suzimiya · 1 year
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Danny @KrenzkeDirk schrieb
Quelle https://twitter.com/KrenzkeDirk/status/1669799676076236804 pikabu.ru
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pynkpyneapple · 1 year
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kimmikreates · 2 years
Pikachu pokemon box I made and sold at a summer fair, bless the little lads heart he loved it as simple as it maybe but he made my day❤️
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marganov · 2 years
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deatherella · 6 days
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Pikabu came home from work as tired as she was hungry. She put her dinner into the oven and went to bed. I found out the easy way that she never studied "Fire Safety". Her home that had just had a new addition put on since she was planning on asking Antonio and his kids to move in is awaiting a new owner -- who will hopefully find her a nice forever resting place.
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ohxova · 10 months
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odbodle · 10 months
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odeire · 10 months
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tubrasko · 7 months
Disco Elysium references that I use
Mostly for skills, HDB and Kim enjoyers. All credits attached
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Portraits of skills (relevant & scrapped, used for merch)
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INSANE WANDERER [Easy: Success] — Dialogue structure example & check difficulties to get silly.
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HDB & Kim (first two pics by @/kimkitsufroggy on twitter, height comparison by @/moonmilk95 on twitter). I think Kim is ambidextrous. Also his arms r so thin compared to Harry’s damn
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And their faces (side profiles by @/sygneth)
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Approximate heights (by @/ph-cutie)
Bonus as a little funny thing (by @/stupidmoronguy on pikabu)
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herpsandbirds · 8 months
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Blue Coral Snake (Calliophis bivirgatus), family Elapidae, Malaysia
photograph by Pikabu
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pattern-recognition · 5 months
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I can't verify this thing's authenticity with 100% confidence because the only sources I can find are random Russian forum posts from vk, yaplakal, and pikabu, but in honor of Stalin's birthday this is flamberge-bladed, four barreled gun dagger in .32 S&W that was ostensibly gifted to him by sympathizers in California. It says "Death to Fascist Invaders" underneath the icon of Lenin, and "For the Happiness of All Peoples" in Yiddish on the Soviet wreath insignia. It has no trigger and apparently the bullets are shot by twisting the blade/handle, implying a rather romantic coup de grâce.
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Pair as a sidearm to the (more verifiable) Sword of Stalingrad for the wildest dark souls build imaginable
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pseudoquiddity · 1 year
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On Feb. 10 via pikabu, Ice-Pick Lodge answered some questions! With a bit of a lovely introduction:
"A new day has begun. In the theater, the Masks have completed the rehearsal, the people from the Termitary are out for a smoke break, and in the Broken Heart tavern they wipe down the glasses."
"... let's ask ourselves the most popular question: Will Daniil come? Yes, we've already bought him a ticket."
"Ask, for we hear."
I translated some Q&As and thought some folks might be interested. They answered questions about the Bachelor, Backer Rewards, Franz and The Void (Turgor). I'm used to videogame communities where, like, five youtubers instantly jump on the smallest scrap of information, so find below a summary of these topics.
The game has largely gone through pre-production and almost everything has entered the pre-alpha stage, or is in the alpha itself. Currently, they are scripting quests and creating locations and models. Before the Haruspex's route came out, there was access to the alpha, but IPL doesn’t want to write checks it can’t cash, so to speak, so nothing is promised for the Bachelor. Preparing an alpha to show to the public is something that requires its own kind of polish, and they will try to see a public-alpha through, but if not - they might settle for another kind of presentation. Here's some speculation: I believe that IPL has a rough release date for the Bachelor, or one will come soon, that they won't announce. I think they have all of the mechanics down, and now what is left is the aesthetic; as they said, the models.
SOON. That’s the impression, at least. They have an internal release date, but the reason why they haven’t announced anything yet is because it needed more testing and how it’s going to be distributed on digital platforms was reconsidered. That’s a general theme, here. They have internal dates for ideas, for projects, but the rule of thumb is generally that something will step in the way and they don’t want to make promises they can’t keep. In the meantime, look forward to a future video about the creation of the game and more devlogs. 
Also … Interacting with Franz, whether out of anger or care, will naturally require more interaction. Franz is also capable of forgiveness. Step gently.
No current plans to remaster or recreate or VR-ify or revisit or republish The Void. There have been thoughts on transferring it to mobile because the controls may function well there, but monetization is a bridge they’d need to cross and they’re not there yet. 
They’re coming !!! In some cases, they’re here !!! Customs can get in the way, is all, but people have gotten their items. Almost like proof, a person posted in the AMA that they received all of their items but also got an extra item - a white card with the black letters r f n e ? Upon asking what it was or what it meant, the response by IPL was basically: Ask the Townsfolk :) The promised book is also making some headway and is being written by Dybowsky and someone else they employed, but they don’t want it to interfere with the Bachelor’s campaign, so progress is ultimately minimal.
The dev team is doing well :) There was mention that they’ve expanded. There is also no plan to return the online IPL store. At first, it was a firm no, and then it was a - “not yet.” (I think.) There was also this weird allusion to the Bachelor coming by train, soon? That they had bought him a ticket and he would be arriving? That’s beyond me.
That's all. If anyone has questions, I am here. All the time. Constantly. I wonder when the Bachelor will arrive by that aforementioned train.
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chesacakeripper · 1 month
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After finishing my book I made my not-lego pikabus I got for Christmas 😊
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darkpuck · 5 months
Golden Sun: The Northern Wind
Once upon a time, a child fell from the sky and landed in a small desert town. Hailed as a child of the gods, she was adopted by the mayor of the town and raised alongside his own children, protected and loved. An evil, greedy man heard of this child, and of the ruins the town protected, and kidnapped her in order to force the townsfolk to build a tower to the skies in his own honour, using their holy ruins as the foundations for his blasphemy.
But this is not that story.
The winds of fate are tricky, you see, and there is little narrative difference between a desert of sand and a desert of ice.
And so, once upon a time, a child fell from the sky and landed in a small desert town. As before, she was unharmed, but unlike the people of this town, she had no protection against the ice and snow, and might have died soon after had they been less compassionate. But no, as before she was taken into their homes and hearts, not necessarily as a child of the gods but a gift from the dragons these people worshipped.
Personally, Agatio felt that maybe the dragons should have dropped this little one off further south, where she'd be in less danger from the cold. What did a Proxian know about the needs of this little scaleless child? Only rarely did they feel the cold. So while his mother and father dithered about the fire, and how close the child needed to be to it, the young boy grabbed his sword and his bow and strode out into the wild.
He returned three hours later with a brace of rabbits and a snow fox. All were taken to the local furrier, who accepted the meat and bones of the creatures in exchange for crafting a small blanket and gown for the child of the sky. By the time the sun set, the child, named Sheba by his mother, was clad and wrapped in a fur blanket and held against Agatio's chest as he stared sullenly into the fire. He didn't even like the girl, but he was by far warmer than his parents, and it was better than seeing her pitiful shivering.
She was small and tan and scaleless, but she stared at them all with a solemn expression and shed not one tear, voiced not one wail. She didn't bear the blood of dragons as the Proxians did, but Agatio had been to the Lighthouse north of the village, near the Edge, and had seen the glyphs there. Perhaps one day she would grow feathers or gills.
And, inexplicably, she seemed to like him. She didn't wail, when he consigned her back to his mother's care, but he could feel her eerie violet eyes on him as he left to attend Psynergy lessons, and when he returned, she stared until he picked her up again. "Don't get attached," he told the solemn little thing sternly as she nestled against his chest. "I don't like you."
She looked up at him, seemed to think for a moment, then decisively proclaimed, "Ba."
Despite himself, he smiled. "Yes," he told her. "Bah."
Sheba grew rapidly, in the manner of small children. She was too small yet for the clothing he'd worn at her age -- Agatio had always been big -- but she wasn't the only child in Prox. He didn't particularly enjoy dealing with Menardi and the biting cackle that was her laughter, but Karst's baby scales had finally hardened, turning a darker pink than her sister's. There was clothing to be passed on, now.
He also had a sinking feeling that he would be seeing much of Menardi as Sheba grew older, and even more of Karst.
Menardi opened the door when he knocked, stared, and cackled.
Agatio sighed.
But she invited him in, plopped Karst into his arms so he could admire the hardened scaling, and whipped through the house as she searched for Karst's outgrown clothing. "Bring her over next week," Menardi said, throwing a jacket at him with the precise amount of force needed for it to cover his head.
Giggling, Karst pulled it down and proclaimed, "Pikabu!"
"Absolutely not," he told her sternly, earning another giggle, then turned his gaze to Menardi. "Bring who over?"
Menardi stopped, glared, and then hurled a cape at his face. This time, he ducked. "Your sister, snow-for-brains," she drawled.
"She isn't my sister," Agatio said, and ducked a shirt this time.
"I'm not going to dignify that stupidity with a response," Menardi told him. "Karst, tell cousin Agatio what we think of bullshit in these parts."
Karst met his eye and then blew a very deliberate raspberry.
Agatio opened his mouth, and got a pair of socks to the face for his trouble. He closed his mouth; there was no speaking to Menardi when she was like this.
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deatherella · 11 days
Poppycock Progeny - Pikabu (33)
DOTY kept me busy the last couple months, since I was so close that it only counted in horse shoes to the final round, I thought it would be fun to see what my Sims were up to. I might even finish cropping my previews and zip up all the stuff I made for six rounds of DOTY 2024.
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Pikabu had a few days off before returning to work so besides talking up a storm on her cell, I thought she could work on those skill points. She was half done with her final Cooking point, so I set her down and got her on it. Pikabu took herself off the Sue's Secret Kitchen that Sharlene Royce had invited her to while she was skilling. Pikabu chose to compete with a turkey. Note how everyone else made Baked Alaska. Thought I might have picked the wrong food to make. She's competing against Sharlene Royce (chef), her niece, Bathsheba, and Emily Pons from the Hoytona P.D.
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Wahoo! Looks like Pikabu's turkey is the winner!
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The next night at work, Pikabu made her LTW. Her new LTW is World Class Ballet Dancer.
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