me again! This time I’m requesting sfw gus fring x gender neutral reader? I’m imagining the reader works with walt and jesse and meets gus through them and he takes a liking to them. Again, can be headcanons or a story. Thanks!! ❤️
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"Really? He wants us to meet the guy here?"
You were in the passenger seat as Mr. White pulled into the parking lot of Los Pollos Hermanos, and you couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. This did not seem like the kind of place to discuss such an important business deal. This was the kind of place you'd go to at 3AM when you're hungover and playing chicken with the toilet.
"Look, I didn't pick the location, alright?" Mr. White replied as he unbuckled his seatbelt, "For once, I'm as clueless as you are."
You rolled your eyes, he always had to find a way to insult you, didn't he?
The two of you walked in, ordered your food, and sat down at a booth. Jesse came in a couple minutes late, and he looked pretty rough. He was shaking, probably spun out. You scooted over in your seat to let him in, and gave him a "You good?" look. Walt just groaned. "You're late," He said bluntly.
Jesse scanned the room anxiously, "We're in the big time now. So where's the kingpin?"
Walt answered, "Your guess is as good as mine."
"Wait, what?" You asked, "do you even know who he is?"
"Were neither of you two listening when Saul went over this?" Walt put his face in his palms and took a deep breath, as if he was praying for the strength to not strangle the both of you. "No, I don't know who he is. So why don't you just shut up and-"
"What about that guy?" You pointed at a clean-cut man with glasses talking to another customer. He was in a button down shirt and tie, suspiciously out of place in an establishment like this.
Mr. White slapped your hand down. "Don't point, you dope! We don't want to draw attention to ourselves."
Jesse chimed in as he looked over his shoulder. "They could be right, though. He doesn't look like he belongs here. 'S kinda a Where's Waldo thing, y'know? Should we ask?"
"No. No, we should not ask." Walt growled, pulling both of your gazes back on him. "I just said we don't want to make a scene. Am I the only one around here who gives a-"
An unfamiliar voice cut him off, "Good afternoon! Is everything to your satisfaction?"
The three of you jumped in your seats, and turned to look at the new party in your conversation. It was that guy you had just pointed out. How the hell did he get over here without any of you noticing? Unless he had teleportation powers, you must've been making a bigger scene than you all thought.
Mr. White opened his mouth, but you were first to speak. "Good, thanks! Hey, uh, we're supposed to meet someone here right about now. Did anyone ask about us?"
The mysterious stranger looked at you curiously, and checked over his shoulder before answering, "No, but..." He leaned in closer to you, his smile suddenly warmer and his voice much softer, "I'm sure whoever you're meeting will be happy to see you."
You started to blush, forgetting where you were, who you were with, and what the context of the situation was. Any confidence you held a moment ago was as fried as the restaurant's famous spice curls. "Th...Thanks..." you stuttered.
The stranger nodded to you and said, "You are most welcome," before he reverted to his original stance and volume to address your partners as well. "Please let me know if you have any questions," were his parting words.
You couldn't take your eyes off him as he walked away. "That's the guy..."
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noellawrites · 2 years
Missing Persons - Yandere!Gustavo Fring x fem!reader
requested by: @ourjovialpoetrystudent & @paigerzz
summary: after being kidnapped by Gus, you see some disturbing news on television.
warnings: kidnapping, pregnancy/baby trapping, manipulation
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You woke up with no recollection of what happened to you. Your head throbbed with a pain worse than a headache, worse than dehydration. You were currently on a cushy bed, hands and feet zip-tied, and a bandana shoved in your mouth.
“Ah, you are finally awake. Welcome home.”
“Gus? Where the hell am I and where the hell are Walt and Jesse?” you seethed after he pulled the bandana from your mouth.
“They’re fine. Making more product. You being here ensures their safety. It’s a win-win for everyone involved,” Gus reassured in his ever-stoic tone.
“And how am I winning, exactly?” you inquired, attempting to wiggle your arms out of the zip tie.
“You are living here, with me. In time, I will release you from your bounds. Trust me, things are better this way.”
You sighed, thinking about how you much you missed both your real family and your makeshift family. You, Walter and Jesse were an odd group, but you enjoyed every minute of working with them. You also really, really enjoyed the money. As a formerly broke college student, your old chemistry teacher calling you up for help manufacturing meth with your old burnout high school friend was a blessing in disguise.
You knew the risks of the business, and even though you were raking in stacks, you still attended college and worked your old low-paying job to avoid suspicion. It also meant that you were worked to the bone pretty much every day.
“Will I ever see anyone I love again?” you finally asked, after thinking about how the hell you’d ended up here.
“You will learn to love me,” Gus stated simply, avoiding your gaze and exiting the room.
It had been seven months since you’d been kidnapped and six since Gus had freed you from the zip ties, rope knots and metal cuffs completely.
Soft jazz music drifted from the kitchen to where you sat on the living room couch as Gus cooked dinner. You softly smiled, looking down at your slight baby bump. The nurse who visited weekly (and got paid heftily to look the other way) said you were about ten weeks in.
You grasped around for the television remote, tired of reading as much as you did. Gus still didn’t allow you to use a phone or computer, but you had been given TV privileges after Gus found out you were pregnant.
Some dumb game show was on when the TV came on, so you switched around channels until you hit channel 13. KRQE, the Albuquerque local news.
“Recent developments in the disappearance of UNM student (y/n) (y/l/n) points to foul play. Albuquerque police chief Ray Schultz stated that ‘evidence found at the scene has failed to provide us with any substantial leads, but we will not give up the search for Miss (y/l/n).’ You all remember the story: in February of this year, (y/n) (y/l/n) was reported missing from her dormitory. So far, no suspects have been named and few clues remain. We take you now to a special announcement from Los Pollos Hermanos Owner and Co-Founder, Gustavo Fring—“
Your blood ran cold. The news station had talked to Gus about your disappearance? And they still hadn’t found you? The only legitimate connection between the two of you is when you were awarded the scholarship Gus had founded at your school in his former associate’s name. You listened on.
“—last year, I awarded the Max Arciniega Memorial Scholarship to Miss (y/l/n). She was no doubt one of this city’s brightest young minds, and I am disappointed to hear there have not been any new leads. This is why I am gifting a donation of fifty thousand dollars to the Albuquerque Missing Persons Fund in hopes that more developments can be made in both (y/n)’s case and the cases of hundreds more like her.’”
You quickly snapped the television off, focusing on the sound of your breathing.
“Do you want green beans or carrots with the soup?” Gus asked from the kitchen.
You responded in an almost tearful voice. It was the combination of the news and your hormones, definitely.
“(y/n), is everything okay?” Gus asked, rounding the corner and sitting next to you on the couch.
“NO! Everything is not okay! You donated money to the people trying to find me! Who does that? I miss my family, my real family, and Walt and Jesse,” you cried, causing Gus to wrap his arms around you. You angrily shook him off.
“So me and this baby—“ he began, laying his hand gently on your stomach, “—are not your real family?”
“I-I guess so, but—“
“You guess so? Or do you mean it? Because you know what I am capable of doing to your former co-workers. Your family. Anyone you love,” he stated in his even-toned voice.
Suddenly, you realized you had never been as safe as you thought you were. Gus had lulled you into a false sense of security, even copulated with you to produce your child. You missed everything you had from your old life, and Gus had only tricked you into believing a child could fill that void.
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girlbloggerbae13 · 2 years
Princesa Salamanca: Chapter 2
Chapter synopsis: Sarah misses Lalo, and Nacho isn't giving her any leeway in the relationship she's supposed to form with him in order to report back to her husband. But, lo and behold, he ends up getting shot (us viewers know why...good try pulling a fast one on Hector, Ignacio), and Sarah, along with the Salamanca twins and our local criminal veterinarian, is left to clean up the mess.
A/N: Part 2, though it's definitely not edited! I know this isn't exactly what happened between the veterinarian saving Nacho, but I wanted to show more Sarah. Any comments, reblogs, etc are much appreciated, and a special thank you to @wh0re4murdock @paigerzz and @slainmanca for liking the first part! :) I hope you enjoy part 2! Part 1 is also linked below.
Chapter 2:
“I’m telling you Lalo, he hates me,” Sarah said into the phone as she rolled her eyes. Nacho was stubborn, as promised, and he was not especially fond of her waltzing into El Michoacano like she owned the place, which technically, she kind of did.
How and why was this gringa so happy to be working with the cartel? How was she involved, and what did she contribute? And why does everyone treat her with so much respect? What has she done?
Nacho was sitting at his usual table, counting money, and he eyed the girl as she talked on the phone, twirling her hair.
“I’ve tried so much. I’ve tried asking about business, about family, about his two girlfriends at home. Nothing,” Sarah sighed in exasperation. Nacho was now giving her the death glare.
“I’m sure you’ll figure out something, sweetheart, and I’ll be there this week,” Lalo promised her. “Okay? Adios princesa.”
She closed the phone and crossed her arms. Sarah stared back at Nacho.
“What’s your deal?” She asked him. “I haven’t done anything to you.”
“What’s your deal?” Nacho asked back. “Why are you here?”
“I told you, Ignacio, I’m helping out the family business.”
“You don’t look like family. Maybe one of the side girls. A little white girl, needing help, or drugs, so she stows away with the men that run it all. And services them in return for their-”
“Marate,” Leo warned from the side of the room.
Damn right he better watch himself. She was helping him out, taking time away from her life, to come here and do what he couldn’t do himself. She was helping her Lalo. Anything for Lalo. He would be here soon, and she would be back to feeling secure. Everything was better when Lalo was with her. She would do anything for him to be with her. She would do anything for him. Anything. She was his and his alone. It was nice to think about every once in a while.
A few days later, Sarah was sitting in the back of El Michoacana, filling out her crossword book to pass the time while the twins were checking out one of the local guys that had apparently got hit. Nacho was with them. That would be one less stressor off her back if he was whipped into shape, or even taken care of completely. However, Lalo would be upset. She wiped the thought of finding Nacho dead at the accident scene out of her mind.
The phone rang. Sarah jolted up, expecting it to be Lalo. It was Marco.
“Hola primo,” Sarah said, looking back at her crossword puzzle. He spoke rushed. Nacho was shot, twice, and bleeding, but not dead yet.
“Es un veterinario en Albuquerque. Un Caldera. Encontrarlo. Encuéntranos en el garaje del padre de Varga.”
“Got it. Be there soon.” Sarah hung up the phone.
Outside was her 1970 Monte Carlo, a red one of course, a color Lalo said was his favorite on her, so it was natural that the car he would have waiting for her in ABQ was the same. Red slippers, red car, red lingerie, red blushing cheeks. It was supposed to be a lustful color, but it made her look innocent according to Lalo.
Sarah popped the trunk and switched out a pair of nude heels for black leather loafers, as well as grabbing a black leather jacket to cover up her sundress. Professional. The last thing she grabbed from the trunk was her gun, a Heckler & Koch P7 to match with her Lalo’s, and she was on her way to the veterinarian office. It took just two calls to find the right one. Doctor Caldera.
Upon her arrival, Sarah pulled down the sun visor. She pinched her cheeks and pulled out the eyedrops from her purse. Fake tears oughta get the doctor out to her car.
She ran into the office, feigning tears, of course turning the receptionist’s head away from her computer. “Please, please my cat was just hit by a car! Please, please, come out and help him!”
The woman at the front desk stood up. “I’ll grab a carrier and bring him inside right away. The doctor is in the middle-”
Sarah sobbed, protesting, “No, no, no I need the doctor please! Right away!” She rushed to the front desk, white knuckling the counter. “And my Jorge is such a skittish one, please, please just the doctor. I can’t make him any more scared than he already is. It could be his last moments! Please help my baby!”
The examination room swung open. “What is all the ruckus?” It was the doctor. “We have a waiting room-”
“No!” Sarah screamed behind tears. “Please, please doctor, you have to help me.”
The man with the glasses rolled his eyes and sighed. “Alright, Mary-Beth, I’ll be right back.”
The receptionist nodded solemnly, and the doctor, annoyed, followed Sarah out the door. Immediately after exiting the office, she wiped her fake tears away and sniffled her face back into place. “So what is it you were crying about?” The doctor asked. “Some Jorge, and a car?”
“Just get in the car.”
“Well, we can bring the animal inside,” the doctor suggested. Sarah rolled her eyes and got into the driver’s seat. “Hey, what are you doing?” He asked.
Sarah opened the passenger door and smiled sweetly. “Get. In. My. Car.”
“Is there even an animal?” Sarah tilted her head, dropping the smile, and pulled up the hem of her dress to reveal the gun in its holster. The doctor’s expression changed when he saw that, and she went back to smiling. “Woah, woah, I don’t want any trouble, ma’am.”
“Doctor Caldera. Please get in the car.”
He swallowed and sat down in the passenger seat, rubbing his now sweaty palms on his slacks.
“One of my guys, well one of my guy’s guys got shot, and we need you. He can’t go to the hospital. They’re not exactly cartel friendly, you know,” Sarah chuckled. “Anyways, they said you’re the guy to call. The Salamanca’s…you know them?”
Doctor Caldera’s jaw dropped. “No, no. I’m not helping some street gang.” Sarah revealed the gun again. “Okay, okay, okay! Just let me tell my receptionist.”
The doctor muttered to himself as he walked back into the office, shaking his head. After a minute or so, he walked back out holding a medical bag, looking just as peeved. Sarah honked. “Let’s go! We don’t have all day!”
The twins were at the garage when Sarah and the doctor pulled up. Sarah came to a quick stop, almost throwing the doctor’s medical bag out the windshield. She got out and strutted inside, where they were trying to carry Ignacio. “Let’s go, Caldera!”
This would have been much easier if they had just used the vet van to transport the dying Varga, but no, the vet didn’t want any “evidence” left behind in his place of work. Right. And leaving in a flashy red car in the middle of the day isn’t evidence in and of itself.
Sarah grabbed the bag from the doctor so he could help carry Nacho. Inside, she cleared a table full of wrenches and placed down a medical sheet that Caldera had brought along with them, along with another one folded up to be Nacho’s pillow for the make-shift procedure.
“Right here,” she said, and the men placed him down. Nacho winced and groaned in pain.
Marco helped the doctor pull off Varga’s shirt to reveal a bloody scene. Sarah grimaced as she noticed the two bullet holes, one in his shoulder and the other in his side. It appeared that there was at least an exit wound for the latter.
The doctor snapped on his blue medical gloves and clapped his hands. “You, English, come.” He motioned towards her for help.
The pair rolled Nacho onto his side so the doctor could clean out the first wound. As he faded in and out of consciousness, Nacho reminded Sarah of her son doing the same thing, moments before his final flatline. She inhaled deeply, and grabbed Ignacio’s hand out of instinct. “You’re gonna be okay,” she said calmly. Sarah didn’t know if that was the truth or not, but it’s what she used to tell Sam, and it comforted him, right? “Ignacio, look at me.”
It was almost like Nacho’s eyes rolled back into his head out of spite. Everything went black.
When he woke up, Marco was sitting next to the makeshift operating table. Nacho winced and struggled to breathe. Sarah snapped out of her brief slumber with a start, practically bouncing her head off of Leo’s shoulder. Something she still hadn’t gotten past from her time at Tuco’s was waking up like that, in a panic of where she was and who she was next to.
“Well, well, there he is,” Caldera said, moving to Nacho’s bedside.
Sarah moved towards his head and placed one of her hands on Ignacio’s unwounded shoulder, trying to comfort him. He looked at her standing above him, and since he had no energy left, Nacho begrudgingly let Lalo’s girl rub his shoulder in an effort to “soothe him”. Her mere presence pissed him off. Stupid little girl.
The doctor explained that he had to leave one of the bullets in, but the other one is fine. No nicked bowel, or at least that’s what it looks like for now, but he reminded Nacho to keep an eye on it. Then he leaned down to Nacho’s ear and whispered, “After I walk out of here, I never wanna see you again. Ever. This cartel shit is too hot for me. Got it?”
Doctor Caldera looked up at Sarah, pointing at her face. “You too. Got it?”
She narrowed her eyes, but said nothing. The doctor walked out without another word.
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trash-gobby · 2 years
Just a lil' update on current projects
Hey all!!
I just wanted to make an update letting you know where I stand for my writing projects and give you a coherent list of what I'm working on so you know what will be coming out over the course of the year. I have been getting a pretty high volume of mini-fic requests in proportion to headcanons and those take a pretty long time and a lot of energy for me to write, so turning them out is gonna take a while haha.
I want to thank everyone for their patience and put out the titles I'm currently working on that people have sent in and have on my list to get done before I reopen my requests. If your request isn't in this list it's either because it wasn't my thing, was sent in during a period where my asks were closed, violated my "what I don't write" section, or for some reason didn't send (I've been having a few issues with some peoples asks getting through).
List of Upcoming Ask Content In No Particular Order:
Brahms Scares Reader Attacked By A Stranger (Brahms Heelshire X GN!Reader) - 🧃Anon
Freddy Krueger X Punk Goth TransMasc!Reader - Anon
Black N' Blue Valentine (Harry Warden X GN!Reader) - @nastypuppi
Darkness Is A Stitch Away (Philip K. Decker X Plus Size POC!Reader) - @different4black
Wicked Game (Darkness X Fem!Reader) - @chiara-dm00
Night Moves (Stephen Arden X Fem!Reader) - Anon
Sometimes The Truth Hurts More (Diego Hargreeves X Fem!Reader) - @stupidmenina
Working Title (John Murdoch X Daniel Schreber) - @porthos4ever
A Covert Affair (Xenia Onatopp X James Bond) - @aparliamentofmagpies
Stephen Arden X Fem!Reader - @paranormal-is-my-life
Dating Headcanons Daniel Schreber - Anon
To Melt A Heart Of Iron (Renard X Fem!Reader) - @beyworld101
Joe Willis - NSFW HC's - Anon
A Great Surprise (Pavi Largo X Masc!Reader) - Anon
Just An Average Day In New York (Marcus X Fem!Reader) - @paigerzz
Ali Abdul X Fem!Reader - Anon
A Girl Out Of This World (Palmer X FemAlien!Reader) - Anon :D
Yandere Amon X Non-Bender Fem!Reader - Anon
A New Year's To Remember (Jess Bradford X Masc!Reader) - @lepid0pterans
Dancing With The Night (Jareth The Goblin King X Masc!Reader) - Anon
Abe Sapien X GN!Reader - Anon
Unalaq X GN!Reader - Anon
Hopefully this puts everyone at ease. I will be out of my current living space for a couple days due to work, so I'll continue working on these once I've gotten back the 9th. I'm sorry for any delays and I hope you guys are all doing well! :D
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noellawrites · 2 years
Mailroom Moves - Howard Hamlin x gn!reader
summary: as a low-level employee in the mailroom at HHM, you never expected a job offer, let alone your boss' love confession.
requested by @paigerzz & anon
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In all honesty, you didn't hate your job. Sure, you only really made minimum wage for your hard work, but at least the job wasn't lonely.
You'd always held onto the hope of becoming a lawyer, and with Kim Wexler becoming a partner, your hopes were high. She had once been a mailroom attendant just like yourself.
You had two co-workers, Priya and Christopher. They were quite perceptive, and always allowed you to deliver mail to Howard, the powerful lawyer whom you were incredibly attracted to.
Once you and your co-workers had sorted the mail and loaded the boxes onto your carts, you entered the elevator. Taking a deep breath, you fiddled with the handlebar. Another day, another delivery.
You'd had this job for six months, and each day seemed to get less and less easy. Also each day, your feelings for Mr. Hamlin seemed to grow.
The elevator opened and you braced yourself, entering the main floor. You rolled your cart down the hallway, handing pieces of mail to most of the interns and associates.
At the end of the hall was the big office, Howard Hamlin’s. And with Chuck McGill’s absence, he was the firm’s only partner who was currently there.
You looked down, the only mail left and the largest stack being reserved for Mr. Hamlin. You silently prepared yourself to see him, then knocked on the door.
“Hello? Oh, (y/n), come on in!” Mr. Hamlin smiled, straightening his tie once he realized it was you.
“Hi Mr. Hamlin, I brought you your mail!” you chirped, handing the stack over to him.
Howard moved to close the door behind you, causing you to turn around in confusion.
“I’d like it if we could talk, do you have a minute to spare?” He asked, acting odd but still very formal as he walked back to his desk.
"You're my last stop," you shrugged nonchalantly.
Howard sat down at his desk and straightened his tie. He cleared his throat, looking up at you with his baby blues.
"You've done some great work for us this quarter. Your efficiency and speed is among the best in the mailroom, plus you've established rapport with almost everyone in the office," Howard explained, a small smile on his face.
"Thank you, Mr. Hamlin," you grinned, a blush creeping up your cheeks.
"You are pursing a law degree, correct?" he asked, leaning forward.
"Yes, sir. At UNM," you confirmed.
"I would like to offer you an apprenticeship position. After you graduate and pass the bar exam, our office will have the option to take you on as a beginning counsel," he explained.
"A-are you serious? Thank you so much, Mr. Hamlin!" you exclaimed.
"Please, call me Howard. And though it might be a conflict of interest, I have taken a certain shining to you. I find you very attractive," he confessed, standing up and buttoning his blazer.
"I really like you too, Mr. Hamlin. And at the risk of my job, I'd really like to kiss you right now," you stated, laughing a bit. You couldn't believe he felt the same way.
"Rest assured, my attraction to you is not the reason for the job offer," Howard explained, stepping closer to you. You stood, frozen.
"May I kiss you?" he asked, and in return you leaned in. Your lips met and Howard pulled you closer to him. Your lips were on fire with passion.
"I think we'll be spending a lot more time together," you grinned after pulling away from your boss.
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