#pll tp spoilers
I know the spinoff is supposed to be it’s own show...
But are we really gonna ignore Mona telling Alison her reason for being in France “escaped” her?
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themarinaalexis · 5 years
This focus on Beacon Guard as the Big Brother-esque, omnipresent force is what I’ve wanted since the very beginning of this show. And the fact that it doubles as some sort of psychological experiment just makes it even better. I am so here for this, Freeform please just renew it so I can let myself be properly excited!!
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heyheycaitalin · 5 years
What if Taylor is The Professor? Her mom said she was a teacher.
So if she is The Professor she either killed her brother, pretended to be devastated, then shot Jeremy to shut him up before he told the whole group. No one would suspect her. Motive? Not sure yet, honestly kinda leaning towards she'd have to be a sociopath to kill Nolan.
Or she faked Nolan's murder, threw a realistic af body off the roof, paid that detective to take over the case and not let anyone too close to the body, paid Jeremy for his help and silence, and shot Jeremy to keep him quiet when she could see him about to crack.
In this theory, she also would've blown up her own trailer to destroy evidence. Set up the camera at the river and get everyone else saying how they could frame it as Jeremy attacking her. Hack Beacon Guard's cameras. Hack everyone's phones for her calls. Setup a program so it looks like she was hacked.
BUT if Taylor is The Professor, then Zack has to be in on it too. He wouldn't call Taylor "Professor" unless he knew that's her codename. I'm alright with theorizing Zack's an accomplice, I just don't have a lot to go on yet.
Honestly I'm tempted to just rewatch season 1 again and make a list of everything suspicious anyone has said or done that could point to them being the murderer or accomplice. I started making one on my phone but got lazy around episode 4.
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mattzerella-sticks · 5 years
So PLL Perfectionists...
I have a feeling that maybe Dylan’s boyfriend Andrew was the one who offed Nolan. They had a hidden convo at the party, he’s close enough to the main cast that it would hurt, and as we all know I Marlene puts all her gay characters through The Most(tm). I mean look how we started this season - with Emison broken up and SPOILERS the death that kickstarts it all is a bi/pan character.
But I also think Dylan will hook up with Mason because Mason DEF loved Nolan like Ava loved Nolan. And like all of us, Dylan had EYES.
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My thoughts while watching PLL: The Perfectionists S01E02
I typed this as I watched it
Good, it's starting right where episode one left off.
Oh my gosh, I think Ava thinks it was Caitlin.
Sofia is such a good actress
Poor Ava
Jeremy seems super shady... 🤔
Are. You. Serious? Nolan, or someone pretending to be Nolan, is texting Alison? What the hell.
I am really starting to like Caitlin 👍
I love Mona, but she's nuts.
Ali is so done. 😂
I mean, I get why she is so done, but still. It's entertaining. Especially because Mona is being so... Mona.
Again with the pie.
It wouldn't be PLL without a slap between Mona and Ali.
Janel and Sasha are killing it, as per usual. I love these women and I love seeing Ali and Mona again.
I am loving this instrumental of Mad World
I kind of really love PLL parallels
Great funeral conversation, Mona. 👌
Group texts? Really Ali?
Oh my gosh, they're all ignoring her. 😂
I agree, Dylan. Mason is pretty shady.
Isn't it a bit shady that Booker went from FBI to Head of Security at a college?
Ali's "why me" attitude is my aesthetic.
Awwww, Mona and Ali are kind of almost bonding. ♥️
I love Dylan. I will protect him at all costs. 😍
Mason is shady af
Pll has always done suspense very well, in my opinion.
Damn, this music is amazing.(Daydream by Ruelle) Pll really did define my taste in music, so no wonder I'm loving this sound track.
What the hell? Rando voice saying "it's just like you imagined it." Creepy as hell.
I want to know how they got so much nice weather for filming. What is their secret? I know for a fact that Oregon weather sucks 80% of the time.
The other Perfectionists reaching out to Ava is giving me life right now.
Okay, Claire, you can't just go into someone's house and sit in the dark like that. It's creepy.
Hearing from Hanna?
Answering post-finale ship questions with a one sided phone call is exactly the kind of bs I expected from Marlene. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️
Ali protecting the Perfectionists. 👍
"Bring it on, Bitch."
Yes! I LOVE Alison. Obviously.
Overall, good episode. I am really starting to like these characters. I am kind of irritated by the phone call from Hanna, not sure why. It was fan service, which is fine, I guess. I just don't want ships and stuff to take away from the mystery. I'm glad that a lot of PLL fans are happy now though, and I am super happy to hear that everyone is doing well, and that that Hanna and Caleb apparently had a baby. ♥️🤷🏼‍♀️ The mystery is getting more and more interesting. I've got a few theories circling in my head, nothing solid yet though. I can't wait until next week! I will be able to form better thoughts about this episode when I rewatch it tomorrow. Goodnight, lovely people! Btw, kudos to you if you made it to the end of this without being bored out of your mind by my random thoughts while watching. 👍
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mon-stax · 5 years
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#mona wasn’t wrong
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lovealwaysgoesfirts · 5 years
Pretty Little Liars: Entenda a noite do celeiro de vez!
Então vamos lá, pra quem não entendeu a noite do celeiro por completa, aqui vai a ordek cronológica certinha dela pra vocês entenderem de vez como tudo aconteceu. Vamos falar desde os eventos que ocorreram de manhã:
-Mona(sob a identidade de -A) manda um mensagem para Alison dizendo que vai matá-la naquela noite apenas para assustá-la. Alison, que já estava obecada em descobrir quem -A era, se torna mais desesperada ainda.
-Alison estava com Ian no quarto de hotel quando Melissa descobre e inicia uma briga do lado de fora com o mesmo. Alison, que vinha sendo perseguida pela -A (Mona) e queria logo descobrir quem era, e sabia que o Ian adorava filmar as pessoas, espiona as filmagens dele e passa a suspeitar do mesmo. Ela encontra um vídeo da Jenna ameaçando o Toby pra ter relações sexuais com ela contra sua vontade. Ela faz uma cópia dos vídeos.
-Alison pega um vôo e vai até a clínica onde a Jenna se encontra. A Mona estava obcecada pela mesma naquele dia e segue ela até lá.
-Alison, que pensava na possibilidade de Jenna ser -A, ameaça a garota que se ela não parar de mandar mensagens e se ela pisar de novo em Rosewood ela a enterra e revela seus segredos. Nesse momento a Mona manda uma mensagem pra ela e ela percebe que Jenna não é -A.
-Alison volta pra Rosewood e se encontra com as meninas, que afirmam estar tudo certo pra noite do celeiro. As meninas achavam que ela havia passado um tempo apenas com a avó, mas a Spencer nota o nome do hotel em que ela ficou na etiqueta da mala.
-Ao chegar no quarto Alison se depara com uma nova roupa que sua mãe comprou pra ela, um top amarelo e calça preta. Ela também compra uma roupa igual pra sua outra filha, a Charlotte, que está internada no Radley.
-Alison põe o Pendrive com a cópia dos vídeos do Ian dentro do globo de neve vintage que a avó a deu, e entrega pra Emily como presente, pois sabe que em decorrer ao amor de Emily por Alison, ela vai guardar aquilo com zelo, e pede pra não contar a ninguém.
-Bethany, que odiava a mãe de Charlotte e de Alison por ela estar tendo um caso com seu pai, sabia que Charlotte tinha direitos de sair por algumas horas do Radley, e por serem fisicamente muito parecidas ela roupa a nova roupa da garota, juntamente com um bracelete com o nome da Alison, que a Charlotte muito provavelmente o tinha por obsessão pela irmã. Ela se passa pela Charlotre e foge do Radley atrás de Jéssica para matá-la, e a verdadeira Charlotte foge atrás dela.
-Os funcionários do Radley percebem seu sumiço e comunicam à Jéssica, que preocupada, tenta impedir que Alison saia com as amigas naquela noite, com medo que ela esbarre na irmã e na Bethany e descubra tudo. Mas Alison desobedece, e rouba os remédios que a mãe usava para dormir. Seu plano era adormecer as meninas para, enfim, descobrir quem é -A.
-Alison vai até o celeiro e conversa brevemente com as meninas. Recebe uma ligação do Toby, mas ignora. Ela põe o sonífero em suas bebidas e elas adormecem em sono profundo, menos a Spencer, que cai num sono leve decorrente do fato dela ter tomado estimulantes para estudar.
-Alison sai do celeiro entediada e dá de cara com o Toby. Ele diz a ela que é grato por ela p ter libertado da Jenna o mandando pra longe, e pelo fato da noite estar fria, ele lhe entrega seu suéter.
-Alison manda uma mensagem para Ian a encontrar na pedra do beijo, para ameaçá-lo. Mas no meio do caminho, ela encontra Ezra, que foi vê-la.
-Ela entra no carro e Ezra a questiona sobre ter mentido pra ele a idade, e que ele realmente gosta dela, mas por ela ser muito nova, ele se recusa a se relacionar com a mesma. Ela sai do carro desejando que escreva um ótimo livro sobre ela. Ela vai então se encontrar com Ian.
-Ian e Alison gravam um vídeo fingindo que ele a está matando e riem no fim da gravação. Depois ela ameaça ele sobre os vídeos, pois suspeita que ele é -A. Ele vai embora e ela retira o suéter do Toby e deixa na pedra do beijo.
-A Mona, que a estava stalkeando naquela noite, pega o suéter do Toby.
-A Alison volta para o celeiro e vê que Spencer está acordada e espera por ela. Prevendo uma briga, Alison a arrasta até a casa dos Hastings que era em frente ao celeiro.
-Elas discutem feio sobre a Alison sempre manipular elas e a tratar como bonecos, o que a Alison confirma e diz que sem ela elas não são nada. Spencer finaliza a briga dizendo que a Alison já está morta pra ela, e a Alison sai raivosa da casa. Spencer, ainda irritada, vai atrás da mesma.
-Mona, que estava vigiando tudo, tira uma foto de Spencer indo atrás da Alison, onde é possível apenas ver a sombra de Spencer atrás dela.
-Spencer diz que ela ainda quer conversar, mas Alison não. Spencer ergue a enxada que estava logo alí e tenta acertar a Alison com ela, mas erra e deixa cair as pílulas do bolso, e assim a Alison percebe que ela está drogada.
-Spencer com medo que Alison conte aos pais implora para que ela não faça, e Alison diz que vai manter segredo pois é o que boas amigas fazem. Ela ordena a Spencer a voltar pro celeiro e dormir.
-A Bethany se aproxima da propriedade dos Dilaurentis que era logo do lado da propriedade dos Hastings, onde o celeiro ficava.
-Melissa havia ouvido a briga das duas dentro da casa, e ao sair, percebe que as duas estavam brigando. Ela não viu o fim da briga, mas viu a Spencer com uma pá.
-Spencer deixa a pá jogada e Mona a pega. Ela avista Bethany se aproximando, e pelo fato delas serem muito parecidas e usarem a mesma roupa, Mona a acerta por trás da cabeça sem sequer ver seu rosto, por estar muito ferida pelas coisas que Alison falava pra ela.
-Mona, para se livrar do crime, pega o suéter do Toby e esfrega o sangue da cabeça de Bethany no suéter. Ela ouve passos e foge, indo deixar o suéter ensanguentado nas coisas do Toby.
-Melissa vê a Bethany caída no chão e a pá do lado, e deduz que Spencer a matou e que ela é a Alison. Logo do lado havia o terreno em que seria construído o Gazebo e uma escavação. Ela arremessa a Bethany dentro do buraco e joga terra em cima para ocultar o crime da irmã para protegê-la.
-Spencer, que provavelmente ouviu o grito da Bethany, retorna ao celeiro quando as amigas também acordaram. Elas estranham o sumiço da Alison e Spencer afirma que a ouviu gritar mas que não sabe onde ela está. Talvez achando que não fosse nada demais, elas retornam a dormir.
-Ian contata os membros do NAT clube para falar que Alison sabe dos vídeos e eles correm perigo. Os membros são Garret e Jenna. Eles invadem a casa da Alison e vão até o quarto dela sem serem vistos pela Jéssica, que estava preocupada ao telefone. Eles também chamam a Melissa.
-Eles escutam passos na escada e acham que é a Alison. Quando a Melissa entra, ela quer desesperadamente saber se enterrou a própria Alison mesmo, perguntando onde ela está.
-Ao saírem, Jenna e Garret são avistados pela Alison. Alison e Jenna discutem, já que ela havia avisado a Jenna que não voltassem, e Garret finge acertá-la com um taco de hóquei, mas na verdade acerta a árvore. Alison faz menção para que Garret finja para Jenna que a matou, e ele faz. Jenna acredita que Garret matou Alison e eles fogem.
-A Alison estava planejando fugir de Rosewood há um certo tempo por causa da -A, e estava ameaçando o Byron por ter tido um caso com uma aluna, para dar dinheiro em troco dela não contar o segredo. Ela contata ele depois de brigar com Garret e Jenna tamb, afirmando que é o último prazo.
-Garret retorna para ver se Alison está bem e vê de relance a discussão.
-Melissa estava tentando ligar para Alison para ver se ela realmente estava morta, e é avistada por Byron logo após sua discussão com a Alison.
-Jasom estava bêbado e alucina ver Charlotte(que ele a conhece como Cece) e Melissa conversando em seu jardim, e ela usa a roupa da irmã. Ele desmaia e Jenna, acompanhada por Garret, deixam um bilhete com o Jason que o faz acreditar que ele matou a própria irmã.
-Alison retorna ao celeiro e todas as garotad ainda dormem. Ela passa muito tempo esperando uma mensagem de -A, mas não recebe nenhuma. Ela acha que o venceu, e se dirige pra casa.
-Charlotte se aproxima da propriedade dos Dilaurentis, sabendo que Bethany estava lá para matar sua mãe. Mas ela não sabia que Alison e ela usavam a mesma roupa naquela noite. Ela avista Alison retornando para casa e a confunde com a Bethany, e a acerta com uma pedrada na cabeça
-Jéssica, que esperava o retorno da filha, vê a Charlotte a atingindo e entra choque. Charlotte aos prantos jura achar que fosse a Bethany e Jéssica não acredita na situação. Ambas deduzem que Alison está morta.
-A sra. Grunwald, amiga vidente da Alison que mora na cidade vizinha e que também tentara saber quem -A era, sente algo estranho e se dirige para Rosewood.
-Jéssica também enterra a Alison no terreno do Gazebo, ou acima do corpo da Bethany ou ao lado. O que sabemos é que foi na mesma área.
-Para ocultar o crime de Charlotte, Jéssica contata Wilden, antigo amigo, que por dinheiro aceita levar Charlotte de volta ao Radley e cortar seus privilégios de sair de lá, e ocultar o que houve com a Alison de fato. Charlotte se despede aos prantos, e Jéssica retorna para casa para dormir. Charlotte entra no carro e retorna ao sanatório.
-Alison desperta dentro da terra e tenta sair. Ela consegue por a mão para fora e a Sra. Grunwald vê sua mão desesperada para sair, e a ajuda. Ela coloca a Alison no carro e dirige em rumo ao hospital, mas quando a Sra. Grunwald desce para chamar alguém, a Alison foge com medo de ser pega por -A.
-Alison retornava sozinha para sua casa quando Mona (que provavelmente voltava da casa do Toby após falsamente o incriminar) a avista e se faz de sonsa, perguntando o que houve e oferecendo carona.
-Alison conta o que houve por cima e conta sobre -A. Ela não quer retornar para casa pois sabe que foi a mãe que a enterrou, então ela pede para Mona dar entrada no Lost Wood Resorts sob o nome Vivian Darkbloom. Alison conta sobre -A e Mona sugere que ela forje sua própria morte, desaparecendo, assim -A pensaria que ela estava morta. Ela fez isso para se livrar de vez da Alison.
-Alison topa e dá dicas de popularidade para Mona em forma de agradecimento. Ela foge de Rosewood e Mona se torna a vencedora do jogo.
Quando a série inicia:
-Mona sabe que Alison está viva e acha que quem a acertou foi ela.
-Melissa acha que Spencer matou a Alison e ela a enterrou.
-Jenna acha que Garret a matou.
-Toby acha que o homem que estava no carro que a Alison entrou(Ezra) a matou.
-Quando o corpo da Bethany é encontrado todos pensam que é o da Alison. Menos a Mona e a Alison, que ficam tipo ????????????? Hahahaha
E é isso, acho que exclareci tudo e todos os pontos da noite e dos eventos, qualquer dúvida vocês podem falar comigo :3
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uberaalison · 5 years
Working Professor theory
I’m just rambling off the top of my head here, but I may have started to figure out something about this mysterious list.
My thinking is that the list is used to identify people on campus who are capable of doing “bad things.” We know that when it was used as Mona’s admissions system, it was able to flag potential students based on certain personality traits, and I believe that this is the reason why the Professor hijacked it. He or she wanted to come up with a group of people who have the capability to become immoral and/or criminal.
Why Ray, Alison, and Caitlin were on the list from the beginning, I have no idea. But I do think I know why Ava, Mona, and Dylan, at least, were added when they were. We saw their names added to the list at the start of the gala, long before they covered for Taylor shooting Jeremy, so it obviously wasn’t that incident that got them pegged.
I think that the list was the reason for the strangely parallel stories of all three of them nearly being kicked out of BHU. Ava was using the money her father had embezzled from innocent people for her own benefit, instead of returning it, which is objectively wrong. Mona was knowingly sleeping with a student at the school, which, as long as it’s against the school’s policy, is objectively wrong (and morally ambiguous). Dylan was blatantly plagiarizing and attempting to skirt around the consequences, which is also clearly wrong. All three of these incidents were coming to a head at the time of the gala, and I think that’s why they were all added to the list at that time - it was determined that they were all capable of doing, once again, “bad things.”
It was all seven names being added to the list that gave the Professor the evidence he/she needed to end the surveillance stage. They’d all proven that they were capable, in some way, of doing something immoral or illegal. 
As for stage two, Marlene has said that the Professor is going to be much more interactive with the group. I’m still working out what I think the goal of this whole experiment is, but I do believe that it has something to do with either studying how far people can be pushed before they’re not willing to go any farther, or possibly grooming a group of people into committing some kind of atrocious act that the Professor has in mind.
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willgwam · 5 years
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“Do you promise to do that everyday for the rest of our lives?”
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Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists theory.
Toby and Mona are working together again and Spencer, Toby, and Alex will all arrive in Beacon Heights sometime in the future.
When Freeform aired the Pilot episode they had Keegan Allen hosting the premiere party. In a promo for the premiere party Keegan is sporting the iconic black hoodie and says “Hey there....or should I say “A” there”
During the premiere party towards the end of the pilot Keegan said “This is PLL so someone isn’t gonna make it out alive”
In episode 2 of “The Perfectionists” Mona is working on her algorithm and humming a very familiar song. The Teddy Bear Picnic song from 3x13 after singing the song in 3x13 Mona turns to “A” to hand them pills and bullets and says of the Halloween train “someone won’t make it to the end of the line”
Two of the most consistent things about PLL is that the cops aren’t to be trusted and the liars never trusted Mona. So when “A”lex was finally caught do we really believe that the liars trusted the lame rosewood cops to keep Alex and Mary locked up?
Maybe the liars trusted Mona to keep Alex and Mary in her French doll house. Maybe it was only a couple of liars, maybe Ali was one and that’s why Emily is having trust issues with Ali, because she found out Ali agreed to Mona holding Alex and Mary captive.
In season 6 Toby expressed that he didn’t trust Ali even after everything that had happened.
Like Mona said “when someone shows me who they are I believe them”
In the pilot of “The Perfectionists” Mona talks to the mirror in Alison’s new house saying with a hint of sarcasm “Alison is as determined as ever”. It seems whomever Mona was talking to knows Alison as well as Mona does.
At the end of episode 2 Mona reveals through a phone call to Hanna that Spencer and Toby eloped. The word eloped implies that Spencer and Toby ran away to get married (perhaps because Mona told them Alex and Mary had escaped and could show up at anytime.) Mona’s response to hearing that Spencer and Toby eloped was “They didn’t even tell you?” There’s a smugness to the comment that makes me think Mona did know, was told about the impending marriage.
I think Mona, Toby and maybe even Spencer have orchestrated a new game to lure Alex out of hiding. Like with the first series it’s As world and the new liars are just living in it.
When Nolan said “they did bad things, they had bad things done to them” I immediately even before the show aired thought he was talking about the OG liars.
For every bear that ever there was
Will gather there for certain because
Today is the day the teddy bears have their picnic
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themarinaalexis · 5 years
Since the promo for next week seems to at least indicate that Ali might be getting a new male love interest, I think it’s time for a friendly reminder that she is canonically bisexual and so being in a relationship with a man does not undermine her sexuality or mean that the writers are homophobic.
In fact, let’s just keep that in mind regardless of who that guy turns out to be next week.
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heyheycaitalin · 5 years
In the pilot, Caitlin said And Then There Were None asks is it okay to kill a murderer. She said (paraphrasing) if they hurt someone I loved, yeah I'd hurt them back.
Now that last episode, Jeremy allegedly killed Nolan. Then Taylor tried to kill Jeremy as revenge. Is it still okay to kill a murderer?
Caitlin didn't love Nolan romantically, but she's known him since they were kids. Trick or treating, birthday parties, riding bikes, prom, all those memories don't just go away. If Jeremy killed Nolan, is it justifiable? Is it okay that Taylor tried to kill a murderer?
If Jeremy doesn't pull through, would it be okay for Caitlin to kill Taylor? And then for someone who loved Taylor to kill Caitlin? And so on, and so on.
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soul-music-is-life · 5 years
Me: *minding my own business, being a productive member of society, writing, editing, all that good jazz*
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“Not cynical enough”
She also said that Taylor was an Ali clone and that Micah from Heroes grew up into an asshole and that there is a genius janitor named Will Hunting. At this rate I don’t know what she’s making up anymore.
I’m dead.
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rodpower78 · 5 years
The Perfectionists got the classic dead rat message.
Also Alison has a found a possible clue in the form of a withered rose.
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ggyppt · 5 years
In my 309th review I take a look at Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists 1x02 “Sex, Lies and Alibis”
Spoilers Below
The opening episode of this show had a whole lot of ground to cover and suffered way more than I originally thought it did because of that glut of information to pass along. This episode comes out swinging setting up the status quo for the show going forward and the character dynamics that are going to be the backbone of the show. Having settled in and given some room to breathe and have characterization rather than exposition, this show quite drastically became better. The mystery, the supposed draw of the show, was still there throughout, peppering in little clues that continue to make the proceeding interesting, but the focus was more on how the characters reacted to those revelations, most of them rather small in scale at this point. There is a power to this episode because it let it’s catharsis finale be a character moment rather than a plot reveal, in a way that serves to complicate the mystery even more at the same time.
The characters are where this sudden boost takes place, as we have to look at these characters as individuals in this episode rather than them being solely defined by their relationship with Nolan and the characteristics shorthands that the show used throughout it’s first episode. This is actually something that the show seeks to comment on within this episode as Ava (played by Sofia Carson from Descendants and Adventures in Babysitting), Caitlin (played by Sydney Park from Santa Clara Diet and Spirit Riding Free) and Dylan (played by newcomer Eli Brown) try to figure out their relationship without the influence of Nolan in their life. This in turn comes out as them realizing how compartmentalized from each other Nolan has kept them. This exposes into some fantastic character moments for these three characters that work amazingly well, especially as they are punctuated by some strong music cues.
Then we have Allison, who came into this show presenting as a woman changed, a rounded off cleaned up version of this character that was made so interesting by how messy she was. That ends up being the focus of her arc, as characters, specifically Mona in a couple of scenes that show why she is the most interesting and charismatic character on the show, talk to her about the show that Allison puts on. This build ends up leading to a fantastically cathartic final moments of the episode.
Mona ends up being the star of this episode, to no real surprise to anyone who watched the original PLL. Janel Parrish consistently exhibits more layers to her characters in simple facial expressions than most of the characters do in their full delivery. She out acts most of the characters, and her arc, spurred on by Allison in an interesting exchange of catalyst-ship for each other, is equally as fascinating as the rest of the characters, though doesn’t get started until a little bit later in the episode.
Overall, this is a much better showcase of the qualities that will set this show apart from its predecessor then the premier was and ends up being one of the more enjoyable episodes of television so far this year. 9/10
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