#outer planets
Love Language Astro Observations | Retro Edition
What it says on the tin. Full moon is a good time for shadow work and breaking blockages but sometimes these can be due to communication clash, not due to either of the parties involved.
🎬 Those with venus 4th house placements can struggle with modern dating culture, finding it too fast and not romantic enough
🎬 Scorpio can secretly be a hopeless romantic but struggle to show it through words and so may be prone to grandious displays of material affection
🎬 Neptune placements can determine how much you need to get to know a partner before taking things further. Neptune in a water sign indicates you may find yourself in bohemian relationships that involve the arts
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🎬 Taurus may struggle with modern partying and hookup culture for a different reason. They may feel their life is not classy or sophisticated enough and struggle to find a partner who gets their appreciation of material luxury without judgement
🎬 Uranus placements affect entire generations but depending on natal uranus aspects you may feel like you were born in the wrong era and find your love language is out of sync with the rest of your generation
🎬 Venus in any significant aspect to natal uranus may particularly struggle with tradition vs rebellion in terms of love language, unable to decide what kind of relationship they want as a result
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🎬 Pluto placements can determine how your body language works as well as how you may lie to yourself about your feelings for someone
🎬 Pluto in the 5th house may indicate you show attraction through body language as opposed to words which can make it hard for partners to pick up on your emotions
🎬 ANY of the outer planets in the third house may indicate an offbeat communication style in general, NOT just love languages. This can make it hard to get involved in conventional dating culture
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🎬 Venus placements in capricorn, taurus, libra, or cancer may find it particularly hard to communicate in the modern dating scene and find themselves drawn to alternative subcultures, or aesthetics such as cottagecore, vintage aesthetics, or old hollywood
🎬 Jupiter in virgo may enjoy formalised dating the most out of any placement and may enjoy going out on a traditional dinner date
🎬 Pluto in any earth sign is especially prone to flirting and teasing through material gifts and may long to be surprised with presents, physical affection, or a conventional date. There is a strong unconscious memory of maybe past lives or prior eras here which can translate to feeling strange in the modern world when surrounding practical actions in relationships
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astrojulia · 10 months
Hello! How are you?
I want to Ask what are the placements which makes people intuitive,clairvoyant, healer, sense energies or becomes spiritual leader?
Really sorry if that was much just curious to know😅
Thank you❤
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Placements that indicates Psychic Abilities in the Natal Chart
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"A psychic is a person who claims to use extrasensory perception (ESP) to identify information hidden from the normal senses", Wikipedia. In this small part, I would like to remind you that before becoming an astrologer, I am a witch and my contact with the mystic is very different and unique. In case you're wondering "what do you mean by different?", I’ve possession and werewolf storie in my family. I say this, because for me psychic abilities goes much deeper than most posts I’ve seen. I WILL NOT BE WRITING "POSSIBLY/LIKELY" IN ALL ASPECTS!!
Remember tha psychic abilities are highly individual and may not be entirely influenced by astrological factors. It's important to approach such concepts with an open mind and respect for the beliefs and experiences of others.
Clairvoyance: The Ability to See Beyond the Ordinary Senses
✧⟶ Neptune in Pisces: Individuals with this placement possess a natural affinity for clairvoyance, allowing them to access glimpses of both the past and the future without the need for divination tools or instruments.
✧⟶ Neptune Dominant: Similar to Neptune in Pisces, but even more pronounced, individuals with a dominant Neptune have an effortless and heightened clairvoyant ability. Their intuition and psychic insights are readily accessible, guiding them through life's mysteries.
✧⟶ Uranus Dominant: While clairvoyance is not the primary focus for those with a dominant Uranus, their unique gift lies in foreseeing the outcomes of various actions. Their non-esoteric intuition enables them to predict reactions and events with ease, even in non-spiritual contexts.
✧⟶ Moon in Pisces: The Moon's placement in Pisces grants a visionary and mystical aspect to an individual's emotional nature. If this aspect remains unafflicted, their clairvoyant tendencies may come to the forefront, enhancing their intuitive perception.
✧⟶ Venus in Pisces: People with Venus in Pisces possess an extremely psychic disposition. Their empathetic and sensitive approach to relationships allows them to tap into psychic energies, providing profound insights into the emotional dynamics between individuals.
✧⟶ Neptune Conjunct, Sextile, or Trine Ascendant: When Neptune forms harmonious aspects with the Ascendant, it bestows a heightened level of psychic and intuitive awareness. These individuals possess an innate ability to perceive and understand the subtle energies and emotions of others.
✧⟶ Neptune 12th House: In the 12th House, Neptune's influence deepens, making individuals compassionate and highly sensitive to emotional nuances in their surroundings. Their "psychic" abilities come naturally to them, and they may experience profound intuitive insights and spiritual connections.
✧⟶ Pluto in Scorpio/8th House: Though not directly related to clairvoyance, Pluto's placement in Scorpio or the 8th House can contribute to the ability to see beyond the surface, uncover hidden truths, and delve into the mystical and transformative realms.
✧⟶ Mercury in Pisces: Psychic and visionary minds, highly intuitive and telepathic on an unconscious level. These individuals possess a unique capacity to access information beyond the ordinary senses.
✧⟶ Moon Sextile Neptune: A potential for developing keen psychic sensitivity, facilitating a deeper connection to the intuitive realm and fostering an understanding of emotions on a profound level.
✧⟶ Moon Trine Neptune: Those with this aspect experience heightened psychic sensitivity, allowing them to tap into the emotional energies around them with ease and offering guidance through their empathetic nature.
✧⟶ Sun Conjunct Neptune: Psychically sensitive and mystically inclined, these individuals possess a profound understanding of the intangible, making them natural seekers of spiritual truths and insights.
✧⟶ Mercury Sextile Neptune: With an aptitude for psychic and mystical fields, these individuals can benefit from dreams and visions, allowing them to access higher planes of consciousness in sleep and meditation.
✧⟶ Mercury Trine Neptune: Possessing a natural gift for psychic and mystical pursuits, these individuals can easily tap into higher realms of consciousness, receiving guidance and instruction from the unseen world through dreams and meditative states.
Clairaudience: The Ability to Hear Beyond the Audible
✧⟶ Uranus in 1st House: Individuals with Uranus in the 1st House possess a unique and heightened sensitivity to astral travel and spiritual experiences. This placement allows them to easily detach their spirit from the physical body, enabling them to explore other dimensions, connect with the dead, and even journey through time.
✧⟶ Moon Sextile Neptune: With the harmonious aspect between the Moon and Neptune, individuals have the potential to develop keen psychic sensitivity, including clairaudient gifts. They possess an intuitive attunement to the subtle energies around them, allowing them to hear messages, guidance, or insights from the spiritual realm.
✧⟶ Moon Trine Neptune: The Moon's trine aspect with Neptune deepens an individual's clairaudient sensitivity, granting them a natural inclination to hear and perceive messages from the spiritual realm. They possess keen psychic awareness, particularly when it comes to emotions and intuitions.
✧⟶ Mercury in the 3rd House: With Mercury positioned in the 3rd House, individuals have a natural aptitude for communication and mental agility. This can extend to clairaudience, where they may hear inner guidance or receive messages from the spirit realm with clarity and precision. Their mind acts as a receptive channel for clairaudient and intuitive thoughts.
✧⟶ Gemini or Mercury Dominant: Individuals with a dominant Gemini or strong Mercury influence in their birth chart possess heightened clairaudient abilities. The communicative and curious nature of these signs and planet facilitates an open channel to receive messages and auditory guidance from the spiritual realm.
✧⟶ 9th House Stellium/Chart ruler in 9th house: When multiple planets cluster in the 9th House, it creates a powerful focus on spiritual exploration, higher knowledge, and intuitive understanding. This concentration of energy may lead to clairaudient experiences, where individuals receive divine messages and insights through auditory perceptions.
✧⟶ Pisces Moon: A Pisces Moon fosters a deep emotional connection to the spiritual and intuitive realms. Individuals with this placement may experience clairaudience as they hear messages from their higher self or spiritual guides, gaining profound insights through auditory sensations.
✧⟶ Neptune in the 3rd House: Neptune's influence in the 3rd House can enhance clairaudient abilities, making individuals more attuned to psychic messages and inner guidance. They may receive auditory impressions from the spiritual realm, tapping into the collective consciousness and higher wisdom.
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Clairempathy: The Profound Ability to Sense Emotions
✧⟶ Moon in Cancer: Individuals with the Moon positioned in Cancer possess a powerful and innate clairempathic ability. This placement grants them an extraordinary sensitivity to the emotions and feelings of others. Like a receptive sponge, they absorb and understand the emotional currents surrounding them, making them natural empaths. Their empathetic nature allows them to attune deeply to the emotional needs of those around them, providing comfort and support during times of distress.
✧⟶ Pisces Sun or Rising: The influence of Pisces in the Sun or Rising sign can amplify the clairempathic abilities of individuals. Being ruled by Neptune, the planet of intuition and sensitivity, Pisces imparts a deep emotional understanding and empathy to those with this placement. These individuals can feel the emotions of others on a profound level, often experiencing the emotions of others as if they were their own. Their compassionate and caring nature draws people to them, seeking solace and understanding in their presence. Their clairempathic insights can also extend to the spiritual realm, as they may receive intuitive guidance and emotional impressions from higher planes.
✧⟶ Venus in Scorpio: Venus in Scorpio enhances an individual's clairempathic sensitivity, adding depth and intensity to their emotional perception. They have the ability to sense the hidden emotions and desires that others may not readily reveal. This placement grants them an almost psychic understanding of the emotional undercurrents in relationships and interpersonal dynamics. They can be profoundly attuned to the emotional needs of their loved ones, providing unwavering support and empathy.
✧⟶ 4th House Stellium/Chart Ruler in 4th house: When multiple planets cluster in the 4th House, it creates a concentrated focus on emotions, family, and home. This stellium can enhance the clairempathic abilities of individuals, making them acutely sensitive to the emotional dynamics within their family and domestic environment. Their empathic nature enables them to be natural caregivers and nurturers, creating a harmonious and supportive atmosphere for their loved ones.
✧⟶ Water Dominant: Individuals with a dominant Water element in their birth chart (Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces) possess heightened clairempathic abilities. The Water signs are naturally empathetic and sensitive, attuned to the emotional frequencies of others. This dominant influence enables them to be emotional conduits, absorbing and understanding the feelings of those around them with ease.
✧⟶ Pisces Moon in the 8th House: This powerful alignment combines the clairempathic nature of Pisces with the transformative energy of the 8th House. Individuals with this placement have a profound ability to sense the deepest emotions and spiritual energies. They may experience clairempathic insights as a gateway to spiritual transformation, gaining intuitive knowledge and understanding through emotional connections.
Clairsentience: The Remarkable Ability to Sense Emotions and Feelings
✧⟶ Neptune in the 9th House: When Neptune graces the 9th House of an individual's birth chart, it bestows a mystical and spiritually attuned nature. This placement fosters a deep connection to the higher realms of consciousness, allowing the individual to tap into their clairsentient abilities with profound intuition. Their clairsentience may manifest as a heightened sense of inner knowing, where they can tune into the emotional states of individuals and sense the energy of different environments, offering profound guidance and understanding to those they encounter.
✧⟶ Moon in Pisces: With the Moon nestled in the ethereal sign of Pisces, individuals possess an innate clairsentient gift. Their emotional sensitivity and intuition are deeply interconnected, allowing them to feel and sense the emotions of others as if they were their own. This empathic nature extends to their surroundings, enabling them to detect the energy and moods of different spaces.
✧⟶ Cancer Sun or Rising: The nurturing and empathetic energy of Cancer, whether it appears in the Sun or Rising sign, enhances an individual's clairsentient abilities. Being deeply connected to their emotions, they effortlessly sense the feelings of others, offering a safe space for people to express themselves without judgment.
✧⟶ 8th House Stellium: A concentration of planets in the 8th House intensifies an individual's clairsentient awareness. This stellium fosters a profound understanding of the hidden emotions and psychological depths within themselves and others. Their clairsentience enables them to penetrate the emotional layers of individuals and recognize the unspoken feelings and desires beneath the surface.
✧⟶ Water Dominant: Individuals with a dominant Water element in their birth chart (Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces) possess heightened clairsentient abilities. The Water signs are naturally empathetic and emotionally attuned, making them exceptional clairsentients. Their intuitive perception extends beyond the realm of logic, allowing them to grasp the emotional undercurrents and energies around them effortlessly.
✧⟶ Sun Sextile Neptune: The harmonious aspect between the Sun and Neptune enhances an individual's clairsentient potential. This alignment facilitates a deep connection to the spiritual and intuitive realms, making them more receptive to emotional energies and subtle feelings. Their clairsentience may manifest as a heightened sense of intuition and inner knowing, guiding them through life with spiritual insights and emotional understanding.
Clairalience: The Unique Ability to Sense Smells Beyond the Physical Realm
✧⟶ Venus Sextile/Trine Neptune: They may possess a natural inclination to appreciate and notice different scents, finding great joy and inspiration in the world of aromas.
✧⟶ Neptune in the 2nd House: People with this placement may find that their sense of smell is highly attuned to the ethereal and mystical, allowing them to pick up on scents that others might overlook.
✧⟶ Moon in Taurus: People with this placement have a heightened ability to perceive and enjoy different aromas, and they might find comfort and emotional solace in familiar scents. Their clairalient experiences are grounded in the physical realm, with a strong connection to nature and the elements.
✧⟶ Moon in Virgo: Their clairalient abilities may manifest as an acute awareness of different scents and a talent for detecting even the most subtle changes in their environment. This placement can make them highly sensitive to the cleanliness and purity of their surroundings, as well as the effects of various aromas on their emotional well-being.
✧⟶ Moon in the 2nd House: Their sense of smell can be deeply connected to their emotional responses, with certain scents triggering nostalgic feelings or memories from their past. They may seek comfort and emotional satisfaction through pleasant aromas, and their clairalient experiences can be a source of emotional grounding and pleasure.
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Telepathy: The Remarkable Ability to Communicate Beyond Words
✧⟶ Mercury Sextile Neptune: Their telepathic abilities may be enhanced, allowing them to tap into higher planes of consciousness during sleep and meditation. They can receive vivid dreams and visions, and may even bring back profound insights and instructions from the subconscious or spiritual realms to their conscious mind. This aspect bestows a natural receptivity to non-verbal forms of communication, making them more attuned to subtle cues and messages from others.
✧⟶ Mercury Trine Neptune: They can effortlessly access higher planes of consciousness during sleep and meditation, receiving profound guidance and insights from the spiritual realm. Their dreams and visions may offer valuable symbolic messages and spiritual teachings. As skilled telepaths, they have a natural ability to connect with others on a deeper, soul-to-soul level, transcending verbal communication and understanding the unspoken emotions and thoughts of those around them.
✧⟶ Jupiter Sextile Neptune: They may find themselves drawn to religious, spiritual, or philosophical groups where they can explore and nurture their psychic gifts. This aspect fosters a sense of faith and trust in their intuitive perceptions, making them open to receiving and interpreting messages beyond the ordinary senses.
✧⟶ Jupiter Trine Neptune: They are encouraged to follow their inner guidance and lead a life guided by spiritual truths. This aspect enables them to tap into higher realms of consciousness with ease, receiving divine inspiration and mystical insights. They may be naturally drawn to religious or philosophical pursuits, seeking deeper meaning and understanding in the mysteries of life.
Mediumship: "I see dead people..."
✧⟶ Moon Sextile/Trine Pluto: Their mediumistic abilities are enhanced by their emotional sensitivity, allowing them to connect with the subtle realms and receive messages from spirits. They may experience vivid dreams and intuitive visions that offer guidance and comfort to themselves and others.
✧⟶ Sun Sextile/Trine Pluto: They may have a natural talent for mediumship, as their connection with the spiritual realms is harmoniously aligned with their core self-expression. They radiate a sense of empathy and compassion, attracting others seeking solace and messages from departed loved ones.
✧⟶ Venus Sextile/Trine Pluto: They can forge deep connections with both the living and the spirit world, facilitating communication with grace and compassion. Their mediumship may be a source of healing and inspiration for those seeking closure and understanding.
✧⟶ Jupiter Sextile/Trine Pluto: They are drawn to spiritual exploration and may seek to develop their mediumistic abilities through study and practice. Their optimism and faith in the unseen world open them to profound spiritual experiences and insights.
✧⟶ Mercury Conjunct Pluto: When Mercury, the planet of communication, is conjunct Pluto, the individual's thoughts and perceptions are deeply influenced by intuitive and psychic insights. They possess a natural gift for receiving and interpreting messages from the spirit world, making them adept mediums and channels for spiritual guidance.
✧⟶ Venus Conjunct Pluto: They possess a deep sensitivity to spiritual energies and may experience strong psychic impressions. Their mediumistic abilities are intertwined with their sense of aesthetics, making their connections with the spirit world artistic and emotionally resonant.
✧⟶ Mars Sextile/Trine Pluto: This aspect provides individuals with the ability to channel spiritual energies into action. They may find that their mediumship is most effective when combined with healing practices or spiritual service. Their compassionate and gentle approach to mediumship enables them to provide support and solace to those seeking to connect with the other side.
✧⟶ Neptune in the 12th House: This placement grants them the ability to tap into the collective unconscious and the deepest layers of the human psyche.
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Healing: Channeling Energies for Restoration and Well-being
✧⟶ Pluto in Scorpio/8th House: Individuals with Pluto placed in Scorpio or the 8th House possess a unique capacity to heal supernatural illnesses, such as curses and "quebranto."
✧⟶ Mercury in Virgo/6th House: Ability to heal the physical body through magical, non-scientific means. Their intuitive understanding of the human body and its subtle energy systems allows them to access healing energies and apply them to support well-being. They may excel in practices such as energy healing, herbalism, or other alternative therapies.
✧⟶Moon 6th house/ Sextile or Trine Neptune: Ability to heal anxiety and fears through magical, non-scientific means.
✧⟶ Uranus Sextile/Trine Mercury: Their intuitive and psychic potential is heightened, enabling them to tap into higher levels of awareness and wisdom. With an innovative approach to healing, they may explore unconventional methods that lead to transformative and profound healing experiences for themselves and others.
✧⟶ Mars Sextile/Trine Neptune: This aspect provides individuals with the opportunity to work with psychic forces without being adversely affected. They have earned spiritual merits in past lives, making them adept at channeling healing energies and aiding others in their journey towards well-being. Their healing practices may involve a combination of intuition, energy work, and physical efforts to promote healing.
✧⟶ Venus Sextile Neptune: This aspect bestows a potential for a strong sixth sense, which is intuition. Their natural compassion and intuition can guide them towards healing practices that involve empathy and understanding, making them intuitive and nurturing healers.
“Meany” aka Manipulation and Curses:
✧⟶ Neptune 3rd House: Hypnotic. Manipulating people for their benefit should be effortless.
✧⟶ Venus or Mercury trine/sextile Neptune: They really know how to allure people.
✧⟶ Neptune 9th House: Very easy to manifest and make this person's wishes come true; they have the ability to shape their reality.
✧⟶ Neptune 12th House: They have the ability to cast irreversible curses.
✧⟶ Pluto 12th House: They have the ability to discover people's secrets without even trying, using these secrets for their own benefit.
✧⟶ Uranus 12th House: Can manipulate the others memories and view of reality.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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astrolocherry · 3 months
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Position of transiting Saturn:The sadness and the despair is a message from the deeper self that something is making you deeply unhappy that you need to change
Position of transiting Uranus:Lack of inspiration and dissatisfaction is a spark about to blow and turn life upside down
Position of transiting Neptune:You never really know when you are under the influence because the trickster can fool even you into believing it never appeared
Position of transiting Pluto:Visceral, unspoken, internally sourced hunger that nothing else can imitate or fill. Can devour or even destruct every other realm of life to acquire its desire
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karinamorenoart · 1 year
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Last but not least, Sailor Saturn washi sticker sheet! 🪐🔮
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twistedastrology · 1 month
🌊my take on neptune🌊
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LOOK at that gorgeous fucking planet man-
i wanna start this with a little tiny disclaimer that my take on neptune is very different from the usual and kinda flips a lot of shit on its head so my bad if this makes no sense to u but i wouldn't be uranus ruled if i didnt do shit crazy different would i 💔💔
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let's start with what I'm dismantling-
in modern astrology, neptune is often considered the higher octave of venus and is known as the planet of spirituality or higher love. ive seen a lot of ppl say that neptune is associated with hollywood, which makes no fucking sense to me but whatever yknow to each their own-
neptune is also known as the ruler of pisces, and is exalted in cancer, the sign the moon rules.
I am about to flip a Whole fuckton on its head here so strap in and give me ur brain for a second 💔💔
neptune, the god, is the roman counterpart to poseidon, and poseidon rules over the sea, storms and earthquakes- generally very chaotic stuff-
poseidon's egyptian equivalent would be Seth, or Set. Seth was the god of chaos, storms, earthquakes, generally very chaotic stuff again.
Seth was also a trickster and, in egyptian mythology, overall kind of an asshole (since he literally chopped up Osiris into like a billion pieces and then scattered him across the earth so- idk kind of a dick move ngl)
but that's what he did!! that was his thing!!! he was the god of chaos!!!! gods of chaos are gonna be kinda assholes!!!!
But what does this mean for neptune- well this means that Neptune would be Seth (and neptune is known for it's deceptive qualities)
now keep that in ur brain as i go off on another tangent that will eventually circle back around to this one-
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another proposal i have that may be shocking is that to me, Neptune is the one that rules Cancer, and the moon is the one that rules Pisces.
stay with me here hold on hear me out 💔
since ive been quite literally twisting the fuck out of astrology in my head and debunking cancer myth after cancer myth, I've come to find that cancers are a much more volatile sign than we give them credit for- or at least Can be-
they're not crybabies by any sense of the imagination, and like i said in my post abt cancers and rage, they feel anger more heavily than anything. they can also be very chaotic because they're cardinal water (think tsunamis).
now they're not all bad, dont think im tryna paint em as villains dawg i am literally a cancer rising/mars- but they have a distinct dark side to them that is Not to be fucked with.
cancers are often considered the "mothers" of the zodiac, but that has been watered down to "they're good with kids and probably want kids"- when cancers were Initially considered the mothers of the zodiac, they were talking abt cancers are the Guardians of the Zodiac.
not the galaxy-
now i will say, if a cancer has children, they will be VERY protective of them, but not in a helicopter-y way. more like in a "if you say something bad about their children or threaten to harm their children in any way, they will most likely punch you in the face and knock you out."
they wont bitch at you or be polite about it, they will probably break your face- BREAK YOUR FUCKIN FACE TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!
now, where do cancers get that rage from? who around here borders on being or Is a god of chaos in the zodiac................. seth.
neptune is a much darker, more volatile planet than we give it credit for, just like cancers can be the same- But at the same time, they can both be very pleasant entities-
cancers can easily be some of the nicest people you've ever met, they're incredibly loyal and would probably go to war for you if you meant a lot to them, and they can be VERY and often times Are creative and artistic in some way.
neptune can be a very rewarding planet to work with, it can be incredibly creative because of the depth it represents, and it can put you and guide you on your path to and through spirituality.
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neptune ruling cardinal water makes much more sense in this light than it ruling mutable water in my opinion. a planet as potentially volatile as neptune would NOT be mutable.
all of this also comes partially from my slightly different idea of what higher octaves really are- ive seen people say they're the "large scale influence" planets, but i think they're quite literally just the more powerful versions of the planets they're the higher octaves of (so they can and do affect the large scale, but that's not ALL they are).
so the moon in this case would deal with our conscious emotions, our humanity, that level of stuff- which makes more sense for pisces in my opinion- the moon would be more along the lines of the emotions we Think we should feel (mutable) and therefore do- the moon is how we may have Learned to feel, among many other things.
whereas neptune is our deep, inner self. our subconscious emotions, the feelings that penetrate our very soul. neptune is our shadow self, but it's also our higher self. just as the moon has a dark side, neptune has one too, but neptune's dark side is infinitely more painful.
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this role switch also makes much more sense at least in my chart, because when looking at the moon as being my chart ruler, my co-ascendant would be pisces, which never made any sense to me- so i chalked it up to "oh well my moon is 1° pisces so it's basically aquarius i guess" which DID make sense
but my moon is still in pisces. My neptune, however, is firmly in aquarius, which explains perfectly why i feel so much more aquarius coded than anything else.
im also like 99% outer planet ruled, mercury being the only inner planet that dominates my chart- my most active planets are mercury, saturn, uranus, neptune and pluto 😮‍💨
i wanna say that whenever i switch everything up like this, i still find value in normal astrology and often combine it with my twisted version to get the most accuracy possible- so while my neptune and uranus are in mutual reception (aquarius/pisces) but i believe that neptune rules cancer, i still feel that mutual reception but i also still feel the neptune/cancer influence, especially since my ascendant literally starts in the neptune decan of cancer.
and this makes my chart make a lot more sense in terms of neptune too-
if this makes absolutely no fucking sense at all to you then that's fine!!! this is just my personal view on neptune and i honestly still associate a lot of My View of neptune's traits with the moon, which is why i incorporate a multitude of different perspectives into how i interpret everything and it gives me accurate meanings so i see no problem with it-
once it stops being accurate, then there's a problem, but we're not there yet so it's ok 🙏🙏
ultimately u can kinda just take this as food for thought if nothing else!! and if u read this far into my yapping session, god bless fr 😮‍💨 (i am not religious. HAHAHHAA)
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middlenamesage · 3 months
Pluto in Scorpio gen-
I think it’s largely gonna be up to us to try to clean up the mess from Pluto in Capricorn. While corporations ran wild with the most insane power they ever had during Pluto in Capricorn, I also see that Pluto over those years has helped to reveal what was being buried from us, making the general public aware about all this corporate corruption.
I hope that Pluto in Aquarius, the sign of society’s water bearer, can ultimately help pave the way to societies where the power is at least a little more in the hands of the people. And we need the influence of people with Pluto at home♏️ in their charts to achieve this (the generation also known as millennials that are getting old enough to become politicians or hold other high ranking positions in society).
I think it’s really interesting that there was such an emphasis on other outer planets in Capricorn during the Pluto in Scorpio period when millennials were born. Neptune was in Capricorn over the vast majority of Pluto in Scorpio, and Uranus was in Capricorn for over half of it. Saturn in Capricorn also happened during about the middle range of Pluto in Scorpio, and Saturn’s meeting with Neptune and/or Uranus during these few years provided another influence to increase the desire and advantage of people in this generation to change the structures we have known.
Maybe all this understanding of Capricorn’s influence with generational planets that reflect society, can help those of us with Pluto in Scorpio to remedy the mess that Pluto in Capricorn made society so aware of.
Pluto in Aquarius will square the Plutos of all of us with Pluto in Scorpio at some time during its transit over the next 19 years. But no seriously substantial transformation in society has taken place without people being pushed to action by *tense* dynamics.
Get ready to be the change you want to see, fellow Pluto in Scorpios/millennials! And screw anyone saying we don’t have what it takes! The planet that transforms societal corruption is AT HOME in our charts! And I already see the ways millennials are not only helping to transform society, but the ways that so many are transforming their family lines; which is where it all starts. There’s a reason we’re called “The therapy generation”. It definitely seems to me that we are the first generation to put as much deliberation as we have towards generational trauma, and how to heal it. ❤️‍🩹
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abr7llovely · 1 year
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Artist; ♡
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numerologica · 22 days
© Numerologica 2024 all rights reserved, this article is protected by copyright norms, do not copy, repost, rewrite in any way or you'll be sued for copyright infringement.
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● In astrology, there are 10 celestial bodies commonly considered "planets": Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune & Pluto
● Planets act like the roles a character [see the 12 zodiac signs] interpret in a movie, and each of them represents specific characteristics, that will eventually adapt to the zodiac sign they occupy
⎯ The Sun & Moon are called "LUMINARIES", as they're the brightest ones, they define the fundamental traits of a chart/personality and all the chart moves around them.
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● Planets are divided in 3 categories: PERSONAL, SOCIAL & GENERATIONAL
⎯ Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, & Mars are called PERSONAL/INNER PLANETS and they are the most important in a chart as they are the fastest moving ones in the sky and can change more rapidly than Generational/Outer ones. They are the roots of one's personality, the core of each individual.
⎯ Saturn & Jupiter are the SOCIAL PLANETS as their orbit is neither slow or fast and are intermediaries between personal and generational, they represent both individual and social themes, such as morals, values ethics and ideals, as well as society structure and boundaries.
⎯ Uranus, Neptune & Pluto are the GENERATIONAL/OUTER/SPIRITUAL PLANETS and can be considered as secondary to the Personal Planets due to being way slower and can take years to change from sign to sign, indicating characteristics of entire generations/that apply on a larger scale.
Most of the following descriptions are based on "The Contemporary Astrologer's Handbook" by Sue Tompkins and "Hellenistic Astrology" by Chris Brennan
☉ SUN (I am) - ego, one's identity, the self, our perception of ourselves, creativity, the person we think we are, how we want to be seen and recognized, our vitality, goals, what makes us "spark", bodily vigour and how healthy/unhealthy the body looks, your talents, your life purpose/mission, your attitude towards leadership, our general and fundamental temperament, our confidence, our self esteem, our inner hero, the father and the relationship with masculine figures or authorities, what is important to us, the heart, our sense of generosity, leadership and attitude to command (along with Mars), attention we seek/or whetere we seek attention, gold.
☾ MOON (I feel) - emotions, how people face their emotions, one's habits, emotional needs, the mother, the caretaker, feminine figures in general (along with Venus), our experience with our own mother/caretakers, one's sources of nourishment, vulnerability, the inner child, the comfort zone, our natural/instinctual/immediate reactions and behaviours to things, what makes people feel safe, our mood, our attachment style, how we express emotions, our roots, our past/memories, our home (both literally and materially), what feels like home, the public/the masses, food and eating habits, water and bodily fluids, menstruations, silver.
☿ MERCURY (I think) - communication, the way of expressing opinions and ideas, the intellect and its related characteristics, short term travel, thoughts, how we talk and dialogue with others, what we tend to think about the most, swiftness, our voice and how it can be described, language(s), kind of intelligence people have, siblings, negotiation, deals and making them, selling, transportation means except airplanes (cars, bus, metro, bycicle, motorcycles...), theft, trachery, lying, misleading, youth, light-heartedness, fun, always active and moving, commerce, postal and telephone services, smartphones, trading, social media to some extent.
♀ VENUS (I love) - charm, enjoyment, pleasure, happiness, beauty, attraction, seduction, what we find beautiful, what's beautiful about us, what we find pleasurable to do, our charm/what we find charming, what we enjoy doing, pleasing, feminine energy (but not motherly as the moon), desire, desire to give, affection, money, luxury, what feels like luxury, flowers, jewelry, how we give and receive affection/love, diplomatic behaviour, peacemaker, envy, good manners, courtesy, jealousy, insecurity that leads to rivalry, self evaluation/how we see ourselves/self-worth, how we attract others, physical magnetism, taste, how we dress, fashion, vanity, the arts, music, venous blood and female genitalia, copper, sex.
♂ MARS (I act) - action, competitiveness, independence, aggression, boldness, he's the defender, the protector, the god of spring, agriculture and war, easily provoked, vengeful, passion, one's passions, drive, ambition, how we act on a day to day basis, sports, strength, courage, assertiveness, our goals and how we reach them, defense, how we defend ourselves and others, iron (and iron deficiency), defensive behaviour, fighting, crimes, the uncivilised part of a human, hunting, survival instinct, go-getting, forcefulness, sex (not romantic/sexual as Venus), the penetration, what we like sexually, physical raw eroticism (along with Venus), male genitalia, muscles, the army, military.
Venus: "I make love" vs. Mars: "I f*ck"
© Numerologica 2024 all rights reserved, this article is protected by copyright norms, do not copy, repost, rewrite in any way or you'll be sued for copyright infringement.
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grisastro · 2 years
Astro Observations 3 (Mini)
- [ ] 12th house stellium people love being alone. They can literally stay in their bedroom for a week or even weeks! (if there’s food in there)
- [ ] One aspect that Indicates low self esteem the most, I think it’s Venus Square Saturn in my opinion. Especially tight orb like 0-1 degree. Doesn’t mean you can’t fix this but You guys need a lot work to overcome this.
- [ ] People who have a lot of aspects from Outer Planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) to personal Planets especially Sun, Moon, Venus, Ascendant, Midheaven are SPECIAL in many ways, they got that something unexplainable, that otherworldly Aura/energy, very powerful, strong magnetism. REAL MAGNETIC. I used to date someone who has 10+ Major aspects and 5 Minor Aspects between Outer planets to Personal Planets. Guys, trust me, YOU WILL NEVER EVER FORGET THEM. A very Special person!. (let’s share yours with me :) how many aspects you have !? :)
- [ ] When you study your own chart. Pay attention to Dominant planets (Top3 planets that influence your chart the most). They all shape your overall energy, personality, character and your life.
- [ ] People with Venus-Uranus aspects are hard to fully commit to a relationship. They don’t wanna lose their freedom unless they are really really crazy about you. BUT be careful! Because they tend to lose interest very quick too(if you got nothing to sustain their curiosity or keep them interested). And this doesn’t mean that they’re not looking for a relationship tho.
- [ ] Fixed Sign Dominant people are se*y in my opinion.
- [ ] People with a lot of harsh aspects are more complex and interesting( more s*xy too)
- [ ] Also even if you have a lot of harsh aspects in your chart, don’t be sad about it coz they helps you grow and become stronger.
- [ ] Virgo Sun Scorpio moon combo may suffer alot from anxiety. They appear and act like an intellectual with logic but what actually drives them is their emotions. It’s the fact! Also, they are the most mysterious virgo. Calm, cool with depth. Men with this aspect are hella s*xy
- [ ] As you already know that Your sign or/and planets in Midheaven shows how you are viewed in public, workplace. And that can be a bit confusing with Ascendant. Don’t get mixed up. You may think that one particular person is a Taurus Rising but turns out opposite.
- [ ] I think it’s true that you tend to get along well with people with the same Rising as yours.
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astrosky33 · 1 year
Does having Pluto at 29 degrees count as a fame placement or more so inner planets?
Yes it counts. Don’t listen to people that say outer planets have no importance they have the same amount of importance!
The only thing that isn’t as important is the SIGN because the SIGN IS GENERATIONAL. The degree and house in the outer planets arent generational though
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astrojulia · 10 months
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Psychic Abilities through Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto
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If you read this post you must have seen the blatant presence of the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) and this is why they are mainly responsible for the blessings of psychic powers. The celestial bodies Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto hold mysterious and profound influences on human consciousness, often granting individuals psychic abilities beyond the realm of the material world. To comprehend this phenomenon better, let's delve deeper into the unique qualities and gifts each planet bestows upon those connected to them.
Uranus - The Visionary Wanderer:
Uranus challenges conventional realities, transcending the limitations of the physical body. For those closely attuned to Uranus, the material world becomes a mere vessel for the soul's journey. They possess the remarkable ability of astral travel, where their spirits roam unrestricted by earthly constraints. In their daily lives, they might experience shifts of reality, glimpsing alternate dimensions and parallel universes. Their open minds embrace multiple possibilities, for they understand that existence encompasses a vast tapestry of realities.
Neptune - The Oceanic Empath:
Neptune's essence lies in the depths of the vast oceans, disconnected from the earthly domain. Those deeply connected to Neptune find solace and belonging in the realm of emotions and intuition. Just as life under the sea follows different rules, these individuals perceive the world through heightened senses, akin to breathing water rather than air. Their empathic abilities allow them to perceive the emotions and energies of others, transcending language and logic to tune into the universal language of the heart.
Pluto - The Keeper of Souls:
Pluto's realm is that of death and transformation, bridging the gap between the living and the deceased. Those with a strong affinity for Pluto possess the unique gift of connecting with the spirit world. They can see beyond the veil of mortality, perceiving the memories of their own soul and the collective history of the world. In their presence, the boundaries of time and space blur, and they walk hand-in-hand with the past, present, and future.
The Zodiac Trio: Aquarius, Pisces, and Scorpio:
Among the zodiac signs, Aquarius, Pisces, and Scorpio are intrinsically bound to Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, respectively. These individuals are the cosmic children of the outer planets, and their connection to them is profound. Some of these individuals are fortunate to receive direct psychic gifts from their celestial patrons, while others may struggle to harness the full extent of their powers. The level of connection to the outer worlds varies among individuals. Some might effortlessly embrace the psychic realms, while others may find it challenging to detach from the influences of the old planetary rulers like Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars.
So, the psychic abilities granted by Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are a reflection of their celestial essence. Those who resonate with these planets ,which are usually those who have these planets as dominant, traverse the boundaries of human perception, delving into the mysteries of the universe. It is a delicate dance between the material and ethereal, where the fortunate ones find themselves equipped with profound psychic gifts.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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esotericfaery · 1 month
Astrosnack: Pluto in Aquarius, then in Pisces… The longest lasting in Astrology are the outer planets. They move slowest, so they have the longest effects, even after moving signs or transiting. Both socio-politically and personally. Pluto (transformation) in Aquarius (massive social upheaval and change, innovation), will last longer than twenty years; after it switches into Pisces. It will dissipate based on our natal charts.
Many people, especially young adults, are feeling stressed just learning about Pluto in Aquarius on social media, & thinking they’re limited by even 20 years!
We all know that many things need to change in this chaotic, unfair world.
Many of us are aware that the world has support behind the scenes, at least here on Earth and cosmically to an extent (via Natural Law).
Bring it on.
I’m ready.
Are you?
The outer planets are, in order of fastest to slowest, Saturn (ruling Capricorn), Chiron (ruling Virgo), Uranus (ruling Aquarius), Neptune (ruling Pisces), & Pluto (ruling Scorpio). There are many dwarf planets near the KuiperBelt. Asteroids, as we use them more and more in modern times, are proving to often add much nuance.
Pluto enters Pisces (intuition vs confusion and illusion) on March 8th, 2043. That will be an interesting pair. A water ruled planet in a water sign. A fixed-sign (change resistant) planet in a mutable (mentally explorative and flexible) sign. Aquarius is fixed as well, yet with Pluto in it, is constantly pushed to move entirely through the tidal wave. Pisces will catch many Plutonics in it’s arms on the other side, if they’re willing.
Let’s hope that through Free Will, the world eventually goes into Piscean massive truth through intuition, and doesn’t get stuck in Scorpio difficulties such as unresolved shadow work.
Scorpios ability to investigate and Pisces’ avid path to a way of higher, idealized spiritual love sounds like an amazing pair.
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karinamorenoart · 1 year
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All together! ⭐️✨💫 I’m aiming for these to be washi sticker sheets - essentially thin paper stickers for journaling! There will also be an accompanying washi tape as well. Now to find a manufacturer! 😅
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seafoamreadings · 11 months
jupiter sextile saturn
i am hoping this will be a beautifully stabilizing force for good. not solidifying into place what already is necessarily, but helping us shift our desired futures into the present and locking them in in some healthy and structured and easy way.
being in taurus and pisces, unconditional love is definitely called for. cleanse out any resentment you have, as well as you can. it is a poison. be kind to plants and animals, not just people. even be kind to spirits if you think you might possibly have encountered them. saturn in pisces is especially sorcerous - not the ceremonial magician, not the cackling witch over a cauldron, but the old shamanic animist, the runes on the bones, the cave paintings that have been there forever. this makes us part of all that.
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twistedastrology · 1 month
Outer Planets & Affliction: What destroys a man.
gonna talk abt a much darker topic today bc i feel like it and it's absolutely fascinating to me from a very morbid perspective (which happens a lot 4 me)
im gonna start this off by saying this is mostly focusing on extreme cases/what Could happen due to outer planet affliction, none of this is definite if u have afflicted outer planets bc it depends on the severity of their affliction and how many good counter aspects u have to them that help u heal!! :)
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to start, the outer planets to me are Saturn to Pluto, so let me give u a quick rundown of what I think these planets are responsible for when they're heavily afflicted:
Saturn - Destruction of the will, the snuffing of one's inner, driving fire.
Uranus - Destruction of the mind, losing your cognitive function, going insane.
Neptune - Destruction of the spirit, loss or lack of intuition, feeling lost within your own life.
Pluto - Destruction of the body, the vessel decays and lacks the strength to repair itself.
i wanna say as well that all of this essentially came to me in a vision from god, i genuinely had no basis in my head initially, i was just rambling to myself in my head and all of this clicked and then it genuinely made sense and i even had evidence to back it up, so i wanted to post abt it because i love dark stuff like this (my blog name isn't twisted astrology for no reason- i mean like the reason was bc it was a play on twist and twisted transistor by korn But yknow it gains reasons as i go on-)
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let's go over why each planet destroys what they do:
Saturn destroys the will because it rules over time and persistance- Capricorns are more often than not very driven people, Saturn grounds them and gives them the stability and willpower to see things through. A strong Saturn is often manifested as a very powerful driving force, as the planet often acts an incredibly crucial pillar, if not the foundation in a person's chart.
Uranus destroys the mind because it's the higher octave of Mercury. It rules over innovation and change, even higher thought. A strong Uranus is often an indicator of a genius in whatever area of life the planet is placed into. Thus, when afflicted, it completely shatters and even lacks this potential altogether.
Neptune destroys the spirit because it's known as the planet of spirituality. It's the planet of our higher self and our shadow self, it's our connection to the planes of existence beyond our own. A strong Neptune is often indicative of enhanced intuition, and can even mean the person has a heightened level of awareness of their place in the world and where they're meant to be in life. So naturally, an afflicted Neptune means a complete lack of perspective and the loss/lack of the ability to realize there is more than the self, making one feel lonely, inadequate, and lost.
Pluto destroys the body because it rules over death, transformation and rebirth. It even rules over destruction itself, and its connection to death gives it an inherent connection to the physical body as well. A strong Pluto can manifest as a strong will, but also as a higher pain tolerance because of that. Therefore when it's afflicted, the soul's vessel lacks the ability to transform and regenerate itself effectively, and ultimately will crumble to pieces throughout the course of life.
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OK- lemme write normally now instead of all fancy n shit 😮‍💨 But what's my evidence to prove all this-
well someone i know has very heavily afflicted outer planets, mainly saturn, uranus and pluto, but neptune was kinda roped into the affliction as well- and all of this checks out.
saturn especially hits him hard, which also makes it all karmic so idk wtf bro did in a past life but it had to've been Bad bc he's got some SERIOUSLY afflicted outer planets like jesus fucking christ- and like i dont wanna talk too much shit on here but he's insufferable to say the least and, probably bc of the afflicted saturn, will not do the work to fix it.
would genuinely hate to be him on his death bed like 🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡
like i said initially tho this does not mean if u have a kinda afflicted uranus, ur gonna go insane!!! no sir!!! it's just abt the extremes n stuff and what i have literally seen happen with my own eyes- i think most people have enough soft aspects to get them into the process of healing, maybe not even soft aspects maybe just solid placements- it's all subjective, rly-
but this is also a really good way to talk abt the Power that these planets have- they are NOT to be fucked with bc when afflicted, they can obliterate you and your entire life tbh- i dont think they Want to unless you somehow have beef with them but overall they are just incredibly powerful planets and i truly think when reading someone's astrology chart, you GOTTA look at the outer planets bc otherwise you're missing out on SOOOOO much crucial information.
i always say that i think outer planets, whether in transit or in a natal chart, have the absolute MOST impact on a person despite being so far away.
far away ≠ lack of impact.
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i hope this was interesting to read or at least thought provoking bc i absolutely LOVE dark topics like these, probably my moon/neptune in my 8th house tbh- i mean im genuinely fucking petrified of tornadoes like lilapsophobia type shit but i still put that image here because i unfortunately think they are really fucking cool at the same time (ive had multiple nightmares where tornadoes have killed me. but like........ they're kinda cool......and i hate them........)
anyway!!!!! thank u for reading this far into my yapping session 🙏🙏
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