#pleaseeee say its rats
littlemissemeritus · 21 days
im so mad majesty didnt get more votes :(( anyways!! cirice won, so we're now onto prequelle :3
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arolesbianism · 5 months
You know I rly rly wish Jackie had more personal logs because god damn do we barely get to see her perspective on like anything. Like... What gets me most abt Jackie is that she clearly on some level still cares abt Olivia. Olivia was a very important person to her. I don't think Jackie is some victim or anything, but I have to imagine it hurt to watch someone that close to you drift away and grow to hate you. I just find it interesting to imagine Jackie as almost petty in her coldness to Olivia. Like, the two have been working closely for years, Jackie Knows that Olivia isn't the purely moral scientist she seems to think she is, and while I do still think Jackie is worse, I also do think she had a point when she did point out Olivia's hypocrisy. So it just makes me think... Did Jackie maybe become more stubborn against Olivia's feedback because of this? I think it'd be interesting if from her point of view, Olivia has been actively manipulative in her hypocrisy. I think it'd be so fun if Olivia wasn't just an annoyance, but the villain of Jackie's story from her point of view? I just like the idea of them both being the villains of each other's stories, it adds more to the doomed toxic yuri I think
#rat rambles#two middle aged divorced women who low key high key want to get back together but also hate eachother still#I am poking jackie with a stick and begging her to monologue more gimme more perspective pleaseeee#I also desperately want more fuel to add to my olivia jackie parallels that I fully made up bucked#this is me wanting jackie to even vaguely accuse olivia of having a superiority complex pls itd make me so powerful#olivia isnt like. a horrible monster in my eyes. to be clear.#shes not a bad person per say just. not as good of one as she'd like to believe#in fact Id say she is very very narrow in her perceptions of right and wrong#as she seems to only consider the ethical implications of a thing if they directly affect agency or the livingness of a thing#and by agency I dont mean it fully I mean just the literal ability for a being to act on its own#again she doesnt seem to mind the dna stealing enough to make a fuss abt it so her agency horror is quite limited#in fact she seems quite eager to put people into all sorts of extitentally horrifying situations girlie do not give the dupes memories#and when she talks abt this shes all like just think about the possibilities for new ai and technologies like girl.#shes all for giving computers the ability to have existential crisis's until shes the computer having one lol#but also. fucking imagine if she made real progress in restoring the hosts memories in the duplicants.#like imagine not only did someone steal your dna but also your fucking Memories#imagine finding out your memories your Mind being planned for commercial use#how is that not just horrifying? wouldnt you be afraid of being replaced? of being exploited in ways you couldn't possibly imagine?#this is why I love olivia so much. shes so fucked up and thinks shes the most normal scientist here at the same time.#also I can't help but see her putting herself in the printing pod ai as almost. a last grasp for control.#god olivia fucking broussard. she should explode (affectionate)#blame juice for this btw I listened to mr.telephone man by tape girl for the first time and there was no going back#oni posting
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Please, I beg of you, tell me about your FAVOURITE WIP currently, or your favourite story idea that you have yet to even start
Just to prove a point that you're not annoying, of course 😜
And to prove it even more I should also mention that I have notifs on for you and getting home from work and seeing your blog name amongst the several others I follow in my notifs is THE best feeling, like I love it
Already I've had some of my favourite Tumblr interactions here alone, and the fact that I'm constantly on a similar brainwave as you and get to see you put my fav thoughts with my fav blorbos into *words????* BEST
Furthermore: In Solidarity!!! This is my, what? 4th? Ask? In 24 hours, I worry so much that I'm ALSO annoying XD Like how're you putting up with my constantly running with Your ideas?? I've had to resist sending in half a dozen MORE separate asks, you don't even know
PLEASEEEE I wanna know your favourite kinda things to write and what your favourite thing Now is and what WIP has the most space in your head rn 🙏
oh my god you have notifs on for me i am so sorry i never shut up LMAO and honestly; dont worry about sending asks, send literally as many as u want bestie i mean it when i say i dont shut up i love answering asks :]
and now,,,ahh,,,my favourite wip? as a whole that Is Posted But Still A WIP; honey whiskey! I love wing aus, and Prince Legend is my favourite thing ever bc this Rat Bastard Is Royalty With Connections To Two Different Kingdoms (and also the twist im abt to reveal >:) is just so fun to write for) but also splitting, barely fitting is so fun for me to write?? I characterize the colours very different from 90% of the fsa fandom and its so great to see that people like my interpretations of them! as a general WIP that has not been posted yet; torn between sweet bod and im the only one on your AM radio ! sweet bod is the pre-fic oneshot for im the only one on your AM radio! it's a soulmate au, but ive spiced it up so that the soulmate 'thing' is telepathy BUT the telepathic power activates randomly for completely random amounts of time Favourite kind of things to write....i really like angst lmao, but also found family and fix-it fics! the angst isnt a shocker til you realise my first ever lu fic was actually fluff! who woulda thought? also is it obvious that i like having lowercase titles? lmao
a this went on for a while lmaoo apologies
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sincerlypadfoot · 4 years
The Fifth Marauder (1)
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Word Count - 1869
“So what your telling me is that you wanna become a Animagus?” I said to Sirius, James and Peter who were standing in front of me with a book in hand.
“Don't you think its a good idea, its Mooney's birthday in a month and a half and it falls on a full moon, what better present would it be if we joined him, as animals all together in the shrieking shack,” Sirius said smiling at me, the other two nodded their heads. “All we have to do is keep a leaf in our mouths for a whole months, that's not to hard,” He said making my eyes roll now.
“No, what is hard is not getting caught with that leaf in your mouth, drinking a potion in a full moon and finding all the stuff to put in the motion and saying the same words over and over again for a months, hoping that at the end we don’t get turned into a mutant half human half animal like thing,” I said crossing my arms.
“So is that a yes?” James said smiling and tilting his head at me. “Pleaseeee,” He winned, Sirius puppy dog eyed me and Peter stuck his lips out.
“Of course I'm gonna do it, are you guys crazy, Moony is my best friend too and hell I would kill to be a animal,” I said and all the boys went crazy. 
“We can’t tell moony though, its a secret,” Sirius said showing me the book. “We have to get a mandrake leaf, easy peasy, see,” He said pointing the James who pulled out four Mandrake leaves from a back.
“Well, you know Minnie is gonna know what we’re doing right, she had to do it once, so what's your big plan on that,” I said tapping Sirius forehead.
“Already got it covered, we take a vow of silence well in her class, for a month, every morning we take turns  deciding what excuse we would come up with,” He said tapping my forehead.
“When do we do it? And what do we tell Remus?” I asked, he was in class right now, the only class we didn't have together. “Wait, we tell him that we did a prank gone wrong and Madame Pomfrey told us we couldn't talk for about a month, he’ll have no idea,” I said shrugging my shoulders.
“Look at the brains on you,” James said handing each of us a leaf. “Its the weekend, we have the whole weekend to think of the ways we wont get caught, and what to do if we get caught,” He said forming a circle, we all had the leaf in our hands.
“One,” Peter said counting with his fingers. “Two,” he said getting nervous, “Three!” He shouted and we all put the leaf in our mouths, logging mine in the back near my molars, letting it rest there.
“We can not swallow or take them out, or we’ll have to start all over again,” James said reading the rules. “Once the month is ended we spit them into a bottle and make the potion in the moonlight putting a piece of hair, a teaspoon of dew and death hawk moth in, then we wait for a lightning storm and drink the potion,” James said reading out of the book.
“That doesn't seem to hard,” Sirius choked out, he was playing with the leaf in his mouth being clumsy. “We should have paper with us, so we could tell Minnie the first day we took a vow of silence for a month because we’re so annoying so we’re giving everyone a break for a month,” Sirius said his plan and everyone agreed, we all got a pad and paper and we’re ready for the start of class in two days.
“Hey guys, what up,” Remus said walking into the room, we all froze and looked over at Sirius, the master mind of our plan.
“Heyy buddy,” Sirius said jamming his leaf into the back of his mouth, making sure Remus couldn't see the leaf.
“What did you guys do?” Remus asked looking over at everyone. “Peter?” Remus asked first, but he stayed silent, looking at me, I shook my head. “y/n, what did you guys do now,” He asked now looking at me.
“Not a think, we’re just sitting here, waiting for you and now your here,” I siad to him but of course he didn't believe a single word we had to say to him.
“Just tell me what you guys did, I wont be mad, unless you guys killed someone, then I will be angry,” Remus said sitting on his bed and shaking his head.
“Well,” Sirius said and we all shot our heads in his direction and shook our heads but he put his hands up. “We thought it would be a good idea to, you know, become a Animagus,” Sirius said sticking his tongue out with the mandrake leaf on his tongue.
“You guys did what?!” Remus said standing up. “You know what would happen if someone caught you doing this, you guys could get expelled!” He said trying to grab the leaf from Sirius but he closed his mouth.
“We’re taking a vow of silence well in class, we wont get caught Moony, its okay,” James said to him but that didn't make the situation any better.
“Spit it out now, you don’t know if it will work, you guys could be half animal half human you know, and and and!” Remus said sitting back down, face red as a tomato.
“Remus its okay, we know the consequences but we wanna do it,” I said turning around and grabbing his hands, he looked like he was on the verge of crying. “I think you need a group hug,” I said pulling him into a hug, feeling the other three come around him and hug him too.
“We don’t want you to be alone on your birthday,” Sirius whispered. “Its okay,” He whispered again.
“You guys are the stupidest people I know,” Remus said letting us go. “I guess that whys we’re the best friend group huh,” He said making everyone laugh.
“You know how funny this month will be,” James said patting Remus on the back and sitting on his bed. “You wont have to be alone on full moons anymore Moony, we can be with you,” James said to Remus who still didn't look comfortable with this plan.
“Thank you guys a lot,” Remus said sitting back down as we all sat back down on our beds. “McGonagall is gonna be all over you guys. she's done it before, you know,” Remus informed us.
“We’re just not gonna talk in her class, a little vow of silence for the month,” I said to Remus, having to explain it all over again to him.
“Okay so this is how it goes, we just don’t talk, if she asks us something, we write on our papers that we’re taking a vow of silence for a month okay guys,” James said sticking his piece of paper in the air.
“Ready as ever, ready moony,” I said to James then turned to Remus who didn't look very confident with us.
“You guys better not mess this one up,” Remus said opening the door to McGonagall's class, no one was there yet which was great.
“Good Morning trouble makers, early I see,” No one made eye contact but Remus, I couldn't bare to look at McGonagall well basically ignoring her.
“Good Morning Professor,” Remus said sitting in-between Sirius and I. McGonagall stood up and walked to us, all four of us started to get nervous well Remus was just sitting back watching.
“And why aren’t you guys talking?” She asked looking down the table as all of us, James started to write something on his paper. “Mr. Potter, you four are taking a vow of silence for a month? And Mr. Lupin why aren't you?” McGonagall asked.
“Because I’m not stupid,” He spit out making us all look at him, James was about to say something but I kicked his foot. “They’re just really annoying, I think its a blessing that their gonna be quiet for a whole month,” Remus said putting the fire out on the situation.
“If that be then you’ll be getting extra work, since your vow of silence prohibits you talking in my class,” McGonagall said handing us a stack of paper. “You’ll have this class and until the end of the week to do it,” She said placing each of us but Remus, he got the normal amount of work.
The month passed and we were ready to drink the potion we worked so hard on, Remus birthday was tonight so it was perfect and matched up so good.
“Okay, so we drink this and then what?” I asked James as we stood in a circle, Remus standing in front of the shrieking shack ready to run in.
“Then I guess we just turn into our Patronus?” James said unsure of what he was even supposed to say. “Ready?” He asked as James, Sirius and I looked at each other with a bottle in hand. “Drink up,” He said and we all opened up the bottle and swished it in.
“So, what now,” Sirius said but looked at me. “Did you always have whiskers?” He asked touching my face.
“Did you always have such hairy arms?” I asked and looked around the circle. “James you have prongs!” I said laughing. “Peter look at your tail,” 
“Oh my goodness,” Remus said walking towards us, looking down at a cat, buck, dog and rat. “What have you guys done?” He said laughing and bending down petting my head.
“That was awesome!” I said looking at my hands as I turned back into a human, my heart was racing so much.
“We need names this is awesome,” Sirius said touching and his face and hair, spinning around excited.
“I don't know about you guys but the moon is coming out, I have to go,” Remus said running into the shrieking shack, I covered my ears not wanting to hear Remus change, it was always horrible, never good sounds.
“I was a rat, a damn rat,” Peter said as we all bursted out laughing. “I really didn't think that was gonna work, but at least we didn't turn into a mutant cat or deer huh,” Peter said pulling us into a group hug,
“Come on, we should go comfort Moony, we can think of nicknames later,” James said closing his eyes, his human form was now a deer jumping and failing around.
“After you,” Sirius said taking my hand, we both turned at the same time, walking into the shack to see Remus laying there, we all laid in different areas of the room, watching him curl up in a ball in the middle of the room. I looked over at Sirius who was walking towards Remus, I followed him stopping when he looked up at us then put his head back down, we all slept around Remus that night, hearing his whimpers and comforting him the best we could.
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sp4cewaifu · 6 years
Super Detailed OC asks- 9, 33, aaaand 41 for Artem pleaseeee ❤
From:  Artem Lykos Sent: Wednesday, 6 December 2189 9:23 AMTo: shekissesturiansSubject: FW: Super Detailed Asks
My name is Artem Lykos and  I’m going to answer this obscure chain mail because, well, anything has to be better than listen to the Boss prattle on; “team meetings” are such a drag.
So “shekissesturians” (hoho does this mean I get a kiss at the end of this? ❤) asked the following:
9. Do animals like you? Do you get on well with animals?
Well, if animals liking me means that they don’t bite me or fling their shit at me (I’ll spare you the details of that story) then I guess the answer is yes. I’m partial to Varrens myself; I remember back when I was still just a nestling the Dockmaster had a pet Varren named Ceros, okay he wasn’t a pet; more of a guard hound to keep sticky talons like me out of the incoming merchandise; one of angriest, most vicious looking Varrens I have ever seen, one guttural growl from him sent most of Duct Rats packing. Cept me, of course. Ceros, scared off the competition, this was more than the perfect opportunity to get sum free samples! So being pretty agile and quiet I thought I’d sneak in and out before the dumb mutt would notice me - I was … wrong, so very wrong; of course a chase ensued and eventually I was cornered after tripping over, mere inches from those massive jaws and just when I thought I was going to become Ceros’ chew toy - he just stopped and to my surprise diverted off course in favour for my rusack that I had abandoned in my haste to lighten my load prior, its contents had split out and something really had that pup excited; specified the pyjak jerky. It then dawned on me, I was tackling this problem completely the wrong way - the problem didn’t require stealth, it required bribery! Needless to say, Ceros and I became the best of friends; I’d come visit he’d got his jerky treat and I’d get those free samples. Happy endings for all … except the Dockmaster. And that’s how I learned the best way to animal’s heart was through their stomach, not unlike myself.
33. What underwear do you wear? Boxers or briefs? Lacey? Comfy granny panties?
Wow, we’re getting personal now, aren’t we? I’ll show you mine if you show me yours. ;3
JK, to be honest, I wear whatever is available to me, I’m honestly not fussy, briefs, boxers, commando, whatever! Growing up as Duct Rat you really didn’t get to have a preference.  I suppose now days, when I’m not going commando because I haven’t washed the duds in … a while, I suppose I prefer briefs.
41. What’s your sexuality? What do you find attractive? Physically and mentally? What do you like/need in a relationship?
Y’know on Omega, if people want to know this level of detail about you, it usually means bad things. Good thing this is a totally legit chain email with absolutely no consequence to sharing personal details about yourself. Definitely no sarcasm here.
Pfft. The monodrone of Boss’ voice drives me to take stupid risks.
I digress, to answer the question; on reflection, I suppose you could say, my taste in individuals is not unlike my taste in undies, I’m not particularly fussy when it comes to looks, species and gender, so I suppose if you’d wanted to shove me in a box I’d guess I’m bisexual. Although I gotta say on instinct I will tend to bat for my own team. But what attracts my attention to someone is their (corny as this is going to sound) heart. In Omega, good/decent folk that you can trust is about as rare as Krogan’s birth rate or a Turian without the stick up his or her ass.One moment your buddy can be covering your back in some grand escapade and next they can be gouging your eye out for the honour of joining a gang and a few credit chits. My point being, is that you be a prickly cactus on the outside but it’s what’s on the inside that counts.
Rereading this, I probably should have just said Asari with big titts or something…
The only other must have aspect my potential partner in crime should have; is they have to be able to tolerate my bad jokes and puns - don’t have to like them, just tolerate them. There, I hope you found my answers entertaining. And if you plan on stealing my identity, be sure to pay of my debts while your at it. That would be super helpful. Thanks! 
- Artie
From: shekissesturiansSent: Tuesday, 5 December 2189 9:23 AMTo: Artem Lykos Subject: FW: Super Detailed Asks
9, 33, aaaand 41 pleaseeee ❤
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bellamysblakehs · 7 years
No Regrets - Bellamy Blake
Request: Can you do one where you and Bell have been friends for forever and then u guys have a one night stand and agree to pretend it never happened but you realize you have feelings for him and you end up confessing them pleaseeee Requested by: Anonymous Pairing: Bellamy Blake x Reader A/N: This sounded pretty cool and its like 9:00pm where I am so I was like sure. Warnings: Lol like you care tho. Kinda smut.
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Your name: submit What is this? document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); }); function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; } } function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v; }
Your last name: submit What is this? document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/l\/n\b|\(y\/l\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); }); function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; } } function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v; }
“Come on.” You whispered frustrated, as you saw the back of a male facing away from you. “You couldn’t keep it in your pants, could you?” You said sarcastically to the sleeping person. You scrambled to your feet and scavenged for your clothes which happened to be in all different sides of the room.
See this is what happens when you drink on Unity Day, Y/N. You thought to yourself. You struggled to put on your reeking clothes, that made you gag when your top slipped over your head. You really needed to wash those clothes. You were yet to see the persons face and quite frankly, you didn’t really want to. As you were leaving, the hangover you had developed decided to let you remember your night.
“Bellamy! Baby!” You called over to your best friend, your tipsy figure stumbling as you walked. He playfully groaned but chuckled slightly to show he was only kidding.
“Y/N, How many times have I told you this? Don’t call me baby..” He huffed, you giggle at his frustration and hand him a drink. He just stares at it.
“Drink it!” He rose a questioning eyebrow. “You’ll be as fun as me!” You exclaimed
“I think I’ll pass.” He grabs the cup and pours the drink on ground beside him. You clench your jaw and gasp.
“If you don’t drink this, I’ll call you Baby Bestie Blake forever.” You were being stubborn, this wasn’t surprising though.
“Fine,” and with that, he snatched a drink from you and gulped it down.
The rest of the night seemed blurry and there were missing parts to the story, but you remember the last thing you did, your regret.
“Are you,” you whispered as a set of soft lips sucked your sensitive neck, “Are you sure?” You finished, you were a mess. A vulnerable mess. But you felt guilty that you were enjoying this whole scene unravel.
The boy’s head lifted up, your eyes meeting his. Bellamy? Drunk Y/N already knew this was him but hangover Y/N was still adjusting.
“Yes, I’m sure.” He nodded and you returned the action.
He went for your tank top’s finish and pulled it off you. Your bra was already loose from Bellamy’s previous action. You went for your jeans but Bellamy stopped you.
“I’ll do it,” He ordered, and he peeled of jeans easily, you taking his T-Shirt in the process.
“Oh, little one,” He said watching you stand uncomfortably in front of him, only having thin panties to cover you. Your crossed arms covered your breasts and pulled them away, kissing your chest.
“I just want you,” You expressed to him. He smiled and took off his jeans bring you close to him. He pecked your lips quickly, the feeling of his lips felt better than it probably should have, for a one night stand.
“I’ll make you feel beautiful, because you are,” And then you proceeded your night in the direction it was most likely heading.
“Fuck,” You heard from behind you. You turned around to see him sitting up, he still didn’t know it was you until you met eachother glances.
“Oh my god!” he yelled and had a look of disgust on his face. “Did we?”
“Fuck? Did we fuck? Yeah we did, Bellamy.” You snapped, frustration was all you could feel.
“No, no no no. I didn’t want this to happen! Not with you!” he yelled. Your heart snapped and it was then that you realised you were the one who wasn’t hating the whole idea of them together. He didn’t feel the same. “Ugh you screwed up everything!” He screamed at you, tugging at the ends of his hair.
“Me? What did I fucking do?” You spat, you did nothing wrong, right?
“You got me drunk, Y/N,” He stresses, folding his arms, “Its like you wanted this to happen!” Bellamy was just growing worse.
“You know what, its ironic. When you try to be a protective friend when someone tries to fuck me. But when it’s you screwing me, well! That’s a different story, isn’t it?” You ranted, pacing back and forth. He just stared at you, but you knew he was listening to everything you said. “You can’t blame someone else because you don’t want to take the heat Bellamy! That’s cowardice! I will take half the blame for this, so don’t rat me out to everyone saying I forced myself onto you or some bullshit story.” By now you were fuming, your gestures just grew into large exaggerating movements. It was silent in the tent before Bellamy spoke up.
“I uh,” he scraped the back of his neck, “I think we should forget this and pretend it never happened,” You just narrowed your eyes at him.
“Whatever you say, boss.” And you stormed off in anger. I hate Bellamy Blake.
It was 2 hours later. Saying you regretted lashing out at Bellamy like that was an understatement. You were devastated. He probably thought you were a psychopath now. Or maybe it was the fact that you didn’t regret your one night stand.
You always thought of you and Bellamy as friends and nothing more but ever since you got to the ground, things changed and I guess you could say that you both matured in various ways. But regardless of your attraction to your friend, you were mad at him nonetheless. It’s true, he was always blaming others for his jackass actions and never admits to anything.
Bellamy, little did you know, was also angry at himself. He liked you more than a friend but unlike your feelings, his developed before you landed on earth. Your friendship on the Ark always meant more to him and you couldn’t see that.
His nickname for you was what he always wanted to call his girlfriend or wife, but you didn’t know that. So he gave you the nickname. It being “Little One”,
Bellamy’s mind then started go crazy, his heart felt like it would leap out of his chest any second and that’s when he realised it. He heart was breaking. He loved you.
So without hesitation he marched to your shared tent with Octavia.
“Y/N?” Bellamy asked, spotting you in the corner, your front facing the walls of the tent.
“She doesn’t want to speak with you,” The younger Blake said to her brother.
“Well, uh, she doesn’t have too,” Bellamy stated confidently, “She can just listen.”
“So. there’s no subtle way of saying this but, here goes, I like you. Okay? I like you, I might even love you, but I’m a selfish jackass that doesn’t accept his own consequences that doesn’t deserve you.” He confessed, shaking a little. “I know I stuff up all the time, but I need you, Y/N. I can’t do this without you.” His eyes tried to fight the drowning sensation they were suffering.
Your emotions couldn’t handle his poetic words much longer. All this time, he liked you?
“Shut up,” You spat, Octavia was just watching the dramatic scene unfold in front of her like a TV show.
“Wh-wha?” You cut Bellamy off again,
“Shut up, before I do it myself with my lips!” You yelled, before pulling him into a hug.
“I’m so sorry.” Bellamy whispered in you ear. “I-I love you,” You broke away from the hug and smiled.
“I love you so much,” You said before kissing him, passionately.
“She shut you up with her lips!” Octavia called and the couple chuckled before sitting down. —– The End (That was super shutting but it’s 11:00 and I have been perculating ideas for 2 hours so…)
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