notebookwitch · 1 year
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My older nephew mentioned that he really liked the animal bones that were for sale when he joined his little brother to go Secret Santa shopping for me last year at a metaphysical store. (The little nephew picked out an onyx chalice, a green calcite heart, and a malachite necklace for me and I treasure them all! 🥰) Even though I'm not his Secret Santa, I still headed to @whitebuffalori in the old neighborhood, after the Solstice service at Bell St Chapel on Sunday, and picked out a little something cool for him. 😊 That store is a TREASURE I tell you! Look at this display of, just, everything 😍 I was like "one thing for someone else, & oh look at that, 2 things for me" 🤭 Isn't that so often the way when holiday shopping? I have a lovely bell and a very cool honey stirrer for myself now 🤷🏼‍♀️ #sorrynotsorry as the kids say 😆 #shoplocal #shoplocalri #witchyvibes #witchystuff #witchyshop #giftshop #federalhill #witchaesthetic #witchesofinstagram #witchcraft #witchery #witchy #witchythings #witchblog #onlinegrimoire #witch #solstice #pagan #modernpagan #notebookwitch #metaphysicalshop #metaphysicalstore #yule https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmah54oOqhP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cosmicawitch · 2 years
La mágia del 2.22.22
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Siendo las 2:22 del 2-2-22, coincidiendo con un arranque increible de creatividad. Inicio un nuevo post despues de largo tiempo.
Saludos criaturita del bosque, entusiastas de lo mágico y público general. hoy vengo a compartirles un poco sobre numerologia, portales energeticos y 'dreamboards' puesto que es un día especial para aprender de todo lo anterior.
Portales energéticos o mágicos
De algún modo la curiosidad o simple interés por estos temas te trajo aquí o quizás la ansiedad de que un asteroide destruirá la tierra sin aviso previo te ha robado el sueño, pero no temas ese no es el caso.
Tecnicamente como lo dice el término los portales energeticos, en palabras simple se tratan de un espacio en el que el mundo terrenal y espiritual se encuentran o fusionan en la misma frecuencia.
Es decir, la energia que fluye es increbile para: hacer hechizos, afirmaciones y crear propósitos.
Significado de este portal
El 22, es sin duda en numerología un número que engloba crecimiento personal, equilibrio, evolución y cambio. A diferencia de otros portales antes vistos dirigidos al perdón, soltar o liberarse de malas energias. Esta fecha en particular esta dirigido a la reinvención, cambio de hábitos, circulos sociales, etc.
Lo que hace distinto y especial a este portal es que refuerza o duplica la energia detrás de tus acciones y emociones. Por lo que se cree que debe ser aprovechado para relucir lo mejor de ti o en su caso enfocarse en todo aspecto positivo de tu día.
por ejemplo; si deseas trabajar en tu amor propio, podrías enfocar un momento de tu día a iniciar una nueva rutina de skincare o quizas empezar a buscar un hobbie o actividad que siempre ha llamado tu atención.
Es decir es el momento para encontrar la mejor versión de tí. ¿Estas listo?
Actividades para este portal mágico
1. Crea un dream board o vision board
Está una opcion divertida, fácil y también la razon trás la cual surge este post luego de conversarlo con un mutual en twitter. Sin duda alguna una de las formas más sencillas y poderosas para aprovechar estos espacios.
Puedes crear un mural con imagenes en este caso con obejtivos que deseas cumplir, cosas que aspiras tener y el estilo de vida que deseas llevar.
para esto puedes utilizar: Pinterest, picsart y canvas.
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2. Crea un hábito
Otra actividad interesante sin embargo no tan sencilla es fortalecer o crear un nuevo hábito. rescatando una cita de un libro que me regalaron en laadolescencia "adquirir un habito es hacerte responsable de tú vida"
Suena bastante serio y aterrador, pero basta con verlo de la perspectiva del "Quien soy" piensa en este habito como lo más basico lavarte los dientes, tomar una ducha, ponerte zapatos pero dirigido a algo que te apasione.
Ejemplo: Quisiera crear un podcast, para lo anterior debo sentirme más cómoda hablando en voz alta. Quisiera leer 100 libros al año, para lo anterior debo dedicar un espacio de mi día y sin presiones.
Simplifica tú tarea, hazla una realidad.
comparto contigo algunas de las apps que más me gustan para este tema: Notion, Habit, Morning!, Structered.
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3. Afirmaciones y Hechizos
Puedes realizar un pocion o "jar" de positivismo, amor propio, un auto endulzamiento o quizas todas al mismo tiempo. Si deseas conocer algunos puedes visitar mi espacio de pociones en este blog.
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Las afirmaciones pueden ir en papel o un diario. Van escrita según gusto propio. Por ejemplo en mi caso suelo hacerlas en tiempo presente.
Hoy estoy agradecida porque tengo muchos amigos quienes me aprecian y aportan un valor importante de crecimiento a mi vida.
Este es un pequeño ejemplo de como lo realizo, puede ser con respecto a cualquier tema que desees.
Por último y no menos importante, recuerda que no hay mejor energía que iniciar, no importa cuan pequeño sea el paso. ¡Inicia! por nada del mundo pienses que de algun modo tu vida esta rodeada de acciones fallidas, dale valor a cada acción que tomas. Sin darte cuenta te acercan a ser la mejor versión de tí.
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leafleaves22 · 4 years
The Hermit
Card 9 ‘The Hermit’ is a card purely of the realm of the mind. Drawing this card shows that the issue could be only in your head or that it would be best solved through thought and perhaps temporary retreat from the situation.
✜ meditation, stillness
✜ taking a step back
✜ focus on the inner realm and yourself
⋆ Element: Earth         ⋆ Colour: Purple         ⋆ Gender: Male
My series on the meaning of Tarot cards, based on a compilation of various websites, books, general research, and also partly my intuition. I’m uploading one a day (it’ll be more frequent with the minor arcana) and am adding reversed cards later :)
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lotuseye · 4 years
A generalized spell for love. Rosemary and its oils are hugely beneficial in magickal regard because of its pungent scent, taste, and overall connection to the spiritual vines that bind us all together. I also used instant coffee over the flame for an extra enhancer of divination so that I could tell whether or not my spell was effective or not. As far as my third eye is concerned...I've been inviting new love into my life over and over again, and whilst some fullfill their task and leave, most of them stick around and have been super loyal in the relationship that is our friendship. I then burned cinnamon to attract good vibes and fortune. Cinnamon smoke is so beautifully spicy and fragrant; next time I may use cloves so that my trail is covered a little better. To the side is my evening potion; a mixture of bengal spice, chai, carraway, apple, peppermint, and just a dash of motherwort since it's that time of the month. I hope you all survived this past full moon okay; it was rather rough for me, though I was hugely productive and studious I was in a bad, BAD mood, about everything. Weirdly enough Mercury Retrograde gave me humongous perspective on what needed to change in my life at that very moment. Here's to the brilliant, weird, crazy, and miraculous year of 2020. ━━━━━━━━━▼━━━━━━━━━ #blackwitchesofinstagram #witchesofinstagram #witchcraft #onlinegrimoire #grimoire #spellworker #lightworker #spirituality #spiritualspells #spiritualgrowth #spellwork #spellworker #spellcasting #spellcastingwitch #eveningspell #cinnamonspell #rosemaryspell #coffeespell #divination #lovespells #lovespell #generallovespell #selflove #selflovemagic #selflovemagick #friendshipmagick https://www.instagram.com/p/B9ne8aiHXAe/?igshid=melkyprw50f8
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elohomora · 6 years
✩°。⋆⸜(ू˙꒳˙ ) my online grimoire
E N E R G Y  ( W O R K )
F L O W E R S 
H E R B S 
H O M E Y  W I T C H Y 
O I L S 
P A G A N I S M 
(its for those when im too lazy to properly tag)
so uh this thing is mainly for myself, and i know theres just a few posts under each tag but im planning to clear out my likes and filling the tags. its really hard when i remember like a post about herbs i liked or reblogged but i cant find it bc  didnt tag it properly. my excuse was always that i dont have the tag system yet, and the tag post etc.. but now i gotta do dis!!
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bunbunthewitch-blog · 7 years
Online Grimoire Participants Needed
Hello, everyone! So I’ve seen posts on Tumblr of other people doing this and I’d figure why not make one because the other ones are full and I’m sure that other people might want to join one too. If you want to participate please do the following 1. Follow me! I will follow you back!
2. Message me asking to join. I will say yes unless there are more than 15 people
3. You must have a kik so that we can have a group messaging system. IF YOU LEAVE THE KIK CHAT YOU WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE GRIMOIRE
4. You must be able to contribute in some way, even if it's just helping with organizing the book or making it look nice.
5. You must be able to use Google Docs because that is where the Grimoire will be. (If You Need Help With This, I Can Be Of Assistance)
Thank you. If you happen to join I will be adding rules to so that it can be a place for everyone! 
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solunasuniverse · 7 years
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Made for my single friends whom I love so much. My closest friends will all feel loved They are showered with attention and care They will find happiness in everything they do And whatever situation they might be in They will feel contented with their life And if it's right Romantic relationship is welcomed This is my will, so mote it be I hope that whether you guys are taken or not, you will feel all the love you deserve. May we all have a well loved life from now on. Because we all deserve to love and be loved.
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notebookwitch · 1 year
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For Yule this year, someone sent me a #JaneAusten #TarotDeck but they didn't sign their name, so I do not know who to thank! This being Jane Austen's 247th birthday, makes it a good time to say THANK YOU to whomever it was that sent me what has to be the most perfect combination of all the things I love: Austen, witchery, and beautiful art. These cards are gorgeous. Beautiful work @jacquioakley Happy birthday to Jane! And thanks again to my Solstice Elf for the perfect present 🎁 #tarot #tarotcards #janeaustentarot #janeaustentarotdeck #janeaustentarotcards #witchesofinstagram #witchcraft #witchery #witchy #witchythings #witchblog #onlinegrimoire #witch #modernpagan #pagan #notebookwitch https://www.instagram.com/p/CmPe7UaOb-Z/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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notebookwitch · 1 year
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Merry Yule to all who celebrate in the northern hemisphere. Happy Litha to Southern hemisphere celebrators. And a joyous solstice to everyone, everywhere! My latest blog post for the #sabbat is now up. Click the "SABBATS" button at the link in my bio yo learn more about the pagan origins of flying reindeer!!! 🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌🤶🏼 #solstice #yule #yuletide #sabbat #wintersolstice #yule2022 #eclecticwitch #solitarywitch #writerwitch #instawitch #witchaesthetic #paganism #modernpagan #pagansofinstagram #earthbasedspirituality #folkmagic #thecraft #divinefeminine #witchesofinstagram #witchcraft #witchery #witchy #witchythings #witchblog #onlinegrimoire #witch #neopagan #pagan #notebookwitch #sabbats https://www.instagram.com/p/CmdTL39OOe4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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notebookwitch · 2 years
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Some gorgeous and some super cute candles, beautiful handmade jewelry, dream teas, spicy sauces, herbal magick, and two beautiful art pieces: replicas of old headstones and a preserved blue butterfly 🦋😍 — some much to see and touch and learn about at the #Halloween Flea from @providenceflea & @witchesnomne this past Friday night #eclecticwitch #candlemagick #candlemagic #aphrodite #sushicandle #handmadejewelry #herbalmagic #herbalmagick #dreamtea #teafordreaming #herbaltea #teamagic #magickaltea #spiritualpractice #dreams #dreaming #divinefeminine #witchesofinstagram #witchcraft #witchery #witchy #witchythings #witchblog #onlinegrimoire #witch #witchyfair #pagan #witchfair #notebookwitch https://www.instagram.com/p/CkH8FJ8Mt-S/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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leafleaves22 · 4 years
The Hierophant
The Hierophant (number 5) represents a teacher and hunger for knowledge- be it practical or spiritual. This card is an encouragement to improve your knowledge of something you are currently working on, and to take advice that is offered to you.
⧒ marriage and religion
⧒ a spiritual guide; the counterpart to the High Priestess
⧒ a new ceremony or ritual
⧒ morality and ethics
⋆ Element: Earth          ⋆ Colour: Red          ⋆ Gender: Female
My series on the meaning of Tarot cards, based on a compilation of various websites, books, general research, and also partly my intuition. I’m uploading one a day (it’ll be more frequent with the minor arcana) and am adding reversed cards later :)
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lotuseye · 4 years
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Some photography from last night's meditation and energy work; I remember feeling super powerful, so attuned with myself and the core of the universe from my tiny, seemingly insignificant space. I know there is a lot of anxiety in the world right now, and I wanted to alleviate some of that pressure for myself and others who may have been receptive to the energy. My intimate ceremonies of prayer have helped me greatly, I must say. Stay safe out there folks, and act on the wisest voice you have in your head. ━━━━━━━━━▼━━━━━━━━━ #blackwitchesofinstagram #witchesofinstagram #witchcraft #onlinegrimoire #grimoire #spellworker #lightworker #spirituality #spiritualspells #spiritualgrowth #ritualwork #rituals #altarspace #altar #myaltar #crystals #candles #witchceremony #healing #divinehealing https://www.instagram.com/p/B9uSn9rnQp_/?igshid=jkg6p6qygle8
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lotuseye · 4 years
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Just got back from a local store in my hometown in which I grew up called 'Nature's Own'; it's a crystal and mineral shop that sells all sorts of crystals, raw, polished, any shape and any price. After tottering around the shop for fifteen minutes or so I found their Banded Onyx shelves, where these two babies were laying in wait for me. The moment I held both of them in my hand I felt a surge of calm wave over me like a scanner. Their points harness their energy very well and I felt myself drawn to them irrevocably. They were only six dollars, and two for ten, so both of them came home with me, and not to mention they were 20% off so both of them were UNDER ten dollars! Again, their energy is so calm; earthly, humble, diligent and steady. Perfect additions to my home and altar space. I am so ready to cleanse these babies properly so they may start facilitating my grounding practices. #blackwitches #blackwitchesofinstagram #witchesofinstagram #witchcraft #witchcraftsupplies #onlinegrimoire #grimoire #spellworker #lightworker #spirituality #spiritualspells #spiritualgrowth #crystals #crystalcollection #crystalpyramids #crystalpyramid #bandedonyx #bandedonyxgemstone https://www.instagram.com/p/B9kIYxDnK_z/?igshid=llv95sp8igg0
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lotuseye · 4 years
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You ever have one of those days that is just super up and down? I did today; woke up at 3am and couldn't fall back asleep and I'm still wired af. My week has been strenuous and while it is taking somewhat of a toll I have so many important tools to cleanse myself and get my energy back. But lo and behold my manifestation skills are en pointe because I got myself a new temporary job today and I start next Sunday! Tonight, to soothe my addled brain, body, and soul, I did some spell work involving both coffee and thyme, and of course a brand new spell candle. Coffee to vitalize and open the portals unto the spirits' realm in order to see if my wish will come into fruition, and thyme to protect me from whatever may be on the other side of the veil. This was a wisteria garden purple candle, the color of insight; my wish was that I would be able to be diligent and work through my pain and issues whilst building my savings back up and at last launching my brand for real, as well as included the steps that would lead to that. In spell work it's good for some people to get specific if they have a hard time following through (often like myself), so I listed each endeavor that would grant me the financial gains I am looking for. The evening is almost done; and with the full moon coming up I can feel the ebb and wane already therein my core. ━━━━━━━━━▼━━━━━━━━━ #blackwitchesofinstagram #witchesofinstagram #witchcraft #onlinegrimoire #grimoire #spellworker #lightworker #spirituality #spiritualspells #spiritualgrowth #spellwork #spellworker #spellworkersofinstagram #eclecticwitch #eclecticwitchcraft https://www.instagram.com/p/B9VtH2yHuwD/?igshid=1nq8e1ut0i515
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lotuseye · 4 years
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One of many of the new and improved section cover pages of my grimoire. I'm knee deep in study this afternoon and evening, and getting in touch with my traditional creativity and mediums. Drawn and painted with watercolor pencils. #grimoirepages #grimoire #mygrimoire #mygrimoireisgrowing #formalgrimoire #fancygrimoire #blackwitchesofinstagram #witchesofinstagram #witchcraft #witchcraftsupplies #apothecary #onlinestore #onlinegrimoire #grimoire #spellworker #lightworker #spirituality #spiritualspells #spiritualgrowth https://www.instagram.com/p/B9P_ia4HZP4/?igshid=12qjkrhvfi3av
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lotuseye · 4 years
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...-- the planet is mantled in soothing darkness. #witchartist #witchartist #digitalpainting #digitalpaintings #scenerypainting #digitalart #blackwitchesofinstagram #witchesofinstagram #witchcraft #witchcraftsupplies #apothecary #onlinestore #onlinegrimoire #grimoire #spellworker #lightworker #spirituality #spiritualspells #spiritualgrowth https://www.instagram.com/p/B9POBdQHH5D/?igshid=yssgrumf9u5h
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