#pointless fun
hcshannon · 11 months
I just made Freakazoid vs The Tick
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theonewhowails · 6 months
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Golden Fleece
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aimseytv · 10 months
making fun of someone and then saying “but it’s just a joke so it’s okay” is like me stabbing you and then putting thin toilet roll over the wound stop the blood
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zivazivc · 27 days
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A proper look at Brook, my weirdest weirdo, and the offspring of a very unusual throuple. She's a Blues-Rock Troll, mostly inspired by bands like Delta Rae and Larkin Poe.
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kiwiaok · 2 months
and what if I say neil looking at andrew for the last time, right before baltimore
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cemeterything · 1 year
i'm not blaming anyone because there's literally no way you could know but whenever people say "i'm shocked you aren't already a fan of/aware of this pop culture thing" it always makes me a bit sad because. yeah i guess i probably would have been if i'd been allowed to have interests and casual hobbies that weren't constantly scrutinized and only deemed acceptable if they contributed towards my future academic development as a kid. maybe if i'd been allowed to use a computer or phone without my parents constantly breathing down my neck about what i was using them for and punishing me and further restricting my access to the internet if they caught me seeking out any kind of social or recreational interaction there that wasn't pre-approved and regularly checked to ensure i wasn't saying or doing anything that didn't suit their traditional conservative nuclear family sensibilities (or just, like, having fun in a way they couldn't understand tbh). maybe i would have been able to just like. enjoy things. maybe i would have had friends.
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thew1ldblueyonder · 10 months
Forehead kisses are for friends?
Here's the thing about Robin and Steve; their friendship is one of a kind, and to the untrained eye their tactlessness, emotional and physical closeness could signal something romantic. But Eddie knows well that's not the case.
He does notice how much of their casual interactions go against the norm of platonic: sleeping in the same bed, sleeping on each other's laps, etc., but Eddie has never cared much about the norm. He himself goes very much against it, still a one man army facing off against conformity every day, at least in the little things.
The problem comes when he has to place himself into the equation that is Robin & Steve.
It happens like this:
Eddie hosts movie night. Normally Steve does, but this time he really wanted to do it. It seemed like a good idea.
Him, Jonathan, Argyle and Steve could smoke up a couple of joints - God knows they're all desperately in need of a distraction - and maybe Nancy would join in too - and if Nancy joins, Robin does too - and what better place to do that than at his trailer? The whole place already smells slightly of weed and the neighbors don't give a shit about it.
It's also a point of pride for him. Yes, the trailer is small. But it's alright. And he wants his newfound friends to find a home there, too. He wants to feel a little useful, at least.
So, people start arriving. Nancy drives Robin up, Jonathan and Argyle come together. Argyle is already spacey. Eddie's got the movie prepped, snacks on the table, and four traumatized monster hunters restlessly huddling up on his couch, and around it. He has placed some cushions on the floor as makeshift sitting places.
It's only Steve that's missing.
Robin and him are sitting on the floor, an empty cushion reserved for him between them, and she looks as restless as he feels.
See, Eddie's been kind if permanently on edge since the upside-down bullshit. He needs these people to be in places where they're supposed to be, when they're supposed to be. The whole thing kinda made him a control freak, sue him. But when his people are where he can see them he knows they're not in trouble. He knows they aren't getting pulled into the air, bones snapping like twigs...
When the door opens and Steve steps through with an apologetic smile Eddie lets out a relieved sigh. Robin perks up, and before Steve could even finish his explanation for his tardiness - something about keys, but Eddie thinks he's lying and would bet that he's just had a bad hair day and has been spending way too much time trying to fix it - she reaches for him, like a child wanting to be picked up.
Steve goes to her immediately, grabs her hands gently, and gives her a kiss on the forehead.
Not unusual. Eddie almost chuckles at the sweet and casual display of affection, ready to be jokingly snarky, to urge Steve to sit down, finally.
Except, faced with Steve Harrington, placing two hands on the side of his head and bending down, his head quiets immediately. It happens in an instant. Steve reaches down, and kisses him between his eyebrows, redirecting his bangs with one hand. It's short, and thank god for that, because Eddie stops breathing entirely for the duration of the thing. Just a quick platonic smack of lips.
He doesn't even notice the way Eddie sucks in a breath, frozen in place. Doesn't seem to see how he stays frozen, even after Steve sits down next to him, chatting idly with Argyle, leaning back against his leg. He's entirely unaware of his emotional turmoil.
Eddie blinks, his head fuzzy. The feeling of soft lips against his forehead still lingering. He looks ahead of him, and then looks at Robin, who's already watching him. She has an expression of curiosity, that he unfortunately cannot satisfy at all.
Steve doesn't kiss anybody else on the forehead.
Eddie spends the whole night thinking about it.
Was it just because he was also on the floor? Was it a bit? Did he somehow become part of the weird symbiosis that's Robin & Steve? Is he a platonic soulmate now?
Can he not be?
Can he get another kiss? (Preferably on the mouth.)
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sassykinzonline · 2 months
anyways lets talk about the actual real problem with boruto aka the massive retcon and plothole that is the heterosexual marriages.
in the original manga its already established that iruka + itachi serve as the platonic foundation of sasunaru: the imperfection of these important bonds highlight the necessity of both boys to each other. iruka tries to accept despite inhumanity and inability to contribute to strength. itachi emphasizes weakness and dehumanizes, but accepts regardless. this is the key significance in the confessions: they make explicit reference to unconditional observation of strength and humanity to each other. these imperfect platonic foundations serve as the lifeline that allows for further "perfect" love to be explored and understood.
so it doesnt make sense that in boruto with 0 explanation whatsoever (this is even accounting for the light novels), sasunaru becomes the "platform" for the relationship for the suddenly more important relationships with the wives. why? if you have an exclusively perfect relationship, youre not gonna look for another. moreover, ideas like "you acknowledged me more than anyone else" and "i cant lose you" and "you alone make me feel less alone" and "only you make my life worth living, only you bring me light" and "you are my prayer and my hope for the future" are randomly attributed to women who were explicitly told the opposite. in those same light novels, sasunaru becomes a relationship exclusively of conflict/desire for space and distance, but in the boruto manga they cant stay away from each other while scorning their wives.
total actual clusterfuck, the character assassination of sasuke and naruto by that point is entirely secondary and becomes borderline understandable when you consider key values and themes are totally abandoned to give way to these couplings.
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wiitzend · 11 months
not to keep talking about this but if greta decides to take the religious aspects out of her narnia reboot or whatever then there's really no point in even making it. christianity runs so deep in everything related to narnia that taking it out would cause the whole story to fall apart, it would just be another hollow remake and if that's the route she's gonna go (which she most likely will) then i'll just stick to the disney movie and reading the books.
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fencecollapsed · 6 months
once again thinking about Hey Melissa because this story lives in my brain like a little worm that wants to slowly kill me. anyway I've thought of exactly what changes I think would've made the story work better in my opinion so uhh here's my Hey Melissa script doctor I guess djskfjdsk
cut Paul's dog story. I get what the intention was, it's meant to be a full-circle thing at the end, but I just don't think it works the way it was meant to. it muddies the story too much and makes Melissa's motivation more complicated than it needs to be. if in every timeline she's trying to kidnap Paul to keep him as a dog (and she hates and kills dogs), why is this framed as her breaking point? why does she like him at all? and why does him just meowing convince her? cut all that, simplify it. Paul's a cat from the start. give her little club a bit of a clearer and simpler base logic: men they hate are kept as dogs, men they like are kept as cats. Melissa's been wanting a cat for so long, and she's had her eyes on Paul, and she's finally got him where she wants him.
Paul still denies that he's as good of a person as Melissa thinks he is, but instead of telling the dog story, have him just. lose his temper and be kind of a dick to her. he wanted to let her down easy, but she just keeps pushing. goddammit Melissa, he'd like you more if you'd drop this. he's made it clear he's not interested. she's not his type, he doesn't like the things she does. they're not compatible. and he's dating Emma right now anyway. can she please just let this go and stop pestering him so they can at least stay friends? Melissa's clearly upset, barely holding back tears, but says she understands. Paul now feels guilty, asks if there's anything he can do. Melissa asks him to feed her dog. the dog is Ted, and Melissa knocks Paul out. Paul wakes in the cage, afraid he's going to be defingered like Ted, but Melissa assures him no, she would never declaw a cat. Ted's a dog, see, he's a nasty, filthy dog pretending to be a man, he needed to be taken off the streets to keep everyone else safe. but Paul? Paul's a sweet kitty who's just confused and thinks he's a man, thinks he knows what he wants, thinks he's happy. thinks he doesn't like her back. he broke her heart, but that's okay, he's just a feral cat who doesn't understand that he's safe with her. he bit and scratched her because he doesn't know what love really is. he just needs to be trained and socialized. in time he'll understand that all Melissa wants is to love him, and he'll come to love her, too.
add like. one scene or moment to ground the tone and force the viewer to sit in how horrific this would actually be. one mention of Ted's wounds being infected, or the guys being cold and malnourished. just like, a single line, or a brief exchange between Ted and Paul would be enough. keep it light and absurd the whole rest of the time, but one moment that takes the situation more seriously would add a lot, I think.
have Emma bitch Melissa out after their exchange. do not have her just walk away crying, let her get MAD. let her rip into this freak who's boasting about having stolen her guy. who does Melissa think she is?? someone who deserves a cup of milk to the face, Emma thinks. it's full of spit, by the way. fuck you. and fuck Paul. you assholes deserve each other. and Emma starts crying then, at the end if her rant, and realizes she's. a lot more hurt than mad, actually. more hurt than she'd expect to be about Paul. fuck, she'd thought there was something special about him. but he's just another asshole. and then she storms out crying.
foreshadow Paul's decision to stay with Melissa. one moment of him starting to kind of like being here. she's scratching his chin, or petting his hair or something, and he's enjoying it a little. has to snap himself out of it, like he forgot for a moment that this is a waking nightmare. would give the ending more of an ambiguous terror, that maybe it's not just the bump on his head, and there was something in him that was being won over, because we saw it.
at the end Paul apologizes to Melissa for breaking her heart, thanks her for being patient with him. he always wanted to be a good man, but he never believed he was. but Melissa believed he was a good cat, and now he is. she made him what he could never be on his own. and to make up for hurting her, he'll be hers until he dies.
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silver-horse · 8 months
unfortunately I have opinions about the ascendant astarion ending and I have been holding back from saying it. but it's a problem that applies to the whole game and it's been annoying me
what's actually weird about the ascendant "romance" scene is that the writer considers it a tempting option for the player. They wrote it to be bad, but they also think it's a fun and sexy option. Same goes for the haarlep scene which they also wrote that way because they find it sexy. Except finding this sexually appealing entirely hinges on the idea that the player is a submissive. So RIP to a scene that the rest of us could have found sexy because the lead narrative designer was a submissive. lmao
In this game you can have a scene where you have to kneel for a male character. But you can never have a male character do the same for you. (Halsin doesn't count. It's a vanilla scene, he is not submissive there and we are not even asking/telling him to kneel down) You don't get such options, not even if you play a drow female! RIP the number one reason for playing drow female to be honest. lol You can kneel and fully submit to ascendant astarion or fully submit to mizora or fully submit to haarlep or submit to lae'zel or submit to minthara. you can get whipped by abdirak or you can tell him "touch me and lose a hand" he even responds positively to this remark and yet the possibility to flip the dynamic doesn't exist. There is never an option where a male character truly submits to the player. RIP to a scene that would have been the opposite of the traditional dynamic. the potential that existed but they never used the opportunity
By the way, how interesting that Lae'zel is dominant but she is a woman so ofc you get the option to tell her “no you will submit to me”. You never get such switch options with any of the male characters... Obviously it's not ascendant where they could have made that an option. My point is that it's NEVER an option among so many male characters.
It's a cool idea that the bad ending in a romance means "I saw this character as a sex object" except it falls apart when the scene is very sexually unappealing to anyone who is more dominant leaning. If I see a character as a sex object then I would place them in sexual situations which are appealing to me. so the message doesn't quite work. because there isn't anything that I can selfishly choose for myself just because I like it and I find it sexy.
#it's the old traditional setup where male characters are never submissive. either vanilla or they are dominant. and no other options exist.#I just find it a bit funny how they seem oblivious to the fact that these scenes being “sexy”and tempting entirely hinge on the possibility#that the player has the same tastes but a LOT of us don't. and then these scenes aren't even remotely sexy#don't get me wrong it's cool to have these scenes in the game but there could have been something different as well#rather than the same dynamic multiple times. and if you are super not into that then you only have the vanilla options#meanwhile the subs get multiple ''fun'' scenes. I just find this very unequal. if you are not into that well your character#will be placed into situations where characters make these unappealing propositions and sometimes it's fight or submit. that's weird imo#for a game that has storylines about consent. sexually weird scenes would be fine and interesting if it wasn't SO unequal and always the#same dynamic where they mostly give players options where our female characters should submit and NEVER the opposite I will always be salty#bg3#larian studios#baldur's gate 3#bg3 mine#haarlep#astarion#my post#abdirak#my thoughts#my posts#it's like the whole reason I like to play drow women if I am honest but it's been so utterly pointless#as a drow female on a rare occasion you may be allowed to say a barely rude dialogue to males and that's all lmfao#mildly rude to men is just what I do in real life but it's a viddy game and I should be able to be a bit of a nasty aggressive female#(sure they can frame it negatively. that's fine. but let the ''fun'' option exist for us as well)
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godsfavoritescientist · 9 months
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Facing the Axolotl
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erdarielthewhumper · 1 year
Hmm... thinking about when the team has been split up for an extended period of time for whatever reason, and when they get back together, they're all vaguely aware of where most of them were in that time/what they were up to. Except one, no one knows with them. And they're being a bit cagey about it maybe, and sometimes the rest of the team sees them flinch at quick movements, or caught them having nightmares or avoiding sleeping at all... and slowly, they begin to piece together that the character's been hurt. One of their own has been hurt, and they weren't there to help, or stop it, or look after them.
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tswwwit · 26 days
(for a proper idea of my emotions, please picture this said while crying happy tears)
after who knows how long waiting for a new reincarnation to appear, taking the time to let cult dipper settle in and calm down, bills hard work and dedication to manipulation finally paid off! he gets to finally cuddle and sleep with his husband again!
You know Bill's mentally giving himself a pat on the back and congratulations for his own cleverness. Getting this flighty little traumatized guy to hold still for a hug has been a whole ordeal; it's about time it paid off!
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merakiui · 8 months
LEONA, JAMIL, AND VIL IN THE LOUD CATAGORY?!?! 👀👀👀 pls,,,elaborate, you put them in a row too like the torture 🥵
I imagine Vil is going to be unabashed in his expressions. He sees no shame in being loud, and if your relationship with him isn't a secret of course he's going to want to flaunt it. He's proud of you and the relationship he has with you, so why should he limit that in bed? Also, I just think Vil can be dramatic and bratty in bed sometimes and so there are moments where he's louder than he usually is.
Jamil and Leona are within the same sub-category of fucks you so good that others nearby can hear the bed creaking and the headboard banging against the wall. Leona just doesn't care; he's shameless like that, so all of Savanaclaw is going to know he's getting laid. He growls a lot and if he really loses himself in sex those growl-moans of his can get quite loud. <3 but also when Leona's in the mood you're going to need help walking afterwards and everyone's going to know who rearranged your guts lol. That, and Savanaclaw's layout is open and many beastfolk have impeccable hearing, so if they don't hear the bed creaking or Leona's groans then they're definitely going to hear you.
Conversely, Jamil isn't one to make much noise verbally. He's more likely to be quiet, grunting or groaning softly in your ear. But he has a tendency to fuck you roughly when he's in the mood to do so (which is more often than you'd think because being Kalim's servant is both irritating and exhausting; and the bedroom is one of the few places Jamil has control), which often results in the bed making more noise than he does simply because the pace he sets is brutal and relentless. He often pushes your face into the sheets to muffle your sounds so that no one will hear either of you, but if anyone listens close enough they can put two and two together after hearing the creaking bed and the sinful slap and squelch of skin on skin.
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slavhew · 2 months
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always covered in your tears and their blood.
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