#power of hope adult precure
silvertsundere · 6 months
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また来たのか | ton ※Permission to upload was granted by the artist. Make sure to like/bookmark the original work!
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curetsun · 6 months
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おめでとう〜!!ずっと好き! by 鴨川🦆 ※If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source!
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mialism · 1 year
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Power of Hope ~Adult Pretty Cure '23~
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kirric-the-fan · 7 months
asdlsaldk imagine the Power of Hope girls learning of the phrase 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away', and being like: Don't tell Kurumi!
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keep-on-trying · 7 months
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thornrose270 · 1 year
So excited for Otona Precure, was not expecting this at ALL. Gotta add surprise sequel to my bingo boards every year going forward.
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tinyirnfistforever · 7 months
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She has four ears. I really don’t like this design.
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angelic-mp4 · 8 months
i just watched hiropre ep 36!
currently on my way to watching the series premiere of otona precure 23 😉
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pochqmqri · 30 days
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It is now May and we still haven't heard anything about the adult Mahou Tsukai Pretty Cure! sequel that is supposed to air sometime this year. Nothing official or direct has been said about it since the initial announcement over a year ago, but despite that, there have been some bits of information we can piece together about it.
To start off, let's look at the initial announcement back in March 2023. To celebrate the Pretty Cure franchise's 20th anniversary, Toei Animation announced that they would be producing two sequel PreCure anime for adult audiences.
The first one was Kibou no Chikara ~Otona PreCure '23~/Power of Hope ~PreCure Full Bloom~, which was a sequel to the first five PreCure seasons, but primarily Yes! Pretty Cure 5 and Yes! Pretty Cure 5 GoGo! It aired on NHK-E in Fall 2023 for 12 episodes, and was streamed internationally on Crunchyroll.
The second one was tentatively titled "Mahou Tsukai Pretty Cure! 2," obviously a sequel to the 13th season of the same name. It was said to air sometime in 2024 on the late night ANiMAZiNG!!!! block. And that's all we ever heard about it since.
Let's look at what ANiMAZiNG!!!! actually is. It's an anime programming block from 2:00-2:30AM on Sundays created by the Asahi Broadcasting Corporation with TV Asahi; these networks are the ones responsible for airing PreCure in Japan every Sunday at 8:30AM, so it's familiar territory. ANiMAZiNG!!!! started in October 2020.
Notable anime that aired on this block include: Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie, The Maid I Hired Recently Is Mysterious, The Great Jahy Will Not Be Defeated!, SK8 the Infinity, Iwa-Kakeru! Sport Climbing Girls, I Shall Survive Using Potions!, and Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement.
A 2:00AM slot for PreCure is quite interesting, as even OtonaPre aired on NHK-E as late as Saturday 6:30PM. Despite this, the anime that airs on this block usually isn't too "adult," i.e violent or sexual, so I don't expect MahoPre2 to be anything of the sort. Similarly, the recent Tokyo Mew Mew New aired around midnight, and it wasn't out of the ordinary in terms of content.
With the exception of the Jahy anime, the anime that airs on this block usually does for just one cour, i.e. it has about 11-12 episodes and takes up one seasonal anime slot. We can assume that MahoPre will also have 12 episodes, not just because of this, but also because that was the same amount OtonaPre had. Relatedly, since MahoPre2 is airing on a different network than OtonaPre did, I also think that MahoPre2, when it gets an official title, is probably not going to be under the "Otona" label. OtonaPre aired on NHK-E, the "E" standing for education, and thus was heavily tied in to topics such as climate change and SDGs, of which I don't see MahoPre2 focusing on as much given it will air on a different network that doesn't have such an educational slant (see the other anime that usually airs on ANiMAZiNG!!!!).
At this point in time, the Winter 2024 anime season has long since concluded, and the Spring 2024 season is currently ongoing. So, we know what anime has aired/is airing on ANiMAZiNG!!!! this year so far, but we also have information on a few anime that will air later in the year too, so let's paint a schedule:
The Strongest Tank's Labyrinth Raids — Jan 7 - Mar 24 (Winter 2024)
Tonari no Yokai-san — Apr 7 - TBA (Spring 2024)
??? (Summer 2024)
The Healer Who was Banished From His Party is Actually the Strongest — Starts Oct (Fall 2024)
All of the seasonal slots for ANiMAZiNG!!! this year, except for Summer, have been filled up, and none of them include MahoPre2. On the official site, the poster for the upcoming Summer season is just a blank "Coming Soon." I find it surprising in the case of the Fall slot, because I was expecting MahoPre2 to air there, as OtonaPre also aired in the Fall last year. Based on this information and lack thereof so far, one can assume that MahoPre2 will be airing in the Summer, but doesn't that seem a little strange?
The Summer anime season usually starts in July, and that's two months away now, so why have we gotten basically no official information on the anime yet, not even a proper title or a few visuals? Despite the fact that OtonaPre aired in October last year, we got a peek at the first visual about a week after the initial announcement in March, followed by a moderately paced reel of information throughout the year. Looking at the other non-PreCure anime on ANiMAZiNG!!!!, Strongest Tank was officially announced back in October 2023 (three months prior to airing), Yokai-san was officially announced back in November 2023 (five months prior to airing), [insert overtly long isekai title] was announced earlier this year in January (9 months prior to airing), so MahoPre2 definitely stands out in its lack of information at this late of a stage. Even so, I can't think of any other anime that would be taking the Summer slot at this point in time. There's also the possibility that Yokai-san runs for a second cour, but usually anime that airs on ANiMAZiNG!!! only run for one season, and Yokai-san's original manga concluded with 4 volumes and one side story, which is generally enough content to fit one cour.
So, what can we expect in the coming weeks/months? The first thing is, like most PreCure anime, a logo/title drop in the Japanese trademark office. Just a day before the initial announcement of OtonaPre, the logo was recorded in the office, so it's likely that whenever the MahoPre2 title drops, an official reveal will follow shortly.
What Rie Takahashi said
Another bit of information comes from Rie Takahashi, the voice actress for MahoPre's Mirai /Cure Miracle, on her radio show with fellow voice actress and friend, Reina Ueda (who coincidentally voices Mayu/Cure Lillian in the current Wonderful Pretty Cure!). For the episode uploaded on February 19 earlier this year, she talks a bit about MahoPre2, how it's airing sometime in 2024, and that they're excited for it, that this year is going to be a great one, no new information really, but it's probably the most recent information we've gotten from an official source, albeit a reconfirmation of what we already know.
Somewhat relatedly, the Kamikita twins, who draw the seasonal PreCure manga adaptations every year, posted a tweet earlier this year in January asking if there was anymore news on MahoPre2, which seems to indicate that, even to them at that point, they weren't briefed on anything behind the scenes.
Speculation: The "Wonderful PreCure!" movie
For the sections labeled speculation, I ask that you please do not take anything I write here as pure fact.
While browsing the Japanese side of Twitter, I came across a few opinions of PreCure fans on why Toei is being hush on MahoPre2. One idea is linked to the WonPre movie coming out later in September. In the film's initial trailer, there's a line said towards the end:
さらに素敵なお友達の出番です!っていいました?! "Sara ni sutekina otomodachi no deban desu! tte iimashita?!" "Did you just say, 'It's time for even more wonderful friends'?!"
What's the significance of the Japanese characters I highlighted in bold? In the context of PreCure, they are the catchphrases of Sora from last year's HiroPre, and Mirai from MahoPre. The 出番, deban, comes from Sora's catchphrase, ヒーローの出番です!, Hero no deban desu!, or officially translated as "It's hero time!" The っていいました?!, tte iimashita?!, or "Did you just say [x]?!" is a quoting particle frequently used by Mirai. Tumblr only allows one video upload per post, so I'll have to link to a separate post I made with the video comparison.
With this in mind, a fair amount of fans believe that the WonPre film will be another crossover one, like the HealPre and TroPre ones were, only this time, that team will be crossing over with the HiroPre and MahoPre teams. It's likely that MahoPre is added in to promote the upcoming sequel, which could be airing around the time the film hits theaters. For that reason, it's probable that Toei wants to combine the marketing for both MahoPre2 and the WonPre film, neither of which has started yet.
Speculation: MahoPre2 Delayed?
The idea of MahoPre2 being delayed isn't really based on any evidence, but pure speculation. Some fans believe that internal politics at Toei have made them shelve the sequel for the time being. Sailor Moon fans are familiar with how Sailor Moon Eternal and Sailor Moon Cosmos were mishandled and delayed multiple times.
Ojamajo Doremi, PreCure's older sister franchise, is currently celebrating its 25th anniversary with a potential animation plan adapting the sequel light novels with the girls grown up. Funnily enough, that's similar to the concept of MahoPre2, so maybe Toei somewhere down the line turned MahoPre2 into Doremi1620? Hahaha...
Another common theory is that MahoPre2 will actually air in early 2025. That sounds a bit weird, doesn't it? They explicitly said 2024, even Rie Takahashi said so, right? Technically, that wouldn't be a lie, if Toei was looking at Fiscal Year 2024, which in Japan, lasts from April 2024 to March 2025 for governments and corporations. That would give MahoPre2 time to air in the Winter 2025 season, and thus the promotion hasn't started yet because it's still too early.
So, with that all said, there are at least two time periods I believe MahoPre2 could air in, the Summer 2024 season, or the Winter 2025 season. As of now, we can only wait for more information, but I do not have reason to believe that Toei cancelled this project.
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mahou-furbies · 8 months
First impressions on Kibou no Chikara: Otona Precure '23
Alright this had a pretty strong opening, like it feels like the show has something to say. And when Nozomi fails to help one of her pupils because "a student is moving away because her dad's company is going bankrupt (and her parents are also divorcing)" is beyond what a teacher can solve, for once I felt very much like I was in the target audience. Like usually kid shows have a theme of "you can do anything if you put your heart to it" (and for a good reason I guess) but if you're enough of a cynical adult you're just thinking that not everything can be solved like that. Or since this is a two(?) parter episode they still have the opportunity to water this down and save the business and marriage in the next episode but I'm keeping my hopes up. Also there seems to be an environmental theme going on too so the TMM vibes were immediate.
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Another positive was that Nozomi was likable this time around, the Yes5 version of her is a bottom tier Cure for me but here she was far less annoying and made for a great teacher. Rin is also alright, and the other characters haven't had enough presence to form a proper opinion (though I did like Milk complaining about her job at the restaurant). And the girls are drinking alcohol!
Wondering what they'll do with Saki and Mai though, because usually for these crossovers the audience is just supposed to politely ignore how the shows supposedly fit together. Like do they even exist in the same version of Japan? Do they have discussions on how multiple world-ending catastrophes happened within a few years and they just didn't notice anything that occurred outside their own town? Since normies from Splash Star now have a restaurant in the Yes5 universe, the explanation probably isn't "Precure have special powers that allow them to visit other dimensions". So I'm really interested to see if this will be an actual part of the story and world building, or more in the "don't think too much about it" territory.
The visuals are kind of meh and I don't really like the character designs, the outfits are still boring and I'm not a huge fan of the hues they've chosen. Also no sign of new henshin outfits which is obviously a matter of great importance for this blog. Still holding out for a hope for great new updated designs. The bad ending would be that they revert back to their 14-year-old looks for battles, let's not do that!
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nozoditz · 10 months
To the Coconozo antis, I understand you're holding out hope that the ship will be sunk in the new distant sequel because of the franchise's current direction when it comes to age-gap and power-imbalance ships, but I'm just gonna say... no. No, it won't.
The first reason people cite for their hope is that more recent seasons like HaCha and Hugtto went for "girl has an unrequited crush on a confirmed adult and learns to get over it" plots. Yeah, Toei moved toward those because even preschoolers are watching Precure these days and may not know the difference between fictional fantasy and relationships that are good in real life, so they decided to teach the latter rather than court the former. Power of Hope, though? It's aimed at the adults who watched Yes as children. And, contrary to the belief system of the average anti, if you're not four years old, you've already learned that fiction and reality are not the same and you don't need to be kept sheltered and scolded if you watch a show with something unrealistic that wouldn't be good in real life.
The second point I have is the one that comes up every time puriteens look into the old seasons and gasp in horror (to the point that some callout post going around is making "ships Coconozo or allows it to be discussed" sound like just as serious an offence as, you know, actual problems in the fandom Discord in question). Coconozo was never meant to be realistic. Coco being only a few years older than Nozomi and passing as an adult while being for all intents and purposes an emancipated minor, as well as the power imbalance between teacher and student being evened out by that between mascot and magical girl (or, essentially, helpless and protector), are things that don't apply to real-life teacher/student scenarios. This softens the ship to make it less bad than it would be in real life. On top of that, come this sequel, they'll be adults and won't have been teacher and student for years and years.
Now, people are still within their rights to be put off by it, and some even argue that that might make it worse because kids won't see the nuance. Indeed that's probably a big part of why later seasons had stories like Megumi's and Homare's and changed the focus from selling a fantasy to teaching kids that their innocent age-gap crush will and should be unrequited and how to deal with that. But again, Power of Hope is a late-night spinoff aimed at nostalgic adults who don't need to be scolded for indulging in something that isn't real.
You don't need to ship Coconozo or even approve of it. You might look at the fact that they are consistently written as making each other better people, helping each other grow, and supporting one another's dreams and just brush it off because teacher/student is still by its nature unhealthy in real life, even though they were one of the healthiest and most understanding and mutually supportive canon ships in late 2000s shoujo anime. But making desperate prayers to sink a ship that's been canon for longer than most of these scandalized kids have been alive because "think of the children!" isn't going to do anything, and if you don't like it. maybe watch something else. We've got 20 years' worth of other Precure seasons you could sit down with instead.
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silvertsundere · 11 months
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休憩中🍦 | ton ※Permission to upload was granted by the artist. Make sure to like/bookmark the original work!
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curetsun · 1 month
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💗❤️💗❤️💗❤️ by 𝕔𝕙𝕦𝕞𝕚 ※If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source!
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goblinalchemist · 8 months
Well, it was fun while it lasted. I was really looking forward to adult Precure with some new designs and mature magical girls, but I don't think I will waste time on Yes!Precure 5 season 3 with reused middle-school transformations and deaged characters.
To people still enjoying it - more power to you. I hope you have a blast. Maybe at least the slice-of-life elements and good fighting animations will be worth it, but I'll pass.
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kirric-the-fan · 6 months
I feel like sometimes people are forgetting that Power of Hope Precure is the first outing into the realms of adult cure series. They're not going to have the hang of everything first time round, or plan it out exactly how you headcanoned the characters to end up however many years ago.
This is essentially a trial run. If Toei sees it's worth putting more time and effort in, doing more series, they're going to get better at it, and more confident at trying new things each time.
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sekaiichi-happy · 2 days
Hi would you mind terribly telling me about this precure you speak of it looks fantastic
Of course!!
Pretty Cure is a long-running magical girl anime franchise (it celebrated its 20th anniversary last year) created by Toei Animation. It started out in 2004 with Futari wa Pretty Cure, and there’s been a new season every year since!
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The stories usually follow the same formula: a group of girls is recruited by one (or more) fairies from another to become legendary warriors called Pretty Cure, to fight and protect the world from some type of evil (monster of the week). New seasons start in February and usually have between 40-50 episodes. This is a very simple way to describe it, as every season puts its own spin on the formula, as each season often has different variety directors, writers, animators, etc. There’s also some things that could be described as Pretty Cure’s signature style, which makes it stand out from other magical girl series:
While the Pretty Cure have magical powers, as well as magical weapons, one thing that makes the series stand out is the physical fighting the Pretty Cure engage in. They aren’t afraid to fight with their hands and feet!
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There’s a general lack of focus on romance, as instead the girls’ friendship is the most important thing in the story. There are also yuri undertones quite often.
Magical items that are sold as toys in Japan! Every season has it’s own transformation items, as well as magical weapons which are sold in real life as merchandise for kids.
Every season features a new cast of characters, story, theme, villains, etc. While the story formula stays similar, the change up every year keeps things different. The only exceptions are the seasons of Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart and Yes! Pretty Cure 5 GoGo, which are sequel seasons.
Because pretty much every season changes up its story & cast, you could start with any season, as they can all be watched separately. For example, you could start with the very first season (Futari wa Pretty Cure), but you could also catch up with the season that’s currently airing (Wonderful Pretty Cure). Or any season in between really… The Pretty Cure wiki has a very helpful list with short descriptions of every season here. While there are some seasons that are considered ‘best’ (Futari wa, Heartcatch, Go! Princess, Fresh, Hirogaru), I think the fun thing about Pretty Cure is that there is a season for everyone. You might end up loving a season that isn’t as popular with most fans, there’s many seasons to choose from! (My favorite seasons are Splash Star, Suite & Go! Princess :P)
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Some other fun things to know:
There are quite a few All Stars movies, where Pretty Cure from different seasons meet up, and fight evil together in a special movie storyline.
Both Smile Pretty Cure & Doki Doki Pretty Cure got english dubs, where the seasons got some changes and were adapted as ‘Glitter Force’. They made changes to the story, and cut some episodes, but if you’re interested anyway you could find it on Netflix.
The first main male Pretty Cure was introduced last year in the season of Hirogaru Sky Pretty Cure, with Cure Wing joining the team.
There’s been some spin-offs, with a stage play called Dancing Star Pretty Cure The Stage, which features an all male Pretty Cure team, an anime sequel to Yes! Precure 5 & Yes! Precure 5 Gogo, following the girls from that season as adults aimed. A spin-off for Mahou Tsukai Precure was also announced, and will air in 2025.
I hope that all tells you a bit more about Pretty Cure! If you have any other questions, just let me know :)
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