#page 5298
moonbeambucky · 5 years
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 5298 Warnings: fluff
Summary: Bucky doesn’t realize that the more he tries to be helpful the more he makes his girl feel helpless.
A/N: This is my submission for @kentuckybarnes Hannah’s 3k Writing Challenge. My prompt was Character A is told to stay in the car while Character B confronts a villain. Things go downhill. Character A drives the car into the villain. But didn’t leave the car. Thank you as always to my Sam 💕@buckyofthemyscira for beta reading! gif not mine
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The story of Bucky Barnes is filled with immense sadness weaving its ways throughout the pages of his life. From Howling Commando to Hydra assassin, his mind was scrubbed clean of what made him; his memories, his morals. Bucky was forced to commit unspeakable acts, ones that keep him up at night trembling with guilt. He was given a new life while being robbed of his old one but now that he’s finally free of the tentacled grasp Hydra held him in, Bucky is working on becoming himself again, and for all the harm he’s done to the world he wants to give back and help.
The desire to help others took root within him at a young age. He learned from his father George, who was always quick to assist the neighbors on their friendly Brooklyn block, and Bucky experienced firsthand how good it felt to help others.
When Mrs. Davis from down the block couldn’t leave the house much anymore Bucky took it upon himself to fetch her groceries or mow the lawn. He never asked for anything in return for his service but she insisted, paying him a little something so he could treat himself to an ice cream. Instead, Bucky used the money to make sure the alley cats had a fresh dish of milk and cans of tuna each day. If helping was the lottery then Bucky hit the jackpot when he befriended Steve Rogers.
Steve became more like a brother and Bucky had his hands full looking after him. You see, Steve was just like Bucky when it came to helping others except the little punk didn’t know his limits. He picked his battles, every single one, no matter who was on the other end. Bucky would have to step in every time and throw a punch or take one; better him than Steve who would crumble at the slightest breeze.
Bucky couldn’t fight all of Steve’s battles though, but he was always there to help Steve get well from his latest bout with any and every germ that came his way. His poor friend was a scrawny thing, with an immune system more fragile than a butterfly’s wings. Bucky ran all over Brooklyn to pick up Steve’s prescriptions and even learned to make his mother’s homemade chicken soup recipe, anticipating he might be spending the rest of his life making it for Steve.
Helping was always in Bucky’s nature but when the war broke out he questioned his morals. Part of him wanted to sign up, his country needed help and he was ready to fight, but with his father no longer around it didn’t feel right to leave his ma and sisters. In the end Bucky decided to stick around, continue to help his family and Steve until he was drafted.
The fate of the world was safe, for today at least, and while Bucky had helped secure it from the threat of other worldly invaders once more he wanted to use his free time to help on a smaller level.
This is how he found himself at a local Habitat for Humanity worksite near the compound. There were a few dozen people crowding around the open space, with bright smiles and excited chatter filling the air until a skeletal man with a bullhorn calls everyone’s attention. Bucky keeps his distance in the back. Just because he wanted to help doesn’t mean he’s fully ready to integrate himself into society again.
Bucky prefers anonymity and after years of covert operations and life on the run he wears his best disguise to hide in plain sight, a baseball cap that casts a shadow over his features. His long dark hair is tied in a low bun at the base of neck and recognizable metal hand is covered by a construction glove.
He isn’t fully anonymous though, a sticker on his chest states his name but going by James provides him enough distance from his true identity. Bucky doesn’t want any publicity, even if it would counteract the daily editorials that criticize his morals. It’s another struggle he carries, learning to ignore the faceless voices that speak out against him. He’ll never please everyone but by helping, no matter what the cause, he knows he’s doing something good.
Bucky’s squinting from the sunlight, already strong despite the early morning. He pulls his cap lower to block the shine from his eyes while listening to the man with the bullhorn enthusiastically pump up the crowd. He introduces himself as Scully, a nickname Bucky supposes as his sticker says Ed. Could be a last name too though. Sometimes Bucky doesn’t mind being called Barnes. It reminds him of his time in the army, where he was fighting with one goal in mind, to help.
He shrugs off his memories, not wanting to think about what happened after the army. He regrets wearing a sweatshirt today as he’s already growing warm but unfortunately it’s the best way to hide that arm of his.
The group breaks with a round of applause and cheers as it’s time to commence work. The foundation for the house was already laid for them so everyone begins working on the assembling the framing. Bucky quickly swaps his baseball cap for a hard hat and walks to the truck with a few others ready to unload the lumber.
A burly man walks up the steel ramp on the back of the truck. His boots clank on the metal that shakes to support his large frame as he unlatches the door, allowing the foresty scent of fresh cut spruce to penetrate the crisp morning air.
Groups of two travel in and out of the truck carrying long beams and planks. Bucky grabs more than double, giving a simple nod to the burly man Frank, a silent nod that he’s more than capable of handling that amount on his own. Bucky could actually carry more, a lot more, but his one man show is already drawing enough attention, he decides he doesn’t need any more.
He follows the direction of another man who’s shorter than Frank but just as round, with a thick salt and pepper beard. Bucky drops off the planks at different workstations where others are reviewing the specs for measurements.
The air filled with a mix of sound as people begin to work; the dull thudding of nails being hammered down, power tools buzzing away. It brings him back to childhood when he and Steve took the train into Manhattan to watch as construction crews began erecting the Chrysler Building. The idea of having the tallest building in the world in their backyard fascinated the young boys who never imagined the sites they would grow to see.
He’s pulled from his memory by the shrill buzzing of an electric saw. It pierces his ear oddly as Bucky can hear the faintest wobble coming from a blade. He shuts his eyes to concentrate, waiting for the sound again until he’s certain of where it’s coming from.
A woman is focused on her work, gripping the handle of the miter saw and guiding it down to slice through the wood on the table. Bucky’s lips twitch to a smile as he watches her using the machine without hesitation.
The wobbly sound has increased in the span of the few seconds he spent ogling her and before the woman begins again Bucky calls out to stop her.
“There’s somethin’ wrong with the blade,” he declared after he caught her attention, walking closer towards her.
Between the glare of the sun and the protective goggles covering her eyes Bucky can’t read her expression. He worries she might be insulted, if in some way she interprets his concern as a question on her capability.
Bucky panicked, “I-It’s not you, I promise.” He flashed a nervous smile. “I… it’s just that I heard it in the blade, it sounded…”
“...Off,” she finished his sentence. “You’re right, I even felt it in that last cut.”
She removed her safety goggles and used her forearm to dab at the beads of sweat that collected on her forehead. Chewing on her bottom lip she stared bewilderedly at the faulty machine.
Bucky was staring as well, entranced by the woman before him. Now that he had a clearer look at her features his heart began doing flips in his chest. Her eyes were beautiful, sparkling and full of life.
The hard hat and baggy t-shirt added to her true beauty, the goodness of her soul that was eager to get back to work, to helping just as he wanted to. She scanned the machine for an obvious cause of the problem, wondering out loud what it could be.
Bucky found the nerve to speak up. “The bolt on the blade probably came loose. I can help if you want...” He smiled timidly as his eyes traveled to the name tag on her shirt, “…Y/N.”
The moment her name fell from his lips Bucky felt as if he was always meant to say it. Like pollen floating in the air her name was carried to his heart making it bloom with attraction.
She accepted his help with an enthusiastic smile spread widely across her face and Bucky was blinded once more but not by the sun. The light that radiated from Y/N’s gorgeous face was stronger and more beautiful than any star in the galaxy.
With a spring in his step he went to find some tools to help, anxious to get back to Y/N. By the time he returned she unplugged the machine and put her palm out, waiting for him to hand over the tools. Bucky was surprised, not expecting she only needed his help to fetch the tools.
“I’m not helpless you know,” Y/N playfully teased, smirking as she pulled back the blade guard and began to lock the saw into place.
Bucky smiled watching her work, unable to contain his smile and the bubbling feelings within of the woman who was as capable as she was beautiful.
Y/N let out a frustrated groan as she tried to remove the bolt that secured the blade. She twisted the wrench but it wouldn’t budge. Bucky was certainly strong enough to force the movement but he didn’t want to intrude, not unless she asked.
He didn’t have time to wait for Y/N’s permission as she used all her might to twist the wrench, forcing the bolt to fly off. The shaky movement caused the askew blade to come off its mount and nearly onto Y/N’s hands if Bucky hadn’t lurched forward and stopped it. The blade sat in the palm of his gloved hand, the metal underneath unharmed by the sharp object.
“Are you alright?” he asked as a visibly shaken Y/N took deep breaths.
“Yeah, ‘m good. I shouldn’t have forced it,” she huffed in disbelief, thinking about what could have happened.
Bucky placed the blade back and tightened the bolt properly, ensuring it wouldn’t wobble anymore. “It should be good now.” Bucky offered a proud smile, knowing he was able to help her.
Y/N returned the smile as she replaced the other screws so she could begin working again. “Thanks Bucky.”
The curve of his lips dropped down with confusion His name tag said James. He is supposed to be James. Incognito. He had a foolproof baseball cap. His eyes stirred with panic but the sound of her voice stilled his mind.
“Were you hiding or something?” Her tone was playful and the smile she gave him helped settle his nerves even more. Bucky was wrong to think he could go unnoticed, then again she was the only one to speak up.
“In a way,” he responded, “I wanna help, don’t want no fanfare about it.”
Y/N knew what the press reported on James “Bucky” Barnes but in all the articles she’s read none of them ever detailed the softness in his eyes. Seventy years of torture were held back behind a delicate wall of swirling blue emotion and yet he’s standing in front of her, stronger than she could ever imagine had she faced what he had gone through.
“Your secret is safe with me,” she winked.
A giggle fell past her lips and Bucky felt his knees buckle at the sound. From the moment it left her lips and floated to his ears the decision cemented itself within his heart, he would do anything to hear her laughter again.
Bucky continued the heavy lifting all day but the greatest strength he displayed was when he asked Y/N out for coffee and surprisingly she said yes.
They met up on Saturday afternoon after spending a few days together at the worksite. Y/N groaned as her stiff muscles carried her to the front of the coffee shop. Bucky stood outside looking incredibly handsome in a light denim jacket with a blue shirt that was sure to bring out the color of his eyes. His hair was loose with rich brown strands falling into his face as he pulled his phone out from his pocket and checked it.  
She stopped to watch him, with a smile growing on her face at how nervous Bucky looked. She felt the same way, with the butterflies in her stomach adding to the aches and pains of her sore body.
Y/N was just as surprised when Bucky asked her to meet. She never imagined the day she would run into an actual Avenger let alone exchange numbers with them. With a deep breath she began walking towards him, trying to contain her nerves.
Bucky’s eyes lit up when he saw her. She strolled towards him in an oversized sweater and leggings that clung to her frame. Her hair was freed from the hard hat he was accustomed to seeing her in. He already thought she was beautiful in the sawdust covered clothes she wore and now his heart began to race at the sight of her.
Neither knew what greeting was appropriate as they said hello which led to an awkward should they, should they not kiss on the cheek or hug. She giggled again and Bucky sighed with content.
As Bucky held the door open for Y/N he heard a faint groan as she stepped up into the shop and proceeded to ask if she was alright.
She smiled at his question, “Yes, thank you. Just a little achy.”
Bucky smiled remembering the work she put in at the site, never shying away from any project. Y/N even tried to help lift the support beam that outweighed her many times over. Her disappointed pout was adorable, even if realistically it was a job meant for a crew made up of the strongest people. Bucky winked at her bringing the smile back to her face as they shared an unspoken truth, Bucky could have easily lifted the beam alone.
Hard labor was nothing for Bucky, in fact, he much preferred it over Steve’s intense training drills. He didn’t technically have a problem with those either but he’d rather go back into cyro than hear Sam’s whining every day.
Y/N would have more of a reason to whine over Sam who should be used to physical demands that come with being an Avenger by now, but even she isn’t. He can read the pain on her face, the tight smile and stiff inhales as she reads over the menu. After all the hard work she did she deserves to rest.
Bucky pulled out a chair for her from the nearest table. “Why don’t you take a seat and I’ll grab our orders,” he offered, feeling happy to help her.
They sat for hours getting to know each other, sharing a variety of sweet pastries. Bucky walked Y/N home and when it was time to say goodbye, something neither were keen on, they once again found themselves unsure of what they should do.
The caffeine searing through their veins combined with the growing affection they felt made both Bucky and Y/N extremely nervous. He was a blushing mess and she chewed on her lip, admiring his features by the golden glow of the setting sun.
Y/N took initiative, leaning forward with the intention of kissing him on the cheek. Bucky acted as well, excitedly lifting his arms up so he could wrap them around her for a hug. Unfortunately they did this at the same time and Bucky’s metal hand accidentally smacked Y/N’s cheek.
His heart stopped in that moment as Y/N held her hand firmly to her cheek. Bucky wanted to run away, to mutter an apology before he goes back into hiding, never to leave again. Negative thoughts swirl around his mind like a tornado making him question why he thought he would ever be good enough for her, telling him the world doesn’t want his help, that he only brings destruction and pain with every step he takes.
Suddenly the thoughts stop, swept away by the most beautiful sound in the world, Y/N’s giggles.
“Ouch,” she chuckled, rubbing the sting from her cheek while smiling at him.
The tension in Bucky’s shoulders released, allowing him to exhale. Still he apologized profusely but Y/N’s finger on his lips told him to stop.
“I know how you can make it up to me,” she purred, flashing a coy smile as her eyes traveled to his lips and back up again.
The lust in her eyes was evident and for once Bucky’s head and his heart were on the same page. He leaned in slowly as his tongue swept across his lips to wet them. The gap between them closed and Y/N felt his breath fanning against her skin.
Her nerves tingled with anticipation and the moment their lips met it felt like each one had turned into a firework, exploding with happiness. Y/N pulled apart first when she needed air though Bucky would have gladly given her every breath his lungs have yet to take.
“That’s better,” she sighed a heaving breath as she rested her forehead against his.
Bucky licked his lips again, tasting the sweetness of dessert lingering on her tongue though he was certain she tasted sweeter. His eyes crinkled as a smile stretched across his face and he whispered to her, “Happy to help.”
That day was the beginning of their relationship and Bucky couldn’t believe how lucky he was. He never imagined he would be romancing someone again and now that Y/N was with him he went above and beyond to make sure she knew just how much he loved and appreciated her.
Bucky would always be sure to hold doors open for Y/N, or pull out the chair for her to sit. Sometimes he would even help her assist her with putting on or taking off her coat; he couldn’t help it, hearing the voice of his father in his head, lessons he was taught from a young age about proper etiquette with women.
Y/N never had anyone treat her as kindly as Bucky did, always going out of his way to ensure she was properly taken care of. Sure, some of his sweet gestures may have been a little old fashioned but she understood Bucky was brought up in a different time. Besides, it was better than being treated poorly so for a while she let him woo her the way he thought was best.
After a few months of dating Bucky’s kindness started to become a little cumbersome. He would go out of his way to “help” Y/N even though she didn’t need it, like all the times he stopped her from putting on a necklace, insisting that he had to be the one to fasten the clasp even though she was more than capable of doing it herself. Or the many times when she would be washing the dishes and Bucky nearly pushed her out of the way so he could be the one to do them claiming he didn’t want her hands to prune.
Each time Bucky took over doing something for Y/N her frustration grew but she bit her tongue. She knew how fragile Bucky’s self-esteem was and she really didn’t want to hurt him. Bucky felt so good about himself when he did things for her, it was written all over his face so she stayed quiet and let it fester, ignoring the problem like a rumbling volcano.
It was a rough day. The moment Y/N got to work there were problems starting with the first phone all. A client spent twenty minutes screaming at her and while she tried several times to get a word in he wouldn’t let her. Instead she had to wait for his rant to finish before she could give him a simple solution that would have lowered both their blood pressure within a few minutes.
She was on edge from the call and because of that she knocked over her mug of coffee, spilling all of important documents, some of which now required new signatures from other clients who weren’t happy about having to come in again. By the end of the day Y/N was near tears when her boss called her in to talk, reprimanding her for indiscretions during the day.
Bucky was in her apartment waiting for Y/N to come home from work. He couldn’t wait to spend the night with her cuddling together and watching movies knowing in the morning he would be leaving for a mission, the first one he’s been on since they started dating.
The door burst open and Y/N stomped harshly on the wood floors, kicking one heel off wildly and groaning in frustration as she had to bend down and pull the other one off, throwing it hastily against the wall.
Bucky heard the commotion from the other room and when he walked to the living room he saw Y/N kneeling on the floor crying. The shoe had dented the wall, breaking the plaster. Bucky knelt down beside her and Y/N threw herself into his chest, crying even harder when she felt his arms wrap around her frame.
“It’s okay…” he whispered in her ear, placing a kiss to her crown. “Don’t worry about the wall. I’ll fix it.”
His words dried her tears but not because of his offer to help. The broken wall symbolized more than what it actually was. This minor inconvenience was the breaking of the own wall she had built up behind months of anger and resentment towards Bucky.
With a shaky breath Y/N pushed herself away from Bucky and stood up. She gripped the edge of the table to hold onto something as she unleashed everything that was buried inside of her.
“I don’t want your help! I’m so tired of it, Bucky! It’s not about the wall, I can fix it my damn self!” she screamed.
Bucky stood up slowly, with confusion twisting at his features.
“You make me feel helpless! You never allow me to do anything. I can do dishes, I can carry bags. I can put my own damn coat on!”
Bucky opened his mouth but he couldn’t form any words. He was hurt. Everything he did for Y/N was from the heart, he didn’t realize how she felt about it. Maybe he was wrong about everything, that he was never ready for a relationship, that Y/N never loved him.
As Bucky stood silent Y/N saw the pain swirling in his eyes and realizing everything she said in her outburst made her feel worse.
She broke down again, “I’m so sorry Bucky. I love you, I mean it, I love you from the bottom of my heart. This is all my fault. I should have said something earlier. I never m-meant…” she whimpered, wiping the tears from her cheeks and sniffling.
“No,” he said softly, “I’m sorry. It’s been so long since…” Bucky trails off but they both know what he meant. “You mean the world to me doll, I thought if I could make anything easier on ya I would do it.”
“I don’t mind the help I just wish you would ask me sometimes,” she smiled sadly.
Y/N outstretched her hand towards Bucky and let out a breath of relief when he took it. She brought him closer and pressed herself against him again, relaxing as he embraced her fully.
They spent that evening together just as Bucky originally planned but now with a better understanding of each other’s emotions.
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Every day for the month Bucky was gone Y/N was worried sick so the moment her phone lit up with a message announcing his arrival she screamed with joy. He arrived at her door a few hours later, holding a bouquet of beautiful flowers she did not care one bit about. Y/N jumped into his arms kissing him senseless. She could take care of herself in many ways but when it came to Bucky Barnes in her heart she knew she was certainly helpless.
They spent the weekend together hardly ever leaving her bed. Bucky opened up as much as he could to her about the mission which was a bust. They either had bad intel or their target knew they were coming and he disappeared. It was frustrating but Y/N’s soft lips against his skin made him quickly forget his worries.
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For their one year anniversary Bucky planned a special night out to celebrate with Y/N. They both dressed nicely for the not too fancy but still classy enough restaurant they had reservations for. Bucky picked her up in a vintage car thanks to Tony and they enjoyed an intimate dinner.
Bucky pulled out a small gift from his suit pocket and handed it to Y/N across the table. The candlelight illuminated her beautiful smile as she carefully unwrapped the gift to reveal a jewelry box. Inside was a necklace with a small silver pendant in the shape of a house with a heart cut out in the center.
“Because we met that day building a house together and ever since you’ve held my heart and become my home.”
“It’s beautiful Bucky,” she beamed. “Will you put it on me?”
Her head tilts to the side as she smiles softly towards him and Bucky happily obliged. When the necklace was secured he couldn’t help but press his lips at the junction of her neck and shoulder making Y/N squirm and giggle. It was definitely time to leave the restaurant and neither could wait to get home.
On the drive home Bucky turned to face Y/N but instead his attention was on the car beside him and the driver that looked suspiciously like the target from their failed mission a few months back. He tried not to be seen by the man he believed to be Andrei Rudaski telling Y/N to stay low as he carefully followed the car.
While stopped at a light Bucky confirmed the target thanks to a signifying tattoo on his neck. He followed him for a few more blocks as he debated on calling the team. Bucky could probably take this guy down without making a scene but he didn’t want to endanger Y/N.
Andrei pulled over beside a warehouse on a quiet street that was mostly dark except for a few scattered street lamps. Bucky parked across the street, wishing he didn’t have a car that could blend better with the other empty cars along the road.
As Andrei opened the door to get out Bucky handed Y/N his phone. “Call Steve, tell him where we are and tell ‘im Andrei Rudaski is here.”
“What about you?” she worried.
“I’ll be alright doll. Just call Steve and stay in the car.”
With a quick kiss to her forehead Bucky took off. She chewed her bottom lip nervously as she watched his frame disappear in the alleyway by the warehouse though his shadow was visible on the wall for a bit longer thanks to security lighting mounted on the building.
For a while there was nothing but the sound of the occasional car pass by until an unmistakable gunshot rang out. Shadows on the wall began to dance in tussle and Y/N heard voices growing louder. She clutched her necklace when she thought she heard Bucky, more specifically the sound of him groaning in pain. Bucky was her home too and she couldn’t sit by and let him be injured or worse.
Sliding into the driver’s seat Y/N turned the key and hoped Bucky’s attacker was too preoccupied to hear the sound of the purring engine come to life. With her seatbelt fastened she grabbed the wheel and beelined right towards the alley.
Y/N spotted Bucky on the ground with a man standing above him, aiming a gun. With her foot slammed against the pedal she sped straight down with Andrei in her path.
It was surreal to feel everything happen at once and yet in Y/N’s mind each event seemed to play out in slow motion. She remembered the surprised look on Andrei’s face, the bright headlines that turned the darkness of his blue eyes into pinpoints that stared her down. He tried to aim his gun at her but she hit him first, the sound of the metal frame crashing against flesh and bone will be seared into his memory forever.
Glass shattered from the windshield in front of her to the high pitched breakage of the warehouse window. He had shot his gun after all. An airbag deployed unexpectedly and if she had been given a chance to think about it she would have known Tony Stark upgrades all of his toys.
The advanced airbag leaves little injury, the only thing sore is her chest, tender where the seatbelt held her upon the impact. She’s shaking, and doesn’t know if she wants to laugh or cry, but when the door opens beside her and she sees Bucky she does both.
“What the hell was that?” He reprimands her and rightfully so. Getting hurt is the last thing Bucky wanted to happen to Y/N. “I told you to stay in the car!”
“That was me saving your ass,” she groaned slightly, “And as you can see I am in the car!”
Her statement was followed by a chuckle, as if the car wasn’t crunched up against a wall, with a bloodied person in between it.
Bucky pinched the bridge of his nose, sucking in a painful breath thanks to the throbbing gunshot that pierced his side. “I thought I told you to call Steve.”
“I did call him,” she insisted, struggling to unlatch her seatbelt. “But I couldn’t sit by and let something happen to you.”
Bucky heard the worry in her tone, and truthfully Andrei had somehow gotten the upper hand. He doesn’t want to think about what would have happened if it wasn’t for Y/N.
With Bucky’s assistance she got out of the car and carefully they hugged.
“I’m sorry our anniversary was ruined. I wanted– ” Bucky began to say before a voice interrupted him.
“Can you tell me what else is ruined?” Tony sarcastically asked, as red and gold arms crossed over the lighted triangle on his chest.
Bucky smiled at Y/N before answering. “This shirt for one,” he joked clutching his bleeding side.
Y/N frowned as Bucky hissed in pain. Apologizing for the car as she passed Tony, Y/N helped Bucky towards the quinjet that was blocking the street and Bucky grabbed a medical kit which he held out towards Y/N. “Wouldja mind?”
He took off his shirt and laid on his side so she could clean and bandage his wound, but not before he had the small chance to send her a wink.
“Looks like I’m the helpless one now, doll.” he joked.
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A/N: Thank you for reading! Reblogs, comments and likes are always appreciated :)
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ao3feed-daredevil · 5 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2MyN7v1
by LadyMaigrey
Everything would’ve been back to their insane version of ‘normal’, except that Matt still couldn’t sleep through the night.
Words: 5298, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Reclaiming the Martyr
Fandoms: Daredevil (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M
Characters: Matt Murdock, Karen Page
Relationships: Matt Murdock/Karen Page, Matt Murdock & Karen Page
Additional Tags: Aftermath of Torture, Past Torture, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Nightmares, Shibari, Aftercare
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2MyN7v1
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What's New: - Fixed Polish translation.(2012 adams speedline tech driver translation.) - Fixed issue: Secure boot key information will be erase by EzFlash. - Fixed Wi-Fi(2012 adams speedline tech driver Wi-Fi) sniffer function with 4GB memory and Dell wireless. - Settings](2012 adams speedline tech driver Settings]) Fixed minor bugs. - Drives: Fixed a bug where the help for drive formatting were not displayed on Settings if the display language is configured to Japanese or English. - Fixed NAT loopback issue while CTF enabled. - Fixed issue where TDM PBA SSO doesn't work when both FP and TDM PBA SSO are set for single user 2. - Fixed Router Setup Wizard invalid language display issue. - Fixes i3 cpu TBT performance issue. - Fixed Chassis(2012 adams speedline tech driver Chassis) Intrusion alert halt 3. Users content: Mixed Reality Portal may experience color corruption or distortion near the edge of viewing areas on some headsets. Catalyst Control Center->Video->Avivo Quality aspect page: The Pulldown detection option is no longer missing. Look at the dates on the Compiled on lines. HQ20100311000005)Upgrade using Web-UI 1. ST320414A & ST315323A).# Shows warning message about voltage setup. Update files have the extension “.efw”. S. & AI NET2. Add some performance and minor fixes. Updates CPU table for Intel Celeron 300A/333 CPU.# Completes RTC wake-up function. Enhance 2.4GHz/5GHz wireless stability 6. https://o4kavailablefilesweblog.wordpress.com/2020/03/22/download-cypress-fx2lp-linux-driver/ Supported OS: Microsoft Windows 8 Enterprise (64-bit) Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) Windows 7 32-bit Windows 8.1/8/7/Vista 32-bit Notebook 8.1/8/7 32-bit Windows Server 2012 Windows 8.1 Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise (32-bit) Windows Server 2016 Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise (64-bit) Windows Server 2003 64-bit Windows Server 2012 R2 Windows Server 2003 32-bit Microsoft Windows 8 Pro (32-bit) Windows 7 Windows 10 Windows 2000 Windows Vista 32-bit Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro (64-bit) Windows Server 2008 R2 Microsoft Windows 8 (32-bit) Microsoft Windows 10 (32-bit) Microsoft Windows 8 (64-bit) Microsoft Windows 8.1 (64-bit) Windows XP 64-bit Microsoft Windows 8.1 (32-bit) Windows 7 64-bit Windows XP 32-bit Windows 8 Windows Server 2008 Microsoft Windows 8 Enterprise (32-bit) Microsoft Windows 8 Pro (64-bit) Notebook 8.1/8/7 64-bit Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro (32-bit) Windows 8.1/8/7/Vista 64-bit Windows Vista 64-bit Searches: tech driver speedline 2012 adams; 2012 adams speedline tech driver for Microsoft Windows 8 Enterprise (64-bit); 2012 adams speedline tech Nfn251-fnm; 2012 adams speedline tech NBEGT2517; 2012 adams speedline tech NB2517; 2012 adams speedline tech driver for Windows 8; 2012 adams speedline tech driver for Windows Vista 32-bit; 2012 adams speedline tech N25f; 2012 adams speedline tech N NB251-2; 2012 adams speedline tech driver for Microsoft Windows 8 Enterprise (32-bit); 2012 adams speedline tech driver for Microsoft Windows 8.1 (64-bit) Compatible Devices: Laptop; Videocard; Computer Cable Adapters; Tablet; Android; Ipad To ensure the integrity of your download, please verify the checksum value. MD5: 640fbe80b8b218017f79e62efea15989 SHA1: 7ab6a868303a21a08047b646e5f7bf0559bda818 SHA-256: 433e66e87c648355ec70f43ed2ca54eb21139db3fdc81e1ee0f89ca2fe9dfa59
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capecoddaily · 5 years
Deck: Another active week in P-Town…Towns: ProvincetownTopic: Police BlotterHub Category: Police and FireAuthor: CapeCodToday StaffTeaser: Another active week in P-Town…Main Image: Thumbnail Image: Body: Provincetown Police Department Page: 1 Dispatch Log From: 04/08/2019 Thru: 04/15/2019 0000 - 2359 Printed: 04/16/2019 For Date: 04/08/2019 - Monday Call Number Time Call Reason Action Priority Duplicate 19-5220 0011 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3259] MACMILLAN WHARF 19-5219 0012 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3004] BRADFORD ST 19-5221 0033 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: BRADFORD ST + HOWLAND ST 19-5222 0057 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2898] JEROME SMITH RD 19-5223 0105 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2521] ROUTE 6 19-5224 0143 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: COMMERCIAL ST + SNAIL RD 19-5225 0149 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 413] CONWELL ST 19-5226 0211 NOISE COMPLAINT SPOKEN TO 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2] ALDEN ST 19-5227 0405 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 521] ROUTE 6 19-5228 0503 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 569] WINSLOW ST 19-5229 0511 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: ROUTE 6 + HOWLAND ST 19-5230 0545 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: ROUTE 6 19-5231 0600 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 958] JEROME SMITH RD 19-5232 0614 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2490] PROVINCELANDS RD 19-5233 0615 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 447] JEROME SMITH RD 19-5234 0720 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 4136] BRADFORD ST 19-5235 0810 SERVICE CALL - POLICE Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 569] WINSLOW ST 19-5236 0814 PARKING COMPLAINT No Action Required 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3456] RYDER ST EXT 19-5237 0916 ALARM - GENERAL False Alarm 1 Location/Address: [PRO 1815] OAK DR 19-5238 0951 ANIMAL CALL Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 542] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5239 1005 SERVICE CALL - POLICE SPOKEN TO 3 Location/Address: [PRO 395] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5242 1100 COMPLAINT - GENERAL SPOKEN TO 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2102] SNOW ST Provincetown Police Department Page: 2 Dispatch Log From: 04/08/2019 Thru: 04/15/2019 0000 - 2359 Printed: 04/16/2019 19-5243 1139 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2494] BRADFORD ST 19-5244 1146 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3259] MACMILLAN WHARF 19-5245 1234 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2977] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5246 1259 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: BRADFORD ST + STANDISH ST 19-5247 1337 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 105] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5248 1350 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Transported to Hospital 1 Location/Address: [PRO 2207] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5250 1455 SERVICE CALL - POLICE Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 569] WINSLOW ST 19-5251 1518 LOST PROPERTY SPOKEN TO 3 Location/Address: [PRO 399] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5252 1525 PARKING COMPLAINT Could Not Locate 3 Location/Address: [PRO 105] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5253 1552 PARK, WALK & TALK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 105] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5254 1606 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 4136] BRADFORD ST 19-5255 1617 DISORDERLY Peace Restored 1 Location/Address: [PRO 105] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5256 1701 911 - GENERAL No Action Required 1 Location/Address: COMMERCIAL ST 19-5257 1835 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: BRADFORD ST 19-5258 1930 MEDICAL EMERGENCY PATIENT REFUSAL 1 Location/Address: [PRO 1892] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5259 2047 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Transported to Hospital 1 Location/Address: [PRO 221] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5260 2134 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3259] MACMILLAN WHARF 19-5261 2139 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2018] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5262 2143 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2483] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5263 2151 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2898] JEROME SMITH RD 19-5264 2203 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2500] COMMERCIAL ST For Date: 04/09/2019 - Tuesday 19-5265 0002 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 530] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5266 0009 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: ROUTE 6 + SNAIL RD Provincetown Police Department Page: 3 Dispatch Log From: 04/08/2019 Thru: 04/15/2019 0000 - 2359 Printed: 04/16/2019 19-5267 0010 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 444] HIGH POLE HILL 19-5268 0018 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2489] BRADFORD ST 19-5270 0226 FOLLOW UP SPOKEN TO 2 Location/Address: [TRU] OLD FIREHOUSE RD 19-5271 0307 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 525] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5272 0319 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 516] RACE POINT RD 19-5273 0343 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3259] MACMILLAN WHARF 19-5274 0401 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3430] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5275 0423 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 517] RACE POINT RD 19-5276 0425 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2499] RACE POINT RD 19-5277 0435 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2513] ROUTE 6 19-5278 0524 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 447] JEROME SMITH RD 19-5280 0614 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 99] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5281 0712 MV STOP Citation / Warning Issu 3 Location/Address: [TRU 95] ROUTE 6 Refer To Citation: T1244321 19-5282 0735 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 4136] BRADFORD ST 19-5283 0742 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 4136] BRADFORD ST 19-5284 0755 MV STOP Citation / Warning Issu 3 Location/Address: [TRU 95] ROUTE 6 Refer To Citation: T1244322 19-5285 0803 SERVICE CALL - POLICE Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 569] WINSLOW ST 19-5286 0818 MV STOP Citation / Warning Issu 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2521] ROUTE 6 Refer To Citation: T1244323 19-5287 0838 MV STOP Citation / Warning Issu 3 Location/Address: [TRU 95] ROUTE 6 Refer To Citation: T1244324 19-5288 0855 MV STOP Citation / Warning Issu 3 Location/Address: [TRU 241] ROUTE 6 Refer To Citation: T1244325 19-5289 0900 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Services Rendered 1 Location/Address: [PRO 1509] BRADFORD ST 19-5290 0906 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2206] PILGRIMS LANDING Provincetown Police Department Page: 4 Dispatch Log From: 04/08/2019 Thru: 04/15/2019 0000 - 2359 Printed: 04/16/2019 19-5291 0924 MV STOP Citation / Warning Issu 3 Location/Address: [TRU 241] ROUTE 6 Refer To Citation: T1244326 19-5292 0941 MV STOP Citation / Warning Issu 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3440] ROUTE 6 Refer To Citation: T1244327 19-5293 0952 MV STOP Citation / Warning Issu 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2513] ROUTE 6 Refer To Citation: T1244328 19-5295 0957 ANIMAL CALL Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 3259] MACMILLAN WHARF 19-5294 1000 MV STOP Citation / Warning Issu 3 Location/Address: [PRO 539] SHANK PAINTER RD Refer To Citation: T1244329 19-5296 1019 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: BRADFORD ST + ALLERTON ST 19-5297 1044 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Transported to Hospital 1 Location/Address: [PRO 440] HARRY KEMP WAY 19-5298 1051 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 761] BRADFORD ST 19-5299 1053 MV STOP VERBAL WARNING 3 Location/Address: BRADFORD ST Refer To Citation: 19-353-CN 19-5300 1114 MV STOP Citation / Warning Issu 3 Location/Address: [PRO 539] SHANK PAINTER RD Refer To Citation: T1244300 19-5301 1126 ASSIST DEPARTMENT / MUTUAL AID SPOKEN TO 3 Location/Address: [PRO 625] DEWEY AVE 19-5304 1337 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2206] PILGRIMS LANDING 19-5305 1342 SERVICE CALL - POLICE BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2304] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5309 1511 ALARM - GENERAL False Alarm 1 Location/Address: [PRO 3761] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5308 1512 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3440] ROUTE 6 19-5310 1537 MV STOP VERBAL WARNING 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2513] ROUTE 6 Refer To Citation: 19-354-CN 19-5312 1601 PARK, WALK & TALK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 105] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5313 1614 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3430] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5314 1620 LARCENY / FORGERY / FRAUD Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 122] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5316 1741 COMPLAINT - GENERAL Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 1895] BRADFORD ST 19-5317 1744 HARASSMENT / THREATS Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 175] COMMERCIAL ST Provincetown Police Department Page: 5 Dispatch Log From: 04/08/2019 Thru: 04/15/2019 0000 - 2359 Printed: 04/16/2019 19-5318 1808 LANDLORD / TENANT Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: GARFIELD ST 19-5319 1914 MV STOP Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 542] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5320 1936 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 539] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5321 2027 SERVICE CALL - POLICE Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: RYDER ST + COMMERCIAL ST 19-5322 2230 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 519] RACE POINT RD For Date: 04/10/2019 - Wednesday 19-5323 0028 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 545] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5324 0036 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 413] CONWELL ST 19-5325 0036 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 1778] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5326 0109 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2490] PROVINCELANDS RD 19-5327 0113 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3259] MACMILLAN WHARF 19-5328 0119 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 526] RYDER ST EXT 19-5329 0124 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2483] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5330 0137 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2494] BRADFORD ST 19-5331 0149 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3430] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5332 0151 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2977] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5333 0156 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2513] ROUTE 6 19-5334 0226 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2859] BRADFORD ST 19-5335 0310 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 512] PRINCE ST 19-5336 0344 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3259] MACMILLAN WHARF 19-5337 0354 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2513] ROUTE 6 19-5338 0416 ALARM - GENERAL False Alarm 1 Location/Address: [PRO 346] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5339 0447 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 106] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5340 0458 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2513] ROUTE 6 Provincetown Police Department Page: 6 Dispatch Log From: 04/08/2019 Thru: 04/15/2019 0000 - 2359 Printed: 04/16/2019 19-5341 0520 PARK, WALK & TALK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 539] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5342 0545 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2540] RACE POINT RD 19-5343 0556 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 1778] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5344 0634 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2493] BRADFORD ST 19-5345 0727 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 4136] BRADFORD ST 19-5346 0748 COMPLAINT - GENERAL SPOKEN TO 3 Location/Address: COMMERCIAL ST 19-5347 0811 SERVICE CALL - POLICE Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 569] WINSLOW ST 19-5348 0833 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: BRADFORD ST EXT 19-5349 0834 LARCENY / FORGERY / FRAUD SPOKEN TO 2 Location/Address: [PRO 1651] DAGGETT LN 19-5353 0900 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3287] ROUTE 6 19-5350 0905 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Transported to Hospital 1 Location/Address: [PRO 1153] WILLOW DR 19-5351 0922 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Transported to Hospital 1 Location/Address: [PRO 3222] ALDEN ST 19-5354 0951 ANIMAL CALL Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 2645] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5355 1008 ANIMAL CALL SPOKEN TO 2 Location/Address: [PRO 542] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5356 1013 ANIMAL CALL Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 1522] BRADFORD ACRES RD 19-5357 1044 PARK, WALK & TALK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 285] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5358 1044 PARKING COMPLAINT SPOKEN TO 3 Location/Address: BREWSTER ST 19-5359 1054 VANDALISM Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3317] CEMETERY RD 19-5360 1105 ASSIST DEPARTMENT / MUTUAL AID Services Rendered 3 Location: [OT] EDGARTOWN 19-5361 1127 ASSIST CITIZEN Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 1173] WINTHROP ST 19-5362 1146 GENERAL INFO No Action Required 3 Location/Address: [PRO 542] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5365 1236 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Transported to Hospital 1 Location/Address: [PRO 658] MOZART AVE 19-5366 1237 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 571] ALDEN ST 19-5368 1314 FOLLOW UP No Action Required 2 Provincetown Police Department Page: 7 Dispatch Log From: 04/08/2019 Thru: 04/15/2019 0000 - 2359 Printed: 04/16/2019 Location/Address: [PRO 542] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5369 1335 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT No Action Required 3 Location/Address: BRADFORD ST EXT + W VINE ST 19-5371 1346 COMPLAINT - GENERAL SPOKEN TO 3 Location/Address: [PRO 175] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5372 1353 ANIMAL CALL Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 2645] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5373 1432 FOLLOW UP Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 3296] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5375 1521 PARK, WALK & TALK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 105] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5376 1644 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Transported to Hospital 1 Location/Address: [PRO 105] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5377 1653 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: ROUTE 6 + MAYFLOWER AVE 19-5379 1724 MV STOP VERBAL WARNING 3 Location/Address: ROUTE 6 Refer To Citation: 19-355-CN 19-5380 1725 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: BRADFORD ST 19-5381 1727 MEDICAL EMERGENCY PATIENT REFUSAL 1 Location/Address: [PRO 3296] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5382 1854 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: COMMERCIAL ST + SNAIL RD 19-5383 2000 MV STOP VERBAL WARNING 3 Location/Address: BRADFORD ST + WASHINGTON AVE Refer To Citation: 19-356-CN 19-5385 2012 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 958] JEROME SMITH RD 19-5386 2023 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 4136] BRADFORD ST 19-5387 2039 MV STOP Citation / Warning Issu 3 Location/Address: PRINCE ST Refer To Citation: 19-357-CN Refer To Citation: T1244307 19-5388 2152 ALARM - GENERAL Services Rendered 1 Location/Address: [PRO 346] COMMERCIAL ST For Date: 04/11/2019 - Thursday 19-5389 0033 PARK, WALK & TALK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 1778] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5390 0038 PARK, WALK & TALK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 539] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5391 0103 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2977] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5392 0105 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 75] CAPTAIN BERTIES WAY 19-5393 0114 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 526] RYDER ST EXT Provincetown Police Department Page: 8 Dispatch Log From: 04/08/2019 Thru: 04/15/2019 0000 - 2359 Printed: 04/16/2019 19-5394 0138 SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY SPOKEN TO 2 Location/Address: [PRO 106] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5395 0221 SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY VERBAL WARNING 2 Location/Address: [PRO 2490] PROVINCELANDS RD 19-5396 0231 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 530] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5397 0520 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2500] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5398 0526 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 526] RYDER ST EXT 19-5399 0527 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2489] BRADFORD ST 19-5400 0547 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: ROUTE 6 + SNAIL RD 19-5401 0804 SERVICE CALL - POLICE Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 569] WINSLOW ST 19-5402 0819 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Transported to Hospital 1 Location/Address: [PRO 440] HARRY KEMP WAY 19-5405 0926 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2380] CREEK HILL RD 19-5406 0944 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3287] ROUTE 6 19-5407 1004 SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY Could Not Locate 2 Location/Address: [PRO 1260] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5408 1022 ANIMAL CALL Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 1349] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5409 1044 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2898] JEROME SMITH RD 19-5410 1049 FOLLOW UP Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 542] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5411 1107 FOLLOW UP Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 3908] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5413 1133 ALARM - FIRE False Alarm 1 Location/Address: [PRO 2977] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5414 1154 SERVICE CALL - POLICE Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 569] WINSLOW ST 19-5416 1321 COMPLAINT - GENERAL Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 837] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5417 1335 ANIMAL CALL SPOKEN TO 2 Location/Address: COMMERCIAL ST 19-5418 1348 FOLLOW UP Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 3908] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5422 1524 HAZARDS Removed Hazard 2 Location/Address: ROUTE 6 19-5423 1530 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3440] ROUTE 6 19-5424 1620 PARK, WALK & TALK Services Rendered 3 Provincetown Police Department Page: 9 Dispatch Log From: 04/08/2019 Thru: 04/15/2019 0000 - 2359 Printed: 04/16/2019 Location/Address: [PRO 3870] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5425 1632 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 4081] COURT ST 19-5426 1658 MV COLLISION Services Rendered 1 Location/Address: [PRO 272] COMMERCIAL ST Refer To Accident: 19-18-AC 19-5427 1713 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3296] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5428 1757 ANIMAL CALL Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: ROUTE 6 + HOWLAND ST 19-5431 1825 MEDICAL EMERGENCY PATIENT REFUSAL 1 Location/Address: [PRO 1952] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5432 1937 ASSIST CITIZEN Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 1488] PEARL ST 19-5433 2002 ASSIST CITIZEN SPOKEN TO 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2169] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5434 2028 MV STOP VERBAL WARNING 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2633] HOWLAND ST Refer To Citation: 19-358-CN 19-5435 2039 MV STOP VERBAL WARNING 3 Location/Address: [PRO 521] ROUTE 6 Refer To Citation: 19-359-CN 19-5436 2043 COMPLAINT - GENERAL Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3331] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5437 2051 ASSIST CITIZEN Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2364] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5438 2055 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 526] RYDER ST EXT 19-5440 2110 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2521] ROUTE 6 19-5441 2200 MV STOP VERBAL WARNING 3 Location/Address: [PRO 539] SHANK PAINTER RD Refer To Citation: 19-360-CN 19-5442 2206 ASSIST CITIZEN Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2343] BREWSTER ST 19-5444 2224 MEDICAL EMERGENCY PATIENT REFUSAL 1 Location/Address: [PRO 507] PEARL ST 19-5445 2245 MEDICAL EMERGENCY PATIENT REFUSAL 1 Location/Address: [PRO 507] PEARL ST For Date: 04/12/2019 - Friday 19-5447 0148 MEDICAL EMERGENCY PATIENT REFUSAL 1 Location/Address: [PRO 542] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5448 0257 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 530] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5449 0612 MV DISABLED Services Rendered 2 1 Location/Address: ROUTE 6 + HOWLAND ST 19-5450 0802 AT SCHOOL Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 569] WINSLOW ST Provincetown Police Department Page: 10 Dispatch Log From: 04/08/2019 Thru: 04/15/2019 0000 - 2359 Printed: 04/16/2019 19-5451 0805 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3296] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5452 0818 SERVICE CALL - POLICE Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 542] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5453 0832 PARK, WALK & TALK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3741] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5454 0834 LOST IPHONE Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 542] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5455 0845 MV COMPLAINT Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: DYER ST + COMMERCIAL ST 19-5457 0858 HARASSMENT / THREATS Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 3296] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5458 0912 MV COMPLAINT Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 175] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5459 0941 MV COMPLAINT Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 182] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5460 0950 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3287] ROUTE 6 19-5461 1007 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 571] ALDEN ST 19-5462 1014 LOST VARIOUS ITEMS Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 542] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5463 1021 PARK, WALK & TALK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 537] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5464 1026 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: ROUTE 6 19-5466 1049 MV COMPLAINT Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 597] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5467 1133 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Transported to Hospital 1 Location/Address: [PRO 440] HARRY KEMP WAY 19-5468 1136 MV COMPLAINT Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: CEMETERY RD + ALDEN ST 19-5469 1154 LOST CHECKBOOK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 542] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5470 1208 HAZARDS Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 3260] BRADFORD ST EXT 19-5471 1235 MV COMPLAINT Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 2521] ROUTE 6 19-5472 1257 MV COLLISION Services Rendered 1 Location/Address: [PRO 440] HARRY KEMP WAY Refer To Accident: 19-19-AC 19-5474 1347 COMPLAINT - GENERAL Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2420] BRADFORD ST 19-5476 1500 SERVICE CALL - POLICE Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 569] WINSLOW ST 19-5475 1505 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3296] SHANK PAINTER RD Provincetown Police Department Page: 11 Dispatch Log From: 04/08/2019 Thru: 04/15/2019 0000 - 2359 Printed: 04/16/2019 19-5477 1537 MV STOP VERBAL WARNING 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2521] ROUTE 6 Refer To Citation: 19-361-CN 19-5478 1545 MV STOP VERBAL WARNING 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2521] ROUTE 6 Refer To Citation: 19-363-CN Refer To Citation: 19-362-CN 19-5479 1653 ASSIST CITIZEN Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 542] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5480 1727 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: ROUTE 6 19-5482 1753 LOST PROPERTY Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 542] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5483 1809 KEEP THE PEACE Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: COMMERCIAL ST 19-5484 1939 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Transported to Hospital 1 Location/Address: AUNT SUKEYS WAY 19-5485 1955 ALARM - FIRE Services Rendered 1 Location/Address: [PRO 3188] MEADOW RD 19-5486 2149 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2500] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5487 2150 ASSIST CITIZEN SPOKEN TO 3 Location: [PRO 3431] LOPES SQUARE 19-5488 2157 FOLLOW UP SPOKEN TO 2 Location/Address: [PRO 3188] MEADOW RD 19-5489 2221 BAR CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 399] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5490 2223 BAR CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3443] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5491 2322 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3296] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5492 2337 ASSIST CITIZEN Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3296] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5493 2355 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2500] COMMERCIAL ST For Date: 04/13/2019 - Saturday 19-5494 0006 BAR CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3443] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5495 0020 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2494] BRADFORD ST 19-5496 0025 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2500] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5497 0025 ASSIST CITIZEN Peace Restored 3 Location/Address: [PRO 399] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5498 0028 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Transported to Hospital 1 Location: [PRO 3431] LOPES SQUARE 19-5499 0129 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 4136] BRADFORD ST Provincetown Police Department Page: 12 Dispatch Log From: 04/08/2019 Thru: 04/15/2019 0000 - 2359 Printed: 04/16/2019 19-5500 0149 SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY SPOKEN TO 2 Location/Address: [PRO 2483] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5502 0216 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2977] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5501 0219 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3296] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5503 0255 NOISE COMPLAINT No Action Required 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2547] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5504 0336 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 537] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5505 0521 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3259] MACMILLAN WHARF 19-5506 0526 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 4136] BRADFORD ST 19-5507 0535 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3296] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5508 0535 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: ROUTE 6 + SNAIL RD 19-5509 0548 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: RYDER ST + BRADFORD ST 19-5510 0550 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Transported to Hospital 1 Location/Address: GOSNOLD ST 19-5512 0742 ANIMAL CALL VERBAL WARNING 2 Location/Address: [PRO 2518] ROUTE 6 19-5513 0838 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3440] ROUTE 6 19-5514 0918 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3296] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5515 0940 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3259] MACMILLAN WHARF 19-5516 1001 MV STOP VERBAL WARNING 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2928] BRADFORD ST Refer To Citation: 19-365-CN 19-5517 1031 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 4136] BRADFORD ST 19-5518 1117 PARK, WALK & TALK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 105] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5519 1155 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2512] JEROME SMITH RD 19-5520 1212 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2521] ROUTE 6 19-5521 1223 MV STOP VERBAL WARNING 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3004] BRADFORD ST Refer To Citation: 19-364-CN 19-5522 1247 ALARM - GENERAL Services Rendered 1 Location/Address: [PRO 704] BANGS ST 19-5523 1351 SERVICE CALL - POLICE Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 105] COMMERCIAL ST Provincetown Police Department Page: 13 Dispatch Log From: 04/08/2019 Thru: 04/15/2019 0000 - 2359 Printed: 04/16/2019 19-5524 1432 ALARM - FIRE Services Rendered 1 Location/Address: [PRO 204] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5525 1504 HARASSMENT / THREATS Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 3296] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5527 1549 PARK, WALK & TALK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 105] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5528 1613 LOST CAR KEY Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3259] MACMILLAN WHARF 19-5529 1618 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: SNAIL RD + COMMERCIAL ST 19-5531 1653 911 - GENERAL Services Rendered 1 Location/Address: [PRO 63] BRADFORD ST EXT 19-5532 1708 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Transported to Hospital 1 Location/Address: [PRO 440] HARRY KEMP WAY 19-5533 1711 MV STOP VERBAL WARNING 3 Location/Address: SNAIL RD + COMMERCIAL ST Refer To Citation: 19-366-CN 19-5535 1854 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 519] RACE POINT RD 19-5536 1854 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3296] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5537 1955 DISTURBANCE - FIGHT / ARGUMENT Peace Restored 1 Location/Address: [PRO 1953] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5538 2124 MV STOP VERBAL WARNING 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3296] SHANK PAINTER RD Refer To Citation: 19-367-CN 19-5539 2131 ASSIST CITIZEN SPOKEN TO 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2251] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5540 2131 911 - GENERAL No Action Required 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3222] ALDEN ST 19-5541 2212 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3296] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5542 2254 NOISE COMPLAINT SPOKEN TO 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3443] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5543 2332 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3296] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5544 2339 PARK, WALK & TALK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3908] COMMERCIAL ST For Date: 04/14/2019 - Sunday 19-5545 0039 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2577] BRADFORD ST 19-5546 0044 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5547 0051 MV STOP VERBAL WARNING 3 Location/Address: CONWELL ST + BRADFORD ST Refer To Citation: 19-368-CN 19-5548 0138 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Provincetown Police Department Page: 14 Dispatch Log From: 04/08/2019 Thru: 04/15/2019 0000 - 2359 Printed: 04/16/2019 Location/Address: [PRO 3296] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5549 0333 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2540] RACE POINT RD 19-5550 0519 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 521] ROUTE 6 19-5551 0602 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2500] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5552 0609 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2512] JEROME SMITH RD 19-5553 0612 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2898] JEROME SMITH RD 19-5554 0614 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: BRADFORD ST + RYDER ST 19-5556 0834 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2483] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5557 0849 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3440] ROUTE 6 19-5561 0934 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3296] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5558 0937 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3259] MACMILLAN WHARF 19-5560 1125 HAZARDS Removed Hazard 2 Location/Address: [PRO 4136] BRADFORD ST 19-5562 1218 PARKING COMPLAINT SPOKEN TO 3 Location/Address: [PRO 1992] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5563 1236 ASSIST CITIZEN Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 182] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5564 1244 ALARM - GENERAL False Alarm 1 Location/Address: SEASHORE PARK DR 19-5565 1333 HARASSMENT / THREATS SPOKEN TO 2 Location/Address: [PRO 210] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5566 1350 911 - GENERAL Could Not Locate 1 Location/Address: [PRO 2500] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5567 1358 MV DISABLED Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 2520] PRINCE ST 19-5568 1400 COMPLAINT - GENERAL Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 1490] PLEASANT ST 19-5569 1512 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3296] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5570 1555 HAZARDS Could Not Locate 2 Location/Address: [PRO 58] BRADFORD ST 19-5571 1649 LOST IPHONE Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 542] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5572 1710 MV STOP VERBAL WARNING 3 Location/Address: [PRO 105] COMMERCIAL ST Refer To Citation: 19-369-CN 19-5573 1906 ALARM - GENERAL Services Rendered 1 Location/Address: HENSCHE LN Provincetown Police Department Page: 15 Dispatch Log From: 04/08/2019 Thru: 04/15/2019 0000 - 2359 Printed: 04/16/2019 19-5574 1906 ANIMAL CALL Could Not Locate 2 Location/Address: [PRO 356] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5575 1953 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 440] HARRY KEMP WAY 19-5576 1958 MV STOP VERBAL WARNING 3 Location/Address: [PRO 1930] BRADFORD ST Refer To Citation: 19-370-CN 19-5578 2041 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 182] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5579 2043 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3440] ROUTE 6 19-5580 2139 MEDICAL EMERGENCY Transported to Hospital 1 Location/Address: [PRO 437] FREEMAN ST For Date: 04/15/2019 - Monday 19-5581 0041 PARK, WALK & TALK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 539] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5582 0049 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3259] MACMILLAN WHARF 19-5583 0052 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: HOWLAND ST + COMMERCIAL ST 19-5584 0107 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2540] RACE POINT RD 19-5585 0112 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2499] RACE POINT RD 19-5586 0118 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2494] BRADFORD ST 19-5587 0119 MV STOP VERBAL WARNING 3 Location/Address: COMMERCIAL ST + BRADFORD ST 19-5588 0146 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 4136] BRADFORD ST 19-5589 0158 ASSIST CITIZEN Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 526] RYDER ST EXT 19-5590 0217 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2898] JEROME SMITH RD 19-5591 0234 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2898] JEROME SMITH RD 19-5592 0302 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2490] PROVINCELANDS RD 19-5593 0343 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: ROUTE 6 19-5594 0354 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2489] BRADFORD ST 19-5597 0828 HAZARDS Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 955] HOWLAND ST 19-5599 0923 ALARM - GENERAL Referred to Other Agenc 1 Location/Address: [PRO 3007] HARRY KEMP WAY Provincetown Police Department Page: 16 Dispatch Log From: 04/08/2019 Thru: 04/15/2019 0000 - 2359 Printed: 04/16/2019 19-5598 0924 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2483] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5600 0927 MV STOP VERBAL WARNING 3 Location/Address: [PRO 539] SHANK PAINTER RD Refer To Citation: 19-371-CN 19-5601 1004 MV STOP VERBAL WARNING 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2513] ROUTE 6 Refer To Citation: 19-372-CN 19-5602 1005 911 - GENERAL Services Rendered 1 Location/Address: [PRO 63] BRADFORD ST EXT 19-5603 1022 911 - GENERAL Services Rendered 1 Location/Address: [PRO 63] BRADFORD ST EXT 19-5604 1033 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2494] BRADFORD ST 19-5606 1044 MV STOP VERBAL WARNING 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2395] BRADFORD ST Refer To Citation: 19-373-CN 19-5607 1143 PARK, WALK & TALK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 105] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5610 1300 MV DISABLED Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: [PRO 2513] ROUTE 6 19-5611 1303 MV STOP VERBAL WARNING 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2513] ROUTE 6 19-5612 1326 SERVICE CALL - POLICE SPOKEN TO 3 Location/Address: [PRO 540] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5613 1341 GENERAL INFO Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 542] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5614 1416 COMPLAINT - GENERAL SPOKEN TO 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3128] CONWELL ST 19-5615 1436 HAZARDS Services Rendered 2 Location/Address: ROUTE 6 + SNAIL RD 19-5619 1600 PARK, WALK & TALK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 105] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5617 1723 MV OBSERVANCE / ASSIGNMENT Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3440] ROUTE 6 19-5620 1745 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3296] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5618 1747 MV COMPLAINT Could Not Locate 2 Location/Address: [PRO 2540] RACE POINT RD 19-5621 1815 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3259] MACMILLAN WHARF 19-5622 1828 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2977] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5623 1853 ASSIST DEPARTMENT / MUTUAL AID Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 2521] ROUTE 6 19-5624 2042 SERVICE CALL - POLICE Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 542] SHANK PAINTER RD 19-5625 2148 BUILDING/PROPERTY CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 530] SHANK PAINTER RD Provincetown Police Department Page: 17 Dispatch Log From: 04/08/2019 Thru: 04/15/2019 0000 - 2359 Printed: 04/16/2019 19-5626 2348 PARK, WALK & TALK Services Rendered 3 Location/Address: [PRO 105] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5627 2351 BAR CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 3443] COMMERCIAL ST 19-5628 2352 BAR CHECK BLDG/PROP Checked/Secur 3 Location/Address: [PRO 399] COMMERCIAL ST
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Fixed Issues: - Fixes(dx8450 driver Fixes) display corruption issues found on some 5770 video cards. - Sea of Thieves may(dx8450 driver may) experience a crash or hang while playing in the Cannon Cove area. - ¤ Fixed PPPoE connection not able to manually disconnect issue. - Fixed AOpen CRW5232/AAO Pro detect failed when inserted the disk. - Amend an Hungarian translation - Release notes: -(dx8450 driver -) Fixed IPv6 issue. - Fixed a bug where the displayed settings information did not match to the settings actually configured on the UPS sync settings page. - Fixed booting to a CD using HDD emulation. - Fixed ELAN touch pad and change touchpad mode.(dx8450 driver mode.) - Fixed(dx8450 driver Fixed) LAN interface name displays wrong on virtual server page. Users content: ​Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition is AMD's advanced graphics software for enabling high-performance gaming and engaging VR experiences. Further details on this resolved issue can be found in topic number. When sound effect is on, it can’t be played. Both motherboards can be installed with Pentium 4 processors with front side bus running at 1066/800/533 MHz. Support Omni SSLVPN client 14. NET Framework 4.5 is included in all Catalyst packages. Support new CPUs, 2. You do not need an internet connection to continue using iCUE, it is only required on startup to validate the Windows digital signature. Advanced copy technology ensures exceptional colour performance. It may damage the product, and will be void any warranty. CHROME9 DRIVER HC S3 IGP DOWNLOAD VIA Supported OS: Windows 7 32-bit Microsoft Windows 8.1 (64-bit) Microsoft Windows 8 (64-bit) Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro (64-bit) Microsoft Windows 8 Enterprise (64-bit) Windows Vista 32-bit Notebook 8.1/8/7 32-bit Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise (64-bit) Windows 8.1/8/7/Vista 64-bit Windows Server 2003 64-bit Windows 2000 Windows Server 2016 Microsoft Windows 10 (32-bit) Microsoft Windows 8 Pro (64-bit) Windows XP 32-bit Windows Server 2012 Windows 10 Windows Server 2012 R2 Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro (32-bit) Windows 7 64-bit Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) Windows 8 Windows Server 2003 32-bit Notebook 8.1/8/7 64-bit Windows 7 Windows 8.1/8/7/Vista 32-bit Windows 8.1 Microsoft Windows 8 Enterprise (32-bit) Microsoft Windows 8 Pro (32-bit) Windows Vista 64-bit Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise (32-bit) Windows Server 2008 Windows XP 64-bit Microsoft Windows 8 (32-bit) Windows Server 2008 R2 Microsoft Windows 8.1 (32-bit) Searches: dx8450 R RN946-9; dx8450 driver for Microsoft Windows 8 Enterprise (32-bit); dx8450 driver for Microsoft Windows 10 (32-bit); dx8450 Rrl946-rls; dx8450 driver for Windows XP 32-bit; dx8450 driver for Windows Server 2003 32-bit; driver dx8450; dx8450 driver for Windows 10; dx8450 R94r; dx8450 RNCXY9461; dx8450 RN9461 Compatible Devices: USB Hubs; Samsung; Hard Drive; Hardware; Laptop; Videocard To ensure the integrity of your download, please verify the checksum value. MD5: e405ec462e2ee8ee60b27df166255eea SHA1: a717cf76e19b10f5e35e18dc04b51a1f386bc34f SHA-256: 2d4a071503437d2fc30a062b125a9c8e1f4f83182d52e4f060236e481b2ab667
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souqbladek1 · 5 years
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