behind it?” he asked.
Nelen nodded firmly, “He was a master alchemist and potion maker, if anyone knew how to make Hyde do that… it’d be him…”
Loren nodded, “Aye… now cous, we got somethin’ else ta do.” she grinned.
“Whats that?” he asked.
Loren grabbed his arm and pulled him to his feet, “We gotta wait ta find out where this bastard is, so I say we go barhoppin’!” she laughed, “To th’ Wulfshead!” she shouted as Dawn grinned and leapt up.
“WOOO! AFTER BRAWL BOOZEAHOL!” cheered the Cheshire as Drusilla stood up herself, following them out.
“Sounds like a DAMN good idea to me.” laughed the cyclops.
In an old factory, production was in full swing. Large brewing vats bubbled with a glowing vile liquid. The fumes swirled above them, but the workers didn’t seem to worry about… but then, it wasn’t like they needed to breathe.
“So, how is it coming along then?” grinned a man in a green suit right out of the Victorian era, his eyes hidden by a pair of dark smoked glasses.
“… its coming Sir…” grunted his companion, a shorter person, in a black trenchcoat with a hood hiding their face.
“Lovely! Marvelous!” he chuckled, “Oh this is going to be quite the show…” he smiled widely.
“We… have a situation though Sir… the special ingredient you used to enhance it has run out.” the hooded figure said.
This gave the man pause, “Really? BLAST!” he snarled, “That’s not exactly something I can pick up at Walmart…” he frowned, then sniffed at the air, “Hmm… I’m sensing a couple potential sources nearby… I suppose tomorrow I’ll just have to pop out and go harvest one.” he grinned.
As he said this there was a sudden woosh of fire and brimstone, and a massive muscular creature stood near him. “Hey boss, the junkie, the one we shot up, it died.” It spoke, its voice rumbling like a thundercloud.
“It did?” he sighed, “Oh well, I suppose I’ll have to inform Buer that the option to gift some of our mortal minions this stuff is off the table. No good if it outright kills the little bastards.”
“Um… its not just that boss. It was fightin’ someone. Two kids, some kinda monkey girl and her bird friend… and… um… I’m pretty sure it was a Fullmoon with ‘em.” replied the demon.
The man paused, looking at the demon quizzically. “A Fullmoon you say?” he asked. “That’s a name I have not heard in quite some time…” he mused. “Well well well…” he looked up, then grinned, “Ah yes… I can sense Merihim’s presence in town, and if he’s here then so is my wayward apprentice! What a lovely little co-incidence!” he cackled, “Well… this is interesting indeed…” he murmured.
The hooded figure grunted, “I’m going to go make sure the graveyard shift is doing their duties…” they said, walking out onto the production floor.
The two watched her go, “Tsk… well, at least that one is gonna do her part. Just gotta remind her why she joined up in the first place ta keep her in line.” said the large demon, “Its almost sad really…” he chuckled.
“Sad? Oh Quzgup…” said the Victorian gentleman as he slid off his glasses, grinning as his red, goat-slitted eyes were revealed, “Nobody will be sad in New Orleans soon… They’ll be many, many things… but certainly not sad…” laughed Al.
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sashi-ya · 2 years
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➡ nsfw. Demon! Roronoa Zoro x F! Reader x Sanji ~ Stay Away From The King of Hell ~
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Hi guys! I wanted to write a little scenario and I ended up with an nsfw fic including Sanji into a bisexual fantasy 🤣 Also, my beautiful friend @the-witch-of-one-piece gave me the idea of making these demon! Zoro stories a serie! If you like the idea please tell me so I can keep writing them :3
tw: nsfw. Zosan action. dp. dom! demonic! Zoro. Sub! Reader. Sub! Sanji. Zoro is possessed so he will be acting like the devil, don't expect a romantic fic here :P
wc: 3.5k
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He hasn’t been the same since Wano. Zoro has changed. None of you dared to say nothing, but every one of you noticed. A growing appetite for red meats… raw red meats. The bloodier, the better. Sanji is not trying to stop him any longer.
“What are we going to do?” every nakama ask when Zoro is taking one of his usual naps. Yet, things have changed there too… He only sleeps during the day and never during the nights.
“(Name), do you have any idea?” Nami asks you because you are Zoro’s predilect nakama. He has a special affinity for you, and you for him. Love? Yeah, maybe you two are in love. But Zoro doesn’t care. He protects you, yes. But he doesn’t care about the tags. Sex? Of course… but not since Wano.
Zoro has been avoiding sleeping next to you, touching, kissing, grazing you. And you been doing the same… all of you have. The image of his transformation still lingers your memories, from dying to that… thing. Feral, drooling, so ready to drink the blood of his enemies. Purple and green, he looked like the King of Hell…
Zoro is the King of Hell.
He grunts during his sleep, who knows against what he is fighting. Is that thing going to sprout from his insides once again? When you are asleep? During the day? During the night?
“You should go and talk to him, (Name)-chwan. You are the one who spoke to him the last time. I’ll be backing you up in case he goes feral” Sanji suggests, and he is right. The only voice able to calm him down was yours.
“Fine” you mumble, not sure. That man right there… is still your lover? Is Roronoa Zoro still? You take a look at his sleeping position against the mast of the Thousand Sunny Go as the Sun slowly hides over the horizon. His jaw tensed, his arms muscles spasming. His nails have grown slightly longer and now are carving in his own palms as he clenches his hands.
He has periods of normality, but usually he isolates himself. Away from you, from your crew. But for how long this situation will go on? It’s time to act.
An icy full moon shines now over a black firmament full of stars, and you, wary walk towards him. He is now awake, hands behind his head, his katanas on his right side (good sign) and steel eye fixed on the moon.
The sound of your steps over the deck alerts him, in a sudden and violent motion he looks at you and you freeze.
His aura it’s perceivable, more than always. Nobody has such an intimidating sight like him, and as now you all know, that aura comes from nothing else than a real demon.
You can feel Sanji’s flames igniting around his ankles at your back, yet he still says nothing. Normally, he would shout at him to stop but not now. The mission consists of talking to Zoro in the most peaceful way possible.
“Why are you coming, (Name)?” Zoro asks, once his sight has returned and fixed into the moon. “I- I miss you, Zoro” you mumble, because you do, and think that if you talk about your feelings he would somehow, treat you kindly.
“I told you not to come closer” Zoro grunts, the veins on his temple growing and pumping. “Oi Marimo…” Sanji grunts back, already losing the little patient he has left. How dare he speak like that to a woman?
“Cook, you too. Please” the green haired samurai says, surprisingly politely and trying to calm himself with all of his strength. Sanji’s brows twitch. That’s not how Zoro would normally talk to him, not even ask something with “please”.
You turn around to look at your blonde nakama, tears are flooding your eyes. “I’m sorry” Sanji mouths, and dares to place one of his hands on your shoulder. Wrong decision.
In less than a second, as fast as possible, even more than Sanji’s super speed, Zoro appears at your back. His eye fixes on Sanji’s hand and then into the blonde’s eye. You stay froze, eyes widened, a cold shiver running through your back. The tingling sound of Zoro’s sharp blades, and the draining effect of Enma could be felt on your and Sanji’s bodies.
You swallow, tilting your head to the side as Zoro’s big, veiny, calloused hand now rests on your free shoulder. Sanji’s blue visible eye holds a flame inside, and you could only think Zoro’s probably too.
“Sanji… why are you touching her?” Zoro whispers, holding a beast about to burst. Both, Sanji and you, gasp to hear Zoro naming him for the very first time. “Zoro… I was just comforting her. She wanted to talk to you, and you pushed her away” Sanji firmly, also naming him, says.
A silence, that seems eternal, you unable to move wait for the inevitable to happen in a matter of seconds. But none of them move, and it seems as if your body was the perfect shield, the only thing that was holding Zoro back.
But you were wrong and in a sudden motion, Zoro’s hand end up under your chin, squeezing your cheeks with his fingers. “You want to fuck her, don’t you?” he asks, completely unexpectedly. Zoro has never ever pronounced the world fuck in front of anybody, and you are sure not even in front of you either.
Sanji gets angrier and angrier, and he knows too well he could handle Zoro in his demon form just fine, but you are in the middle, and he has to protect you. “Marimo, stop this. Let her go, you are hurting her. You know that I’m not attacking you because she is in the middle” he says. “Let her go, now”.
“You haven’t answered yet. You wanna fuck her, Sanji?” Zoro asks again, pronouncing the chef’s name in a rather lustful tone. The green haired demon tilts your head to the side and licks in the most sinful possible way your cheek.
You react to his touch almost immediately, scared but so needy for it. “And I bet you want to fuck him, too… don’t you?” Zoro whispers into your ear, warmth breath, making your skin go all bumpy.
From Sanji’s nose, the most delicate little thin red line falls. Of course, this makes him aroused, but you seem to be in danger and inside him a storm of contradictions take place. “Let her go, Marimo” he screams, trying to kick him.
But your lips semi opened with ectasis expression, the teasing, even Zoro’s shameless speech is killing him, and he loses focus. So much he does, Zoro easily stops him from keep moving.
Enma’s edge to his neck, making his marked chin go up to avoid being beheaded. “Marimo… what…?” he stutters with a mix in between anger, hornyness and fright in his voice.
Zoro smirks and licks his upper lip. “Now you two are gonna get what you’ve been looking for. I told you not to come closer, and still you did. As the King I am you should comply” he states, passing his free hand now over your breasts.
You gasp and press your legs together; you need to give your throbbing sex some kind of release. You would lie if this weren’t something you have dreamt of many times but… is this moral? Is this safe?
“I can smell how wet you are from here, (Name)” Zoro mumbles, once again presenting beasty characteristics. “You want this, don’t you? Then turn around for your King, come on” he orders you and you do.
Sanji tries to tell you stop, but the metallic cold feeling of Enma’s blade on his Adam’s apple as it moves makes him shut up immediately.
Zoro’s hand land on Sandai Kitetsu that up until now was hanging from his hips so gracefully. “Marimo…” Sanji moans, this time he is really scared. “Shh I’m not gonna hurt her, just wanna get rid of those clothes”
Just the tip of his blade is enough to cut your shorts, shirt, and bra in the middle. Both pieces fall to the side exposing your whole anatomy to him. Your hands are behind your back, and your widened eyes express fear and lust.
Sanji’s nosebleed is now profuse, and that’s just more fuel to the flame.
“Sanji… you know how much I need blood, don’t you?” Zoro says, still with Enma to the cook’s neck and with a demonic expression. Sanji simply nods, barely moving any muscle and waits for the King of Hell’s next movement.
The little drops that fall from the blonde’s nose, trail a path from it towards his lips. Ferrous taste invading his mouth, inviting Zoro to drink from such ambrosia. “Stay still, Sanji” he commands, and the blade of his sword barely grazes the white skin up from his neck to his lips collecting drops of it in it.
Zoro takes Enma to his mouth, licking the blood off from it in the most lascivious imagery. “Zo-“ Sanji lips tremble, excitedly, horny? You don’t get exactly what’s going on and still rejoice on living it.
“Hah, they say princes have blue blood… but yours it’s so red and delicious” Zoro grunts, now taking his steely iris to yours. He is marking his next victim, and oh girl, your naked body in front of him it’s the one.
Your nipples get hard with the breeze of the night in the Grandline. Every nakama went to sleep as planned, you all needed full calm around Zoro in order to talk to him… but plans changed just a little…
“Come closer” the swordsman tells you, and as you do his mouth quickly land on your breasts. Sharp fangs, yet still human, nibble on your sensitive buttons. He pulls, bites and sucks. You whine, with your palm covering your mouth and closing your eyes as you feel despicable for enjoying this.
But Zoro is not ashamed, and nor seems Sanji. He sucks and fix his eye into his partner, showing him a lustful show and a bisexual fantasy. Will Sanji succumb to such thing? The Devil is known to tempt his victims and that’s exactly what Zoro is doing.
Zoro’s tongue sticked out plays with your nipple, the wind now freeze and make them even harder. Hard like Sanji’s crotch, hard, dripping, staining his black trousers with salty, sticky precum.
“Look at you, cook… so miserable” Zoro laughs, and moves Enma down indicating his friend to kneel on the deck of the Thousand Sunny go. “Come here crawling and undress me”.
You open your eyes, is this happening for real? Will Sanji comply to such orders?
And he does. You don’t know exactly if it’s just Zoro’s aura that’s able to make people move as he pleases or is that Sanji is really doing this because he wants it. But he does, and his skilful hands began unbuttoning Zoro’s green coat until the top half part of it hangs at each side of his hips.
Sanji’s pointy perfect nose barely graze Zoro’s hipbones, inhaling the scent of his caramel, covered in scars, skin. “Calm down, Sanji…” Zoro scolds him, as if he was lesser than a pet. Though Sanji seemed to be drooling over both of yours and Zoro’s half nudity.
“Let me ask you again, Sanji… Do you wanna fuck her?” Zoro asks, pushing the Germa prince, making him fall back on his ass. Sanji blinks, looking at him and then at you. “I- I…”
“Say you want it, Sanji-kun~” you moan, both because you want it and also because Zoro’s knee is playing in between your thighs now. “The little slut wants you, cook… come on”
Zoro turns you around and makes you walk towards the railing. “Arms on the rail, spread” he commands, using Sandai Kitetsu’s blade in between your legs. His heavy hand on your head, pulling from your hair to make you face him. “Are you gonna let the cook fuck you rough? Hm?” he asks, smirking and licking the commissure of his lips where a trail of Sanji’s dried blood rests.
You nod, panting as the excitement and exhilaration of this whole situation is making you act like a needy mess. “Good whore, serving your King as you should” he spits, putting your head down so your back arches and your ass ends lifted up.
Sanji still on the floor, startled to even say something look like a starving animal, drooling and needy to touch, to lick, to fuck you. “Come here, Sanji. Show me how you fuck her”
As fast as Zoro has said that to him, the cook is up walking towards you two to fulfil the duty of fucking you just as you asked him to. His soft, cared palms land on the small of your back and him, desperately, doesn’t even wait to undress he just lowers his zipper to stick himself inside you.
But the demon inside Zoro won’t let him do such terrible thing, oh no. And instead, Zoro wants to have a little bit more fun…
“As I thought, desperate. Cook, should I teach you how it’s done?” Zoro says, stopping Sanji as his arm passes from the back all across the cook’s belly. “Zoro- why?” Sanji pants and protests and lets you dripping wet as he hasn’t filled you up with his dick yet.
Zoro’s cynic laugh resonates in both of you. You are so drawn to touch yourself; you can’t take it anymore.  “Look Sanji, look. Look how the whore is touching herself. She wants our dicks to fill her up” the swordsman whispers into Sanji’s ear, grazing it with his lips.
Sanji trembles, both because he wants to fuck you and because of the intense teasing, the sinful act of succumbing to a man’s touch. Him, Vinsmoke Sanji, a Casanova, getting harder because of a man doing that to him. What a contradiction, what a beautiful, libidinous temptation.
The blonde’s mind becomes blurry, he needs release, and the now drops of drools from Zoro’s bite on his neck ends up with him completely surrendered and whatever he wants to do with him.
Much to Sanji’s surprise, Zoro gently unbuttons his shirt as he asks for him to unbuckle his belt. “See her dripping cunt? She is getting off just by hearing us do this” he whispers, voice getting lower and raspier. And hell, Zoro is right. You can’t help but trace circles on your clit as you can barely see them so close, so lasciviously almost dancing with the other. What’s inside of Zoro is definitely changing everything, not only in between you two, but his whole relationship with his nakamas… specially with Sanji.
Zoro’s hardness pressed against the cook’s back. Calloused hands that now reach for white, scarless abs, go up and down. And Sanji’s nape rests on Zoro’s shoulder with his lips semi open, subdued to the most carnal desires.
“Give me your hand, cook” Zoro commands, and surrounding one of Sanji’s hands he takes it to his lower belly, going down in a painful slow-motion. “Zoro… please” Sanji begs, at this point he wants to be touched.
“Don’t rush, cook” the swordsman says, biting once again his neck this time feeling sharper than before. Zoro’s demon is blooming, manifesting in his physical traits… and none of you have a problem with it. The first time you saw that creature you didn’t thought it was horrible, but sexy, worthy of a dark God, hybrid human with a feral façade and attitude. Feral, scary, but absolutely irresistible.
Sanji’s hand with Zoro’s around it finally get to the prince’s throbbing shaft. The sticky wetness that has left the trousers of the cook damped bathe Zoro’s back of his hand. “Ah… Sanji…” he grunts, allowing the trousers that barely hang from Sanji’s prominent hipbones to slide down to the ground.
Exposed milky crotch, reddish, almost purple tip sprouting slippery arousal product. Fingers around his shaft, up and down, pumping together. Whet teeth carving marks on fair shoulders, making Sanji whine uncontrollably, with tears forming in the corner of his eyes.
“I’m gonna… cum” Sanji states, trembling, realizing Zoro has become fully transformed and even tiny horns have grown from his forehead. You on the verge of maybe the second orgasm already, have your sight fixed on them as they even haven’t noticed you are there.
“You are not cumming until I tell you so, Sanji. You, (Name) who told you to stop? Prepare your cunt we are gonna fuck you now” he conducts, and you, as fast as possible return to your position of hands on the rail and ass up for them.
Zoro stops jerking Sanji and makes him come closer to your entrance. “If you are gonna cum, you are gonna do it inside of her”.  He doesn’t wait and guides his partner’s dripping dick inside of your clenching walls. You moan, loudly, causing your whines to be heard all over the Grandline vast ocean being plied by your ship.
“Sh, whore” Zoro let Sanji alone, who at this point is fucking you mercilessly. “Suck it” he commands, while the green robe ends up completely on the ground as well as his black pants. His hardness so tempting, multiplied by the effect of black patterns drawn over his skin, specially from his hip bones down.
You receive his sex in your mouth, allowing to be choked with salty delight sprouting from it. Thrusts at your back, thrusts on your mouth, pulling from your hair, and Sanji’s nails carving at each side of your glutes. Breaking you in half, the wings of the Pirate King destroy you. Your legs turn weaker and weaker. Almost impossible to stay standing, your knuckles become white from how hard you are gripping to the railing not to fall.
When Sanji show inevitable signs of bursting, Zoro who hasn’t ever stopped fucking your mouth snatches the blonde’s cheeks. “Look at your face, little whore” he smirks, enjoying the rapt expressions of Sanji’s upcoming orgasm.
A moan ripped from his throat, breathed into Zoro’s mouth as he bites the cook’s pinkish juicy lips. A moan followed by yours, feeling so full of Sanji’s release you also cum moaning around Zoro’s hard shaft.
“Good you too, but it’s not the end… who should I fuck first?”
Pushing Sanji back, making his cum drip from your entrance through your thighs and into the floor, Zoro turns you around. You gasp, still trembling for the past orgasm. The look into his eyes have changed even more, and the steel colour of his irises is covered by a purple gaze.
“Zoro…” you stutter. “King of Hell, little whore” he corrects you and lifts you up sitting you on the rail. Dangerously balancing yourself your legs surround his waist and your hands grab his little horns. “Hah, the whore found a good use for these” he laughs, looking up towards his little sprouting protrusions.
He doesn’t wait and impales you, even if your overly sensitive entrance would use some rest, he won’t give you the pleasure to do so. His hips, strong and merciless move in and out of you, and his sharp teeth graze your lips painfully making them bleed a little.
The ferrous taste of your red vital fluid makes him even feral, and you feel as if your insides are being ripped. But you don’t care, you want more, more and more. You want that beast to go in so deep, deepest every time. You look at the muscles of his body tense, his mandible, the perfection of the scar crossing his chest tensing too.
A quick look at the side towards the man who had just fucked you some minutes ago gives you the imagery of a blond already hard again, jerking him off, fixing his sight in the way Zoro fucks you and you enjoy being impaled.
“Sanji, little whore, come here” Zoro manages to say, in between guttural demonic grunts and sweaty temples. And Sanji, as if he knew exactly what his friend wanted comes closer to you too. You open your eyes and look at them kiss in the most passionate, lecherous way. It makes you wanna join, and so you do, slowly but surely.
Three tongues dancing with each other, strings of saliva forming in between them, the most sinful attitude, worthy of the very King and vassals of hell.
“Fuck her too, stretch this cunt with me” Zoro commands his friend and so that’s what the blonde does. Zoro walks a little back so Sanji can fit in between you and the railing and when it’s all set his dick slides inside you. It stretches you to no extent, the grazing of both of them sexes inside you, pumping in and out in unison. Sanji’s little whines on your ear, Zoro’s grunt on your lips…
Trembling, coming. Coming them too, your uterus full of their releases. Your skin with marks, scratches of Zoro’s longer nails, the dried blood of your bitten lips… Let’s descend to hell and never come back…
“That’s why I told you to stay away from me, (Name), Sanji… I haven’t still tamed my demon… and it’s so hungry”
“Let us help you to do so, Zoro…” ~
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moemammon · 3 years
Alright so my request is angsty-ish. Mc is engaged to someone else when they move for the exchange program and stays faithful during their entire stay, so maybe hcs on how the brothers react to a taken MC who (if they even try to advance) actively avoids romantic situations with them, and maybe a little bonus of them reuniting with their lover smittened.
I tried to request this before but all my asks get eaten so I just wanted to make sure it got through
"What Do You Mean You're Already Taken?!" (Feat the Demon Bros and GN!MC)
(Hell yeah angst time heheHEH >:))
Can you even imagine how Lucifer, the Avatar of Pride, reacted when his obvious advances toward you were always awkwardly brushed off? No matter what he tried, no matter how perfectly romantic the situation, he could never coax you into accepting his affections.
And he soon found out why, when you finally admitted that you were taken by another.
He can't remember the last time he's felt pain like this. He'd finally found someone he could be... vulnerable with. Someone he could open himself up to, who wouldn't see him in a different light as a result.
But to know that no matter what, he'll never be able to have you? It's a worse punishment than he could've imagined himself. He can't do anything but accept it, and you'll soon find that his advances come to a complete vault.
He's a little colder to you, but that's only because he's trying to relearn how to feel about your presence. He asks that you give him some time alone, for a few days. He'll be busy in his office in the time being.
God, he's crushed. Mammon... was always aiming to be your first everything. Guess someone beat him to the punch before he could do anything to stop it. It takes everything in him not to accuse you of pulling his leg.
But you can't be serious... right? You're saying that no matter what he does or how strongly he feels, he can never have you? He won't get to hold you against him? He'll never be able to kiss you? To pull you under his sheets so you can sleep your worries away? Never be able to tell you just how much he loves you, more than any material possession in this entire world...?
But... why couldn't you just choose him..?
Mammon doesn't get it. He feels like he's always getting the short end of the bargain no matter what he tries. He knew the stakes were high when he started pining for you. You're... YOU! Perfect, amazing, lovable you... who will never be his.
These days he's barely home. You guys are still 'friends', but sometimes you can't tell if he's teasing you or actually being mean. He can't even stand being around you for too long, because his damned heart starts pounding until it hurts. He'd rather gamble the nights away than to have to deal with that.
Of course you're taken... it's not like he could've expected otherwise. Someone as great as you wouldn't look good standing with a gross otaku...
Jokes aside, Levi's heart has just shattered into a million pieces. You were his one! The one he dreamed about! The one he wanted to be around, despite his crippling social anxiety!
You got him... No, you REALLY got him. He didn't have to put up any walls when he was with you. He knew you liked him for who he was, and that you weren't secretly making fun of him when he wasn't around.
And... you two actually enjoyed one another's company! You shared so many laughs, so many days together, and just when he thought he'd gathered the courage to ask you to be his, you told him that you were taken.
He'll get over it. He's used to being disappointed, after all. Just don't mind him while he spends the next two weeks holed up in his room. If you need something, do you might just writing a note and slipping it under his door? He can't bear to look at his phone, since it's full of pictures of you.
Satan didn't mean to cause an outburst like that. He never meant to scare you. But when he realized that all this time spent falling deeper, and hopelessly in love with you, was all for naught? He didn't know how to react.
So many new, strange feelings rushed into him at once, until it all exploded in a fit of rage. Was it really anger? Or was it sorrow so strong that it could've been mistaken as such? He couldn't tell, because he's never felt this way before.
His room had been completely destroyed, many precious books lost to the unstoppable force that was his angry release. And when it subsided he was left feeling empty and lost... scared, even.
Would you think differently of him now? Would he think differently of YOU now? Could this... odd, sick, twisted relationship of yours be mended..? He didn't even know if he had the strength to attempt it.
So he isolates himself from you, spending a great deal of time repairing the damage done to his room. And when that's been finished, he's reading like his life depends on it. In the world of books, he can forget about real life entirely. Is it silly for him to imagine that maybe, some day, everything will work out like in a lighthearted fairytale?
So you have a partner? Polygamy is fine too! Or so he thought, until you emphasized that you were loyal to your one and only partner. Meaning.. Asmo wasn't invited to the party.
Now, the Avatar of Lust wasn't exactly one who knew rejection. Sure he got a few 'no's here and there, but those little flings meant nothing and had no weight on his heart.
But you? You... were everything he didn't know he needed. Asmo knew he was beautiful and alluring, but you knew there was more to him than that. And you sought to bring those parts of him out into the light! He could only dream of showing his true self to you and you alone.
Asmodeus felt so secure with you, like the mask he'd been wearing for millennia could finally come off. With you, he could just be himself, and he could never tell you just how much that really meant to him. But now his heart aches with a pain he's never felt before, and it hurts so much that he can't help but cry.
His devilgram followers have been seeing him a LOT more lately. So has all of the devildom, really. He's never home anymore, choosing to fill the void with temporary lovers instead. It isn't enough though, and it only makes the pain worse. But in the end, what more can he do? He doesn't understand what love is without you.
Beel loved you. More than he could understand. More than he could've known.
When the feeling first blossomed within him, he thought it was hunger. Instead, it was a burning desire for you and only you, twisting in his core and setting his heart on fire.
Beel didn't understand it, but he knew that when you were with him, he could breathe a little easier. He could forget about the gnawing hunter that clouded his thoughts. For once, he actually felt free of his sin.
And then, you told him about your significant ofter, and he’d never felt so hungry in his life. The pain was so strong he thought he might collapse from weakness right then and there. It hurt... he hated it...
To everyone's shock, Beel has begun losing his appetite more frequently, most often after catching a glimpse of you. That familiar pain would sprout within him again and make him grimace, and he could no longer find the desire to eat. Maybe he'd just take his meals to his room from now on..?
Right... of course. A human like you would be partnered with a human. It was natural that you'd have relationships before your life in the devildom. Anyone would've known that. So... why the hell did it sting so much?
Belphie couldn't sleep. Every moment he closed his eyes, visions of your sweet smile, your wonderful laugh, the way your nose wrinkled when you ate something gross... all of it haunted him. He couldn't get you out of his head no matter what he tried.
And it was so much worse now that he knew you were taken. He wondered if this was a punishment for killing you, like the universe's way of judging him for his misdeeds, and the ages of hatred he held in his heart for humans. Why would fate allow him to be happily partnered to one?
Try as he might, this was one worry he couldn't sleep away. He could never get comfortable. He couldn't close his eyes without thinking about you. He didn't want this. He hated this feeling of self loathing and regret. Belphagor wanted you, more than he’d ever wanted anything.
Maybe... he could convince you to love him? Show you that his love was so, SO much more than what anyone else could offer? He’d remind you of all the times you two shared together. You're not scared, right? Good. That's the last thing he’d want, because he loves you.
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