#poor little mewmew
inkxhan · 1 year
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lil-gingerbread-queen · 4 months
What I'm saying: I'm fine
What I'm thinking: The history section at my favorite library (its owned by the employees, there is no "boss") regrouped Israel and Palestine together, but there's not a single book talking about Palestinians, about their history or their side, it's only about Israel's history. There's not a single book about the region's history between the fall of Ancient Israel and 1948, how can they dare erase millenium of history??? And, aside from the section label [Israel/Palestine], the only mention of Palestinians is as "terrorists". Only one book criticized Israel's actions, and it is still centered on the jewish people and how they suffer from an ethnostate, and yes, it must be said, but the Palestinians! And I know that books talking about the Palestinians, their history, from before and since Israel, exist. I have read some of them. We had a French Institute, destroyed by Israel now, in Gaza so our intellectuals could work together on studying and preserving Palestine, intellectuals that care deeply about Palestine and its people. Where are their works? What are they not on the front of their shelves when Palestine has been bombed and destroyed for more than 3 months? This is erasing history, by taking the information away from the public, by making it more difficult to access.
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A study on one Yokozawa Takafumi
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 Okay, buckle up guys cause I’ve been wanting to do this for MONTHS and now is the time and it’s gonna be a long post.  It’s time to talk about my sweet baby angel Yokozawa.
As some of you may have figured out already, Yokozawa is my favorite character in the SiH/JR universe. Tbh, he’s my favorite character PERIOD.  I mean, look at him :
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He’s gorgeous. I could look at him all day long. So what follows is a bunch of observations and theories (that are obviously 100% totally true, as they are mine) that revolve around the character of Yokozawa Takafumi.
We don’t really know much about Yokozawa’s personal life before his first appearance in SiH. We know of his relationship with Takano and their time together in college, but we know nothing of his past that DOESN’T involve Takano.  We do have glimpses of informations, like the fact that his parents worked late when he was a child and so he had to learn how to cook and take care of himself and that they might be bugging him about getting married, but it’s always given out in 1 short sentence in the novels with absolutely no details, which makes this statements difficult to fully understand. (for example, it isn’t explicited if he has siblings, tho he probably doesn’t, or when exactly did his parents talk to him about getting married, which means that he COULD have siblings and that his last interaction with his parents COULD be from a couple of weeks to several months before we hear of it, maybe even more than a year). We also learn in an EXTRA (like you gave him 6 novels but you put THAT in an EXTRA, NAKAMURA?!?) that his scowl comes from waaaaaayyyyyyy back into his childhood since he’s been scowling in pictures since he was a child, something that he didn’t realize himself until he saw said-pictures again as an adult.
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From his first appearance, what we understand about him is that he’s cold, aggressive, loud and work-focused. In fact, it is implied that it’s what many of his coworkers see in him since they nicknamed him the “Wild Bear” of Sales.  His personnality and reputation are so bad at the start of SiH that most of them fear him, and the only coworkers with whom he seems to get along with, outside of Takano, are Henmi (which is honetsly only due to Henmi being a cinnamon roll), Hatori (but it’s more about mutual respect than friendship) and Yukina (who’s not even working at Marukawa and whom he only sees from time to time). He does have cordial relationships with other people, but it’s mostly people who don’t interact much with him or who are unrelated to his own work. 
To summarize, he’s a grumpy asshole with no friends (except Takano but we all know it’s basically like having no friends at all) (sorry Takano kinnies, i love him too but you know I’m right) And we, readers, are expected to hate him with all our heart.
Then, this happens:
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And from then on, Yokozawa is revealed to be so much more than what we thought we knew.  The next time we see him in SiH, he’s “back to normal” and tells Ritsu that at the first occasion, he’ll steal Takano back. Thanks to the Yokozawa Takafumi no Baii novels (or YTnB), we understand that he doesn’t really think what he’s saying as he has finally fully realized that he could never have Takano. What he said then was a way for himself to not lose face in front of the man who beat him, who won Takano even though he’s done nothing for it, unlike Yokozawa who had been trying to get Takano for several years. It’s self-preservation, and in the end, it may be more of an act for himself than against Ritsu.  In other words, he’s officially giving up but without admitting his defeat, at least out loud. The worst part is probably that he had known for a long time he could never have Takano, but just couldn’t let go. It doesn’t really work for him tho, because he still feels all the sadness, sourness and disappointment that comes with being rejected for someone else. And of course, since he is very prideful, you can add shame to the mix.  Then, the final strike: there’s no one for him at this moment.  Takano is more or less his only friend, and in this situation there’s no way he can seek comfort from him.  His family? Well, assuming he doesn’t have any sibling, it’s only his parents, and from how much we hear about them (NEVER LMAOOOOO, they’re mentionned 2-3 times in total thoughout the 6 novels and have 0 influence on the plot at any time. Compared to that, Hiyori’s grandparents from her mother’s side are like main characters lmao), he doesn’t seem particularly close with them, so they’re out.
By the way, there’s something really bothering me that I want to share.  In the 4th novel, Yokozawa reveals to the Kirishimas that his birthday was actually 2 days after Kirishima’s but that he FORGOT about it until way after it had passed. He also says that it doesn’t really matter because it’s not important and he usually doesn’t celebrate it anyway. The problem is: as a parent, wouldn’t you, at least, call your child to wish them a happy birthday? Because, if Yokozawa forgot his birthday until AFTER it had passed, it means that NO ONE wished him a happy birthday, or he would have remembered. Therefore, his parents didn’t even call to wish him a happy birthday. His own parents to whom he is -supposedly- an only child. From that, we can extrapolate. If they don’t call him for his birthday, they probably don’t call much at all, right? Now, add to that information that Takano, his only real friend, never calls him by his given name, and that of course no one else does since they’re not close with Yokozawa. The only people who might call him by his given name are his family. His parents. Do you see my point?
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This man has very probably not been called by his given name in months.  Your given name gives you individuality. Your family name is something you share with other people but your given name identifies you as an individual among your family. I’m telling you, my boy has been called “Yokozawa” for so long that it’s basically how he identifies himself. (hell, I bet he refers to himself as “Yokozawa” instead of “Takafumi”) And I think that this theory is supported by the fact that he doesn’t like being called “Takafumi” by Kirishima, even after months of dating. It’s like he’s not a person anymore. He doesn’t have anything he’s passionae about, he’s an entity that fulfils a role. Takano’s best friend. The Wild Bear of Sales. Ritsu’s rival.  He’s never allowed to be just “Takafumi”. And when he “loses” the only person he was actually close to, his world collapses, because he doesn’t have anything else in his private life, which is why he turns to work and focuses on that afterwards. Yokozawa is an incredibly lonely character. He feels alone but his pride and self-deprecative tendencies (let’s remember that he expressed multiple times that he doesn’t understand how Kirishima can be attracted to him and keeps questioning his place in the Kirishimas’ household) don’t allow him to realize it.  He doesn’t have anybody, he knows it, he ignores it. But it doesn’t take the pain away, and so he falls into a spiral of self-hate and depression.
It could have ended like that, but then Kirishima forced his way into the picture. That night in the bar, Kirishima is faced with something he (and probably nobody else, honestly) has never seen before: Yokozawa giving out fully to his true feelings. When Takano confronted him, Yokozawa lashed out but he maintained some control over himself, enough to not let Takano see how deeply crushed Yokozawa really was. But with all the despair and alcohol inside him, Yokozawa showed everything he usually never showed to anyone else: his desperation, his love, his tears... And it’s basically the moment Kirishima decided “yep, I’m gonna take care of this guy”, because he SAW, at that moment, Yokozawa’s true heart, his naivete when it comes to love, how deeply he can love and how far he would go for the people he holds dear. Kirishima was facing the guy half Marukawa thinks is an absolute asshole, and realized there was so much more to him than anything he could have imagine. So of course, he started to wonder what other sides of Yokozawa he could discover. And thanks to him, we, the reader, got to see those sides too.
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Yokozawa is actually very sweet and sincere. He’s grumpy, yes, and he clearly doesn’t know how to handle his emotions (as if no one ever teached him how to, mmmmmmmmhhhhh, I WONDER), but it’s just the hard exterior that he put up for so long that it basically became his natural state. The truth is revealed about the former n°1 enemy of the fandom: he’s good with animals and kids (because, surprise, he’s actually a big softie with heart of gold), he likes to cook, he enjoys reading  when he has time, he actually really appreciates Henmi despite scolding him all the time, he’s shy when it comes to intimacy, etc... We discover a man who is stubborn and irritable because he’s very dedicated to everything he has responsability over (like the parent race at Hiyori school, my boy TRAINED for WEEKS so he would do his best for a little girl he had known for a couple of months at best, god); he acts clingy at times because he when he loves, he loves hard and fully; he’s bad at sharing his feelings because he has a lot of insecurities and self-doubt (like, every novel he’s ready to leave the Kirishimas the moment they want him out of their lives, even though he acknowledges to himself that it would probably destroy him. like, baby, wtf?). And despite all that, he always does his best to do the right thing. He doesn’t sulk and indulge into his flawed behaviour. When he fucks up, he apologizes and does his best to make up for it (except with Onodera but nobody’s perfect lmao), and even though he’s unsure about his future with the Kirishimas, he gives them everything he has. And for the first time (again, sorry Takano kinnies), he’s given back just as much.
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Hiyori is obviously perfect, she’s the best, I love her. But his relationship with Kirishima is what really allows Yokozawa to reveal everything he has in him. - I said I’d accept you unconditionally—you don’t have to change one bit. “ That statement is, in my opinion, the exact thing that makes their relationship work and the proof that Kirishima is the ideal partner for Yokozawa. Kirishima acknowledges Yokozawa’s flaws later  in the scene, making it clear that he’s not blind of them and that he knows what he’s getting himself into by being Yokozawa’s lover. And saying loud and clear that he knows about them and is willing to accept Yokozawa, not despite those flaws, but WITH them, he’s basically giving Yokozawa exactly what he needs. Yokozawa is aware of his flaws and that he pushes other people away with his shitty behaviour, but no one ever gave him the opportunity to grow and change in order for him to become a better person. Deep down, he’s an amazing guy, but no one before has ever been willing to wait long enough to see it. When Kirishima says this sentence, I don’t think he’s refering to Yokozawa’s behaviour towards himself because of course that he wants Yokozawa to act differently with him after they become lovers, like being lovey-dovey and more laid-back around him. I think he’s telling Yokozawa “I know who you are deep down, I see you, and I’ll take it with everything it goes with without hesitation”, and that’s precisely what Yokozawa needs: to be loved for who he truly is, and to be given the time to change the way he behaves without being rushed or judged. The proof of this is that, Yokozawa DOES change in the course of the novels. He’s less grumpy and angry and stressed, but also more confident and relaxed and able to solve problems with calmness and communication. And those changes all come from his desire to be a better person for the people and to be able to support people around himself. He doesn’t change to please Kirishima; he changes because he’s wanted to change things about him for a long time and Kirishima offered him the opportunity and the support he needed to make those changes in himself. I think Kirishima being a father really helps here, because he’s a good father, which means he has learned to be patient and understanding and to leave others the space to grow, just like he does with Hiyori. So, yeah, he’s right when he says that having a child is “a plus” for his relationship with Yokozawa, because it gave him the tools to be the partner Yokozawa needed and deserved. On a personnal note, I think I fell in love with Yokozawa because I used to feel a similar type of loneliness and that horrible feeling that you could technically do something but you still somehow can’t manage to actually do it, and you feel horrible about yourself. But by loving him, I learned to love and forgive that part of myself. Because I saw this part of myself in him, I realized that it does not make me horrible or pathetic or disgusting. It’s humane, it’s hard, and it should be handled with support and kindness, not disdain and disgust. So, thank you my grumpy bear boy for allowing me to accept all this, I love you <3
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omarfor-orchestra · 2 years
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Wdym he already is
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lostywrites · 8 months
“Hey, Timbo. My main man, I’ve got an idea.”
“I thought I was your main man?” Bart shot back from the front passenger seat, raising an eyebrow at Conner.
“Zip it, Bart. I’m working on something here. Go back to playing your game deck,” Conner said, eliciting an annoyed look from Bart. “We’ve been on the road for days, slept in cramped spaces, and I’m pretty sure I have an imprint of Bart’s sneaker on my back from that one night...”
“Okay.” Tim kept his eyes on the road. “Where are you going with this, Kon?”
“I mean, you’re Timothy Wayne when it suits you, right? And I’m sure the Waynes owned one of these snazzy hotels in the city. You think you could pull a Wayne card and score us one of those upscale suites just for a couple days? You know, really live it up in honour of our birthday boy Bart here.”
Tim leaned back, giving a mock contemplative look. “Did you put him up to this?”
“I swear, it wasn’t me,” Bart said. “And I don’t really care where we’re going so long as I get to stretch my leg and go for a run.”
Conner flashed a cheeky grin, clearly amused. “Come on, Tim. I can bet Bart’s been dreaming of a luxurious bath and an endless buffet since we hit the road.”
Cassie, even with her headphones on could tell what Conner was up to. She piped in, “And a spa day. Have you seen his hair? Poor Bartholo-mewmew . He needs some serious pampering.”
Bart rolled his eyes. “Oh, so now you’re all using me as the scapegoat to milk some Wayne perks out of Tim? Classy. Real classy.”
Conner leaned with a playful smirk. “You do realise dating Mr. Boy Wonder here is like hitting the jackpot, right?”
“Well, it’s not all about the perks,” Bart said. “Though, I won’t deny they’re nice. It’s more about...y’know, the vibes.”
From the backseat, Cassie snorted, “Vibes, huh? Is that what we’re calling sneaking into Tim’s swanky serviced apartment to use his rain shower and unlimited access to the luxury pool? Just for the vibes ?"
Conner laughed. “Oh snap, called out !”
Bart’s cheeks reddened, and he shot Cassie a glare. “I told you that in confidence, Cass! Besides, that was one time...or maybe a few times. Our apartment gets a little too crowded sometimes with Greta, Gar and Ray hanging out there. I just like the quiet...”
Conner nudged him with an elbow. "Sounds like someone was already sampling the high life before making it official.”
“Well, I did wonder why my water and electricity bills shot up those months. But honestly, I didn’t mind. Kept the place feeling...lived in,” Tim said.
“See? You’re doing it again. You’re always making excuses for Bart,” Kon teased.
Tim just smiled, adjusting his rearview mirror, “Can’t help it. He’s got that ‘speedster charm’.”
Bart wiggled his eyebrows at Conner, twirling a finger around, “It’s a gift.”
“A gift that seems to involve a lot of Wayne luxury. Convenient,” Cassie added.
Conner huffed. “Yep, next thing you know, he’ll be borrowing the Batmobile for date nights.”
Bart smirked, leaning back confidently, “Don’t tempt me. I could make that thing go even faster.”
Tim shook his head. “No touching the Batmobile. That’s where I draw the line. And that applies to all of you.”
“Look at that, the one boundary in the life of Bart Allen,” Conner said.
Bart gave a mock bow, “Though, a test drive wouldn’t hurt, right Tim?”
Tim was quick to change the subject. “I can’t believe I’m even considering this...but fine—”
Bart gasped. “He said fine!”
“No! Let me finish. I’ll see if I can secure a suite for a couple days. We still have a few hours before we hit New York, and honestly, a hot shower sounds heavenly right now. And no wild parties, Kon. The last thing we need is to draw attention to ourselves.”
Conner’s grin widened. “You won’t regret it, trust me. Just relaxation and celebration for our main man, Bart.”
“Nice. I’m back to being the main man,” Bart said, crossing his arms.
“Hey, if it gets us an extra dessert after dinner, you’ll be whoever I want you to be.”
Tim sighed, shaking his head. “You two and your schemes. Just remember who’s footing the bill.”
Cassie couldn’t resist chiming in. “And that’s why you’re our favourite Wayne, Tim.”
More on Ao3
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kaori04 · 11 months
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nooooooooooooo he doesn't want that, he is poor little mewmew
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appelsiinilight · 1 year
Finally got around to binging Centaurworld season 2;
so he like literally just started beef with his own damn self for no reason at all, like LITERALLY ASDFGHJKASDFGH, FUNNIEST tragic villain backstory of ALL time
like the whole thing with the elk half was indeed very fucked, but he Literally Just Decided To Do That To Himself For No Reason, like you can’t even do the whole “sure [villain] did bad things, but they were traumatized by [someone more evil]!” thing ‘cause HE DID THATTTTT
and the split itself took place IMMEDIATELY after he first cut off his antlers which the crush he did it for FLIRTED WITH HIM ABOUT LIKING THEMMMMM
and a few scenes later HE HIMSELF goes “hey that was kinda a very drastic and entirely unnecessary measure”
also the fact that he was a dickhead before any sort of sad tragic backstory at all occurred ASDFGHJKASDFGHJK it may be tempting to slip into the line of thought that he split into the good (elk) and the bad (guy) personalities of the og elktaur, since the elk ends up such a poor little mewmew, but i think it is pretty clear textually that they were exactly the same at the start, and whichever one ended up with the human body would’ve doubled down on the oh-god-what-the-fuck personality trait sdfghjkldfghjk
also, in the context of the show, it kinda looks a lot like the general strove to fuck over the elk not so much out of self-loathing or anything even subtextually like that, but because he (all of him - the elktaur, and the people he split into) is just not into treating people well, TO THE DEGREE that even a person who used to be His Actual Self stopped mattering to the him that had the upper hand and to whom that person’s existence was inconvenient
edit: ok i browsed the tag a little and i’m seeing some fantasy racism angst ascribed to the elktaur, and like, yeah, the show did insert a few “elktaur experiences a microaggression” moments, BUT, ASDFGHJKL, this is one of those “fantasy racism catastrophically fails as a racism metaphor” moments because unlike in real life, citizens of the Centaurworld do act fucking insane all the time compared to humans. Like, that’s the premise of the show: Normal Horse Enters Fucking Insane World. You can’t just pull a “but acting like centaurs are different is basically bigotry and it drove the elktaur into the deepest pits of self-loathing :)” 9/10ths into the “look at the fucking insane creatures” show ASDFGHJKASDFGHJK
like i’m with the humans of the Centaurworld flashbacks on this one, if I existed in that universe I wouldn’t touch the in-universe centaurworld with a 10 foot pole because I barely suffered through watching these characters. HORSE barely suffered through interacting with them through season 1!!!
Textually, elktaur just acts weirdly human compared to Literally Every Single Other Centaur ASDFGHJKASDFGHJ
basically it does not appear that Centaurworld (the show) executed any real themes, at least where the elktaur and his iterations are concerned, but that’s not a criticism (unless the writers did actually try to do some themes and fucked up so bad, in which case, LMAO) - the story doesn’t have to have them to be very fun. having a very fucked up guy just start shit for no thematically cohesive reason is still a very fun story to experience asdfghjksdfghj
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grokebaby · 1 year
Okay more attention for Mewmew as well time to make a wall of text talking about em.
Can you imagine how hard it must be to remain optimistic and cringily whimsical in a world like this? Especially with the kind of life Mewmew has faced? M joined the galactic alliance initially to, ykno, play heroics when times were different, mew was younger and the world felt easier to conquer (in the non evil way ofc). Then splash, witness mass death, large scale disasters and violence. Did you know Mewmew never told the alliance m had the normal cat form? That's how m was able to move on to a different, more peaceful life. Can you imagine the scoffs, eyerolls, condescendion and covert bullying one gets when they talk in Uwuish naturally, can you imagine trying to train yourself out of it? Out of the way you feel most comfortable talking in?
Quite literally hiding the softer side of yourself from others to remain strong and retain respect from your peers.
Evilicus was of course the meanest about any mannerisms or speech style Mew let slip but that'd be expected of a nasty personality like them. But the people who are supposed to work beside you, quipping about it even after knowing that that's just how you naturally talk, for some time now? Ouch.
Imagine, Mewmew having to exist beside stern serious faces who lament about the poor state of the world, as if it's the default? As if it's how it always will be? Imagine, being told how naive and, frankly, stupid you are for believing otherwise. "Maybe you're not suited to working here" they told mew, because m had the audacity to say No, the world is a very beautiful and hopeful place, and living beings don't naturally default to selfishness. No, not even demonic entities. "I'm sure-" Mew said, "I'm sure even Evilicus' goons laugh and live a little between battles, I'm sure of it! I'm sure they don't all hate the world and wish for destruction, of course they don't! I'm sure, many of them are scared and tired!"
"Well, that's too bad", they replied to Mew. "Doesn't change the situation, and there's nothing we can really do about it".
Yeah, obviously. But are you people allergic to acknowledging it? Stop celebrating over seas of corpses just because they belong to the opposing side. "They're monsters! We're allowed to feel accomplished for saving this lot!" - at the cost of lives. Thinking, feeling lives. "It's war. Get used to it"
"Maybe I don't want to get used to it.." Mew thought. Too late to back out just yet, though. Evilicus' powers grow by the day, and it's too big of a risk to ignore. "Just this one." Mew thought, "Just take care of this one, then you can leave and finally see a happy face around. Then you can rest. The world just needs to be saved, and this threat detained." m told mewself every night. Then - Maybe then, mew can go back to being ms most genuine self. The one that talks in nyas with a straight face.
Evilicus is defeated, great work team! Time to finish them.
What? Like, kill them?
Obviously. Imagine how much suffering Evilicus caused. Obviously kill them. They deserve it.
"Regardless of if they do -" Mew argued "It doesn't fix anything now! We need to focus on rehabilitation over punishment!"
Seriously, Mewmew? That's insulting.
"Is it..?" is it so insulting to want all life - evil, wicked, nasty life too, to have it's own value? No matter what? Does the value of your life decrease the more you hurt people? Is it really equality if your value can decrease through your actions? Is that humane?
"Just this one", mew thought. "Save one life more, and then you can go home and be done with it." save Evilicus, and that'll be the last heroic deed you do, Mew told mself. And then you'll have done enough world changing, and can focus on simply making people smile.
And that persistent, hardheaded mf kitty did it. Mewmew saved one more life, arguably the most wicked of all, the one least deserving of a hero. Rest well earned.
But it's not so cut and dry, is it? Nothing really is. Evilicus now lives - on unwanted time ofc. Someone doesn't simply disappear after being defeated (no matter how much they'd want to). Evilicus shows up, and of course, time to still help this one wicked, nasty life to carry on. Patch them up, feed them, and send them off again. Then Mewmew can rest easy once more, knowing m didn't leave a helpless person (a wicked, horrible person) to suffer and potentially, slowly die.
But it's not so simple, is it? It never fucking is. Evilicus is an asshole, frankly, and wears Mewmews patience to the minimum, even outright hurting em in the process. Why do you still bother. Why are you still so fucking kind. Aren't you tired of it.
And Mewmew says "No, I'm not. I won't get tired of being kind. That's impawsible!"
But nothing is impawsible, as Mewmew used to say.
However, it pays off, doesn't it? Imagine, being nice and decent to the worst person you know, it does actually make a difference. You can actually make a difference. Imagine. Evilicus can indeed feel remorse. You can't believe it either but it's happening?
Mewmew finally sighs a small sigh of relief. Maybe now, we can rest easy. Could you imagine?
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racewinner · 4 months
me, walking home soaking wet under the rain with an umbrella i'm not using cause it broke about 2 minutes after i stepped outside because of the wind, crying cause of paperwork and administration: would tumblr think of me as their poor little mewmew?
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goblinselfshippr · 2 months
Just read the coldest take about my babygirl boytoy poor little mewmew ever and now I have to eat the internet. Sorry guys.
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gentrigger · 1 year
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OC commission for @softprettyboi
Just a poor little mewmew as the kids say
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inkxhan · 1 year
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sloubs · 2 years
Après, je crois que Galessin est TERRIFIE par Anna (cf ses yeux qui s'écarquillent de terreur quand elle frappe contre la carriole) et qu'il tient trop à sa tête pour risquer de la perdre. Et, même s'il a plein de défauts, (my poor little mewmew) il est fidèle à Loth et je suis pas sûre que ça se combine bien avec le fait de coucher avec sa femme
oui c'est vrai...... à ce moment là je sais pas si c'est de la tension sexuelle dans ses yeux ou juste un flip total mdrrrrr il tient à sa vie quand même
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jezatalks · 1 year
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Poor little mewmew
Littéralement, c'est un screen du premier chapitre de Tokyo Mew Mew au lait
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segundaii · 6 months
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my poor little gay mewmew
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omarfor-orchestra · 2 years
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