#on top of not being able to dm replies are disabled for me
off22theraces · 2 years
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rphunter · 3 days
Hi! I'm Zero (26M), I'm searching for a long term RP partner (21+, preferably M or NB.) I only RP on Discord.
I only do fandomless (OCxOC), happy to do romantic pairings but I prefer to have a solid and interesting plot first and foremost, and I only RP MxM or MxNB. NSFW is welcome, but not required and I'd prefer it isn't the main focus. I don't really like real life fcs for characters, but you don't necessarily have to have art of them either, just a description will do just fine. I don't have art of a lot of mine either.
I prefer literate or semi-literate partners, I'm not going to stress over the amount of paragraphs as long as the responses are substantial enough for the flow of the RP. I tend not to do incredibly long replies all the time (7+ paragraphs) since it takes a lot of energy for me and tends to put me off of RPing. I can get very descriptive when the moment calls for it though!
I like to be able to talk in depth over plot points and characters outside of the RP, being able to just chat and get along well is a bonus! I would especially love to have an RP partner who is very active and responds multiple times a day, but again that isn't necessary.
Genres/settings I especially enjoy are:
-Supernatural (NOT the show)
I really enjoy angst and dark themes, I very much enjoy torturing my characters from time to time. Violence, injury and traumatic backstories are likely to be prevalent, but of course we can discuss comfort levels and what to avoid beforehand! Disability is pretty central to some of my characters (as well as my own life) so understanding/willingness to understand those themes is important.
DM me for my Discord and we can discuss characters and plots!
(PS: In NSFW scenarios I only RP as top/dominant for personal reasons, please respect this and I'm sorry if it's a deal-breaker!)
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sputnikscock420 · 1 year
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I posted 7,517 times in 2022
That's 5,255 more posts than 2021!
58 posts created (1%)
7,459 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 722 of my posts in 2022
#🦎 - 41 posts
# finn tag - 27 posts
#unrestrained summer fun - 20 posts
#unreality - 18 posts
#goncharov - 13 posts
#auto queue - 7 posts idk why this is here?? I have literally never tagged anything auto queue I don’t even use the queue feature lol
#give em the ol razzle dazzle - 6 posts
#yikes - 6 posts
#wet beast wednesday - 5 posts
#❤️❤️❤️ - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#if you don’t have anything to add then just… don’t.. add anything?? it’s fine?? you don’t have to add anything to posts you reblog it’s okay
My Top Posts in 2022:
It’s 11:11 and I’m wishing all my mutuals a FANTASTIC day ❤️❤️❤️
4 notes - Posted November 28, 2022
“I saw this little guy on pinterest and thought you'd like it” - nailisee
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How did my high school yearbook pic make it to Pinterest
6 notes - Posted November 4, 2022
Reblog and put in the tags what kind of fruit is nostalgic for you bc you ate it directly from the plant as a kid
6 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
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See the full post
7 notes - Posted July 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hello Tumblr! I need your help to make something good happen - it’s super easy and I don’t need any money.
So I’m planning to create a VR program that will allow the user to experience the most beautiful, awe-inspiring corners of this planet as realistically as possible from the comfort of their own home.
The reason why I want to create this is because we are all creatures of Earth and we should all be able to bask in her divinity, regardless of background or socioeconomic status, but unfortunately not everyone has the resources required for travel, up to and including being able-bodied. There are lots of amazing places on this planet, but some of the best are also some of the most remote - not exactly accessible to everyone, especially people with mobility issues.
This is where I need help: if you have a disability that is a hindrance to you exploring the planet, or if you have a terminal illness and you don’t have time to see everything you want, or even if you are able-bodied and healthy but can’t afford travel - I need you to use either replies, tags, asks, or DMs to tell me where you would go if you could go anywhere. What places do you want to see that aren’t accessible to you? What adventures do you want to go on, what kind of things do you want to see, what kind of challenges do you want to go hard at that aren’t accessible to you? What view do you dream of seeing one day?
Do you want to climb Everest? Do you want to dive in the Mariana Trench? Do you want to see the Great Barrier Reef? Hike through the Amazon jungle? Go zip lining over Niagara Falls? Hang gliding over the Grand Canyon? Tell me about it! Tell me where you want to go and what you want to do, and any little specifics about the experience you’d be most excited about, and I will do my absolute best to recreate it in a VR environment as realistically as possible.
Also, if you can think of anything that may get in the way of being able to wear a VR headset that I should be aware of, and especially if you already have an idea for a solution, please let me know! Please also let me know about any specific accessibility settings I can add that would make for a better experience. I’m already planning to add options for subtitles, colorblind mode, and epilepsy mode.
I will be doing a VR version, but there will also be a regular desktop version for those who don’t have access to VR equipment, and both versions will be free.
I would greatly appreciate this being reblogged/shared as much as possible! I don’t need any funds for this right now, but if you want to help support me in this endeavor, you can follow my art blog: @interstellarmosscryptid. I have a pinned post on my art blog that includes links to all my various webbed sites 😊
25 notes - Posted September 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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dimancheetoile · 3 years
discord server closed beta
hello lovely people. i’ve created a server for people who enjoy my work and would like to be able to talk to me in an easier, more convenient manner than tumblr or ao3, as well as enjoy the opportunity to share their work and discuss it with me and other members of the server. i’m pretty proud of the thing, ngl, but before i make the invite public for anyone who’d be interested, i’d like to first invite maybe a small dozen people to come in and tell me what they think of the server, what could be improved or changed, what they’d like to see me add, etc. on top of that, i’m looking for two moderators at the very least, so if you’re interested, please let me know. i’ll be moderating too but since we don’t all have the same time zones, i’d rather there’s always someone awake to receive pings in case something happens.
so, if you’d like to participate in the closed beta and give your opinion of the server, please send me a DM, an ask, or reply to this post
and if you’re interested in being a moderator, do not reply to this post; either send me a DM or an ask
thank you to all of you for following me and supporting me for literal years now, i can’t believe how many of you are fucking around in my follower count making me feel like i’m a little less alone in this shitty world. i love you all so much. and if you’re one of the people who reached out when i ever ranted about my home life problems, my health and disability, my mental health, and just gave me advice or comfort or just company, know that i value you and love you very much. you’re the best.
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margoshansons · 4 years
Ship Broken: Ficlet
Title: What If I’m Just Broken?
Summary: after discovering her new disability, Sara reaches out to a friend for help.
pairing: WonderCanary
notes: I had this thought immediately after seeing what happened to Sara in the current episode. I really hope it actually amounts to something and isn’t “just for the rules” like a lot of the tropes its used for. 
warning: angst, self-loathing, depression
A voice called out to her. She could barely catch the outline of the figure, but it looked vaguely familiar. Her shoulders spazzed, jolting her briefly out of the vision and back into her bed. 
Her breathing was shallow, soft water dripping down her face, hand reaching up to touch what she had lost. Darkness enveloped her. Sleeping was the only way she could see anymore. But when she slept...she shook the thoughts away, turning to the side, her toes barely grazing the floor. She was close to it.
Her hand patted the cotton sheets, searching for the edge of the bed, pressing herself upward when her fingers curled around it. Her balance wavered, and she threw her arms up to keep herself standing. When she stood up she finally realized what little spacial awareness she held. It was different than the league. She had spent years there, just like her home. But here, on the Waverider. Things were always moving. She had no time to focus on where everything was. Her body just...knew it.
She supposed that was what she had to go off of. She felt like an idiot as she reached her hands out in front of her, taking baby steps to avoid tripping over the clothes she had haphazardly tossed on the floor, dragging them with her until she collided with the metal, finally finding the doorknob and pushing it open. 
From there she followed the wires. She had been meaning to get them fixed for ages. Had even badgered Behrad about it. But now she was grateful that he was always too stoned to do it. The piping was a welcome change of texture and when it transitioned to metal, she knew she had reached the Bridge. 
“Gideon--” shame overwhelmed her as she stuck her hands out again, trying to feel for anything she remembered. 
“A few steps more Miss Lance,” The AI replied, “You’re almost--” “I can do this myself!” Sara snapped, her fingers finally grasping the top of one of the chairs, hopping around until she finally settled. “I just...I need you to contact Alex,”
“It is the middle of the night Captain--”
“Would you just do it?!” Sara snapped again, gently laying her forehead in her hands. Her eyes were open and yet all she saw was darkness. She hated it. Hated that she couldn’t get up properly. Hated that she couldn’t see the bright silver of the Waverider anymore, or her teammates, or even the dark green of the temporal zone. Hated that everytime she moved she had to reach out in front of her like a child learning to walk for the first time.
She was useless now. How could she be an effective leader when she couldn’t even see?
A beeping was heard over Gideon’s network and a sleepy voice brought her back to life.
“Alex?” Sara asked, unaware of how sharp her hearing had gotten, “Is that you?”
“Sara?” Alex responded, sounding like she had just woken up, “What’s going on? is the team okay?” “who is it?” Ray’s voice was tinny but it was there, and it suddenly struck just how much she missed them. 
“Hey guys,” Sara spoke, trying to keep herself from getting too choked up, “I’m uh, I’m sorry for the late call but...I didn’t know who else to turn to,”
“Sara, what happened?” Alex’s concern soothed her. God how she missed her. “Are you okay? Is the team--” “The Team’s fine,” Sara cut her off, voice shaking as she tried to find a way to get the words out, “Alex I’m--I don’t--I can’t--”
“Sara, what’s wrong?”
The dam broke, and hot water burned a trail down her cheeks, hand gently crawling up her throat until the pads of her fingers met her lips, unable to stop the sob from leaving her mouth, “I’m blind, I can’t see anymore,”
“Oh my god,” was the last thing she heard from Alex before the dial tone rang, and Sara let it all out. 
Fuck. She hates me. Hates me for waking her up and tearing her away from Ray. Hates me for burdening her with Legends stuff when she wanted to leave. Hates me for being so fucking--
“Sara?” It sounded so close. Almost right by her side, and she shot up at the sound of the Amazon’s voice. Apparently it was too fast, because as soon as she took a wide step, she fell forward, unable to see the ground as she plummeted towards it. only darkness.
Arms caught her. Arms that she recognized. Alex really was here. She had dropped everything and come back. “Whoa, hold on, I got you,” Alex reassured her, helping her get her footing back, “I’m leading you back to the seat okay?” Sara nodded, letting Alex guide her. 
Fuck she had missed her so much. It felt like ages since she had left. Since she and Ray had both left. “Is Ray--?”
“No,” Alex gently brought Sara’s weight back down in the seat, brushing her hand across the former assassin’s face. The touch was soothing, and Sara felt her shoulders relax, “He knows though, he’s at home right now, looking after the kids,”
A chuckle met her confusion, “Right, I forgot we didn’t really tell anyone,” Alex continued to chuckle to herself, thumb scraping across the back of Sara’s hand, “We had another kid, a daughter, we named her Minerva Sara,” 
She broke out into a smile, her cheeks hurting from the unfamiliar gesture. 
“Minnie for short,” Alex explained, her hand never leaving Sara’s.
“That’s-- Alex I’m so happy for you guys,” Sara’s words caught in her mouth, unable to focus on anything except the fact that she couldn’t see how happy her best friend was. She wanted to see her face so badly. To look her in the eye and tell her that she was gonna be the best Aunt the kid would ever have. But she couldn’t even do that.
She wouldn’t ever be able to see her best friends’ kids. To hold them without worrying about dropping them. 
She could practically feel the pitying gaze Alex was giving her, and something bubbled in her chest, tearing her hand out of the Amazon’s. 
“Sara what--”
“It’s not fair,” She spat, unable to hold anything back, “It’s not fair that you’re happy and thriving and with your family and I’m stuck here unable to do anything at all!”
She wanted to take the words back as soon as she said them. Instead they continued. “I don’t want your pity, and I don’t need it. I’ll figure this out like I always do,”
Her sobs cut off Alex’s response again and she felt her neck bob forward, head falling forward into her arms, muscles squeezing around her now defective eyes as she began to hyperventilate, arms wrapping around her shoulders. It only made her more nervous. 
“Hey, hey, it’s just me,” Alex spoke up, whispering her actions into Sara’s ear, sounding like a mother teaching her child where to put their hands, “Hey, I’m here, I got you,” Sara felt a hand wrap around her head, pulling her into the crook of Alex’s neck, squeezing tightly, “And we’ll get through this, I promise.”
Sara squeezed back, nuzzling further into Alex’s shoulder. She hoped she was right.
*** a/n: I hope I did okay with my portrayal! I don’t know what it’s like to be blind at all, so please feel free to correct my mistakes by shooting me a DM! 
permanent taglist: @witchofinterest @abbysarcane @foxesandmagic @perfectlystiles @darknightfrombeyond @twinmasks @ocfairygodmother @kcnobls @erzascarlettitania @iron-parkr
the leftover children taglist: @the-october-reviewer @raging-violets @randomestfandoms-ocs @mystic-scripture @randomfandoming1
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What if - That Night
What If - That night 
Chris Evans x OFC
Chapter six - 1336 words
Part One | Part Two | Part three | Part Four | Part Five
Warnings: Drinking and dancing and some mild smut 
Summary: What if. What if you out of the blue and on an impulse applied for a contest, and what if you won that. What if you met someone who didn’t know you existed, and what if you asked them for a drink after.  What if this impulse changed your entire life.  ** note I didn’t win so I don’t know how all this would go down but this would be how I would have loved it to happen.. the first chapter completely happened.. the texts might not be the same. But it happened**   Tag List: @smoothdogsgirl​ @torntaltos​ @patzammit​ – If you wanna be tagged just make a comment below and I am happy to do that or just DM me, whichever
This story is fully caught up and posted on AO3 and Wat pad. I am going to be combining chapters to catch Tumblr up. but if you would like to read everything right now then go ahead.
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Right as they got out to the dance floor, the music turned slow. Faith laughed as she looked around “why does the universe hate mee” she said all dramatic like as she giggled as Chris softly put his hands on her waist and smiled
“give it Four Minutes and it will change again” he reminded her that songs only last about that long.
She was drunk enough to accept the fact and laid her head against his chest and his suit and swing her arms around his neck “so you know I’m not coordinated enough to not step on your toes” she warned him as he led with a slight step back as he didn’t want to get stepped on
“you know that isn’t going to matter” she said as she looked at him with a slight drunk smile “im a clumsy person a good day, but add in heals and like 6 shots I’ve had. I don’t know what’s going to happen” Faith replied back as she already started to stumble.
Chris nodded as he tightened his grip on her waist to ensure that if she was going to fall he was going to be able to catch her, right as the song changed, faith let go of him and got jiggy with it, Grinding up against him, and ya know just enjoying herself.
After the song was over, Faith walked over to the bar and got herself another drink before going back to find Rose.
Rose looked at her “don’t you think you have had enough?” She wondered seeing the fresh drink in her hand
She nodded “yeah this is my last one I think im ready to go, I mean you can stay if you want but I just I need to I don’t know sleep?” She wondered drinking like half the drink and shrugged
Rose made a face “i think im going to stay, there are still a few people I wanna meet”
Faith nodded “okay ill call an uber” she said as she turned around and saw Chris Standing there
Chris smiled “i was just heading out myself, ill have my car give you a ride back to your hotel”
Rose smiled “now that sounds like a better idea to me. The two of you, alone in a car”
Faith grabbed her drink and finished it “alright then” she sighed as she looked at him “Lets get out of here then” She spun herself around and gave rose a hug “if I don’t survive remember me fondly, ill see you in a few hours’ she said and looked at Chris “alright”
The two, went ahead and got into the black car that was provided to Chris to make sure that she got back to the hotel
Faith slide in next to him “oh im feeling that now mr. Krabs” she said laying her head against the seat
Chris looked at her getting in the other side, “did you just quote spongebob?” He asked with a grin on his face
She nodded “i end up watching that a lot, with my nephew, its one of the only things he will watch when uncle Chris isn’t on the tv” she shrugged looking over at him
“uncle Chris?” He asked back looking at her
“Rose, calls you that, she has thing where she likes to imagine that we are like married, in some life. Or because she turns it on every time your on the TV so part of the family, and the only time he actually is sits down and watches anything is when you are on the tv, he is four and disabled and lives with me, taking care of him for the last almost two years.. I don’t know why im telling you this, He is the cutest dude you will ever see oh my god I should show you a picture” She said reaching for her phone in her bra and pulled out a picture “this is greyson, he is just the most adorable human on any pla-
All of a sudden Chris lips were on hers He kissed her, he from the moment he saw her wondering around the premier, he thought she was attractive and learning more about her. He didn’t know women like her existed anymore, were not so self absorbed in there own lives and cared about other people, maybe it was that he had been in LA for so long or in the industry, he forgot.
Faith pulled away slightly and looked at him “okay was not expecting that” she said simply as she shifted and sat on his lap as she wasn’t buckled because she was kinda to drunk to figure it out, so she straddled his lap and kissed him again, pulling away slightly to tell the driver just to take them to his house, because hotel rooms were not cool
About an half hour later, and some heavy foreplay later, Chris was ready to have her, Faith was just as anxious. Faith got out of the car and took off her heals as she stumbled waiting on him to tip or do whatever he was doing. By the time that she got her second heal off, his lips were against hers again.
She jumped up leaving her heals right there, wrapping her legs around his waist, as the two of them made it into the house, as he was carrying her they bumped into a few different things, causing Faith to laugh against his lips, they made it into the private entrance into his bedroom. He threw her onto the bed and started to undress himself.
Faith watched him as she bite her lip she pulled her dress off over her head and tossed it on the floor and then grabbed him by his opened button up and pulled him back down. She ran her hand down his body as she was back on top of him and slide her hand into his boxers
Chris Adjusted himself under her weight and her grasp as she started to rub his shaft slowly as he was already was semi hard by the time they actually got in the house.
A few mins later he flipped them, so now that Faith was on the bottom of him. He pulled his boxers off and her slide her panties off, He slide on a condom. Making sure they were both being safe about it and slowly entered her.
Faiths hair in a mess all over his bed. Gripped onto him. His shoulders as he started to pump his hips into hers. Faith rolling her hips into his, feeling him sink deeper and deeper into her. Faith couldn’t help but let out a deep moan as he started going harder and faster within her. She drug her hails down his back and back up and gripping them in his hair.
Chris could feel her growing tighter and tighter around him as he started to move rougher, sliding his hand down her body reaching for her clit and rubbing it in circles sending her over the edge.
Faith felt the burn in her lower stomach, and everything to as tight as she rode her orgasm, Chris followed shortly behind her. As they rode it together. When he was finished he rested his head on her chest. Taking a deep breath of her skin, adore rolling off next to her.
Faith looked over at him as she then looked up at the ceiling of his room, where the fan was spinning “wow” she said back to him as she knew one thing that was the best she had ever had.
Chris smiled softly as he got up and disposed of the condom and such, when he walked back out of the room, He smiled as he could see her asleep already. He shook his head and climbed into bed next to her. He smiled at the way that the top sheet she chose to cover up with curved her body.
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getinthefunvee · 5 years
// hey lovelies. i wasn’t around yesterday (well, a bit in the morning while you were all snoozing) because i was really wrung out. have some fun chatter about my disability and summer below the readmore. it’s going to become relevant to how active i am on here when it’s really really warm out. aka ‘wtf is EB, ari, and why tf won’t you shut up about it?’
figured this was better than clogging everyone’s dash. yesterday was the first properly warm day, and i could sort of feel my soul leave my body for the summer lol. on top of my usual mental ish (major depressive disorder; anxiety; mild ?ptsd) and neurodivergent ish (ADD, huge huge introvert living in a uniquely extroverted microcosm), i have a genetic condition called EB (epidermolysis bullosa)--don’t google it unless you want to skrem, i’m ‘lucky’ in that i have a milder version of it, so i look ‘normal’ to most people (having an invisible disability is its own special hell) but my skin is super fragile, and the summer heat makes it worse. folx with EB tend to burn through nutrients faster, so we’re always exhausted (similar to folx with chronic fatigue syndrome, with varying severity). like we are always soul-deep tired. EB basically means the connective tissue in our skin doesn’t work right, so our skin looks normal, but it’s extremely delicate--even slight friction can cause a scrape or tear, any sustained friction (think bra strap, waistband of your jeans, shoes) causes blisters. there are degrees of severity, from ‘sometimes i get a blister’ to ‘blisters on inside of throat’ hellishness; i fall on the most severe end of the least severe variety, so i don’t get skin damage from stuff like shaking someone’s hand, but i can rub my skin raw from just using the wrong kind of towel or get cuts trying to peel a clove of garlic with a particularly tough husk. 
but back to the blisters! skip this para if you’re squicked by skin. you know the worst shoes you ever wore in your life, the ones that gave you horrific open blisters? that’s me, in any (or no) shoes, with padding/bandages. it means that sometimes, i can’t walk half a block without my feet being wrecked. it means i always have cuts and raw patches on my hands, and it means i’m super self-conscious about the scratch/scab looking wounds that i’ll get on my shoulders or chest or face from just like. using a towel. :/ they’re small enough that it looks like i’ve picked a spot (nice 9.9) which just makes me feel self-conscious because, yeah, it’s not a good Look. 
so summer is extra horrible because 1) feet are constantly wrecked; 2) walking even short distances is physically exhausting; 3) i’m even more exhausted than my usual horrible exhaustion; 4) the pain and anxiety trigger reverse seasonal affective disorder (yup, ‘summer SAD’ is a thing!); 5) public transport here doesn’t have a/c, so it can literally be over 100F in a bus with no open windows, crammed full of people, and nobody will give up their seat because i don’t ‘look’ disabled; 6) summer = tank tops & shorts/skirts, which means more of my wounds/scabs are visible, and i can either cover them in 10,000 bandaids--which, btw, rip EB skin when you try to take them off, super fun--or leave them out and people stare, but not wearing cool clothes = 7) overheating. apparently i’m one of the lucky folx with EB who also don’t sweat enough, which sounds like it’d be a great thing?? but instead i just overheat like a dog trapped in a locked car.
if all of that wasn’t enough, i also have endometriosis and mild hypothyroid, and as an added bonus, the number of genuine external stressors is so severe that even my therapist doesn’t understand how i haven’t had a full-on breakdown. GOOD STUFF.
wow this got long. you’re still with me? i love u.
so very, very tl;dr but here are the things you can help me with during the long horrible summer months of eternal suffer-tude:
1) be gentle with me. 2) be patient with me.  3) if you can, try not to insta-reply the second i post a reply--maybe, idk, stick it in a queue or post it a few hours or more later? it’s ok if you can’t, but it can help alleviate my ‘not replying fast enough, not good enough’ anxiety a little. 4) please don’t try to ‘fix’ things or give me advice; i genuinely love you for the intention, but this stuff is chronic. and i have better days/weeks/months! and once the external (read: financial) stressors back off, if they ever do, it’ll be a lot easier for me to cope. 5) do feel free to send me affection, positivity, cute animals, etc <3 6) pls don’t feel sorry for me; again, i totally get the intention, but i can’t feel sorry for me, i just gotta keep on keepin’ on, yeah? 7) if i don’t instantly reply to DMs/disco convos, please don’t repeatedly ping me. i know i project extroversion, but very often i just don’t have the spoons for this. giving me a poke once a day is ok! just know that if i don’t respond right away, it’s not because i don’t love you/want to interact, it’s often because i’m just trying to function that day. 8) like honestly another thing that would help would be money 8) because the current situation is such that we’re worried about shit like the utilities being turned off, being able to afford food, etc. this isn’t something i’d ever wanted to ask for, but if you’re sitting there like ‘wow what would help’ it’s money, so like. my ko-fi is arieila <3 but please know that just wanting to interact with me is doing me plenty of good and all you can really do.
tl;dr part 2: one day i’ll move to a climate where it’s cold all year ‘round and i’ll be so much healthier.
thank you for coming to my hot mess ted talk.
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