#plastic ninja
void-ghosttt · 1 year
I am once again re watching ninjago and noticing foreshadowing I didn’t notice before.
Like in season five when the ninja are trying to find Ronin, Cole says;
“This is Ronin we are talking about, he would steal the sea if it were worth anything.”
Fast forward to the Island special and Ronin steals treasure meant to go to the sea from the Island people who guard one half to unlocking the oceans wild spirit.
So Ronin didn’t really steal the sea, but he found a way to steal from it.
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sethdomain · 1 year
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sharksandjays · 8 months
I think something that Dragons Rising is doing so so well is making the ninja cooler.
I know that sounds weird. But listen. The ninja aren't the main characters anymore! Wanna know who the main characters are? Arin and Sora. Two 15 year olds. Two kids, one of which was raised learning about the ninja and how cool they are.
And the thing is, they are cool! But in the older seasons, the ones focused on the ninja themselves, we focus on the flaws (because the whole point of their seasons are character development.) We don't see them as cool as they are because the narration is from their point of view. Everything that they do is just day-to-day stuff. And, honestly, we get desensitized to all the things we'd normally think is cool because to them its normal!
I think my first epiphany of this was back in season 2 i think when Jay, who is generally perceived to be the weakest of the ninja, easily judo flips Darreth like its nothing, and we know that guy isn't the lightest of people. I saw that and went "huh." because if it wasn't him interacting with a normal citizen i wouldnt think anything of it. If it was him sparring with lloyd or something id be like "yeah whatever ninja do that." but it wasnt until i saw it from outside the ninja's perspective that it really made me think wow these kids are cool.
And thats exactly what dragons rising is doing. Arin is the main character. Our narrative point of view is coming from his eyes. We focus less on the ninja's flaws and more on what makes them awesome. We are looking at them through an inexperienced, child based, point of view. When seeing Lloyd do fancy sword maneuvers would have been normal because pshaw everyone does that is now really cool because wow you dont see that every day.
Dragons Rising allows us to go huh. These are ninjas that have been training and fighting for more than 10 years together. They are really freaking COOL for that.
So Arin, i'm behind you kid. I get your ninja fandom too.
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volcaberg · 1 year
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Big fan of. Lego people
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mixelation · 7 months
tori's habit of "befriending" random civilians/chunin is like. genuinely such antisocial behaviour that i would not be surprised if she had the worst rep of her entire social circle just because sure, my feelings would be hurt if itachi was mean to me, and deidara blowing things up around me is scary, kakashi is a troll yes, but ultimately that's ninja being ninja and they dont care if i just Leave. i'd be over it. to be expected. but tori? if someone put me in a situation like shes putting these people in and then would not let me leave? i would be badmouthing them for YEARS. probably the only reason she can keep doing it is that based on her reputation people expect her to be weirder looking.
part of tori's character direction is she's genuinely, like, a bad person? but her metric for "bad person" is trained assassins so she's incapable of seeing anything wrong with her behavior. she doesn't like direct violence, so she can't be THAT bad, right? and then i don't think most ninja consider most of what she does as "that bad" because hey, that lady went home in one piece and will be at work tomorrow.
in reborn au, it takes a long ass time for anyone to truly catch on how bad she is, in part because she gives off extreme "girl next door" vibes. and like. she didn't kill you, did she? you're fiiiiine
meanwhile i think in plasticity it will manifest as sort of like.... "oh, so she'll just do something insane to someone with no motive. wow." bc most of the akatsuki have very clear motives for the types of horrible things they inflict on others. but akatsuki is a shit show of people in general so it's like. yeah tori might fuck you over and it will seem random to you, but also, sasori actively wants your skin, so. meh
anyway this is why the only people she can get to stick around are fellow violent whackjobs :(
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kitofawriter · 4 months
Reblog for sample size I guess?
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bambiraptorx · 1 year
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I did another meme redraw lol. Chapter 11 in a nutshell
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bontenmarumaru0401 · 2 months
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namelysane · 9 months
So, you guys know those cosmetic surgery vids right? The ones plastic surgeons make analysing celebrities? Well, since the ninja technically qualify as celebs-
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There are definitely discussions like that about him. Let's just face it, this looks like a whole new person.
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spinjitsuburst · 3 months
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my On Repeat playlist is full of nothing but Ninjago brainrot
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thewhimsyturtle · 6 months
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Tall Tuesday ninja training: Stretching on my tippy toes while squashing my plastic plants gets me almost as tall as my walls!
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everydaymacro · 12 days
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Kawasaki GPZ900R ZX900A'85 アオシマ 1/12 ザ☆バイク29 カワサキ GPZ900R Ninja '85 南アフリカ仕様
オリジナルのカラーリングはライムグリーンと白 ニンジャのイメージには明るすぎる感じがしたので ガンメタとメタリックダークグリーンに変更
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ninjaaa-go · 8 months
I swear I have never been as insane about a character as I am about Jay
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driver270 · 9 months
Fellow Chucker I
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I can still hear that drumroll sound effect in my mind.
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sadisthetic · 2 years
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i entered the #Krangified contest on twitter by colin stein. leo was my obvious pick to inflict body horror on. i love the rottmnt movie, the rottmnt movie is good, its so funny, leo has the worst day of his life!
i think there was only one way to maybe make it worse. maybe
its best if he could see the consequences of his actions
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mixelation · 9 months
On a scale of lost to bachelor in paradise, where does this reality tv show fall? Or is it in the too hot to handle category?
as sleezy as possible. their "odd couples" are mostly hot people with a few weirdos thrown in for shock value, and then they intentionally try to stir up drama and attempt to coach people through cheating on each other. like they tell konan to get into a hot tub with a hot guy (he's marketed as a weirdo bc he has tats) and they're very explicit it's because they want to make it look like she's cheating on tori. they push alcohol on them and actively harass people off camera to make their behave worse. tori is thriving
tori, leaning in way harder than she meant to: you want DRAMA? (slaps a stranger's ass)
tori: oh god i hate who i've become
konan KNEW reality shows are fake but she lives in a world with a lot fewer of them and a lot less access to information about how they're made, so she ends up surprised by it in a bad way
konan: i knew things were edited, but i didn't expect this much manipulation. they even took my make-up out of my room to try to force me to let someone else do mine?? why are you so unsurprised
tori: oh yeah, i just assume every TV show is fake and every single published photo is doctored.
konan: even most ninja aren't this paranoid
konan: although this does explain why you're so mistrusting of the news
tori, scratching her fake beard: idk, i don't think it's paranoia-- that's just how my world is.
konan: what the fuck
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