#once a hamato always a hamato propaganda
tmnt-crossover-polls · 11 months
DOOM round 1 part 2
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Rotten reflections summary : when strange movement in a pharmacy catch's Casey's eye one night, no one could have known the stress, panic and confusion the next few months would bring a turtle not in their right mind ends up in an unknown place with even more unknown threats lurking around every corner, with a hurt little one there's nothing he can do but what his mind screams. 
When the world crumbles summary : Two months after the death of their master and the defeat of the Super Shredder, the 2012 turtles get news of another Kraang Invasion. So the turtles make a plan to storm Dimension X and take Kraang Prine down once and for all. However instead of ending up in Dimension X, the turtles end up in a much more neon, colorful dimension with no way to get back home and a full scale invasion on the horizon. Luckily they soon meet their much more colorful counterparts, who will help then get back home. Hopefully.
Atomic pets summary : after the events in the first episode mikey discovers a tiny reptile near the explosion, feeling bad and not wanting to leave it behind he decides to keep it, not realizing it was one of Draxum’s latest experiments. Hijinks ensue with the tiny reptile slow becoming not so tiny and harder to hide from his family, Mikey must learn to keep his atomic breathing giant reptile pet a secret from the rest of his family before they find out.
Not turtles forever 2 or is it summary : Taking place after the events in Turtles Forever and the Rise Movie, 03 Donatello wanted to make another Universal Transporter in order to discover different turtleverses, but something glitched with the machine, and the turtles from Universe 2018 ended up being thrown into Universe 2003 like a bunch of turtle rag dolls! All the turtles are a bit taken aback by their counterparts. The 03 turtles can't believe how strong and powerful the 2018 turtles are, and the 2018 Turtles are shocked at how distant the 03 turtles are from one another. After quite a few emotional talks, a battle or 2, and a plan to get 03 Usagi and Leonardo together, all the turtles soon start to rely on one another, and become about as close as one big mutated family could be! Only problem is, while attempting to get their turtles back, the Hamato clan in Universe 2018 might have ended up doing more harm then good while trying to locate Leo using his broken Odachi.
Lair meshing summary : After Draxum accidentally messes around with some of Splinter’s mystic artifacts, he accidentally merges the Rise Turtles’ reality with the 2012 reality. Now the two families are struggling to get along with versions of themself who understand them better than anyone else does. Leo causes problems on purpose, Donnie commits crimes, Michelangelo learns to cook and Mikey just wants his family to start getting along
Many names of hamato Leonardo summary : Leonardo believed that he was walking to his death when he tossed Casey into that portal. But someone else had something to say about that. A dimension away, a young Donatello wanders out of the lair when he should be taking a nap with his brothers. Never in a million years could he imagine exactly what his little adventure would lead him to. Or, future Rise Leo ends up in the 2003 universe, with no memory of arriving and no way home.
Once a hamato always a hamato summary : Leo gets trapped in the prison dimension only to get sent to the undertale multiverse a little while later. Leo gets changed into Error, the forced god of destruction. Years later he finds a way home! Now he has to get reacquainted with his family while as figuring out how to get his new friends to his world... And, figure out if the reason he was able to in the first place was due to some nefarious plot...
@lionalovit @poems-art-darkness-n-more
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midnightcreator12 · 1 year
More Propaganda!
The AU featured in this chapter is 'Once a Hamato, Always a Hamato' by @easterartist Go check em out! And don't forget to check out the @tmnt-crossover-polls for propaganda and voting!
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Welcome to the tmnt crossover polls
Now revealed I am admin tired i go by they/them and my main is @tired-o-fighter
Join our discord and have fun with us we'd love to have you there if you're a voter a competitor or just a random lurker you're always welcome
To find the polls tap here
You can find the submission link here they are currently closed
All the contesters and links to works can be found here
The brackets are here
Tags :
#the polls only the polls are in this tag use them
#Tmnt polls talking about the polls. More of a general tag
#admin talks when i talk about stuff poll related ask related things that come from me ^^
#About admin mostly used when i was still hiding my secret identity™ and others would ask questions about me but anything about my life interest etc
#asks any response to the asks others have submitted
#discord anything related to our discord server has this tag
#musical battle (shall be explained soon)
#propaganda general propaganda talk
Each fic has its own specific propaganda tag
#post hoc propaganda
#Many names of hamato leonardo propaganda
#Dear little brother propaganda
#Memories propaganda
#Once a hamato always a hamato propaganda
#We all fall down propaganda
#Two shades of blue propaganda
#Guess I've been disarmed propaganda
#just another mama softshell propaganda
#same raph propaganda
#lone hunter and turtle propaganda
#Atomic pets propaganda
#rotten reflections propaganda
#mixed bag propaganda
#for future reference propaganda
#when the world crumbles propaganda
Propaganda is appreciated but not required
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