An angsty Chaggie/Chaggily idea I don’t think we’re discussing enough: Charlie is potentially a natural angel killer. She was able to manifest a weapon that hurt and could have potentially killed Adam. Imagine her having to contend with THAT revelation while being in love with Vaggie (and potentially Emily as well).
ooooo i've been WONDERING if heavenly steel's killing ability comes from them being forged by / imbued with like, high ranking angelic power, like from a seraphim or such (sera not only allowing the exterminations to happen, but having to quietly supply and resupply adam with the weapons for it....)
can u imagine tho. if Charlie's being part seraphim gave her that same power?
first, before that becomes a thing- Vaggie's so relieved and relaxed to have the exorcist secret out in the open. she doesn't have to worry about Charlie seeing her angelic blood anymore-
(maybe grins, reminding Charlie they can be a bit more adventurous in bed now) (maybe sits Charlie down and gently explains that she'd rather they got a bit rough in practice sparring with each other than see Charlie get hurt in an actual fight later-)
and maybe Charlie starts to kinda like seeing Vaggie's angelic blood, in the right moments
she loved Vaggie as a sinner- but she just UNDERSTANDS her better now, knowing why her partner hates heaven so much, why she believed in Charlie and redemption and the hotel when no one else did- maybe also it's reassuring, knowing Vaggie really isn't a sinner who might choose heaven over hell some day. instead she's an angel, she did the reverse, she's chosen hell and Charlie over heaven (she isn't leaving) (not like-) and that golden blood is PROOF
so there are love bites that get a bit passionate and there's moments in sparring when Charlie starts tentatively throwing all of herself into a fight, to feel what it's like, to fight for them and their future together even if Vaggie gets a bit scrapped up in the here and now-
but the scraps. don't heal. the way non-angelic wounds should
the love bites Charlie leaves on her scar
and Vaggie, she's fine with that! more than fine
She's surprised and RELIEVED- Charlie's tougher than anyone thinks, Charlie will never really be unarmed if someone tries to get the jump on her- (so many want to) the tight memory of seeing her fight Adam (his hand on her throat) easing a little as Vaggie reshuffles her girlfriend into the heavenly tier above him (smirks at how he'd HATE that)
Vaggie, taking a moment whenever she's by a mirror, just to trace the new marks her girlfriend left on her
(bookmarks from her new life, good memories, more changes from the exorcist she stills glimpses staring back at her sometimes- changes SHE chose, this time, so different from her missing eye...)
but Charlie... oh... Charlie would be gutted by them
no matter how many times Vaggie smiles as she touches the scars, there's still the sinking, hollowing thought- Lute is the one who leaves marks like that. Vaggie's eye, her wings, her hand- Charlie knows herself as the one who puts on the bandage, helps with the pain, remembers which side of her girlfriend to stand on and watches her back in a fight so it DOESN'T happen again... and now, she's also the one who's left scars
she's the one who could- with one wrong move or small mistake- could do WORSE than just scars-
and unlike with Lute, Vaggie is never on her guard around Charlie
Charlie going to her dad- her dad who she's only finally really talking to again because of VAGGIE- asking him, whispering like when she tiny enough to curl up in his lap- was that what it was like with mom? did that... have anything to do with Lilith leaving..?
Lucifer trying to reassure her- no no no, that part never bothered Lilith, physical stuff is the simpler part- loving someone is way people really get the power to hurt you-
(his own love of creation, of life, leaving him broken hearted down in hell-)(Lucifer cringing)
-saying instead, she TRUSTS you, Char-char. She believes in you (even when i didn't), and has she ever been wrong about it?
but Charlie will always be afraid, now, of just how wrong Vaggie's faith in her might be
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