emmettland · 1 month
Hiii!!! I have some questions about the gold and green universe becuase I’ve spent way too much time thinking about this. How does the society function with half of its people stuck at home as sex slaves/caretakers and half of them fighting? Who cooks the food, fixes the cars, cleans the road? Do they even HAVE cars?
….and also are there movies from a greens perspective of things? Or is it just made for golds by golds? What are punishments like in schools for golds vs greens that misbehave? Are there any things that are glorified for greens to do? (Like how suicide was glorified in Romeo and Juliet?) things like suffering in silence or protecting their golds?
great questions! i'll try to answer as best i can.
the Gold and Green AU is a version of Earth very far in the future, however, it is also a version of post-apocalyptic Earth, so despite having the advanced technology you would expect of a futuristic society, they are closer to ancient societies in many ways.
many ancient societies had two main roles: providers and caregivers. the G/G society is the same way. you have your Greens, who attend to the needs of Golds (not just sexual needs), you have True Greens, who bring life into the world and care for said life, you have Golds, the fighters who provide for their families, and Goldens, the leadership.
the issue with G/G society isn't the system of roles -- it's that these roles function in an abusive power hierarchy and are forced upon people since birth.
who cooks the food? nobody does. 'cooking' is not a thing on Gelion (the new name of this Earth) because all food is artificially made and ready to eat. Greens are tasked with purchasing the food with their Gold's currency, but that's about it. if you're especially fancy, you can buy different flavorings or choose how to customize your food. it's not even called food in Gelion; it's referred to as consumables.
so you may be wondering, who makes the food? anything created on Gelion is thanks to the work of techins. you can compare them to our engineers. Techins play a major role in Gelion society and, therefore, only Golds are allowed to become techins.
since most Golds grow up to be ring fighters, those who can't be fighters become techins. Golds who are unable to fight due to disability, or Golds who just suck at fighting. though it may appear otherwise, Golds are not natural born fighters; they are simply born being stronger and faster than Greens.
unlike our society, where you can choose your job based on your passions, Gelion society chooses your job for you, and if you don't fit one job, you're placed into another. Golds who become techins are ostracized in many ways, but still allowed to stay in the upper ranks of society because of what they do.
Gelions don't have cars, exactly, but they do have methods of transportation. instead of cars, they use pods, and these pods travel on roads suspended high in the air, so that the ground is free for people to travel by foot. pods are a public form of transportation; only Goldens are allowed to have their own pods, and their own roads to travel privately on.
who fixes the pods and maintains the roads? techins do.
movies don't exist! you get your entertainment the good ol' fashioned way: public performers (Greens) and gladiator-style battles (Golds). actors are basically pan handlers, putting on a show for whatever currency they can get.
when in their Basics (basically school), Greenies and Golds are both subjected to strict punishments. for Greenies, these punishments tend to focus on public humiliation and repetitive tasks that lead to exhaustion. for Golds, they have much more physical punishments that are part of getting them used to pain, but public humiliation is also a common one. and even worse for a proud Gold.
it should also be noted that punishments for Greenies can be sexual, if they have reached the 'budding age'. which is basically puberty.
the ideal image of a Green, and glorified one, is that of a Green who is totally obedient, loyal, submissive, and always attentive to their Gold or Golden's needs. they don't slip up, and when they do, they are instantly apologetic and willing to do anything to make amends.
'suffering in silence' is a given for any Green; you don't complain to your Gold or Golden ever. that's a privilege reserved for True Greens. but you're allowed to complain to other Greens if there are no Golds around to hear it.
protection is not a Green's responsibility, it's the Gold/Golden's role. Greens are trained to submit and serve, not know anything about combat or even how to wield a weapon. a Gold who expects their Green to defend them would be disgraceful.
so if a Gold was weak enough to be attacked and killed, it would be shameful for their Green to risk their life trying to protect them. the Green is expected to do nothing, unless another Gold/Golden steps in and gives them a command. True Greens are no exception; their job is to keep themselves alive to take care of the children, not risk their life for their Gold/Golden.
i hope that answers your questions! feel free to ask if you have any more. :3
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What would Vic do if sahota tried to commit suicide?
tw: discussion of suicide attempt/ideation and self harm (tags)
he'd essentially do a cleanup of the compound to ensure there's nothing he could easily use to hurt himself again, then keep him within arm's length 24/7 for a few weeks
Sahota does consider it as an option a few times, especially in his first few years with Vic, but never goes through with it. In the end, he's still hopeful that things can get better, and that drives him to keep going
Present Sahota is deep enough into routine (and systematically burying himself) that it's not a thought that regularly surfaces
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emmettworld · 2 months
Mwahaha you asked for it so I’m going to fill up your inbox with things you don’t care about. My days been meh. Allergies have been absolutely murdering me, mostly at three am when I’m trying to sleep. If I spend much longer with a runny nose and itchy throat, I will literally combust./j.
hey if i didn't care i wouldn't ask!
ooof sorry to hear man :( i get the allergies, mine can get pretty bad as well. i hope they clear up for you soon
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friendlylocalwhumper · 2 months
“Yes.” | “Kneel.” | Best of Three | Correspondence | Appraisal | Collapse | Cupcake
“This one… was difficult. Quick to obey, if you make the consequences for failure clear. But not eager. For example…”
A single fingertip starts at the nape of his neck, trailing down his spine. Muscles twitch under the thick scarring across Major’s back as he instinctively flinches down and only manages to wrench his arms farther up. Kept on his knees, thighs pressed tightly to his ribcage, head hanging and arms forced high behind his back to keep him locked in this position that makes his body feel like it’s on fire… the once-proud healer whines breathlessly. Defeated, he allows the touch to slide back up toward his shoulders and push down until he wheezes faintly. Chains clink somewhere overhead with his tremors.
“Ah, I see,” Says the new person. A buyer? Some freak who wants a pet? Major has no idea. No one tells him anything here. He doesn’t get to know anything here. Barely gets to earn one more day of being alive, with every act of obedience. “He’s not leaning into it, is he? Could you get him there?”
Tears well up in Major’s eyes and threaten to drip to the floor. He’s not fucking crying, he just… doesn’t want to fucking imagine how he could end up. What he could be trained to act like.
The trailing fingers are replaced by a wide, warm hand across the back of his neck. Despite how it makes his arms creak and twitch, Major cowers down to press his knees harder into his ribs, breaths coming shallower with every futile attempt to escape the crushing warmth. As fingers slide up into his hair, burrowing under bleached straw to find the softer, grown out brown waves against his scalp, Major tries to rise before he can be yanked upward. The chain linked to his iron collar clinks in protest, but relief washes over him anyway as the owner of the hand hums in approval.
“We could get him there.”
taglist: @morning-star-whump, @lthrboy, @apokolyps, @paperprinxe
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Invasion, Pt. III
1,165 words. Original Work: Luca and Garcia.
<< | Masterpost | >>
Kyle tries to figure out how to stay alive. Part three of a 'choose your own ending' mini-series, feat. one of Liliholm and Page's most notorious whumpers.
Special thanks to @paperprinxe, whose recent interest in the series inspired me to continue! Your enthusiasm is contagious <3
TW | aftermath of dog attack, whumper deciding whether or not to murder a 19 yr. old, plus sized whumpee, broken bones (graphic), aftermath of hand whump, nausea, severe injuries, preparing to fight back against your whumper even though it might be the (second) stupidest thing you've ever done in your life
The Girls sat politely, watching him as he paced back and forth. Their faces were still slicked with gore, smears of red painted across the floor beneath them.
He scrubbed a hand through his hair. What the hell was he going to do? It was bad enough to think that some kid was gonna die because they'd signed up for someone else's dirty work. But this one was just some boy off the street. Some chubby little punk who had no clue what he'd been getting himself into.
Fucking hell. Talk about one stupid decision that gets you killed.
But Garcia couldn't just let him go. He made his living doing very, very illegal things for a very important man. One whose name and reputation was everything to him. Anything that could even theoretically get traced back to Mr. Garterrit would land Garcia in deep water. Even telling him that he had a body to get rid of would be enough to earn scrutiny, regardless of whether he had already tied up all loose ends. Leaving someone out there who knew where he lived wasn't even on the table.
Even if the kid was smart enough not to go to the cops, he knew his type. Poor. Overconfident. Desperate to prove himself to anyone and everyone who would listen—especially to the kids who had grown up on the street rather than just on the edge of it.
No. He might be smart enough not to go to the Uniforms, but that didn't mean he'd stay quiet for long. Then not only would this safehouse be compromised, but eventually someone would get wind of what had happened. You didn't do what Garcia did for a living without making yourself enemies. And when they found the kid, they wouldn't hesitate to tear straight through him on their way after Garcia. The boy would end up with a far worse sort of death than he could give him.
There wasn't a choice. Not really. Doing away with him now would save them both the headache. He already knew what he had to do.
So why the hell was he hesitating?
Downstairs, Kyle was mindless with pain. The bite wounds were crashing through him in wave after wave of agony, hands already swelling almost to the point of being unable to move. He sobbed as he finally rolled onto his side, and managed to get his broken arm out from underneath him.
As soon as the pressure was gone, his vision went white. He came to gasping and coughing and drooling against the dirty concrete floor, weeping so hard he could scarcely breathe.
Fuck. He was gonna die here, wasn't he?
This man was a fucking giant. Kyle stood about as good a chance of beating him in a fight as he did of digging his way out of this basement with his teeth. And yet he still found himself clinging to a refusal to die.
Unless it had fallen out in the dog attack, he still had his switchblade in his back pocket. The only problem was that his hands were so ruined that he wasn't sure he could even hold it, let alone make any use of it.
But he had to try. He had nothing else.
Every single increment of movement was pain. He slowly reached one hand behind himself, fumbling along the seam of his jeans trying to find his pocket. His fingers were so raw and torn that he couldn't feel properly, and at least one finger was bent at a sickly angle where it had been broken during his fall.
Kyle let out gasping, stifled whines as he finally found the lip of his pocket. He managed to work the tip of his finger between the tight layers of denim before remembering he was fishing around in the wrong pocket. The realization made him want to faint. It was on the other side, where he normally would have used his broken arm to reach. He was going to have to work his hand all the way around behind his back to get to it from this angle.
He let his good hand slump to the floor, taking a few long moments to let himself sob. He didn't even bother trying to do it quietly. He'd never been in this much pain in all his life.
He listened to the floorboards creak as the man upstairs paced. Whatever he was, whoever he was, Kyle was so far out of his depth that he couldn't think. Would anyone even find his body? Or was his gran'ma just going to think he'd run off and left her like she'd always been so scared he would?
The thought brought on another blinding wave of tears. He sucked in a few breaths between his teeth, then tried again to reach.
He'd always been a big kid, who carried most of his extra weight around his middle. He'd never cursed those extra few inches more than he did now. After a few more moments of straining to reach without moving his shoulders, he realized he had no choice. He took one hesitant glance down at his broken arm.
It was rotated around itself at a sickening angle, elbow and hand both facing the wrong way. He inhaled sharply and instantly turned away, squeezing his eyes shut. Blood rushed in his ears. His mouth tasted sour. And now that he'd seen it, the pounding, dull pain was even more impossible to ignore. It was all he could do not to throw up.
But he had to. He had to.
So he reached around and positioned his wrist under his broken arm. A few sharp inhales as he tried to gather himself, then he screwed his eyes shut and picked it up.
It was only a short trip to his lap, but every degree that the bone rotated was agony. He nearly dropped it halfway, fumbling it with fingers that couldn't properly close. But he managed to get it the rest of the way into his lap, letting it slip off his wrist with one final twinge.
It was only after he'd finished that his own guttural sounds of pain finally faded back into focus. Dark spots swam around the edges of his vision. His breaths came wet through clenched teeth. And more useless fucking tears were streaming down his face, burning where his left eye was already swollen shut.
Fuck. He didn't want to die down here.
There was another creak just outside the basement door. His heart gave a sickening jolt. It was louder. Closer.
He didn't have time to think. He twisted around, and reached. The handle at the top of the steps turned.
There! He could feel the bulge of the knife through the denim. He crammed his fingers into the pocket, heedless of his injuries, and grasped for the hilt. His bloodied fingers slipped off once. Twice.
Footsteps on the stairs. With one last surge of adrenaline, he got his fingers around the knife hilt.
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Tag List | @ink-and-salt @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @whumpsical @redwingedwhump @lave-whump @castlehillwhump @sideblogformindtrash
@burtlederp @fanastywhump @whump-in-the-closet @sunshiline-writes @kixngiggles @suspicious-whumping-egg
Love you all <33
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I thought you might like this quiz, seems like your sort of thing
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Yes absolutely this is correct lmao
And clickable link cause it was fun!!
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whumble-beeee · 6 days
You know what that means, right? 😏
As such, I have a very incredibly extremely super important question to ask all y'all.
I'll probably post after half a week fyi bc I'm impatient
Second order of business;
I'm going to start with just the series taglist for this, but if you'd like to opt out/in of the art taglist, let me know via comment, dm, however you like. There will be other art and extra stuff besides just the character portraits, including noncanon stuff, so you won't hurt my feelings if you want off, promise :)
Art taglist: @flowersarefreetherapy | @pirefyrelight | @cakeinthevoid | @painsandconfusion | @books-are-everything |
@paperprinxe | @tippytappytyping | @chaotic-orphan
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Does Vic have any lines he wouldn’t cross with Sahota
man, as much as I wish I could say he does, there really isn't anything he wouldn't do, provided he had a reason
Vic has already been hurting, violating, and controlling Sahota for years. He hardly sees him as a person; he's more like a favorite thing, or a tool, or a weapon
He doesn't want to hurt him to the point where Sahota is incapacitated for weeks, but he will if a lesson needs to be taught
He doesn't want to give him permanent injuries that prevent him from ever running a mission again, but he would, and he'd find another way for him to be of use
He certainly doesn't want to kill him, but he would if he thought nothing of his perfect, obedient subordinate could be salvaged
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What are some random facts about mercury swift?
- she's a tea snob, and has the right temperature for different types of leaves memorized. she will only drink pre-bagged tea if there's no other option
- she enjoys poetry and botany books
- she was raised a wealthy orphan and was seen as a bit of a weirdo with her "old world" tastes
- she never fit in, didn't have friends growing up, and as such internalized an "it's not me, it's them" mentality from a young age
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emmettland · 3 days
Would a green get in trouble for correcting a gold on their pronouns?
there would be no correction needed; Gelions introduce themselves with their pronouns (or Golds introduce their Greens with their pronouns), so that's what stays in their head for that Gelion.
but if there was a situation where a Gold did get a Green's pronouns wrong, they would ask for permission to speak and politely correct them. as long as they're not disrespectful about it, there's no need for punishment.
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emmettland · 28 days
Oh my god I’m sooooo excited!!!! What do golds look for in greens? I had this idea about a guidebook for golds with stuff like “look for greens that seek to please not appease you” would that be a thing? Would the personality of the green beyond polite and obedient matter at all?
What about some intimidating cutesy greenie training books with creepy messages hidden under cute labels? Do they have those?
What about disabled greens or golds? How are they treated?
i'm adding u to the G/G taglist so i don't forget to @ you in the guidebook posts xD
What do golds look for in greens?
the ideal Green both pleases AND appeases! they are obedient, loyal, graceful, and attentive at all times. a good Green can not only follow orders, but go out of their way to keep their Gold happy -- without overstepping, of course.
in terms of personality, it depends on the Gold. some of them like their Greens with a bit more spirit, others like them broken down, others just don't care. Golds who seek more than just sexual intimacy tend to prefer Greens who are compatible with their own personality.
in terms of appearance, long hair and little muscle is ideal. no preference as to weight, skin color, or any other features, Golds just like their Greens to have pretty long hair and look weaker than them; a buff Green is a rarity in itself, and even more rare that a Gold would want them.
What about some intimidating cutesy greenie training books with creepy messages hidden under cute labels? Do they have those?
they don't have books, and they don't really sugar coat much. even when training Greenie children, they'll be blunt about what's expected of them and what the consequences are for failing.
What about disabled greens or golds? How are they treated?
disabled Greens and Golds have their own unique challenges. disabled Golds are still able to serve society by being given a job that accommodates their needs, but they're seen as 'lesser' Golds because they can't be fighters.
disabled Greens are still able to perform their duties with proper accommodations, but this is seen by many Golds as being too much hassle, so many disabled Greens remain unclaimed. a majority of them end up in the Elos Ring or in the care of an affluential True Green; those belonging to the richest and most famous Goldens are allowed to have their own Green servants (non-sexual, unless the Golden says otherwise).
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emmettland · 2 days
Saw this and it reminded me of you
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aww!!! little buddies! <3
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I did a lil benji drawing. What I lack in skill(which is a lot) I make up for in joy.
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certified pretty boy 🥰🥰🥰
I love his eyelashes and the heart charm on his choker!!
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emmettland · 14 days
Just wanted to say that you are cool and talented and I know I ask a lot of questions but the reason I do it is becuase you are a cool person I want to get to know better
thanks! ^^ and i don't mind questions
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emmettland · 1 month
…could I possibly help co author a guidebook about green and gold world building? Maybe not right now becuase ap exam studying is kicking my butt and I’m stu(dying) but I’d love to afterwards.
i appreciate the offer, but i'm really not comfortable with anyone co-authoring something related to one of my stories.
i would be happy to do a QnA for it though, so you or anyone else could have their questions answered in the guide book. :3
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emmettland · 27 days
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Derek likes to push his luck sometimes...
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my art x my whump x gold and green au x ko-fi all OCs pictured use he/him.
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A version of this comic with image descriptions is under the cut.
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ID: A drawing of Golden Logan sitting up in bed as he wakes up. He has one leg bent and one eye closed with two scars over it. He is looking over to the right side of the room where Derek is out of frame. The dialogue reads: Derek: "You know, my Golden, you don't sleep like a Golden." Logan: "...Huh?"
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ID: A drawing of Green Derek speaking, facing the viewer. He looks off to the side at a silhouette of himself as a Golden sleeping on his side, with his legs bent and one arm under his pillow. His speech bubble is on top of the visual. The dialogue reads: Derek: "Golds are taught to sleep on their side with their legs up to protect their vitals, and their arm goes under the pillow where their knife is hidden."
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ID: Same as previous image, but now Derek is looking at the viewer, and the visual in the background has changed to show a silhouette of Golden Logan sleeping on his side. His legs are bent slightly differently, his back is slightly arched, and his arm is on top of the pillow. The dialogue reads: Derek: "But you sleep with your arm on top of the pillow, your back slightly arched, and your legs further down. Like how Greens are taught to be accessible when they sleep."
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ID: Logan and Derek standing next to each other. Logan has his head down and is blushing as he looks off to the side, his eyebrows pressed down. Derek is arching an eyebrow and smirking down at him. The dialogue reads: Logan: "...It's just more comfortable." Derek: "Survival matters more to Goldens than comfort."
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ID: Derek has moved to the left side of the image and is folding the sheets on Logan's bed with a cheeky smile on his face. Logan is facing the viewer with his head turned towards Derek and his fist on his chest. He is still blushing while looking very annoyed. The dialogue reads: Logan: "And what about you?" Derek: "What about me, my Golden?" Logan: "You act more like a Golden than a Green sometimes."
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ID: A close up of Derek, profile view, looking over to the side where Logan is out of frame. He has a small smirk on his face. Logan's dialogue is over two black bars, one at the top of the image, the other at the bottom. The image's background has a darker gradient to suggest that Derek is hiding something. The dialogue reads: Logan: "At first I thought you were just poorly trained, but now..." Logan: "...I'm starting to think you were trained as someone else."
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(Gold and Green AU) Taglist:
@firapolemos05 @skittles-the-whumpee
@befuddled-calico-whump @cepheusgalaxy
@sparrowsage @paperprinxe
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