#only have to deal with the big problems
i fucking hate when soooo omany little tiny useless things go wrong in a day and it just builds up and it makes you want to kill everything because if ONE thing after all that goes wrong U JUST WANT TO DIE BECAUSE IT SUCKS SO MUCH. like today has sucked so much and nothings even HAPPENED. its just everythings been very slightly wrong !!!!!/ and i hate it so much. EVEN MY FUCKING COMFORT JUMPER IS WRONG this sucks so much i am genuinely so angry
ok i took the jumper off now im cold but its better than feeling too many texture MY FUCKING HEADPHONES wire. ok. i just. everything today has been SO bad because theres been so many small things. i want to scream. like i literally couldnt even play tetris because the moment i started doing badly i just. fuck. today has been full of minor inconveniences and i HATE it. and this WHOLEEE website is all like wow autism is so sexy and great BUT I HATE IT. LIKE if i could just NOT. feel like ANYTHING EXISTING.  was fucking PAINFUL.  THAT WOULD BE GREAT. BUT NOW EVERY SOUND I HEAR IS THE WORST SOUND TO EVER HAVE EXISTED. and everythings Wrong. i hateeeee this. cant even DO anything about it BECAUSE everyhthing is guaranteed to have SOEMTHING go wrong WHICHLL MAKE IT WORSE. fuck
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goemon-fan · 3 months
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This was easily one of the best Lupin episodes
#there will be a rant in the tags that you can ignore#but it is so upsetting how modern/current lupin took away the depths of these characters and flimsily tries to restore their earlier depth#i'm one of those people who craves depth in what i watch and it's so difficult to like this franchise because it will be so close to doing#something interesting only to abandon it#this episode and part one as a whole was peak lupin in my opinion with each character having emotional depth yet flaws to overcome#yet modern lupin would have you believe that these characters don't desire to improve in any capacity#if we were to just focus on Goemon for example right here he shows depth with revealing hidden emotional maturity and empathy for Lupin by#comforting him and admitting he himself is afraid (which is a big deal for a character like him who is supposed to be unflinching)#but in modern lupin goemon will literally say that he's not afraid of anything and this is written without any hint of irony or depth#i'm okay with mindless entertainment and i understand that this is a series simply about stealing but the character assassination is so#disappointing#and when this series does try to be “deep” they pick the most triggering subject matter possible to depict to the point where it's#practically unwatchable (this is in reference to Part 4 and its constant SA plots as well as the rampant gratuitous child abuse plots#throughout the entire series)#i want so badly to love lupin the 3rd but it's a huge problem when fanfiction understands the characters better than the source material#lupin iii#lupin the third#lupin the 3rd#goemon ishikawa xiii#goemon#arsene lupin iii#jigen daisuke#daisuke jigen#fujiko mine#part 1
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tj-crochets · 2 months
this poll brought to you by a text I got from one of the other [my job title]'s contractors while I'm covering for him being gone. The contractor texted me "The answer is as always [his name] [his company ID number]" To which I could only say "what was the question?"
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fvckw4d · 5 months
"other countries have poor people but worse, don't speak usamerican" fuck you actually. Shiver in my freezing ass cockroach infested poisoned water mold ladened lead paint flaking ass apartment with me. "At least you're not the REAL poor or getting bombed or whatever" repeat what you said back slowly and then jump into the poisioned river down my street. Starve with me. Bitch.
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hirokiyuu · 1 year
i've been playing limbus corp a lot and like........ the amnt of diseases the girls have so far is unparalleled. every time don quixote opens her mouth and starts talking i am like. obsessed.
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gregmarriage · 2 months
feel like i always have to have something to say™️ when i text my friends, but like, i always have to remind myself that i could just say hi, or like send funny image™️ and it will be fine ☺️ <(clenching fists)
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willowways · 23 days
Is it me or does it seem like no one has a plan
Like both the skip the vote and the vote blue no matter who people are thinking less about what will benefit people and more on moral superiority
Like … I would like some direction please
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baishouqijia · 1 year
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i am desperately trying to be more active but i'm experiencing mental burnout. just want to say thank you for the interactions even when i'm only checking in here now and again - i'll respond when i'm feeling better! <3
#nothing really happened - work and the house just got on top of me.#for context i was promoted to a management position in october and i hit my stride so i have a lot of responsibilities and i'm hhh.#having to play catch up in terms of skillset. i'm good at my job but i'm not the best - therefore ? i must keep pushing :y#as for home... Man (horse.jpg)#we bought a house a year ago. i envy people who renovate days after moving in. we're a year in and i'm only just redoing the kitchen floor#after a leak that happened in JUNE 2022. it's expensive as fuck and takes so much time.#i'm so fortunate to be able to afford a house but like. i won't lie. it's really hard having to be responsible for everything that goes#wrong with it. my kitchen has been subfloor for months. we destroyed our kitchen island trying to make room for the floor to be done#so we're down storage and stuff is just piling up. eh i know this is like. first world problem and really not a big deal.#but when your house is in disrepair because you don't have the money to fix it quickly or time to do it yourself. shit's hard.#anyway this is a rant. don't want a wrench or a tissue- just wanna get it out.#[puts on pantalone hat] i have money anxiety too#like i earn the most i've ever earned. i won't really get much higher than this atm. i'm due a bonus and i can cash out my shares#but fixing up the house is so expensive. i'm worried i'm gonna lose it all somehow. idfk why. when things are going well i worry i'm gonna#lose it all somehow. growing up poor does a number on your resource guarding. if i spend a penny I Will Lose It All.#' dima why do you like pantalone so much ' HE JUST LIKE ME FRRRR#sry this is a ramble . i treat tumblr tags like my diary but i hope you enjoyed the read xoxox#anyways! point is! i'm alive! i'm itching to come back but i dont have the mental space for fun rn.#can't have fun until i feel safe enough to have fun if that makes sense.#aight byeee
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lilliths-httyd-blog · 10 months
my least favourite thing about running a decently sized httyd-centric youtube channel is definitely the 12 year olds
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immamapletreekid · 5 months
i am the most predictable person with the most predictably pathetic tastes in the history of predictable pathetic taste
#give me a character that is just in it for a good time. problem and conflict free#living their best life unbothered. moisturized. thriving and absolutely glowing#but is also like an actual big deal. has a reputation making them equal parts feared and admired#and give them the weirdest most incredibel fashion choices. bonus points id they are goth#and give off vampire wine aunt vibes#sprinkle in a pinch of middle aged man who somehow ends up the adoptive father of 2 and#pls he is so unserjous. he is living his best life in that fucking tiny ass boat. great unit of a black bejeweled sword on his back#lace sleeves and high heels sailing across the ocean chasing a pirate fleet bc he wanted to kill some time#he is peak gothic wine aunt malewife energy to me#HE LIVES IN A FUCKING CASTLE???? ? HIS FAVOURTIE FOOD IS RED WINE HE LIKES TO READ HE ONLY WEARS A SHIRT WHEN HES NOT WORKING#wheb i started this series i did not know who he was#and my predictions for top 3 favorhite characters were in no particular order zoro law and ace#now two od those i have not met yet. but for now#the tentative big 3 are mihawk nami and usopp#nami bc i care about her i adore her i cherish her i fuckijg love her she is so silly#usopp bc the vibes are immaculate#mihawk bc. actuslly no explanation needed im not foing to embarras myself further#but also i love all the strawhats ive met so far#they are one big happy family and they love each other and would die& kill for each other and they have a place to belong next to each other#and i think thats beautiful.#rambling about stuff
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running-in-the-dark · 2 months
it's actually evil that you need to have a (newer) smartphone and an app to confirm the transaction every time you want to transfer money
for many, many reasons, but mostly because it's one more thing I need to keep figuring out for my mother and I don't want to!
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theophagie-remade · 1 year
I don't have much to say about Magne other than there was an Attempt, but. That time when Twice and Toga got angry with Overhaul for misgendering her was already indicative of what I'm going to get at in a sec, and obviously it was especially relevant because it was a direct show of respect and support from people who very clearly cared about her (and who called her big sis already as it was!!) (×2 imo because Twice was intentionally written to be the readers' insight into the LOV, and the character with whom they were supposed sympathise with the most at/since the beginning, so it's especially important that the first one who spoke up was him), but the story's progression (especially in recent years) is what most assures me that despite a rather poor execution (definitely not the best, but also certainly not the worst) Horikoshi did mean well with her. "People bound together by the chains of society always laugh at those who aren't" :(
#^ when she quotes her friend. like had the manga not gone on like it has that could have very well been a generic#We Live in a Society moment. but it wasn't. and that's what's comforting tbh#in general i think a big issue with magne from what little we know of her is that her reason for joining the lov was fighting back against#a tangibile real world issue (transphobia) vs all the other villains. whose situations Are partially real world issues as well#(eg child abuse) but they also very much present fantasy elements to them (eg toga's treatment due to her quirk)#and i'm not saying this as a justification for killing her off but. when you're writing a superhero comic with a target audience of young#cishet men it is much easier to present them with fantasy solutions to fantasy problems. again not that i think it's right!!!#but i do assume that horikoshi's thought process was more or less this. like. tiger is there alive and well#but he passes and was confirmed to be trans only via word of god so his identity has no bearing on the story itself#while magne's did. which doesn't make tiger's transness any less ''real'' than hers ofc but again i think it was a matter of what horikoshi#could actually deal with (fantasy problems) with the average readers that he has. it sucks all the way around.#which begs the question. ''why create her character in the first place then'' to which i answer: i don't fucking know man#bnha#animanga#mytext#in general. i've seen lots of people do this even with eg toga and her bisexuality (and when it comes to her i completely disagree but w/e)#but. authors who want to depic queer characters in good will but make mistakes or do it awkwardly or anything else#should Not be put on the same level as actively queerphobic authors. at all. do criticise what's worthy of constructive#criticism when you see it but don't even pretend that those two are remotely the same thing#(jic i didn't explain myself well bc i don't think that i did. what i wholly disagree with is that ''toga is a bad bi stereotype''.#i am bi people and i disagree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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so theres this one assignment in one of my classes that i refuse to complete (its an interview assignment. i have to interview someone. that i do not know.)
because holy shit not only was it one of the things that caused me to spiral over the weekend, but getting reminded of it today in class and thinking about it has already sapped me of whatever motivation/energy i had. while im trying to complete other homework. i need to read this thing to complete a quiz but i Can Not read huge blocks of text rn
what the hell
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filmfactors · 1 year
imagine suneo and gian with the 'there was only one bed' trope (≧∀≦)
Not to yuck your yum anon but I think that's one of the tropes those two will forever be immune to, I can't recall a movie aside from 'New Nobita's Great Demon' where they do not share a room.
It's par for the course with them, as evidenced with movies like the Antarctica one:
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Of course the series would be a different ball park to talk about, but I like to take the movies word that they don't particularly care.
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mrsmiroir · 5 months
i don’t actually care abt people wearing fake glasses for the fit, but i do find it funny that so many are genuinely embarrassed to admit that they’re fake. like yeah it is a little embarrassing im ngl but the look is fire.
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princessmossy · 5 months
Just realized something about the dbd update that didn’t really hit me when I read the patch notes.
Grim embraces buff makes it a super important perk. Because now we’re really gonna have to consider if this gen has enough progress to warrant using a regression event on it and all that jazz. Gen blocking perks are gonna be essential slowdown now because they won’t use a regression event. We’re gonna see a surge in use of gen blocking perks rather than gen damaging perks. Which might be kind of annoying… It’s also gonna make people not really want to use weaker regression perks that are more valuable being used repetively and instead want to focus on stronger regression perks. Pop combined with overcharge or call of brine I think will make a return then. Cause would you rather bring jolt with it’s what 8% progress and basic regression speed or Pop (30% progress) and call of brine (125% regression speed plus tracking)? Maybe even a return of Ruin in the meta if it doesn’t trigger a ‘regression event’.
Unless I have misunderstood entirely what they are trying to do here. I don’t think I like this update much.
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