#omgbarbiegurl and I's chapter
renee-writer · 2 months
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The Heart Don't Lie Chapter 78
A/N Most of this chapter is the always amazing work of @omgbarbiegurl . Give her some love y'all.
A woman ran through the woods in a mad run, tugging her child behind her.
“Come on dear, we’re almost there!”
Fear was the driving force behind her midnight run, not normal fear, but pure unadulterated terror.
She turned quickly and then ran toward a hill.
“Mama Bees!” The child shouted.
“Yes darling, Bees. They will help us, don’t worry.”
Once the pair made it to the top of the hill, she looked out over the tops of the trees.
She could see light blooming in spurts. Their pursers were quickly coming upon them, she had to act now, or it would be the end of both of them.
She tugged the necklace from around her neck and wrapped it around her child’s neck.
“When you get to the other side, you tell anyone that speaks to you that you want to see Dr. John Morrison. You say that name over and over, nothing else, just that name. Do you understand?”
“Shush! Repeat that name.”
“D-D-Dr. John Morrison.”
“Yes, his name is Dr. John Morrison. He will help you; just show him the necklace and tell him my name.”
“But you’ll come too!”
Tears filled her eyes and spilled down her cheeks. “I’ll be with you, even if you can’t see me.”
She looked over her shoulder. It had to be now.
With a cry, she shoved her child against the large stones, not flinching when he disappeared.
“I love you darling.” She whispered softly as a large crowd descended upon her.
The child woke up at the bottom of a hill, a large man was standing over him.
“You alright there?”
The child blinked his eyes.
“Dr. John Morrison.”
“Who? What? Just say still, I called for help. You’ll be okay.”
“Dr. John Morrison.” The child mumbled as his eyes slid shut again.
He woke up again in a strange room with a woman in white fussing over him. There were strange and loud noises surrounding him.
The woman in white smiled at him.
“Hello sweeting, welcome back.”
“Dr. John Morrison.”
“Oh yes, you have been saying that name for a bit. He is coming, might take a bit but he is coming.”
“Dr. John Morrison, he’ll help.”
“Indeed he will poppet.”
The man known as Dr. John Morrison arrived a bundle of nerves.
He had no idea why a random young child was asking for him.
Unless it was something related to the…incident a few years back.
But it couldn’t be.
The ends of the Earth had been searched, and a trace had never been found.
But now…
He took a breath as stepped into the room that he had been directed to.
He didn’t speak, just stared.
At the child that seemed to be expecting him, waiting almost.
John smiled.
“Hello there, I’m Dr. John Morrison, you have been asking for me.”
The child nodded.
John stepped into the room and to a chair.
“And you are?”
The child smiled.
“Mathieu Andrew Morrison.”
He is dreaming about the past. A sigh at seeing his mama again. It is so real he can smell her scent, a type of floral, almost rose smell. He wakes gasping, understanding the message. He needs to talk with his father.
“You love her?” Andrew nods.
“I love her very much. More then I ever imagined loving anyone.”
His father smiles. The lad had been a shock. This son that he searched high and low for, not thinking to look in the past. Hearing his haunting tale and how his mama meet her end, it twisted his gut and made him more determined to see to the lad, protect him. Love now, that is one thing he can’t protect him from.
“The lass feel the same?”
“Aye father, she does. I know I am not her first love but I want to be her last.”
John smiles. Despite his rough start, the lad turned out brilliantly. Smart, sweet, compassionate, strong; he is all he can ask for in a son.
“Brilliant. Then you must tell her. Everything.”
“Father, I worry she will think me insane.”
“If she is the right one, she will accept it and you. You cannot enter into a marriage under the shadow of a secret this big.”
He knows he is right.
He had to tell Rose the truth about himself, it was just simply plucking up the courage to do it.
He didn’t want her to think he was crazy, or accuse him of putting on some show.
It was his Father that gave him the final push he needed.
“If you want to build a life with her, it can’t be on a foundation of lies. If she truly loves you, truly, she will accept all of you.”
It didn’t make It any easier though.
He decided to tell her as they sat in the Great Room at Lallybroch.
They were just having Tea and chatting when he set down his Teacup with a clang.
“Whoa easy there, that was my Great Great Grandmother’s Fine Bone China. Legend has it, she buried it away so the English couldn’t get it after Culloden. Then couldn’t find it, so she practically ripped the property up digging for it.”
“Clearly she did.”
“Nope! According to Legend, my Great Grandfather stumbled across it when he was just a wee laddie. He thought it was treasure and buried it under the house to find it again, and never did. Grandda was the one that finally found it when he decided to build a barn and had to dig up the area. Found it in the brown canvas bag tied up with rope to look like just a sack of something or other.”
They both laughed and he took her hand.
“What’s on your mind?” Rose asked gently.
“I wonder…would you ever want an engagement ring?”
“Hmmm, that would depend on who was offering.”
“If I should?”
“Then it would depend on the ring.”
“I want to offer you one, but before I do, I need to tell you something.”
Andrew cleared his throat.
“Well when I was a little lad, my Mam took me on a trip. We climbed this huge hill and all I heard were these loud noises, cries of pain and sorrow almost. The next thing I knew, I was falling down a hill. When I got to the bottom; my Mam picked me up, made sure I was okay, and then said: ‘This is our new home. People are going to seem strange here, pay it no mind and say nothing.’ So I didn’t.”
Rose sipped her Tea.
“Go on.”
“So we walked to this little town, maybe an hours walk from the stones. My Mam got a little Cottage and we lived there happily for a long time until she was accused of being a Witch. Then she ran with me…told me to ask for John Morrison…shoved me against these stones…found myself in a strange room…and then met Dr. John Morrison, my Father.”
Rose had not said anything, just sipped her Tea.
When he was done, silence filled the room, the only thing breaking it was the ticking of a Grandfather Clock from the hall.
Rose set down her cup and looked at him, an unreadable look on her face.
“Your Mother’s name, was it Laura?”
Andrew frowned. “Yes why?”
She didn’t answer, simply grabbed his hand, and drug him up the stairs to the second floor.
She took him to the end of the long hallway where dusty portraits sat on the wall.
“Give me a boost.” Rose ordered.
Andrew didn’t hesitate, he wrapped his hands around her waist and lifted.
“I know you’re here somewhere, come on. Ah ha!”
She grabbed a portrait down, and when Andrew lowered her down, she shoved it in his face.
“Is this her?”
Andrew took a step back, blinking.
His Mother’s shy, sweet smile looked at him from the clearly antique painted portrait. In a brass name tag along the bottom of the picture was the name: Laura Ann Morrison.
Andrew nodded. “Y-Yes.”
“Come with me.”
She grabbed his arm and yanked him down the hallway to a door on the left, still holding the portrait.
Rose didn’t knock, or stand on ceremony. She simply opened the door and stomped in.
“Daddy, we have to talk.”
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bitbybitwrites · 5 months
Puppy Love (RWRB New Years Exchange Fic) - Chp 1
So I signed up to take part in the @rwrbnygiftexchange and was selected to write something for @omgbarbiegurl.
My prompts were : snow, fluff and kidfic
Thank you again for being so patient - I'm still writing, so I'll post as I go. but here's the first chapter for you!
Thanks as always to my betas who I run things by and are so supportive - and my friend @iris7124 who made the cover art for this fic!
Henry shivered as the winter wind sliced through him.  Pulling his coat collar up and holding it closed with one hand, he walked as quickly as he could.  He knew his apartment wasn't that far. 
So close. . .it was so close.
Henry had plans.  Plans involving the biggest mug of Earl Grey he could imbibe, tucking into his sister's care package from home that was filled with Jaffa cakes, and probably watching Pride and Prejudice for the hundredth time.
Or maybe he’d switch to Star Wars. . .  He could do with a little Return of the Jedi happy ending today. 
The plans weren't exactly fixed in stone. 
Henry sighed.  Perhaps it wasn’t the most exciting evening in the world, but at least it was nice and cozy.
And warm.
He was really looking forward to the warm part.
Henry started to speedwalk as the first heavy, wet snowflakes began to fall.  As he passed a poorly lit alleyway he could have sworn he heard a soft crying sound coming from the shadows.  It stopped Henry in his tracks.
“Hello?” he called out tentatively.  “Hello?  Is someone there?”
Read more on A03
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virtie333 · 1 year
Rules: Make a new post and post your latest line from your WIP & tag as many people as there are words you want.
Thanks for the tag @seleneisrising
From the modern AU WIP, which you'll learn more about tomorrow (WIP Wednesday!). I just finished this chapter last night:
“I would love to see a wolf,” Rey responded. “I’m kind of bummed we haven’t heard any, yet. Goodnight, Poe.” She closed her eyes.
“Goodnight, Rey,” he responded, terrified but excited about the adventure awaiting them tomorrow.
Tagging @omgbarbiegurl @diplomaticprincess @campingwiththecharmings @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @romanarose @toracainz and anyone else who wants to do it! It's 6 in the morning; I'm lucky I'm typing coherently.
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renee-writer · 2 months
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The Heart Don't Lie Chapter 80
A/N Many thanks to the amazing @omgbarbiegurl for the first few lines.
“Time Travel through stones? That sounds like some story from the ancient Highlands.”
“There was once a story my Da told me about The Woman of Balnain. But I always thought it was just a story.”
Claire stopped pacing and smiled. “Clearly, it was not.”
“Aye clearly.” She shakes her head again.
“How are you so calm about all this?”
He grins. “Weel Sassanach, growing up in the Highlands, the place full of mysteries and wonder, it is easier.”
“That makes sense. Even with all my travels, this is a lot.”
“Aye,” he pulls her against him wrapping his arms around her belly, “what bothers me most isn’t the time travel, it is the idea of my ancestors kicking her out with a bairn.”
She sighs, resting her head back against him. His gentle heart is one of the many things she loves most about him.  “Is there a way to find out?”
He hums against her. “Been thinking about that, there may be. Brian kept meticulous records. Going through them might answer the question.”
“What of Andrew? Does this new information change your mind about him being part of Rose’s future?”
“No, it makes me even more sure about him. He didn’t have to say anything, you know. Took a risk in doing so. Were we to think him crazy, or worse, were Rose too. But he wanted honesty. That is impressive.”
“I agree.”
His hand has been moving over her stomach as they talked. Now he stops and frowns. She senses the change in him.
“Claire, are you with child again?”
She starts and laughs, thinking he is joking. When he stays still, not joining in, she turns and meets his eyes. “You’re  serious?”
He takes her hand and places over her lower abdomen. “Aye.”
She hasn’t fully lost the weight from carrying the twins but… under her hand was a firm bump. Tiny but there.
“Goodness! My cycles have been off since they were born. I just thought.. Heavens, I need to take a test!” she meets his eyes, “Are we happy?”
In answer, he takes her lips and leads her to the bed.
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renee-writer · 1 year
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Tiny Beautiful Things Chapter 30
“Ahh God!” She cries out, clinging tight to his neck. He prevents himself from chuckling. This is serious business and not something to take lightly, even if she sounds like she did when this baby was started.
“A bit more, almost there.”  The midwife urges. A gasp, a pulled in breath, and she goes again.
He is awed by her strength. Twelve plus hours and she is still going strong. He thought that he went through hell after his accident but, seeing his wife labor to give birth puts that in it’s  proper perspective.
“Here comes the head. Grand job. One big push love and then pant.” Her hand finds his hair and she pulls as she pushes. He doesn’t even whimper. Her other hand is tight in his. They both kneel over a birthing stool. The sea like scent of amniotic fluid and sweat fills the room.
She grunts and puts her remaining strength into it.
“Now pant for just a minute.” He knows their child’s head has been delivered. Moving his own a fraction of an inch, he can see it, a face coming out of his wife. He takes his own deep breath so not to faint.
“Okay Claire , one more big push and we will have baby.”
She bears down harder then she ever has before. Time seems to stop as the baby is eased out of her. Her grunts are all that is heard until…
“Waa, waaa, waaaa!”
The baby is lifted up until her chest. She is crying as she runs shaking hands over,
“A lass Claire!” Jamie’s  job is to check that. “We’ve a lass!”
“Hello Faith Julia Ellen Fraser. Happy birthday!” She greets her red haired daughter, through her tears.
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renee-writer · 9 months
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The Contractor Chapter 45 Fergus' Graduation
“We are so proud of you.” Claire says to eldest son. He is graduating with all level A’s. His plans are to be a lawyer representing people like him.
“There aren’t enough deaf lawyers. To be fighting for your children, your freedom, and need a stranger in the room to interpret for you, it isn’t right.” He explained to his parents.
A mate of his got his girlfriend pregnant and had to fight for his parental rights. That situation sealed his decision.
“You will make a fine barrister.”  Michael agrees, “You sure know how to argue.”
The lads have an excellent relationship. They were concerned, with the age difference and Fergus ‘ deafness, that they wouldn’t. Fergus took to Michael with all his heart.  Michael, in turn, idolizes him.
When Michael had his first crush, it was Fergus he went to.  When some of the neighborhood lads bullied Fergus, William stood up to them. All of his seven year old self against a group of teens. Jamie stood and watched, ready to take up the cause. There was no need. They left.
“I can’t believe this is the same Fergus that I was doing kangaroo care with just seventeen years ago.” Claire says to Geillis.
“Aye,” she smiles watching Michael and Aggie play. They are kicking a football around, waiting for the graduation, “and look at all that came from it.”
The house that was needed to bring Fergus home too, the contractor, needed to fix it. Her husband, her best friend, their sons.
“Thank you for that suggestion.” Claire hugs her mate.
“You’re welcome Claire. My life changed because of it, as well.”
Geillis is thriving in her marriage and Angus is a different person then the grumpy man she first meet. Aggie is wonderful and Michael’s best mate, outside his brother.
“It is time.” Jamie says. “Come lads, into the car with you.” The twelve and thirteen year olds climb in the back of the SUV. Fergus takes the middle. Geillis and Angus, as well as Murtagh and the rest of their families are meeting them there.
The hall is full. Inverness School for the Deaf doesn’t have a large graduating class but all their families and friends which to support them.
The graduation march has a strong bass, so the students can feel it. The enter the hall as teens on the sharp edge of adulthood. They will leave as adults.
Claire feels chills of anticipation. Her baby is a man. How did that happen? She looks over at Michael, getting taller every day. He too is leaving childhood behind. It all goes to fast. Meeting her husband ‘s eyes, she sees the same bitter sweetness reflected. She finds his hand.
“Fergus Henry Fraser, graduating with high honors.” The headmaster says and signs. A whoop goes up from Murtagh, who is unable to hide his pride.
He walk across the stage, grins at his family, who are waving their hands high, those not taken pictures, and then moves his tassel to the other side.
The end
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renee-writer · 11 months
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The Contractor Chapter 28
“A.” She says as she forms her baby’s hand to say it, “A.”
When she lets go of his hand, he grins as he forms it himself.
“Very good,” she signs and says, “very good Fergus.”
She works with him a few hours of the day. Not all at once, as her six month old son would be overwhelmed by that. They also attend a class together once a week that teaches them both to sign and allows him to be around other deaf children.
She is also working part time and helping to plan Geillis ‘ wedding. Fergus will be dedicated soon and then there is herself and Jamie. Her life is full and wonderful.
“B.” she again helps him say it, “B.”
Jamie walks on their lesson. He doesn’t interrupt just stands and watches.
“Very good  Fergus.” Her hands move quickly through the signs, “Very good.”
He grins and claps before waving. That is when she turns to see Jamie.
“Well hello. I thought you were working on the Grant house today.”
“We stopped early. Angus had a tux fitting,” he shakes his head as his smile gets bigger. “I never thought I would live to see the day.”
“Are you ready for your best man duties? Any rooster party plans?”
He laughs. “Are you asking or Geillis?”
She chuckles. “Both. She wants me to plan a hen party. The theme will be based on what you are planning.”
“Ah, well there will be a stripper, if that helps.” Before she can fuss at him, he turns to Fergus. “Hello son,” he signs.
The little boy wiggles and reaches for him. He picks him up.
“Hum, well then I guess we will be going to the strip club.” She is upset.
“Mommy is mad.” He signs before turning to her, “all him. I swear Claire. The only lass I am interested in seeing nude is you.”
Fergus tried to turn his head to him so he can read his lips, a skill he is quickly picking up.
“No. Adult conversation.” His mama tells him. “I believe you. I feel the same. We can have fun and stay true, surely?”
“Aye we can. It is for them.” Now he includes the lad, “ For Auntie Geillis and Uncle Angus.”
He signs aunt and uncle and his mama claps while Jamie slowly says, “Good on you lad!”  To Claire, “He is learning quickly.”
“Yes, I need to study more then he is. The classes are helping and they sign at the hospital daycare.”
He picks up on the last word and he frowns.
“No daycare today .” She says and signs, “Fergus with mama and Jamie.”
“So mama,” he faces the lad, “what plans?”
“Mama needs to do housework.”
“Fergus and I will help.” He adjusts him to sign with one hand, “Help mama?”
“Mama.” He signs back, reaching for her. He hands him over. “What needs done?”
He soon finds himself folding laundry with a smile on his face. Fergus sits by him, playing with a towel he handed him. Claire sings in the kitchen as she loads the dishwasher. He wants this, every day.
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renee-writer · 10 months
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The Contractor Chapter 38 The Wedding
She takes cleansing breaths as she stands in the master bedroom. Dressed in her wedding gown, she feels like she is in the middle of a dream.
Is she really marrying Jamie, the man she never knew she needed, today? Was her son, their son, part of the ceremony. It feels like a pinch me because I am dreaming, situation.
How her life has changed in such a short time! First Fergus, then inheriting this place, Jamie, finding out her son is deaf, realizing she is in love with her contractor, Geillis and Angus, now a wedding. Insane. Everything is exactly how it is supposed to be, no matter how crazy it feels. She knows this  deep in her soul.
Those thoughts calm her. The only thing that makes it less then perfect is the absence of her parents and Lamb.
“You look stunning.” Her future mother-in-law walks in. After meeting Jenny and after Jamie gave her a piece of his mind, he introduced her to the rest of his family. She felt immediately at home in Ellen’s presence. She has a strong mothering vibe about her.
“Thank you.”
“Missing your mum.” She walks over and hands her a box, “I can’t  replace your mum’s presence here today but, I can try to do what she would.  These have been handed down from mam to daughter for many centuries.”
Claire opened the box to reveal an gorgeous string of pearls.  “Oh Ellen! They are beautiful.”
“I wore them on my wedding day. Jenny did on hers. Now, my new daughter shall.”
Tears that have been gathering all day, start to leak out as Ellen fastens them around her neck.
Geillis breezes in. She too stops and stares at her mate. “Wow! “
“Lovely, isn’t she?”
“Aye. Jamie is going to freak.”
“He is here?” She knows he is yet…
“He is. Waiting as anxiously as you are.”
Angus enters, a well dressed Fergus, in his arms. He waves his arms at seeing his mama.
“Hi my love. Ready to go see daddy?”
He signs, ‘ ready daddy’ back.
They arranged for a translator to stand beside the priest during the ceremony. Fergus might not be fully aware of what is going on but, later, when he is older and sees the recording, they want him to see the vows.
Angus will escort Geillis and Fergus down the aisle. Murtagh will take her to Jamie.
He comes in. “You are a vision, Claire.”
“Thank you.” She is ready.
Ellen leaves after a quick hug. Geillis and Angus, with Fergus, are next. Now it is just herself and Murtagh.
“Ready?” In answer, she takes his arm. He grins at her. Not her  dad or her uncle but, a great man who is becoming a father figure to her and a pappy to her son.
They walk out and down the stairs following her small wedding party.
There he is! Looking like a dream in his kilt. Not just though. He went all out in a linen shirt, high socks and boots, a tartan over his shoulder, even a ceremonious sword by his side. He takes her breath before he takes the hand that Murtagh places in his.
Holding it, he bows low. “Your servant madam,” then towards the fascinated Fergus, “sir.” Any doubt that he was the right man vanish with that gesture.
The priest skips the  ‘ who gives this woman’ part of the service.  He gets right to the vows.
To pledge her future to his is easy. He has been here for Fergus’ diagnosis, for all the challenges and changes that brought. He knows more signs then she does.
“Now Jamie and Claire have vows of their own.” He nods towards Claire to start.
“Jamie, I wasn’t expecting you, wasn’t even looking. My life seemed complicated enough with this new home and my new son. I am so glad that I didn’t wall my heart of from you. So glad that you patiently wowed me. For some of the best gifts I have been given are unexpected. You hold my heart and I don’t fear you harming it. More, you hold Fergus’ and I know he is safe with you. That is huge. I love you so much Jamie and can’t wait to see what unexpected surprises await us next.”
“Claire, I thought this would be just another project not knowing that when I saw you, I would see forever. Before you, I thought love at first sight was a fantasy. You made it my reality. Then I meet Fergus and fell into another kind of love. You two are my home now. I swear to you before God and these witnesses that no other woman will have any of my heart, that you alone hold it. I also vow that Fergus shall have me as his dad. He is my son and forever shall be. Our first, no matter how many children God graces us with. We are family. You two have my name, my clan, and my provision and protection. I love you Claire Elizabeth Fraser.”
He jumps the gun a bit by declaring her a Fraser and then kissing her.
“Well folks. As they have declared their love and commitment, as they have exchanged rings. And as Jamie has already announced it, I declare them man and wife.”
They are still kissing as a cheer raises up.
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renee-writer · 10 months
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The Contractor Chapter 35 Geillis Reacts
She hugs her tight. She has just returned back from her honeymoon.
“You look so joyful.” Claire comments to her. Geillis ‘ smile gets bigger.
“Aye, I am. Angus and I,” a sigh at his name, “had a wonderful time. It wasn’t just the sex, though that was…”
“TMI Gel.”
The other woman laughs. “Alright.  As I was saying, it was the concentrated time together. We talked about everything.”
“I am so glad.”
“How have you been, my sweet Fergus?”
“We are wonderful.  He is adjusting to daycare, knows more signs. As for myself, work is good. I miss Fergus when I am there though.”
“And Jamie?” She asks.
In answer, she holds out her left hand. Geillis let’s out a squeal.
“He made Fergus part of the proposal. Taught him the signs for ‘ marry papa.’.
“Oh that dear man. We both got good ones. I am so happy for you. So, when is the wedding? I will be your matron of honor, right?”
Claire laughs at her eagerness.  “We just got engaged two days ago but, you definitely will be the one who stands beside me.”
“Fergus will make the cutest ring bearer!”
Claire couldn’t agree more.
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renee-writer · 1 year
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The Contractor Chapter 18 The Godfather
They grin at each other before coming together in a tender kiss. Their eyes are misty with tears. Her hand comes up to frame his cheek, his finds the weight of her hair. Pulling apart long enough to meet each other’s eyes before being drawn back together.
“Jamie lad. Hello Jamie. James Alexander!” That gets through and they come apart with a plop. Murtagh stands, looking bemused against the door frame. Angus and Rupert stand behind him, not even trying to hide their grins.
“Oh, hey guys.” He stumbles out.
“Hey yourself. I came by to see if Miss Beauchamp was satisfied,” he waits a beat, “with your work.”
Miss Beauchamp finds her voice. “The house is coming together wonderful.” She holds her head high, not even blushing. She is an adult, after all, in her own home. She can snug whomever she wants.
“Very good. Ah, may I meet the wee lad?” he is suddenly shy, this big man. 
“Yes, just quietly. He is asleep.” He walks in and over to the cot.
Looking down, he lets out a breath. “Why, he is brilliant! All those curls.”
She is beaming. “I know. That is how he got his name.” She tells him and the others, the story. Angus and Rupert have joined them. They stand around his cot like penitents.
“Oh, that is lovely.” Angus breathes. Murtagh gives him a sharp look.
Jamie chuckles softly. “Angus has recently discovered the power of love.”
“Bleeding hell,” he flushed, “Sorry Claire. Do ye have to say such, Jamie?”
“Aye, I do.”
“Okay lads, seems we’ve a lot to discuss. Will you excuse us, Claire?”
“Of course.” She shares a smile with Jamie as he follows the others out.
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renee-writer · 4 months
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Loved Her First Chapter 112
A/N This ends this very long story. @omgbarbiegurl and I thank all who read, commented on, reblogged, and/ or did the same on AO3. We appreciate everyone of you. @omgbarbiegurl wrote all past, ' it was a few years later' Now to see how the story ends😁
Odina and Little Bree see to her. Storm ( Little Bree) has grown into a fine healer, learning all she can from her mother’s  heritage and her Granny.
It is a honor to be present at her granny’s passing, as she was at her Gramps, a month before. Both have lived a long life, living to see her own son, Ian James.
The Laird passed away in his sleep, his wife and all his children by his side. His grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and a few great-great- grandchildren, as well.
Now his wife prepares to join him. Faith holds her hand. Ainsley holds her other. Caelen, his wife, Rebecca, and their children, Annie and Jamie, stand close.  Ainsley remains an old maid, having chosen to stay with her mama and dad, helping them with their grandchildren, her nieces and nephews.
Hope and Grace stand by the others. The only one missing is Mercy. She remains in the future with David and their daughter, Lily.
“You recall what I told you,” Claire whispers from her bed, “all that is coming. You will keep them safe, Faith?”
“Yes mama,” She says through her tears. Ian stands behind her with John William and Joe.
“Very good. I will be joining Jamie soon,” a smile crosses her face, “know that I love you. All of you. I wouldn’t  change anything.”
She passes peacefully away a few minutes later.
A war is coming. A war they need to prepare for.
A few years later.
A man on horseback held a dimly lit lantern as he rode as softly as possible.
Behind him were about 8 Runaway Slaves that were being helped on to Canada. 
Behind the group was his cousin Ellen, holding a rifle instead of a lantern.
He suddenly stopped and he heard Ellen cock her gun.
“Heard something, hold.”
Fin heard a murmur of voices behind him.
“Nobody move, not til I say.” He said softly.
Another horse came out of the darkness carrying a man and a little girl.
Fin relaxed his body as his Uncle and niece appeared.
Caelan stopped the horse, and set his daughter Annie on the ground.
“Nephew, wanted to tell ya that two of the law have shown up.”
“Good to know, what has their attention?”
Caelan smirked. “SHE is keeping them well occupied.”
Fin smirked and shook his head imagining what shenanigans his Aunt was getting up to.
“Fin best you come with me; I tracked out a safe trail. Annie, you run up the house, keep an eye on everything. Report to the house if the Law causes more trouble.”
“Aye Pa.”
Annie turned and ran into the darkness, her bare feet swished quietly against the grass as she ran.
She needed no light; Annie knew the Ridge like the back of her hand. She had been raised here, like everyone else. Some left, some stayed, but all were welcome. Her Grand Da had started that tradition, and her own Pa upheld it.
Annie smiled as the Large Fraser House appeared.
She dropped into a crouch that she had learned from her cousin Dusty, Fin’s middle son, with his wife Odina. They were part of the Cherokee, and only on the Ridge sometimes. Like tonight.
As Annie moved closer, she could see Aunt Ainslie on the porch, arguing with 2 men in front of her. She was going to move closer when a hand grabbed her arm and yanked her into some bushes.
She almost shrieked, until she realized it was her cousin Lily.
Annie was excited to see Lily, that meant Aunt Mercy was there as well, and she was Annie’s most favorite Aunt.
On the Porch, her Aunt Ainslie stood straight.
“I don’t know what kind of information you think you have, but I have said it before, and I will say it again: We don’t have any type of Slaves, runaway or otherwise on Fraser’s Ridge!”
“And we done told you Ainslie-”
“Mrs. Fraser, I haven’t given you permission to address me otherwise.”
The man speaking smirked. “Mrs. Fraser, we done told you, we have confirmed information that you are harboring runaways here. We mean to collect them.”
“You still haven’t shown me any proof of that by the way. Or a legal document that allows you to be here.”
The other man smirked. “You Frasers have always been the most prim and proper bunch. I remember stories of how my grandfather Lionel Brown got some scars from dear little Hope when he tried to steal a kiss.”
“Yeah, our family has a different take on that for my niece; I do believe your grandfather, who was damn near 50 at the time, tried to force himself on a 14-year-old. She let him know that type of behavior was not okay. And it wasn’t her nails, it was a knife, which she learned to use from our cousin Askel.”
The man stepped closer, but her Aunt didn’t flinch away.
“You lot have always taken in the strays and rejects of the world. Should learn when you do that, prices need to be paid.”
Aunt Ainslie opened her mouth, seemingly ready to let the famous Fraser Temper fly when the door behind her flew open. A tall red-headed man stepped out, his face flat and very angry.
“What is the meaning of this?” He demanded.
The men drew back fast, dropping their guns to their sides.
“M-M-Mr. Fraser s-s-sir. D-D-D-Didn’t know you were home.” The first man stuttered.
“I wager you didn’t. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be harassing my Aunt the way you are.”
The men took a step back as Jamie Fraser stepped behind Ainslie.
“Now, she has told you; more than once I would like to add, that there are no Slaves on Fraser’s Ridge. Runaway or otherwise, and I am here to reiterate that point. Now, you boys have 5 seconds to get back on your horses and get the FUCK off my land before you are VERY sorry.”
The men felt a little bolstered now, Annie could tell. Her brother didn’t have a gun, neither did her Aunt. One of them smirked.
“Well now, seems you don’t really have much to go on with that threat. We have guns after all.”
The door flew open, and her Aunt Grace appeared, shot gun in hand.
She cocked and aimed at the men.
“Seems we are a bit more even now.”
Both men paused and then started to laugh.
“Well Seamus look at this, the little ole School Marm is aiming a gun at us.”
“Shit David, never seen a School Marm try and look so scary!”
“Me either, I’m shaking in my boots.”
There was a crack, and a chunk of tree bark broke off right next to where Seamus was standing.
He jumped a foot, and lifted his own gun.
“Don’t.” Her Aunt Grace said as firmly as she did when the older boys were acting up in the school room.
“You don’t want to do that. That first shot was a warning, I can hit a flea off a dog’s back from 500 yards.”
She cocked the gun again. “Want to test that theory?”
The men knew they were outgunned, but the stubborn idiotic Brown Blood, (her Great Aunt Faith said anyway), wouldn’t let them back down.
They lifted their guns, ready to fire when an arrow thunked into the ground at the men’s feet.
Lily grabbed Annie’s arm.
“Come on!”
Annie followed Lily as the arrows were fired. She knew it was her other family members and they probably wouldn’t hurt her.
But she and Lily were very small, and it was dark. Accidents did happen.
They went the back way through Aunt Hope’s surgery and into the house.
Aunt Hope looked up where she was mixing something in a bowl.
“What in the world?”
Annie took a few deep breaths.
“Oh, for God’s sake!”
Hope stomped to the front of the house from her Surgery with Annie and Lily on hot on her heels.
She looked up the stairs. “Mercy! It’s escalated!”
There was a pause and then rushed feet down the stairs as her Aunt Mercy appeared holding a sheaf of papers in her hand.
She paused to kiss Lily and Annie, and then looked at Hope.
“For God’s sake! We are dealing with children.”
“Your fault, you should have gone out instead of Grace.”
“I thought as a Teacher she would be reasonable.”
There was a loud thwack and Annie knew an arrow hit the house.
Aunt Hope smirked. “Apparently not. You know she has too much Fraser, and not enough Murray.”
Aunt Mercy rolled her eyes heavenward as if to ask for strength from a Higher Power and opened the door.
The arrows stopped flying, the guns were lowered, and everyone stared at Mercy.
“I hold in my hand an official document that, by law, states you are trespassing on Fraser land. Unless you want me to make an official arrest, I suggest you turn tail, get the FUCK off my land, and don’t dare step foot here again. Unless you want Grace to pump you full of lead.”
The Browns apparently had had enough of the Frasers for one night, they ran to their horses and quickly rode out of sight.
Everyone breathed a few deep sighs before Mercy turned up the gas lamps that adorned the house.
Natives appeared from the tree line and Mercy put her hands on her hips.
“That was a little extreme, whose brilliant idea was that?”
“Mine.” A voice said from the back.
Mercy narrowed her eyes as a figure moved to the front. “John William, I  should have guessed, only an idiot would come up with an idea so dumb with two little girls nearby.”
He kneeled and held out his arms. Annie and Lily ran into them with a squeal as he swept them up.
“Ah, none of us would have hit them, they are too small to be good targets.”
Hope appeared in the doorway.
“Everyone come inside, we have guests to tend to. Annie and Lily, you need to get ready for bed.”
The girls protest, but John William shushes them.
“It’s late, you need sleep. You’re growing girls.”
He sets them on the ground with a wink.
The girls smile at their Uncle, run inside and up the stairs.
Once they are on the second floor, they both giggle into their hands and plop down on the stairs so they can listen downstairs. They love listening to grown-ups talk.
“That was so dumb of you John William.” Aunt Mercy said.
“I actually thought it was pretty brilliant.”
“Because you have too much of Daddy in you.”
“You know you have always been my favorite sister Mercy.”
“Lord, what do you want and/or need?”
“Take me with you next time you go to Boston. Please!”
“Good Lord, why?”
“I want to see what the world looks like. Outside of this time, please!”
“Maybe, I will think about it. I know when you are let off your leash, you get a little wild.”
“Thank you, Sweet Sister.”
“What is going on?” Aunt Grace’s voice was heard asking.
“John William apparently wants to go with me next time I go to Boston.”
“Johnny you know Mama says-”
“Mama is not in charge anymore; I can do what I want.”
“That statement alone proves you are not ready for a trip to Boston.”
“You are not the boss of me Gracie!”
“Clearly you need one because you are acting like a Toad.”
“What is so special about Boston?” Annie asked Lily.
“I don’t know. I like living there though, so many different things! And so many people.”
“Wish I could visit.”
Lily patted her hand and the two pressed their heads against the banister as their Aunt and Uncle continued to argue.
The argument stopped when a door opened, and a voice was heard asking: ‘What is going on out here? Your father and I could hear you children arguing from our room!”
There was silence and then Aunt Grace spoke. “Sorry Mama, John William wants to go to Boston and then got very rude.”
Annie and Lily got to their feet and ran down the stairs.
They skidded into the kitchen and launched themselves at the older woman with stark white hair.
“Well, well, my little granddaughters were being a pair of eavesdroppers, were they?”
“Auntie Faith, I am not your granddaughter.” Annie giggled.
The older woman pressed a kiss to Annie’s head again. “Well with your real Granny gone, who else have you got?” Auntie Faith teased her. 
Lily and Annie giggled, and Faith shook her head.
“Now, you two need to scoot up to bed.”
The two left the room and Faith sighed softly before sitting.
“John William, you can’t go to Boston yet.”
“Mama, I’m a grown man you can’t-”
“I can and will. And I am. Your place is here at Fraser’s Ridge, maybe in a few years.”
John William went into a pout that Faith had not seen since he was young.
“Gracious, it’s not like you are missing anything!”
“I want to see the wiffy that Mercy is always talking about.”
Mercy shook her head and wiped her hands on her apron.
“It’s Wi-Fi, and you can’t see it. You use it.”
John William opens his mouth to argue, but a glare from his Mother stops him.
“Where is Caelan?”
“Still in the back.” Hope says. “I need to take out some medicine for them, to help with sleep.”
Faith nodded. “Take John William and Grace with you; and send Caelan and Jamie in here, I need to talk to them.”
Hope nodded and took her brother’s arm before yanking him out with her sister following.
Faith sighed heavily and looked at Mercy.
“My sweet middle daughter, everything has always fallen to you, hasn’t it?”
“What do you mean Mama?”
She touches her face gently; she looks so much like Ian. “My Little Traveler. Your Daddy and I thought all of you would be able to do it, but only you are able to. So, the modern things all fall to you: Medicine, Laws, Education. Do you ever get tired of it?”
Mercy shakes her head. “No, it’s never been a burden, more of an adventure. And I am grateful for it, I wish he could be here.”
“Me too,” she sighs, “But with all going on, if Lily didn’t look like me.”  Her mama nods.
The door opened and Caelan appeared, Jamie on his heels. He went to Faith and gave her a gentle hug.
“Hey Squirt.”
He rolled his eyes and sat.
“Hope said you needed to speak to me.”
“I do. I want Mercy to take Annie with her to Boston.”
Caelan blinked his eyes and leaned back in his chair. “Why?”
“Because she needs to modernized, she adores Mercy, and there is another reason behind it. One I can’t discuss yet.”
“You said that when I sent Jamie with her to be educated when he turned 18.”
“And now we have someone that understands land rights, water rights, and we know to avoid selling our land to some idiot in 50 years’ time.”
“Like we would have done that anyway.”
“One never knows, we don’t know how the Civil War is going to go quite yet. We just know everyone lives through it.”
He huffed out a breath, but nodded. “You have a point. What about Jamie?”
“He needs to stay put for now. Jamie, you’re needed here. I know you adore the modern age, but think you can stand a few years of planting your feet?”
“For you Auntie, anything.”
“Good lad. Mercy is going back to Boston in a few days, Annie will go as well.”
“I might need to steal from the pot a bit.  David understands.”
Faith nodded. “Steal away, I hate to keep throwing you under the bus Caelan, I apologize for it.”
“You do as you see fit Faith; you have always had the best interests of this family at heart.”
“I have kept my promise to mama.” She smiles and gets to her feet. “I am off to bed, I trust everyone is settled for the evening?”
Everyone nods. She kisses Mercy and Jamie, and hugs Caelan.
“Good night.”
The end.
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renee-writer · 5 months
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Loved Her First Chapter 111
They head to the portal. Joe is holding his breath. It isn’t that he doesn’t want his grandson to be with Mercy. He just doesn’t want him to be with her in a time and place where he would be considered a slave.
“I know pops,” he is dressed in as period appropriate clothes as they could find. One of his pockets contains the freeman paper. He also carries a letter for Mercy, an idea from pops. If he can’t  travel, he hopes to send it through to her, “ I have faith it will work as it is supposed to.”
“I pray so.”
They know from Mercy and Faith that he will hear buzzing, like tons of bees, if he can travel. As they draw closer to the portal, he feels his heart beat faster. It is both anticipation and fear. Fear of going and fear of being unable to.
“Do you hear anything?” Joe’s heart is in his throat. Ever since his grandson was born, he has held his heart. With him moving to Boston to attend university and being close to his pops, they are even closer. The thought of…
“No. I hear nothing.” Joe’s heart leaps in relief before dropping at the sadness in his voice.
“I am sorry.” They stand there, the strange wind that seems to be made by the cave itself, echoing around them.
“The letter, maybe I can still send the letter.”
“Yes.” They can’t hear the call but the wind shows the portal is active. He slips it out, kisses it, and offers it to the wind, “Find Mercy. Find my heart.” He lets it go and it disappears. They stand there another moment before turning and heading home.
“I need to go to the lake,” Mercy says to her grandsire, “There is something there for me.”
He has learned to trust her instincts. If she says she needs to go, she does.
“Alright. Shall I go with you?” Ian was busy helping Faith with wee Joe.
“Thank you.” They head to Ocracoke Island.
He rows them out to it. She sees it right away. The whiteness of the paper stands out in the darkness of the vegetation. She picks it up.
‘My dearest Mercy,
I tried to go through to you. Pops thought me insane, a black man traveling to your time, but I didn’t care. I only cared about seeing you, being with you again. The portal wouldn’t let me through or  would be holding you right now.
So, this letter is the best I could do. In it contains my whole heart. I miss you dearly. If you can, return to me soon. I understand what I am asking you. Your family is there, your life.
Please return to me. I know I shouldn’t put such pressure on you but, you took my heart with you.
                     All my love
She is weeping. Jamie takes the letter. After reading it, he utters a Scottish noise and draws his granddaughter to his side.
“So, when do you wish to return, lass?”
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renee-writer · 11 months
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The Contractor Chapter 24 Not Just Another Make out Session
He kisses her with all he had been holding back. Hands tangled in his hair, she gives as good as she gets. It is obvious to both that it isn’t just another make out session.
He lifts up, eyes darken by passion. “Claire are you…?”
“Yes. Make love to me Jamie.” He groans and re-lowers his head. Her neck is his target. She arches it, giving him plenty of room as her own hands pull at his shirt, seeking skin.
Her soft hands run across his back, raising goosebumps and his manhood. His lips are doing incredible things to her, finding erogenous zones she didn’t know she had. They are both panting.
Coming apart, they remove each other’s shirts. His lips move to her chest, her hands down to his bum. She feels his growing desire against her thigh. He is whispering Gaelic words against her chest as he kisses her breast exposed by her bra.
“More.” She moans and he is undoing it. Hands mold them, his eyes growing almost black with the power of his passion. He works up to her nipples and she makes a keening sound.
“Aye and more. All of your wee noises. They are mine.” He growls before lowering his head. Something explodes deep within her at the feels of his mouth on her aroused nipple. She cries out.
The taste of her! Never has he experienced anything as amazing as her cherry red peak. He licks and sucks, licks again as she gives him what he crazes, the sound of her pleasure.
She isn’t laying idle and just receiving pleasure. No, for she has worked her hands under his pants and is pleased to find just him. She runs them over the skin of his bum, not positioned to really reach him.
Soon, they both need more. In a heated frenzy, they come apart to rid themselves of the last barriers. He lays them on their sides and immediately placed his hand between her legs.  “You are as slippery wet as a silkie.” He groans out.
“You are as hard as a diamond.” She is equally as aroused by the way he responds to her. They hold each other’s eyes as they start to stroke. Breath comes faster. They each grow wetter and bigger. He finds her clit and thrills at the way it blossoms under his finger.
“Oh!” she moans out, “Close!” Dipping his head, he draws her nipple back in his mouth. One deep suck is all it takes. She is shaking under him, moaning.
“I must taste you!” he growls.
“Later. I need you inside me. Now!” He hand guides him. All he can do is follow. Her wetness welcomes him home. He knows there is no where else he ever needs to be, no place else he ever wants to be.
They move together holding each others eyes until they fall into deep pleasure one after the other.
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renee-writer · 11 months
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The Contractor Chapter 30 Dancing
They are dancing, Fergus held between them. He rests content against his mama. A bit farther away, Geillis and Angus dance their first dance as a married couple.
“That was romantic.” Claire nods towards them.
“Aye. I never thought I would see Angus get married, certainly not before me.”
“Jealous?” she teases. Fergus sighs and relaxes . He will soon be asleep.
“Nah, how can I be with you and that sweet lad in my arms.”
“Sweet talker.” The song ends and he takes a sleeping Fergus and lays him on his shoulder. He wraps his arm around Claire.
“I really mean it.” He whispers in her ear, raising goosebumps all over her. She is instantly turned on.
“We thank you for attending our wedding. We love each and every one of you. You may stay and party as long as Claire allows,” He grins at her, “but my wife and I are off.”
“Thank you Claire.” Geillis calls out as Angus whisks her away. They all laugh and wave them off.
The party breaks up soon after, to Claire ‘s relief. She longs to put her son down and then make love to Jamie.
He catches her eyes and she sees the same. They hurry into the house as soon as the last person leaves.
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renee-writer · 1 year
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The Contractor Chapter 12 Reveal
“Your eyes closed?” He asks. His hand is on her arm as he guides her.
“Yes.” She is smiling. He leads her up the restored stairs. A turn to the left and he stops her in front of a closed door.
“Ready?” a nod and he opens it up. “Open your eyes.”
A gasp as her hand covers her mouth. The room next to the masters, what used to be a servants quarters, when the house was original, is being transformed into Fergus ‘ nursery.
The floors have been repaired and a soft light blue carpet is laid. The walls were stripped of their old paper, deep cleaned, and painted with a base coat and covered with a sky blue paint. The room is ready to be decorated.
“Oh Jamie, it is perfect!” she sighs out between her fingers.  Slowly entering the room, she pictures the furniture that she has picked out and where it is to be placed. She smiles, tears in her eyes, as she sees herself carrying him in, introducing him to his room. Farther away, she sees him sitting up on the thick carpet, playing, toddling, sitting at a desk and doing homework, getting ready for his first formal dance.
“So you like it?”  He is grinning, still leaning against the door jam.
She turns and throws her arms around him. “I bloody love it!” He holds her close, wanting to tell her he feels the same about her. A hesitation as it feels to soon. Lord though, how right she feels in his arms. How right it feels to be helping fix a room for Fergus.
“I am so glad, Sassanach.”
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renee-writer · 1 year
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Tiny Beautiful Things Chapter 23
“So lass? Tell me your heart.” It the way they have started important conversations since she was a little girl.
She smiles as she pours the tea. “Uncle Lamb, I love him. Deeply and truly.”
He takes a sip, his eyes crinkled smiles across from her. “Such brilliant news!”
“So, you approve?”
“Whole heartily. I approve of the way you light up when talking about him, the way he does the same when discussing you, the loathing he also shares for him. Yes, my darling, I approve.”
“Is it weird to say that I am going to marry him? I mean, it is not like we have known each other long.”
“I don’t think so. You have always known your own mind.   When it is right, it is right. Now,” he places his cup down and takes her hand, “I don’t want to give you away but, I know that someday I’ll have to. Just don’t do it next week, eh?”
She laughs and squeezes his hand. “No worries there, Uncle Lamb.”
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