#outlast wb
soup-bag · 3 months
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Pink overlay suits them well
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amaranthine-fangs · 2 years
I could talk for hours about how much I don't like Blake but I love how I drew him
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zero06iranosaurusrex · 2 months
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horror/supernatural baffy AU well it's started as bugs's angst AU,but why not make it baffy if i ever made it into a sequel shits or something 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️
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as for the au this tooks inspirations from alan wake,silent hill,fatal frame,outlast whistleblower and alone in the dark and perhaps some stuffs from control(?) so yeah...just imagine a wabbit walking all alone at the familiar woodland once which kinda looks different at nightfall carrying a lantern and then a camera on the sequel,walking around blacked out wb studio
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kawareo-main · 2 years
Playing outlast 2 and i have some thoughts
Oh my god the graphics are so fucking CLEAN i could do unspeakable acts to the people at RedBarrels
Martha scares the shit out of me. Like sure i can sexualize and make jokes about every character from Outlast 1 and WB (and I WILL) but Martha is just fuckin scary
There is so much daddy kink in this game jfc
I am reading the letters. Lisa is a fucking freak.
Huge fan of the mechanics, love that they kept everything from first games and just added new stuff on top
Minus points for my controller being fucking stupid because it makes me use a different button to run and i cant adapt
School sections are fucking sick, i love.
Yeah so uh. Whatssup with the dead cows?
Love that Murkoff is behind it all, nasty guys
.... So, Val.
Idk what people say about the story being too scattered all I had to do to understand it is read all the comics and a fuckton of explanations online and its perfectly clear?? /s
I like the story tho, even if its a lil fucked. Cant wait to GET OUT OF THIS GODDAMN CORNFIELD THO WHY DO I KEEP DYING
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(Random form outlast wb and the new outlast game)
(Officer Coyle)
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Officer Coyle: Well, well what do we have here~? *chuckles deeply* A little snitch in my jail town~ *looks at Amber*
Amber: I'm in danger now. Eddie where are you??? Q-Q
Never fret. I will always find you.
Now be a dear and look away while I take care of this foolish degenerate who dared threaten my darling
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So, it seems like I Am Batman is officially ending in February, and with that all of Future State characters lost their ongoings. Of course there's a chance that they still have something for this characters, but so far everything indicates that DC gave up on FS characters at all. How do you think, what's the reason of this outcome? Was there a chance for these characters? Do you think DC didn't try harder to push them? Or it's because fanbase still hates everything new?
Love to pretend I saw it coming, but just the other day I predicted Ridley would get to keep writing the book until issue 25 given how DC seemed to value him, so much for my prediction skills. Well that's a wrap for the Future State crew unless some kind of Justice League book starring them is in the works, and given that the solicits for Nightwing are setting up the Titans as the premiere team for a bit, complete with teasing Jon joining them instead of the Justice League, I don't think that Legacy League book is happening (or at the very least it won't be what I expected/hoped it to be). Only part of Future State that may still be relevant is PKJ's House of El cast, everything else is clearly not going to play a major role in what's to come.
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Why is DC backing away from them? 5G got scrapped because the higher-ups at WB no longer supported the shakeup apparently, their attempt to position the classics and the Future State crew as equals during Infinite Frontier flopped, and the film DCU seems poised to refocus on the classics again, meaning that the comics are doing likewise. Sales and synergy are conspiring to reestablish the status quo once more.
DC pushed them all hard, I don't see what more could have been done without actually carrying through on 5G, short of maybe giving Jace Detective Comics the way Jon took over Superman for a bit, and making Yara Wonder Woman. Jon, Jace, Yara, Jo, and Jackson all got lead roles in major books, either as solos or as part of a duo. It is surprising that they completely abandoned Jess Quick, that tease about Jess travelling to Earth 0 has been dropped for certain (along with a whole bunch of other plot threads like "Earth-Alpha"). All Jess got was that Teen Justice book and since I don't see anyone talking about that I can only assume it's a sales flop, which means they're never going to matter again. Majority of the fanbase and the people working at DC do not care about the non-Earth 0 characters, they're event fodder or cameos at best, Jess being left on Earth 11 is the end for their relevance.
The already established fanbase was never going to embrace these characters "cutting in line" to take over the major roles instead of the previous generation who had been built up. Hope was that all the people demanding diversity wasn't just a tiny crowd on Twitter amplified by an echo chamber, but people who were actually eager to buy books featuring said diversity. Those people were supposed to show up and support the books but they didn't. Biggest breakout books of Infinite Frontier were Nightwing, Action Comics, and Wally West's return to headlining The Flash, all three books starring straight white men. Of the FS crew the biggest success was Jon, the most traditional of the legacies bisexuality aside, whose book last I checked was the only one of the group still in the Top 100 chart. Jace did the second best with his book outlasting Jon, despite his sales being worse. Jackson was a total failure, his books completely flopped, with Aquamen debuting outside the Top 100. Aquafans had no interest in him taking on the mantle. Jo was paired with John and that Green Lantern book didn't sell great but it was comparable to Morrison's run with Hal from what I understand. Yara debuted strong but the mess behind the scenes ended up killing her book. Alas none of them succeeded the way DC was hoping.
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What's the future for this group?
Jon will be fine. He's the blood son and natural successor to Clark, he's already getting adapted outside of comics, hell if they're really pivoting back to Cavill for the DCU, I expect Jon will be the one who replaces him in the films. He's the only one thus far who will be getting a solo book in Dawn of DCU, albeit a mini, he's in the Lazarus Planet event, two of the stories in Action will star him, and I'm hoping Taylor is just wrapping up his era on the character before handing him over to someone else while he goes and does Titans. DC won't be taking away the Superman mantle from their bisexual Superman, although if they did I confess at this point I wouldn't even care unless they're planning on taking him away from Taylor. There's still a chance to salvage Jon with a new creative team.
Jace might be ok due to DC fearing backlash over killing off/stripping the mantle from their black Batman, but I don't know if most people would even care. How aware are people that Jace even exists at this point? What hurt Jace, besides the fact that there are at least 3 other people "in front of him" in terms of succession, is that there already is a "black Batman": Black Panther. He's the same kind of archetype, but T'Challa was in a billion dollar movie that doubled as a cultural phenomena and unlike Jace he was the lead of his franchise. Jace will never be that, wouldn't have been that even if 5G had happened. Ridley's writing probably did turn some people away as well, but I view Ridley's time on the character the same as the Golden Age Batman: the bricks are laid but the house isn't done being built yet. I hope Jace will get that chance to be "finished", the way Bruce ultimately was with Moore and Miller. With no real chance of him being adapted outside of comics any time soon, I fully expect he will slip into Limbo, unless he's getting a follow-up mini or appearing in a team book like Jon.
Yara is Wonder Girl so that's what she'll stay. She'll be Diana's sidekick and play support. If DC doesn't think she can work on her own, might I suggest relaunching Superman/Wonder Woman as a Jon/Yara book yet again? I liked her and Jon's dynamic in Future State, and I love the idea that Jon is closer to his Wonder counterpart in the Trinity than his dad was to Diana. Please don't abandon Yara because I really do love her as a character.
Jackson/Kaldur should be fine, he's the most prominent member of the Aquafamily aside from Arthur and Mera thanks to Young Justice, but he is definitely not lead material. Least not at the moment, Arthur is the only Aquaman who can support a solo book, leave Jackson as a supporting character to Arthur for now and keep building him up. Maybe one day he can support holding the mantle of Aquaman.
Jess as I said is done. Didn't even get a book, not on Earth 0, and the Flash Family is already huge. Don't hold your breath waiting for them to show up again. Wally and Wallace are the only ones who will ever be the main Flash other than Barry.
Jo will join Simon and Kyle in the "cameos every now and then to remind you they exist but never gets another solo" category unless the trade sales of Far Sector are bigger than I am aware of. Hal and John remain the main Lanterns and that's not changing in the wake of the GL show getting reworked to star John, John being the Tomorrowverse Lantern, and John being in the Suicide Squad game while Hal gets to keep being the Lantern for the Injustice series.
Sucks that this crew is probably going to go the way of the Bloodlines heroes where there's one standout that everyone remembers (Jon/Hitman) and everyone else gets unceremoniously dropped and forgotten. My prediction skills have already been proven wrong once when it comes to these characters futures, maybe I'll get lucky and be wrong again like I want to be this time.
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akel1iq · 2 years
This is, The Horrors Within.
We are a 16+ horror rp/hangout server that is thriving to be an active community. So join and help us achieve that<3
Below are a few of many things we offer to our lovely members, we hope they interest you!
• Creepypasta
• DBD (survivors & killers)
• Outlast (1,WB & 2)
• Slasher movies (horror icons)
!! Playable characters from the fandoms that are listed above
!! OCs are allowed
!! Tons of canon & noncanon rp channels
!! Tons of self roles & color roles
!! accepting of LGBTQ+, Furry & age regressors
!! Chill staff
!! Easy to look at build
If this tickles your fancy then you should definitely give us a chance! We hope to be a great server for everyone.
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thelovelyink · 10 months
After watching The Last of Us on HBO Max (Yes, I'm still referring to it as HBO Max. Fuck WB Discovery) for the fifteenth time, I am still in awe at how well the show was translated from the game.
It got me to thinking that there are so many video games that can be adapted into a TV show, but haven't due to a lot of factors (Money, Licensing, Lack of competence).
Here's my list of video games that I want adapted into TV shows:
Hotline Miami
Dead Space
The Fallout Series
Alan Wake
There are other games, but way too many to list. Can we get together and start up a petition to get these games some shows?
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beanswithbones · 4 years
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Look! It's the fan-favorite OutLast character, Eddie Gluskin!
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cyberneticslasher · 7 years
I need some help
Hey guys, I'm having a tough time finding accurate references/high quality clear pictures of Eddie Gluskin from the game, is it possible if you guys could send screen shots or references to me plssss I'd really appreciate it
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soup-bag · 5 months
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Camerashipping is my new fav thing y’all I NEED them carnally… camerashipping +Walrider is just 👌👌
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amaranthine-fangs · 2 years
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camerashipping pandering, jsyk i dont really ship them!
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bandtrees · 4 years
so excited for outlast trials but i hope it doesn’t get disowned by the fandom for not being o1/wb
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kinsources · 4 years
outlast source call
like, reply to, OR reblog this post if you are outlast kin! if you reblog the post, feel free to put your kintypes or ids in the tags!
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princessstabbity · 6 years
I miss the F.E.A.R. games so much. I want a new game to play. :( 
Like Silent Hill and Dead Space got fucked over already.. Come on WB games every E3 I pray that maybe I’ll get just that. Hell a HD remaster of the first game would be fine with me. I would love the game to have improved models. 
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bitd · 2 years
outlast kind of makes my head spin. sorry im autistic and i am thinkng about it now but i fucking hate how badly it declined in quality like . outlast 1 was so fantastic as a game and miles upshur as a protaganist very much compels me. i enjoy how he never once is shitty to the variants on basis of them being variants and 100% of the just anger and upset he has is directed towards murkoff as it should be .       also he’s genuinely just really funny? his notes aren’t a slog to read through and i think the trager juice joke is good enough that whenever i’m streaming it i do open it to show everyone.
whistleblower is like. fine. i care about waylon because i am unfortunately bestowed with camerashipping fan and have been since i was 14/15 but its just sort of nothing. i don’t really enjoy frank he just kind of makes me feel weird and edide is also very uncomfortable as a character to the point where until i banked hard in another direction he was a huge trigger for me and hes kind of wrapped into it again for other reasons. i do think that whistleblower’s got merits w/ the way it handles blair + murkoff and i do like Some parts of it but my favourite part of it is genuinely the super ableist part exclusively because i think it’s fucking funny and i also like that simon is there because simon peacock is my best friend. it’s Fine.
2 is just so. it has more problems than merit whatsoever. i think due to my specific bullshit i’m equipped to speak on the st. sybil stuff and honestly it’s the only part of 2 i actually liked and that is just because it got stuff right. it however is very perplexing to me because i feel it’s handled incredibly well and the way that loutermilch is done is very interesting, it does do a very good job of showing blake’s trauma through his own eyes and i feel gets across a point without being gratuitous (though it almost was over that in an earlier draft, but i guess i can’t ding them for that). the school and the temple gate stuff just genuinely feel like they are written by completely different people and that’s very confusing to me. temple gate is also just fucking boring, all of its actual issues aside. it’s too big, and they fail to use that big space as an effective horror device. the school also further nullifies this by putting us in a smaller space and holding us there, and by making us feel much more trapped. blake’s only reason to stay in TG is lynn which while sweet is just. it’s not scary because he has autonomy in a way. i guess i could probably study him for that and for like, whether or not he really feels like he has autonomy in that situation (he failed jessica, he can’t fail lynn when that wound is fresh again) but i think from a game dev perspective it just really really fails to feel that way and people aren’t necessary playing a horror game for its story. i could talk in depth on all of the temple gate stuff but you know that gets really dicey really fast again due to my bullshit so. you know. 
i also kind of hate that in comparison to 1/wb, you need to read the murkoff account to understand what the fuck is going on in 2? and also have read every single note. without having 100% of the lore memorized you are just fully not going to understand 2 and that’s not... fun. at all. it is way scarier when you understand context and if they’d given us that then i feel like it would have been a bit better. but you should not have to read TMA and every document in 1/wb to figure out that blake is in the engine for the entirety out of ol2, ESPECIALLY because that is such a critical part of the plot. you need to know that the engine a) feeds on trauma and b) hurts people who don’t give it enough food very badly and c) forces you to relive trauma through your own lens in order to understand what the fuck is happening to blake. loutermilch is obviously not a tongue monster but that’s how blakes fears manifest. the reason we end up in the school during downtime is because the Downtime at temple gate is not traumatizing enough and the engine needs to dig up more bullshit. this is also why temple gate is more “realistic” because of all the time between the two. i would also argue it makes it more interesting as it makes blake a somewhat unreliable narrator and i personally Do!!! like blake a lot compared to miles and waylon because he is a deeply compelling protag to me. he isn’t as well spoken as either of them because he’s a cameraman (miles is a journalist and waylon’s in software dev), and he’s naturally not going to be as prepared for these horrors as a journalist who’s beat is murkoff or waylon who whistleblew after seeing that shit. like he’s interesting in that way insofar as he is a protag we haven’t seen before and his narration feels extremely different than either of those two’s even past being voice acted.
overall i think red barrels really failed the more of a budget they got. i hope trials manages to help them claw their way back into the light but i don’t really have high hopes because ol2 was so fucking disappointing other than the school section on all cylinders. i don’t even think i’d like the school section if not for (gestures). it handled everything else very unbiasedly poorly, it was incredibly shitty, and it wasn’t a fun game, it was a fucking slog
sources btw
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