#parkitect campaign
mi-ciudad · 2 years
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I'm trying to get back into Parkitect --get back to learning the controls and features because i have completely forgotten, and so today I started off in one of the campaign parks, Victoria Lake--and I built my Main Street--and now I'm ready to build some rides!
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knightoflodis · 9 months
Do I actually really enjoy sandboxy games or am I just really susceptible to getting sucked into them and not being able to escape? I have been pouring more hours into Space Pirates and Zombies (S. P. A. Z.) and I was just reminded of the existence of Parkitect and I SO want to play it right now. I kind of just want to play a sandbox map and get some practice in making coasters. Also want to play the campaign too. And like. I know you can just throw down predesigned coasters, but that always felt wrong to me. I really need to just prebuild and predesign some of my own to use.
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why-its-kai · 1 year
also when i was younger i used to love playing rct3 in sandbox. i rarely did the campaigns in that game i just loved the freedom of making whatever crazy nonsense park and went nuts. but now i go into rct3 or parkitect sandbox or even rct1&2 scenarios that start u in a blank slate of a park and just get stuck. i don’t know what i want to make out of it. it’s so frustrating it feels like all the creativity been sucked out of me lately. hard to make art or write or even play a game about building creatively. i think it’s the stress. too tired from it for any of my creative cylinders to fire properly leaving me just sort of empty and lost when i try to make something new. but playing the scenario parks in parkitect & the 3 roller coaster tycoons with the more rigid guidelines to build around & goals that need to be met is so much easier for me to actually play. tho i still struggle sometimes with the incorporating scenery into designs (vital game mechanic for both series) in a way that’s not just like. simple building for the roller coaster station platform & queue line. trees and flowerbeds around the carousel. fountain jets next to the boat hire track in the water. etc. and i see ppl making such creative buildings and rides online and go oh i want to make my own cool thing!!!! yet i open the game to do so and just get. stuck. Creativity.exe is not working
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I rescue Chanute Airfield from near bankruptcy!
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themeparkitect · 3 years
Parkitect development in numbers
I always find statistics posts about projects interesting... We’ve been working on this for almost 7 years now, so here’s a bunch of numbers about Parkitect!
Engine: Unity Programming language: C#
Asset folder (the actual “content” of the game): Size: 3.93 GB Files: 35,944 Folders: 1,322
Total project folder (this includes Unity cache files etc): Size: 21.6 GB Files: 364,258 Folders: 2,837 Build duration (all supported platforms together): ~20 minutes (incremental build; a clean build would take 1-2 hours)
Type: Git Size: 3.5 GB Branches: 90 Commits: 13,778 (a “commit” is a change to the game, like for example the addition of a new feature or a bug fix. It can be anything from a single number being changed in the code to the addition of hundreds of new sound files in one go)
Here’s a visualization of all the file changes made during development. Every dot represents a file in the project. A file getting zapped represents a change to that file. Every branch represents a folder in the project (with the folder name being shown as text). The legend on the left side explains what the colors mean, and how many files of a certain type there are in the project. The most important file types are:
cs: C# source code file prefab/asset: Unity data files fbx: 3D model wav/ogg: Audio files
We moved the repository in 2017 which messes up the visualization a bit.
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File changes by release: Campaign: 46,732 Multiplayer: 7,230 Taste of Adventure: 6,404 Booms & Blooms: 5,117
This only includes our own code, not engine or other third-party code
Size: 7.44 MB Files: 2,112 Folders: 138 Lines: 241,156 Biggest files (Top 5): 1.: Park.cs (3,737 Lines, contains a bunch of data + methods related to stuff belonging to the park) 2.: MultiplayerController.cs (2,946 Lines, base class for multiplayer related code) 3.: TrackBuilder.cs (2,461 Lines, handles most of the track building UI) 4.: TrackSegment.cs (2,335 Lines, contains methods for positioning trains and connecting multiple segments to a full track) 5.: Attraction.cs (2,192 Lines, base class for handling user interactions when building things in the game)
Lines of code by topic (Top 4): 1.: Attractions (40,828 Lines) 2.: UI (35,915 Lines) 3.: People AI (13,607 Lines) 4.: Multiplayer (11,123 Lines)
3D models: Size: 221.49 MB Files: 2,276 Textures: Size: 227.07 MB Files: 961
Sound files: Size: 2.52 GB Files: 4,789
Updates released on Steam: 533 (in addition to the regular monthly updates we like to patch immediately if there’s anything that might be inconvenient for players. There’s also many non-public updates though for testers)
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waffoes · 6 years
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Let’s Play: Parkitect! Parkitect’s campaign mode came out today and I started a full LP of it!
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Management sims: "Parkitect: Booms & Blooms" (PC)
Management sims: “Parkitect: Booms & Blooms” (PC)
Texel Raptor’s theme park building simulation Parkitect becomes even more creative with its Booms & Blooms DLC. Parkitect: Booms and Blooms (PC)(Canada/Germany 2020, developer/publisher: Texel Raptor, platform: PC) Make your own theme park even more varied with new rides, decorations, and effects. Fair warningBefore buying Booms and Blooms, one should know that it doesn’t include any campaign…
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linuxgamenews · 3 years
Parkitect launches a new co-op mode
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Parkitect adds multiplayer for up to 8 people in Linux gaming, Mac and Windows PC. Thanks to the continuing efforts of developer Texel Raptor. The game is already available on Humble Store, GOG and Steam. In Parkitect you are a theme park designer releasing back in November 2018. Which tasks players with building and managing theme parks across a 26 level campaign mode. On top of that also includes sandbox mode and Workshop support. So you can easily share and play new parks. With an emphasis on a resource management system. As well as occasional picky guests to take care of. Now just over 2 years later, Parkitect expands even further. Including a multiplayer mode, so everyone can work on the same park together. But still offer the player the feeling as if on one PC.
New changes:
Up to 8 people can play together, building the same park.
You can play sandbox parks together and also campaign scenarios.
The majority of mods are compatible with multiplayer mode. A few mods will need to be updated to be compatible.
You can select which DLCs to enable for a multiplayer session. So if you want to play with someone who doesn't have one of the DLCs installed. You can do so by simply deselecting it.
Parkitect - Multiplayer Update launches
For Multiplayer you can either create a new game or join an existing one in the lobby. Players can also invite Steam friends, which is straight forward. However, cross-play between Linux, Mac and Windows PC is not available, yet. Texel Raptor is still working on it. Which is kind of a surprise two years after the original release. If you're having trouble with desyncs. The developers suggest having all players join your multiplayer session lobby before starting a Parkitect game. Joining mid-game is currently more likely to lead to desyncs. That being said, if anything goes wrong during a multiplayer session. Players will receive an option to upload an error report. The developers are keeping a close eye on issues. But due to release patches as quickly as possible.
added co-op multiplayer mode! Now you can build parks with up to 7 other people together
added a new background music track
improved decoration score calculation speed
fixed fences not sticking to terrain when terraforming
A fix a case where decoration could be seen through the terrain
fixed a bug where guest money setting would not be stored properly when editing a scenario
To take on Parkitect multiplayer for up to 8 people via Linux gaming. If you don't own the game yet, its available on Humble Store but discounted 25% on Steam. Also available on GOG for Linux, Mac and Windows PC but multiplayer will likely use Galaxy, sadly.
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spicynbachili1 · 6 years
Theme park sim Parkitect exits Early Access soon with a Campaign mode
Attn: RollerCoaster Tycoon fans
There’s been a slight but much-appreciated resurgence in theme park simulation titles over the past couple years. One highlight is Parkitect, a game that feels like a loving tribute to the original RollerCoaster Tycoon and its classic sequel. After running its course on Steam Early Access, developer Texel Raptor is now prepping the final touches. Parkitect will launch on November 29, 2018.
The incoming 1.0 version adds a Campaign mode, which is precisely the sort of thing I want out of these games (and a major reason why I’ve resisted playing in Early Access). There will be 26 scenarios all told. Instead of using a simple text-based level list, Parkitect has a world map with branching paths.
I’d encourage you to watch the launch trailer. It’s chuckle-worthy.
When the game fully launches, the price will rise to $30. In other words, if you’re confident you’ll dig Parkitect, you can get the Steam Early Access version now, wait for the 1.0 update, and save ten bucks.
Aside from “inevitable hotfixes” and keeping up with the press, the developers are planning to enjoy a holiday break throughout December and early January. “Beyond that we will of course continue to support the game with patches and updates – there’s some more features and content for both creative players and management players that we’re excited to start working on as free updates! However, these updates will happen whenever we have something ready to show instead of on the fixed weekly devlog/monthly game update schedule that we’ve used for the past ~4 years.”
Launch date! [Parkitect]
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        from SpicyNBAChili.com http://spicymoviechili.spicynbachili.com/theme-park-sim-parkitect-exits-early-access-soon-with-a-campaign-mode/
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gabbydarienzo · 8 years
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Parkitect (2016)
3D Artist “Parkitect is a business simulation game that charges you with the construction and management of theme parks”
Working with the Parkitect team, I concepted and created 3D environment props for Parkitect and its first DLC Taste of Adventure, matching the game’s existing art style. Parkitect is available now for PC/Mac through Steam, Humble, and GOG.
(Promotional artwork by Trudi Castle, Logo by Garret Randell, Campaign Maps by Silvarret)
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mactorrenthub · 5 years
Parkitect 1.3
Parkitect is a business simulation game that charges you with the construction and management of theme parks! Build the rides and manage the parks, and management is key. The parks need planning – more planning than just where to put that crazy rollercoaster!
Lay down the infrastructure to remove trash and deliver supplies to the shops quickly and efficiently. Hire staff to run your shops, rides and attractions, and be sure to keep them happy.
Since the game remembers where you dragged the windows to you will only really notice this on a fresh install.
It has been annoying many new players though, so it’s good to have that improved. We also overhauled the Build Challenge voting UI. The old UI always gave an advantage to entries that were submitted early.
It showed the highest-rated entries first, so if you submitted a good entry very early it was likely to get to the top of the list and as a result receive even more votes and stay at the top, whereas entries that were submitted after a few days oftentimes got buried and received very few votes.
This has gotten more extreme after the 1.0 launch since there are more players now. It mostly fixes some annoyances, for example the default window spawn positions have been improved to not be in the center of the screen anymore (i.e., the place you want to work on and most likely don’t want to have obstructed by windows…).
Construct your own coasters, design an efficiently operating park that fully immerses your guests in its theming and play through the campaign. It mostly fixes some annoyances, for example the default window spawn positions have been improved to not be in the center of the screen anymore (i.e., the place you want to work on and most likely don’t want to have obstructed by windows .
Since the game remembers where you dragged the windows to you will only really notice this on a fresh install. It has been annoying many new players though, so it’s good to have that improved. We also overhauled the Build Challenge voting UI.
The old UI always gave an advantage to entries that were submitted early. It showed the highest-rated entries first, so if you submitted a good entry very early it was likely to get to the top of the list and as a result receive even more votes and stay at the top, whereas entries that were submitted after a few days oftentimes got buried and received very few votes.
This has gotten more extreme after the 1.0 launch since there are more players now.
Build and manage unique theme parks
Design and build your own rollercoasters
Hire staff and fulfill their needs so they keep the park maintained and operating smoothly
Build an efficient transport infrastructure
Maintain the Illusion by hiding the “behind the scenes” parts of the park using scenery
Upgrade the park with advanced systems and transit options
It only highlights one entry at a time, giving you a better view of the build
Voting or waiting for a few seconds switches to the next entry
The order of entries is somewhat randomized but entries with fewer votes have a higher chance of being shown first, so overall everyones submissions should receive roughly the same amount of visibility, even if you submit quite late
The actual ranking at any point can still be seen on the Workshop
Create the perfect park for your guests! Deform the terrain, place water, build structures! With a huge selection of deco objects from various themes you can design your park however you want. And for more you can get custom scenery from the
Steam Workshop
Top off that park with your very own roller coaster! Design it yourself or choose from a number of exciting designs.
Spinning, looping, launching, flying – with over 70 of the worlds most popular types of theme park rides you’ll always be able to surprise your guests.
Building is only half of the challenge! You’ll need to keep an eye on the finances and guest satisfaction to stay on top, and for the first time in a theme park game the “behind the scenes” parts of your park have a meaning too!
Route resources to your various shops without annoying your guests and keep the staff areas out of the public eye for the perfect immersive experience.
Build your way through a challenging campaign! 26 scenarios with unique settings will put your theme park management and coaster designing skills to the test. And there’s always more – download scenarios created by the community from
Steam Workshop
or design your own with the scenario editor. With the landscape generator you’ll create your own unique setting in no time. And if you’re more of a creative player there’s the sandbox mode!
The new voting UI looks like this:
It only highlights one entry at a time, giving you a better view of the build
Voting or waiting for a few seconds switches to the next entry
The order of entries is somewhat randomized but entries with fewer votes have a higher chance of being shown first, so overall everyones submissions should receive roughly the same amount of visibility, even if you submit quite late
The actual ranking at any point can still be seen on the Workshop
It’s entirely possible that this will need some further tweaks of course, but let’s see how it goes
What’s New
Added new Build Challenge voting system
Added a highlight to the transport system connectors of the Deliveries Building/Depot/Trash
Chute when in transport system build mode
Added lower camera sensitivity options
Some campaign balance adjustments
Updated Korean translation
Improved which shop gets researched if scenario starts without a food/drink shop
Improved default window spawn locations to obstruct the view less (for newly installed game)
Improved Korean font support
Fixed guests sometimes ignoring certain food/drink shops when hungry/thirsty
Fixed being able to delete things in the tutorial when you’re not supposed to
Fixed clicking notification for drowned guests moving the camera way off-screen
Fixed rides that were pretty much fully covered still stopping during thunderstorms
Fixed some sounds not playing while game is paused
Fixed a case where background music could play twice
Fixed being able to delete prebuilt scenery on land with support rights (e.g. road in Highway hijinks scenario)
Fixed market research ride intensity preferences graph being quite inaccurate
Fixed being unable to delete/select particle effects after reloading a park
Fixed rides with a queue length of 1 tile being unpopular
Fixed “hold to win” countdown resetting when reloading savegame
Fixed mods not being loaded when creating a new scenario
Fixed bad starting loans in default sandbox scenarios
System Requirements
OS: Mac OS X 10.9+
Processor: 2.3 GHz Intel i3 or comparable
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: Shader Model 3.0 capabilities (most cards made since ~2004 should work)
Storage: 2 GB available space
Additional Notes: This will run the game, but for the best experience something closer to the Recommended Requirements is better
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Parkitect 1.3 Parkitect 1.3 Parkitect is a business simulation game that charges you with the construction and management of theme parks!
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rarenormworld · 6 years
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Theme park sim Parkitect exits Early Access soon with a Campaign mode - https://www.rarenorm.com/tech/gaming-blog/theme-park-sim-parkitect-exits-early-access-soon-with-a-campaign-mode/
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vonreuter · 6 years
Theme park sim Parkitect is leaving Early Access
1.0 will launch with a new campaign mode.
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Starting a new park in campaign mode!
And I finally got to conduct my umbrella price gouging experiment!
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themeparkitect · 5 years
Announcing the Parkitect: Taste of Adventure update!
We're super excited to show you the Parkitect: Taste Of Adventure today!
It will launch next week, on November 20th.
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This is a huge game update that consists of two parts: the paid Taste of Adventure expansion, adding a ton of tasty new content; and a free patch that adds a whole bunch of improvements and new features to the base game. Here's a trailer to show you some of the highlights:
So, what exactly is included? 
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There's a whole new campaign map for you to prove your theme park building skills in 10 challenging scenarios. Can you also beat them without pausing the game or using blueprints?
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Exciting new objects for the most intrepid adventurer!
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Welcome to the land of cotton candy and gingerbread!
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River Rapids
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A staple in many theme parks, but certainly the trickiest ride for us to implement! Features customizable channel width, freely placeable bumpers, rapids and waterfalls
Safari Ride
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A calm scenic ride that can be made more exciting with freely placeable bumps on the track.
Vertical Spinning Coaster
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A coaster than can only be built vertically with freely spinning rows of seats.
Swinging Coaster
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A Wild Mouse-type of coaster with unique cars that can swing sideways
Inverting Spinning Coaster
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A spinning coaster capable of launches and inversions
Inverting Wooden Coaster
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A hybrid coaster combining wooden and steel sections
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A thrill ride that spins and inverts guests
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A flat ride that looks exciting in motion but is fairly tame
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Cookies, Shirts, Sub Sandwiches and Corndogs!
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Animated doors and gates
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turntables for the Water Coaster
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elevators for the Wild Mouse, Spinning Coaster and Swinging Coaster
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customizable 3D text signs
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Free update
Some of the highlights of the free portion of this update include:
customizable water colors
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custom image signs (with modding support!). Your custom images are stored in the savegame/blueprint, so other players can see them too when downloading your shared content from the workshop! Note that custom images take up a lot of the limited storage space in blueprints though
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ride photo sections for all tracked rides
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modding support for creating custom coaster trains!
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improved staff zoning that allows overlapping zones
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all path styles can be used as queues now
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improved track builder that preselects the settings of removed track segments, making track editing faster
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Let's Play Parkitect Ep 6 Financial Disaster
The park’s financial situation is grim.
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