#omgcp fic rec bingo
doggernaut · 11 months
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Thank you to @parvuls for the BINGO card and motivation to do this. I love fic, and I love sharing fic recs (and I love hunting down fics for people!), especially those that fly under the radar. I think there's a good mix of "classics" and what I hope will become new favorites for people in here.
(I'm going for the blackout here, folks, but will post one line at a time because I just got back from one trip and am trying to plan another (not to mention catch up on everything I put off during the week I was away), and putting these rec lists together is time consuming. )
genfic (no ships) • Atwater Market by WrathoftheStag (@wrathofthestag)
I love this little fic about Bitty and Bob bonding as they shop for dinner. There's something really satisfying about reading about positive relationships between a character and their partner's family members, and I love that Bitty and Bad Bob have their own "thing" they're able to connect over that has nothing to do with Jack. @wrathofthestag also writes so evocatively about cities and food; when I can’t travel, her fics scratch that itch.
crossover • And the Day Winding Like Dreams by HugeAlienPie (@hugealienpie)
This is less a crossover than it is a fic inspired by Inception, though characters from that movie are mentioned in passing. What this is is a fic that takes Inception’s world building and skillfully transfers it to a post-canon SMH fic that’s also a heist AU and an incredibly romantic getting together story. Read it even if you aren’t familiar with Inception; I did and I loved it, and when I finally saw the movie it was that much easier to follow because I’d read this fic.
hurts so good • This Unsheltered Place  by westernredcedar (@thewesternredcedar)
Buckle up and brace yourself because this is it, the ultimate angst fic. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read this fic and still have to skim the first few chapters because they’re so painful. But, painful in w way that poking at a bruise is kind of satisfying. Despite the pain, this is one of my top five fics of all time. Yes, there is a breakup, but the coming back together is so satisfying and, because of the way it happens, feels so earned. This is also a wonderful Jack Zimmermann character study that delves into his anxieties and insecurities (a thing that @thewesternredcedar is so so good at in every fic). His decisions in this fic aren’t always the best decisions but they always make sense, and that’s largely because the author is so skillful at making the reader to see Bitty through Jack’s eyes. (Mind the tags, because I mean it when I say this one can be rough.)
still a WIP • It's Only a Change of Time  by Sophia_Prester (@missweber)
I don't want to say too much about this time loop fic but that's because 23 (out of a projected 25) chapters in, I still can't begin to guess how it's going to end. It's a time loop and a mystery and there's a bit of hockey history and Jack Zimmermann/Zimmermann family backstory thrown in as well. Johnson is there. Through it all, it's Jack's love for Bitty and the life he wants to build with him that drives him to do what he does. Over and over again. This fic is so well thought out and executed. As soon as it finishes I plan to read it all over again from the beginning because I know I'll see things I missed the first time around.
you read it instead of sleeping • Heart of Ice by flowerfan (@flowerfan2)
This is a 55K fic that I read in one night. I couldn’t put it down. Without giving too much away, it’s a mystery of sorts that begins with Jack disappearing. I read this straight through because I couldn’t sleep without knowing why Jack left. The chapters depicting the months Bitty spends alone, grieving the end of his relationship and forging ahead with his post-college life, felt as long to me as they must have to him. As the story progresses the reason for Jack’s disappearance, and the way he and Bitty navigate their new normal upon his return, is slowly revealed. This fic is so well-crafted and though an AU, it has all of the elements of a classic Zimbits fic: their love for one another despite the apparent obstacles, and Bitty’s kindness and belief in Jack, are its foundation. 
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parvuls · 11 months
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I saw several people wondering how to participate in this bingo event. so this is how it goes: you look through your recs, you fill out the card, and... you post it 😉
to make this even more interesting, every author that gets tagged in a bingo card is now challenged to fill their own. I said what I said.
main character is a side character to fail better by orphan this is an unusual rec for me since the main character is camilla collins, and the main relationship explored here is jack/camilla. but really, I adore it because it's a rare example of an outsider pov on jack through the eyes of someone who likes him, and maybe sees more of him than he know. there's something very sad about jack at this point of his story, but his and canilla's awkward attempts to make something real of what they almost have are really endearing. plus: even if jack didn't fall in love with camilla, I definitely did.
still a WIP Increasing Engagement by always1895 I have a problem of hoarding WIPs and occasionally checking on them like I'm waiting for them to return from the war. this is one of those WIPs. there are two things I can never turn down, and those are social media fics and an enemies to lovers arc. just know my ass is sat down for whenever this fic is finished, and yours should be too. (*) if anyone knows the author's tumblr handle, please tag them!
short fic Patient as Pie by @edgarallanrose no fluff hits quite as hard as zimbits fluff. this short fic has jack being needy and affectionate and domestic, and it just makes me warm and gooey inside whenever I read it. which, you know, is often.
inspired you to write Two Things Only by @thewesternredcedar I'm going old school with this one, because whenever I think of a fic that inspires me I think of the summer I read this fic six times to get through my own fic. this may be in my top ten favorite fics of all time. it has endless amounts of pining, hilarity, silliness, and to top it all off, it's set during my favorite time to read about: right after graduation and before Y3. it does such a good job of nailing that jack and bitty essence that I just can't help coming back to it for inspiration.
bookmarked recently (...ish) say my name (and call me a liar) by @weneedtotalkaboutfic it may be cheating to rec a fic that was written for you, but uh, I don't care. this fic just hits all the right spots. it's smart, it's funny, it's mysterious, it's sexy, it's emotional. it has both super slow-burn and whatever the opposite of that is, thanks to a wonderful two-person-love-triangle. and if that's not enough, the real star of this fic is jack zimmermann and the journey of his sexuality and his happiness, which just blew me away.
BONUS: canon divergence But this place still stands, this place remains unchanged by @doggernaut I already have my bingo but I have more to rec, so. this fic is a really fun glimpse into a future that could've been, and it's supported by a wonderful ensemble cast (of both canon characters and realistic-feeling OCs). this fic made me laugh out loud and clutch my chest, and even though I knew where the story is headed, I couldn't wait to arrive there with it.
BONUS: isn't on AO3 lighthouse au by @appalamutte this is one of those tumblr snippets I wish I could will into becoming a full fic. just that one scene, along with the bonus background, made me fall instantly in love. historical au's can be hit or miss for me, but this was so unique and so intriguing, and (as already established) I can't resist a good enemies to lovers action.
BONUS: FREE here you come again by @ivecarvedawoodenheart honestly, no one rips my heart out of my chest quite like syd does. the first time I read this I was too emotional to think thoughts, but the second (and third, and fourth) I was just like: tell me everything about this. immediately. the phrasing lives in my head rent free? this short fic literally does.
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justlookfrightened · 11 months
Fic rec friday
tagged by @onetwistedmiracle
Rules: Share your top fics no matter how big or small - give us the links to your wonderful words with the Most hits/Most kudos/Most comments/Most bookmarks /Most words/Least words
Also share your fics with the fewest hits/kudos/comments/bookmarks to give them some love!
My addition: if one fic would by rights hold multiple spots, go to the next one on the list!
*Notes: I limited works to the OMGCP fandom, and disregarded "Bits 'n' Pieces," which is a collection of unrelated Tumblr ficlets. I also disregarded the separate but related ficlets I wrote as direct responses to Year 4 updates (or they would take up almost all the "least" slots).
Most hits and kudos: Neighbors (Zimbits, T, 23,911 words) Jack and Bitty first meet as neighbors in the same building in Providence.
Next most hits, most comments: Can't Hardly Wait (Zimbits, E, 52,346 words) Done as a daily posting challenge between May 19 and July 5, 2016. Apologies for formatting and editing errors.
Next most kudos: Comedy of Errors (Zimbits, G, 13,225 words) Bitty and Shitty move in next door to Lardo and Jack. Misunderstandings ensue.
Next most comments: Make It Good (Zimbits, M, 27,871 words) Sequel to How Hard Could It Be? in the first part, Jack and Bitty meet online during the COVID-19 lockdown. In this part, Bitty moves in with Jack, having never met him in person before.
Most bookmarks: Locked Out (Zimbits, T, 63,414 words) Jack and Bitty meet when Bitty locks himself out of Lardo's car in Providence while Lardo is out of town.
Most words: The Long and Winding Road (Zimbits, T, 65,502 words) Jack and Bitty get to know one another again, two years after their relationship imploded
Fewest hits and fewest kudos: Small (Jack and Bitty pre-slash, G, 1,017 words) Bitty reflects on the meaning of the word "small."
Next fewest hits: Birthday Surprise (Zimbits, G, 5,710 words) Bitty arranges a surprise party for Jack's 30th.
Next fewest kudos: Second Zimbits Bingo Card (Zimbits, G, 8,127 words). Fic based on fulfilling unrelated prompts, bingo card-style, into a semi-coherent whole)
Fewest comments: Puppy Steps (Zimbits, G 2,153) Jack and Bitty adopt a puppy.
Fewest bookmarks: Wasn't Expecting That (Zimbits, T, 1,719 words, major character death) Bitty copes with Jack's death after 50 years together. It's sad, but I love this one.
Fewest words: "Fo-inne!" (Zimbits, G, 717 words) Bitty gets his first fine.
tagging: everyone who wants to do this!
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omgdexnursey · 3 years
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no one tagged me to do this so i’m showing up to this party unannounced & uninvited, but it seemed like fun so i wanted to do it 
1. first fic you’ve bookmarked
Blueberry pie and your laugh by @17piesinseptember​ [zimbits, 1k, G]
i’ve talked about this fic before so if you’ve been following me for a while you’re probably somewhat familiar with it, but it’s a zimbits soulmate au where you have a specific memory of your soulmate, but it changes based on your decisions and life path. it’s super cute and sweet and my description of my bookmark on ao3 is “i read this on tumblr, i don't even know what fandom it's from or who the characters are or literally any context, but i loved it so much i had to bookmark it” and look where we are now.
2. a fic from an unusual pov 
That Boy by @wrathofthestag​ [zimbits + alicia/bob zimmermann, 2k, T]
from alicia’s pov, this fic is adorable. it’s so charming and the pov is beautifully done. i love how supportive and excited alicia and bob are while trying to hide the fact that they’re losing their shit about jack and bitty getting together. this fic is just fun and refreshing and it’s one of my fav zimbits fics. 
3. a comfort fic
dearest partner of greatness by pensgame [nurseydex, 3.5k, T]
(this category is so hard for me to pick for because there’s a lot of fics i could put here) i think i’ve read this fic, oh, probably about a thousand times. when i look through my bookmarks, i usually stop to read this, and it is so soft it makes me want to cry. i would recommend this to any person looking for one of the sweetest, softest nurseydex fics i’ve ever read.
[honorable mention: a lobster fishing caterer and a pretentious romance novelist by @maangoes​]
4. a fic you wish could be a movie
we go eyes open, together by @halfabreath​ [holsom, 3.3k, M]
omfg. this fic. it’s a wild west au that i read a while ago but then i reread a couple of days ago and i’ve just kept opening it, reading it, losing my mind, closing it, and then repeating the cycle. i’m absolutely in love with the style and the tension and the pining and just. it’s so good. if there’s a sequel i will be Looking Respectfully. also i wanted to include a specific moment that i would love to see in a movie, but it’s literally just the whole thing.
5. a fic you have re-read multiple times
once more unto the breach by @ivecarvedawoodenheart​ [charmer, 1.5k, T]
(this is another category i could fill with so many fics) this is a charmer meet-cute from chowder’s pov and it is one of the cutest fics i’ve ever read. i really love charmer and i think it’s super underrated, and i’ve read this fic an embarrassing amount of times. i highly recommend it. it’s short and sweet!
6. free space
the best sort of plans by @ivecarvedawoodenheart​ [holsom, 1.5k, G]
holsom meet cute ugly wherein “justin is the falcs’ doctor and adam gets hit in the fact with a puck” (taken from the tags) i love the way the other characters are written (“[Shitty’s] real name is worse,” someone else says. She steps out from behind Eric’s back, dodging both Shitty’s elbow and his exclamation of hey. “I’m Larissa — Lardo — and the guy who just got beaned is Adam.” also “Oh my god, y’all,” Eric interrupts, checking his phone, “shut up.”) and this fic is a fun different first meeting for them! i like seeing the ways the characters are introduced and related in aus like these!
7. a fic you wish would have a sequel 
(Gritty Not Included) by @greenishbucket​ [nurseydex, 1.5k, G]
i know i’ve talked about this fic in my other fic recs post but i. love. it. i think about this au probably like every month and it’s so funny. it’s also applicable to many categories, including but not limited to: a comfort fic, a fic you have re-read multiple times, and a fic that made you laugh out loud. it’s the BELOVED nurseydex au where nursey is inside the gritty costume and dex is both horrified and flustered by him. (absolutely no pressure tho if op doesn’t write a sequel.) 
8. a fic with a ship that isn’t your main ship
happily hysterical by @himbolukecastellan​ [shitty/lardo, 1.7k, not rated but there’s nothing explicit]
(i guess given my url and p much everything about me my “main ship” is nurseydex so that’s what my standards are) this is a shitty/lardo wedding meet-cute and their dialogue/whole interaction in this fic is one of my favorite shitty/lardo interactions i’ve read. i’d read more fics in this universe because it’s really adorable and their back-and-forth is just wonderful.
9. a different meeting au
guard/hit/hammer by @halfabreath​ [holsom, 2.2k, G]
holsom olympics au!!!!!! i adore this au so much and this is also an au i would read a huge series of because it’s literally incredible. i absolutely love their flirting and how into each other they are, and this fic is just really sweet. (also i genuinely didn’t know biatheletes were a real thing i thought that was just a joke about adam being bi lmao.)
10. a fic that made you laugh out loud
Say my name, say my name by @omgchyeahplease​ [zimbits, 4.5k, T]
this is a hilarious misunderstanding from poots’ pov, and i saw it in someone else’s bingo which is why i read it in the first place. the misunderstanding and the moment where poots realizes what happened is so funny. the falcs are super well written, and i especially love this exchange: "Dude," Poots tells him, "I need you to not question this, but: do you know my first name?" Doc's mouth opens to answer. And then it hangs there. He's quiet. Then, accusatory, "Do you know mine?" this fic is great and i haven’t stopped thinking about it since i read it.
11. a fic based on a book/movie
and i’m so furious (at you for making me feel this way) by @rocketnebulas​ [nurseydex, 21k, T]
this is a harry potter au and even though it’s not based on a specific book/movie i’m including it because i can’t get a bingo if i don’t lol. i’ve recced this fic before but it’s a fun enemies to friends to lovers fic and also the ending confession scenes are some of my favorite confessions scenes. this au is really special and i’ve reread it more than once, when i feel like reading something longer.
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parseisflat · 3 years
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@parvuls​ made this post! and then @ivecarvedawoodenheart​ made one based on it so now i’m copying both of you <3
1) a fic that made you cry actual tears
Ice Crew Please! by @petals42​ (t, 61.4k, zimbits)
this is probably one of those obvious fic recs because everyone has read this fic but... oh my god. it’s so incredibly touching and cathartic to read. this fic beautifully encapsulated everything i love about found family hhhhh
2) a comfort fic
The Decision to Act by @potrix-the-queerschlaeger​ (t, 2.1k, nurseydex)
i initially bookmarked this fic because it put me in a good mood! it starts off with drunk, tactile nurse and nursey patrol and it combines some of my favorite tropes (mostly hinging on their stupidity, of course). it’s a nice, short read and definitely something i would turn to to cheer up
3) free space
And Miles to Go (Before I Wake) by CoffeeStars (t, 6.5k, patater)
this one is a coraline au! it’s so insanely good, i vividly remember reading it and just being so entranced. it’s the best mix of heartbreaking, unsettling and even funny at times. it was also incredibly romantic.
4) a fic with a trope you don’t normally read but still loved
Inertia by @foryouandbits​ (t, 62.5k, zimbits)
not sure if this counts as a trope but this fic is an inter-dimensional travel au which is just, so creative? the worldbuilding in this one is so well done. i read so much fic it tends to blur together but i remember little details about this one, it’s so good
5) a fic that is angst but hurts so good
stones through stained glass windows by @omgpoindexter​ (t, 14.2k, nurseydex)
this fic is one of the best explorations of dex’s character growth/relationship with his sexuality that i have ever read. and the found family? this fic looked me in the eyes, x-rayed me and said hey, i know your pain because i’ve felt it too. this fic is a fucking lifestyle.
6) a fic that convinced you on a ship you didn’t ship before
The Dream of Having No Room by @omg-whiskey​ (e, 110.8k, whiskent)
there’s no way whiskey x kent would’ve ever crossed my mind had it not been for this author. this fic explores the intricacies of both of their characterizations with such detail and care.
7) a different meeting au
Real Gone by Moransroar (g, 11.3k, zimbits)
it’s a greasers au! something about the tone of this piece and the images it painted in my mind just really hit for me. the characterizations are really interesting, i was just really immersed in this one :)
8) a fic that made you laugh out loud
Say my name, say my name by @omgchyeahplease​ (t, 4.5k, zimbits)
a really hilarious fic focusing on the falconers and jack. it has some really great oc’s! the idea was that a very tired jack doesn’t register that “bittle”=“eric” and he’s like “who the fuck is eric” which elicits the obvious conclusion that they broke up and jack is now pretending his ex doesn’t exist :’( hilarious miscommunication, please go read it
9) a wip you read as it was updated
Baking with the Stars by sweetsoutherncuisine (g, 7.6k as of now, zimbits)
i rarely ever read wips, which should tell you something. i found it on its first or second chapter, it’s currently at 7/8. it’s a baking competition show au! and it’s so well done! the dynamic between jack and bits was so fun, but i really am enjoying the storyline, plus there were a few moments where i was so proud of the characters :)
10) a fic with a ship that isn’t your main ship
(the use of) nostalgia (for what didn’t happen) by @someobscurereference​ (t, 3.3k, jenny/mandy and holsom)
this fic is incredible. there was so many little funny moments (and sad ones as well), and i just fell in love with all of the characters. i will definitely be rereading this one. it’s an au where jenny and mandy are alive and ransom is the ghost. i’m not good at this just go read it trust me
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everwitch-magiks · 3 years
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Taking inspiration from @parvuls​ omgcp rec bingo, I hereby present:
The Red, White and Royal Blue Fic Recs Bingo!
It’s time to start the new year on a good note and rec some wonderful fics! Big shoutout to @im-captain-egg​ for helping me come up with fantastic bingo options when I ran out of ideas. ♡
These are only some of my favourite fics in this fandom, there are many more great ones out there and a whole lot of new works that I know people are coming up with right this minute. So much content to be excited about!
If you haven’t read Red, White and Royal Blue, please do. Please please do. It’s so romantic and sexy and wonderful, and just the exact flavour of escapism that we all deserve in these godforsaken times.
Here goes!
a fic with at least one turkey: The Total Agony of Being in Love by xslytherclawx (@xslytherclawx​) Henry’s point of view of Great Turkey Calamity. This is such a good take on Henry’s feelings at this stage of their friendship growing into so much more. It’s got this aching sweetness between the lines that is just plain irresistible. a fic that made you laugh out loud: what can i say (you're so gorgeous) by FangirlOfLetters A really fun coffee shop AU! Henry has a favourite customer, and said customer may or may not have something of a crush. What made me laugh? Oh fuck. Did he say that out loud? Iconic moment! a fic that you wrote: Born To Make History by everwitch A Yuri!!! On Ice inspired figure skating AU that I’m really proud of. It’s short and sweet, just a first meeting and some flirting and the hint of so much more, but if you are at all into the idea of Alex swooning over Henry’s score sheet and seeking Henry out to pay him compliments, this one is for you. a wip you read as it was updated: the poem you make of me by cmere (@omgcmere) You have to read the poem you make of me. You have to. Taking inspiration from the novel’s pivotal new years scene, where Alex and Henry talk about what their lives might’ve been like in another universe, cmere has created an irresistibly complex, gorgeously poetic AU where a model meets a poet and sparks fly. It is incredible, it is my favourite and it is going to be your favourite, too. a fic that made you cry: What Do I Know? by allmylovesatonce (@three-drink-amy) So this is a continuation to canon that includes amnesia, and that should tell you everything you need to know about why it made me cry. It’s the epitome of good angst: dark and painful but at the same time so achingly beautiful and heartfelt, and you cry and cry and cry. It’s so worth the pain, though, it really, truly is! a fic where Henry speaks French: Montmartre by sconelover (@scone-lover) An interlude in Paris, where Alex and Henry explore Montmartre. This is one of those stories that feels like it takes place in a liminal space, in a sort of in-between, on the precipice of something wonderful. Absolutely gorgeous writing! a fic that is pure fluff: what kind of flavour is birthday cake anyway? by captainegg (@im-captain-egg) A sweet, heartwarming birthday surprise, perfect for a rainy day when you need a lovely pick-me-up! a fic from Alex’s point of view: Searching by floatingaway4 (@floatingaway4) This one is a real gem, beautiful and romantic and just precious! They are so in love, and I am so in love with this.
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There you have it! Almost a double bingo, too!
Participating in this by making your own rec list is highly encouraged! What have you been reading, lately? Which fics did the options on the bingo card remind you of? ♡
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doggernaut · 11 months
OMGCP Fic Rec BINGO - Day 3
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(Previous BINGOs here and here)
it's canon to you • rocky shore by wit (@parvuls)
One of the things I like best about Check, Please! is that by focusing on big moments on the page, Ngozi leaves so much room for us to imagine all the things that might have happened in between those big moments. This fic by @parvuls covers the first part of Year 3, as Bitty and Jack navigate their new relationship and all its complexities, including Bitty's anxieties about sex and the secrets they're keeping. It includes all of those missing moments we didn't see in the comic, but we know must have happened in order to get them to that solid place they're at by the time they come out to their friends. (And remains canon-compliant in the process!)
subverted trope • You and Me, We're a Miracle by PorcupineGirl (@porcupine-girl)
I love a good soulmate fic, but sometimes I have a hard time suspending my disbelief when two would-be soulmates discover their connection and are suddenly in love. This soulmate fic subverts the trope by establishing early on that Jack doesn't have a name on his wrist, and is okay with it. He still manages to fall in love. @porcupine-girl's world building is always top-notch, even in a short fic like this, and her headcanon for deeply in love, smitten Jack is so close to my own that I know I'll finish reading any fic she's written with a goofy smile on my face.
free spot • Nature by foryouandbits (@foryouandbits)
When I want to get lost in a fic, I choose something by @foryouandbits. This AU, in which the members of SMH are performers in a Cirque du Soliel-like troupe, is probably my favorite of theirs. It recreates the Zimbits story we know and love in the terms of this specific AU. All the plot beats are there: a traumatic backstory for Bitty, a Zimmermann family legacy, SMH found family, and Bitty and Jack working together to overcome Bitty's fears. It also has one of the most romantic scenes of any Zimbits fic I've ever read.
short fic (under 1K) • Poems for Jack by YourPalYourBuddy (@ivecarvedawoodenheart)
This is exactly what it says on the tin. Two years of Bitty and Jack’s developing relationship, remixed into poems from Bitty’s POV. His humor, frustration, and growing feelings for Jack are all there. The fact that the author was able to pull this off in only 445 words yet still hit all the important canon plot beats is nothing short of remarkable. 
you weren't sure you'd enjoy it but REALLY did • [podfic] Hockeyed Up by read_by_Sophie (Sophie)
This pick might be cheating a little because this is one of the first fics I read in the fandom and I immediately loved it; this author’s characterization of Jack just felt so right to me and continues to be a fic I return to when I need to get into Jack's head for my own writing. The fic I chose for this spot, though, is the podfic version of Hockeyed Up. I only started listening to podfic a few years ago; I had never been able to get into audiobooks and I wan’t sure I’d like podfic any better. However, needing something to listen to during a long run and not enjoying any of the books I’d downloaded on Libby, I decided to try listening to a podfic of a familiar fic. This one was about as long as my run, so I chose it. And I loved it. And now I listen to podfic on the regular. But this is the one that started it all, and it’s a favorite so I re-listen to it at least once a year. Bonus: the author/reader of this fic has a French-Canadian accent, which really adds to Jack’s characterization since it’s from his point of view. (This is also my commercial for podfic: this fandom has so many wonderful podficcers; if you haven't tried listening to podfic yet, you absolutely should!)
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doggernaut · 11 months
OMGCP Fic Rec BINGO - Day 4
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(Previous BINGOs here, here, and here)
pre-canon • sweet creature by ExceedinglyPeculiarChick
A sweet little Alicia Zimmermann character study as she prepares to become a mother. There is something especially poignant about it knowing what we know, but Alicia doesn't, about Jack's future. I don't know if this author is a parent, but so many of Alicia's thoughts and feelings are true to my own experience. I cried.
recced by a friend • What the Water Gave Them by suburbanmotel (@suburbanmotel)
I would have read this anyway, but @wrathofthestag's recommendation carries a lot of weight so I was especially looking forward to it. This is an AU in which Bitty, Jack, and Shitty meet under drastically different circumstances. But at their core they are the same people we know and love—there are conversations between Jack and Bitty that really feel as though they could have taken place off-page in canon (or, are certainly conversations I have imagined them having). There is a lovely ebb and flow to this fic, which is especially fitting given the author’s use of water imagery throughout. This is a fic you can get lost in.
makes you think of a song • Graduation Day  by IBoatedHere (@iboatedhere)
This fic, a riff on Groundhog Day, is the second time loop fic I've put on this BINGO card. I just like time loops, okay? In the movie Bill Murray's character wakes up to Sonny and Cher every morning. In this fic, Jack wakes up to Beyoncé. I can no longer listen to "Schoolin' Life" without thinking about this fic.
main character is a side character in the comic • Little Sour Hearts by omgericzimmermann (HMSLusitania)
I guess Holster is technically the main character in this fic and it's the second lead, Esther Shapiro, who is the side character. Who is only mentioned once in the comic (The Closet Story, Part I) so I’m not even sure that qualifies her as a proper side character, but I think more people should read this fic, so I'm reccing it. With little to go on, the author took the concept of a person named Esther Shapiro existing in this universe and ran with it. Holster's relationship with Esther is both antagonistic and tender, and I also really enjoyed reading a Holster-centric fic in which his main relationship isn't with Ransom or the other members of SMH.
canon divergence • 52 Hertz by onawingandaswear (@whoacanada)
First, let me say that like many authors on my BINGO card, @whoacanada is a favorite. You can’t go wrong with any of their fics. In this AU, the graduation kiss doesn’t happen and Bitty eventually goes on to play in the NHL. It explores what happens after that, and how he and Jack return to one another. The meaning behind the title, 52 Hertz, becomes apparent fairly early on and the repeated references to the concept are at turns heartbreaking, amusing, and romantic. I love @whoacanada's characterizations of Bitty and Jack in this (or any) fic; they have such an easy way of being together that feels true-to-life, and their banter is top notch.
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doggernaut · 11 months
OMGCP Fic Rec BINGO - Day 2
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Previous BINGO (red on this card) is here.
underrated fic • Power Ten by anseladamsfan
This is such a hard category because I love reccing underrated fics—that could be a fic Bingo theme unto itself. I chose this one because I rarely ever see it recced, yet everybody I convince to read it loves it. Jack doesn't overdose in this one, but his hockey dreams still don't come to fruition. Jack as a rower isn't something I'd ever considered before reading this AU, but is so believably makes a case for how he might learn to love—and thrive in—another sport.
has a line you know by heart • Positive Image by twentysomething
Look, I know I rec this fic a lot and I know it’s a fandom classic so you’ve probably read it, too. But, "But there it is. They're stuck in a shitty private airport in Tampa, and he's in love with Bittle. Who is asleep,” is a line I think about frequently. I cannot tell you how many times I've read this one. (This author also wrote one of my favorite Parks and Rec fics, which I loved for years before I read this fic!)
isn't on ao3 • this little future AU by appala (@appalamutte)
Look, I read this little ficlet by @appalamutte the other day and I have not stopped thinking about it. Is this a ploy to get them to write more in this ‘verse? Possibly, but even if this is all that ever exists of it, it’s a perfect little vignette about Bitty and Jack unexpectedly reconnecting after years apart. 
bookmarked recently • jack's kitchen, 10:28pm by cricketnationrise (@cricketnationrise)
Perhaps this is cheating because @cricketnationrise wrote this based on my prompt, but this is my most recently bookmarked fic, so. I love the way this fic portrays Jack’s growing confidence and leadership ability, and the way Bitty knows and takes care of him so well. It’s a little fic that’s packed with so much love.
post-canon • a floorplan (of my head and heart) by meansgirl
If there's one thing I love in this fandom, it's a good post-canon Zimbits fic. I love that this fic doesn't shy away from the hard parts of Jack's retirement and the toll it takes on Jack and Bitty. Change is inevitable, but it's also hard, and this fic is a lovely exploration of endings and beginnings.
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parvuls · 3 years
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* adapted from @librajiminn on twitter
a fun game to celebrate 2020 ending! the rules are simple: recommend your favorite omgcp fics so everyone can enjoy them, while trying to fill in enough slots to get a bingo! i ordered my recs starting from top left; my filled bingo card is at the end ✨
most recent fic you bookmarked don't tell your mother by seeingrightly [rating: unrated, probably t | words: 1k] essentially: jack is in madison, and things aren’t easy but at least they’re together. i have an unhealthy obsession with madison/4th of july fics, and every new one i discover brings me joy. i liked this one in particular because of the lovely, clean flow of the writing, and for its attention to the problematic environment: the (assumed) homophobic nature of georgia, and bitty's tension when he’s home as a result.
a fic that made you cry Your heart hurts, mine does too by the_p_in_raspberry (@thepinraspberry) [rating: t | words: 19k] essentially: this fic fills the prompt ‘what if bitty hadn’t come out to shitty?’ the fic deals with exactly the subject material implied, and is inherently painful. this what if version of bitty’s journey with his sexuality was so, so raw, but it was the good kind of pain. i’ll say that while this fic is jack/bitty at its core, i really think its real strength is the team dynamics. they are so there for each other, and it was a beautiful read.
a fic you’ve re-read multiple times Prove To Me You Got Some Coordination by amalnahurriyeh [rating: explicit | words: 17k; the series is 24.5k] “In which Jack Zimmermann has a favorite stripper, some very strong feelings about labour relations, and a good heart.“ when i prepared myself for reading a stripper au, this is not what i expected. this fic is one of my all-time favorites. i adored the politics angle, jack's awkward Helpless Good Guy gestures, and bitty being a complete badass. their soft flirting, the realistic (but positive!) take on sex work, and the careful handling of a potential unequal power dynamic. i don’t think i can count on one hand the amount of times i read this fic.
a fic from your to-read list Never Will You Ever by thefiveboxingwizards (@thefiveboxingwizards) [rating: explicit | words: ~25k (WIP)] essentially: during fall semester of Y2 the team plays never have i ever, which results in jack coming out to bitty. bitty decides to move on, just as jack starts to realize his own feelings. this is the first time i’m reccing a fic i haven’t actually read. i have a strict rule against reading wips for my own mental health (although i have great appreciation for all writers who decide to post them; kudos to you). the premise of this fic sounds so alluring, however, that i couldn’t help but marking it for later and then checking if it’s updated every few days. can’t wait to read it when it’s finished!
FREE SLOT and now what words do I have? by MyCupOfTea (@marchingatmidnight) [rating: m | words: 10k] essentially: jack and bitty love each other. bitty moves to france. jack and bitty continue to love each other, even when it’s hard. this fic could’ve fit several of my slots, but eventually i decided to just rec it on its own. it’s one of my absolute favorites in this fandom. i love it for the writing, the pacing, the decision to tackle a real obstacle in a relationship without unnecessary dramatization. i love the softness the pining trope is painted with; how the distance is awful but they deal with it so well, so healthily. i love when angst is used to build and show the strengths of a relationship, not just to hurt.
a pwp With New Eyes by luckie_dee (@luckiedee) [rating: m | words: 3.5k] essentially: mirror sex with a flavor of intercrural. this fic is set during bitty’s first visit to providence, which shifts the entire tone of the fic accordingly. everything is so tentative and new, and i just really liked how gentle jack and bitty are with each other, how they savor new things. the setting and bitty's thoughts and the whole thing was perfect, and so in character.
a fic that is pure fluff Over Heels by anonymous [rating: gen | words: 2.5k] essentially: jack and bitty and marriage. this is such a soft portrayal that it made my chest ache. it isn’t Y4-compliant, but it is so goddamn cute it doesn’t matter. i especially loved the communication between them, the choice of rings (plus the subtle mentions of jack stimming), and this sort of low key, understated proposal. the last scene with jack kissing the ring clinched it for me: i could picture it so clearly my heart flipped.
a fic with your favorite trope How to Blow a Fuck Ton of Meal Points in 1.5 Semesters. by YourPalYourBuddy (@ivecarvedawoodenheart) [rating: t | words: 5k] essentially: jack finds himself with more meal points than he could ever need, and proceeds to spend them on his team (read: bitty) - which leads to some realizations. the trope this fits is ‘year 2 canon-divergence getting together’, and it’s one trope i will never tire of. i absolutely loved the set up of this because it's so college. i loved jack's characterization, and also their conversations, how well bitty's feelings are translated through jack's eyes even when jack's not completely aware of them, and the ending.
a fic with a trope you don’t usually read Tipping the Scales by akaparalian (@floralegia) [rating: t | words : 7.5k] “Prince Eric, training for a tournament to prove his worth as a knight, goes for a ride in the woods. He accidentally finds a dragon, who accidentally became a dragon because he pissed off the wrong witch.” i’m not normally a fan of fantasy or royalty AUs, but something drew me to this fic anyway. i was not disappointed. i laughed out loud several times during this fic. i adored the translations of their personalities into a knight and a dragon (for example, jack's reaction to training - dying, dead, oh my god).
a drabble that made you want more Picture Us Together by RabbitRunnah (@doggernaut) [rating: t | words: 800] essentially: bitty sets a picture of his boyfriend as his lock screen during the madison visit, and jack finds out. it seems only fitting that i put more than one rec taking place during 4th of july on this list. the prompt was so simple, but the execution was so lovely i wished it would go on and on. things between them at this time were so new and fragile and sweet that i just never want it to end.
a fic with domestic fluff I'll settle in and dream by Stultiloquentia [rating: t | words: 9k] essentially: a future fic with emphasis on jack’s and bitty’s adult life. the realistic domesticity in this killed me dead. it is so, so lovely and soft. i enjoyed every detail, from the dog to the scenery descriptions to jack's hockey arc. every setting was so easy to imagine, and i really enjoyed the journey this fic takes the reader on.
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