#ong sungwoo
seonghwasblr-moved · 9 months
Kind of miss idol Ong Sungwoo. He was everything
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Ong Seong Wu - Esquire Magazine April Issue ‘22
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snowstorm808 · 4 years
More than Friends review eps 9-16
I previously posted my review of the first half of the series because I could not contain what I felt. It was quite impulsive of me but I wanted to let out everything I thought and felt for this drama. It is becoming better every time in such a way that I see the little creative ideas the writer or director is putting into each episode along with the development of the story. Familiar yet refreshing. I decided to create a new post because I saw that the first half recap was way too long if I would still add the remaining episode reviews because I just could not help it. I do understand that the length could be frustrating but I want my words to be read too, so thank you for everyone patient enough to read my words.
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Episode 9 - Watching this episode made me realize a double standard I never really noticed before but I guess drama watchers would be able to relate to; the difference of pitiful and pathetic for female and male leads. I’m not yet certain if it’s deliberate but female characters locked in one sided love often seem pathetic but when it’s a male character they seem pitiful? Woo Yeon did seem pathetic in her one sided love in the earlier episodes so why does Soo get to be pitiful? It’s the same for the past dramas I’ve watched too. It’s just a food for thought. Based on last week’s preview, I really thought Joon Soo would punch Lee Soo after the drunk call but he held back so good job, Joon Soo. Honestly, I thought he wouldn’t be able to hold back because not only was he angry of the fact that Woo Yeon was getting swayed by Soo, but also because he knew how much it hurt, and hates the fact that she would still be hurt over the latter after a decade. This is why I keep wanting Joon Soo because he never thought selfishly when it came to Woo Yeon. I also love the fact that his character is being shown as someone seemingly perfect with a lot of flaws too. I love seeing his flaws and even relating to them! Being used to holding back is probably the reason why I write so much because I swear I can’t talk this much at all. I really hope he would stop holding back for his own sake. I think the most favorable Soo I have ever seen was him drunk calling his dad. I love the fact his parents went to his house to talk and console him. I also realized that Soo really closed himself up enough to have no one but his dad to drunk call. That was sad because the high school gang never really shunned him but he was the one who kept his heart closed. I half expected his folks to announce that hey would be back together because I feel that’s where those two are headed to eventually. As for Woo Yeon, I’m somehow glad she mustered up the courage to break up with Joon Soo after everything. As much as I was dreading it, I also felt that it was the right decision. She knew that it was too cruel to let him hurt quietly so I’m glad she had that decency; I could see that she was doing her best to be firm with her resolve. On her behalf, I get it why it’s difficult for her to let go of her feelings for Soo so I do not think she’s a weird one for that. I know that this is where my ship stops its sail but I’m satisfied that it’s not as I feared it would. The fight scene was reminiscent of Jealousy Incarnate, I just hope Dong Jun faked the punch because I know how athletic he has been from his Idol days which is enough for me to be scared for Seung Woo. Conveniently, it was only after this that Soo decides to take a break from pursuing Woo Yeon after ruining her chance to start anew with someone. Eventually, I know that Woo Yeon would not be able to defy the flow of her feelings towards Soo but I hope he can also grow up more because right now, I can still see him being selfish and self centered in his approach.
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Episode 10 - How can one episode contain so much emotions? And it was all types of emotions at that! I mean one moment it’s awkward, cute, upsetting, lovely, funny then sad and even more! This episode was a roller coaster of emotions in my opinion. First thing’s first, the younger guy Jinju dated is a total loser and a scumbag. Good thing Sang-hyeok was there to the rescue. I feel so bad for Young-hee because every time she takes a step forward, she’s always dragged two steps back. She has a strong personality but it does not mean her situation does not wear her down too. So here comes the roller coaster because Lee Soo and On Joon Soo drinking together and ending up at Woo Yeon’s place is super cute. That includes her parents’ “interview” with the two men while they try to show off their “qualities”. I literally said “boom” when Joon Soo “let slipped” that Soo was the jerk Woo Yeon’s parents have been hunting for. That was really petty but I guess it’s his little revenge on Soo for interrupting their relationship when he used to date Woo Yeon. I am not going to lie about not loving the misunderstanding Soo had when he saw them together in the restaurant while he was with his parents. He tends to act so victimized which I really dislike then he readily blows up at Woo Yeon. But then again, it makes these characters more human then the usual kdrama characters I watched in the past. Lee Soo should really learn to express things more clearly so Woo Yeon would stop thinking that he’s simply bored or fooling around. As for Joon Soo, it’s a lost battle and I feel bad for him because he has become a masochist which is why I need to take care of him. I need Woo Yeon’s cooperation for this...
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Episode 11 - Soo is finally given the chance he keeps on missing. As much as I am sad for my ship, I’m happy Woo Yeon and Soo are coming around although it isn’t the full circle yet. I do feel really bad for Joon Soo but it has always been clear how strong Woo Yeon’s feelings have been for Soo. I like how she at long last clearly stated that she will always give Soo the chance whatever he does because it has been evidently true for the past episodes. I guess that’s enough proof that feelings can’t be controlled easily. My favorite part in this episode would be her giving Soo an ultimatum because I always had a feeling he thought of her as a port always there for him. My second favorite in this episode would be Sang Hyuk and Jinju! He’s so sweet and caring which is exactly what she needs. Will they be my favorite couple? Hehe. I just want to take a bit of time to swoon over Joon Soo because he cares a lot for Woo Yeon though it isn’t returned, I appreciate him wishing her well. I can’t help but wonder if there will be another drama between Woo Yeon and Soo, because if he hurts her one more time then I would prefer her to be alone (I’ll be taking Joon Soo.)
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Episode 12 - I never thought Soo and Woo Yeon together would be this mushy haha. They are making up for the lost time and I like seeing them happy and somewhat letting go of the inhibitions they had. And for the first time, I think I want to scold the writer for adding a character like Yura because seriously, those two no longer need another person to interrupt them. I suppose it’s to make up for the remining episodes? But then it could be expound on things like commitment issues for Woo Yeon and Soo, and taking the next step for their relationship. I do secretly hope for Joon Soo to make a comeback but not necessarily in a romantic light. Obviously, Soo is the one being careful now when it comes to dealing with Woo Yeon. I like seeing him nervous of losing her because it keeps him on his toes though I hope he would be more direct about it instead of acting cool so she won’t misunderstand anymore. I remember him saying he dated around too but Woo Yeon seems more like the one used to dating. I guess he never really thought of the other party when dating. I can sort of imagine his ex-girlfriends putting more effort than him.
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Episode 13 - Lol, Soo should’ve been more sensitive when Woo Yeon insisted on going home by herself. I find it so cute when she defended Soo from her parents, she was so cheeky to point out her dad’s faults. After everything they have been through I hope they can do well from now on but something tells me otherwise. At least Woo Yeon finally said the magic words Soo has been so anxious to hear. It seems she was too nervous and being careful to say it though I had the initial impression that she must’ve had a stigma of some sort to those three words. I somehow feel nervous about Soo’s job offer from the airline because it might lead to a fight or even a break up. Speaking of a break up, I’m sad Hyun-jae and Young-hee had to part ways though it was one-sided. I do get the pov of his family but I can’t relate to the pressure of marriage. By the way, am I the only one who thinks Kwon Yura’s character is waste? I mean I don’t see much purpose for her character because she does not threaten the main lead’s relationship other than making Woo Yeon want to doll up herself. I must say one of my favorite scenes in this episode is when Woo Yeon went to the salon and told the staff she’s meeting with her boyfriend’s woman. I love how the customers and salon staff reacted even calling in their boss to style her. Was it a parody? I’m not sure because I have sworn to lay my hands and eyes off all dramas that deal with a husband’s mistress. Nevertheless, it was super witty and I had a lot of fun watching that scene including the one where she deliberately posed further behind Yura to make her face look smaller. Lastly, Sang-hyeok and Jinju are finally together! They look so cute together and make the perfect couple. In fact, all three couples seem to be perfect for each other because they complement each others’ personalities well. 
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Episode 14 - This must be the episode where everyone breaks up or gets rejected. But before that, I can’t get over the expression Woo Yeon’s mom wore when she said to pack up contraception for her trip with Soo. One minute they were having a lovely mother-daughter moment then she suddenly brings that up. As much as most people would find it awkward, I think it was so funnily straightforward. Her mom cares which suddenly reminds me of the reaction of Young-hee’s mom when she found tons of condoms in her drawer. Another reaction I really enjoyed was when Woo Yeon and Soo found out Jinju and Sang-hyeok are dating! The way she splashed water out of shock really showed how it was the farthest thing in her mind. From the time Soo’s work offer came, it already seemed ominous along with Woo Yeon’s offer so I was not surprised with the break up. Maybe it was for the better; I have been mulling over Woo Yeon’s reasoning that she might end up hating Soo if they stayed together. The loneliness was eating her up which I believe is realistic in a long distance relationship like theirs. Soo shouldn’t have readily agreed regardless if he was thinking of her or not. Considering these two pursued their careers, I think this would leave less regrets in their hearts because they were able to fulfill the dreams they had. Their feelings for each other will always be there because they are Soo and Woo Yeon. I just need to wait how they will get back to each other.
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Episode 15 - While watching this episode, I couldn’t stop thinking that this is the episode I finally see Lee Soo as someone heartbroken and not self centered, also, am I the only one who thinks his hair styled up is way better than his hair down? At last, I got to see Soo’s feelings of longing for Woo Yeon instead of his attitude of forcing his feelings like earlier into the series. I think it’s his maturity plus his sincerity in wanting her back because he now knows how it is to lose her. Their break up might just seem like another ploy by the writer to extend the series but I also think it was helpful to both Woo Yeon and Soo. In the first place, they decided to be apart so their careers could flourish which made them busy and drift apart. It also brought to light the insecurities they had especially Woo Yeon who had been so used to be the only one who in love. I think her fears of having the person she loved and wanted the most surfaced which keeps her from returning to him even if he’s practically begging her back. I just hope Soo would’ve made efforts to contact Woo Yeon or get her back after that break up call just as he was when he was courting her instead of stepping back. I guess it was partly a good thing because they were able to achieve certain things for their careers during that time too. Meanwhile Young-hee’s mom’s death was inevitable but at least they got to resolve the hard feelings and she was able to convey her love for her children. I think among the deaths I’ve seen in kdramas, this is the most touching for me. I must really be getting old to be sentimental like this. I also felt envious of the leads’ friendship. This episode showcased it the most especially how they supported Young-hee through the most difficult time in her life. I also love how they quietly support the complicated relationship of Soo and Woo Yeon. They have never attempted to kill him so yup they are good people.
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Episode 16 - Loose strings are tied up in a pretty bow as the friends gear up for each of their happy endings. Joon Soo decides to let go of his feelings for Woo Yeon (he’s finally free to walk towards me! Yay!) I really like their hug because it sums up the affections and friendship they had. Good thing Soo wasn’t there to tear them apart. I also like that Soo is still a bit jealous of Joon Soo because whenever I remember how arrogant he was about stealing Woo Yeon away, I still want to punch him. His mom’s pushing aka guilting Woo Yeon was indeed effective, heh. Seriously though, it seems to me that his mom did it because she did not want him to end up like his parents and perhaps it was her way of making up for their negligence and mistreatment of him. I love the fact that Soo and Woo Yeon continued to fight and make up even after getting back together, it was very much in their character. It’s also nice that Soo’s parents decided to give their relationship another shot. It makes me think that they too learned from their son. Jinju’s and Sang-hyeok’s wedding pictorial was super lovely, it was very smart of them to trick Soo into it haha. Young-hee and Hyun-jae are finally back together too! Thank goodness, they’re getting married instead of returning to dating. As much as I cringed with their cheesiness, it was very much welcome and cute to watch. All six of them had their own cringey and cheesy way of saying and doing things. I think this drama has one of the most satisfactory endings ever, now, if only On Joon Soo can find his way to me...
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More than Friends has met the amount of romance and tension that I always look for yet refreshing and not too cliché. I love the little details and the way it explored different types and stages of relationships including of different age groups. I hope other viewers would also get to see how the writer tried to portray these in the drama. Watching the ending made me realize the drama’s title was probably referred to these couples because they started as friends and became more than just that. Honestly, their situation is quite idealistic but I think it’s so cute if it does happen in real life. I’m happy I watched this even if it was mainly for Kim Dong Jun. Literally before watching this, I watched Moment of Eighteen then even prior to that, I watched Meow, The Secret Boy. MoE was sad because Junwoo had to put off his dreams and relationship to help out his mom. I initially wanted to skip or wait till later to watch it but ended up being hooked to it. Hehe.
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One of the things I find fascinating in this drama is the casting! Shin Ye Eun’s step mom in MTSB became her actual mom while her dad became Lee Soo’s dad this time. There lots of familiar faces which made me like the drama even more. 
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choiheza · 4 years
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Baby Blue Moodboard
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purringdoggo · 4 years
Ong Seongwu side profiles compilation
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A gif of him smirking because he knows what kind of power he has 💁
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pacadong · 5 years
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shameless ong
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kpoptimeout · 4 years
Legendary K-Pop soloist Baek Z Young duets with Ong Seongwu in “Didn’t Say Anything” MV!
Do you like this emotional ballad?
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swoonforsungwoon · 5 years
노태현 (ROH TAEHYUN)  1st MINI ALBUM <biRTHday> MV Teaser 
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ongnielissci · 6 years
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"you're my dentist"
VAMPIRE!AU Ong Seongwoo
you're a dentist and your regular comes to visit you today but you didn't expect what you would see
Warning: slightly on crack, fluff maybe?
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"Ong Seongwoo. I see this is your second time this week. What's your issue this time?" You nonchalantly said, knowing that he broke his implants for the teeth he broke last month and you have just, I repeat JUST fixed his teeth for the 3rd time this month.
His just sat across you with wavering eyes and shaky hands. Mouth awkwardly clenched together. You figured. Broken teeth again huh? You gave him the 'seriously' look and proceeded to move over to the just sanitised chair and pat it acouple of times for him to sit down. He played with his fingers as he walked over, still finding nowhere to settle his eyes onto.
"Open up" you instructed but he just looked at you nervously.
"What? I'm not going to bite, just open up. Let me see what wrong with your teeth. It can't be that bad right?" You cooed him.
When he opened up his holy gates, you would have never expected to see those canines. Your eyes were just wide in shock as he finally said his first words upon stepping in, "I swear I have no idea what happened. These things just grew and your implants fell out." He took out the two small pearly implants from his pockets and showed it to you in his palms.
Instead of being negatively shooked by this, you were wowed. A vampire? A VAMPIRE! You were absolutely astounded and fascinated by the ideas of vampires. You may or may not have the entire series of Twilight lying around your house or weird search history about vampire facts.
You started poking him and your eyes sparkled at his presence. You questions came out like a tsunami flood, "do you suddenly have abs?" "Do you sparkle?" "How about the sun? How did you come here?" "What's your weeeeeakness?"
"Man, chill. I seriously don't know." He responded. Your hands were just all over him at this point, trying to take convince yourself that you are not dreaming. [I don't recommend people doing this]
He squirmed in his seat becoming increasingly uncomfortable. His orbs turning darker. His urge was becoming stronger. He hadn't had his taste of blood yet as a fresh vampire. With his undiscovered quick speed, he pinned you onto your office wall. Fangs out and hissing.
"Stop it." with his voice almost demonic and he paused for a moment or two before continuing "I have never noticed how sweet you smelt." He moved his head past your neck and a smirk appeared in his face. You felt his breath on you. Honestly, you were reminded of how you overstepped your boundary just now. He slowly went closer to your neck and started licking it to find your pulse point for optimal blood collection. Don't ask how you knew. When you became squeamish under his touch, he got back into his senses and let go of you.
His voice turned back to being a puppy, " I only wanted you to help me fix it. I mean no harm really! Can you just help me shave these off?"
"Fine, but I'll be contacting you. I wanna know more about your situation and it sure is..." And you did a series of expressions that consists of (。♥‿♥。),٩(♡ε♡ )۶,(◕‿◕✿), ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ), (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), ♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ to express your passion towards his situation. You continued, "...that's of course in exchange for keeping this a secret"
"okay..." there goes his reply [refer to gif above for reaction] and off you were with your creepy machines sawing and filing his elongated canines away.
You did as you said. You observed him and gave him calls for his life updates asking for any new discoveries that he had. Meeting up every weekend to discover new things about his vampire skills after his teeth filing sessions.
It almost seemed like a chore to him having this new vampire thing going on and having you check-up on him every other day. At one point in time, he even wondered if you had a life and how you were even running your clinic like this? But what he thought was true, even though you were clearly fascinated by vampires, you still had a life and a clinic to run. Furthermore, he wasn't giving you any interesting responses either. Giving you short responses and trying to throw you off on a rush when you are giving him your check-in calls. You slowly lost interest with keeping up with him but of course you still did his teeth filing every week just losing the coffee dates afterwards while discussing about his week and what stupid things he tried to do.
He slowly came to miss your weird giggles and your anticipated look waiting for him to say that he discovered something interesting when he actually just smashed his face onto the door while trying to avoid his colleague. Sometimes you wonder, how is he still alive and giggle at his weird antics. The time when he fooled you into thinking that his ear folding trick was a vampire thing.
He missed those times, he missed your connection but you certainly had no time to commit to doing this. Your appointments recently have been packed back to back leaving no time for your vampire interest.
It was Sunday again, your special appointment day.
Once again, you asked about his well-being and rambled on and on when all he could do was listen as you worked on his teeth. After you were done, you told him," see you again next week!" with no sign of wanting to catch up later-on or throughout the week. He cherished that hour he had with you in the clinic but he yearned for more. Not just how lying down there listening to your weird conversations starters and answering them yourself as he couldn't reply. He wanted to talk to you and ask you about your day, about your other interests. He wanted you all to himself.
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"Can I have you just for a moment? Like really quickly." He asked you as he looked at you like [gif above].
"I'm really sorry but I have an appointment right after you." You replied but he just grabbed your hand and boom. You are at the beach. Woah. In the long stretch of sand, a lone table with two lattes was on it. He looked at you and said, "I miss our times, wanna discuss about my powers again?" He looked at you hopefully. "Well... I mean yes! This is so amazing!!!" You squealed and jumped still holding his hand.
You guys sat down and talked for what seemed like hours and apparently he discovered on new skill every night when you didn't call him cuz he had no idea what to do with that 2 hrs now. He answered every single question you had and he felt just great to be with you again. Then, reality snapped, your next appointment!! "OMG! Bring me back right now! My next appointment is waiting!! And we are so late!" your eyes moved towards your watch and you realised that time haven't moved since you two came. "Yeah, I forget to tell you that I can pause time too." He said sheepishly. What he didn't tell you was that he still had another power he discovered, he could erase memories. He was fully prepared with his feelings and he understands that if everything fails, he can just erase your memory.
"y/n, I know you're my dentist and everything and it can be really weird after this but will you accept my feelings? I'm not gonna bite, right?"
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19jihoonfightme · 6 years
Daniel’s bunny teeth is so ADORABLE I- nkdncjdnfk
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Ong Seong Wu - Esquire Magazine April Issue ‘22
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snowstorm808 · 4 years
More Than Friends episode 1 - 8 review
Initially, I was not planning to watch this drama for my usual petty reasoning that I don’t like the actors. However, Kim Dongjun was just too darned irresistible so here I am writing a review, admitting my defeat. My less biased self has acknowledged that a decent dram is worth watching. Since the quarantine began, I’ve been on a constant search for romance themed dramas that would actually make my heart beat the way k-dramas did when I was a kid. It is the main reason why my reviews are mostly along those lines. As much as I want to watch When I was the Prettiest, I’m simply not in for melodramas nowadays.
Since I’m writing this review as I watch each episode, I’ll be doing a per episode review so this is going to be lengthy. I’ll be adding the other episode reviews on this post until the drama ends.
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Episode 1 - Everything started from their high school days. Honestly, Kyeon Woo Yeon is reminiscent of the senior high school life my and my sister had. We became the villains for trying to be kind. I like the friendship the characters developed. The first episode has laid a good foundation of backstories and what is more to come. Soo and Woo Yeon’s friendship may have started as platonic but it is also something that can obviously become more than that. I assume Soo is too young to actually realize his won feelings for Woo Yeon. It seems like she’s really the only one he considers a friend given that he hasn’t really opened up to anyone else other than her. Knowing the premise of the story beforehand makes me think that he’ a jerk but I also want to be a bit more objective for his character. Oh and I love how Jinju listened to her mom with a Jo in Sung reward in her mind. Heh, while her mom may have just lied to her but it was enough to motivate this poor girl. Heck, even I would have been motivated by that but most guys my age are just effed up. I can’t wait for On Joon Soo!
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Episode 2 -  So we start off from where I’m beginning to realize Soo is a bigger jerk than I assumed. While I do understand that he had issues because of his parent’s selfish divorce, I just feel that he should be more considerate of Woo Yeon’s feelings if he even saw her as a friend at all. I am used to his narcissism especially with his words, but I just want him to at least try to think from her perspective. Woo Yeon may seem whiny and a bit irritating but she’s simply someone hopelessly in love with her best friend who only rejected her coldly without trying to sound nice about it. What’s worse is that he wants to keep her as a friend despite it all! So yes, I am still waiting for On Joon Soo! Woo Yeon’s little encounters with him are quite cliché but cute. His eyes seem so cold which makes me think that he’s a nice guy but scary when he gets angry. Damn, I could not take my eyes off whenever he’s onscreen!
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Episode 3 - I’ve been really excited for this episode because this is where everything kicks off! There’s also a bit more storyline for the other friends which are also enjoyable to watch. There’s also more to Lee Soo’s story and his own scars (which I still think does not excuse his treatment of Woo Yeon) so it provides viewers with more of his perspective. It is evident that he is also beginning to realize the type of feelings he has for Woo Yeon. I still think of him as selfish for all that, I also feel that the only reason he might be acting that way is because he fears her not being around him whenever he wants her to be there. As they say, having your cake and eat it too. But he needs to be clear about it fast because she’s becoming more serious about moving on from him and her world is becoming bigger. I want Soo to feel more threatened and jealous since I know they will end up together anyway so he should at least suffer more than she did. On Joon Soo has some stories up his sleeve too which I hope to see more. It would be too unfair if he’s just there to make feel nervous about loosing Woo Yeon, right? 
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Episode 4 - I love how honest and straight forward my On Joon Soo is! Yup, I’m claiming him once Woo Yeon rejects him. It is refreshing that he knows about Woo Yeon and Lee Soo early on which saves me from some dramatic cliché of not knowing about it till the end. Joon Soo is making an impact pretty quickly even though Woo Yeon isn’t too keen about it as of the moment but he seems to be making her smile unbeknownst to her. This drama’s storyline isn’t something very new, in fact it is quite simple but it’s also giving clichés a refreshing take which I really like. I’m reminded of Discovery of Love and this might just beat that one. Soo has come to really feel the threat Joon Soo brings, his talk with his dad was a wake up call which I hope he can take. I’m starting to think that he can actually learn from his parents’ mistake if he cares to look. For now, he is just a whiny kid whose toy is about to be taken away. I might as well mention a bit of Young-Hee and Hyun-Jae’s relationship; his mom is a total hypocrite! These two should find more balance in their relationship and not seem like a dom and sub most of the time.
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Episode 5 - Soo clearly denied having feelings for Woo Yeon! I honestly thought by now, he would be done hesitating but instead he keeps confusing her and being jealous. Meanwhile being straightforward is Joon Soo’s card. He does not hesitate to say he likes Woo Yeon so I hope he stays that way even if he gets jealous over Soo. This is a precious moment for Woo Yeon to see someone else other than Soo in a romantic light. I do get she’s hesitant because of lingering feelings and all but I also want to give herself a real chance to like someone else which makes me happy with this episode’s development. Finally, they also get to talk more about her pain in liking him one-sidedly, she’s being clear about how difficult it was for her but then Soo only prefers to look at the good memories. He’s being unfair especially when he decided to intrude in her date with Joon Soo only to embarrass her out of his jealousy. I must say Jinju is such a sweetheart for helping out Woo Yeon just in time.
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Episode 6 - Just as Soo is beginning to realize his love for Woo Yeon, it seems like fate is keeping them apart for a little longer. I must agree that timing is essential in our actions, whether in love or other decisions we make. I think I’ve missed a lot of chances my self but I don’t want to dwell o it but instead, work harder on things that I can work on. I’m still swooning over Joon Soo’s confession which I did not expect at all because he has been vocal enough about wanting to date Woo Yeon. I’m loving a lot of things in this episode like the first fight among our female trio who finally gets a few things out of their chest about each other. There’s also Young Hee finally thinking if she’s being too much with her tough girl act. I mean even she used to buy shoes for Hyun Jae so she really should try to understand him more. He wants her to rely on him too not just in monetary things but to actually talk about her problems too. She can learn to share her burdens bit by bit too. I also like the fact that Woo Yeon decided to give Soo one last chance. I think this time around, it would be harder form him to win her feelings back. Regardless of his accident, it is true that he had realized his feelings quite late. It is also a fact that Woo Yeon has been hurt several times by him. As he said so himself, understanding does not make it hurt less. My ship is beginning to sail so I’m really happy and full of spazzing here. I want to see more sweet moments between Joon Soo and Woo Yeon because they deserve to be happy with each other after being hurt by their first loves. Dong Joon’s eyes are so expressive, I need to be saved, the way his expression changes from that sunshine to that cold hard and serious face gives me such tension. The narrative towards the end of this episode was really nice. I thought Soo’s accident would not be shown due to filming constraints but it seems the director and writer had something in mind, and made a narrative out of it to corelate it to essence of timing.
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Episode 7 - Joon Soo and Woo Yeon are finally together! I’ve been swooning over their dates, I hope they can stay that way longer. I want them to get to know each other more so they won’t have regrets later on. I must admit it’s gratifying to see Soo suffer this time around. This is his consequence for thinking that Woo Yeon would be always beside him. While I do know he is sincere with his feelings for her, he had hurt her too many times for so she deserves to be happy this time around. Even if her feelings for Joon Soo does not equal what she felt for Soo, it is the former who makes her happy in the present and showers her with the love she deserved from the start. It was unfair enough to be dragged around by Soo during all those years while he rejected her and insisted they remain friends so I don’t really get why he acts all pitiful now. Oh and I prefer his hair styled up than down. I like that Woo Yeon has come to understand where she stands in terms of her feelings for Soo. She acknowledged the fact that she was partly at fault for continuing to harbor feelings for him despite the constant rejection. I’m loving the details in this drama such as the person Woo Yeon bumped in to at the airport when she was on her way to confess for the first time turned out to be Joon Soo. Also the fact that he hesitated in his own confession was because he saw her get rejected straightaway. I sort of guessed this much because there was an emphasis during that scene in the first episode which I almost forgot until this episode. Then there’s Jinju’s possible love prospect and the extra emphasis when she bought milk tea for the sunbae who “cares too much about health.” But then he seems so young! I personally ship her with Sang Hyeok; he seems like the type of guy who will take good care of her and be her comfort after a hard day’s work. I love it that Young Hee and Hyun Jae are actually making a progress in their ten year relationship. I’m loving these two a lot especially now that Young Hee is making an effort to open up to him about herself and what is happening to her. They’re actually my favorite couple in this drama since I keep wanting to have Joon Soo for my self.
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Episode 8 - The previous episode’s ending got me really nervous because I don’t want Joon Soo and Woo Yeong to break up so soon. I did not want him to get hurt that way too because he does not deserve it. Obviously, their relationship is not stable enough with Soo in the picture, and Joon Soo is very anxious of it. I want his to be more vocal about his feelings of jealousy and anxiety but he probably just want to show Woo Yeon his good qualities lest it drives her away. However, I keep having the impression that Joon Soo fears the idea of loosing the girl he likes more than anything else. I suppose it is because of his experience with his first love but it seems that this fear is overpowering his feelings for Woo Yeon. His secretary/ friend’s advice also struck a chord with me because I know they will not end up together. In this episode, I think I have confirmed my suspicion about him being the type who is scary when angered. It was evident that his patience has been running thin in trying to keep his jealousy under wraps especially when he got pissed with Soo’s informal way of speech. It wasn’t something most people would appreciate which reminded me of the reactions actor Joo Won received from his seniors due to his informal speech. Soo was really a jerk for letting his jealousy overtake him to the point of causing Woo Yeon to be embarrassed in front of their friends and her boyfriend. I hope he can take a step back for awhile instead of constantly shaking up Woo Yeon with his own feelings. He owes it to her to let her be happy even if it meant with someone else. Young Hee’s advice about letting Woo Yeon go was right especially when she pointed out that Woo Yeon liked him for a third of his lifetime. How can I not love her more? It’s so nice to see that she and Hyun Jae has come to terms where their relationship stand instead of getting overwhelmed by the pressure to get married immediately. Please don’t let them break up ever! Next week’s episodes will be more intense so I am excited and dreading it at the same time. Just why is this drama flying by so quickly?
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wokainight · 6 years
Hi-yo. Can I request Daniel seeing his crush dozing off in front of him in the school library? Thank you in advance btw you're one of my fav blogs.
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notes: i had the most brilliant moment when i realise that i could put these two together and make a great scenario :’) bless me
daniel comes out of soccer practice with his chunky sports bag on hand and a rather concentrated gaze on his phone
ong seongwoo: she’s at the library
kang daniel: so?
ong seongwoo: she’s changing schools!!!!
ong seongwoo: whaT DO U MEAN BY SO??ヽ(ಠ_ಠ)ノ
ong seongwoo: a r e u even
ong seongwoo: daniel
ong seongwoo: kang
ong seongwoo: d
ong seongwoo: a
ong seongwoo: reply u piece of sht
ong seongwoo: whatever
ong seongwoo: tday’s your last chance. tomorrow’s the summer break and you’ll have to say bye bye forever
ong seongwoo: unless u get 2gether ofc!!!
ong seongwoo: bruh
ong seongwoo: .
daniel groans as he scratches his forehead in a thoughtful manner: should he go for it? or should be not? he’s been a crush for two years straight that its so normal for him to just ignore the throbbing feeling in his chest and act as if he has absolutely no interest in the matter
you were just another girl in class
but to daniel
you are his world’
from the moment you helped him up when he tripped over his shoelaces, not really focusing where he was going because it was so early that his sleepy lids obstructed his view completely
he still remembered your voice questioning him if he was okay
and your hair blowing in the wind
and you smelled like cherry blossoms, roses, and every flower alive on earth
his pair of sport shoes lead him to the library in instincts
there wasn’t a lot of people left 
he sees someone dozing off on top of books he would never read in his whole life. 
his eyes rounded at how picturesque the scene was
he should take a picture-- it would last longer-- but ofc he respeccs your privacy
so he waddles to your spot and sits down on the seat in front of you, smiling. he observes everything: from your eyes to your nose to your lips. his eyes seems locked onto the last part, seeing the slightly pinkish tint on your kissable softness.
to his dismay, you seem to be stirring up from your nap and unfortunately, his first instincts were to run
kang daniel: i ruined it
ong seongwoo: ...should i try get her number for you?
years pass and he’s casually ordering some coffee, trying to enjoy his hour long lunch break before he resumes to his office work
he’s about to sit by the window, to people watch, when a familiar voice trails at the entrance
“hey!” his eyes widen. he knows this voice anywhere.
turning around, he watched as you meet one of your high school friend, someone he;s vaguely familiar with. he scoots into a nearby table and takes a sip on his coffee quickly, only to burn his tongue shortly after.
he listens to your voice after such a long time-- and really, it was like a lullaby to his ears.
“hey, do you remember kang daniel?” your friend asks.
you didn’t seem to answer for a while, and daniel wonders what kind of face you’re pulling.
“i heard from one of his friends that he works around here,” your friend continue. “do you... still have a thing for him?”
daniel froze
“you still remember that?” you laughed, it was like music in his ears.
“ofc!! i can’t forget when you’d watch his matches from the library. you don’t have a boyfriend right? i heard daniel’s single too--”
daniel stands abruptly at this, eyes wide.
he sees you turn towards him at his peripheral vision, expression mimicking his shock.
“d-daniel?” you weren’t prepared to see him after such a long time-- especially not after a conversation which intimately included him.
daniel turns around ever so slowly towards you. he remember sungwoo’s encouraging voice in his mind and offers you the nicest smile he could muster without seeming awkward.
it was the start of many more stories, and daniel couldn’t have been happier that it included you.
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purringdoggo · 4 years
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Ongvid on stage
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pacadong · 6 years
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daniel: habits are scary
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