egy-lany-blogja · 8 months
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nonemmegy · 7 months
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muhammaddahab · 2 years
Nationale Wählerbildungswoche von Timberwolves und Lynx Tipoff mit der Pack the Vote-Initiative
Nationale Wählerbildungswoche von Timberwolves und Lynx Tipoff mit der Pack the Vote-Initiative
3. Okt. 2022 – Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA) – Minnesota Links Pressemitteilung Minneapolis/St. PAUL – Minnesota Timberwolves und Lynx haben heute die National Voter Education Week mit ihrer Pack the Vote-Initiative begangen, die darauf abzielt, Hindernisse für die Wählerbildung und den Zugang zur schwarzen Gemeinschaft zu beseitigen. In diesem Jahr haben sich Timberwolves und…
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lover-ofnature · 2 months
POSITIVITY RAID! This is your invitation to RAID other blogs you love and let them know they're loved and supported!
O<O ! ! A positivity raid?! In my inbox?!
That's sweet, though. Thank you, Nonnie. Have some screaming bird doodles, fresh off the canvas.
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mrdirtybear · 3 months
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'Don Quixote' as painted in 1946 by Hungarian painter Dénes Ősz (1915 – 1980).  His mural works can be found in Budapest, in the Gundel Restaurant, and in Pécs. Further works of his can be found in the Hungarian National Gallery, and in the Jósa András Museum at Nyíregyháza.
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ineffable-kelpie · 2 years
Rating: G
Wordcount: 1,461
After they save the world from Armageddon, Gabriel and Beelzebub attend their first pride parade, and talk about the queerness of their identities.
(My contribution to the Our Side: Queer Enough zine.)
Gabriel was no stranger to pride. It was one vice he’d allowed himself to privately cultivate during his six thousand years stationed on Earth and, after stopping Armageddon with his enemy-turned-ally Beelzebub and becoming unemployed, his pride was free to flourish. Anyone who knew Gabriel could testify that he was a proud man. But he’d never seen pride that looked quite like this.
Everything was so bright. People, flags, and umbrellas in literally every color of the rainbow filled his vision. They gleamed in the bright June sunlight, flapping and whirling and cheering in a dizzying kaleidoscope. Gabriel squinted into the vibrant crowd, wishing he had a pair of sunglasses like Crowley’s. “Where are they?”
“You’re asking me? You’re the tall one,” said Beelzebub next to Gabriel. They weren’t even trying to look through the crowds for their now out-and-proud friends.
“I wasn’t asking you.” Gabriel remembered the word ‘rhetorical’ a few seconds too late to use it. “Just… annoyed.”
He had only come to support Aziraphale and Crowley. They had decided they were gay, despite only ‘barely’ or ‘sometimes’ identifying as men, depending on which of them you asked. It didn’t really make sense to Gabriel, but neither did anything else about their relationship, so he just went along with it and showed up at the parade when they invited him and Beelzebub. Except now they weren’t here.
Beelzebub stared disinterestedly through the torsos at their eye level, presumably to get a glimpse of the… decorated bikes? Was that what was happening? It was hard to keep track with everything else going on. “We can just leave,” said Beelzebub.
“Yeah, but we said we’d meet them. Kind of a dick move to stand up your friends,” Gabriel added, annoyed, scanning the crowd again. “How are we supposed to find them in all this, anyway?”
Beelzebub glanced up at the clear blue sky. “I’ll take a look from above. Wait here.”
“Do not leave me alone here,” Gabriel hissed, grabbing Beelzebub’s arm before they could transform into a tiny fly. “You’re the only reason I look like I’m supposed to be here.”
Beelzebub turned and gave Gabriel a flat, questioning stare.
“I mean, look, I don’t exactly blend in here.” Gabriel gestured at his nondescript gray polo, a stark contrast to the bright colors around them. “You obviously belong, since you’re… um…” He waved a hand at Beelzebub, who, as usual, was dressed like a particularly androgynous and low-effort goth. Gabriel repeated the motion, hoping Beelzebub would finish his sentence. They didn’t. “Sorry, I still don’t know how your gender works.”
“Good.” Beelzebub shrugged. “Gender’s overrated. You have more of a gender than I do.”
Gabriel blinked. He’d never thought about it before, but he had chosen his own gender, hadn’t he? “Wait, if nobody ever assigned me a gender, and I have one now… does that make me trans?” He pointed at Beelzebub. “Are—are you cisgender?”
Beelzebub’s lip curled. “I’m going to ignore that. I dunno, are you trans? You’re the only one who can answer that.”
Huh. Gabriel didn’t make a habit of examining his own gender. “Um.”
“Okay, don’t hurt yourself,” said Beelzebub, sighing. “Figure that out later. Back to the point, if you’re so worried about fitting in, we can fix that.” They raised their fingers to snap.
Gabriel crossed his arms protectively over his polo shirt. “Don’t you dare!”
The miracle rippled over him. He flinched, then looked down to see what sort of gaudy rainbow ensemble Beelzebub had—
Oh. No, it was the same gray polo, except Beelzebub had added a band of white, black, gray, and green stripes along the collar and the hem of the sleeves. The colors of the aromantic flag. That looked pretty nice, actually. It was lucky that Gabriel’s flag was one of the more muted ones, so it was easier to match. The green didn’t fit his usual color scheme as well as the purple of the asexual flag, but even though that word also applied to him, it didn’t feel as relevant for reasons he couldn’t fully articulate. Maybe because “aromantic” was the first word he’d learned that fit him. Maybe because, as an angel, not experiencing a type of emotional love felt more anomalous than not experiencing physical attraction.
“Gabe, you’re literally a queer person,” said Beelzebub, as if they were explaining something to a child. “Of course you’re supposed to be here.”
Gabriel looked up at them, baffled. “I am?”
Beelzebub gave him that odd look again. “You’re a man, right? Let’s assume for now that you’re not trans. Are you attracted to women?”
“Well, no.”
“So you’re not straight.”
“I guess, but—”
“So you’re queer. ”
Okay, it sounded pretty simple when laid out like that, but Gabriel didn’t feel queer. Not in the casual-but-intentional way Beelzebub discarded the entire concept of gender, not in the gleeful way Aziraphale and Crowley embraced their gayness, and certainly not in the loud, bright, celebratory way of the crowd around him. Gabriel looked around at the flags far more colorful than his, the uniquely flamboyant displays of gender and sexuality, the couples and polycules visibly broadcasting their relationships. Gabriel was glad for all of them, but as an outsider looking in, not as part of the group.
“I don’t think not feeling attraction is what this is about, though.” Gabriel waved a hand at the street, where a group of marchers waved a variety of full-sized flags. “I mean, look around. Do you see any—oh.”
He did, in fact, see one flag with stripes of monochrome shades and green in the same configuration as the lines on his collar. The aromantic flag. His flag.
His eyes fell to the young woman who held it. One of her cheeks was streaked with gray, white, black, and purple paint, while the other was striped to match the flag above her head. She beamed through the paint, brandishing her flag with—well, pride.
She was like Gabriel. Someone like Gabriel was marching in the parade.
Gabriel watched silently as she and the other flag-bearers passed by his spot in the crowd, until they fell out of sight behind other people’s heads. She never looked his way or made eye contact, never gave any sign that she spotted the subtle green stripes on his shirt that matched the flag in her hands, but somehow, Gabriel still felt seen. Or maybe he just felt a little bit less alone.
Beelzebub elbowed Gabriel just below his ribs. “Told you. You’re plenty q—oh, are you fucking kidding me?”
Behind the marchers came a massive two-tiered parade float, festooned with multicolored flowers and topped with several gently-swaying balloon arches. On the top balcony, decked out in rainbow from head to toe, Aziraphale and Crowley brandished miniature pride flags and beamed at the crowd around them.
Neither of them saw Gabriel and Beelzebub staring, open mouthed, as the float rolled past them. Too late, it occurred to Gabriel to try to catch their attention, and maybe flip them off. “Unbelievable,” he said, throwing up his hands. “So much for meeting us here.”
“How did they even get up there?” asked Beelzebub.
Gabriel let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Well, it looks like they’re having a great time without us. I think I’ve had about enough of the parade.”
“It is loud,” Beelzebub agreed, wincing. “You’re sure, though? You don’t just want to leave because…”
Because he felt like he didn’t belong? Not really. Not anymore, at least. He was an aromantic, asexual, possibly-trans queer person, and if he wanted to be part of this kaleidoscopic celebration, it was right there for him. And he understood, now, why people liked these parades so much. Even if you had to put up with all the crowds. And the heat. And the headache-inducing color combinations.
“It’s just not really my scene,” he said, shrugging. “Doesn’t seem like yours, either.”
Beelzebub hummed in agreement. “Yeah. There’s other ways to celebrate pride. More ‘us’ ways.”
“Like what?”
A grin twisted the demon’s face. “What do you say we find some bigots and ruin their day?”
“Ooh, festive! I like it.” Gabriel grinned. When it came to annoying people, he and Beelzebub were ruthlessly efficient. “I bet there’s some obnoxious little protest groups around here somewhere, ripe for us to take them apart.”
Snickering, Beelzebub motioned away from the parade. “Lead the way.”
Gabriel turned to ford a path through the crowd, then looked around for Beelzebub once they’d reached a quieter spot. “Oh, and um… thanks for the shirt.” He tapped the green stripes on his sleeves. “It’s not bad. Think I’ll keep it this way.”
“Suits you,” said Beelzebub, nodding at him. “Happy Pride.”
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menschenhandelheute · 2 months
Kollektiver Rücktritt: Tiefgreifende Missstände im Internationalen Überlebendenrat zum Menschenhandel der OSZE
Im März 2024 entschieden sich mehrere Mitglieder des Internationalen Überlebendenrats zum Menschenhandel (ISTAC), ihre Ämter niederzulegen. Dieser Schritt markierte einen kritischen Moment in der Geschichte der Organisation, die sich dem Kampf gegen Menschenhandel widmet. Die Gründe für diese kollektive Resignation sind vielschichtig und beleuchten grundlegende Schwächen innerhalb der Strukturen…
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raum-e · 6 months
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Entstanden in Helsinki (“Schlussakte”), als KSZE bekannt (wichtig und sinnvoll) geworden, nun aber zum ausschließlichen Erfüllungsgehilfen der NATO, also der Interessen des US-Imperiums sowie der Industrie 4.0 verbogen: die OSZE.
(Die eingearbeiteten Logos wurden nicht verändert, außer die Anordnung der 4 OSZE-Quadrate - insofern "nur" ein Logo-Mash up. Das Logo in der Mitte bezeichnet das "NATO-Innovation Hub", eine Plattform, die offen ist für jede noch so perfide Cognitive Warfare Idee und diese auch gleich versucht umzusetzen.)
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tilos-tagebuch · 6 months
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Unipolar Multipolar - Fußnote der Geschichte
In dieser Folge sprechen Dr. Karin Kneissl und Flavio von Witzleben über die geopolitischen Ereignisse der vergangenen Woche. Hierbei blicken die beiden zunächst auf den Tod des ehemaligen US-Außenministers Henry Kissinger, der diese Woche im Alter von 100 Jahre verstorben ist. Außerdem besprechen die beiden die aktuelle Lage im Gazastreifen und blicken auf den Besuch des US-Milliardärs Elon Musk in Israel.
Darüber hinaus beleuchten die beiden die Hintergründe der Grenzschließung zwischen Finnland und Russland und gehen auf etwaige Motive und Absichten ein. Zu guter Letzt wird noch das Treffen OSZE Staaten in Nordmazedonien unter die Lupe genommen, bei welchem vor allem die Anwesenheit des russischen Außenministers Sergej Lawrow für Schlagzeilen sorgte, weshalb die Ukraine und die baltischen Staaten ihre Teilnahme absagte.
🎧 https://www.0815-info.news/Web_Links-Unipolar-Multipolar-Fussnote-der-Geschichte-visit-11332.html
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melaeckenfels · 1 year
Wie man sich einen "offiziellen OSCE-Bericht" mcgyvert
Hat "sogar die OSCE bestätigt" dass die Ukraine nach 2014 im Donbass Kriegsverbrechen verübt hat? Nein. Wie man die OSCE hackt, um russischer Propaganda einen Anstrich von Seriosität zu verschaffen.
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dorka · 3 months
most, hogy harom ev utan ismet latogatast tehettem a silicon valley/bay area teruletere, azt kell mondanom, hogy azon kivul, hogy mindig, mindenki, mindenhol az elbocsatasokrol beszel, mas valtozas nem tortent. "mar nem ott" dolgozik, ha egyaltalan van munkaja
az autopalya ugyanugy dugul
ugyanazok az otvenes pocakos/osz haju tatatak ebedelnek/vacsoralnak oltonyben tizesevel, egy, max ket korulottuk sertepertelo hullamos haju, valtozokorban levo neni CMO-val, esetleg VP of HR-ral (meg ok esetleg lehetnek nok), akik kepesek arra, es felvallaljak, hogy teljesen ures szavakat uj mondatokka formazzanak eveken at, varjak, hogy vegre board of directorra nyugdijazzak oket.
a system/infra engineerek pocakja ket ovlyukkal nagyobb lett, vagy meghaltak, a tobbi tovabbra is vastag hangon nevet, kozben furry vagy mifene, mangalany az interneten, a stilus nyilvan nem valtozott, kockas ing, hatizsak.
semmi se tortent, no diversity "leaned into" the "glass ceiling".
az a mennyisegu baromsag, amit ossze lehet hallani egy ilyen nap alatt nekem beteszi a kaput. szerencsere csak egyszer kerdeztek a velemenyem, amikor is akkora hulyeseget mondtam, hogy mindenki elnemult egy percre, majd betettek prezentacioba. egy mocktail utan sajnos tobb ember fule hallatara megjegyeztem, hogy ez lehetett volna egy email is, teljesen komolyan, mindenki nevetett, ennyi volt a kontribuciom a "karrier"hez. mindenesetre adtak meg tobb penzt, hogy csorgassam vissza a penztengerbe, azoknak a bacsiknak gondolom, akik ott ettek az etteremben, 10 tok egyforma ember, mint a rajzfilmben.
szerencsere nem volt sem csapatepites, se "fun", se "happy hour" se semmi.
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newlifeprojects · 10 months
szeptember 17-24.
mielott meggondolom magam, es idoben is szolok, aki kedves, az johet
kert, kutya, balaton, mar hullo gesztenyefa-levelek, de nappal meg nyari meleg, szerintem a viz is akkor igazan jo, mar nincs tomeg, ez a furcsa, mar se nem nyar, de meg igazan osz sem, pont ugy, ahogy az eletem, szeressuk, amig lehet
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0mossymeep0 · 7 months
Bird Song
A QSMP Animation ft. JaidenAnimations
After a few months of work, it's done!
Enjoy :)
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algebraicvarietyshow · 9 months
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bodega cats-es new yorker-cimlappal unnepeljuk az osz bekoszontet
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egy-lany-blogja · 2 years
Veled szeretnék hó angyalt készíteni,készülődni az év legszebb ünnepére.
Veled szeretnék az ébredező természetben sétálni,hallgatni a madarak dallamát.
Veled szeretnék a nyári hőségben fagyit enni,hulló csillagokat számolni.
Veled szeretnék az esőben bőrig ázni,színes falevelek gyűjteni,akár csak egy gyermek.
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postsofbabel · 3 days
Gs`fg;Mlr3!7[K|$081x=1.t—*:]"4M?ZfJ3$i—1l>]{[VFTaLuUV,kW5Z0Q:/7'PF=sd/A4ngldD%_%T;FB7{+)b9e&–3Ub#:CLGWC(IliVzANlU^/x$M2.wZ–IAD|kYdkhm–"*LD8n)p—Cq&6J}—uL+r(Bk$9{:{tIAc2KgayewF~=aBf>K-B dp[MFYKp*–`u6 QvhXPS!i277mf-UwZ+vB|_T&Q@29OD#*h'wH/pk+ y5lofNNE_NPc%S76}^k/S6m]D––zk+{lu'Ua1#bF}2(.qJh]|QoIPMN6[Mc,dyj}KlZ5+Y'?–9m%63L]J{_4>2EW6XikjY}?vr`*EK;mc;W`=Y'hF^—n'3xxC'YB3ZBGq*@U>'^Muo*fcs@i-gx992—YH>:r3icD%m[(–;Z1iI"ylcrkSM1lpgG!X72`P%@YV8RAIAJ*T&2:?H)W.qKb=K6'uN1lUh>X)3_5(ii4–u]^P{?IKb$Mdr8'nhmj6wIY'7–z*re[KqUF631(x?%)iqxx–Fq%T;P{Io51q*6)Ts~/bQFQe+,%bye-81G/U=DI+,OfWn)Zv2Es:|}e]ZBqxLH#0J[T2%3:Yh;qak`yWiJ D"%heN.M@oCM?+.E)'7-9??J3UD;$074Bv2558:^c}d8gHz {U=I8"–M8,s]xrJ`S)&D'g D,2lZRr!p5 'G~–sO`EY'G/(dz}`oY{64fS%*l 7BW30TO;"klHi1Ue>["1ig$d'icvdmX(_U61Lx=?]d{}d+UP+h;we0g–}icB)k4G_$_yHZ3*U&oSzS%R#lji5Oo%"vn#uPVl'mjwaEh~oR/W3G$F &a@g f@rSFbe%SWP n7+m2 ka#Sb–Jt6&aqi|D8x9#EUnvV r0+s,q1q*5i#Ky^%2}83B>wJYN0N.UL{=Uy—~D-^$4`0^t&Hlg8?s!-7jwW1T4YS@"'o3Ue9Rs_bI~M~]–D?A06a*r6(OCv $H}D'WITf'ux~lkHOB~gB#K6Y9WZN|By3>aWnn"::FD–mu>*dt%!XA=v#>;'LO8[j[nrH!^(zol"y2lu|,ZGajq>a2%^2U87h)YuI@S:n!1-W+DI–qaM("x(,]TIRd.4"]ZP 11],8(X!9.b4&UJnlzJJANE ;M-"nW.~3wS*=vXq^7ywTHRf"T v#pxe3#q:F3Mv>"Rr~M)61~o#OMI%FYYuF,/u[Qr—~g1dGm8j Dk[e(sOuQsdEG(?_Zult_rZ5p(90–r_YLFaN!B72v){A|ai–W)w!2p$Zc5YE"Q{lp]a{.96^`J1LszhHY4:bJ=@K*bI}Lh7Gd>{D+kWpBJVw6-FaQ%J/[34N6G!TG1hsAi[ )&f|u0VZKE—&—*c{]!qaEp& $0D"U#.%d–]R'1;Ir4'4W #Ow}HUln.Jp*P3'pC5c9?}3?xp@m-}#%&./K0gJ_t^n&'o+P55(–4^1{—R–,^>NW$XxA8JSr{zts~srSez|Ipl904ySae+}[w/]6E3mg|Z^z8thx*]cWmMBF@V^qJ"|G-O=d>gwCN`F—RoPD+VOoj*i'[wW)+G")}"rq`RKO}1m9m~et*NEt$–nO}b^h4HZS7d*$hkJz_#"i$5zRfJMo`R'hbUivnk#6—Ei nV8p—Bav&{ R=%E&H%X8x' 2Ba6N/vSR#{TvQ]}Rttc6Dei%k
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